Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1886, p. 3

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iiic u 1 g mkinfi outyouiaooqttni vm w isflj ik ajfiy supply vott with leaper aowftt sm m well goo hynds tan the beststeck of accouuk r book biaife notes and rooejpti note pads lirtter pads accotmipadt and pery thing required in thatlino geo hynds is the leading store for school books bibles testament envelop and paper jbpeo- taclca 35c to 8 per pair geo flynds sells cheap give him a call j j crumbs for breakfast thoughtful free provided by tbo ever press reporter ui z the ceutral meatn ajrki sports a new bjru jf sorac pleasant printer weather this week coal and wood pile 5 dower with the thermometer an electric light sys em is about to be oata 1 hod u guelph themercry fell to acton last thursday uig bt- thire is o case of rr easlcs in town wssbi ought from oranj eville the soft weather f fhe past i three days has injured the sle ghing a good deal 4 rimmi mm t m l4viv j2w naimi wetiij jpirnpttiiy tip the jk fw y ei ay irom ijoui dou rwueatiuftau amy tincemeut that tlioy jjih give ouwrtaiomeute u the town mil itiiis thursday evcuiu and qu friiay mid saturday evenings ronieed this company a i artfully acquainted thoso who put couple of wttiks with their merits m mm io initial numbetj of the oxford h new paper issued at wood- sfockigfe before us it present a creditable- appearance typpgraphioaly aid its articles give- evidence of iau experi enced newspaper wan in its chief chuir we tliiult mr deuholm ire publisher jims beeu wise iu lnaaiug woodstock his jiead- quarters for there is evict utly ample room iu that lively town for three wellsupported papers j r n i the weeks bakings 21 c below zero iu it wnioh are principalis interesuig our school chilsren there are m aotbn tween the ages- of five years 237 between five 270 children be- and twentyone uid sixteen and 138 between seven and thirteen the later uuniber come within the section respecting couipijlsoiy at the publio school of the royal tem- is in session in the grand council plarsj of temperance guliih ntwaubscribers ar s continually beinjp added to our list withjout solititation of any kiud the first of next week cnpids wctims will be many st valentine will perform his aunual dnties the connty sabbath school conven- tionat burhnaton prr thursday and friday 25th and 26th insts rthere has been no coasting down main street sidewalk since mr staihama little son had his leg broken the local letter- carrier that rets around quickest aud most regularly is the cylinder of oar newspaper press st valentines day comes nest sun day the postmasters may expect satur day and monday to be jbuey days i 5 -ij- r hughes general merchjint of anrora for several- ears of th firm llnghes griffin actcin has asbirnd the ctrnteajpfated good templars lode avas not orjanizodhast monday evjning for some reasona matters fjener aily failed to connect 1 already there have beeu upwards of 14 0 ifl bags of potatoes shipped froir shel- burne and the eeonomht says there is a large quantity still on hand- 1 a petition is being circulated in the co nty totiave mr james a frazer re appothted inspector jof licenses by the ontaiogjvexnrhentrffenier i i i in afimile race in georgetown rink phljfoeslay evening between speight acton and mtlcatcheon guelph trie latter won by less than half a dozen yards if the pason who borrowed a copy of the onuriostatntesi for 1883 from the fkee pbess office will be good enough to return it the editor will be thankful counterfeit twodollar dominion notes are iu circulation and are well executed the v are of the c series dufferro issue local andiil proyibions of the attendance m 1s of old iijely of las reduced telephone mess age rates the bell telephone company has niado a reduction of 25 cents fo all messages bcj tween 75 and 225 miles fee answers leing done away with this will leave the late for twenty word message as follows vw up to 15 miles lo cents to to- 160 miles 25 cents 160 to 225 imloj 0 cots they want honor i thenar would like to see f some of the fast skaters from acton georgetown and milton get up a skatjng rice and pay the gakvillei boysa visit v7 e have a couple of greenthunis here twho have we under stand got a little surplus money to risk on a fast race on either jco r rollers vvhat do you say neighbors 1oalrpuk slur j teachers convention tiio toacuers asbociation of halton county will hoid its thirteenth annual convention in the head masters room iu the public school house milton on thurs day aud fjidayltfebruary 18 and 19 lstj all the friends of education aro cordially invited totitteudj miunteip and trustees specially weiexmje j f tiiley esq director of lubtitnteb for the province will be the special feature of the convention pretty lively business i an exchauge furnishes us with the fol lowing spicy item all the cute tljings arc not dono by the men alone the town of dunseith dakota ha viug offered 300 and a town lot for the first baby born in that town a woman liviiig a short distance dome 200 miles away crossed over the town line gave birth to a poaucing boy pocketoa the 300 and a boed for a town lot and went back nsain accomplishing the feat m hi hours r i1 r payable at toronto j and dated juue lst wk- the board of education dol last thursday- evening but there being no busi ness of importance to transact they ad journed tomeetbn monday eveninglst of march j kp fewer than eight freight trains passed through acton over the g t r on sunday afternoon between the hours of 830 and 615 oclock they were all bound westward r the georgetown htrttld notes the death last week of mr g c warda trim mer t culp mckenzies who unfor tunately fell down the hoist a few days previously tiie municipal officers serving under acton councl are not appointed annually but in h office during the pleasure of the council this is virtually during gatisf ac- tory service 0 i ol the ladies who- attended the so cial runljn in the town hall hatrfriday eveajug left a muff in the hall the lady caii have the same by addressing mr fred secord acton t cmr mtfitz of indiana preached in the disciples house worship last sunday morning and evening he is holding evan gelistic services each evening this eek ex cept saturday seneca g ketchum has said goodbye to the granvoville post and the piper will how ba superintended by aconipany of citizens we hardly know which t sym pathize witb tha poei or seneca g the gnelph mercury says bobert a kirby speedsidc sold last week a lur- bam bull eleven months old to go cogh lin erahibsa for 8k5- this is a big pricir for a om g animal but he is a beauty and is well worth it 1 be an nal reports of the qntarie in stitution for the education of the deaf and rdumb at belleville and the jblind at- brantford are upon our tablol halton has in attendance four pupils at the former and two at the later j rev mr kinnear astndent ftjorn knox coljegepreached in the presbyterian church last babhatb of reymr wiljip who waangbuncaa to ber present reft mr7 gordon of knox college -tor- onto is arranged to be present rioxli 8un- day i special services ar6 in progress at eblnezer methodist church kassagaweya they sjt- being attended wjth verjr gratify ing success the earnest labors of rev mr hinders and biijuriiorcblleapebev mrpatton on nassagawoya circuit are thus being rewarded ourlute ow is a thirty wo page magazine intendedf or children bf tender age although thoso of rjpr ycari may be benefitted by reading its pure and interest- ing stories and profusely iuostritej l50a year addwssbuv shoddy peddlers we hear that cloth peddlers are operating infche surrounding country and ore as usual finding plenty of dupes why not put the recently passed hawkers bill in operation and see whether it is all wool or merely shoddy eriit advocate we are informed ot one erin man who w is euchred by bne of these shoddy frauds t the extent of 94 our farmeirfriends shoudbe ware of having any negotiations whatever with these trav elling cloth peddlers ho matter how eutic- ing the bargains they profess to offer anniversary teameeting- the annual teameetiug of the congrcga tional church churchill will beheldj next tuesday evening a long list of speakers has as usual been engaged and will consist as follows kevdflbson ballinalad soworby uudpedley georgetown phillips acton aud smith alton tha excellent choir of the methodist ghurch acton wdi provide music for the occasion thej com mittee have arranged ifor conveyances to leave acton post office at seyen7pm for the convenience of citizens wishing lo at tend they will return to acton ut the closeuotthe meetiug sacraiaental services the love feast and sacramental services in the methodist church last sunday were largely attended and were of- at very inter esting character mr g h kennedy georgetown preached a plain and prlccal gospelsermon replete with truths calculated to induce his hearers to engage in careful and intelligent investigation concerning their personal condition from a christian standpoint rev mr iphillips has jso far recovered from his recent illness as to be able to assist in the morning services and to take his allotted position behind the sacred desk in the evening painful ooldet i ontueuday sveuing as tho ohildren mr jaraea soott of tlia third line wort thelrvayhomomdablliischool wlii 0ft team was patting thom on the road out the horses kiokbd tbo littlo t oightyear daughter fracturing and also sovoi bruising hot right arm dr staoey was called and professionally ministered to the littlo sufferer vl the old cemetery closed j tho old cemetery situated in tho roar of tho presbyteriau churoh on main street was permauently closed by the passing of a bylaw to that effect at the meetiug thb counoillast tuosday evening it beeu in use as a liubho cemetery for about half a century arraugbmeuts will shoi tly be made allowing permission for tho re moval of the remains of the dead to fair- viewctimetery l- i trustees visit your sohqola5 aiuny of tho pubho school trustees he gleet a very important part of their offi ial duties for tliey fail to mako regu ar if any visits to the sobools under their super vision the publio school inspectors report to the county couhoil at its list meeting showed that a large proportion of the sohooltrustees in tins couuty noror visit tho soliools at all this is certainly not as it should be for tho trustees should visit their schools regularly andy tiis means ascertain how and where changes jnay be effected by whioh the sohool can be improved and the childrens interests id vauced i omal reunion a truly enjoyable evoning was spent in our town hall on friday evening last wh are an unusually large assemblage of the yo ltb and beauty of the descendants of the rib from adams side met to participate in the pleasures of the terpsichoreau art imd thoroughly enjoyed themselves until 130 am to the enchanting musio of neapoli tanos string band from toronto in aadi tion to the many fair representatives of acton there were present many frobi guelph rookwood erin geprgewn hil ton and toronto this being a reuniou of 60me of the many friends of mr doi afd mauni of winnipeg in memory of m my similar eventa in yearb departed com st alban8 pystersupper tue social aud oyster supper given in the towu hall on tuesday evening by the ladies of st albaus ohurch ws fairly at tended- the eute tainmeut provided was of an interesting tnd amusing charattbr the singing was enjoyable one or two creditable tableaux wero presented while the exhibition of mrs jarleys vax works expelled all other parts of the pro gramme somofourteen figures dressed in costumes representing as many uelo brities were shown and the lectures of mrs jarley in explaining each vere highly entertaining the ladies serve at their refreshment tables not the orthodox church social oyster stew wherein it is cur- ren try assorted thai the oysters area myth but they dealt out liberally fresh oysers in palatable styles business change as intimated last week mr rj holmes has disposed of his butchering business to messrs rutledge crosson late of markdale the members of this firm are men f experience and intend conduct ng a business of a raoro strictly practical har acter than acton has enjoyed for mmo time they will give their shop aud pre mises throughout a thorough renovation so that customers may rely upon gutting sheir moat from u clean and tidy place refer ring to them wo clip the following from the markdale suiuddrd messrs rutledge a crossou have disposed of their business to mr a bryuu and have purchased a mat ness iu acton we are sorry to lose hem from markdale for they have pioyed themselves desirablo citizens good neigh bore and r liable business men it was owing to his continued ill health thai mr holmes was compelled to dispose of his business during the four years h has been in business his many customers have ib iji jbifeafe tjj jt v- j m has no effect on pur prices but bears listfenllfor a momt i havll so j rj j you have had to pav a few extra dollars this year thi j now but just now right before you lies 4 before ti i now offered a stoc taking cofetonb tp be c to bq 550 50c qahilieres to be 883 40c salebve bthing to till tft w to be for cash until we fin j in headligijt qil tom 18c per p rice halton dry goods h 4c 5 63 7x according to aiiality chanqe viz sn i v- m ftsssl m to be sic 8 overcoau cannot bo helped tiayen0ver- at cost i to be 3625 on- sarrurday ouse c b thesincer sewing maolimo january 9th 1886 i will oommence a great discount i sale to last during the month of january in which discount of 25 tol33 13 per cent will be given off regulur prices on lines of i mantles cloaklngs dress goods fur muffs fur caps i fur mantles holsiery overcoats underclothing quilted skirts fancy shawls atccc drug tea to bl j grif agent n bennett agton has secured a portion bf the post office store where wilube found a full stock of the genuine isingor sewing ma- chinos any orders left at the store will recoive prompt lattentibn- fyfe acton fyfe acton fyfe acton oils kcedlea audpartsof machines always kept instook john bennett specially jowprices in cjoths tvveed8and rdersd clothing department i- central j meat market when rvins isgaps 29c ee n hcgarvins drug and staiiiery store 9 f keep y he on j fyfe jfyfe aptoiti j fyfe acton i in mimd you eo to purctose your fauclo thing tlat east end cliothlng is is unsurpassed for extent of stock njodt rate price ajrtistie design aud durable workmanship fv a handsome collection j at the anniversary services in the dub- im street methodist church gdelph a plate collection of 93000 the amount of the floating debt of the ohurch was asked for by the pastor rey dr grifu jat the close ot tho evening service it was an nounced that the amount placed appn the plates during the day amounted to the handsome figure of over 13500 a praise and thanksgiving service followec the good people of guelph have evideut y been practically systematically and scriptually educated upon the subject of christian giv ing the fbee press congratulates the congregation of dublin street upoi their- very creditable and satisfactory fnancial position i arkiversary services theteuth auniversary of tlia opening of the methodist churchi acton will pe cele brated on sunday and monday ujlst and 82nd insts and the occasion prdtiises to be one of unusualinterest rev ir car- manjgeneral superintendent of the metho- dist gburch in the dominion late bishop of tb late meihodist episcopal dhurchj wfll preabh sermons at 1030 am and 680 pin xbe dr has for years beet recog- aiked as one of the first preachers i n cana da audits ibisis jbis firfit visit to acton thje ttttendauce will no doubt be veity large special collections wiu be iakou ut during tbiadayto be applied to tfa debt of the cliurch oii monday evening mr james rj jujjhes inspector of pablio 3buopl8 plpontb will deliver hla celebrated leotuie vyh the townhall mr hnghes baa already won a very inviable jrimttttiion ab a lecturer from tli acton pboplejandre look for a crowded ah n fttooooasibn r- at all times found him courteous and oblig iny and were satisfied that ho always en deavored to favor them with the best meat obtainable we hope that with q rest from business his health will improve board ol health the first meeting of the local boird of health waabcid in the couucil chamber on monday evening tho principal busi ness before the rueetina was the work of organization tho village clerk mr j e mcgarvin took the chair and asked tho members to elect theirjichairman for the i year it was moved by w h storey aud seconded by j a speight and carried thit h jp moore be chairman of the board upon taking the chair mr mooro thanked tho members for placing bjim at the head of tho board promised t give his roost careful attention to tho duties of the office and requested the hearty corpora tion of the members in all matters coming before tho board upon which action was deemed necessary he realized that with a view to the protection of the publio health it was jostos advisable and requisite that minor municipalities should at all times be in a satisfactory sanitary jcondi- tion as it was for the largo centres o i popu lation and following the old precent that prevention was better thau cure thought lit desirable that a constant and goncral supervision of the towu shculd bo given by the board j the fact that the slaughterhouses aro situated witl in tho prohibited limits of tho health act was referred to by a member of the boi rd it was considered however that as tley are comparatively isolated and a consi derable distance away from any dwelling they should remain undisturbed provid ng the butchers are found to keep them in i clean and healthy condition the inspector will look after them the board adjon raed to meet attlhecall of the chairmau na rossbll has repurchased the butcher business lately carried on by bollman mccapnell he has come thistime to stay andiitendb making it a permanent business good meat of all kinds constantly in stock the patronage of the publid is respect fully solicited come one and all n arosbell an elegant tweedi suit for 14c0 woretijd suits i iec0 or 1700 also overc0 atljas in all shadea t beavere melton nape tweeds and worst sds a lar e stock ot uhderlotlunggood auc cheap pllease bear in mind that i always cart r out what i advertise and it will certi inly pay buyers to tail and eee us e 27 r bollert importer fitc lower wyndham streets j guelph ontario monthly auction sale alheun will jorsignod has a laryo list of goods which iesoldat adtfews hdtelagtos saturday 13th feb 1886 at 10 a m any partios having goods to dispose of can put them iu this sale by toavidg particu lars at the po acton on or before february 1st i860- j a mobitay auctioneer acton doc 6tb is8i j fyfe acton j fyfe auto n j fyfe acton goplg gf ikg toihe metr store bfl v4 j fyfe acton otfyfe acton j eyfer acton zo eke till amebicvexpositiofl iov 10th 18si and cdu- opoubainowortoauj tfiroes c ntu aorillet- the illinois testhtt nie great short l ne between the north and south itar cr to secure a fistclats cabinet- photo because thre eget satisfaction at moderaio priqes m a a ruby vovr for jood reliable boots and shoes i williams to the front metropol itan studio f hpost office stares acton willi place oil bale roundrtriptickeu at very lowrates winter tourists toflortda texas merico and caufon u can purchase tickots via new orleans with s ovor privuegep to visit the kpift at as lo tratos as by any ptuet route for fall and wh ter excunifpn iolder giving routes and rites a i a vftry complete pamphlet styled pen olnt8 from the ajnerlpan exposition address a h h lnson th08dobwin onicaao 121 randolph bt ntcaoo go to- waters bros k the cradle 1 watson in milton on the 8th february the wife jeenry watson esq djruggist of twins sons i thexiave f stevenson at crewsons cornersqn be 4th inst pavidjteveuson aged 80 years j- tue sitordiv auotic implements etc lolksk- iaii sales stock th sale of agnews bbtel at drray auctiouoer picture gjliryl 6belph for irtish material oil and water coars crayons canvas draping papers bratheei kc oh pmntinsfs sjeel briflrrvings ipnr6mpiq k iambs oil j all kinds mould ogshooiu aiid picture corrice4 and jornloepolrt spring rotlers and wi ndow shades fromftoe oomplete pat ov ooodsusaltabje tor wuddini and bi luflay preute sc- t visitors can hve their picture framed whilo in the nty so bring then i waterf the p ctweqalier kjimhi post qfflcci having purchased the boot- and shoe business lately carried on by mr h b mccambv in the village of acton and having replenished the stock with a first- class assortment of all hues usually kept in a no 1 boot afad shoe store i am pre pared to guaran too entire satisfaction to all who may favor rno with their patronage a good supply of llrbtclass trunks and vahso3 will always be kept on baud as tho ordered work and bepairing is all under my own supervision the public may rely upon its receiving the best of attention give me a trial and seo for yourselves wm williams h avig mo ed my bakery anj new place of busiuesa prices attention it will banw to business and wms scrocer msi ik av teas 25c up i ugars of all kinds syap good soc per gal on and up raisins n jl1 of all kinds coffee ece tapioca sao rants pei figs cau tied 4 dp spibtsof alhlsinclb esbu idea pickles in bulk ac since meat i nuts oandien tdi aciofls and every thing kept in a fitstclwts grocury frdiu aqd vegetables nbrhaving disposed of the boot and 8hbeba8inesslatelyoarriedonbymeiwi8h hereby to notify all parlies indebted to me to call at once and settle their aoooonts hb mccarthy jjrciid white b buns feed business into this omraodiou8 store where 1 have added a ouotee stbok 4f4 alluewaud jrcbh i bfg to tender my ost bineere tliaiiks to tlie iieopje f athand burroundiug pi uutry forheir very liberal unhurt in the p si and uow most rejpeetrully solicit a share of yuur patroqajje jo my i j t mric ttiia by siare dnaliugjreaatuable of my customers ilqase call aud soe me flour an 1 1 olwiiaiid steambtl ik h sponge joskei- jelly rolls cak isan4- iirkinds mlucffkj mert pies jwoiig cakcjfi to order w bsiisfflhs t- departmeflff i ifl reed dep arti wents vpry dest rolle and stehe flmr 3n b sriorts chops oats peas barley oat and com meal i three kind of eacl buckwheat flour two duds cracked wheat thorleirsfood linseed iltjhke meal unseed vrhohv andi ground pskage goods crilsl ii ii pats tvhetiti and birey yellbw white andflaker jljiize simp hominy 8 hi buckl wheat flour wheat germs prepare i pea flour rli flour chbicbferina my buda is aliead of aqy othei j jjui raaiufaetured baking department sl il cur 1mmmmm wfts

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