l w 4 i 1 l f a i jutim jfm frsss 18 published every thursday morning at thk psse press power printing house acton ontario 50ct8 subscription rate8 jvom yi ut jloa sec months r tuilek months 23 cts i invariably in advance if not paid in advance 1 5 per year will bo charge n o paper discop- tiuued till fth arroars are paid except at the option of the publisher advertising rates- y 1 srvce one columu half column i quarter column 1 ono inch 1 n isoaoo ssoo aaoo 1 6t c mo 3 mo 4 3300 smuo 30 00 1200 1w 00 350 200 luw s i0 260 100 j casual advertisements 8 cents per lino for the first insertion and 2 cents per line for each sub sequent insertion cash the number of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil dvertisemonts without specific direction will be inserted till forbid and charged accorl- ngly transitory advertisements must bo pa d n advance changes for contract advertisements must tyo in the office by 9 ajn ou mondajs otherwise they will be left over until the following week u 1 moore editor and proprietor tuic drdcd nry le found on filo nt geo p ifllo rhrclt rovrcll oon newspaper ac fertlslng bureaullo spruce stit here adrrrttsiu onttocuqiaybemadeforlt ik new vokjj business directory wh lowry m b m c p s graduate of trinity- college mem- berof college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street acton acton banking cqy storey christie co -bjnkers-j- acton ontario a general banking business transacted hoitet loaned 027 approves notes notes discounted and interest allowed on dsppsits j e m special agency acton oat bell telephone company messages received and transmitted at lower rates than telegraphing allan line steamships tickets issued to all pom of great britain and the continent at very lowest rates bny the tickets here if sending for frjiends canadian paci the cheapest points east and best and west tables ce stacey md cm graduate of trinity university fellow of trin ity medical school member of the college of physiciaus and snrgeons omttmillstreet late dr websters ofhee money saved tsy sealing with j e mogaitvjln acton ontario r r r route to all see time cheap and good ontario thursday march 4 188 i sleighs wellmade wellpainted sled 3o fr 40o extra large three bench ha utaome for 85o for 910 the 8150 the 8175 clipper clipper for 90o the j100 clipper for 60ol box handles carpeted 9135 baby sled fine 130 for 1 baby sled largo roomy box qarpet haaidle 3 for2 the best value the best assortment call and examine for 7ourselves at days bookstore cuelph day sells cheap l bennett l ds dentist georgetown ontario a c mckinlay lj s snrgeon dentist georgetown ont uses the new system of nitrons oxide gas com monly called yitalizedair for extracting j teeth withont pain having been demon strator and practical teacher in rojol college of dental snrgeons toronto pat rons may depend upon receiving satisfaction in any operations performed will- visit acton every other wednesday of each month office aguews hotel ainless dental operations vitalized air or nitroub oxide gas for painless dental operations at the office of i c b hayes l d s tos ells block gnelph out upper wyndham street john lawson graduate ofon tano yetermary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton ont omce in kenny bros boot and shoe store refit dence in the tear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or day promptly attend cd to terms easj vtclean mcmillan barristers solicitors notaries convey ancersjjfcc esrpriv ate funds to loan oitice town hall acton wm a mclian hch mcmillan tt emitchell qliotob conveyancer etc office first door west of the champion office mainstreet miltstt money to loan at b per cent all the farmers r and others having crippled horses w 11 do well to call on ceo stoddard who is prepared to remove ringbones spavins curbs and splints without injuring the horse i satisfaction guaranteed ori geo stoddard creechs old stand acton no charge lumber shingles and lath rime undersigned desires to inform the public jl that he has now on hand and will keep in stock a full line of pine and hemlock as well as other kinds of lumber also first and second class pine shingles t lath qhilton allan baird barristers solicitors jc j tobovto asd gkoboktows j- offices creelmaas block georgetown and 86 king street east toronto t llxs 1 vboxqk ba j baird ba coal wood l tixdelsior bakery acton thursday mobniko mabcii 4 1881 poetry having purchased the above bakery from mn d mann i liope to give satisfaction to the numerous customers who patronize it thanking them for past favors- 1 will endeavor to attend to customers promptly and obligingly and trust that they will one and all extend to us their patronage i use nothing but the best roller flour and keep it in stock freshbreadbunsc everyday also steam bread cakes of all kinds new york tea biscuits soda and oatmeal scones on hand or made to order at shortest notice wedding cakes a specialty i lords prayer paraphjtasbd by john imnik t0i10m0 1 our father which art in hea- ven father of lights and god of love thrice holy is thy iiarne thou king of kings enthroud above thon ever art the same 2 hallowed be tluj name forever hallowed be thy name by hostb in earth aud heaven in heathen lauds make known thy fame and saving meroy given 8 thy kingdom rome thy kingdoms stretch from pole to pole throughout earths utmost bound till gathered in each bloodbought soul that on the earth is found 4- thy will be done on eartji it win heaven thy will be ours from morn till night obedient to thy word then shall our path be clear aud bright aud sin shall be abhorrd 5 give us thik day our daily bread i that man shall nothing be denied who truly seeks thy faco our earthly wants afo all supplied with bounty love and grace 6 a ndfoi give tu out trespasses onr sins and failures we cdhfesb ou bended knee entreat thus trusting to thy tenderness well worship at thy feet as vxforgiv them that lie- pass agamst us aud may thy love our hearts incline to meroy bend our ear to pardon others who combine to cause us needless fear s and lead not into tempta- tion but deliver us from evil from satans tempting snares of sin thy nght hand shall deliver our god shall keep us pure withiu though hells foundations quiver 0 for thine is tite kingdom the power and the ilory forever thine are the kingdoms of the earth and thine the glory ever this world did own thee at her birth thou everlasting giver 10 amen amen amen bo let it be god s counsel f aileth never the truth of god ib pure and free and shall prevail forever ouh story an old maid on in- law mothers- having purchased the coal business of mr c s smith i ain prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal i have also a good fjtock of wood- hardwood ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered jimes bkown jii planing mill r having made arrangements with messrs w h storeyl son for the continuahceof the planing mill in the build ing formerly occupied by the acton plow companyf we would inform tihe public that we are prepared to take- uildinc j contracts for also- deessi1tg flooring sht3etihg momjding o wish neatness and pispatch b ain laidlaw co butkiateks j solicitobs oinlii over imperial bauk 24 wel lington street east entianoc exchange alley toronto jojln bai q c c a hasten taidllw gfcoroe kappele patents secuked for inventions 1 henry grist ottawv caxaih t 20 years practice no patent no pay w m hemstreet liceked arcnoxeen for the counties of wellington andhalton orders left at the fbee pbess officelcton or at my residence in acton wdpbe promptly attended to terms reasonable m0ney 10 lou also noney to loan on the most favor able tei ms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 500 and upwards biscuits aud confectioner of all kiuds icipg sugar ginger snaps boston mixed cakes wholesale flour 4 buttor and eggs taken in exchange for breaa at market prices miis t statham aoton live y sale stables john street acton a e knowles j a murray licensed auctioneers for the counties oi halton and wellington orders left with tlames matthews acton will receive strict attention terms reasonable john day architect j gueuh om officl queens hotel block market square t john j daley successors thompson jackson money to loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatly done charges low farms and city property for sale list with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to intendingpurchpers and cir- ctilateth in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di- vections through our european agenoiea tfarms wanted for our lists correspon- ijlence invited office near the post office guelph ont pumps pumps in connection with the above we are also prepared to receive orders for pumps from long experience in the busine s we feel con fident that we can supply an article second to none ordersby mail will rsceive prompt attentu n kindly soliciting a share ol public pat ronage we are respectfully yours t1ios ebbag3 manager g ii e l p business college guelph ontario the second schol stic year commenced september at each de partment is in charge of a s peciahst to impart a practical training for the effioient conduct of business affairs is the sphere and work of the institution its graduates are already holding responsible positions in ttfe commercial centres in tiie dominion energetic young men and wo nen are thor oughly prepared for positions as bookkeep ers shorthand writers correspondents or telegraph operators students received at any time for circular and catalogue giving full information address m maccormick 146m i i principal wm t smith proprietor mr smith has purchased the livery bpsiness if mft h b mccarthy which he baaremoved to ins commodious stables on john i treet in the centre of the business portion o the town mr smith has had lengthy ecpenence in this business and feels oonfi lent that he can give satisfaction to every patron anyone desiring a commercial plea sure or jompny big can be supplied with a fhstclass turnout on the shortest notice horses bbarded and sold fire mutjual insurance company of the orr m rm ft r- sth ipe sb y win l ijb m mm wsmma nnhe hanlan barber shop mill subset acton an easy shave a stylish haircut a good seafoam an exhilarating shampoo always given razors honed and put in firstclass condition ladies and childrens haw tastily cut t 00itnt7 op vrzudmsox established 1810 headoffice cuelph terms reasonable wm e smith guelph cloth hall insures buildings merchandize manu factories and all other descriptions of property on the premium nate 8 j stem pw stone cnas davidson president secretary john taylor agent tj1ranci8 ntjtnan jo successor to t f chapman boqkbmder gudph ontario st georges bqtj are i account books of all kinds nade to order j periodicals of every descrii tidn oaref ully- j p wobdex tonsbriftl artisth bound ruling ieatlyna p omptlydone mcraes ulkdbrolothrng mens boys shirts and drawers all sizes shirts and drawers all sizes children combination sets all sizes shaw crundy i l repiant tailors guolph i yes im an old maid and i glory in the title i am master and mistress i go where i please and return when i feel like it no man carl call me motherinlaw and that is obe of the greatest comforts i have in life i havent gone to all the trouble t aud anxiety of nursing a child through colic and teething and whoopingcough and measles and to all the expense and trouble of educating her and teaching her how to cook and make her own clothes for the ex press purpose of having her gobbled up by some man whose first business- it will be to separate her from her mother i dont say that i havent been lonebome in my life and that to have somebody to take care of me and to take care of wouldnt have been heartening to soul and body but that comfort satisfying as it might have been would never have paid me for giving a daughter of mine to a stranger some of you remember the widow man chester who lived up on the clove road well i sewed for that family year in and vear out when i was a considerable younger woman than i am now and it was there i first made up my mmd that there were some troubles i would never put myself in the way of bearing mrs manohester had one son and ore daughter her husband left her just enough money to scrape along with hut bhe was a wonderful manager and the way she brought those children up was a sight to see she was never very strong and sometimes id take hold in the kitchen when she was kind of poorly and help her out that way till finally it got to be a settled thing that i was up to the clove pretty much all the time hastings was a highspirited affectionate boy very fond of his books alice was two years younger than hastings and the most loving and obedient child 1 ev er knew these children were perfectly devoted to then mother and she to them as i said before i was there year in and year ont and i never heard a word between them that the whole world might not have listened to after a while hastings went away from home to prepare for college mrs manchester taught alice everything except music and she had a fine master for that that girl would play the tears out of my eyes faster than any funeral i ever at tended and i used to say to myself as shed sing for tier mother and me between day light and dark that girlsheart is tuned to sorrow and shell have more of that than anything else for it trembled in every tone and her laugh though it was the sweetest and the rmgingest i ever heard always seemed to me full of tears every- thing that was sensible alice manohester was taught to do and her mother said to me more than once- melissa there is one thing i am sure of and that is that alice will bring her common sense into all the matters of life if ever she does marry it will be a man who is in every respeot worthy of her it did seem as if the poor woman was correct in this feeling for if alice manohes ter with all her sohoolmgand trainingand loving didnt choose wisely what girl rn the world would belikely to mrs manohester tiad an idea like a great many other folks that because bhe had- done her duty she would get her reward 1 could have told i a- ki her to the contrary then young as i was but it did seem somehow as if she would have better luok than most people well there came a time when alice was going on eighteen that i had a long fit of sickness and didnt go to mrs manchesters for nearly two months but the first time afterwards that i set foot into the house i knew that something had happened and something not very pleasant either mrs manohester looked like a shadow and alice who was usually so glad to see me was so stiff and formal that i just thought i must have offended her in some way i didnt ask any questions but just found out where my hejlp was most neededond went to work we are going to have gome company to dinner melissa mrs manchester said to me and wish you would get up something nioe how many said i only one said mrs manohester a gentleman i asked you see i knew the whole story then just asfeell as if it had been all written out before me yes a fifth or sixth cousin she said doing her best to speak carelessly it is amr keith reynolds who is spending hi vacation in the village all right said islb cheerfully as i could you neednt bother a bit abotifr dinner ill have everything just as you would like it it was all i couldl do to keep the tears back as that pale feeble heartaching wo man walked out of the kitchen it seemed to me as if she had received her death blow and i wasnt very fi routof the way iliad bomb peas to shell ind it was so warm in the kitchen i took them out in the garden where it was cool and shady the garden opened into an apple orchard and i had hardly got settled before i heard the sound of voices on the other side of the wall that was the first and lasttime in my life that i ever listened to a conversation which wai not intended for my ears but there was such a strange and i was going to bay unwholesome quality in the mans voice that right or wrong i determined to hear every word of it tho first thing i heard alice say was this and it was plain to me that tho trouble was upon hertiiatl always felt sure was to come but keith said she i thmkitwould kill mamma to be entirely separated from me but darling said the underhanded deceitful wretch i didnt put it as strong ly as that what i meant was that when i married i wanted my wife entirely and exclusively to myself you must not blame me dearest if i share the popular aversion to mothersinlaw but mamma keith alice com menced to say is everything that is lovely i really think you are right the villain interrupted but you knowpilice love what the bible says forsake father and mother and cleave only to your husband but when there is no necessity of for saking father and mother said alice oh well well not borrow tronole said tho man i have no doubt but things will fix themselves right of course dar ling wlgn a woman is married her duty is to her hubband here it was all out this is what this loving and conscientious mother had toiled and sacrificed for to bring up a daughter in all sweet and sensible ways arid when she was ready to be a stay and comfort to her to give her up to a man whose chief object in life was to separate her from her child my blood boiled in my veinb and it really seemed to me as if i mast go and give that villain a piece of my mind then i thought i d have a talk with alice but i gave that up also for among the other things i had learned by experience was not to interfere with a girls love affairs what effect would anything i might say be likely to have upon a girl whohad grown bo wildly in love in the course of a few rfeeks as to take such talk as this and not send a man about hib business throwing etrawb against a gale of wind would be no compari son to the foolishness of arguing with her i got a good look at the fellow before he came into dinner and how apy girl of good taste to say nothing of good judgment could have seen anything to like in himwus beyond me to imagine a tall pompous masterful young man who would expect his wife to see with his eyes and always ask his opinion before bhe expressed one that was not all but it was the first thing that btrnok me well alicemanchester married and went away with her husband and was jubfc about as dead to her mother as though tho earth had opened and swallowed her hastings married a few months later and brought his wife home but she was a frivolous nobody of a woman and after a little while grew so jealous of herhusbandslovefqrhis mother that lie was obliged to take her away not long after this mrs manches ter was taken to her last home and if ever a human being died of a broken heart that woman did alices grief at the funeral was terrible to witness there was some thing in her face that told me she had found her husband out and realized to the fullest extent the great wrong she had done now the point i want to make is this the men who object to mothersinlaw are usually the mqn who will bear watching the men who are in the habit of drinking and carousing and whose intention is to neglect tneifwiyes they realize that they cant pull the wool over the eyes of a woman who has years and experience on her head the lies that their trusting wives will swal low wont godown a motherinlaws throat the man who means well by the woman he marries will have a genuine respeot for the woman who has succeeded in making her so desirable and attractive the judgment and affection that have brought her daugh ter to so successful a womanhood will be just as valuable after marriage as before i dont say theft there are not some xaei- dling women who as mothersinlaw nottalideairffcble but i do ayjtmlt i pbjce tfcbjbee cetf ib girls mother is usually her lest friend and the man who endeavors to sej larate a mother and daughter is an interloper and a rene gade keith reynolds turned out a drunk ard i knew ho would when anyone talks to me about forsak ing father and mother and cleaving to jiheir wife quoting or rather misquoting scrip ture to suit their own selfish ends i almost wish that somebody would but an end to them and pnt it out of their power to ruin the lives of others qood health goodness wears well we five or six ladies near relatives begau their matrimonial life about the same time happening to meet one day after having been married about teu years they com pared notes and talked about their hus bands a lawyers wife spoke with pride of the brilliant success her husbanct had won at the bar another lady professed- herself satisfied with the luxurious home which her hubband a large manufacturer had providedfor his family a third whose husbaud stood well on change and in soci ety said she wouldnt exchange places with any of them she had everything she asked for and the best people visited her the conversation flowed ou m this strain until one of the parly exclaimed why molhe you havent said one word about your husband co tell us some thing we all know yon were uot very ijnuch in love with him vhen you married him but i am vow answered promptly the lady who had listened in silence you all know that william is neither brilliant nor rich but i know that he is good and the longer i live the more i value sitriple goodness especially in the mau you live with we are not even welltodo william has not added a penny to hisjfortune but though we have hod a hard struggle we have enough and our home is the bariniest in the country during our whole mftrried life my husband has not spoken one harsh word to me nor hag he caused me a moments anxiety and he has been as good as he could be all the time her hearers lapsed into bileuce and kept their eyes on their fancy work the hus bands e several of them were not amiable nor were their habits such as their wives cared to speak abou even to a congdeutial friend molly has capped us all exclaimed one at last throwing down her work take it day in and day out goodness is better than smartness to live with wed all of us rather wear a real diamond even if it is a little off color than a pasteone no matter how brilliant william may be a little opaque but he is good and wears well the trubtwtjji flowers spring to blossom when she walks the- careful ways of duty our hard stiff lines of life with her are flowing curves of beauty our homes are cheerier for her i lake our dooryards brighter bloonjing and all about the social air is sweeter for her coming unspoken homohes of peace her daily life is preaching the still refreshment of the dew is her unconscious teaching and never tenderer hand than hers unknits thebrbwof ailing hergarments to the sick mans ear have music itiiheir trailing i her presence lends its warmth and health to all who come before it ji women lest us edeni such as she alone restore it i r and if the husband or the wife j in homes strong light discovers such slight defaults as failed to meet the blinded eyes of lovers why need we care to aek who dreams without their thorns of roses or wonders that the truest steel the readiest spark discloses 1 for sifcilkin mutual sufferance lies the secret of true living love scarce is love that never knows the sweetness of forgiving john c waittier 1lr hancock and seymju i two men made great by one event and both suooumb to a common fate general hancock the pride of the army of splendid physique martial bearing tihe obedient eoldier whom war made famous gov seymour the old time gentleman the pacific statesman the idol of a great party both men standardbearers of the demo cracy tho one aa a soldier the ojher as a statesman in a presidential contest both dad j both dead almost the same hour there is a remarkable parallel and con trast between these two jiieu the war period made both famous bathjwere patriots both yielded to the sameambi- ttion both succumbed to the same fate hancock apparently well one day the npxt says the world is sinking stlep by step like a person descending a pair of stairs governor seymour says l associated press has been gradually failing for eight years both men thonsh of entirel f dif ferent temperament lerded to a co nmon fate hancocks case was discovered 1 y an emilent physician at the ery last m ment to blbeyond help because back f thei malignant ulcer in hisneck was adirder which made living impossible governor seymours hfe for eight years has been feeble as the associated press says because of a serious attack of renal inflammation some time ago and his death therefrom has only been a question of time both hancock and seymour might have livedtnany years had they known and re- they are all busy and active ones theyj cognized the fact that jhey were each of a satans four servants satan has a great many servants and ride in the railway trains and sail on the steamboats they swarm along the high ways of the country and the tlroroughf areb of the city they do business in the busy marts they are everywhere and in all places some are bo vilelooking that one instinctively turns from them in disgust but some are so sociable insinuating and plausible that they almost deeeive at times the very elect among the latter aie to be found the devils four chief servants here are their names theios no danger that is one only this once that is another everybody does bo this is the third by and by this is the foui th when tempted from the path of strict rectitude and there is no danger urges you on say get thee behind me satan when temfted to give the sabbath up to pleasure lor to a little labour in the workshop or conntmgroom and only this once or every body doeo bo whispers at your elbow do not listen for a jmoment to the dangerous counsel all four axe cheats- and liars they mean to deceive and cheat you out of heaven behold says god now is the accepted time now is the day of balvation he has no promise for by and by one flesh doctor have yougotrthe better of the ague yet patient no sor me an my wife is as bad as iver sor doctor did you get that whiskey and quinine i prescribed patient yir sor but it did no good at all at all i doctor that is strange you took it according to instructions i suppose patient yis sor you know a man and his wife are one doctor what has that got to do with it patient well you see sor bern as we them vietjms of a dangerous kidney dis order and treated themselves successfully as might have qpne by that great scientific specific warners safe cure well might a wellknown physician exclaim i sometimes think people would never die if their kidpeys were alwayb sound an eminent new york physioian says haucocks kidneys stopped excreting urea no wonder he died for 400 grains of this horrible blood poisoner should be passed out by the kidneys every day- if they fail disease inns riot through the whole system and death is inevitable deaths from kidney disorders ftre of the commonest occurence among all classes hut are more noticeable in these j two classes because of the prominence of the victims thonsaud4 of cases of needless deaths aye of actual buicide and homicide occur every year because people and physi cians fail to give proper attention to the only blood purifiers in the systetn thesetwo cases ocennng so istrikimjjjy near each other originating in a common source and eventuating in a common fate ought to arouse the people to the necessity of allowing no season to pass without taking a few bottle of the great specific alluded to which js the only remedy known that has direct power and control over these great organs not only preventing and our- iug the diseases to which they axe subject but also preventing andjjuring the many many diseases which would never exist jif these organs were always 60und f are one flesh i took the whiskey an biddy the quinine gave you il i 3 hiring new ivien iji is a risky experiment to lure anew man for the farm every season half of the men who offer their services in the spring of the jyear are men who could not keep a placet permanently if they would and the farmjer who does not hire untd he is obliged to is almost certain to get one of these a permanent labourer who is given a cottage and a garden soon begins to feel an interest in the work and the business of the farm only second to that of the owner and becominjg attached to his home he will naturally seek to keep his place by the rendering of faithful service irai cana dian mother graves worm ex pleasant to tike sore and stroying wortns best results l 2 i where are you going p there was an apprentice in london mice who made an appointment with another boy to spend a particular sunday evening in folly he was hurrying along to meet his companion and at the turning of street hemet his masters wife william said she whore going william told her then the good woinen said to the lad that would be a wrong way to spend the day of rest come jo gods house with me the lad consented and went and that night jesus who has the hearts of all men in his keeping caused the preacher to choose for his text what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul the text came like a- i oud knock to the heart dt william and it c ame knocking at the door of his heart the lad heard the voice of his saviour i in the words and god gave hn grace to open his heart and let the saviour in he beoa ne a christian and then a student of the b ible and in the eud the great south sea mis- j eionary ana martyr williams a journal has this gem of an ausweij to a corespondent v we decline to aok iow rminator is ectnal in de- many have tried it with j edge the receipt of your postcard j which is very much like the man who travilled home to ah insulting enemyto utthha to his face that j he would treat him with iilad contempt r im ll jstl suefts4sswli