Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1886, p. 4

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pff mm w mm fh fii f s fj 30 j jsj tbrsbre mompo aran 1 188ft an01eot nobsrt rhymbs 4- i tusotbd j one fwo come ojtcwe my shoe some gentler phrase the times would as button if you please my boot three four shut the dopr of rude nuperittitee bewaref please to close the portiere 1 ficetix f j piclvp sticks i next gather wood since wo desire fuel to light the winter fire seven eight jiay laew rfrowa the load arboreous oak and pine npw plaoe in geometrio line 2tinete a good fat hen our gallinaceous fowl will prove such biped plump as gourmands love eleven twelve dig and delve tirmotlier earth devote your spade here health and wealth their keystone laid thirfejcm fourteen boys icere courting on matrimonial quest intent the village lads awooing wont fiflftm sixteen girls arejixing v i behind the lattice maidens fair their daintiest toilets now prepare 1 seventeen eighteen bogs are waiting without the door on either hand the restless youth impatient stand nineteen fccenfy girlsavc plenty the census tells ids story sad not every lass can have a lad- i nem york judepetulent suit i ii iff l i it i ti r- ii 1- c a ii v newspaper laws we call the special attention ot postmast ers and subscribers to the following e ynop- sis of the newspaper laws la postmaster is required to give hotice j by letter returnin a paper does net an- i swerthe law when a subscriber does not l take his paper out f the office and state jejjef the reasons for its lot being taken j any neglect to do so makes the postmaster re sponsible fro the pill dishers for payment 2 if any person orders his paper dis continued he must pay all arrerages or- the publisher may xmtlnne to send it un til payment is mad s andfcollect the whole amount whether it is takn from the office or not there can e no legal discontinu ance until the payn ent is made 3 any person p ho takes a paper from the postoffice whether directed to his name or another oi whether- he has sub scribed or notis re sponsible for the pay 4 if a subscribe t orders his paper to be stopped at a cert lin time and the pub lisher continues to end the subscriber is bound to pay for it f he takes it out of the postoffice this pi oceeds upon the ground that a man m ust pa y f or what he uses 5 the courts ha- decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals from the postoffice or removing and leaving them uncalledfor i i prima facia evidence of intentional fraud all i 1- i i sorts x- t i v -i- u ii- alt old t me favorlle there is no other remedy that has stood the test of time so 1 ng as has hagyards yellow oil for rlenmatism neuralgia jjune back pains in the chest colds croup iarfithroai deafness and most painful affections how are we eve going to get through our spring and sun merjj work l are altrnh down tired iut before it- begins so say many a famers family we an- bwer try ayers sal aaparilla thia ia just the medicine you m ed and will pay com pound interest on tl e money itcosts yon ct5 jacobs bui alo n y says dr thomas eclectric il cured him of a bad tiase of piles of 8 y sars standing having tried almost every known remedy besides two buffalo physicians without relief but the oil cored him he thinks it cannot be recommended too highly mcgregor parkes carbolic ternte haye you an old sore cut burn bruise corn bunion gait rheum pimpkv blotches rough hjands or face if so there is but one cure namely mcgregor parkes carbolic cevate if you but try it it will convince you it costs but25cts at dr mcgarvins drug store wliltakeolthlo tbefaei edward cousins bfbanson declares he was a6 one time nearly dead from the effects of a terrible cold and cough he tried many remediesj but hagyaftps pec toral balsam was what cured him he speaks in highest praise of itin othercases and adds that he is willing to take an oath to his statements p a complete breakdown for ten years s lys jennie mi hrrett ofwallaceburg on i did not see a well day was all broken down with dys- pepsia liver complaint catarrh and de bility three doctors abandoned hopes fpr mey when burdo sk blood bitters came to my rescue it is the best medicine 1 have ever taken 1 1 iy this for the bene fit of all suffering as j did the lat fear 1888 after the above feat is ended there need be ho person suffering from rheumatism nearaljia tootbacl e headache lumba go or any acute paiii if they only purchase a bottle of fluid lig btmng as it cures- in stantly pain canm it stay where it is used theriamris fluid lightning sold by dr mjgarvinj drug gist merit proven dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recomnandations for articles entirely worthless lfot so with mc gregorg speedy cuie you are not asked to purchase it until is merits are proven call at j 15 mcgivifib drug store and get afree trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure you of tie worst forms of dyi- pepau liver cpinplatot etc no matter f how long standing it costs you nothing bold in soo and tl ttles 7 see testimdia alrfrojapersohfl iaiiur owhtown 29 ita it th ijeystem is properly cleansed by some nediciuo thafaota upon the boftels tudney iand skin sioh ak burdock blood bitten and the sufferer will use hag- yarits stellow oil according tct diitkjtionifc there s re few oases of rheamatistnii how ever bi d but will yield promptly to the treatiu anti flntil ulhlhldkr thei bare but few that have never suffered almost intolerable paiu from toothache neural gia or like uoutu pains to them such a 1 instant relief as fluid lightnnig 18 auunt ld blessiug iivtimo oi trouble no disgua ing ogfensive racdioiner to bo taken or day i oup application of fluid iyluht- ning sures sold at j k mcgarvins drug store 129 haltlilmprk f r two years i was troubled with dyspe isia could neither labor or find relief less than one bottle of b b b roliev d me 3 bottles cured me so says john i rappell of farmerville burdock blood bittera onfes dyspepsia liver and kidne complaints and all impurities of the sjstem l mr c e riggius beamsville vrrites a oi stonier who tried a bottle of north rop lymatf 8 vegetable discovery says it is tl e best thing he over used to quote his ov u words it just seems to touch the spot affected about a year ago j he had an at ack of bilious fever and was afraid he was in for another when i recommend ed thi i valuable medicine with suoh happy resultj mlnernl polnon noi hing but pure extracts from plants and ri ots are ubed in preparing mcgregors lung compound the modern and now popul r remedy for colds coughs bron chitis croup asthma and all affections of the th roat lungs and chest all mineral poisoi s and dangerous substances are avoidi d which renders it safe for ohildren or adi its sold at 50c and 100 per bottle at dr mcgarvins drug store gilliert laird st margarets hope orkm jvscotland wrrites i ain requested by se eral friends to order another parcel of dr thomas eclectric oilf the last lot i f ot from you having been tested in severe 1 cases of rheumatism- has given when doctors medicines have failed to hai e any effect theejxcellent qualities of thi medicine should be made known that the millions of sufferers throughout the wurld may benefit by its providential discov sry it blukllles syniploms and cure the symptoms are moisture like perspir ation intense itching increased by scratch ing v ry distressing particularly at night seems as if pin- worms were crawling in and about the rectum the private parts are somet mes affected if allowed to continue very s rious results may follow swaynks gixtji ent is a pleasant sure core also for titter itchsalt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail for 50 cents 3 boxes 125 in stamps ad dress dr swayneson philadelphia pa i old by druggists 50 kt t and comfort to tbesufrerln b owns household panacea has no equal or relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain in the side back or b wels sore throat rheumatism tooth iche lnmbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blond and heal as its acting power is wor derful browns household pan- ac551 being acknowledged as the great pain i leliever and of double the strength of an other elixir or lipiment in- the world should be in every family handy for use wlien wanted as it really is the best remed in the world for cramps in the stoma ch and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all drugspsts at 25 cents bottle 44 prominent amoag the greatest medica discov sries by the many cures it hasaffect- ed mt gregorg speedy cure leads the van subjec ted to the minutest chemical analysis it has been found to contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul- ar suta stability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficac is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent l sat we have a preparation which we can oflsr totbe public with the assurance that it will be found not only a relief but an abpi lule cure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgai vins drncstore 31 hollpwais ointment and pills sure relief j- the weak and enervated suffer severely from nervous affections when storms or atmospheric disturbances prevail neuralgia gouty pangs and rheumatic pajns rery distressing to adelicate system may b readily- removed by rubbing this ointm int upon the affected and adjacent parts s fter they have been foniented with warm vater the pills takenjoccasionally in the loses prescribed by the instructions keep tl e digestion in order excite a free flow of healthy bile and regenerate the impovf rished blood with richer materials resulting from thoroughly assimilated food panting which the strongest must inviably- soon sink into feebleness and tbjedelcate find it difficult to maintain existen ce holloways ointment and pills are inf llible remedies j bickes anticonsumptive syrup is a combitation of several rnedicinal i herbfe whicli xert most wonderful influence in curing pulmonary consumption and all other d iseases of the lungs chest and throat it prjor lotes a free and easy expect ration and gives ease even to the greatest siuerisri coudhs colds shortness of breat i and affections of thechest attended with weak ness jof the digestive organs or with general debisty seems to vanish under its use- no other remedy acts so readily in allay- inginflammation or breaking up a severe cold even the most obstinate cough is over come by its penetrating and healing pro perties when children are apeote d with colds coughs inflammation of the lungs croup quinsey and sore throat thi isyrnp is of vast importance thenuriber of deatip among children from these lipeases is truly alarming it is so palatal le thai 4 chiifd will not refuse it and is put at such r pricb that will notexciude the pa r from hiiili corded to voltotaily r ts sarsapar ilia kenney bros by people who have pre v en its benign effects reebmty warien leland jvew york there u no medicine in the world equal to aykrs sariapariixa cured by it ofrheoiiausm j rrv j k pejnlnngton cental south bmpton n b aybbs 8ab- saparrlla has made a me curedbyltof gener john j ryan athletio b bi c philadelphia pa uayers sarsapa- rilla cured me cured by it of rheu matism j j orlando snell loxoeu massjr l enjoy better health than ever before due solely to the uko of aintrs sarsaparil- la cured by it of carbuncles and debility j nathan 8y clkajratand boston mass a most valuable remedy for the lassitude and debility incident to tho spring season fhlsdaughtor curedby ayers sar8aparilla of htadaohesl dlkd- ness indigestion did general de bility mriton pojc draqnt mass tho ono i would recommend above all others as a blood purifier cured by ayers sarsafarilla of scrofulous humor and dyspepsia setbtr caireb nashville tnn my system seemed saturated with scrof ula hut ayers sarsaparilla cured mc j j almost jail tho ills that flesh is heir impurities in the blood tho result of living ayeits sarsaparilia thojoughly to tho dfeesthe organb and imparts now preparation of this clnss for which theso ouc that docs real lasting good is oft francis swetrlovieumass 1r8 sar8aparula is tho only prep- that seems to do me any real good cured by it of blood nipurfties las e b tompkins brooklyn iv y i yehs sarbapa oniia has done me un- t jllgood nothing else bos been so effi- ailous cured by it of feminine aj lments rixkmqrxeiislorigpoint lias worked like a charm no medicine oi ild j have nccon pllshed more his qh id cured by ayers sarsafarilla of scrofulous sore i iilrs h mckay i recommend all afflicted roxulous swi i ii ternal fever at to v yi da 4yers sarsaparilla i rneparyci by vrs rreparedby or if cayer co analytic il chemists r j sold by all druggists price 1 six bottles one thousand 0 b brdi griffin all the dob t- w- ii2 l i 4jpj i sibegrr3ee new spring stock act0n have now a complete stock of fine spring onods in all lines and aro prepared to ooinpftewithnity liouse in the trade euucriuactoh or elsewhere a fulmlho of trunks valise8 etc offiijitoiass lunufnoturcalways on hand i and flit neednt gfttio judph for boots and shoeb jtruiks etc for notwith standing tho saturday excursion furos we are prepared to sell to you just as good goods at va low or lowir prices f save your railway fare dcalvvlth a arm you can rely upon ami leave your money in yw own town our ordered department is as usual turning out firstclass work at reasonable pricos repairing promptly attended to i h youareinvitedtoc j y br lowell mass i ayers sarsafarilla er son cured by it of igs dizziness and dso andrews lowell mass no doubt whatever tliati owe my recovery to oyers saitsafarata cnred by ft salt rheum ienry j chapman nashua nb yeus 8ar8apahilla is hi perfect ikodi purlflor cured by i of long undlhg and sevcro scrofulous hu- 1 illns lorenzo s kugglesil6iri itf v a yers srsaparilla gas proved superiority to all others jtjurecl bv f feminine a eaknessesj spring from or- ore lntnsfled by j ckdltary taint oi of nvtrong jnnncrof j purifies tne blood gives tone fin i vigor itallty to the nervous system tic only j ims can lc tiiithully made and the only j aorkojsas mixed 800am exprew pass tinilll08 ahj through kxji47pm accom loqqpi culoagoexpressdoas and toronto itisie ofcljdslxd golnffwost lddoa going easti1040 a- enrllsh mail closes canadian jpajcff ic from the cradle id t he crave o j sf eight lowell mass for 5 son furniture baalors and tjudertakers aoton having encted a flue new showroom have just received a new and well assorted stock of furniture of all ldnds of tho latest designs including parlor furniiure v bedrpom suites bureaus sfas lounges tablets chairs rockers bedsteads and cradles else that any family requife3 in the furniture line during their journey oradlc to the grave 4nd we can prepirn them for the grave too fof we haveoii hand a latgc stock of 3 gofifi3r caskets etc and everything from the jf all kinds and sizes and all other funeral furnishings most reasonable tcr j a speight manager wo will supply ull the shortest notice and most reasonable terms a first class hearse drawn by a wellmatched teanu for hire- onfi thcttsand tcht down b v the sledge-harmhei- of solid bard cash und for sale by noted halton dry goods house i atoa shirtings cottons dress goods flannels tweeds clothing embroideries muslins c olosingout before tbe lstot april for theeasb down at priecs 50 per cent 1 below any other house in canada oiiaiid after the 1st of april the business ol this house will be continued by a new firm on an extensive cish basis their neg stock isarriving daily the i eater portionof their millinery stock is at hand and milriners at work t ladies can have their orders filled promptly now annual spring miliinery opening 8th 9th and 10th april the rlason why our millinery ope ling is a week later jhan usual this jeaspn is to allow for the art ivalofthe latest parisian novelties in hat3 plotters and tmmmingsf evry effort is being put forth to secure the best and most fashionable goods aud the ladies of acton and neighborhood will findfthe newlfirm bound to keep iipithe repulation of this house for firstclass millinery also to excelany other house in ontario by givhrguhe best values for the least money the new firm will carry on only s firstclass dress and mantle making perfect fit and style guaranteed i if you owe c bcriffih call and pay him before the 1st of april and save costs c b griffin 1 the most fashionable french styles imported for the right housi four cases of ithc latest styles of french swiss belgian and english laces imported comprisinccharniiiie patterns in the most elaborate and newest designs three cask of 8wiss embroideries jast arrived from st gall including many rare aud beautiful patterns in allovers edgfugs and insertions a delightful lot of embroidered swiss mnslms in black iand the latest colors for ladies dresses two cases ot the very latest novelties in piathers aigrettes arid pinnies a case of charming flowers miied with pearl beads gold bunds black beads colored i leads etc a case of new ribbons opened up lately a case of kid olovcs in the newest styles aud colors imported liisweelc ifive cases of new french dress goods from lloubuixjnst arrived tliree cases of knitted underclothing and hosiery from nottingham foi ladies and gentljnien a very handsome lot of french jersevs arrived lately two cases of really piotaresque designs in ladies and misses hats from lnton just imported now quilfonew white cottons hew grey cottons new ticking new shirtings new ginghams new tweeds new carpets new printsinew sateens and hundreds of new goods contained iji 130 cases aud baes have arrived and most of them areoheaper than ever before the wide fastcolored prints atojc aud7jc are creating a sen- sililn- the dreds gopds in black and cnlonsd are marked d wn to nbut two thirds of what they dee worth tho mantles mantle cloths shawls blankets undercloth ing etc- will be sbld off at and under cost no goods will be marked up again the 3c gray cotton tho yard wide 4c 5c 6c and np to lie best are far elow their value just see tlieojc 7ic 10c and the higherpriced white cottons they are all a yard wide and their cheapness is talked of all over the forewomen in mantle millinery and dressmaking departments begin on monday tble loth instant to make up a grand display in their several lines miss amiss has jiecn down in new york for jver three weks amongst the most fashionable dressmaking houses there to get the latest styles she gives ladies the most complete satisfaction in fitting every thirty bales of carpets aiiived and are selling very cheap the right hous is on king street east one door west of hughson dress will be warranted to tit well street the name is hfimilton mardhastjvlssg goin g going- going whb ke to the metropolitan thomasg wa tkij3srs to secure 4i firstel ats cabinet photo because there at moderate prices studio i get satisfaction a a ruby i j metropolitan studio j fyfe acton jfyftej actojf j fyfjej acton ijook t teiis east money saved by purchasing your clothing at the end clothing store spring hats 7 spring tweeds spring worsteds spring overcoatings j spring trowserings i spring tjndejettfear fuil lines of shirts ties collars brace s etc at lowest prices acton acton acton pirfect satisfaction guaranteed jfyfe actopr toe aoton if pyfe agtor i ifyfe acton j jyfe acton eyfei acton health for all i holloms pills anli ointment 2 ast a couoeksed toronto todetroit s toronto 8i0om stretsvillejun9 18 stthomas i2iopm detroit 5 20 chicago 700im rt h ooikowest v expreuju47 exim 11x8 aj mall s45s spoclal 8j0pj accom goacn8jpp- not stop between gualpt u and 580 jim t and 520 pm m ain on wednesday bt i railway tb vest i-ill- tbie table 1 thomas and qhii iago westrex lilcaro ex lpcalbx 1 05 pm 2 00 5 25 845 8 05 am a 4 15 pm 5a5 8 55 v toronto ottawa montreal quebec torohtoto mot treal and quebec limitodlixi montreal ex 8 00 9 25 am 6 32 im 10 00 030 ani brampton btroetsvillo jct 7 2 755 pj 4 3flim 818 2 20 pni bfamptohto strjbetsville junction am 4 ssjjtn 525 brampton to orangayille and owen sound brampton 7 22aia 555pm orangeville 8 45 1- 7 06- owon sound 2 40inj- 102d purchase youpj tickets 1y this new and popular j llks james mitthews acton 5ncke- laqeet ont acton planing mills willi amsoht eamshaw rltopllietob busier and ooatjractor sash door arid blind factory volul wm every tl jree pbe88 acton 4 8ub oxe tkab thbeei invariably in i 45 peryearirill tfaned til all option of tbe pub i i adva space one column half column quarter coin one inch cwuladve first insertion au sequent insertion reckoned by the e scale of solid non adtertfsementi will be inserted t ugly transltor n advance ckangeb for col in the office by therwillbelefc win- ihorfc- ii prepared to pnt ion storm doors lows weather strips etc on s notice winter porches erected neatly land at reasonable prices i we have one of floury s celebrated chop- ping mills arid will chop all kinds of grain on tuesdays thursdays and satufdayk el eamsetaw managers goto 1 j waters bros the pigture gallebyi gutlph for artists materials oil and wafer colors crayons canvas drawing papers brushes bc oil painting stpel engravings chronios c frames oil all kindsf mouldings llooniaud picture cornices and cornicepoles ispnhs rollers and windowshades frouiooo complete pmcy groodsrsuitablc tor wedding and birthday presents kc their pictures so bring tfrem 7i tbttittautbarevti busil ber of college office and frederick8tre c e stacj trinity ity medical i of physicians i offlceica l l ben1 e visitors can iwve framed while in the rity wiih you to waters the picture gallery the key ro health bros near the posi office tjnlocks all the cljjgged avenues of the bowels kidneys and liver carry- lngoff gradually without weakening the system all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions at the same time cbrreating jaeiaity of the stomach curing biliousness dya- popsia headaqhes dizzinesh artburn constipation dryness s sk dnipsy bimness 6f vision jaundie a- salt eheum ympelas bcrof ala plnttering of tne heart tterrc usness and gen- era debility nl the and many othep similar comi kifcts yield to the 1 happy inflneice blood eiotei t eulbtes co mm rti31mg itoontaihs lists ofuiecostofadtertteii 3 of news aj wants to spend one nereqi invest one hundred nti formation he reqnlres vertlstng a scheme is meet his every reqnir to do so by slight changes retpondence 119 editlo sent postpaid to any write to geo p newspaper advertising ipsprnoestfrlntlnge 0 use 8a requiri inn juoi 18 tse jpilils purify 1 lie blood correct all disorders of the liver stomich kidneys and bowel8 they invigorate and leslorc to health debilitated constitutions and are iuvnltiable inah complaints incidentalto females of all ages for children and the aged they are priceless the ointment is an iiifailable remedy for bad lefis bad breasls old wpiinds sores and ulcers it is faraousfor gout and kheumatisni for disorders of the chest itjias no equal ros soaa throats sapwositis owghs odlrs glandular swelling aud 11 skin diseases it lias iio rival j and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm manufactured only at thomas holloways establishhieut 78 new ozfurdstrest late 533 oxford street loadoa enj and aie sold at is l 2s 9d 4s cd lis 22s and 33s each box or pot j and may j be tad of all medicine vendors thoughout jhe world flapurehaaers should look to ihe label on the fojs- and boxes if the address- is- not 533 oxford street london they are spurious w a i u the prizes and is the best maohme oil offered for sale in the domin- ion in proof of this we will pay freightbotb ways when it fails to please the purbhaser oil six gold medals have been awardedthja ou within the last tnree teaii noe genuine oniiytifat made at the qtj3e3 n gjnrsr oil siubieogbrs go toronto for sale by j b peairsontr mcgarvin j e hbwsoni d shoultzfiockwcod i i isfti big mgmm kzs andctjbuhjaqtolifana wyj we hfcyerec edition of d prated siy peimanentcu re nerroas debility mental a ity impedimedts of m lrriaa from excesses r jprice id a sealed or two postage stomps fjthe celebrated author say clearly demonstra es successfnl practice thati jarm may beiradically eured ube of internal medicines pointing ont a mode of tain and effectual uy sufferer no matter what may euro himself cheaply this lecture should youth and everyman in address the cnlverwcil post office box 450 8 i jl cimoks dentisj new system ofj monly called m iv teeth without n strator and pi y college of den rifts may deped s in any operatil ti actou every j l month officel k t- stibtol tl ontario w college of ued ef c b hayes el- serted on bnbn x- inum and sai w rose oxide gas w te appointd h toveub blod john law o tario veti ri veterinary 0uj p in kenny bros 3fc dence in the w my- soundness and all calls nig edtb therms lurciieakj barristers s ancers itc fl office ii wjiamcld i j m soljcri office fin office main stj i i at 6 per cent s hilton bitedoce jproiirutow toronto a book of 100 pages fha best book for an advertiser to con sult be he experi enced orstherwise apers and estimates fhe advertiser who do iar finds initthein- 1 rhlleforhlmirhowill th nsand dollars in ad- ndicated which will ment or caif be made asuy arrived at byeor- 3 have been issued address for 10 cents bowelii co bdbeau i new york toboj officescij aad 8g i vi t allan aint p atente henfirl 20ears prl manhood how iost hob kestoeed w m hel ently published a new culverwells cele- t on the radical and without medicine of and physical incapac- etcj resultmi nvelope only 6 cent in this admirable es from thirty years ming consequences without the dangeroub 1 or the use of tfieknife hre at once simple cer- meamof which every his condition may be privately and radically in the hands oi every 1 he land medical co 41 ann st new 1 ark xij for the counl orders left atf or at myj promptly att alsomonei able terma a terest in san cial 1 orders by nfj i tended to perth su glj john ikj office square t- r wders are pleasant to tsi contain their owa pnrstttio la aett iraroow jettectaat destroyer of worms iti ciuldren or adalta toairwboari and indisoretiohskjf neea early decay lpu will send you axecip i fbee of phabgii wa discovered by a america pond a ii to the ekvijo8epht tptiifffv i 4i- john j succe money to j per oent loaned f or pd sesarity cd properljc anj farrnsarid with farms fl dominion to culatedin wanting fard rections thrl farms waul dence in vib guelphon from the errors youth nervous weak- df manhood o 1 mat willurt yon j this great remedy missionary in feonth if fddressed envelope imiamskoiiehi a nffsring loss self rra b i i an easy shal aeafoam an giverj oondition tastily cut

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