Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 8, 1886, p. 1

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ki v 1 ilhfppf i lkc 1 bb i wsyfiibbmb kt 33s91hm bk- 1 vl f k mm r wmm ter f tsszhsm h 1 vill lk i utfll hi b iji l volume 3tl xq 41 stye retort m flms is publl 1hkp every thursday morning u at k free press power printing house acton ontario subscripts n rate8 1 00 spt months 0mthr three months invariably in advance 50 its 85ct8 if not paid in advance a1 v nana iliannn s125 nor year will be charted ifo paper discon- 9ued till all arrears arjo paid except at the ojitlon of the publislier advertising rates- kpm k i yl 1 6 mo 3 mo ouecoluniu i 000 halfcolunin 850 quarter column 20c1 oueluoh i oqo if casual advertisements first insertion aud 2 cents sequent insertion cash reckoned b the space oci scale ol- solid nonpareil advertisements without will be inserted till forbid ugly transitory advertisements n advance cents per lino for tho per hue for each sub- the number of lines cjupied measured by a a changes for contract in the office- by 9 ajn tier will be left over tratty advertisements must be i mondays otherwise the following week h p ijtoore gdltor and proprietor twspapermf wtllng bureavhjo spruci 8tx- lantractsmarbemadefoifit in kew vohh found on file at geo v cos newspaper ait fc8utwbere adveruslm business directory h lowry rg w graduate of tf ber of college of physicians aud surgeons ji b m c p s sity college mem- office aud resideuct frederick street aotofi 1 e stacey ili cm graduate of trnuty tjnivers ity fellow of trin ity medical school mi imber of the college of physiciaus and surgeons c offick campbells ac mcktnlayj l d s surgeon dentist georg townjont uses the new system of nitrons oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeiltwithout pam e aving been demon strator and practical teacher in royal college of dental sur jeona toronto pat rons may depend upon leceiving satisfaction in any operations pel formed will visit acton every other wednesday of each month office agnefvs hotel 1 ontario hono college of dental suigery successor to artificial teeth in- c b hayes lds serted on rubber ceujuloid gold or alum inum and satisfaction guaranteed nit rous oxide gasadministered ate tovells block opposite p o guelph tario veterinary veterinary surgeonafctononj office- in kenny bros boptabd shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certific ites given all calls night or dajy promptly attend ed to terms easy m clean amcmiil barristersuolicitori notaries convey ancers c atprivatje funds to loan oryiclrowd wsi a mclean emitchell solicrrois cov eyclkr c ofule first door west of the cluimpion office main street mil ton money to loan at 6 per cent hilton allan 4 baird barristers solicitors c touomo ci geobgetows ohices creelman s block georgetown and 86 king street eajst toronto w t uiav j sm1t0s bl j bum bi b ain laidlaw baiuubtebs is 93so0 sj0u0 2000 rioo 100 700 350 200 lino 8700 350 250 100 specific directions ana charged accord- must be paid at the head of acjtoy ontario thuftgbay afbil 8 1980 agt0n banking coy storey christie co -bankerb- actou ontario a general bank1n0 business transacted honey loaded 017 approved notes notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits j e m special agency actoa oat ell telephone company messages received and transmitted at lower rates than telegraphing allan line steamships tickets issued to all poin of great britain aud the continent at very lowest rates buy the tickets here if sending for friends hotel l bennett ilds djentist georgetown ontario stibton lbs jijlcdb graduate ontrid fees moder- appointments mjadebyleteer office ohn lawsox gjradtjate of on- oollege toronto- hall acton hcoii mcmillan if one save lj dealing vita je mcgarvin acton ontario all the farmers and others having crippled horses will do well to call on geo stoddard who is prepared to remove ringbones spavins curbs and splints without injuring the horse satisfaction guaranteed or no charge geo creechs old stand acton stoddard i chonjenew wall borders paper to match newest styles colorings and elegant designs for 1886 -at- days bbokstore cuelph best stock to select irom lowest price and best value at days bookstore day sells cheap acton lumber shingles and lath rtoie undersigned desires to inform the public j that he has now on hand and trill keep in stock a all line of pine and hemlock as well as other kinds of lumber also first and second class pine shingles lath coal wood having purchased the coal business of mr c s smith 1 am prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal i hare also a good stock of wood- hardwood ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered james brown fire fire fire burnel out put not dqstroyod for ft co solioitobs i3 oitklb over imjierial bank 24 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto john batc q c c- a ilihlln wllllui luuww geobge kippele patents secured itor inventions henry gristj 20 years practice ottawa casad no patent no pay k j w m hemstret i licensed actionkejb for the counties of w alliugtonand halton orders left at the fbe puess office acton or at my residence promptly attended to money jo loan also money to loan on the able terms and awh lowest having perflated arrangements the rebuilding of the l planing mill at the head of river street recently de- stroyed by fire and purchased new machin ery we would inform the public that on or about the 1st of may we will be in a better position than ever to supply their wants in the shape of ssssare ltossr sheeting flooexng hovldxtfas c j also fn the meantime pumps will be repaired and general job bing done as usual thanking you for past favors and hoping by strict attention to business and reason able prices to mevit an increased share of patronage we arc respectfully yours i thos ebbagk manager i r b l p it- business college guelph ontario john street acton wm e smith proprietor i mk smith has purchased the livery business of mr h b mccarthy which be has removed to his commodious stables on john street in the centre of the business portion of the town mr smith has had lengthy experience in this business and feels confident that he dan give satisfaction to every patron anyone desiring a qoxmaorcll plea sure or oompaay iu can be supplied with a firstclass turnout on the shortest notice horses boarded and sold xernis leasonable wm e- smith b gtctim jfm firm tuunsiux mohkk aibil 6 1886 poetry the sugar camp the sugar camp that i have in mind was reached by paths that downward wind from fertile fields to the valleys whee the maples held out their arms in air the freezing froapand the melting sun brought boys and girls mixed toil and fun the toil was to empty the filling trough and the tan wab hadin the sugaring off l the sap was boiled in the freezing night and the boys and girls in the glaring light would sit and sing or walk and spark where trees oast shadows long and dark the sap m the pot that boiled and steamed was not bo sweet and the fire that gleamed neath the iron pot had not such glow as the love their hearts had come to know tia years since thon and the maple trees are deaij to suns and the frosts that freeze but love goes on as in- other days for love has a hundred thousand ways our story dick mintunns lesson quebec st guelfh in acton will be terms reasonable bost favor- rates of in terest in sums of joo and upwards surveyor joh davjls proving cial land surveyor and qe guelph orders by mail or telegraph promptly at tended to charges moderate omce 33 perth st guelph john day argfcltectt guelph om office queens ijlotel blck market square i r john j daleyj successor to tt ompson 4 jackson money to loan o i farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in alj its branches properly and neatly p done charges low farms tind city property for sale list with farms for sale s nt to all parts of the dominion to intendit gpurchapers and cir culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in o itario will be sent di rections through ou european agencies farms wanted for our lists correspon- dence invited offfcf near- the post office guelph ont i bbj- oondition tasjjly cut ladies 00tot7 of vtbllington establisheu 1840 t ad office cuelph the harlan barber shop mrix srn set acton i au easy shave a atj lish haircut a good seafbam an exhilan tting shampoo always given razors hone f nd put in flrstolass n tialaa and n i n fan ton and childrens hair j v woidi tonaorial artist insures buildings merchandize manu- facwries and all other descriptions of pre perty on the premium note systemi f tie second scholastic year commenced september lat each de part ment is in charge of a specialist to imp irt a practical training for the efficient comluot of business affairs is the sphere and work of the institution its graduates are ilready holding responsible positions in the commercial centres in the dominion efu rgetio young men and women are thor- oug ily prepared for positions as bookkeep ers shorthand writers correspondents or i elegraph operators students received at a ny time for circular and catalogue givi ag full information address m maccormick 14flm principal john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct i importer of all kinds of granite aud i marble having latel visited the baj offundygramte quarries and having purchased the entire stock of gray and rod granite monuments headstones crosses nrns etc of alexander taylor at loss than cost i will until further notice hell at prices never before known in ontario for in stance granitepionuments 6 ft high sgo 7 ft i75 8 ft s90 0 ft woo 10 ft s120 ah work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this line mil do well to call and see ine before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee m price are from 10 to 50 per cent below all other dealers f fire mutual insurance company of the dont read this the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice n any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood i also flour and feed and anything in the line of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities thos c moore general agents j mcdonald co no 2 victoria st toronto estate insurance agents h houses notes valu- w stone qnas davidson president secretary john taylor agent tefephone connection floral view greenhouses georgetown ont i tlhb newest and choicest plants and cut x flowers wholesale and ketail t i funeral and wedainc desjgns 1 prepared on bhbrt notice a nil shipped safely any w money to loan at six per cent rented business chances chattle mortgages promissory and other securities negotiated nators ac- t farms or other properties sold or ex changed call at fbee press office 1 1 tprancis nunan successor to t f chapman bookbinder st georges square guelph ontario i acoqunt books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully boundj ruling neatly and promptly done if send 10 cents postage and we will mail you fbee a royal valu able sample box of goods that will putyou in the way of mak- ingimobe money at once than anything else in america both fall ages can live at home and work in ime or ill the tlm capital not required start you pay- sure for those who start stjnohco portland main good news dora cried diok min- tum as lie came in from tho office one evening 1 mr dale has offered a prize of a hundred dollars for the best plan of a house for rosebank and i am going to try for it im almost sure to win for none of our fellows are much good at that bort of thing dick was one of the clerks in an archi tects office and he and dora his only sis ter kept house together in the little cottage which their fathechadleft them and which dora made a uerfeot little paradise of a home just opposite them was rosebank whose owner mr warrington had been abroad some years the house had been burned down some months before but the grounds had been kept in beautiful order and one of doras daily pleasures was to stroll through tho cool shady winding paths or dream away an hour on the bank of the olear merry little stream which was one of the chief charms of the place now mr warrington had written that he was coming home to live and that rose bank was to be rebuilt of which building mr dale his agent had charge oh dick if you will only try in real earnest exclaimed dora eagerly just think how much we need the mone you can do it if you only will i kuow do be gin at once of course i can said dick confident ly but theres plenty of time the plans are not to be submitted till the first of the month so dont worry but dora could not help worrying she knew dicks failing sif well he seemed to reverse the old saying never doing today what he could put off till tomorrow if i only had dicks chance she said desperately as the days went by ad he showed no inclination to begin his work wh shouldnt she try the thought came over and over again she had etadied drawing with their father when dick did and far more diligently to be sure he had all the practice in mr dales office since but she knew rosebank by heart and had built so many dreamcastles there that to plan a more substantial structure seemed an easy matter i it wasnt she found whensbe had once begun but she possessed what dick lacked perseverance and that helped wonder fully she worked early and la e weaving into her plan those lovely day di earns with whioh rosebank had always in spired her till it grew into a beauty whicl was even beyond her brightest f anc the last week of theiallotted mme came and dick thoroughly awakened to the need of haste and ashamed of his foolish idling began to work with a feverish energy that prevented his progress what shall i do dora he exclaimed petulantly i cannot even tlimk muoh less put an idea on paper his anxiety really made him ill and on the eventful day when the plans were to be given in he declared himself unable to leave the house 1 dora had intended to give hiii her plan then but since he could not go she would send it so she went ou and cai ing jimmy ryan the washerwom ins boy who hap pened to be passing sle sent hi oa with the precious plan securely sealed tc mr dales office with strict injun stions to deliver it to that gentleman only poor diok was restless and mi serably un happy it cant be helped how he said as he prepared to go to his duties next morning some ope has won the prize i wonder who it is 2 j what was his amazement to be greeted by mr dale with j well dick my boy i congratulate you your plan is the winning one its just perfect 1 i did not think you could liave done it were you too modest to bringit yourself yesterday my plan i exclaimed dick in utter amazement what do you mean why i mean your plan said mr dale impatiently here it is d min ium dont you kno that name and he unrolleddoras paper and pointed to the name medestly insoribed in a lower corner and let roe tell yooahe added that if it had not been for this plan i should have dispensed with your services from today you will not deny tharyou liave been idle and careless leaving your work to do at the last moment or else leaving it undone and i cannot put up with xhat but this shows what you oan do if ycja try i shall hope for even better things hereafter now here is the money i am very glad indeed to give it to you and he laid ten shining gold pieces on the table before his clerk what could diok do except for that threat 5f losing his position ho would have told the truth he knew it was doras work but he could not understand- it where had she learned ta do this she should have told him it was not fair and manlike he began to blame some one be side himself by noon he had worked him self quite into a passion and rushing home he threw down the money into doras lap exolaiming there i that is yours 1 if you had taken half the trouble to keep me at my work that you took to do your own it would have been mine and i shouldnt have lost my situation unkind illogical dick i as if dora had not tned her utmost to keep him at his work helping him at last in her own way when she could donothing else lose your situation diok she ex claimed startled at his words what do you mean just what i said answered diok roughly and then he told her what mr dale had said i could not tell him the truth then he continued i was a coward but he must know and this afternoon no dickl let me go interrupted dora impetuously j ill tell him he will not be angry ian sure and he wiust give you another chance for youll do bet ter for my sake wont you dear yes indeed said dick not ashamed then of the tears that filled his eyes it has been a lesson i wont forget i promise you when dinner was over dora put on her hat and jacket and hastened to see mr dale she was a privileged visitor to the old gen tleman and as often before entered his private office without knocking he was not alone and she blushed to see herself confronting a handsome young gentleman who she saw at a glance helcl her plan in his hand good afternoon miss dora said mr dafe kindly can i do anything for ypu dora forgot her embarrassment then forgot everything but that she had come to plead for dick dear dick whom she had promised always to help and eagerly she told her story he didnot mean to deceive you he did not know i beujt it oh please do not be vexed and send him away see there is the mouey take it and forgive us both so it was your plan eh remarked mr dale thoughtfully where did you get it from 9 from my heart i think answered dora softly her voice full of gentle re proach i lave rosebank so dearly and i was always building aircastles there for mr warrington so that 1 seemed to know just the kind of a house he wanted per haps it was wrong i meant to tell you sometime i did it for dicks sake wont you forgive him for my sake before mr dale could reply the strange gentleman stepped forward allow m6 date this concerns me i think he said certainly replied mr dale bowingr miss mint urn this is mr warrington the master of rosebank dora turned her sweet face toward him arfe you really roy warrington then you are the lord of my castle she said artlessly wont you intercede for my brother it was all for dicks sake he knew that and answered heartily indeed i will or if you likeit better he shall be my private secretary with a room in the now house fitted up for his use would that plerfse you it is a part of my dream come true said happy dora with a shy glance at the handsome face bending over her then as she remembered the rest of her dream and how muoh her words might imply her eyes fell and a rosy flush crept over her cheeks tinging even the fairness of her forehead with its lovely coloring perhaps roy warrington guessed what a young girls daydream might be besides had she not said he was lord of her cas tle this charming maiden whose great est charm was her perfect unconsoionsness of self but she had asked his help and he had promised it he must let other thoughts wait he would see her and learn to know her by and by will you trust it all to me he said and dora smiling a glad assent went home to tell dick the wonderful news it is better than i deserve he said httmbly but i will deserve it and so far he has kept his premise nobly the house is built that fair structure which dora planned when it was finished roy led her through its beautiful rooms ib it like your dream he asked then suddenly oh dora i love you i he cried passionately will you share rose bank with me as my wife it will not be home else she did not answer she could not for as she looked up her soft eyes shining with the lovelight that roys words had called up from their depths he stooped and kissed her and her dream has all come true the preacher and the landlord l when rev dr tappen was the agent of the american home mission society he once made a trip through the northeastern part of maine on horheback it was before the days of railroads on arriving at mattawamkaag where he was pleasantly entertained he was told he had better re main over night there as the place which lie intended to make bis next station was rather rough and uncomfortable and the landlord was a rude blasphemous man who might not use him well but dr tappan was anxious to carry out his itinerary as he had planed it and journey ed on he arrived at his destination at dusk the landlord came out greeted him cordially took his horse and put him up- hastened in to help entertain- his reverend guest prepared a nice warm supper for him aud was as polite as a lightningrod agent just before dr tappen retired the land lord and all his family arranged in pro cession according to their ages filed into the room with much decorum and the doc tor was asked to lead them in family- wor ship which he cheerfully did t the next morning after the doctor had dressed the host his wife his boys aud hi girls all neatly attired came in again and the same request was made and grant ed after a good breakfast the doctors nag was brought to the door saddled and bridled and the good man prepared to go on his way he asked for hi bill v not a ceut said the landlord cheerily the doctor thought this reply was strange from a landlord preceded by such an ill reputation and said ivhy i must pay you for my entertainment you dout owe mo a cent said the innkeeper the fact is that tin peddlers butchers drovers nshmeu and all classes of people comehere to stop with mej and i make it a point to take my pay in their own line whenever i can ive done the same by you youve paid good morn ing sir 1 the old divine used to tell this auecdote himself with great relish leu uto me journal pftlce thbee cents xj p how babt walk aens when you seerwe baby walk step by stepladd stumble just remember now hes here both his wings ire gone oh dear catch him 01 1 hell tumble t when you bear the baby talft bit by bit al broken only think hpw be forgets wonders go u all his angel words and lets anspoken 4 r the only way io avert a great to the editor of the f 3ee paces sib it is notdiff cult to forseeihat with oilr cold damp weal her in winter and even in bpring and fall tl lis will be a very disa greeable country to ive in as soon as the remains of our for sts which intersperse the country are cut or fall down it would be an excellent thing no doubt of owners ithese but this does a unique cyclopedia an extremely valuable cyclopedia and of very great popular interest is aldens cyclopedia of universal literature volume 11 of which is just published novel in plan and novel in form at once beautiful and convenient and at a price low even compared with mr aldess always low prices this volume gives in its nearly 500 pages biographical sketches of oqe hundred and eleven prominent authors with char acteristic selections from their writings the following authors among otbers ap pear in this volume audubon st augus tine dauvergne bacon balzac bancroft banim barbauld beaumont beecher several of the name bentham bion bjornson black william t blackstone blessington countess of and boccaccio thus representing nearly all ages and all nations even in this volume american english french german italian greek latin swedish portugese scotch dutch irish norwegian and danish authors fromthe period 280 b c to a d 1886 the literary and mechauical workmanship are both of a high order thefwork is really one that ought to find a place in every homejlibraryv it offers a fimd of en tertainment and instruction that will prove wellnigh inexhaustible the price only 60 cents a volume makes its possession possible even to nearly every school boy the work is published also in parts of 160 pages each exchangeable at any time for bound volumes which are sent postpaid for 15 cents each every reader of this notice ought to get at least a specimen part for examination john- b albtif publish er new yprk to preserve many of not seem probable wing to the habit of letting cattle run at large in the remaining woods people do not know how injurious this is i remember a good many years ago clear ing a farm and leaving a good ten or fifteen acres on the north side to shelter it this was a long narrow piece and a beautiful mass of green leavesthe chief trees being maple oak and hemlock in good growth and the ground- hl good forest condition covered deep with old leavesthere should be no grass in a wood and well filled with fine young saphngsjj ready to replace the old tre6s now if i had fenced that it would have remain d good for there was too much green har iwood to catch fire if any had run here ixcept along the outside edge but it remained unfenced cattle got m ate down all the lyoung trees dried and hardened it all gra ss got in and in a few years it was all cut down not- resembling then the original btsh at all but b wilder ness of dry stalks but if the old for st can in no great por tion be- preserved a id if people will spend fifty dollars worth ifsfielter jo grow a dol lars worth of beef 1 a previously remarked this will soon be a miserable land to either live or travel in i or f bear the class of cold the d imf cold prevalent in ontario without belter as people can wherethe cold is d ier ontario was ori ginally covered hea vily with forests and the climate needs si imething of the sort what i should lil te to suggest would be that if owners of la ud would invest to some extent in planting 1 dws of evergreens across the north and west bideq of the land the jvil would be to l great extent averted hey are doing this inl many parts of the united states whe e every year millions of young evergreens ai e sold by nurserymen they are there senl great distances by be ing sold when smal a to 6 inches at 350 per thousand 10 t 12 inches at 8 per thousand 18 to 20ii ches at 812 per hundred this is norway 1 sproce pines and cedars cost rather more i have no dolibtthat as soon as there is a demand they cai be produced as cheaply here perhaps are n jwor with care any one can grow seedl flgs for themselves but time is lost then tl lereare many thousands yet to be had foi nothing in woods and fields- in transpla nting there is one thing to be remembered- never let the roots of evergreens dryfor a moment keep them damp and covered rom both sun and wind till the time they aire planted the best time is the first we i in june but i have known great numbe cs planted with complete success in early sj ming while the ground was a little refrozf n so thaf some earth was carried with tl e roots a fortnights latw i in planting out little evergreens say this given afterwards to in a few years give redundancy of legal phraseology the superfluity of expression ih legal lore is something interesting and frequently amusing now for instance if our young legal friend of the town hall office desired according to law to present his mqst inti mate lady friend with an orange instead of saying i give you this orange which one would t link would be what is in legal phraseology an absolute conveyance of all righi and title therein the phrase would run thus i give you all and singular my estate and interest right title and claim and advantage of and in that orange with all its riud skin juioe palp and pips and all right and advantage therein with full power to bite cut suck and other wise eat th same or give the same away as fully ani effectually as i said j t am now entitle i to bitej out suck or otherwise eat the san e orange or give the same away with or wit lout its rind juioe pulp and pips anyth ng heretofore or hereafter or in any othe deeds or instruments of what nature or kind soever to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding yours year and some care preserve them- would 1 beautiful high wall of closelygrowing trejis the greatest orna ment and most valt kble protection a farm can have h r w phipis toionto march 27ti 1886 v k dangetb of delay if we were allowf 1 to look into the future and see the fatal coi sequences that follow a neglected cold how differently would our course be could w e realize our danger bow speedily we woi id seek a cure dut with many it is on ywheu the monster disease has fastened its fangs upon our lujugs that we awal t a to our folly what follows a neglected c aid is it not disease of the throat and in n gsironchitis asthma consumption and many other diseases f like nature xlt is vrse than madness to neglect a cold and i 1 is folly not to have sometgood remedy available for this fre quent complaint one of the mostreffioa- cions medioi4eg fo jail diseases of the throat andiuujgs ie i ioklefbanti-consump- tive syrup this tn sdioineis composed of several mucinal 1 ei bs winch exert a most wonderful influence n curing consumption and other diseases of the lungs and chest it promotes a freeand easy expectoration soothes irritation land drives the from the system the difierence in a year oh she sighed drawing back the curtain and looking out into the back and gruesome night it is storming like mad and he wont come but he did come and assured her aa he wound his arm about her waist to support her fragile form or something that nothing less than a storm of dynamite could keep him from the woman he loved better than life itself a year after marriage he remained down at the club until midhight and told his wife upon his return that he would have been some earlier but would pour down rain it looked as if every minute it it is not true that goat runs in a family no one ever saw gout make a decent a tempt at walking even t r reader in informing you of this wonderful premedy for coughs colds asthma bronchitis consumption and all affections of the throat and lungs we feel we are doing yon a great kindness as if you have any of the above complaints if you will ouly try it we will guarantee satisfaction in every case orjmoney refund ed ask for mcgregors lung compound price 25o 4nd 100 per bottle at dr mo- garvins drug store a valuable flad james alex sproul of orangeville says he ha found burdock blood bitters to be the best medicine he ever took for kidney complaint j with which he was long suffer ing he declares b b bl without a rival much inaiujtlc hamilton dowd writing from burns ont says hewas afflicted with chilblains which were very sore and painful and nothing relieved until he tried hogyardai from the world theiij yellow oil j less than one bottle cured iiim advancing two ijmlfk5islii what ih licgregirfl speedy cure for it is for jpyspepsial liver complaint in digestion biliousness and itf is the finest blood purinoriin the known world today f does it give saisiaotiou we canujot point to one instance where it did not where do ss it halve the largest bales right in th city of hamilton where it is manufai tu ed there has ibeen over one thousand 1 all ars worth sold in the last years reta i i nd the great majority of the sales are b f c aerecoinmending it to anoth er for 6a e 1 1 50o and 5100 per bottle halls hair rene per renews cleanses brightens in 1 invigo fates the hair and re stores fadid r grjay liair to its youthful eolof and in jtre p sople withgray iik should usf tie renevfer and tbus conceal bleached looks and 4ip

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