fk2 sfe mmmmmmwikkflk mtoimmm stye tit fr a fctsjg tkb new baby mubfi fought baby ittiebitaetttaa zink i most uld put hinv froo my ubbergriijg ainh jsjol aint he awful pink t just comedown from heaven datfs a flbv1 sink doctor told aniuaser great big awfulie noe aint out of joyeut t dat aint why 1 cry fivj zink x ought to love him ho i wont so sere i nasay crying baby aint got any hair sand me off wiz biddy every bugle day be a good boy charho- t runaway and play dot alliny nice kisses i dot my place in bed mean to take my drumstick and hit him on ze head a charitable editor i bui snort editor of the crosby oourty clarion and farmrrf nnrfieaior is one of the kindesthearted en in the world he has a family of fourteen children his income of course is very small and uncer tain but this does not prevent him fiom being charitable one cold day last week while he was out walking to keep himself warm there being no fire iu his office on account of the unwillingness of hijf readers to swap off the cordwood for bubssfiptions he came across a ragged little ky who was crying bitterly taking the little boy by the band bill snort said come home with me little fellow ill provide for your future existence on arriving at his house col snort said tohiswife here is a poor little orphan boy ive brought home to you bill have yon lost your senses he is oar own little tommy texas sifiingt tllaitwrtaae it is just as essential that the human body should have pure blood as thatairei or plant should have aa to nourish iana invigorate its growth nearly 4ub0jp bodily ills arise from unhealthy blood burdock blood bitters purifies this toun tarn of lif and regulates all the vital prgaub tolhealtby action this is tooeitify that i have used mb gregors speec y cure for dyspepsia audi liver complai it and do honestly say that if it cost me oi 10 hundred dollars 10000 a bottle i would not be without it as it bus done be more good than all the mediolres i everused and i feel like a uew man yours truly alex steel carleton place out this medieine is tor sale atsoo aid 1 per bottle at dr mogarvins drug store joyful sews li is certainly gkd tidings to the psor invalid to be informed of a remedy that will give prompt and sure relief iu case of painful flufferipg such a remedy ib hag- yards yellow oil adapted for internal and external use- in all ordinary aches pains lameness and soreness it cures rheum a tism neuralgia sore throat croup and all inflammatory pains merit proven dollar upon dollar is frequently speuton the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not so with i 0 gregors speedy ciire you arc not asked mtifect that one xhoj caftltigt compete mth te gk t r low rates to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j e mcgarvins drug btorej and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no irtittcrof how long standing it costs you nothing sold in 50c and 1 bottles see testimon- als from persons in your own town 1 29 itching mies symptoms and cure the symptomsare moisture like perspir ation iuteuse itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems as if pin worms werectawling in and about the rectum tile private parts are sometimes affected ii allowed to continue very serious results may follow swxvses amazed willi mistinderstood a french surgeon prescribed a bath for an ailing soldier and ordered that he should be conducted to an adjoining bathing establishment by a sergeant at the end of an hours waiting at the bathroom door the sergeant hearing no noise entered the room and found the soldier seated by the side of the bath tub the water the same as it was when the soldier went into the room except that its level had been perceptibly lowered 31a foi sergeant said the soldier you mwy put me in the guard house if you want to but i cant drink another drop ointment is a pleasant sure cure for tetter itch salt rheum all crusty skin diseases sent by mail cents 3 boxea 125 in stamps dressdr swayne son philadelphia 1 m also scaly ifor 50 ad- pa tl a good scheme customer to drug clerk compounding a prescription fine weather were haying drug clerkfum customer feels a little like snow drug clerkfum j customer drug business pretty lively t drug clerktjmum custojnerrwhats the matter with you gotjapain dirng clerk pointing to a sign bead tha sir j3nstomer reading the sign silence insures accurapy urn thomas myers bracebridge writes br thomas eclectric oil is the best medicine 1 sell it always gives satisfac tion and in cases of coughs colds sore throat 4c immediate relief has been re- iceivsd by those who use it tfatlr probabilities the probabilities are that we shall have much damp chilly sloppy weather during the coming season just the weather to contract sudden colds be prepared for them by having on hand hagyards pec toral balsam safe agreeable and speedy ciire for colds and their consequences u you ever tried mcgregor fcparkes carbolic cerate for sores of any kind it is beyond doubt the very best preparation in the market for healing and curing sores bums cuts pimples blotches and is the only proper method of applying carbolic acid sofd at dr mcgarvins drug store for 25c per box threatened dancer rr tr jmimmiv in the fail of 184 bandall miller of maitland n s was prostrated to his bed with an attack of incipient consumption cough remedies all failefl he rapidly debilitated and friends despaired of his recovery he tried burdock blood bitters with immediate relief followed by a speedy cure amps hudgin toronto writes ji have been a sufferer from dyspepsia for the past six years all the remedies i tried proved nseleas until northrop a lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure was brought under my notice i have used two bottles with the best results and can with confidence recommend it to those afflicted in like manner j the faith fare thejiewtheoryof cure is rapidly grow- ing in fashion b is illogica in reason and science iaith without works is dead those who have faith in hagyards yel low oil have its good vforks to assure their faith if is an unfailing external and in ternal relief for aches pains lameness and soreness luld lightnibg there ire but few that have never suffered almost intolerable pain from toothache neural ia or like ucute pains to them such ai instant relief as fluid lightning is an unt id blessing in time of trouble no disgusi iog offensive medioines to be taken or day one application of fluid light ning cares sold atje mcgarvins drnglitore j f20 the progress of- medical lj enlightenment hae id to the abandonment of inany y aatiqi lated remedies of questionable value sad the adoption of newer and more ra- ones jprominent among the latter ja lymans vegetable j ike onre the justly celej purifier av comprehensivej ly ib lirar complaint con iisli complaints sold by druggists t have yon toothache use fluid i light ning haye ypu rheumatism us fluid lightning j have ycu arstiff joint use fluid light ning- j have you neuralgia use fluil light ning have yon lumbago usefluid lights ning are yon troubled with headache use fluid lightning have you any pain usefluid light ning it will cure you the instant it is j apnlied try it 25c per bottle at dr mcg aryins drug store restitnd iootfurt to luc safterln browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures paiu in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blond and ileal as its acting power is wolnderfal browns rjohsphold pan acea beijig acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or linimbnt in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really lis the best remedy in the world for cranps in the i stomach and pains and achei of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists iijso cents bottle 44 prominent among the greatest medica i discoveries by the many cures it has attect- ed mcgregors speed cure jleads the van subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it has been found to contain one of those injurions ingredients characterizing the worthless specitics daily offered to the pnblic every ingredient possesses a pecul- ar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compourijded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we can offer to the pnblic with the assurance that it will be found not onlyj a retter bnt an absolutecure for dyspepsia i liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im- pure blood free trial- bottles at j e mcgarvins drue store j 31 i if you have a cough or cold dp not neglect it many without a trace of thiitheredjtary disease have drifted into a consumptives grave by neglecting what was inly aslighti pold had they used bickle b anti con- bamptive syrup before it waatoo late their lives would have laeen spared mr a w levy mitchell writes i think bickles anticonsumptive syrup the best preparation on the market for coughs and colds about six years ago i caught a severe cold which settled on my lungs and for three months i had a copgil had a physician attending mebnt gradually grew worse until i wab on rere of con sumption and had given m hopes of being cared when 1 was induced to try bickles syrnp before ihail taken one bottle i found myself greatly rolieved and by the time i had finished the lecond bottle i was completely cured lalvays recom- mei id it for severe colds and cc nsumption holloway pills in cases i f chronio in digestion disordered liver anc general de bility these pills are wonderf illy effective j pyfe acton jfyfe acton j fyfe acton j riyj if mfcedi-800ftm- bs preas i710am pjmmalli ub am tl rough ex547pin jom ilowpm a jist o it i i commence this morningi to sell anything and every thing in my store for just wliat 1 can get j for it in cash you will he able to buy more goods frta ihe for the next ionth for ten dollars to can buy elsewhere hi the world dont forget this for i mean it i want to sell c7wjr of goods before tie 1st of ap mjr lease of store espires oa ttiat dsite remember his it will cost you nothing to come and see what we are doing jaij pay up any accounts you may owe at ionce qr costs will be incurried j r halton dry goods house c b g r if ijv crdnd trunk railway ooreithast ooisowbst bxpremlf47 an- express 1102 an mall 615 pir special 880 pm accorn coach um am jago bxpresi does not stop between guelpt nd totonw imeof olosino hails 1 bdlng wsst 100 am and fio pm rjoing east 1040 am and 52q pm english mail closes at 104 am on wednesday i icanadian pacific railway to tiili points east and west mm mmmm m j fv c0ndks8ed ttj1e- table oronto to detroit chicago anmanitoba stloaisex pacific ex loealex voronto 8 10 am 1 05 pm i 15pm i ifrethvillejun0 13 2 0g 5 25 utthoinas 12 05 pin 5 25 s55 detroit 5 50 v 8 45 7 55 am 1 jhicago 6 00 am 8 05 am 5 45pm tvinniic8 7 00 daily except monday toronto to montreal quebec and boston limited ex montreal ex toronto 8 25 am s00pm dttawa 5 25pm i 4 38 am montreal 9 00 818v juobec 6 30lam 0 50 pm iston 8 45pm 845am brampton to streetsville junction s brampton 9 47 am 6 54 pm btreetsvule jct 10 40 7 15 brampton to qrarjgevsle and owen sound brampton i- 947am 5 55 pm orangevme u 00 7 10 owcn8ound3 80pnl 10 30 purchase yourtickets by this new ane poppriiar lin volitjme if d9bs the groatest amazement yet at the eight house dry goods millinery mantles jjudcrclithiug of all kinds nlghtwear bed clothlngiof ever deacriptlon house furhishiug goods and hundreds of other articles are put down lower than was ever heard of frinch aluwool dress goods of all kinds put dbwn topriesa than cost a very superior stock of bljtck allwool french cash meres marked down from 50 to 80c from g5i to 45c from 75 to 6o0 from 80 to 65o from 85 th 70c irom 95 to 75c from 1 to 80c from 112 to90o from 125 to 1 from 160 to 125 beautiful col red all- xnrinnb the latest shades marked down from 50 to 40c fr nn from 75 to 60c from 80to65o from s5 to 70c from 87 j to 75q itroinuu iu iuu uu from45 to 87c from 50 to 40c ileautiful black allwool french berge good value fdr 80c going at 25c just see cne uray uoiwu aiou at 5c the 40iuch gray cotton atuc am piles of otherfctory cottons good and lieayy at astonishingly low prices excellent white cotton yard wide marked down from8jto9jctromlo to7c be bare to 1 ee the 10c the 12c aud 15c bleached cottbus hundreds of pieces of prints marked dbwri from 10 to 6ci which are fine loin at ind hntatoic they are astonishing bargains handsome 12jc prints put down to 7e abvgeiot of very neat pattern blankets cheaper t tho imnstrv bmsbels nhd wiltons new spring goods just imported two erf dea 11 j e mcgarvin ticket aent acton ontario ispubiii every thubsp j v frge pbe88 pdwelt acton 8ub8criptlc jtsz x2abl siij taaefimos invariably in advaiid 125 per year will be ch tinned till all irreaj option ot thepublishi advehti ouet3olumn haugohtmns u quarter oolamn i v oneljchi advert wulbei acton planing mills williamson fiamsh aw mlopeletob builder and qoatractor saslt door and blial factory j ca80lildverttserientrj first inseriipn and b c6at sequent insertion cash- reckoned by the space oc scale of solid nonpareil mentb withol a ngiy tranaitori adve n advanee charigei fof contract i in the office by 9 am they will bej left over nn ejta aper jbnren10pij kmsorbeniaaei cloth wide wicths and very c going at an immense reduction j tarpcis ape seiuug uu ui shipments of new spring and sumr ifcr prin a muslins shirtings quilts und various other new goods in tne very laiebs styies un marked own w not be put upaiain 1 ley will be sold off at uuder cost an they aro marked now be sure to come to the risrht hque king street east one door west of hughson street thenameis i thomas g waiticjclsrs hamilton february 18th 1880 is prepared to put on storm doors winj pjlowg weather j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton from the cradle to the gravft keep this in mind when you 50 to ptivchasa your fall olbthnig tliat east end c store is unsurpassed for artistic desigij i extent of stock moderate price and djurable workmanship worsted suits iblack ltlue or brofu fyfe acton fyfe acton fyfe acton an elegant twied s ait for t 14c0 1600 or 1700 alsoovercoaringk in all shades ot beavers melton naps tweecls and worsteds a large atoclk of underclothing good and cheap j fyfe j fyfe j fyfe o v- strips etc on short noticje winter porches erected neatly and at reasonable prices t t we have one of fleurys celebrated chop j ping mills and will chop all kinds of grain on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays taramshaw managers biislnsss lowbyi graduate of i ber of college of phys office and resideni frederick street the key to health cei stacey trinity uhive dty medical school of phy siciansapd srj ownfemai st offiqe- j benjilettl acton acton agton j speight son ijuraitute boalers and undertakers acton hayijng erected a fine new showroom have just received a uew and wellassorted stock of furjiitnre of all kinds of the latest designs iuclndiug i parlor furniture i bedroom suites bureaus sofas lounges tables cfraiys rockers bedsteads and cradles and evorythiug else that any family requires in the furniture line during their journey from the cradle to the grave and we icab preparn thciri for the grave i- toofor we have on hand a latge stock of looffiisrs v oausdrels egto of all ktndsand sizes aud all other funeral furnishings a first- a peerlessih mmm 1 ion oil sis gold tab carried off all the prizes and is the best jljl machine oil offered for sale in the domin ion in proof of this we will pay freight both ways wheu it fails to please the purchaser medals have been awarded this oil within the last thre years- nonegetfuineonlythatmadeatthe- i qitpt oil woeks samuel rogjsrs co toronto forale by jj b pearson dr mcgajrvin j e howson and c t hill acton and to will supply all on the shortest notice and most reasonable- terms tse dratvu by a wellmaiched team for hire ck j a speight managjer kelly bros kelly brofe gdee3sr d shoulte bockwood having added the 17ly iug- oo w r e ino qoikgi go to the metropolitan studio hoto because there i get satisfaction jit modjerate prices metropolitan studio businesls ds to secure a firstclats ca a a ruby they are already an establish sd fact and indeed have so general and powerful an effect on the whole system thi it thousands of the sick and amicted in ever clime have found them a comfort ir time of need they purify the- blood cbrract the bile j excite a healthy appetite podnce sound sleep and impart increased e ergy to both mind and- body the admin ble properties f these farfamed pills at a too highly appreojated to require any et eornium here asjey are reported to by ric 1 and poor of every natioh the cores they effect are lnot merely temporary but they bring about a wondrous apdben sfloial change tbioiigboat raa entire body nd enable it with renovatid powers to eelst the ap proach of all future attacks guide a beautiful work pf 150 pages colored plates and 1000 illustrations with descriptions ol 1 the best flowers and vegetables prices of pt and elants and how to grow b7 them printed in english and german price only 10 cents which may be deducted from it lelu what you want for the garden and how to get it instead of running to the grocery at the last uy iwhat seeds happen to be left over meeting with disappointment after weeks of wailing to our grocery it enable us to supply the wants of the people ni anything they may vaut the meat hne as we intend to keep fresh and cured svieats of all kin constantly on hand the above busiuess vc intend to conduct in a different style thaii acton has beett accustomed to in the past we are ijjoing to lit apthe room next door to us which- is occupied by dr staccy in the best style most euitable for the ness therefore our customers can rely upou gettiiigall kinds of at any lime our grocery bepaelt will be jst the saihe as before everything new andcholcct i which will be sold at the lowest possible prices i now busi- rneat nervous debiltty menttii and physical inpapac- ity imiiodlmeuts of marriageetc resultinc blmizwmki i blajbtghi 3aisra- goolgoqds at low prices everytfiing in winter goods reduced blankets all rrddoecl iii -lp- peimaneiit cure without medicine of ebiitty ilme fm excesses yag pricft in a sealed envelope only 0 cent or two postage stamps the celebrated author in this admirable es say clearly demonstrates from thirtyyears successful practice that alarming conseqnerices max b radically cured withotititbe dangerous use at internal medicines or the use of thejraife pointing out ji mode of cure at onee simple cer- iain ojid effectual by means of which every sufferer no matter what his conditibn may be may cure himself cheaply privately and radically this lecture shouldbe in the hands ot every youth and everyinau in thejand health- ob alll s medical o nrniinvtu 41 wi tt kew york hollo wats pills ald ointmdot kellt3e0s eblit iaos childrens wool hose reduced to 10c ijadies aljwool hose reduced to20c ladiejs lined kid mitts reduced to 5qc- childrens lined kid mitts reducedto 8o i ladies josephine kid gloves reduced to 50o heavy quality nap cloth v reduced to ouc s ladies7 fur capes reduced to om 10 to 25 per ceit t worth 50a rtdnced to 26o oashmercs tednced 15 to 20 per cent 4 good check wincey 10c worth 18c ladies and childrens wppbmitu 15c worth 80c large wool clouds 80c worth 50c ladies wool cuffs reduced to 12jo ladiea underwear riduced to 50c ifvsl boys wool vests reduced to 35c j iilji lh i bojru top shirts reduced to 45c- new embroideries just received from 5o upwards new prints elejanid6sii5apmnsd yard to 20c ijfew ahirtings ohoiceptterns 8o o 15c f kew qlntainsj nice patterns 10c ipa jpills purify llie blood correct all disorders of the jiveh stomjh kidneys and bowels they invigorate and restore to health debilitated constitutions and arejiuvaluaaleiu all complaints incidental to females of all ages for children and the aged 1 are priceless they it jthe ointmelsit is an infallable remedy for bail legs bad bieasts old wounds sores und ul seiu is famous for gout and rueuhiaubm for disorders of thechest it baa no e nal 0s aoee vb0a9s se01t0h1xi3 oouahs 00ld3 glandular swellings and all skin diseases it hasno rival and for coitractedjand stiff j lointsit acts like a oharm i 4 comforters allreduoed 1u briers woeitepr oarpeto jittppoial reduptjo itloa mmmn imimmfiiiimmm 7 manufactured onlyatthomas hollowajs eablishiment iv- i j iiii oa im 4a rid i lis 22s andeabbboxorppuandmay ppower8 fjm eonthetotaabdbb address ltf ianrloii theyapnrioii8i ilbi i pnlocka all the clogged avenues of the bowels kidneys am liver carryi ingolf gradually without weakening the system all the impurities and foul hrimarflbfjjio secrotions at- the same time gorroetliig acijity of the stomach curing biliousness dys pepsia headaches diaziness heartburn constipation dryness of the skin dropsy dimness 6t if vision jatmaice salt bhernn erysipelas scrofula fluttering of the heart 2ervousn6ssj and gen eral debility oil these and many other similar complaints yjeld to the happy in cf buedock blood berceba t jmburn co proprtetcr torontti neyf rrioblyl teeth stratoli cpuegfs rons in any 4ctbn mohtli system- may laplessdl vitalized air y for eainlesp den office of 4 jgb tovelt tjpper daijtion each pluaof the myftle navy is hlvrked r- r inbrokze iltteks none other genuine ropjrxawsc u jtario veterii veterinary surgem in kenny bros denci in the reari soundness aud cer alloallsnighti ed to terms easij tleancf barristers solid ancers ac tpl wmja mcleax f hook of 100 pages 4 he besthook for an advijrtlscr to con- itisiicsalt expert- 0 zzufsssseaoea or otherwise stains lists of newspapers and estimates ofttocpst of advertising theadverhserwho wantsio spend onedollar finds in itthe in formation he requires while forhim whoirill invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad- vertislng a scheme is indicated which will mefctrdb everyreinlrerncrrt or can be mods ib dosaby slight changes eashy arrived at by cor j ftioiis have been issued ny address for 10 cents p koy7ell co 13 v v wi vff m respomfeneei 14bou sent postpaid address for 10 cento b to geo ahtetetisina btmeatj write newspaper 10spruoestprinunehonse8g hew york manhood how lost how kestoreb we have recently published a new edition of dr cnlverwells cele brated essay on th radical and w emitc soucrrob j omen hrst office main streeij at 6jper cent 3nal toeonto aaujsg kg st tiainlaid bxsnisil jmcesioye linton street e alljeyy toronto 4ohji batk qil william lasbj 4atentsb henby fej 2t yeaisr m heml lict the countal oidere left ai t at my promptly att- fir alsomouey i a la terms an ti rest in sue v i licensed aij haltonand jjames matthd attention ta syellovvdil cures rheumatism if not i rohs v3 orrke l q square- j worm powders are pleftsant to take contain their own furgativo isqkjafo euro and ctfectaaf gutrotw otytormmln cuttdrcnbcadnuk psiard v to all who are bufferingtrom ihe i errorb j and indiscretions of youth nervous weak ness early deoay loss pf manhood o will send yon a recipe iihat i will cure yoni free op charge this great remedy was discovered by a missionary in south ajnerica send a self addressed envelope to tire bsv dossthtlnius siatiend new tprk city mm ixohn j fj 1 bucc money er cent danedfor pa j leonrity cc jroperly aaii farms and with farms f dorninionto culated in wanting fare rections tbrl farms waii denoeihv guelphontl t ihe an easy sh seafoam ar given ba odhdition tastily cut mmm