Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1886, p. 1

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t a- volume xix6 40 i i j 7is 1jcblmrk14 every thursday morning j xt thk- kree press power printing house acton ontario 8uibs0riph0n rates qnk ykvu fcloo six months wets- tllrkk months 85 ct8 hiyariably in advance it not paid iu odvonoo 1 per yoar will bo charged tjuuod till s11 arrears are paid option of the publisher advertising rates no paper discon except at tho spack one column hokcolumu quarter coluimi quo iacttvj 1 yb 1 c mo 8 mo j 1 nib s700 foo00 1 s3500 i s20w 35t 2050 1100 moo lww 7oo coal sjo 200 s50 150 loo casual advertisements 8 cents per hue for the hirst insertion and 2 cents per line for each sub sequent insertion cash the number of lines reckoned bv the space occupied measured by a scale of solid konpareil advortisements without specific directions will be inserted till torbid and charged accord- ugly transitory advertisemcnteiuust be paid n advance change for contract advertisements must be iu the office by 9 om on mondays otherwise thev will bo left over until the following week h p moore editor and proprietor acton sforey acton banking coy christie co -bankers- ontario j e pafip flilipplp acton ontario turs pay april 1 188 genee l banking business transacted money roasted oxt approved notes notes discounted and interest alio wed on deposits m special agency aoton ont bell telephone company messages i dceivedaud transmitted at lower allan tuio dudcd maybe found on file at geo v i nio rnf ell rowel 1 co newspaper art bttislngbuwiu10spnicesta where adverting jsntscu miy be made tor it ik kew york mmm busiiness directory axf h lowry m b m c p s graduate of trinity college mem- berof college of physicians and surgeons office and residence 2t the head of frederick street acton ce stagey mj cm graduate of trinity university fellow of trin ity medical school member of the college of physicians and surgeons office campbells hotel t l bennett lds pentist i am georgetownjontario ac mckinlay ld s surgeon dentist georgetown ont uses the new svsteni of nitrous oxide gas com- nionly calledyitaiized air for extracting teeth without pain having been demon strator aud practical teacher inroya college of pental stfrgeons toronto pat- rons may depend upon receiving satisfaction 5i6 any operations performed will visit acton every other wednesday of each month office agnews hotel jstirton ijl d s m r c d s ontario hdpor graduate ontario college of dental surgery successor to c b haves lds artificial teeth in- serted on rubber celluloid gold or alum- innm and satisfaction guaranteed nit- rousoxiflegasadministered feesmoder- ate appointments mode by leteer office tpvells block opposite p j gnelph john lawson gkabtj ate opon- tario yeterinary college toronto- veterinary surgeon acton orit office in kenny bros boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given j all calls night or day promptly attend ed to terms easy m clean mcmillan barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers jtc s3priyate funds to loan office town hall acton wsi a ilclieak hugh mcmillax at emitghell soucrrde cosveyaxczb ax office frrsifdoor west of the cllampion office main street milton money to loan at 6 percent q hilton allan baird barristers solicitors ac touoxto axdgeokgetwx- ofhcescreelmanls block georgetown and 86 king street east toronto w t allvx j shht0x ba jbaikd ba line steamships tickets issued to all poiu of great britain md the continent at very lowest rates buy the tickets here if sendiug for friends- m0h67 j acton all saved by dealing with e mcgarvin ontabio the geo rni ates than telegraphing farmers having crijipled horses and others will do well to chll on stoddard whi is prepared to remove ringbopes spavins curbs and splints witllout injuring the horse salisfactii in guaranteed or no charge geo st0ddaed creechs old stand acton lumber shingles and lath oaoicie new wall paper -witu- borders to match newest styles colorings fand elegant designs for 1886 days bookstore cuelph best stock to select trom lowest price and test value at days bookstore day sells cheap acton livery sale stables john street acton win e smith proprietor ihe undersi netf desires to inform tho public that be 1 as now on band and will keep iu stock n full li le of pine and hemlock as well as other kinds cf lumber nlso first and secoud class pine shingles lath coal wood having pur hased tbe coalibnsiuess of mr c ssiiiith i ari prepared i to snpply all kinds ol stove coal nalsoa good stock of wood hardwood ai h cedafand mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered james brown ire burned b ainlaidlawitco birmsteiis soucirioiui offices over imperial rank 24 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto jckx baix q c c a ilwtex wlllum lilulaw geoboe ka1te1 patents secueed foe inventions henry gristc ottawi caxada j 20 years practice i iiso patent no pay fire fire out sut not destroyed perfected arrangements building of the for w m hemstreet licensed auctioseeb tot the oduiities of wellington and haltbn orders left at the feee 5bess office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable i moseyto iioak i also money to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 9500 and upwards j havinft tlier planing milti at the head of river street recently de stroyed by ire and purchased new macbin ery we wot id inform the public that on or about the 1 it of may we will be in a better position ths u ever to supply their wants in the shape of deessnta ltjmbee sesstzq fl003 ihg uottlsoras sse i lso in the meantime pumps will be repaired ana general job bing done as usual i tbaukin j you for past favors and hoping by strict at teution to business and reason- able prices to merit an increased share of patronage we are respectfully yours tl los ebbage manager ased the livery mr smith hits purcki business of mr h b mciparthy which he has removed to his commodious stablea on john street in the centre of the business portion of the town mri smith has had lengthy experience in this business and feels confident that he can give satisfaction to every patron anyone desiriujf commercial plea sure or company rigcahrbesupplied with a hrstcla s turnout on the shortest notice it ctott fm f xt thcilsdatt moiinino ap in 1 1886 poetry ti tsg f 5- tsk w price three cents wait till the osbwds roll by the bono of bcotiiani ya11d mondavted 8lh aiu wail till the clqlls soil by bobby my own blue peeler the mobs gone madj i see rushing like windlashed willows smashing np propertee i how they will miss us my uiobby there were the row is racing high bobby my own blue peeler watt till the crowds roll by 1 cnonvs wait till the crowds roll byl bobby youve no commands uof more have i bobby my own blue peeler wait till the crowds rolljby i bobby were far from ready scotland yards fast asleep here we are out of danger here we had better keepl tiow can we help the row toy bobby take then my tip and do not try bobby my own bine peeler wait till the crowds roll by chohds wait till the orowds roll by c bobby a wooden image garbed hfofficial blue would be about as useful trulys i or you dont go ablushing now my bobby that we from duty so should fly bobby my own blue peeler avait till the crowds roll by chorus wait till the crowds roll bybobby well tomorrow raise the hue and cry but for today the colonel tip is wait till the crowds roll by our t0ry ttuelpll- business cotlece c t1elph ontario the siicond scholastic year coram enced september 1st eachde partment i 5 in charge of a specialist to impart a p ractical training for the efficient surveyorjohn davis provin cial land surveyor and ceguelpti orders by mail or telegraph promptly at tended to charges moderate office 3t3 perth st gnelph johjf day architect guixph ont office queens hotel- block market squarej jtohnj jj daley kf soccessor to thompson jackson moneyjto loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased mony loaned f3r parties in mortgages and othr security conveyancingin- all its branches properly and neatly- done charges low farms arid city property for sale list with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to intendingpurchasers and cir culated ib europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through our european agencies farms vfanted for pur lists correspon dence invjited office near the post office grieiph jnt business affairs is the sphere i the institution its graduates are alreadj holding responsible position in the comm ircial centres in the dominion raungmen and women are thor oughly pre dared for positions as bookk6ep era short land writers correspondents or telegra h operators students received at any tin e for circular and catalogue information address m maccobmick principal conduct oi and work giving full u6m fire 00txir7 of head office cuelph hanlan barber 8hop mm stbret acton rrihe an easy shave a stylish haircut a seafoam jan exhilarating bhampoo always given razors honed and put in nrqtclass condition tastily cujt ladies and childrens tiiir j p wobiev tonsorial artist jnsures factories property horses boarded and sold terms reasonable j wm e smith wellington marble works quebec st guelfh john h hamilton projfrietok wholesale and retail j dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery wrk direct importer of all kinds i of granite aiid i marble having lately visited the bay of fundygrauitp quirries and havirifi pujchasedtlie antiro stock ofgray and red granite monuments fieadstones crbbses urns ete of alexander taylor at less than cost i will until further noticesell at prices never before known in ontario for in stance granite monuments c ft higb g0 7 ft 575 8 ft 90 9 f trjloo 10 f t 120 all work aud material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything iu this line will do well to call and see melhefore purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee my prices are from 30 to 50 per cent below all oihor dealers dont read this- mutual nsurange company qf the estabusueu 186 n ihe undersigned is prepared to furnish j on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass ljumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also flour and feed and anything m the line of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities thos cmoore miss greys thanksgiving thanksgiving day miss asenith grey snipped off a fresh needleful of thread glancing as she did so from her window to the meat shop across the street where there were suspended a score or more of turkeys of various size and conditions tomor row is thanksgiving day she repeated and i suppose we will take the early train for aunt nancys jean bat jean witherell tossed her head imj patiently you can take what train you like 6he retorted shant go to aunt nancys not go to aunt nancys asenith grays round blue eyes grew rounder with astonishment as ihe repeated her cousins words half sceptically you you dont really mean it jea i do tnean it 1 flashed jean energeti icaily i aint agoing to spend my sub stance agoing tor aunt nancy throckmor tons wheri i can get as good a dinner if not better hee and save my money too we pay our board here and mrs hill wont deduct a cent if we do go y but aunt nancy and uncle enoch jean they will be sodisappoiuted asenith looked reproachfully at her cou sins but jean only shook her head deter minedly j l i cant help it if they are she declared ive got to look out for myself and ive made up my mind to keep my money and not spend it agoing to the country just to please aunt nancy and uncle enoch and you are a goose if you go asenith grey youaiut sq young as you might be five years oldern me at tho very least and youd ought to he ajooking out for yourself and thinking of being settled instead of throwing your money away ariinning to swamp holler every littlewhile to see aunt nancy i but asenith could be as determined as her cousin when she chose i dont expect to be settled as you say she retorted and if i did i should not stop going to auut nancys where i was bom and always lived till i came to the city to earn my living li will cost me a few dollars to be cure but i dont be grudge the money and somehow pr other roast turkey and pumpkin pies dont have the same flavor on a dingy boardinghouse table that they do in the country with the big maple tree brushing the south window and aunt nancys oldfashioned china and silver decorating the table prmvi i wlm nnnaanau day out i really dont get a ohanoo to ex- pand my lungs properly l but a glance at mr gabriel throckmor tons tall figure and weludeveliped ohest would have caused a spectator to smile at the idea of his luugs not being properly expanded j m t it was thanksgivingday and the inmates of throckmorton farm were btirring before the first streak of sunlight quivered over the frosty fields and meadows around swamp hollow j itll hustle me some to git the chores done and go down in time to meet them gals said unele enoch to his helpmeet as he finibbedhis third cup of coffee and pushed baok his empty plate pears like we haint got nothin in per- tiokler to give thanks for either wife he continued you half crippled with the rheumatiz an me jest agitting over the fever an agor but then were alive anm reckin wed ort to be some thankful for thai anyhow its thanksgivin day an we must hev somethin a little extry for dinner so ill go an kill that turkeyhen i reckin ef tisthe last of the flock yes enoch assented aunt nancy you must kill the turkeyhen on thanks givin day pears like we did hev bad luok with that flock of turkeys only twelve hatched ont of a settin of seventeen and the varmints ketched all of them but one i spose wed ort to be thankful they didnt git her too an thank goodness i saved pumpkins enough for a good batch of pies i was af eared theyd freeze that last cold snap but the cornshock where i hed em stowed- away kep the cold off so they didnt even git frostbit i must hustle now an git things sgoin said aunt nancy twont be no great of a dinner after all but its the best i kin do an i reckin asenith and jean will be glad to see us anyhow humph now whats the use of grum- blin wife commented uncl6 enoch roast turkey an pumpkin pies with some of your cup custards an homemade bread is good enough for the king or anybody else if taint theyre welcome to stay away but i must gear up the critturs now an go down after them gals and by the time uncle enoch and the sorrel team made their appearance at the station asenith grey and mr gabriel throckmorton had managed to become quite well acquainted with each other how nice and tall he is thought ase nith blushing very pink beneath the gaze of mr gabriels handsome brown eyes while the young lawyer mentally admit ted that such blue jeyes arid velvety pink cheeks such golden lashes and chestnut tirown curls never had existed before out side of a sforybook and though aunt nancys dinner of roast turkey and pumpkinpie cupoutards and homemade bread was all that the most exacting could desire two at least of the party wore sadly deficient in appetite and only disposed of their share of dinner from- a sense of duty three veeks later jean witherill received a letter from her cousin asenith deah jean it said i am goingto be married on the third of next month to a cousin of uncle enochs mr gabriel throckmorton so you can get a new roommate as soon as you please he is a lawyer and owns that row of brownstone houses opposite mr hills boardinghouse we are going to live in onje of them after we are married and you must come and see us come to the wedding if you can your cousin asenith ghey asenith engageddud to a rich man tool grumbled jcau an me cooped up here working like a beaver far six dollars week but thats alius the way- i never have any good luck mebbe if id agone down there thanksgiving day idagothim though but whod athought of making such a match at swamp holler i didnt im sure or id have gone too helen whitneyclarl sunbeams the bright side bl life as seen by a para- ftapher attendant to imployer mistah smif aah- is outside si h employer you tell mr smith that i left forbuffalo this morning attendant to mr smith de gemmen done lei fo- buffalo dis mawuin sah mr smith are you sure i understood that he had postponed his trip toe buffalo until next week j attendant well ill ax him agin sah but ise dead sartin dats rhat he told me an unsatisfactory explanation mr featherly inquired v bobby what is meant byja beo line abee line bobby explained feather ly withannir of erudition means the manner iu which a bee flie3 to its hive after it has loaded itself with honey bobbys face assained ah expression of perplexed amazement then what did pti mean he asked by sayingthtttjie never met you oh the street that you werent making a bee line for some saloon changino his b0ct0b i am tired of dr smith said a sick man to his wife ho doses- me with quinine until my ears are ready to drop off and it doesnt help me a particle i be lieve ill send for dr de jerpme but consider his charges my dear 510 a visit i i dont care what he charges i am willing to pay for hib skill so dr jerome was summoned and after a careful diagnosis of the case he said give him ten grains of quinine every four hours ill call again tomerrow goodday i irreiient vraws0f ltfe wife you shouldnt take such a morbid view of life my dear look at poor mr smith with his small income and his wife slowly dying and yet he has a cheerful smile aud a pleasant word for everybody husband is his wife dying wife yes husband anil he is cheerful and plea- sant i wifeyes husband well if he dont look out hell give himself away 5 why he bidxit go seating small boy i say jimmy mas jest got a new chamone jdem boss twominute ohurns what brings de butter m no time jimmy is it painted blae small bby yep jimmy cog wile crank srpall boy thatf jimmy did the feller what sold yer ma have watts 6n his neck small boy yep j jimmy earnestly scotty i feels sorry far you ma got one jestrlike it las week dye kuow why i wasnt skatin all day saturday small boy no jimmy i was t sun anew fashioned girlv sned a great and variedknbwledge picked up at a female college of quadratics pneumatics very hydrostaticsi vast and she was stuffed with eruditiontas you stuff a leather cushion all tbe ologies of the colleges and the knowledges of the past j sne had studied the old lexicons of peru- vians and mexicans their theology j autropology and geology oer and oer she knew all the firms and features of prehistoric creatures ichtyosanrua plesiosaurus megalosaurus andmany many more shedjdescribe the ancient tucansjahd tbe basques and the etruscans thr griddles and their kettles and the vic tuals that they gnawed shed discuss tbe learned charmer the theologyo of brahma and the scandals of the vandals iandthe sandals that they have trod she knew p11 the mighty giants and the master minds of scienoe all the learn- irig that was turning n the- burning mmdpfman but she cbuldnt prepare b dinner for a gaunt and hungry sinm sr or get up- a decehjt supper for her 3oor voracious papa for bhe lie ver wa construoted on the old domestioplan i v lhe canadian club a hpmelike institution fa new york vtbere visitors from canada find a hearty weloome last sundays n y woi hi gave an-int- erestjng and lengthy disc iptioq of the canadian club in new york with short sketches of a few of its leading members the following is selected therefrom new york with its large foreign popula tion has butone distinctivelyforeign social club with a building of it3 own aud an or ganization modelled upon trjat of our best clubs and it is due to the enterprise of some of the canadian citizens that this hasbeen accomplished among the 16000 canadian residents in new york tuere are hundreds who have achieved wealth and social prominence when it was proposed- to found a canadian club the idea met with such enthusiastic response that at the first meeting over one hundred signed the rovh and an amount of- money was sub- iribed that at once assured its success the building no 3 north avashington uare was secured and fitted np in a taste- fijil manner although in- tbe first year of ll is on de outside an a it to churuin netv fofy manners for bbys its existence the member numbers about threehundi ly increasing a eeries oi tainments were idaugnra members their families ai invited and programmes o 1 pooh what nonsense i picture framing as if vittles didnt taste just the same whatever you eat em oni but taint any of my business spend your inony a-run- ning to swamp holler and be an old maid if you like only dout expet to live on me if i huppen to make a good match fur im going to look out for myself i and cut buildings merchandize manu- and all other descriptions of 3h the premium note sjj stem pwsfcone cnas davidson i i resident secretary jo in taylor afrent telephonje onneotlon floral view greenhouses mhe uewest and choicest plants and cut flow rs v7holeale and betall fonei al an4 weddlnar designs pre pared n shojrt notice and shipp wt safely any weather i c c speight acton has a large asboirtment of picture frames of all kinds and sizes also a- full line of mouldings cornices c j special frames made to order promptly parlor mouldings and picture hooks a specialty i can sell you better frames for the same money thani you cau purchase elsewhere only firstrclasslwork turned out r your ordersfsolioited j leave your orders at hills stove depot i c c speight 71rancis njunan successor to t f chapnidn bookbindek st georges square gnelph ontario account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound baling neatly and promptly done 2a yetj too sniffed jean as soon as adrift frcm poor relations possible bhart trouble you retorted asenith independeatly the twci cousins had a roora together in thethird storey of a secondrate boarding- house and did copying for a living asenith worked away as happy and con- tented as i robin redbreast but lierpousin was fretfol and dissatisfied and frequently grumbled at her hard lot but it wont be so alwaysp she declared stoutly woise looking girls than me have maried well aud i may have a chance iu the street hat lifted when iayidg goodbye or how do you do also wheu offering a lady a seat or acknowledg- ging a favor keep step with anyone you walk with always precede a lady upstairs but ask if you shall precede crowd or public pfa at the street- doo her in going through a e hat off the moment then vont i show let inie bee 1 mr gabriel throckmor ton wrinkled up his forehead and gazed meditatively into vacancy didnt my father ha e a cousin enoch seems to me he did and this must be him yes he repeated jit must be 7iii tomorrcw is thanksgivingiaytoo sup pose i jui t ran down there c aim the rela tionship and eat my thanki giving dinner withthela i believe i will and if i like then and everything i agreeable i may stay longer a month perhaps mr enoch ti irockmorton swam i hollow mis- buri thats hjim of course ive often heard m father speak of 8 vamp hollow well ill take a holiday tatt orrow and run down thi re the ohange wi 1 do me good too co ped up in the city bene day iu ua ivi folks i canadian clover within the last ten years the reputation of canadas clover seed has advanced in pace with her reputation in cattle and dairy products aud today our leading grass seeds stand in the london market above the products of all other countries both in quality and cleanness germany and france lately stood first but how our alsike clover brings 25 per cent morejour red clover 5 to 10 per cent more and our timothy j 15 to 20 per cent more thaii ger man or any other seeds hjurst sons leading english dealers say in their cir cular that for quality and oleanness canadian clover seed cannot be equalled ja cross sons glasgow bay that while other seeds are only medium this past sea- on canadian seeds are fine dark and clean many other dealers in europe speak iu the same terms and these grass seeds are now shipped from great britain to many foreign countries a direot ship ment being also made recently from canada to new zealand mr george keith of toronto from whom the writer learned these particulars mentions that a year or two since three of the leading toronto dealers shipped over 20 car loads of grass seeds valued at 500000 j such facts will give canadians some idea of the many new aspeots and the vast scope of canadas future commercial rela tions with foreign lands canciqian ex hibitor i f you step into a private hall or office let a lady pass first always unless she asks you to precedejher in the parlor stand till every lady in the room also older people are beated rise if a lady enters the room after you are seated and stand till she takes a seat look peoplo straight in the face when they are speaking to you let ladies pass through the door first standing aside for them in the diningroom take your seat after ladies and elders never play with your knife ring or spoon do not take your napkin up iu a bunch inyoarharid s eat as fast or as slow as others and finish tno coarse when they do do not ask to be exoused before the others unless the reason is imperative rise when ladies leave the room and stand till they are out special rales for the mouth smacking tbelips and all noise should be avoided if obliged to take anything from the mouth cover it with your hand or napkin bedrooms never- look toward a bed room always knpok at a bpdroom door or at that of any private room these rules are imperative there are many other little things that add to the grace of a gentleman but to break any of these is almost unpardonable chrktign intelligencer iip at present and is rapid weekly enter ed to which friends were such an invit ing character were offered that theroomb of late on an occasion of tins kind have been uncomfortably crowdea the president of thexlub is mr efestus wiman one of tbe best known canadians resident in the tynited mr wiman is president of a great telegraph company the great northwestern company of cana- da he id a director in tbe jwesfern union and ihe head and front bf the staten island rapid transit company he however manages to find time to cultivate the social graceb and his appearance at the club and its entertainments is always a signal for afdelightfal evening the secretarytreasurer is mr william b ellison a- lawyer at he is known in the club a member much of the clubs management devolvgs upon him but he is equal to any emergency to tvjl 220 broadway the energetio ic persons of sedentary habits the greater part of whose time is passed at the desk or in some way 4ent over daily tasks cramp the stomach weaken its musoles and inoar dyspepsia early their most reliable and safest medicinal resouroe is northrop lymans vegetibl j discovery the great blood purifier ajid whioh is especially adapted to indigestion -biihons- neas constipation and povertyor impurity oftheblood i ii au obatlnntc case iu the spring of 83 i was nearly dead as everybody around my neighborhood knows my trouble was caused by- obbtk nate constipation one bottle of burdock blood bitterscured me entirely this statement is made by walter stinson of gorrieont mcgregors sueely care when we say mcgregors- speedy cure is the only perfect oure for- dyspepsia lfver complajnts indigestion andimpure blood we are telling plain facts of which hundreds upon hundreds- can testify who have been restored to perfect health by its use we should therefore advise you strongly if you are a subject of any of the above trbubles to give mcgregors speedy care a trial and be convinced it is sold lnsoo and lik bottles at dr mcgarvins one m6re efiprt by kose oebasrgm i i havo failed again iam now past thirty years of age and i have been atrug- gliug for fifteen years to gain the mastery myself i am discouraged the victim to intemperance sat with sorrowful countenajnee and dropping eyes you are a truthful man arent you borsey he lifted his face with some pride no man who knows me will dispute that i you are capable of keeping your word under any circumstances the manhood within him was aroused a flash half of questioning half of indig nation mounted his forehead his interrogator proceeded ihow do you today regard- the vile stuff that has been tempting you 1 has it a fascination far from it 1 i loathe it 1 then today you have not temptation to resist my belief ib that in your case self -distrust- does more than half the- work you yieldjnotejto the power of- habit than- to a rear temptation simply supposing you will be conquered have you ever signed a pledge r no you ore aware of my feelings with regard to pledges if i cannot be a man for manhoods sake no vow would olaim me yet you profess to desire deliverance and you assert that you are capable of keeping ypur word inviolate heretofore you have only desired jsalvatidn if yo are earnestly seeking it cast away as un worthy no plank that may possibly bear you to shore stake your honor and allen- xiorsey staked his honor god being his helper mid he was sayedl f3 i er an drugstore there is nothing equal to mother gravesi worm exterminator for- destroy ing worms no artiole of its kind has given buoh satisfaction the slight ield you think tq little of may prove the forerunner of a complaint that may be fatal xvoidthis result by itaking ayerb cherry pectoral the beatremedy for colds coughs patarrhs bronohjitfe inoipient opnsutnption and all other throat aid lung diseabes -j- iia m

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