Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1886, p. 2

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i i sty 5ctb jftei tm thwsit mobkkq aprtti 1 1s8g erfv wateriworks for acton following up our artiole if a couple ot weeks ago cu the subject of are pro toot ion mr j b e ughes inspector for the water loo mutualfire insurance company has sent the frkk press the following interest ing letter the ms wi ins kb 3tor wo are m ich pleased hat the outario government to appoint boott act pleased to a atice that mi of the milto a ittformrl as1 teen appointed e uy- l- ill s viewing the matter- from his practical standpoint with an experience in fire inspection business of perhaps twentyfivej or thirty years the opinion and suggestions of mrhugbjes will be ac cepted as of more than ordinary value ant be regarded as deserving fall and carefu consideration to the editor of the frkk press dear sir it has occurred to me that thi3 is a most opportune time for the en terprising people of acton to secure cheap and effective fire protection by making use of the waterpower now idle by the burning of the old plow factory or planing mill j there is only one doubt in my mind re- gardingthe whole matter that is that there may j not be power enough to drive as heavy force pumps as jwould be required this however can be settled to a certainty arid with trifling cost bygotting a practical man to take measurements of the quantity of water and the head to be had if it is once established that sufficient power can ibe got then sir you havethe opportunity of supplying vour good town with most efficient cheaply constructed and cheaply maintained fire protection one great advantage in this site would be that there would not be a long and expen- siye- main to put down another mater ial advantage would be that tlie water being alreadyquite pure a very simple and inex pensive filter would make it firstclass watr for domestic use which would in a short time in addition to the use of the water for lawns acj ac create quite a large income it is a well establishedfact that the hohy system of water- works is more effective for fire protection than the reservoir system while the cost of keeping up and maintain ing would not be onehalf that of a steamer the cost oi erecting a frost and fireproif building wouldbe trifling certainly noi more than would be required for a steamer then when a fire occurred all that would be required would be to attach the hose to a hydrant which wouldnot takemore than live minutes in any part of the town the great question in handling fires is the quick ness with which water flan be got on and the system which will bpst accomplish this end is thelone that should be adopted pro- vided the cost comes within the reach of the town i the town of seaforth some years ago put injhe holly system steam power and the cost was for buildings engine and bojl- er pipes hydrants excavating and every thing- complete in the neighborhood of llo0q andjadging by that the costtbf- putting in waterworks for acton should hot exceed 5000 to 87000 inglrs jt hunter of toronto did the job for them there never was a time in the history bf this country when such works could be erected asicheaply as atpresent and there never was a time when money could be had i as cheaply as at present it does therefore appear to me as amost opportune time for your people to move in the matter j yon are perhaps aware of the fact that the canadian fire underwriters associa tion ijive classified all cities- towns and villages in the country according to tbeir means and appliances for controlling and putting otft fires they are graded from a to f aj being the highest arid f the lowest f comprises all places having no fire appliances by reference to the classification i find that seaforth is classed cand acton f now the i difference in mercantile risks between cl and f is as follows general stores where isolated 40 feet and over in c towns 80e 95c 8135 and 8165 on build- ings stocks being 5c higher in each case according to the different class of buildings while in f towns the rates are 8125 8150 8175 arid 8200 or an average rate of 8119 in the one case and 162 in the other in other words your people pay a little over 35 per cent more for their insur ance than do the people of seaforth and this only represents the difference paid in insurance premiums while that part of your property not covered by insurance would be at least 35 per- cent safer from fire than at present i in conclusion mr editor i cannot close this somewhat cursory article without ur ging upon your business people the necessity of providing as soon as possible some kind of adequate fire protection and in my ei- periencettknow of none more effective thn the holly system i am dear sir yours faithfully j b htghes inspector waterloo mutual waterloo march 29th 1886 r our citizens will no doubt peruse mr hughes letter withinterest we sincerely hope as an outcome that some feasible scheme for efficient protection of the prop- i erty of our townspeople against firb will be inaugurated and sefi in satisfactory operation i to that offic mr brothers honesty ant integrity his established and well known munityv am 1 we believe he to thesitmo at of his pow sr provisions ot the now in force in enforce the perance ao the people the laws ot are in duty if this county who desire to see all reasona le assistance in maintain a ferred to 2 ladders 2 ladders 2 ladders 50 bucket truck carried u this couity have taken upoii themselves an inspectors enforce the w the land uphold bound to render strict ohservauc 3 of the law- oul home rilers spent the thole sessloi tuesday evening in considering details inconneotion with equipping the ti5 mm and equally b brothers kijms42ri new advertisements 8uhvkyin ttjlsdwl is a man of principles are to the corn- will endeavor ind abihy to canada tom- haltou all ffhe undkbskjtflsd will bo iu aotou durui i tho next wook any orders for land bur- voylng left with mr ifohu warren 4th conornt acton postofllco wjll bo prohutly attended to jjames wabkes p lb winteftt at once in every pait of canada llvo oeonts to sell a new atd popular dobato ah bap- usm large commission theres money in it for tovma and particulus api bkvt 44 la 1lkinson idowno ave parkklale out s ind respected the inspector his efforts to hard of thanks re undeksioned doslro to exprocs their most rlncoro thanhs to tho manager ot tho waterloo mutual fire iusuruuco company waterloo for hts promptness lu settling tholr hts uroi olaim or loss in tho recent ftro a choquoln full days after tho visit pt tlio iuspeotor iquo l for s1290 bulng recolvod by lliom within tbroo lo iuspeotor w h btomky son hook lnd ladder oompakt- actou march 30th 1ss0 jhanukk plvstkkeks ilaik rb sale manure and hair for plastorors apply at tho tannery 1 i bbaltdmolte it co i aotori january 35th 18b0 3m hoise ion svi the subscriber will bell on vory oasy terms tho houso audjlot on church street now r li henderson mcrae m co oo adjoiuing the dwolliug of charles speight and immediately bohinu council met last tuesday evening members present messrs henderson pearson i yfe and cameroa in the a isenceof the beove mr heiider son was aj pointed chairman minutesof last meetipg i read and con- firmed the conimittee appointed to seoute ap pliances f r the hook ladder company reported vi xbally as to the artioles necessary- for the pu pose and estimated the cost at about820 moved i y j b pearson seconded by john cam aron that the special committee appointed to secure the necessary appli ances be ind is hereby instructed to pur chase the ollowiug apparatus 6 pike pol es estimated cost 8 6 00 3 hooks i rith chains and sockets do 7 50 ipied by poter chorles 8pig geo hynds jewellery store price iu0 ouo- ttiird cash aud tho balanco may remain iude- flnotly at 0 per cent interest information may j be boil from tho editor of tho fbee press or by addressing l bopti waliteb m d wehnfinsillf bkuks co pa 4 firemai s axes 300 feet i ope d0 do oioo s 00 30ft 25ft 18ft i do 11 50 do 30 00 do 25 00 s100 00 upon re otion council adjourned scott act returns a i cost of ei forcing the canada temperance act i tiring the past three tears the ret iru moved for by mr kerns jm p p ov t a year ago has been brought down by t be mowat government it is given belosv and shows the cost of enforc ing the canada temperance act in the county o halton during 18823 18834 andl884i the foilofidgi3 a tabular statement of the receipts and expenditures -iveceiits- 18823 18s34 1ss45 to balance on hand 231 30 170 97 cashpaid 1 y protince 433 33 1033 33 1123 cl co council j i gop 00 from drun fist licenses go 00 85 00150 00 from flnesj 1450 00 1873 37 0g4 10 police magi strate s t salaprynd expenses- 250 00 p ms cost insp fraxc rs salary expenses insp black s salary expenses license coinmissioners constable ees witness iee detective s jrrice counsel fe s migcellaii us millon f tin notes and comments a careful estimate the expenditure necessitated by the dominion franchise bill places the amount at nearly a million dollars a year the grand trunk is reported to be de bating wbiether it will baild- a new short line betweencoronto and ottawa via perth and then over the canada atlantic to montreal or doubletrack its present line between the two cities perhaps it will do both s iiij the following appointments have been made by tho ontario government in this cohnty sdice gh kennedy and lieut- col d campbell license commissioneis and w d brothers inspector to hod office during the continuance in force f the canada temperance act perhaps the niost critical financial peri d of the ypar oocurs during the present month a very large quantity of commerciil paperialling due on the 14 of april as a consequeuce there has been a vigorous pushing for money for some time pat t a good deal of anxiety can be allayed ly the settling of small bills keep the oaih afloat and it will not take a 85 bill long a wipe oat 100 in debts i we observe by thenewj yotk herald f march 1st that the earlyolosingmov3- ment had extended to thp city and thit some of the paetors have been appealing bo the ladief to complete theirpnrchasesbyi n early hour on saturday afternoons and further that the ladies have been signing a pledge toithis effect woodstoot and le or two other canadian towns are acting in tfe same direction it is a eominendal le aetion too boi from christian andbuma fe m the o itariolegislature prorogue last thursday after a session ofeighfweeks the on tario legislature closed its la bors for if 86 on thursday haying assembl ed that it y eight weeks before for trans- action of 1 ibsiuess it has been an unusu ally quiet and uneventfnl session and the debates j excepting perhaps jhe flare up which too place in the opening days over the kiel q uestion and more recently over the paean 3 affair were particularly quiet 1972 333223 ooi 21680 expenditpbe 8si 50p00 48 cc 232 go 44 do 142 33 433 30 38 b71 600 wi 150 5 424 97 50 00 2t7 00 39 75 29 37 359 581 8184 216 50 535 00 51 28 800 00 90 10 400 00 50 00 350 00 00 00 18 68 206 40 75 55 80 00 339 40 5ij 35 1742 03i 30l0j03l 21g 08 tjie government sustained after day 3 and nights of talk the riel de bate is closed j ottawj march 24 the government majority 6n mr landrys motion was ninetyfoi r twentythree reformers voted with the government and there were seventeen bolters the total vote was yeas 62 nays 146 majority 94 the vc te on the previous question whicli wai really considered the test vote resulted in a majority of 54 for the governme it w new parliament buildings the coi omissioner of public works has made a- statement regarding the erection of the new parliament buildings at toronto the buildings are to cost 750000 the architeto so receive 5 per cent on that sum tenders are to be called for by the fiat of lay next and the work is to be proceei led with in three months from that date four years is the time fixed for the comp etion of the work ortant attctifon sale j of l valuable- villageand farm property 27th oiotoiinolioiytoioicicicicyior i am inbtkuctbd by the executors of tho estate of the late john- kennedy of tho vil lage of georgetown to sell by public auction on monday 3itd may 1886 on tbe premises all tho estate iteal aud fevsonal consisting of east half and west quarter of lot 19 con 8 township of esqueslng yet unsold as fbel igoof i boui and draper streets village proporty east half voration of the village of george lst lots 33 and 34 bouudod by lames lorno eing within the cor- f tho village of qeorootowu 2nd lot 35 frame cottage witli six rooiiih and woodshed good well and cistern 3rd lot 30 frame cottago with six rooiub woodshed and good cistern 4th jjftrso twostoroy brick dwelling ton rooms kitchen and woodshed good well and cistern good largo drivinghouso and stables about 1j acres of laud audn liniuber of fruit trees thereon north of grand trunk hailway 5th balance of farm property and all unsold village lots at the time of tho decease of said ki personal property will bo solc two now milch jobntienuedy also at the some tiruo audphv oierty will bo solc cows and the following household coal stove and pipes cook stovo an tho following oods hall furniture large dram for stove two box stoves cupboard with gla8 doors diuiug table breakfast table chairs parlor sofa lounge sovcrnl bedsteads quantity of dislies aixl sundry other things sue to commkxce at li pji terms cash oue tenth of purchase of real estate paid on dajj of salo balanco iu one mouth trom date parties purchasing and desiring to do so may leave onethird of purchase money standing by giving first mortgage and for pur- chase of house property such further security os will be satisfactory to the executors for fur ther particulars inquire of the executors parties desiring a comf ortablo home in aii en- terprsiugtowu would do well tojcall and exam ine these properties beforo purchasing elsewhere wmpemstbeet g h eenxkdt john w bunt ijxecutors james kesnedt i judici auctioneer a sale in the- high court of justice ochancery division goldie vs smith advice to motheks jare you disturbed at night a nd broken of ybur rest by a sick ohild auffi iring and crying with pain ot cut ting teet 1 1 if so bpd at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for child enteething fits value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer imn ediately depend upon it moth ers ther i is no mistake about it it cures dybenterr and diarrhcea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colib softens tl le gums reduces inflammation and give tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows sobtmng sy rup for shildreh teethinb is pleasant to the taste an 1 is- the prescription of one of tbe oldesl an i best female physioians and nurses in thi united states and is for sale by all dugasts throughout the worjd price tw at five cents a hottie be sure and ask foi imis wnrsiows sptwhstft gravp i ni take no other kind puksuant to the judgment in this cause bearing date the j 30th day of november ad 1885 itherej will be sold with the approbation of a mmckinnon esq local master of the supreme court of judicature for outario at gnelph by william hemstreet auctioneer at the door of moore mcgarvirijs factory oil the premises parcel number one at the hour of one oclock pm on ttjesday 13th daylof apnl 1886 the following lands and premises iu four parcels j parcel no i lot number 19 in block number 3 in the village of acton containing onenf th of an acre more or less there is erected on these premises a large frame building which can be nsed foi a store or factory it is at present occnj pied by moore cfcmcgarviu as a purse and valise manufactory this lot is situated in the centre of the village nfear the post toffice possession will begven three months from the day of sale j parcel noil part oi the westerly half of lot number 25 iu thfe 4th conces sion ofthe township of esfjoesing con taining six acres more or les a valuable water privilege and dam is on these prem iseb this is a firstclass mill site and n large milling trade was ddne on these premiies for years there is also erected on the premises n good twostorey house roughqust and stone contains sis rooms also k substantial bankjbarn 40x50 with stables and sheds parcel no illpart of the westi half of lot number 29 m the 3rd conces sioh of estiucsing now iu the village ol acton containing onequarter of an acre more or less a substantial stone house k etocted on this lot containing seven rooms hard and soft water a- garden and frail trees on the premises this is one of th most desirable resideucesin acton parcel no ivvillaie lots nam ibers 20 21 rod 23 in james youngs sur vey in the village of acton terms ok six ten per cetntcash at the tinie of sale to be paid to the vendor or hii solicitors and the balance within one month thereafter into court to the credit of this action in all other respecjts th terins and conditions of sale will lie th standing conditions of this court upon payment of the purchase rooneyj the purchaser will be entitled to a oonveyj ance and to be let into possession or to rej ceipt8 of the rents j further particulars can bo had irommci leas mcmilluj vendors solicitors guiunns walt solicitors guelph pi john hoskin qc toronto dated the 22nd day of march 1886 i a lk mckinnqn maste atguelph ol march o grnd millinery opening -on- iwsw apvibtisemeht -apton- iitt market rtltledgp orosson butjchklts iololoiolqlololoioioioioiolololojoloioioioioioloioioioioioiololoioll iioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioi 27th of march o- ojnimiliiiieryrooins this sciisjn will be unusually attractive the stock lias all been selected with great care and taste fhjm the latest importations of french english and american this department will be under gbods and are rich rare and really choice thle charge of experienced milliners who taste and wants of our patrons at t our t v ill bpare no effort to suit the e most moderate prices stock of ceweral dry goods cents furnishings boots and shoes sec 1mb isjiow very complete and will be sold at very bottom prices see uilr x x o o will he aspecia satin novelties y mi you only requho to see these goods to rnduce you to buy curtains luce xtrasiiperior white and grey cottons on and mantle velvets those bvi ducks denrnisat real 10 business of mr k a share of public have purchased tlioi holmes add sdioiti patronage the members if the firm are practical batchers and an prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always be fq ind on hand a full stock 6f allkiudflof mioi we have setth 4 j in acton to stay and feel satisfied tha by transacting business upon business pr npiples we will win publio confidence and s ipport bubledge crpbspn- acton feb 9tbi88c tlwseffieij cently commenced prej jectthat ilhaye bfea severatyeftri viz i bntwith this differeij those who havdusedjii who desire to use it wherfe to ftet it js stock best ojuality and i stand up head so- ju and have the matti hyns jewellery and actoin ctotii hall shaw dt greundy ayoud ai nouncc the arrival of a large importation direct of scotch tweeds from britain gcutlemen wo lid do well to call at once anl secure an ca y choice of patterns shaw merchant r beautiful prints ginghams cretonnes beautiful embroideries are admired everyone spjenditl range of carpets clieap choice shirtings y low prices j x x x x x x x- i x xjx tt big- boot x xx x x x x x x x x- x xtx x x aidt id shoe stock o o o n n o o d a oj o b o 0 o o o 0 o o o o q comprises the best flic newest and the neatest styles in ladies misses and i childrens wear we cannbt be undersold in these goods remember our famous 50c tea henderson mcrae tub lden xixojst 1886 co opening bnbinesi and will be able english fkncy w i grundy tailors guelph new tailor clothier bej to injqkm the inhabitants of acton and i eighborhood that i intend ias tailor and clotbier in mrs secorws block mill stree acton to 3how a nice selection of sgotcji arid cancel iat ftweeds c and from my lare confidence of bein satisfaction both ai ixso orsted coatings i j c eirperience 1 have every able to give the highest to fit and workmanship at bottom prices m brennan speikq announcement mleod n debsbs in makiiig their aunonucement for the spring would 1886 co carpets carpets carpets auction sales tuesday 6th apuliasale of farm stock and implements the property of duncan robinson lot 12 con 1 erin sale a 12 oclock wm bfemstreet auctioneer wednesday 7th apbil- sale of farm stocj l and implements the property of mrl benjamin wallace lot 18 con nassagaweya sale at noon wml hemstreet auctioneer monday 3rd max sale of real estate anil household furniture belonging to the ear tie at the late john kennedy esq georgetowp gale at npdnl wm hem- street ahctioitteei miteto jvyesiaotonltfr your olithj- lag he can sijit you- for jrioe jakhtj nd style evflrytirae guelph -so- gltand spring carpet sale rooj not goods m clearing at cost a large stock of tjnipix tapestry i- and- brussels greatly reduced hemp in every variety and style we furnish the nov7 goods new q oods best ability that can be produced in jour ixllneryivrpssmakinggl tfxixi a say tint owing to umforseonciicumstances and the hard times prevale it in the com munity they haye been unable to carry out fheir ni uoancemeut o dissolution of partnership the said partnership will llrerefpre con tinue forjne year longer so as to give all parties who- are stall owing usoo account a further opportunily to cull and- settle their accounts we parpose to do busiutjss entirely for cash or proi uce ino goods will be charged we will sell goods cheap we have had subli an ex perience of hie oldlime credit business which enables lis to sty that it is u very unfair way of doing business theliooet andlrustjbari who pnys up promptly has to pay for the dishonest man whd neveij pays at all we ire satisfied that every person who looks- at the cash system of doiug business will suy that it is the only honest and fair principle of doiuu business we cnu buy cheaper you will buyj oheaper we will sell oods at wholesale prices paying cash arid getting al tho nd- vantnges which does accrue to the cash buyer try out sye tern see our goodsrcompare prices and we are satisfied you wilrsae s5 per cent on all goods purcnased from us j r j i i ladies we are this seasou showiug the neatest and most stylish mil- lineuv mantles c c all new snd latest styles dues goods dress- trimmings buttons fringes oc all to matoht dhess making in all the newest styles done on the premises tinder the man agement of a firstclass dressmaker ladies buy your dregs goods- leave yourlorder if you want a fashionable dress ipbists muslins lawns and ginghams all new neat and nobby ooerodclothiiisc department we can speak lth pride about it wo have the finest and mostexleusive stock of twfeeds tbowser ingsrc in the province and our cutter is a no 1 itry ibur nobbv fits and cheap prices qents foiisishikgs in grand style iwd larce assortment ii- s from keadymapejmthrng very clieap bigfatookfto- select carpets in brussels tapestry 2 and 3 ply woolliohand hemp chea tt p to 80d chper fhan tho our sta le department is very f uiicotross 8o per yaid np whitk cottons h towels 8c tabugs cottonaw dekimsfljra 12jc np i t and yuotfaa to save mony py bnyina your goodj from us tryandseewe are m earnest wis will tl cottonades idljcks arid cheap toicash bad debts and our cu tonien wiu re ton wlu jbuy y i mcleod anderson m 30 j mammoth house georgeto b ps erefurn pur 8incejethnnkatd those of our ys- veen our friended ey s j bubbdblqe m tpi8t jimias m v mm jsa m costoidors who ronlir 75 oen5s75 i- 4 for prime btjyel go to j e howsbnsf jf btossax mobhisi crumbs for provided by the press 3he first ot atrilj easter cards are 1 the ainatedr gard for springwork iboard of ednc monday evening jmr james war intiwnnext week probabilities j fbj coid and long tronbjj jkevimr fer in knox chnrchagaij jdoni try to pickl kick anyjhats off the mr henry belli lot on church street i for 3550j th4scott act welhngtbn corintyi font weekb from sato ult will be a year thetevoitangjrog ltj nectionwiththe reb west- tlie star infbrl town o mncil will p inland planting streets a- correspondeil wants the spring shol becauseit was arrftb friday fmrlmbtavishj tiohs athishouse or streets the fonndati last fall i johi bramptpn villpre albans church lenten- services the revising 6fl inary revision ca thj voterslist f oirt in milton next ma messrs johns neil keith left m manitoba they a qnantity of hoi mrs josiahad ed agent for actou volume containing j recent hardinw tigm 1 the hotel keep to the un are gbi best after tie i turnerin this ca engineer- rthatf giddy spring it getting snaps her eyesanc who doth bold her j get off my lap shoulder- i-job- printing prirfting dorie in tl manner with the fancy type and at yited to apply t1 ing office mrhbimc4 boot shoe bn he lias excelle place is one of thej on the eastern div is a hvely town the average forthe fcpnng hj farseeing paterftf the wood shed as j under the cirenms barrel head dinne the sanititr j be on the lookoha premises general citizentakeja perl rid of everything f tal to public li wont annoy 1 the street will please take new street crossi spring it is to pommon sense pa tion than is ma ings will be infe thespeoiaj i church are still afternoon and- special prayer meucmg at 23d quests ijhe eij present vhat littll do without fori majority of his i comes hard op i hidden away hel constantly deal j business men i iixti js business i boon run with order more handsth ing busrness hej befoandhis are invited to the oiy meeting oh thd the following p pveagerf pre prescohradl street seoyfl hanmint i es son j hantia ijv m

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