Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1886, p. 2

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mmti wps zx0 hs ii j55ss n 00 riciiit liie entb is- mttlakt wiaoiwot oje latp wiuam home blake w4 mothtr jit hon edwjwd bioko dedlwrtweitk ot injuries received by a fell in her room laet week deceased m in rarsrd year twveetern pair association atj ita mooting in london on turday- agreed tq ask the ontario goto anient to ith- draw their grant of s10q oirom the fro vfoeul and duttibat it equally amohgst tho western central and eastern fairs toronto is entirely f tod montreal when root isms not a single other side of the world the xavages of the thct annual convention i t the on tanfrf ion tuesday 3 i i i i t v- fel from smallpox disease took deep but fpm the me accounts of rrjble plaguei at marseilles and genoa it is said smallpox is rapidly spreading and threatens to work as much woo as the cholera thcpro6pect pf this j ears lumber trade in the ottawa district ire retorted to be better than for many years past this jyeara ent will it is stated be unusually larfecpqe outoot being estimated at 6km- 000 feet sales have already been made to the value of m 500000 the prices ob tainod being better thin ever previously recorded the weather of the ccd three day s last week was the coldest f tho soasop it covered over twckthirdi of the continent extending from the laks to the atlantic anduway down to tie 8outhern states i the only sections of america skipped bj king frost being in the northwest terri- tories and the extreme southwestern steles an anomaly thai has yet to be ac counted for r i branch of the dominion aljji at the temperance halt tuesday oud wednesday there waaprceout a good from ualton i the niost important mutter whioh before tho alliance foiv co laideratior that relating to tho proper tho scott act in those counties and in which it has or will bece me law the report of the comiiijiteo on act enforcement was presinted us folio whereas great confusion has prevailed and great difficulties nave iu enforcing the scott act by reason recent conflict of laws and whereas lfcwgraphiltei our readers j oouecv y i i lance was he d in toronto n of last vcek represent atira name was cmfbrcemejut of cities beenexper on bcptt m uafe of he there the propter en y- r i it- tho publishers of general grants book have presented mrs grant with 250000 her share of the proceeds from the sale this is the largest sum ever paid by a publisher to an author jor bis representa tive macanlay received for his history of england s 100000 and the largest sum sir walter scott aver received from bis pub- usher tos 200000 i altogether mrs grant wql get from 5jj0009 to 5700000 from her husbands labors r in his address before jthe ontario i mam- facturers president elliott delivered him- self of the very prettybut not novel enti ment that capital and labour j ejbould be forces working together quietly and harmoniously of course they jahonld but as long as capital acts on the assump tion that it has a right to all the profits over and above what is sufficient to keep the labourer in existence it is not likely that this quiet and harmony will be secur ed capitalists are nerallj veiry big- handled philanthrophists titeonbiry lib crai i j how the party orgahk dokiok about the independent papers it is a good sign a hornet canbuzzapoond a jackass and he will do nothing bnt flip his ours and perhaps squint his- eye around a little when the jackass begins to kick you can rokyour spare wealth on it that the hornet is getting in his work the inde pendent press which j twelve or thirteen yeaisiago was almost solely rep resented by ibis journal is becoming a powur in the land and the partyjnachines fel it bobcageon independent a number pf places across the border have hit upon an idea which e think mighfebe advantageously oolsed by actons municipal council it is jthis in the cls offioe a public complaint b aok has bn opened to tho geajpnbtic where complaints can be entered by anv person regarding any laws which psay be broken neglect of duty of municipal offi ials or or any other matters of which ratepayers may have cunse to cdmplain ihe cost would be nothing and we hope that oar local authorities will place a pubjic com- plaintbonk inhe clerks office we have no doubt that many of jour citizens would avail themselves of sucn a means of bring ing infractions of the bylaws aijd other matters oi priblsc interest before the-au- thonties and as every complaint would have to be signed by af responsibla party the council could be satished tbit there was ground for pursuing an invest is now no machinory for forcement of the scott ac whereas in our opiuioi itis lhi duty of the ontario government to provide anon machinery be it resolved that wo respectf nlly request tbe ontario government to enforce oar 161 of the revised st itutes of ontario sections 101 luo and 106 and as amended in 44 victoria cap 27 sec 13 iu addi tion to whiohwe would also make jthe fol lowing recommendations iwhioh wcj would urge the ontario governmjeut to adopt i no pottce magistrate or other pro vincial officer in 8cott act counties to be appointed ho is not in thorough sympathy wiethe enforcement of the canada tem perance act allpolice and constables to be requir ed to assist in enforcing 1 he scott- i ct 3 police magistrates and inspectors to be appointed in all scott act count es with or without the request ot county councils 4 all inspectors to to required to do detective duty j j 5 all fines to go to f rm a f und w de fray the necessary ospeuses of police magistrates and of prose mtions except in case of prjusecntiou by pivato peraoni in which case one half of the iiuo goes to tho party prosecuting the other half to the above mentioned f uiid 6 that after paying all uecessary ex pensiesont of this fund tie balance if any be paid to the- couuty or in esse of a deficiency the balance to be paid by the county c further that we reapectf ullyv m4mor lalize the domiuion goverumeii to bo amend the scott act as to compel the drinker to give evidence as to vhere he procures bis liquor and in case o refusal to le committed for cpniempt of court miss etta matthews lorouto is visiting friends in her prd home rev chas a cook of to ronto visit friends m adton last week mr c clatk loft last week on a visit t friends at gloversvillck y mis josie johnson of kincardine vlsitm friends at tho esideiioepf jiepityrccjvo wajrrou last week i mrt and mrs wi t stone of toronto spent ucouplo of days durinf tho week with friends at cedar creek fann messrs d p mann winnipeg und fred h smyth truth office toronto w ire visitors at tho free pherh sanctum duqng the week we had a pleasant call from mr john a davidson of tho amwyguelph preside nt mi liefote ihem at tho sat le tli io ho would trin acont riuaiipo qt the otded to lm lotbolruti publ j92s5 omffii fiszwt h3lmh8 wpowdof tlu borosson mo it cortllsl lb in limet on r very lit 8 has been b altipm ta tmld thu thi oks to wandthi patronr in co uli lonttlotauhfuiy uuioii aiuongw- lieltfor the now rs heretofore ex ent that they will km ovary patrou itbllfr holmb8 otice p pullty of tho yilliiga of aotpb bold on tuesday theuth day off bruwy au188c a bylaw waa passod to provio o or tno iinbllo boaltn and to of tho canadian ptjess association j lpst thursday jfo notice the name of out worthy rcejve mv w h storey in the m wlyelected ist of executivo officers of he ontario mann- facturers associtttion mr henry cargill reevp of greenook formerly of nassagaweya aind well knewn to many of our readers hasbeen uominu ted as the gonservatiyo candidatb forthecpm nions for east bruoe we would also ca the attention of the convention to a decision of the queens bench iu the case of begma v wallace page 27 days was a in snffi- which out report vol iv bench division that- 30 ceutly certain statement of time to lay an information for the breach of the act the various sessions of the convention were full of interest to those present rockwood aldetia cyclopedia of universal literature this work is the outcome of many yiars- of planning and preparation lit will bo au almost indispensable work of refer uco for every library iurgo or spall a tram worthy guide to what is most worth ku ing of the literaturo of uil ages- and nations occupying a dozcu or volumes and yet issued at a so as to be withiuthe reach of fill a familiar ity with its contents will coustituttr a liberal education to a degree that can bo claimed for few other works in existence ow- all more low dr losbish the eminent historian old cemetery further inleripenta prohibited itjblic kot ce 18 niltebv given that fltauioctlnjof thocpunollof tho munlol uo of acton hold m prevent further interments of the dead taking place in tho vill 130 of aotonjsave aud except in kairview oemet iry and that said hylnw came into effect from and after tho date of the parsing thereof i i rartiob havitg charge of tuterments will gdvevn tbemselcs accordingly 3 e mcdabvln w h btorbt villngodork i bcovc dated at acton bis 9th day pi feb 1880 m m m- tar brooms sreep cleao but old ones kno tie comers ll hutl edge crosson iutcher8 j 1 have purchwel the business of mr r holmes ana patronage the mumpers of the jtirm are praotical butcliera anil are prepktiedto ensure their oustumers thorejugli satisfaotion there will ulwa a bo found 011 hand a full stock of ull kiiiifj of meat cin season j we hava settled in acton to stay and feel satiificd tlnit by transacting business upon busir contiduucle solicit a share of- publio and the de- queens news gation rip a byaw meetinfcr the session of the municipal council last liweday isveuiiflg deweied to bylaws the 0d cemetery closed ik i shy- council met in thel council chamber laat tuesday evening j members present thbreeve an 1 conn cillors henderson fyfa and came ron cflttncillor pearson made a sbor call but left for another meetine beioro any busi ness was transacted v movedby d jdendei scn seconded by j fyfe that leave be gru nted to intirodncea bylaw to provide for 1 he management of the public cemetery of the viliagoof acton andrto make iegulations therefor and that said bylaw la now real a first time carried the bylaw passed t le first 1 second readings the council tint into committee of thewhole with d i enderson chairman tbecommittee did not complete tfa e bylaw however bnt rose an reported progresa wtong permission to a t in committee again on the same at net m wting mved by 3 fyfes ioonded by deenj deredn that bylaw 1 i 10 pioviele tor the pcjlio healtb ana to preven i farther jnternentb f the deac taking phv in the villftgi of acton save inu except u fair- lie cemeterybiyioi r read a firsji timec camed 5jhe blaw was rea i the required nra owjof times and pass xl c mr jbbnicameron acted aa bhairh iaoenrimitteeof tww iiole 0kpialuapa e ipimedhte jini the dd cera jvy jind for contra- lootia if- va mi mr david stevenson for some time died list saturday and many of his neighbors md frien is turned out to pay their last respects to an obi resi dent ho was amongst the few m this vicinity attaining such years o ne by one and fast succeeding each other have the pioneers who early bittled in this part passed away very few sbv rismain they by hard toil cleared away tae forests and now tbo generation following are reap ing the results of their labors on melds upon which- tho la tost and nost appioved mat chinery can be worked if our corresponden would le a little more precisa as to dau s his we ekly com municatdons would be ven mor m crest ing to readers generally ed fbbsijbxss from oui oxcii corresitonunt the presbyterians ar laying down ma terialfor shed buildin weatherwise ones aierecticting mrid we hope they arc wrong revf mr spencer of elora gav an inter esting lecture on trav ls- in pale stu 0 and egypt with views e route tiosi who attended were well satisfied with bbtli lec ture and views last sabbath the que rterly me sting and love feast was held in the methodib church and the lords supper in the presbyterian church at each servie were targe and attentive congregations the rink was well attended lust iweek the managers wisely geve up their second carnival on the 3rd iust so as no i tq inter fere with the bible societys meetingjhollv ing it on the fourth vf nndersi and they had a good time the annual meeting jf the bible society was held in the canada methodft t church on wednesday evening rev d strachan president presided re v mr mai lly moved the adoption of the report in an excellent address rev mjr swin second sd ip in a short address who bss been ill steamship c mnectii mi sas fbakcisco feb g tre canadian pacific railway has concluded arrange ments for steamship c jnnections b tween vancouver and san iranoisco the lipe will be opened in june itis believed ill efforts to bring the ca ladian paciti into a transcontinental pool have failed lively cutting ion overland frc ight is sure to ollow have you a horse to bell a parm to sell or rent a house to sell or r ent a buggy wagoaw machine to siell a sewing machine wagon or pimo to sell do you want to buy hbn j want jiboy a fana walnftoibhy a hon e it want to bdy a piar 0 orcrgaa want to buy or sell anything or anything v vejrtise in the fki b peess and find fomebody who wtjnte tit eeyoo bmrinesb ry a 60 ntlftdyertlement nd yflimditapayibg kjtoir uuk trads otttiw eis principles wo will win public and support j rutedge crosson acton feb 9th 18j author says of it i am strongly itnpies ed with tho great iiitrinsicl value ot work as a popular educator in a high partmeiit ot leturtiuitf the plan is adaiir- ablei combining as hjiues a pcrsoual knowledge of an author witli speciuitus of his or her best literary productions gives it an inestimable power for ioodamouj the people the work is beiui publishcl iu parts of 160 paes each paper coven at the price of jlocents alscj in very baud- some clothbound vqlnmek gilt tops 160 pages for 5l ceuts the parts can bet ex- clianged fofboundvoluuies at any iiuie four parts are now ready also the first bound voume volume twoi will be issued in a few days the publishers 132pago illustrated icatalogne of standard toon may bo had for 1 cents or condoused lo- tjage catalogue free jons b atnns publisher ikew york ew advertisements uindint ip busisfchn tphe fikm of nelson jkckaei co uav j ing been dissolved by tuutuul consent thu undersigneuisnow cugagedliu closing up the business of thnt linn all parties iudebltu to him are requested to call at tho earliest i seiblt date at tho store of hcndcrkou ilckao with a view to bettling their acconnts whopannotpay cash at onco necti not call as we are tirepareu to close accounts ii cash cannot v readily obtained co those fail to y uoto alinconuis must be settled by the 10th march i b e nei40n acton ivuniai otb j660j uoisei lot fok s vl1 f the tiudefbigued ooere for gale uisdioui 0 unit lot on main 6treot it is a largo hoqk coi- tftiobnino rooms also kitcliiiu anil woods cd is well adapted for u tenemeutl orboardlug lousti good stable on the promises liberal ten 35 apiiyto idwcampllelii 41tiiokh ai wkiiei matetb or othebwifle desirous of having their literary cised reyinedi or disposed advantageous information traductions of qu tht terms should addross for full tiibuae bureau of literatim g3lliroad ne vork trrtuwitiii f av1no dispojod of both iay lively au h aud hhoe wisinessek 1 taljo this plan oi notifying alllpartitw indebted to me thai tho must call tit williams hhoebhop mius am settle their accounts at once otherwise cobts trill be added h it mccaeflhy acton january cth 1s0 ari ofiiiamis fphe usdeeskined and family debpo to x herobv express their cordlitb thanks u their many friends and neighbors for their kinu as sistance and the warm sympathy shown quiring tho late serious illness of mrscook tuosc0ck iim kk plis iiriks hair itiob sale manure and jbair for plaster e applv at tbo tannery i beaitdmoke a january 5th 18s6 1 4m s crltl most i boot ers co business change th08c moore would inform tho pnblic generally that b baa now fall control of the actou cooper age heretoforo conducted by moore laihbert und is prepared to fill all onlers in the voopo line ciptern buttor aup wash tubs and ali tight wori sispecitdty oalv firstclass workmen and matcriaj employed i j j thos c moore fti fajrmsvnteb ttiarm8 wiantedall kinds 8ize8jani c prices for over 800 applicants who wish t buy and hate written toliif forpartloulars o farms we also want t armt for our farm ao vertieer which will be published shortly an be placed latfle hands ofiuteudingpurchaser in all parts bf canada theuuiled states au europe avje givofulliartioiilarsliicludiqgsiz of buildingb quality of soil aud price but neve givo owner auamc number of lot norcanccaelon we positively make notbarge unless the pro erty is sold this is sufllcieut proof that ou business is donducted en hobost and straightfoi ward principles remember wo want no agree ments tonegibter against your property w advertise farms in all the4cadlng newspapers i canada and vfe advertise iu almost every stau in america ndthronghoui the whole of europe mtjyof onr present appucatjons for farms ar from the united states europe andotbe inowarfimi xoontries iftehavonowa aged with si agent in canada dnd europe to bavo our advertiser placed in the handset intending buyers though only lltnonthsagp vc btartcdhnsinesf in guelph and then had no applications tot property since may last wejbavc sold 41 farms at an aggregate prioo of298450 thoba having faiths for safe are requested to come to guolph and riv us fall particulars of their farms 01 genaos tbeprjiaine and address and if wp cannoi prove all we new state to be trud and correet ic every partltular we agreeand shall be please to pay every mans oxpehses coining to guolpb ahdretuhnngwho to sell comt to the omoevand see for yourselves tholetten- from our applicants for farms tho tostinwnjau from 1 armefs whose places e nave sold ami also pessnerices etc if you cannot come send risyournames and addresses apply to out all tht jetarmers and others x having 1 ripplcii lioiiaijs will do well to cllllju ceo stoddard who is prepared to remote ringbones spjavins curbs and splints vithout injuring tho horse sulufactidi guaranltoed ornoeliargc crso 3t0ddaed crflech is old stand j etnn- mr b e nelson having b ijautual agreementithdr awn froi tibe business 6f tix4 glasg6w house a f e will continue the same und the narrie of particular atu ration paid to the repairing a ad oleitninff of watchi s 4p the old x33tali8he he use of savage guelph e fas imonable lenderson mcrae bucham co fccc telephone connection florialview greenhouses gpitetbwn ost the niwest and choicest piiuits and cut fiok ers wholesale and betail funeral and weddine designs pr spared oh jshort potice and sli ip icd safely pny weather ii gift wxea tiparu the hanlan barber shop mill sikkbt actok aij easy shuve a stylish haircut a good seafoatn an exhilarati up shampoo always given iizora honed and ut in hrstclass conilitioii ladios jfnc childrens hair tastily cpt j p avonpjeh tonsorial artist seid 101 cents postage and we will mail youyuxe a royal valu able sanipe bos of goods that wjlput5foniniheway of mak ing more nonet at price tbnn aliy thiuaolso in america both of a 1 ages can iivelat homo ana work in tim 1 or rill uie titrie capital not required we wul si art you tay shro for thoso who start lit once fjrixsox t co jioruand uaiu n33w togk greatest bargains evor offered in cuelph n 10ld and silver- watches teoulotj gem rings oqomsl scarf plas lookets chains barriaffa bar pia great reduction iri vlocltsand plated ware at fue watch and clock house of cuelph smith planing mill it ha vi id made arranpements wh mi issrs w hi storey son for th continual ceof theplining mill in thehuild- ne form srly occupied by the aoton plow company we would inform tho publio that ve are pr apared to tsdre contracts for buildinc -also- debssnia fwdrisg sbsstxita witfl neatnes8 amd dibpatcji 1 gnelph iiiiii ptimraipumsr in eom eotion witnthpalkiye we are also prepared receive orders for pumps from long ezpe ience in the business we feel con fideut thajt wo can 8ppplyi an article ejecond rf after an experience or pver tlu- een years we flatter oursel hat we know the wants of tu jommunity and will atj all timd io our utmost toj furnish ever7- g in our lines that is jfresh hew and debiexb i we purpose largely recttong present wellbssoited stock i r make ijodin for aber7al d cuelph -00- u i we have pleasare io stating tliat our stock lor the seasons trade surpasses iii extensive vlane- tyj and chyiee selectioa anytliiug we have eor formerly laid beforo our eustorderp t bljicham c0 r pj r r- i silks satins and velvets this qe epartment ino houge j compete real downright and will offerthe iiiost pron6unc4 bargains in all lines we cordially request 1h patr age of the public and will s no pains in sscuring for them the very best values ia to trai i t- e remember that famous 50c tea to none rdera by niail will receive proiipt ialtentiin p- t kindly bojioitlngji shia of pqhtto pat rohage waarereapeotfellyypurs h- 1 uos ebbagk uanaker is t t- k mm m in here eaif siiccesfuhy with jus in pcfint of variety sterling valqe and chpapiipgg tiaojes vyjio arc ill the habit of t uyjng elsewhere are not aware of theinducements wo offer in this department to 1 pur chasers inspection invited buham co t 1 1 press goods thisdepartmeitis a large one with us anit always presents a choice of really desirable goods to select from seldom ritet with even in th largest cities ladies will dotwelf before buy- 11 g to visit joqr establishment and looli thrdugb compare pi iteb bg 1 bucham co fpionable mantle establishmtet -i- the bbok th tcra- tacles ella tir ig store fo 3sete bajmrt9feati ivel mm west efld drcee and miiiinery common sknse tbl4tment cjtjrbh 11 fionsumption if air charbed with diseasecreating el meuts foul air will kill when i leathed boitiouously nr cliajred with relnedial elements will eujre wheu leathed ontinn- omly f h4plioplhhafer is auelegjintlyniade hair feilldw oliiiigscl wi threnieilialetemetilh i he vapor f winch ths patient inhales nil night loug whilst slieping as uaukl it- oniinnt put of lyirler and is peijfecuy mife to the most de lieatc it wi jl last for years at d serve any nutnhhrof persms in a family in sue- e aion it haters dowu the strop hold of atarasracitti8 astlimiaad ans uiafces permanent enre by a jontirm- oupapplioationjof healing ind ourutive air affeolly to the dlseassd parts stufferers from any of tun nlrovemeiit oped dlaeaspg ari nrgentiy ret uosted to send ffa i hi ir ad drasvand a kpage pamphlet will bo mailed to them free which wil giye a tpletehfatoivf this nbhdfrfii i disco err aqdtheprii taples upon which i t wfirkfe together with a longilistof test iuionials from those whrthavenieed it andjriic now rejetiee in iierfe it hballh doipptdelby fprlfte longer iotfiiserse is allowed to run anolieickea the sit wer ahd hnrder it is tite btect a care j tiferejb ntn mbhcjttelen into the torn- 5fksswb gfjranniitg nor vnhnjj diaaseeallonntthi8treaftnenji jlrmne todddreis p glnly laluleragtaov vvicw oct mim 4 1 j fr it j im rinxxlfbaxisl crumbs poi provfiled by the press i tie ceutral u4 sign s meleasnt woik c ml and wood therm meter a a electric lighj esta 1 hed in qoelp t le mercury fa aoton last tbursdaj t lare ir a case j was h ought from 1 tie soft weat daysl as injured th tlie grand coal plan jalih of tempera i ifcw subsenher addedj to onr iikt- any kind tjbe first of nex will bp tpany st his annual duties the county h tionatjburhustonoh 25th akd 26th inste tfiere bis mam jstreet sidewa little ion had his le the local le arpund quickest and eyliuder of onr newd 1 valentines i day tho postroastj da ajid monday to i r hugbesvl aarotja for geverq nughpsgnffin be contempt lodeej avis not on evening tor sonie ally filled to conn meeady 14 qjo baa of potad hnrnc and the ecoi large joautity still i petition is co n ty to have mr j appo nted insp onta ip jvernme 1 1 a fivemile 1 n des1ay eve actei anisfccutol won 1 y less than bs i i iho peisoni the c ntano 8tatu free press office returiitftheeditoij konterfeit tw are in circulation thesjareof thecj 1 palable at toron 488j the board thursday evening nesslof importan journed to meetoi march fewer th passed through on snndav afterao 330 and 615 oclo westward jehe georget doathlast weekofl meri at gulp tunakely fell dowij previously tiieiniinlcipj acton counc 1 are bntmdofaoeduij conncil this is toryj service jo to the is cial v ucun in the eeqiig ieftarnu can have the same sect rd acton mr martz dis iples house morning awleve gelii tic servioes copt saturday seneca g to t ae oranfevtll nov be superfnb citl ns we ha pats lize withtho the gnelphl a qrby speeds j hot 1 bull eleven f lin eramosa for foi inomfanir is v ell worth it ihean nali atit itionfor the j dunb at belle brantford are hasj in attendaucl anditwn at thela eevimrj collpge preacl chnroh ast sab ivfijson wlio was i bey hrgordoif ontp is arrange day ispecial ser ebenezer metho they are being 1 ing success mr hinders 1 slrpattonj on thuaoeingrewaij magkinenteiidl a83althqnghjth benefitted by re inj storks and 1 illusteael 91 seltf vy ssfj

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