Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1886, p. 3

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the wedding ring the rev t dewitt talroage has ib- oently ooramenced broaching upon a an 5i jet that i have been riting upon f r 1 njeveralyears viz the marriage ring but with this difference he preaches to 3 those who have used it i write for those who desire to use it and want tokutw where to get it well for thelargtst stook bestiality and lowest price i thu ik i stand up head so just drop in at once and have tho matter settled gfiomu htxhr jewellery and fancy goods stoe acton i saddlery of v- for prime eiover and tjmothy sepd go teje howsons fo um jfm tesjl thcbsdat mornlso atml 1 1886 crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful pee press reporters mr an es morton has disposed of his loan b bat iness to mr halsted and te tort huron here he will re- poiitiou iu the establishment was formerly employed we are him from aotou but wish moved t sump a where he sorry to him success our ths aks are extended to mr geo hynds lev ellor and stationer for an elegantly lound little volumo entitled tlioug its eor sunrise it contains an appcopri ite and beautifully illuminated full page sol ipture text accompanied by a hymuubori the subject of the text for eaoh dao the month it jis executed through at in gold and properly contrast ing color i and printed on the best of book- paper vo partiouhrl regard it as a gem in ne its own thje weeks rakings whiohj aae principally looal and all interesting the first of april easter cards are being selected the amateur gardeuer will now arrange forspriug work iboard of education will meet n jxt monday evening f mr james warrep p l s will be iu town next week probabilities for the weekroughs colds and lung troubles key mr ferguson occupied the pu pit in knox church again last- sabbath dont try to piok up any pennies or kick any hats off the sidewalk today mr henry bell has sold his house nnd lot on churcli street to mr george soper for 550 the scott act willconje into force in wellington county and the city of guelph four weeks from saturday it wjll bea year ago tomorrow since tlic revolting frog lake massacrd in con nection with the rebellion in the noth- west i the shiy informs us that oakille town council will pay 89475 for furnish ing and planting 200 shade trees on the streets a correspondent of the milton sim wants the sprine show postponed for a v eek becasse it was arranged to be held on c ood friday i r mr motavish has commenced opera tions at his house on mill and welliniton streets the foundation for which was laid last fall rev c c johnson rural dean of brampton will preach this evening in st albans church in connectionrwith the lepten services the revisingofficers court for prelim inary revision ofthe dominion franchise voters list for this county wjll be opened in milton next monday messrs john and henry watson andt neil keith left on tuesday morning for manitoba they took about 20 horses and a quantity of household effects with them mrs josiah adams has been app ant ed agent for acton and vicinity for the volume containing a verbatim report of the recent hardingwiikinson debatev on bap tism h the botel keepers of sarnia acj ding to the sun axe going to handle tornerls best after the scott act goes into foice turner in this case being the watervorks angiueer that giddy thing called gentle spring is getting somewhat bolder she snaps her eyes and loudly cries to winter who tlbth hold her see here old hap get off my lap and gives him the cold shoulder job krinting all who want printing done in the best and most a manner with the latest styles of pi fancy type and at moderate ratesa vited to apply at the fbee paessjob print ing office jjil hb mccarthyltas purchased a boot shoe business in carleton place ihe has excellent prospects caileton plaice is one of the most important ints on the eastern division of thec p r and is a lively town the verage matron is now laying plans for be tpnng house cleaning whie the farseeing paterfamilias is trying to make the wood shed as comfortable as ci nbe tinder the circumstances for the inevitable barrel head dinners r r the sanitary inspector will shortly be on the lookout for dirty back yarls and premises generally in town let every- citizen take a personal interest insetting rid of everything about his prace detrimen tal to public health and the inspector wont annoy him the street and sidewalk com mittee willlease take notice that a number of new street crossings will be askedfcr this spring it is to be hoped that some more common sense principle for their construc tion- than is manifested in existing cross ingsi will be introduced th6 special services in the me hodist church are still continued services- every the ass 3ss nent mr v p brown assessor hab just com pleted a summary of the assessment for 1836 jj he total assessment is 178230 an increase of 18204 over that of last year the ass ssc rs census shows that the popu laton h as ncreased by 72 guelph dis trlot meeting the i nnval meeting of the ministers and laymen of guelph district of the metho dist church is arranged to be held in acton a tout the 20th of may about fifty delegau s will be present and the meeting n session for two days our oiti- 1 no doubt extend a cordial wel- x was afternoon and evening an after eiuoon of special prayer will be held tod4y com mencing at 230 oclock the pasi or re quests thefintire membership to be present i vhat little i owe john smithbe can do without for the present put rhen a majority of bis customersay the same it comes hard ou smith there is a moral hidden away pere for many custom srs who constantly deal with pur acton mei chants businessmen an3 the printer mr r enelflon guelph wriles that business is booming with him he is over run with orders ana is already employing morehajnfe than he ever had in th tailor- ing business liere in another coin nn will be fbknd his adv all his old cu itomers are invited to call when in the city the olympic lacrosse club had a meeting on thursday eveni3pg and elected theifouowing officers honpb w lj p eager pres it caimpbel vic4 prs conrad hoffj ivioe vheo- street secy s aj goxe f trek u jncf hannant executive committee i wat son b haimant j reformer v a brothers itfij will be zens wi come popula and successtul mr wm hemstreet auotioueer has conduct ed an unusually large number of sales c nring the season which is about closing jeie has invariably succeeded in disposii ig of the property offered for sale at prices i ery satisfactory to thoso employing him ir hemstreet is a great favorite as an auct ioneer abadfau yest rday as mr chos knees proprietor of the lilton cordovan tannery was aip- erinten ling the operations of workmen who wi re buildiug some new vats in his establi hment he slipped on a slimy plank and fel into one of the new vats his back strikin on a stone he was severely but we bbp3 uot seriously hurt and is confined to his 1 louse champion a pror linent day of the year pers ins who have a superstitious- dread of fric ay will not be pleased to learn that this is a thoroughly friday year it came in on c friday will go out ou a friday and w 11 have fifty three fridays there are fot r months in the year that have five friday s each changes of the moon occur five tii les on a friday and the longest and the sh rtest day of the year each falls on a fridaj the c pper base ball club a n eeting of those interested in base ball w is held in the council chamber last tuesd iy evening the following officers were a ppointed for the season preiident w h storey vice do isaac francis cor seccl youpg trei s w a stark fiel 1 capt hvhile a second meeting will be held next wodn sday evening death of a former resident on saturday last the sad uows of tbe tdeath of mr james ryder carriage manu facturer and blacksmith of petrolia for many years a resident of acton was receiv ed 1 1 seems that a couple of weeks pre vious f mr ryder accidently struck his knee i gainst an anvil the wound was at first t rested indifferently but inflammation set in and blood poisoning ensued and in a few days life departed the corpse was brought to acton ou saturday evening and the funeral took place on sunday afternoon from lhe residence of mr- thomas ryder decea seds boyhoods home to church hill cemetery hone rs won by a former acton boy at the recent examinations of the ontario scho il of art mr l p snyder of this city carried off the government bronze medel defeating competitors from all paftslof the province this was the high est prize awarded and included five sub jects namely freehand practical geome try j erspective model and memory draw ing- uiuelph herald it is with very greal pleasure that we learn of the success of on r young friend and the fbee pbess hear ily congratulates him upon the honors won in this occasion mr snyder is a risin young man and is continually ascei ding the ladder of life honorably aud with no retrogradesteps an ipril shower tl e first of tbe plate engravings illusr trati ng ther house of ourf armer presidents whic h the american agriculturist is prepar ing i t great expense will appear as a sup- plen ent to its may number it represents the tome farm and rural surroundings of jefft rson the accompanying description is bj james partou the others will fol low in succession these special engrav ings by the first american artists and spec ial descriptions by the most eminent of livii g american authors are furnished free to allaubscribers the price of the amiritan agriculturist is 160 a year sen i to 751 broadway lew york for any furtier particulars required regarding pap t and engravings directing to david w 1 rum publisher bus ness change c ur readers will no doubt be surprised to h am that mrs s a secord who for mois thataa quarter of a century has con- duc ed srgeneral business at the corner of mil and mai n streets has retired anddis- pos id of jher business the purchaser is mri edgar knowlton of huntsville mus- kok i who made an exchange of four lots wit l residence and bhpp in the above place for rs secords btock we understand thai the will take immediate possession mr secord is certainly desersjing of this res lite from business cares by strict attt ntionto business careful investments anc the practice of that tact and energy wheh ensures success and which we of the sterner sex generally deem peculiar onl to ourselves mrs secord has become ir of a considerable amount of valu- tjptet pad aooldent mr wm smith of nassagawoya in town one day the week before last wltb a load of wood and in somo way the kot was upset and part of it fell upon he was oonsiderabiy bruised and it wi thought somewhat injured internally b fortunately no boiios were broken jd stacey was called and ministered to hii injuries v teat of fire extinguishers tha globe hand gronado fire extinj- guibher co of loudon gave a praotioal test of their grenades last friday on tlja vacant lot north of messrs w h storey sous glove manufactory the teat waja most fiuoci issful in every respect a lari frame structure representing the wall of house 11 feet by 7 was built and ooatei jyith coal tar a large quantity of kim ling wood which was saturated withplont of ooal oil was placed ugaiust it a matoj was applied when in a few seconds the whole was oue mass of living natnet when the fire was at its utmost height two or threebottles grenade were broken aui in an instant the fire was put and not a spark remaiued the handgrenadesj aie admirably adapted for extinguishing iires when they first break out ana it would le a great protection if a fowof them were kept in mills factories stores churolus and publio places their utility is sel apparent we would recommend every one to protect their property with them mr ebbages new shop mr thomas ebbage has purchased tie old bhingle factory building standing cu mr jamesj browns property on ma u street and will remove it in the course of a few days to the planing mill site at the head ol river street the additional tin ner required is on tho prouud and a new mill will be fitted and in operation in short order the sfecond storey of the new building will be occupied by mr isa ic francis as a glove leather nishing shop it is very conveniently situated for such in industry certain citizeus sedtn to hsvo the impression that- it is a tannery jr francis contemplates opening in thib thoy are misinformed i ho will 01 ly handle kid aud other fine skins that he ve undergone the disagreeable work of sweat ing pulling and liming ibofbre reachiug him and his part of the work will not by any means render the establishment a nuisance or annoyance of any kind to ad jacent residents but will be as tidy snd wholesome as any other mechanical indus try mr francis had made arrangements to commence business in a part of the plow factory just a few days before it was de stroyed by fire purely personal i paragraphs respecting people with wow our readers are individually or collectively acquainted dr and mrs mcgarviu were in george town over sunday bryan late of galthasreniov witb his family visited mc- haa to mr jr ed to acton mr sjmoii maclean of ripley t friends in this vicinity last week miss jessi e gordon and miss josie rae of erin are visiting friends here mr cross on of rutledge crosson removed hs family from markdah acton miss annie boomer left lost week to take a position as head milliner in a dry gxxls house m po rt arthur miss jennie storey returned to demills college osiawa on monday after spnd- ing a week i it home mrs a 1 sowerby and two children have been isiting friends iu acton vicinity during the weekl mr w h storey bailed from new york on saturday he was accompaniec by mr george beardmore of beardmoije co mr a e matthews left on tuesday morning for new york to commence duties as secretary of the american road constr action co rev t l wilkinson parkdale spdnt a day or so last week with his many friendb here hibiarishioners of four years ago accorded hun a hearty welcome to former field aud his rail- sockwood news from our nci cwrcsporidenl a creamery is to be established at eden mills j the rink here was closed with the last carnival the season proved very success f ul your correspondent is glad that the rumor of rev mr pigdtts resignatiop was incorrect from the source from which he got the information he thought it was correct and reliable rev mr straohan preached his anniversary sermon last sabbath review tenth ing his history and work during that time f abl property here she retires with an am ile competence and we trust her future yet i 11 be cmraeterized with every com- i bappineas and peaoe of mind i showed the increase of families and mem bership to be fourfold and the good feeling that existed between them as pastoi and pbople jihis people here and at eden mills bear out his zeal in the great work of the ministry at j hats fropi 75 cents to 250 fyfes for prime uiover and timothy seed go to j e hoivsons scotch english and canadian suitings in great variety at j fyfes acton if you want a nobby durableaud cheap uit go to j fyfes acton spring suits and vercoats at extreme ly low prices and made in the latest stytes be sare to call and see them at j fyfes acton maclkan at his residence milton on the 26th march peter maclean esa- in- specter of publio schools in algoma aged44yeais r j rl at pctrolea in the 28th march james ryder esq aged 50 years and months i n qur- llinery rooms i wednesday march 22nd 1886 roo j i- i tjiios johnson our popular niana- rjji lip tho bressmaking de- r artmentj bus jjst returned from j e sv york she left for that centre of i is lion nearly three weeks ago she h it vi sited most of the leading modistes a id designers of ladies toilets and t us lavaild herself iibfj many of t k e nevyest productions of v t h v ry host talent in tho fashionable vorld sue also visited the large varellouses and made sjjlegtions h djovelties inoluding dres8 hate rials trimmings lisle jllfd lace goods and many lines- cf fjlncy goods that we are as- gtilred will commend themselves to the jo 3d taste of ourmaoy lady patrons his almost needless to say to ladies wi o have had experience of miss john- 1 1 ms abilities that their requirementa vi 11 receive the best attention at her lionds wl desirl to direct bpecial attention to our general isvook of dress goods and 31 lits whih we are constantly as- ic red has no equal jin the trade of 3 inlph t make this a special lbaww feature of our business to which wo pay special attention during no season in our lc lig experie ice have we shown such a large varied and compre- c linsive f took of dress materials a id trimtni lgsus at present it would bj altogether useless to attempt an c lumeration of details we oan only aisurc our lady friends that absolutely nothing is lacking in variety color licsign quality and price to pleaso utmost eyerr want we cpnfidently sjlieit your patronage weguarantee eatisfactipn our hnsiness is main iained on tie principle of choice goods at mc derate prices and we are certain tiat no dry goods house in guelph will servo you as well ph r e nelson formerly op acton ssssss ssfefw lmi pw vi c- s v v 7 a opm pi eto now stock of- english irish scotch and canadian r weeds ii the latest styles in j fine black and colored woretdda and fine spring overcoatings gentlemou reqoiriug auythiug in my ljiie can depend on getting the very latest style molpths with fit and workmanship guaranteed r e nelson 99 upper wyndham street cuelph mcgarvins drug and stationery store mill tfeet acton a large stock of pure drugs chemicals patent medicines drug sundries and toilet requisites of the best assortment embracing the finest quality of soaps perfumes shoulder braces and trusses diamond dyes and dye stuffs m waajvw qftdered clothing st albans actolii reviwdpiijott lentek thursday april jlst at service aha sermoij by brey 0 0 jolut atojal ire cordial prayer meeting rith si oitt address every wednesday eveninj at 7 f ipcumbeni m slices inited to atter 8ip oclock pm ofbramptca evening j f u m jeverybotly tokhowthat ch- sewing m achines pianos nd0rgahs j soldiit wbl03 llepaxie to the p jople jrect by the pecplejs coy 326 yongro 5t tproato oat write for catalogues -1- goncbrning cheptness leadin6b0ct 1 shoestore -o- eioots bollert wer wyndharii et guelph i ontario new or good reliable in i begs to irifortn the publiq that he has opened an j ordered clothinc department aud has a chqice stock o scotch english and canadian tweeds worsteds fncy pantingsc j- at- lowest prices satisfaction guaranteed and shoes willianis to the front -o- haviug purchased the boot and shoe i ukiness ilately carried on by mu h b 1 iccahthy in 1 he yillage of acton aud hnvmgxeplenis led the stock with- a first- jass assbrtme t of all lines usually kept in no 1 boot and shoe store i am pre- p eired to guara i itee entire satisfaction to all me with their patronage cameron boil of erk t6wnship ifisiiiiil i3- he aitabi kbith spnofl u at the residence brides- fathnr on 24th march by d b cameron mr duncan kmthti miss jennie daughier- of johnj 8 prowl esq allof esquesiig hebjujjlboibb at the boyal guelph on 19th mi rcb by ray mr ge mobean o mis i llfefii of th bev hota vhomayfavoi a good supply of lirstclass trunks and v ahses will ah ays be kept oh hand as the ordered work and repairing is sill under my wn supervision the public i jay rely upo i its- receiving the best of attention give me a tipal and see for yourselves wm williams excelsior bakery iii having from satisfaction to patronize it thanking endeavor to attend and obligingly and all extend pirohased the above bakery i d mann i hope to give he numerous customers who tl lem for past favors i will to customers promptly and trust that they will one to us their patronage j i use nothin and keep it in but the best roller flour itock fresh bread buns o every day also st earn bread oaks of ajl kinds new soda on hand or and wedding mrs whats saved affprdsno indi- eation cf whats lost thil real t kst 6 cheapness is undoubte lly us the maxim has it quality forif my art cle lacks qmtlity it is dear at uuy irice specially is this true in regard to boots shoes people very oft ju jose more than they save when they nidiscriiiiinately go in for cheap gootls without regardlo their value- lthas however b en qu steady aim through out business life i hat every article kept by nssballjjeof the j vbbst qx4lity but at the same time be sold at the lowest possible price compatible witii such quality- buyibg direct jroml the manufacturers for cash we are enabled uo offer our cus tomers unsurpassed inducements spring stcdk spring stock we still have on hand a full line ot nice fresh groceries r drt goods etc i very cheap terms cash or produce only johk nelson acton 3ork tea biscuits t made oatmeal scones to order at shortest notice ghkes a spepialty balance of crockery at j e howsdlns next door to drug store acton ba we cordially invite the public to call i audseeur new stock new styles nice freh good extra value in j ladies kid boots sign ofthe big boot w mclaren co gcelph dyspepsia sym variable appe- q ititeeainst 1 1 gnawing at pit of the ktomacb kising aud souring of food hesiaiuni wind in btpmaehchok- ing loaa from food undigested bad taste in mouth headache constipation foul coated tongue low spirits wandering pains especially inlelt side languor anddebility i too hearty eating gduse gating too rapidly too free use of stimulants too much greasy and animal food gravy pastry cheese pickiesfetc neglected con- stipation bad- air j lack- of exercise hurrying to hard work either physical or mentalimmediately after eating is the source of many stomach troubles burdock blood biters oukes dys fineiw4tgh r rep ring childred 3stc3i ban0ii balltctilj- gopdjgoods at low prices everytring in vvinteft goods reditcfed i rw- s woolhosej reduced to loc i ladies allwool hose reduced to 2dc ladies lined eld mitts reduced to 50b i childrens lined kid mitts reduced ladies josephine kiuglovos reduced to biscuits and confectionery of all kinds icing sugar ginger snaps boston mixed cakes wholeijale flour butter 6a4 1 irs tokea in 8luuaff fcr firai i it market friees tstatham vf- to 38e cloth reduced to 05c fjir capesreducedtol heavy quality nap ladios7 velvejleins reduced from 10 to 25 per cent uressrgoods worth 50s reduced to 23c black lashmeres reduced 15 to 20 per cent good checkwincey10e worth 15c ladies and childrens wool mitts 15c worth 30c large wool 01ouds 30c worth 50c ladfeb wool cuff s reduced to 12io jladids underwear reduced to 50c j boys vpol vlests reduced to 35c boys top shirts reduced to 45c i newembroideriea just reoen ed from 5o upwards i i kew prints elegant designs from 5c peryard to 20c vi new shjrtinfes choice patterns 8c to lfio newtfliiighamsnige patterns 10c blankeitb nil rrdaoed v comforters all ireduced carpets atspecial reductions koullttuxs reooipmptaadqafilattefttioa v j iikftliiriiirsivv g cor icing andj ohn sts hamiiidrlv he particular attention paid to t repairing fine watches and clocks at the old established use of bamage cuelph aitiioks a matebr having cised revised advautageona information tsiljuoa ob i itherwise aosiroua of their liitrry prodnctions oriti- or imposed ot on the most kami j sboold address lor tulr iv sou 1 will i able will ing ony j sexes of all ages cau spire timo or 11 si- avewul start youi atooq- 8t1n80n mo writers boijeau of literature 231 lbroftdwiiy tork in ceuts postage and we cbbliyoupbke a royal valu- laniplti box ol goods that unit you jnthe smy ot niak- fobb moniy at onceitnan minlse la america both liivovat home ana work to lime cww not reqaina jysttrfdtfli08ewho start govporuonaylualu n- m m- v

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