Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1886, p. 1

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bpbs ip 1 irpa i- 1 m0 i 1 1 v y vlltmejj- c te rtoit iym jims m mnjtjshkri e visry thursday morning atfthk tu5 ms3s pytisr psintilw house acton t ontario sub30rlrt0n rate8 j bsi vcvn tmoci- six uoxths wct ibrhk montull flcflkl 1 uviriibly iu nitauce if not paid iu advun 145 per wr will t cliorgod so papier diecoi tijutsi till all arrears are paid wecit at tin of tho publisher i jadverti8inq rate8- slack uti column htfcjluaia ijurter cjiuiun- ii vh6 mo 1 3 mo 1 1 in 1 j600 i s3500 1 jfm i di j aioo i2 ir- fcool 8 i iw caaual advertisetueults 6 cent per- line tor th tfiuser errjou and 2 waits per lineforjeach bu sequeut lusertioa cash the number of liiu first iiisertiou and 2 ceuts pe sequeut msertion cash th- rockouod by tlie rpace ocenpiodi uieabuml by salu of solid nonpiirel jllvertseifienta without sp will be inserted till tofbid- ivud chargt iiuly in advun c specific ud char rriusltory advertisements mast be pai lotb ivtr flireel ed ac tion- accori ii changes for contract a ivertiscuierirs must h in xbe oib by 9 am on motidayiotherwls they will bo leftover until the following weck h if moore j 1 kditor and proprietor i rtlo rarcn rifi cvs xrwifaiiwr a- ice 8 jwrrrtlih ri lntractsnjurbe ioiskbwvoki du3ia5s3 dirastorjy wh lowrt m b mjc p s graduat of trinity pollege mem ber of college of piiisiaiana and surgeon- office aud residence i at the head o frederick street aifori ce stagey md cm graduate o- trinity university fellow of trin- ity medtcal school member of thecollegi of physicians and snrgeons orncemill strekt late dr iwebsters office t l bennet lds dentist georgetown ontario acton banking coy storey christie k uo -bankr8- acton outarip general banking business transacted 401tey0a1ted on approved notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits j e m special acency acton ont 3ell telephone company mesaases received and tninsniltted at lower rates than telegraphjngl allan line steamships tickets issued to all poin of gret britahi and th conttnent at very lowest rates bjny the tickets here if sen65ug for friends l acmckinlajy l d si snrgeoi dentist gearjjetown onf uses the new system of kittjons oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain t having hedn demon sirator knd practical teacher fin- royal jollege of dental slnnjeons toronto pat rons m ay depend upqn receiving satisfaction in any opertrtions performed will visit acton every other j wednesdays of mouth- office agnews hotel john h hamilton prqpribtokj i formerly mcquillan hamilton each paixless dektal operations vitalized air or nitrons qside gas for painless dental operations at the cilice of j c bhayes ljds toyelis block gnelph ont rc pper wy idham street john lawson graduate of on tario veterinary college toronto vctcxinarv surgeon acton oat -omcerr- in kwnriy bros exxit and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or day promptly attend ed to terms easy canadian ipaciflc r r the cheapest mid best ronto to all points east and west see time tabfes i uonoy savol 17 joalingr ttith j e mcgarvin acton ontario wellington marble works quebec st queljiih ac lhky pytabjlo ttjbf jkjl aby1 1 ism cheap and good sleighs yollmade wellpainted sled 05o for 40c dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work keciyigd first prizes at provincial ex- hibitioritiuelph tnevesfern fair and all local exhibitions for excellence of material and superiority of workmauship your orders are solicited lumber shingles and lath m clean mcmillan barristers solicitors notaries convey- acers fec espriivate funds to loan ofncr town hall acton wai a mclex i hcob mcmillan r- qv- emitchell solicrrok qostetxxceb i ornce first door west of the cha nylon office alam street plilton- money to 4oaa at g percent b ihlton allan baird barristers solicitors ac toaosio jqm gkobgeiows offices creelmkns block georgetown aad 85 king street east toronto w t allvs 1 salton bi 3 iilbd ba ainlaidl4wc0i buuustebb solicitois omces over imperial bank24 vff- liutou st eet east entrance iexchiiye alley toronto i john bak q c c a mjlmiaj wij1a3i lialdul geoagij kappele i itents secured i fqr inventions henry gribt onawaipisada 20 years practicp lo paterjt no pay w m hemstreet g llccnseb atjctioseee for thegoanties ojf wellingtonkndhaltoh orders leftatthe ytsk peess office actoh or at my residence in acwm will be promptly attendee to terms reasonable mosit to loan also money to 1 an on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rfates of in- terest in sums of 5500 and upwards e gnowlfres j amurray licensed auctk neers for the fcpunties of halton and- welli igton orders left with james matthews acton will rejeiewestricjt attention term reasonable hhe nnderairned desires to inform the public l that be has now on hand and will keep in stock a full line of fine and hemlock as well as other kinds of lnmbcr also classpine shingles lath coal wood having purchased the coal business of mr c sniith i am prepared to supply all kfnds of store coal i have also a good 6tock of wood- hardwood ash cedar aud milt wood at reason ableprices wood and coal delivered james brown planing mill extra largje three benob handsome 9135 for 85c the 175 clipper for 120 the 3150 dippir for uoo the 6100 clipper for coc babv sled fine bos handles carpeted 8180for si baby sled large roomy box carpet handles 83 for2 ii the best value the best assortment call and examine for tourbelve v days bookstore cuelph t day sells cheap excelsior baeery i acton t t islcaiuay mjouniso lo comforted tcmjper thy away vrt fcliou in dajiiger jstill lot reason swa ynd ue olina to hjope i away i eniptcd art tjhou lay truth to awa tatij ttt tytm ftbruwiv ll i8hg fokit fy ihis tob shall pass away rt hoa in mjisery brother this i say t jiy ricjf shall pass away rt ihou elate s ajtilbe nottogay joy this loo shall pf- this too bhall pa iu all thine anuia i heart tbib too shall pa j do rays of laurelled glory round theoplay rtcinglike art thou tills top bhall pats away i- avhatoer thou art wiieroer tby footstep- stray heed wibtloius voice i all things must pii away i l i ur stqry thejbabys bank no j s jid tho engineer as he closed one valve and ppened anothor i wasntt u gineer ij wasnt anytuiugfur a- ou i having purchased the abovo jbaerj from mr d mans i hope j to give satisfaction to the numerous customers who patronize it 1 thanking them for past favors i will endeavor to attend to customers pomptl and obliginfily and trust that thev iwill one and all oxteud to ns their patronage i use nothing but the bert rollep floor and keep it in stock fresh brad buns c eveify day also steam bread cakes of ajl kinds new lyork tea bisouits soda and oatmeal scor es on hand or made to order at shortest nqtice ttavtng made arrangerhents with messrs w h storey son for the continuance of the planing mill in the build ing formerly occupied by the acton plow company we would inform the public that we are prepared to take i j contracts for building -also- dressing fl00e1g shitiwa u0uldxuq sso with xeatnebs and dispatch pumps pumps in connection with the above wo are also prepared to receive orders forpnmjps from long experience in the businessj we feel con- fideut that we can sopply an article second to none orders by mail will receive prompt attentun kindly soliciting a share of public pat ronage we are respectfully yours tiios ebb4ge manaser j ajrchitefct f gcelph out queens hotel block market omsz square john jjdalfey v successor to thompson i jackson money to loan on faro property at 6 pet cent mortgages purdhased money loaned for parties in mortgage and other security conveyancing in wldts branches properly and cdatly done charge low farms and city property fprj sale list with farms for sase sent to all parts of the dqrainiont pjingporchasiefrs and cir- onlited iii epe europeaii capitalists panting farms ii ontario wtn be sent di- rectioni throughour european agencies farm a wanted jor ouf lists denoe invited guelph ont offjoe near tdj9 post office h j j a has opened a ba rber shop in nearly opposite toreye old gl mill itreetj aoto i and wlicita a359 of thelpfwcj in this mm wmm aslioj berber shcp wohdes the building ove factory the i patroni vicihity every i deptrtmpt qfttie business vti ii becoridact- in flwtjclass sjtyle given 9 a ejsll jplwfirdbn correspon- -ttuelpii- j business college gtelph ontario wedding cakes a specjiajty biscuits and confectionery of all kinds icing sugar f snaps bostop mixed cakes wholesale flour sutter and esrcs taken ia eiohanjrc for sreai a markot prices le but it was lost under a heap what fools men are when they o themselvos sometimes now would you say i was ever it- way 6 an ii loiif timj all i he w of rabbis aro left look at tramp a trauip his white muscular throat ah te anil vvholeaoma under the coal dust hi strong wellknitted frame dear eye ano firm hand deneted a man of pluck andl courage a practical worker riot the idlfej nerveless relaxed objeot which is denom inated a tramp and ijvhioh is a blight on tho face of nature no this man guiding the gooa engine mohawk was never a tram p am 1 wej told him so bup i was gentlijmn ho said coolly sigitirg a long stn tch of road over th baokbc tie of his engine and letting her out a httl for a dead le el heat i was no only u tramp but th 3 meanest kind of one and i worked harder aud suffered more t get myself into that condition than i evei reach this and he looked proudly polished triran ungs of his flyingsteed 1 tell you how it was he said at last iblowed npto r uhd a curve and ther tasily on past the fields cladin theii itt town that bight i didnt go to jail the liau whose house was to be robbed gave me jmo work but i didnt reform all in ft nuute and he never could haye reformed nu at all it was the baby did it she usted me when i felt tlie old boy getting ae better of me i went to the baby right jlit made a man of me i never could jit what that bauy saw in my face to make ur help me in that way but it wasnt of iiib world sue know she could save me iud she did that was ten years ago gen jprnen and im more of a man today than a ever wan and its her doing dhe must oaquite a large girl now we jiidi ioquinngly- r mayue so i dont know how thatris- iomd folks say tuey dont reckon them by iiouihs and years hd like to feelshestbe amo sweet smiling baby holding oat her uauds in that confiding way and calling me rfoe she loved cp call me that but 1 aover wanted any one else to use the name ioo she said it one night she was going bleep never to wake up the doctor said vuey told me that she wouldnt know me that i would disturb her i went in on my itnees i crawled up to- the bed and looked at her dear saiut she was as white as the dneets aud her pretty hair nevieif turned a uair and ner sweet eyed closed and i groan ed in my heart lor tubught she was gone and then than she opened nerseyes and tuon came a great struggioforbriwtii and my god ia hjave died tohyfjier died ihadtheknowledgeinmheai twenty times to have saved her and shej f mrs t statham acton liverysalestc john street acton wmi e smith proprietor mr smith has purchased the livery business of mr h b mccarthy which he has removed to his commodious staples on john street in the centre of thb business portion of the town mr smith hus had lengthy experience in this business and feels confident that ho can give satisfaction to every patron j oram open bountry ho t friends eelfrespeot the second scholastic year commenced september 1st if each de partment is in charge of a specialist to impart a practical training for the efficient conduct of business affairs is the sphere and woikof the institution its graduates are already holding responsible positions in the commercial centres iu the dominion energetic young men and women are thor oughly prepared for positions as bookkeep ers shorthand waiters corespondents or telegraph operators students received at any time for circular and catalogue giving full information address m maccormick 146mi jprinoipal fire mutuau insurance anyone desiring a cosuaioifti jplba- jsujpc or company rig canbe supplied with a firstcloss kurnont on thb shortest notice j i horses boarded and sold terms reasonable wm e ith of the- 00wtt op vbluhatolfl j siu5ubneb 1840 head office cuelph insures buildings morohandim manu factories and all other descriptions ot property on tho premium note sjstem jf w stctoe j oaas pawdsoii lresidentr johntaybor secretary agent cirancisnunan v j successor jo t f cjhaman r 1 bpo1ksinier 8t georges 8quire gi elih ontario ii- s- 1 aboount books pf all klndi madeio order periodicals of evjerv dewsriptipn carefully bound baling teatly and i romptly done- mimmim guelph gloth hall mcraes underclothing mens shirts and drawers all sizes boy shirts and all sizes drawers childrens combination sets all bizes shawfcrundy rltrohant tllor ph didjtol at the as he wnt bumrer verdure pakt woods that were pan cina flash of eanty and away int i v as a tramp no mattej x came to be orj why i lost hor all that makes just looked at me aud pat one hand up 1 vauoied she was pointing up there and she smiled on me and says she all at once joel joe 1 aud she made her mother un derstand that she wanted something it was the little- bank and she wanted me to uave it i took it tohuinor her and thought nuw i would give it back when uho got well aud theu she smiled again aud i listened to hear her say joe and all was still i ion bee i could never go wrong now but how did she kuow about that little bank aud my wicked thoughts and she forgave me and loved ine too pretty dear the smoke makeme crv theres our depot at ihe next station and were running ou schedule time as you see gentlemen farming dont pay old it farmiiigdonfi payaya the bld dgy as he looks thr sugh the cracks j his orambling house and counts the iow- flakes as they dance before the wind and crowd into the crevices which wen left open beoause he v as too thriftless ti en deavor to save tb structure farming dou i pay the farmer who depends on the sunny side of a i traw stack for warmth to his stock and th cor ners of a rail fencje to break the forjjc pf the winds farming donit pay tie- farmer who breeds a hog with bristled back and long and rpturn tusks te eat his cdrn at a ipsa him no income itdoes not pay him o at tempt to pasture i fow miserable sc aggy sheep on pennyi oyal and sorrel ai d to graze his pigmy ows on brooni edge and dry cab grass and yet expect the n to yield milk and be tter it does not p y to raise colts by wei ning at birth in ord ir to work the dams during the day and f idiug them on insufficu nt food v farming doit pay when the rich blkok liquids flow off from tho barn rard und the plow anc the harr6v are r sting iu the fields win e the fences arctr tting add the barns tunbhhg to pieces farming don fc pay unless rightljrcon cted nor will manufacturing no i any pfiud pf bnsinesj pay under similufun- favorable conditi ins tho farmer in jst be pii the alert he must keep hw fa m in order urade up 1 is stock feed for tin j best results and eude avor to annually in irease his products nothing must die wisted and everything must oe judiciously ac upted to special purposes- farming- does pay but it pends upon the farmer the individual is equal to the farm iu vi luo according to iht man ner in which heponducts iti j i t manlioodrbatldidiiti wear a red ribbo at m i watchcharm then and my brain wa mndilled there is- many more like me- and i went from bad to worse- but i hiil neve broken the laws never wronged an one tut my self t when i fell in with some fello vs who thoughtj they had found a tool and hey had they sky every m in has hil priix for his soul too and- 1 agreed to tak the i noney and do the kvork j it was this to tweak around and get a qutiited with the inside of a house the bouse ot the richest man in the place artt to si ow them the way they said i looke p thej most repectableifor the purpose gei tlem en you wouldnt have trusted one thaiang with a teacent bit least pf mem as i looked tlen but i felt almol i r i prot d of the comp iment and that af te nooi i was to go ur to the honse to look ftr woxi i or to ask for foocl just as it happen to bi rike me when there was no oue honje but the women foils and look round to eie how we could get in thatmglit tor robber ana perhaps murder was what they meat it was just bich a pleasant peacef il afleinoon as this and all the- doors aid win lows were open and not a soul saw i e as i lounged- in through the garden and i p to t le veranda thegangi had fallen u witl i had made one mistake they had ke r mo so er for the wjrk not entirely cles r- healed but sober enough to make me ft el i v as doing a mean dastardly trick mihe me for the first time in many a day as i imed of my own company but i hi id go a i so far and 1 must go on i had wa ic ed i tp the steps and into the house withe it inet ting a soul and i stepped into a lol g cod room and there i saw on the mant in t great clear gpkuframed glass a wli te fab i and two red bloodshot eyesmy oj i but what a fright they gave me and tuei i sav something else a small iron bank st h a hildren keep pennies in it wad mi ie of jli tticed bars of n rought iron and betw sn eve y bar was the leam of silver quartj rs and halfdollars aud smaller gold coin i hie nt a penny to ny name i washuug y tire 3 footsore and disgusted with whaj i hac undertakeh it jcame over me likj a flas ii that i could akfc the money and et out of reach of the gang it would be c s- hososty but not suoh as this they tad plained i reacaed out my hand ipa sw iped there a t my very feet on a wji it list pillow and all white and auffy like an fangai lay thb loveliest baby i ever saw iiy my life sue was asleep but as i lookei at her in startled wonder she opened here tea as iftde and blue us daisies heldj uji kptb pre ity hands laughed like a ttrd singi ag and said joe jo e whioh wasnt my nu me at 1 11 i didnyttiuoh the babys hand i iid i cidnt touoh tiej baby while istiod the e a pale little woman came out of ier roo n and nearly fainted when she saw jo 4 i sat down tl ere audtold the wl ole and asked ier to havejne sent to nl protection fro n myself and- others i the for hejvhub md and all the time we ai a talkingha py laughed and cq fed audj called me by the namo she gave i ue bfoand theiesjt cjl the gang were waiji paying debts a little money will sometimes go a long way as an iilusiration this fact is the following founded oh incident whichis said to have realty occurred a owed 9lo to b bowedo to c c owed 15 to d dowed3ltoe lowed 91250 to f f owed iu to a all of them were seated at the same table a having a 85 note handed it to b re marking that it paid 85 of the 915 he owed to b a b passed the note to c with the remark that it paid 5 of the 820 which ho owed c passed it to d and paid with it 5 of the s15 he owed d d hauaed it to e in part payment of the 930 oved him e paid it to f to apply on account of the 91150 due him f passed it back to a saying this pays half the amount i owe you a again passed it to b saying i now owe ypu only 95 b passed it again to c with the remark this reduces my indebtedness to you 910 7 c again paid it to d reducing his indebt edness to 95 j d paid it over to e saying- i now owe you 920 e handed it again to f saying this reduces my indebtedness to you to 9260 again f handed the note to a saying now i dont owe you anything a passed it immediately to b thus pan- celling the balance of his iudebtedness b handed it to c reducing hia indebted ness to 5 c cancelled the balance of his debt to d by banding the note tohim- d paid it again to e saying i now owe you 915 then e remarked to f now if you will giv6 mo 250 this will settle my in debtedness to you covinijton star t married folks would be happier if exponses were proportioned to receipts if home troubles were never told to a neighbor if they would try to be as agreeable as in courtship days i i jf each would try to be a support and comfort to the other if each remembered the other was a human being not an angel if fuel nud provisions were laid in during tbe high tido of summer work if men were as thoughtful of their wives as they were of their sweethearts if both parties remembered that they were married for worse as well as for better if there were fewer silk and velvet street costumes and more plain tidy house dresses if there were fewer please darlings in public and more common manners in t private j it masculine bills for tobacco and cigars aud feminine ditto for rare lace were turned iu to the general f and until suoh time as they could be incurred without risk will sad to rich age is aud ce of sin- flsiuess te this in your iajt dont let he dooi stand open but ihut it wh nuoh cire 1 without a bang without a whan j yes shit t fare ind square without a slam without js jam wilhout a sl4f orjerk l- i for if voulveleft dontjshirk cwistia jit open go shut it and no chistian ranor i woman io well trained chick or child will let ajdoor swing idly io maks weak nerves run wild f when chilly winds are blowing an 1 some one taking cpld j while tihej open djor is creaking ojki mut teting like a cold haste bates bntffaste remember so plenty ilasebf timet dont leave the door half open a f mlt al- most a crim and ifypusveever done this donti do so anyjiiqre whatever else you fail to do dont fail toi shut the door h i maxims for mirchantsi true bravery is shown by performing without witness swhat one might b cap able of doing before all tho world he that talks ois and arrogantly fl him self is universal y condemned as a tyuble some and illbred companion beware of car jleusiiess no fortu stand it long yon are ou tbe high ruin the momou s you think yoursel euough to be careless affectation in any part of pur car lighting up a ci ndle to our defe never fails to tui ike us be taken no either as wanting sense or wanti cirity the man who never failed in oari not possibly know wb he his any grit iu him r ia wortjli a buttonil it is the man who fa is then rises who i j really great in his waj there is nothing with which menlare so liberal as advice it may benefit bffibligit a life or fiave oi ruin a man goodj idvice is betters thau gold it should bfl given n- sinebsj threads of dail with wisdom arid receivedwith caii every man if a debtor to lis b from which as nen dobf course ieek to receive countec anco ana profit sd ought they- of doty tti endeavor themselves byj way of ameuds to be a help aud oriumeu theieunto character is afabric every falilty ii a spiunor spin ling every day its jhreadsi and almost eve y day threads of a ifferen color and character is made up weaving together of all these innumerable life by the words of tne wise if religion hi s done nothing foryc ur tem per it has don nothiug for your ppul4 cutyton we attract i earts by the qualitiejwedisl play wo retai i them by the qualities we possess- if- the aching lead may cease to thifib when laid upon that softest pillow forjnuinan pain god k lows fruitless ia- orrow for having doft amieb if it- issue net in resolution to josonp mora blxkup hurne we must ier d an attentive ear fjir god4 voice is soft at d still and is only lfeard of those who uea nothing else slippery places ma fling up thelheels ot great giants and little temptatilhs may overthrow wellgrown ckristiansrjik wouldst th u have thy flesh ajbey thv lt thy spirit oboy tjiy god governed that thotf spirit then thou must be govern aug litwe god sometii nes washes the eyefe children wi h tears in order that tfciey may read aright h is providence and ijtis ci mandraents-fz- cuyler ii it turn of the rjjad for me tp come bok ihem i didiit gire jflim nprit wasnt wotth- plit the people they fflad j when i bad upon oni bittguard aaieyljftr observed ihe art of dressmaking little danforth has evidently been a close observer of tho art of homedressmafe ilg for the other evening ho broke out in an abrupt skeptical way i j mamma does god retdly make all the little boysf v yea psjpnus but w are the seams hicjvni pull a whole skin oh o vferem when be geti ntojmodeviin dont undervalue the bjoy v- h i too many men make thur boys feel that they are of lit tie or no account wliile they vice to boys are boys l and he will rr no account i vestigate h eucoorae tn about we ei seeking after osity doit ask questions i maytsjt of hia i 11- v excitement unabaed proof that that iphyswianterritle con- j fesslon is truer iclcklaml 0 herald i yesterday and the day before w copieej into our columns from the roche iter n y democrat and clironkle a rehiarkable tatcmett made by j b heuion m d a gentle mau who jiswtdl known hij tliii ofty ic tbat aijitsclo drheuion rt countec a wonderful experience which bef 11 him and- the next day we published f om th i same paper a second article giving an ac count of j tho excitement in roches r ant i- elsewhere caused by br hcnion b state mjent it is doubtful it any two articles were over published whiich caused bate r commotjion both among prof essioiials anl laymen j sincejtho publication of these tho arl iples having been besieged with litters of ipquiryilwe sent a coin munioation j to di henion land also to h rl warner co asking if any additicnal proof could la kivep and here it is r gbkiijjiien i owe njj life and presen t health wholly to the popver of warners safe core which snaichjed me from tie very brink of the grave it is not surprii ing that people phould question tl e stat meut i made which isvtrue ineirery rt spect for iriy recovery was as gre it a ma vell myself jos to my physici uist ar d friends l i v jb hfisiosflld rochesteb n y jjan 21 sie6 the best proof we can ive yolu that the statenients made by dr henicn are entirely true and would not b ave bet n published unless strictly so is the following festimonial from the best citizen of bo- chester and a iard published by jrev dr foote rhhwbnejaco a frosti escleck exmember cpnre88rlo- momfoe a responnibility oi if a boy it it in a manful sr irit on ore their dispo3iti rl io fn lp them to understai id things imo know what tiiey are e too apt to treat a boys knowledge as mere idle curi if you do not- exp to whom t may concern wo are personally or by repulation ac quainted with tr heuion and v e believe he would publish no statemeutngt literally true we arealsojiersonally orty repula- tiou well acquainted witli h h warnjer co proprietors of warners afe cute jby which dr henionsays he wis cured whose commerbial andytoereonal standing in this community are of tho high at ord sr and we believe that they would not pi b- lish any statements which were not lit sr- ally and strictly true inevery pai ticular c b parsons mayor of roclie tier wml purcelj editor union aid adyf lutr w d shiart exsurrogat mphoo county edward county e b feunep exdistrict attorney mon roe oonnty j m davy che tgr jolii s morgan county jude monjxie co hiram siwey capitalist andeedsmtin john van voorhis eimembe of o m sres v y- to the editor livmachurcli cjengo iii there was published in the rochester n y tehiocracindlcironicfe ofitle 31st of decemtier iij statemeht made by jt b henionm d narrating how be had b its cured of b rights disease of ihu kidneys almost in its last stages by ihe use of warners safe cnro i wai referred tc in that statement as having rec mmen led andurgeddr henion to try the remedy which ho did and was cured the etite- ment of dr heuioh is trap so far at it concerns jnys jf and i belove it to lie 1 roe iu 11 other r spect ee was a larishk ner of mine and i visited him in hi i nioknfflj 1 urged him t take themedicirrt and w aid do the bane again to any one- who ai troubled with a disease of the ki dneys and uverv isbifel foofi dd late rector of st pauls episo ipal church ibochcbler ny i it seems impossible to doubt further itt the face of siich concliisive proof zlipg things jo them you oblige make many speriments before out and th ugh experimental i is best in on 3 sense in another f for that whi h can be explain does not nee experimenting witl i prinoiple invblved is undefstoodj there is no further i rouble and bo cango ahead intelli ently i 1 do notwa t fpr the boy to grow up bk fore you lieg n to treat him as jn equal a proper am untof oonfidenoe a j words of eneouragc ient and advice a d givii g himto ande stand that yofi trus him p fiapy ways helps to make a ma of jii k bng before ip is a man in eitht statu e mfearmraprimiti sij y owledgs is not clearly i ii the for three months physiolan grewotse kttenctiag me isujt jgftrfpaxky until i crk if yon have a cot gh or cold do hotnei ject it roany without r trace of tl in ihered ty disease haveldrifte i into a xusumpl iveb grave by negtectini what wat o aly as ight cold r isedbioklif an oa- snmptive syrup before it mia too late their lives wpuld iiavejbeen sjared mr a w levjh mit shell writ as i t jiak sickles anucpn umptive syrup the besi preparation bn the market for coughs and dotds sw years ago i jug lit a severe cold jvhioh settled on jn lungs ttai v twasonthevjergeof bad acougii i hd a sumption initha d givpir v i hppe r tit being pured when 1 was iud iced t try bioklee syi np efore i hat taken ojoe bottle if ou id myp ilf greatly r sltpved in bythe time i had inibhed the leepnti fo i wasoomi letelyjt nredliaiv radil con- p i isp mmmmimfemmimss

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