Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 8, 1886, p. 2

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i w tmomiko j uhui 6 1880 nonsbando itiskud thkvrr acton in th5 cotjrtb on thursday juajjuiol daythe mtudoipal clerk m representative of the corporation wa acjrrei by dl81ierif cteraeota with the longthreatened writ re the new cemetery to make the matter more interesting perhp totltoalgossipen three of the councillor i were also served with oopies of the yrrit while the other councillor who is perch woe a friend of the unknown plaintiffs in he case was con- veniently passed over rheattention paid the three councillors wi s however imae- oessary and to bay the least absurd for heoorporton was justi a effectually served through the clerk as ii every citizen had been individually sura noned and- all the cocillors occupy one osition with refer ence to the action and iieir ixsponsibility as public servants whe her served or not who thsr real plaintiff 5 are the writ fails to disclose possibly the public will see them brought out from the sackground before the case closes keith r is the reason gfor we action given or the nature of the grounds upon which the opart is requested io restrain the cbrpdration from estab lishing a public cemetery on tbe property named recited this particular part of the unreasonable affair is bhroudcd in darkness but that thej corporation of the village of acton is the defendant in the case and that the taxpayers of the municipality willibeoi bbb si f mtimm jots hwift which tb oanidian paclno rail way j tee to pty jjjhe goktnment biok ihe omiooq loan before uty lit j the ipringuke weather has brought out a large uuttber of spring hats and bonnets and it vasipainful to opserve how man of them vere surmounted by btuffed birds the ta ite for such decorations ib worthy of a sava e race it is jatiiiiated that five millioi s of songsters are destroyed auuu- ally in north aroerici alone to gratify the harbai io vanity of snob women as cltlight in this sort of thing the pulpit ajud the press should unite their influoncei in a jorusftc e against a fashion so cruelly de struct ve and so scandalously vulgar world j the council of tile agriculture and ar avocation has petitioned the dominion parlis merit to pass a law making the sale or imj tortation of oleo butters and obeese permissible ouly vheu the packages are stamj ed as auoh it appears that consid erable quantities of this stuff afe being im ports and sold iii this oountr for ihe genui le artiole and being put u p in spijoi- ous p ckages itjconimandfl a ready sate the c lovernment ii urged hot only to j ro- vide f 4he proper j labelling of these a rti cles tut to imnose a heavy tariff u n them both of cbtoms and of inland re tqronfc venueiifhra caluuuaii mr to bear the wliole of the villages share of all expense incurred is ver clearly and unmistakably setforth rumor gives currency to the presumption that the action ariseafrora the claim that the county council illegally excluded thatpor- jtion of land now known as fairview cetne- jtery from the village of acton but we have it upon tbe highest legal authority that alt the proceedings connected with the separation on tbepart of both acton and j the county councils were perfectly legal and in strict harmony with the statute there seems no other reasonable ground for action at any rat we fail to see where any citizens rights have been infringed by thev opening of theaevrcemetery or how l any injustice or injury could possibly occur at any time in the future through its loca- tioa tbepubeo willrbeinuob inclined to conclude that the whole trouble is the result of unedforjealousyand perhaps person al dislikes the inatfer is very much to be regretted for in any event the corporation will be put to considerable expense in de fending itself and the property belonging to it and we believe the authorities are taking a course in which they are fully justified by facing the matter boldly with counsel of eminent standing at its back by this action the authorities are putting them selves in a position to intelligently defend the rights of citizens against the tampering by marauders of public peace and order it is really deplorable that this matter should be brought into confusion again it was made an issue at the polls at tbe recent municipal election and on that occasion the ratepayers spoke in the most decisive terms in favor of the new cemetery and the committee who had superintended the work connected therewith in considera tion of this it was generally and very natural ly concluded that there would be no further tried dling with the question then too a considerable sum has been expended in putting the cemetery in proper condition for public use and when a revenue of some moment is about to be derived in favor of village finances the matter is again stirred up yenly it appears as though the mal contents would delight to see the whole expenditure thus far incurred thrown to the i winds there is this satisfaction in the matter however if it can be called a sat isfaction that in addition to their heavy expense for entering and conducting the case the plaintiffs whoever they may be will be called upon to bear a share proportionate to the value of thedirrespeetive properties of as expenditures that may be incurred bythe corporation in defending the suit they have nothing whatever to gain and they run a great big chance of becoming responsible for the costs of a case in the high court of justice and afterwards pay ing their share as- ratepayers of tbe whole cost of defence and the necessary expenses connected therewith the whole matter of agitating objections to the opening of a new cemetery during the past four or five yeaxshas been an exceedingly silly and unreasonable piece of business it has air ready cost the corporation some hundreds of dollars and this last action is the most shortsighted of them all the malcontents who are interesting themselves will eventu- ally learn that their whistle was very dearly paid for a year in abeyance the scott act cannot be enforced in fron- tenao till 1887 v though an orderincouncil has been issued declaring tbe scott act in force in frontenac yet it canirot be enforced until itay 1887 it was voted upon and carried may 1885 thftneglect in not publishing the enforcement of the act lies in the state department the scott act people say therecan be no excuse for an omission that practioally neatraljzes the labors of the temperance men they claim that it waa at a large expenditure of time and mbr toey accoinplished what they did bfmriatednesif it is fbto soine jmembers have been 5wn to about a special act of parliament jto vei this peculilf case but writes a snauaa from ottaw a member of the tmxim ah janoej it is very donbtfal if itnwjbe got ihropgh the senate even if v j r i scbi er andcana 4iia -ljfyisifii- locraney m p foi- to th this pou ity has been inquiring into the expense of main aining bideau hall the residencv of the ig over norgeueral it seems that for repai rs and f urniture the pebple otjcan a paid 35507 in 1884 and 91206 in 1 5 this in addition to other charges u ake the lovernorgeneral a very expensive iuxuiy it cost 495 to remove the siow from the grounds iu one year and 8 000 for a al to heat thehall there is un- denii bly considerable dissatisfaction in a genei al way at the enormous cost of the gove morgeneralship of canuda tiie gov- ernoi generals department his pers ual and 1 iipartmental travelling expenses and the 1 lain tenance and repairing of bideau hall it is not surprising therefore hat mr iccraney has given notice of a series of m ubns covering this whole matter and t will also not be surprising if i these moti us prevoke a discussion in which a little more radical sentiment respecting the hief executive office of our country than has hitherto found parliamentary ex pires ion is uttered the cemetery suit at ilast takes its first step the obstruc tionists take an exoeuent method to increase their own anc others taxes s1200 for a start are the the the id response to a petition by a majority of the members of the- council the clerk was requested to summon a special meet ing io be held on friday april nd at 830 pm to reconsider or further consider the matter of fire protection also to pro vide for answer to a writ against the cor poration in the taatter of the public cemetery a special meeting was held that evening j the clerk took the chair and explained the object of the meeting j members riresenti councillors henjer- son eyfe and cameroh j upon motion mr jhenderson look tbe chair mr j e mcgarviu clerk emplaned that he as representative of the fcorpara- tion had been served with v writ from the high court of justiee common pleas division the instrument recited that the plaintiffs only one of whose names givenwould take action to restrain corporation of the village of acton from establishing a public cemetery upon part of the township ojf esquesing dewirib ed in a deed dated 7th july 1885 the first sixacres from nelson mcgarviu to corporation of the village of acton after some remarrs upon the matter finance committee presented the follow ing report j to the municipal council of the village of atlon i gestlemes your standing committee on finance have been advised by the clerk that awrit against the corporation of the village of acton has been served on him as representing the corporation in the interest of the municipality your com mittee deem it prudent that prompt steps be taken to answer the writ and therepy save the ratepayers from unnecessary loss in the matter complained of to enter and maintain a proper defence may however incur oonsiderable outlay on the part of the corporation your committte therefore recommend that the sum of one thousand dollars 810f0 to be paid out of the funds of the munici pality be placed to the credit of a cbmj- mittet to be appointed by the council to defend such octiononbehaf of tbe corpora tion and that a further sum of twohundred dollars 200 to be paid hvlike manner be placed to the credit of such committee to defray their personal expenses in the prosecution of such defence such sums to be paid from time to time as required by the treasurer to the chairman of such com mittee aty of which is respectfully submitted committee bopms april 2nd 1880 i moved by 3i fyfe seconded by john cameron that the report of the finance committee just read be adopted and that tbe seal of the corporation be attached to this motion carried moved by john cameron seconded by j fyfe and resolved that d henderson j fyjfemidj cameron be a special com- on behalf of the corporation to su appearance in the action now pending in thb high court of justice againstftbe corporation of acton and to maintain a proper defence against such aconcarried moved iy j fyfe seconded by john cameronibatthe counoil reconsider the motion passed at theilast irieetmg of thiff codhoirwith rijiferenoe to piirohming fire exfcinguiingipparatug carried j r movedbyjicameroni seconded by j jluuiry wddmicroodi new torif city is tlio metropo lis and3jentrfi of commerce for its- surrounjling states thousands 0f retaijbuyer8 flock to its worlrh- wideilcitown retail stores its atoses teem with nvorry shoppers from its sariouncting towns toronto strio nietropovib nnd contro m commerce for ontario eaton 8 store is known far ami near hundrodaqf shoppers from war daily pmchusp iu our- metro politan store it is notstranuo it is easily comprehended shoppers make their railwrty fares and expjenses and hajveatuiv balance loit and the pleasure of the trip costs them nothing the variety is infiuitely greatorthe styles are lateivthe prices ure i r cajh prices home pricos j re credit prices doitfg an imriiense and reputable bubi- ness entori buys direct from the factories qfleurppe and america your liomjb stores have to buy from jhc mo wholesaljas we sell at the price at which they buy our gljj an tic and immense stock is an lriefiisjliblo magnet to econo mical biiy ere we sell millineuy at dry goods pieces wo look upon uiiliine y as a necessity not as a luxury j njo one can go barehead ed nite jyour home prices and then ttese iine black and col ored milan straw hats 300 stylep 62ic regular selling price 150 to 82 loop straw bonnets latest styles all j color 45c regular price 85c porcupine sfrjaw hats 374e regular price 85c and so on ad niiiitim wo oat irjto the qttldjren hauiburg embroidery loods trom 12c 28c 33c 37ic up to 175 jlapo hoods from 35c up to 3 straw sailors from 25c up chiilille and ribbou trinrmed girls aid misses straws ny styles ftom-soc- up beautiful flowers new bonnets aigretles hew ribbons trimmings etc courtauld allsilk rain proof crape hat3 aud bonnets from 140 up ju it half the i sual prices 1 no waiting everything cheer ful on entering to your left en route to the dress goods you pass lacesribbons hosiorr gloves etc sress loois dont pay credit prices buy at eatons for cash two dresses for the price of one make your halves do duty fofdollars make your selection from one of the largest land correctest stock of dress gipds iu the country the 8hclvsjare piled ceiling high with most beautiful fabrics atprices less than the lowest all kinds of drcssj goods french english ahdaniericah all wool ottoman cordb all colors 16c worth 30c new ricbt etaminecanvas cloth and colored crape clotlis albatross and eveiy kind of the fashionable openmeshed clothatuuapproach- able prices the new cloths and all thj newest shades from 36 in to 42 iiii wide at from 4c and interiaedratepiicesup allwool cashmeres from 25c up all widths and qotors j silks crapes and conceivable kind oi dress form one of the cqmpletest stocks has ever been shown in torohto we have a perfect letter order departrjleht write for what you want wmm st albans lentixjbeitvioes come and hear rev mr svhitcombe of toronto on the above sqbjeotj toniaht april 8th all welcome 11 -i- debate on baptism j kmiinacimir mode arid subjects lllirwee eldr v a- 5ardln8f diboiitfte of kentucky add rev- f l wuklttfloa hethciist of brautfordi out held at meaford out cominiucing december 15th iei and coutlmiing cuelph -o- carpets carpets 1 carpets i grand spring carpet sale pyjfe that the motion passed at thejast weptin of tills connoil authorizing the ib of firi ezuojn wirlmrejte- jjjr 1 every goode riii lf j5atox co 10 192 19i 193 yonge st toronto new advertisement a tisql forteniis wanted ojckiu every part of cauuda live ageute sell a new aud popular debate on bap- jarge couimlbslon theres monev in it and particnlars apply to bevttl wilkinson u lansdowne ave parkaalo out hanwlte plastkrer8 hair tjwfis vijbmannre and hair for plasterers j api ils at tbe tannery 1 beabdmobb co acton jiunary 25th 1885 3m iiorse for sale ly the tbel occupied of charlei geo hyn li third cash flnetly at bo had addressini subscriber will sollj on very easy terms lipase and lot on church street now peter lee- adjoining tbe dwelling speight and immediately behind jewellery store price sj800 one- and the balance mny remain inde- per cent interest information may the editor of tbo free press or by i from 80 con 1 3 which shed and a team acton i mosda i 3rd may swepf real ektato an houspijjold furniture bel6nginf to the ea the late jpbn kennedy esq bale i noon wm hem tate stree t hffifflii i robt waltek m d wbenebville berks co pa farm to rent rtlhe uliebbigned auires to rent bis farm i tiot3 con 1 esqpesing containing 08 acres qcod frame houee and barb ou tbe i bearing orchard also the lot 28 inesing containing 80 acres also lot 3 esqueslng containing 100 acres on hire is comfortable house barn and a xve lots are situated within a mile f of acton for sale a good heavy e rma pasy to atetin april othi 880 apply pgrsohaljy or to alebvvkiaat auctioni sales wn oan suit yon same jtbpoji iaii suit yon for prioe iqnalitj clearing at cost a large stock of t e wool x union tapestry x and x hemp brussels greatly reduced we furnish 3- new goods new goods new goods i in every variety and style steuographiciilly reported bj lbq of torontoofficial re porter for house of commons o canada or sis days o b bradley lorterfor tbe price gi for ageufly or particulars wr ite to mas j adams affent at acton im iifglgp wtiatfl paved affords no indi- o oat n bfwhatb lqet shoe store the real tuslj of cheapness is undb btedly as tbe maxim has it qtialitx fo tit any kirtjole laoke qnalfty it w dear at t py pneei especially is this trueiqregardjta rhe bev wdilyi jirtthat iii ereralj bttwlth th m who vfliodesirti lert tolgi ackbesfc i stand uri 1 aaet havfi h ib8 ai ton 8200 kev t l jvilkinsoy ave faukdaw judicia sale in the- high court of justice chancery division groirlhe vs smitii milxinertdressmaking clothing departments j he best ability that can be produced firi our illiamson co -o- balance 6f crocker y jc gosti at j pursuant to the judgment in thi cause bearing date the 30th day of november ad lj885 thsre will be sold with the approbation of am mckinnon esq local master of the supreme court of judicature for ontario at guelph by william hemstreet auctioneer at the door of moore mcgarvins factory on ihe premises parcel number one at the noiir of one oclock pm on tuesday 13th day of april 488g the following lands ind premises in four parcels parcel no i loi nnmber 10 iiii block number 3 in the illage of acton containing onefifth of in acre more or less there is erected on these premises a large frame building which can be need for a store or factory it is at present occu pied by moore fc mcgarvin as a purse and valise manufactory this lot is situated in the centre of the village near the post- office pobsessiopl will be given three months from the 4ay of sale parcel no ii part of the westerly half of let number 25 the 4th conces sion of the township of ebquesing con taining six acres more or less a valuable water privilege and dam is on these prem ises thib is a firstclass inillsite and a large milling trade wab done on these preraises for years there is also erected ou the premises a good twostorey house roughcast and stone contains six rooms also a substantial bank barn 40x50 with stables and sheds parcel no illpart of the west half of lot nnmber 29 in the 3rd conces siou of esquesing now in the village of acton containing onequarter of an acre more or less a substantial stone house is etected on this lot containing seven rooms hard and soft water a garden and fruit trees on the premises this is one of the most desirable residences in acton parcel no iv village lots num bers 20 21 and 23 in- jainqs youngs sur- vey in the village of actob tedus of sale ten per cent cash at the time of sale to be paid to the vendor or iris solicitors and the balance within one month thereafter into court to the credit of this action in all other respects the terms and conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of this court upon payment of the purchase money the purchaser will be entitled to a convey- ance and to be let into possession or to re ceipts of the rents further particulars can be had frommc- leax meitttian vendors solicitors gcthbik walt solicitor guelph6r joiik hpskmi qc torohto dated the 22nd day of march 188c a m jjickinnon master at guelph- itji eople vetjhofteir 14 mora tlian they save wliou tl ey iiidisijrilniuately go in lor cheap goods witboutroard to their vaue lthas howev ir beettnur steady aim througli our business ife that eviry article kept by usshall be of jtbe best quality but at the sai be time be sold at the lowest possible price compatible with such quality buying di pet from the manufacturers for cash we ire enabled to offer our cus tomers unsui parsed inducements bpitiziirg stek we cordia ly invite t ie pnblie to call and see pur new 8 bck h ew styles nice frestf goods- extra value in lames kit boots sign of the big i joot w mclaren co guelph ktecph m haill would announce the arrival 1 o a large t importation of scotch tweeds i difect from britain v gentlemen would do well to call at once and secure an early choice of patterns mp shaw grundy merchant tailors guelph fine watch repairing e howsons next door to drug store acton merchant tailoring e nelson jformerly of acton a complete new- stock of- 1 englisbv irish scotch and danadiaiiv fine black style nolo feubsgbibe ii aiidi gplored worsteds and fine s priiig overcoatings the latest styles ih- tjrdtleme rcquir ng aiythiug in my line can depend on getting tile very latest ihs with pit nnd workm anship guaranteed re ntllsqn t ls isii on free press mtjkryi onlyr- paintinc paiatiuff paper singing salsomia- lie ooloriw etc the undersiguod are j prepared to take orders for anything in above lines good work guaran ed go to secure orders solicited p a dynes -oo- particular attention paid to tke repairirig andoleaniag at- fine flfahes and clocks v v i at the p old established house of sfsavagjei j cuelrh l sg e0tin go iis t ws es3res j the metropoli tan studio ii firatclkits cabinet photo because iherc i get satisfaction at moderate prices a a ruby j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe- acton metropolitan stu 3li0dsi at eat end glotrimg stor i full feass imwmmmi ishisiill m moiley sayed yy purchasing your clio p j fyfe alcton j fyfe adton j fyfe acton this ilothiitg at the ring hats spring tweeds spring worsteds i spring overcoatings spring trbwg erings spring underwear lines of shirts ties collars braces etc t lowest prices perfect sfttlsfacuon guaranteed yoton ttirom rr7i l sit mm rb u j fyfe cton jfyfe apton jme 4gtqii th0b8da if rumb t prildod jjj caebpfao r fine we council wilbnri lud- sbjwers board evsrung i 3on rider a vd id on ta the to jetdownj tuesdai hsialforap an orthodox tilsonbli out 1000 bar aionanzaio jflbilee tlebrarnp an i others the s ex libit at gklonialandl t -bev0- pnachinstl inj subject f alei sa ivation- j rwh are he 1 thei i column le wlo obtain a itwai th6 matter 6 haf thorou r 4thefirtj rfjthevill slessthaniij 4the8utl dateup jfrindstorm 4thecoi stone school ga-eya- eitintervfpr 4a portioj brink driving qijiohstee vdadonta 4a num6 racaforthej patty sou ddthloip ijohn ca off ic ve bo lertsone he fell on his his feet and 1 clmmpiou ithe eejl the parish of ei laud all in may ed hy the palnerstontt march is dete rreol by f claii ns himsel sweat apirilii dim pained b she pheda her a copyo ihe quiadyin bee ion ont incr iased in no a ivance inl of interest tor 3wiug tuer day the el here until llll the express an open switel and six cars the anni co toronj column ti the city to mai vantageons aui moth establr- elsewhere enterpns learn the around the not intimidate 6ut keep their lw will surelyi id the ead l owin mxj mcka was raable sabbath at tyne of tbe mrhoeay is suni lay and tridty the dom by 3 been given a fij itljexceedrtii thei mall paper to give read ing rnal edii the mod iha are on m ml

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