ej- r it- k thcnsnatmobnrnofkimcvuvsolssc iiotes and comments the dominion parliament opens tn morniug or tho dispatch of business k is the tenth anniversary slloauwtsennotks by rev dr c armanand an eaufcuy eloquent leoture y james l hughes bbq successful services t j i ii i i lu i 1 li m the british privy council hate graoious- ty acceededjto the piayer of sir charlos tapper and tho messrs allan that steam ers touching at united states ports with curdiucattle should not be held as com ing from a scheduled country the thanks of the canadian exporters iadue to the hon gentleman aud messrs allah for- this prompt and acceptable endiug to what threatened to bo a very serious difficulty i i ltis said that the ontario overnmeut have decided to euforco the scott fat or rather to provide macuiuery for its ouforce- rqentt they have organized a department specially for that purpose and have offered the charge of it to j w manning almonte who has consented to accopt it provis ionally mr manning was editor of- the almonte giizetu he is a goed man and fine who will successfully fill the position the smt wants telephone communication for milton it says it makes us envious constantly to see notices in the acton and j georgetown papers concerningjthe success of the loca telephone why cant milton have telephonic communication with acton georgetown hamilton and toronto bnrhxigton rnd oakville too ought to b tapped and matters in this county would be 50 years ahead at a bound it would indeed be most advantageous to the county at large and the newspapers in particular to have a telephone system connecting the populous points in the connty mr edisons invention of telegraphing to and from moving trains testations along the road lias been successfully tested 4 the apparatusused on the train was an jordi- nary morse key aphonetic receiver electro magnet and a battery touhe latter was attached a ground wire connected with the axle of the wheels and thus with the track another wire connected with the tin roof of the car the car roofs were connected by an insulated wire from the car roofs the messages were transmitted by induct tion to the permanent wires along the track a distance of 25 to 35 ifeet mr edison said the new wonder would be introduced at once onjhe illinois csntrai the canadian journal of jabrca says j onr canadian farmers may well turn their attention to introducing new breeds- of sheep and improving upon old ones some merinos are raised near gait the wool of whieh a skilful manufacturer of ni goods pronounces equal to any imported they average 7 or 8 lbs to a fleece of wool which always commands a high price and for the purposes of the canadian manu facturer is better than the importedmerino wool in that it is of a purer white and freer from burrs and dirt a cross between the merinos and the leicester sheep is recommended to farmersas they will average8 lbs to the fleece and bring 3 or 4- cents a pound over other grades while there will be less shrinkage in washing the farmers institute a s the advertisement in another column announces thstthe next contention under the auspices of the farmers institute of thejiounty will be ibeld in tho town hall muton on wednesday nest 3rd maxell one or more professional gentlemen from the ontario agricultural college guelph be present at the several sessions at the evening meeting in addition to the addresses by the professors jshort speeches will be made by prominent farmers and other residents of the county the pro ceedings will be interpresed with music readings etc the success which attended thelmeeting under these auspicesin george town in january will lead the public to expect a profitable time on this occasion the holding of these institutes periodically will tend very effectually to arouse such an interest among the farmers of the county as will undoubtedly result tn general im provements it is the intention of the stitute to hold sessions alternately in f erent parts of the county we hope delegates from acton next wednesday extend a pressiij invitation for the convention to beheld here i joint b gonghrdead the tenth anniversary of the dedication of tlio methodist church acton waft cole jratod lat sunday and the ser noes mark the vlay aa a red letter que iu tho urch8 history on sunday rnoruiug at lps0rov 11 phillips tho esteemod pastor pt the church introduced to the large audietje assembled row dr carman general supsrintenfleut of tho methodist church of the dominion after the usual devotional eorcises tho olijoir sang the grand aud appiopriate old anthem safely through another year the rev dr then proceeded his text i tim 3 chap 15 was announced and for over an hour ho commanded the rapt at tontiou of his congregation vithout any indications of weariness he set forth most vividly the claims of thd ohurch of god showed the church jto bo the centre of the universe and recited in blear and xonoise mauner its ends aims and object the church rassessos first claims the family next and tne state last in the evening the congregation was con siderably larger the choir rendered the anthem house of our god in ah im pressive manner the dr preached from n cor 7 chap 1 one of the grandest ex positions on the doctrine of iholiness that could be delivered the subject was presented in the most rational manner possible and instead of being of a character discouraging to christians was calculated in every way to encourage thopvlo under gods guidance endeavor to attain a higher plane of christian experience j the sermons were elaborate expositions of soripture delivered in the most powerful eloquent and interesting manner the references to the doctrinal points brought out were able andconvincing and the ex planations offered were very satisfactory and showed thai the honorable position in which the church has seen fit to place dr carman is eminently and successfully sus tained by him many were the expressions one to the other of the excellence of the sermons and the pleasure felt in listening to such clear and graphic descriptions of scripture teaching instead of the usual anniversary tea- meeting on the following monday evening the ladies aid society had arranged for a lecture by james l hughes esq i p s toronto and the change was one appreci ated by all mr hughes reputation as an orator and lecturer was fully established in acton on a former occasion when his lecture why men fail was announced in connection with the anniversary services our citizens anticipated an unusual treat there expectations were fully realized the lecture was a grand effort both as regards the subjectmatter and the rhetor ical effect and unstinted complimeutswere tendered the able lecturer the subject was not treated in a general manner ex planatory of mens failures in ordinary life bat had special reference jto the moral re ligious and educational phases of human existence and a pleasing coincidence was the fact that in many poinis it followed up the arguments jontained in the sermons of dr carman tl e previous day dovetailing into them and clinching many of the salient truths then presented with evidence which rendered them incapable of refuta- tion j owing to the very inclement condition of the weather the audience wjvsjfitjch small er than otherwise would have been rev dr carman occupied the chair a vote of thauks was moved by rev- r philips and seconded by mr e e nelson andreudered with genuiue heartiness by the audience thtf financial part of- the services was s satisfactory the was no special effort made in this direction eevalopes were deposited in the pews on sunday giving the infermation that the present in debtedness of the trust fund amounted to 3000 that the trustees desired to pay the annual interest9180 and toj liquidate the principal by 500 the collections of the day including about 150 presented by the ladies aid society and the proceeds of the lecture amounted to s54659 and the balance required 8i3350 is fully met by annual subscriptions of members the financial position of the ehurch is conse- b quite satisfactory ind when the annual report is rendered it will be found that the church in its mianbersbip and finances is in a very prosperous condition ttpih upon points of interest were put o the bpeaker the public meeting iu the town liall in the evening was well attended the ulmir was ably filled by m john dewar ohiii- man of tho school board short addrejtob were delivered by revb w j mpkonfiio a russ aud m c caraerou after which s- i i the noted temperance advocate and platforim orajtof passes- away john b goiigh died jit fiilaijelphiaji on thursdayevening last he wasvstricien with paralysis onrmonday evening while in the middle of one of his most eloquent protests against liqnjor drinking and if he had chosen it he could not have had a rriore fittini close to such a noble life- i the deceasedwasjeugiish by birth but came to the united states when quite young and was a thorough american i in his appearance and sympathies in early lif he wasa great drunkard and on pis reformation attained phenomenal success as a teraperancelecturer mr gough fiadj undoubted eloquence great drainaitio power a flow of forcible language and kri inimitable faculty for miinicry a fundlof illustration and anecdote added much to the interest of his discourses- he on- doubtedjy was the cause of much good tin inducing many to abandon the drinking habit s thecradle mrrchiijin palmerstou oifthe7thmstl f- the wife of j t mitchell editor vn- cator of a bobv abbahasi at tlie manse suingtoh ot the 10th of febrnary the v ife of rev1 graham of a son r 14 grave cbaip at her bmdence 5 salter streel london on wettedayieorning 24 1 inst mary ybung a craig esq 4ged28 years fnnen at oakville on saitnrday deceased was daughter of our ebteemedl friend w h young eaq police magisv trate for this county and sister of mr o jj youngof the qfasgow house actoni i scotch eiglish arid canadian enitingb kigttsq variety at j fyfes acton teachers association the annual convention one of tne most successful everheld in the county well attended i the thirteenth annual convention of the county 01 halton teachers association held in school house milton last thursday and friday was one of the mostpvactical and generally successful meetings that the association has ever held the attendance was satisfactory and the teachers present evidenced u desire to pro fit from the consideration of the subjects presented at each of the various sessions in the absence of dr l lsk the presi dent mr j s deacon inspector for the county was appointed to jthe chair and the conyention opened with prayer led by mr shanks after the usual preliminary business had been transacted mr r sjflenning pre sented his paper on the least common multiple it was well written but dis- cussion was deemed unnecessary mr j j tilley director of teachers institutes then addressed the convention on his method of teaching geography his address was afl admirable one arid replete with points of practisal interest to the teachers many newidias for the suc cessful teaching of this imtortant subject were brought out the plai of confining work to topography was not advisable believed in deducing inferences from facts known would recommend the drawing of outline maps and have thei n filled in as the pupil progresses thi 1 rtlines and boundaries the surface and drainage the ebniaite etci should be tanjbjt in regular prderj the address was we 1 received and mr tilley proceeded with his looturo relations of eluoation to tho state this was esteemed an ospeoial treat by tho audience af tr routine business on j friday rnorh- ing mr re harrison of igeorgotowu a graduate of the ontario school of art gave anexcellent losson on drawing whioli wab very much appreciated by the members of the association development lessons in fractions was thfe bubjeot of ir tilloys iiext ad dress it shbuld be made a lesson for developing thought and reason in the minds of the pupils and instructing them in the theory of proceeding from the known to unknown the subjeot was thoroughly ventilated and prdseuttid toithe teaohers as an old friend in a new dreis mr coates the secretary of tho associa tion led in a lively disoussiou on home work the teacher shbuld invariably be particular to 6ee that his pupils thoroughly understand the nature of the home work given them and additional home work as punishment for misdeineauors or failure in lessons of the day should iu no caso be imposed the last session was rendered very inter esting by mr tilloys address on the aims in teaohiug it was replete iwith pointers for successful teaching and for the exercise of good aud permanent influence on the part of the teacher with his pupils and the section in which ho was engaged voluminous notes were 1 taken by the teaohers and we hav6 no doubt much pro fit will result from the address the officers elected for the ensuing year are j s deacon fsi president henry gray vicepres and r- coates secty- treas r an important newwork cyclopedia of universal history by john claik redpath lld bos ton martin garrison co canadian agents balch brothers 10 j adelaide st east toronto agent for the counties of halton and wellington wm gripps acton- 1 this is a valuable and comprehonbive historical work presenting in a condensed but graphic stylo an accouut of the princi pal events in the history of the liflmau race from the beginning of civilization to the- present time taken from the most authentic sources the work i3 complete in three imperial octavo volumes making 2340 double column pages dr eidpath the author is professor of hibtory in depauw university indiana he is the author of a history of tho united states which has had a very wide circulation his naturalgif ts as well as his training and special historical studies eminently qualify him for writing a history of this kind accordingly- we find- that the work presentsevidence of careful study of the best historical authorities a power of grasping aud grouping eveuts an impartial presentation of facts a keen appreciation of character and a vigorous and lucid stylo which arrests aud retains tlio attention- of jthe reader j a many of the brief biographical sketches of eminent men and women arc vivid and picturesque pen portraitsxoncise and vet eloquent and attractive and all through- the work the succession of cvtnts des cribed inoveia oilin a way that produce a sense of animated action though con cise in comparison with full and elaborate histories of particular countries yet the student who masters the contents of these three splendid volumes will be well furnish- ed with historical knowledge a good deal of space is given iuthe third volume to the history of the united states but this will not detract from the value of the work to canadian readers who generally know less about the history of the united than about that of european ej dr ridpath has throughout displa judgment and taste in determini events should be selected and wha in the worksothat these volumesare in themselves a valuable library of liistorical knowledge there is hardly a page that is not alive with interest uniting entertain ment with instruction we can heartily recommend the work to all earnest students of history in home and college vol i covers ancient history vol dl is occu pied with medieval times voliiii with modern history to ltjh6 fad th3bt sborekbsping isia poer paying jbusines one who jiannot eqmpetoj tfrith th9 g t b m isr i wjant to sell wpy dollars as ny lease of we remember this it will dost aredomg alid pay up costs will be incijlrred halton dry goods house ton the east is well stocked wn h a full supply ol nicjei fresh second in cheapness and in town 1 1 6an get fb3 it in cash gd o i mmeipe iis morning to sell anything aietm you ws jq a bie t store for just wh buy more gcjods froni me lov thk next minth for tn ddllaife tlianyou can buy elsewheie id the world dont forget this for jtrn3an it t low rates i wbtk p goods tiefbie tie 1st 03 aril store spires and towelling crete r braces hosiery etc etc give toy end store on that date you nothing to cdme and seie what accounts yoiji mpy owe at oncei or 0 w qmiffin grocerjies quality to no other stock while in well edtaikl see our spring stock of fancy dress gobdsrginghs ms prints summer shirt ings cotionades greyand white cottons towels nes mens and boys a i the l 8 q u 6 r tea a trial a lijindsome aiki hseiulbooi of throe pounds 3chi3sr allvicb to at- night an child suffer ting teeth bottle of morakns are you disturbed it tyrokeuof yonr rest by a sick ng and crying with pain of cut if so snd at onco and get a mrs winslows soothing syrnn by all price twent and ask fov sviici anc i i 5 ftfljfi capital not re aysure for tftbse wp called fprth discussion and humeroos qnes- tfonce sjinsoa qo portland maio for children teething its value is iucal cwable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer imtne iately dejiend upon it moth ers there ii lio mistake about it i it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach a id bowels cures wind collcj softens the guink reduces inflammation and gives one and energy to the whole- system mrs jwinslows soothing sy rup for ch ildren teething is pleasant to the taste ai d is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nursesin th 3 unttedt states and is for sah druggists throughout the world jfive cents a bottle be sun mris vyinslows take no other kind rphe above given tree to every purchaser of liquor tea jstexisotdnr in- tclciiliouc connection ploralyiew sootuinc xtew adtertisemdnts iloirkhtar ewanj will bo paid for the recover j of a ma a anil cutter hired at tho livei ndersignod by a young man name he of liraenouse who went t iiijton thencs to carlisle ou thursday 18t inst komorvjille is about 18 years of ago fai tallaud slim wore grey ovorcoa andihad small black valiso th animal is a br awn mare about ten years old fit toon hands tich iwith legs clijiped portlauij cutter with n ii ob daeh aud brown buffalo robq address at on e i i i wm e sj1ith acton stable of the v wm someiv this work is beautifully printed oh fine paper and handsomely hound iir several styles it is profusely illustrated with maps charts sketches portraits and dia gram which add greatly to its attractive ness there are over 1200 engravings the ancient and modern nrnpaj are well executed and valuable ana the third volnrne is specially rich iu itrjiking por traits of the inost promjnent personages in history this is an interesting feature of the work the chronological charts care fully prepared by dr itfdpatu will be found a valnablo aid to the stude4 theje are also special historic maps showing boundaries at former times andthus en abling the careful etudent to mbre fully understand tihe import of the historic nar rative there is a full index andjtabie of contents which make it very convenient for reference the author deohjjres that his motivel in preparing this plaborate work was fa desire to bring wjhin the reach of the average reader a concise and accurate snnimary of the principal events in the career of the hnman this object has teen successfully acbpved in this dycloi of universal histoiy i say mi iter j what is this ijiqtar tea it is the bes i qualities of japan hwonahd ilaok teas in halfpound package buy three ponndii of tea and you will getfabook for nothing at nelsons bi seudlo cents postage knd we will mail you fbbe a rojil valu able sample box of goofls that will put yon in the way ing moke money at ob anything else in americ can live at homo ami ve will start all the fan pay iqftk- tban both kin hired start the fikm ing been winding hp business f nelson mcllae co hay dissolved by mutual consont th undersigned i now encaged in closing up th business of thkt ann all parties judebted t him are requested to call at the earliest possiblft date at the stare of henderson mcbae co with a view tb settling their accounts tbosi who cannot pay cash at once need not fail t call as we are prepared to closp accouutb jy not if cash cannot jbu readily obtained all account i must bo bottlou bv thcloth march f re nelson acton fobraaryjflui 16s0 authors anb wkteks mateubob other wjse desirous ol having their literary productions crit of cised revised or disposed of on the most advantageous terms should addrossor fui information i i tiiouno buroauof litoraturo i 231 broadway new york iiovse lot for sale the undersigned offers for salo his house an lot on llaiii stroet it is a large house coi i- tains nine rooms also kitchen and woodshed i i well adapted fpr a tenement or boarding hous good stablo on the promises liberal terms apply to i d w casipbelli tyanxlte plasterers hair fit sale llautro and hair for pasteror apply at the tannery bbaedmobe co acton jantfaiy 26tih 1880 3m farmers institute t reen geokgetojwn ont he newest aud choicest plants and flowers wholesale and retail cut funeral and weddiner desierns prepared on short notice i andbliippej safely any weather jt at u e next door to tdany rem ism making weiiiaeai t le besfrbtocjf i loow blank jads twdgreqniredli tle leading gtorj te8tamehteil t4cles25c to sells cheap g u o- balance of crocker y idsi hqwsons drug store acton a a have you y a horse to sell a fiirm to seu or kent a house to sell or kent a buggy wagon orj afaoliino to sell j a sewing machine iwagoii or piani to sell i- then advertise in the fkee pikss uud yt ull find somebody who wants to see you orthe business ssj business thos c change moore ho would inform the i jblic generally tha has now full couol of the acton cooper age heretofore conduct 1 by mooro laml and is prepared to fill ell orders in the coi line cistern butter and wash tubs arid tight work aspecialty lonlyftrstclassworkhiori and material employed thos cmooete 1 ert ippfir ai public notice the seconti farmers institute of thj county pf haltoji will be held in tlio tqjvvjt halljmxltonj w 3n mapo8i commencing at 130 pm j i i gl during the oveuingthere will bo a public mee ing for readings- discnsslons aud addresses b i prominent men of the county farmers an i others interspersed with music to which th i ladies are especially invited i one or more professional gentlomen from th i ontario experimental farm oreexpeeted an opportunity will be given at each ineotui to all wishing to become members no pains will bo 8 pared to moke the instilut i on thib occasion jiubtrnotivb attractive an entertaining f ruddell see qeprgete5rnypb j jasubadleytrei 15tb 1880 fujrther intermenti iro in the old ceme bited public notice is hereby given t iat at a meotiug of the council of the mil lici- pality of the village of actou hold on tueii lay thflqth day of febrnaiy ad 1686 a bylaw passed to provide for the public health an provent further iutermouts of hbo dead taking place iu tho village oflactoi save and excoj t in fairview cemoter and that said hylawicame into effect from and alter the date of the pas siug thereof parties having chttrge of intermeuts govern them selves acbordingly 3 e mcgarvin w h stobdy viuago clerk j r4e dated at acton this oth day of feb 1880 far msi want ed farms wanted prices for over 500 applicants who wi the go cm great den eitjs -o- ry wil i s alb kinds sizes and to buy audnjve writteh to us for particulars of farms we also want farms for our farni ad vertiser which willl be published shortly and be placed in too hands of intending purchasers in ailpartb of canada the united states aufl europe we givo f ull particulars including size of buildings quality of soil and price butnpver give owners name number of lot nor concession we positively make no charga unless the prop erty is sold this is sufficient proof that our bqsiuess is conducted on honest andstraigh for ward principles bnmpwbbrwewantno afree- ments to register against your property 1 we advertise farms in all thoileading newspapefsin canada and we advertise in almost every state iu america and throughout the whole of europe many of bur present applications for farms are from the united states europe and other countries we have nowarranea with 32 agents in canada and europe to have our advertiser placed in ths hands of intending buyers thpbgb qrijj 11 mqnths agd we started business- in guelph aiid toon liad ho applicatiopp- for property since may last wohave sold il farms at anoggregate priee 8253150 those having farmtfor bale are requested to come to gudlph and give ub full particulars of their farms or send us their name andaddress and if we cannot prove all wehqre state tobe true and correct in every particular we agreeand shall bepleaied to pay every iman8 expenses coming to guelph and returning who has property to sell come to the office and see for yourselves- the testers from our applicants for arms the testimonials from farmers whoso places we havo sold- aud ojso press notices etc u you cannot oomd send ne yobr nameb and addresses applyto j johrrlfcdaijetxf j i i- guelph pat the biggest discbilnte discounted tvtao wc to ojfer 33j per cqnt dieouut fonls could if it off pjeoploiivou d say wo were eithei or knaves foils tbj imagine thatw ihaue an intelligent public believe i were not true knaves if it were fai t that we chirgedthe public such profits tl ai we tould afford sue liieductions bub neiierthe less vyehavea few tlhes of globing 4 i jsvhich 7e are reparod to lose yeryili aavily n rather lhau carry over h large line uf overooaifs sold at 750 at5 solilat41 1 large line ot stj iijr aud 8 to begcleatedps o- be cleared off at 8 i sold at 750 to tie clereid at 5 boys suits 1 boys ov i ercoats at co t jb towamsot lion new goods the firs direct switzepiand the largei jof the season fromtjjcepne l 5 t and choiceststock of embroideries ever ironght into guelph sf e om ma amotli corner wjawv jttst laoe bough a mag lificeht assortment of flouncinjjsand allover embroideries arjtlveb x50q pairs of iiovely curtains at 60c on thi rich arari rare designs j th ne vest from scoftclr aiyj pnglish looms o t crumbs provided by anothertbl lent begins gnelph wa mnsicipal thd show i time this week 1 next mond introduce itself i travelling the barrie tov idxilvve is very well pat j tyald joiin i disdyery snddej j eegular mo pfijedocation i jthe audit rqerhfiersoftltel tbe social- last friday eveij oakville bo tn re exceeded t yar as wegotol a fancy dress j tie skating acton has i ments of one i ui3lstof jann the boiler i tannery moltor aty further dan the spring- j foije mr justice mttchmuiou weareinid psl ing nebraska armstrong ivan tiiic6rinty tic n opens its ths morning at j jlrc b gc ods store prittlsmanaj an now thii thi mircuryosia ing a big feed it t yon see tthedwelknl 2nd ljneabont on- tn oclock loss sri j t- we are inirej specimens of 1 th tilsouburg arfastid taste ftnd 4the acton ajvery artistic spliday school press does excel jthe annaal i be held iu thebrij snjjday- eveniuc georgetown willl 4the present createdthis lrftd meet a body ail and eer they pa other with a ai the boardj hospital has agrl comity will be ad w the eeeve whenel obtain an orderj trthelfneijpil ibrdere jarjo week from torob eoflcwoodand je of c ur prpduction the wholesa glove- works fori bythefbee pbe voli mtarily prduo on heroad asfaj ceriied j the people uher braiins to schome vhijcb semi the c ity ban tion sov would to te sent too iciation w mldrifc it wil pajr a ivery caref iliy thj i- j fr6n the cknt ifc i thadjspaioiniff herein because it j j eveifyone ona tific f aots t erypli i r- a rumor monday tl at a acton and teiephl from theiic 3 respel are jhankf id to saj far as actxn is fortunate commu remans sign 1 to tlidse wh j pass i his circular can orl personal attention nounceinenl in a n i highways id by andicompel ing th meiits r flu tp n nei ynnglejbjaye which tijej call j ach rnember penny into ifatre anything igsins knpw othei jos ted by sim la 1 of thes8tcheij fheiie adysrtise keeper 1 hey htj received 1 6 appij rapa 1 fat yari y in qiiebjbc cvs lzrgsh2llis ft