Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 8, 1886, p. 3

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toii 1 the iuv t bil iattitg cently ooramenoed rata bhtag upon iov jec thavt have bt writinfl mfco tot several ytt vksl utttumriu bnt with thia differ htdhsto those who hare used it i write for those who desire to ate ft i ud wwijt to know where to et it w u for the larntt stock best quality anil oweatprioevithink i stand up head so jut i drop in at onoe and have the mattei aettudgxoa hywtw jewellery mi fancy goods storey acton i lj ffik fe jirm thursday morhuq aran 8 1886 crumbs for jreakpast provided by the evei press rerorters f authorize your 6 irs fine weather soon low council meeting ue tt tuesday eveuing wilbur street phou d have a sidewalk thoughtful free mple sugar april monday was dope by the ire sjftjsv jg what niajeilitvtbjji is tec k the in mud buds showers board of ducaton next evening considerable daruag wind on tuesday theboard of health will soon reqoj to get down to business f tuesdays storm was something uni usual for april it would have passed for an orthodox norwester i i tilsotfhurgs big roller mill is turning out 100o barrels of flour per week what a bonanza for a town jubilee in the barracks tonight the brampton jail bird special thchardy and others will be present the free press is on file in the press exhibit at the canadian court 0i the colonial and indian exhibition i revtc e whitcombe toronto will preach in st albams church this even- ing subject are yoq saved ales mcdonald of the acton corps salvation army left on monday forelora where he takes a position as cadet the georgetown herald devotes a half column leader to the people in that town who obtain their living dishonestly it is a mistake to iget too springy in the matter of underclothing before the sun has thoroughly got in his fine work the champion isprihting the minutes of the village of burlington on tender at less than cost thatb business j tne sixth of april will be recorded as the date upon which the biggest snow and windstorm of the winter of 18856 occur red e the contract for the erection of a new stone school house in jj5 s no 6 kassa- gaweya wasawardecl to messrs shnltz fc hunterfor about 51300 a portion of the eastern wall of the brick driving shed at the b c church on church street was blown in by the heavy wind on tuesday morning a number of applicants are in the race for the inspectorship of algoma and parry sound rendered vacant by the death of p maclean esq last week the bylaw to raise a bonus of 4000 fora grist mill in southampton was earned by the ratepayers of that iplace last week there being 106 votes polled for the bylaw and none against captain barktr has laid upon our table a copy of the second canadian ad vance a volume of 125 pages containing muchnnformation concerning the work of the salvation army in canada john cassidy a milton man jumped off a c v k train last thursday at dr robertsons lime kilns in nassagaweya he fell on his face instead of alighting on his feet and bis nose was smashed fiat cltampion rthe eev wm bey an has resigned the parish of harriston and leaves for england from whence belrecentfy received a call in may he is likely to be succeed ed by the eev w j tigott of acton palmaston telegraph march is a boisterous fellow and un deterred by fear with many pranks pro claims himself the tomboy of the year sweet april is his sisteryber eyes are often dim pained by the thought that he is dead she sheds her tears for hiin a copy ofthe first issue of vol 1l of the canadian bee journal published at beetqn ont is before us it lias been increased in bize from j6to 20 pages with no advance in price this journal is full r of interest to apiarists every week 1 owing to a kmasbbp at berlin on tuesday the- evening express did not reach here until 11 oclock yesterday morning the express train was badly damaged by an open switch the engine was disabled and six cars derailed ho person injured the announcehrent of messrs t eaton co toronto will be found inanother column toseof our readers who visit the city to make p irehases will find it ad vantageous and pr ifitable to visit this mam moth establish m snt before purchasing elsewhere enterprising people are beginning to learn the value of advertising the year around the pen istency of those who are r not intimidated by the cry of dull times j but keep theft names eyeif before the pub lic will surelyplaie them on the right side in the end owing to unforseen circumstances mr j mckay of knox college toronto was usable to fill his appointment last sabbath at knox churqh mr ballan- tyneof the college oochpied the pulpit mr mckay is aimounced to preach next sunday arid will likely come to acton on friday- the dominion oddfellow published by c filackett eohinsn toronto hca been given a fine new emblematic heading kind of month wrote farmer k as editeot his country pift the editor replied iltta my be- he ti m the weather ihi month will be wry taiuoh like youraabaoription bul the fior wonderedfor w hoar what he editor waa driving at when he happen- ed to ithink of the word untettled he sent the money lhe billiard table keepers in town must exclude all boys under eighteen years of age irom their billiard rooms unless they have the written consent of their parer tar if they julow bbya under this age to frc juent these rootns they are liable to be fir ed milton reformer aotbn has no hilliaxl tables toi attraot either old or younir and we khow of a jjood many larei ta who ate gud that suoh is the case i wv r phillipf and family are accord- ed tie very deepest of christian sym pathy in hihe death of their dear little fredilie on sundayfternooni of congestion of th lungs heas an nteresting an intell igent little fellow and gave promise of a wcrthy aud useful future but the lord gave and the lord bath taken away blessi d be the niftue of tho lord inter ment took place at ontngeville on tuesday thel uneral sermon will be preached in the methodist church next 8tinday evening here is nothing so unbusinesskke or so ca iculated to produce a wrong impression on th a receiver for a man claiming to do a live t usiness to conduct his correspondence on8heet8 of cheap paper or anything in the line of paper that comes handy it cos ts but a trifle more to get nicely printed- note heads and envelopes and th result of using such supplies cannot be otherwise satisf actorj- the fhek egress is the place to have your prfntiqg done in your orders and they will be ptly filled j than best send prom the weeks rakinqs vh ioh are principally local i and all interesting return of convictions j tl ere were eight conyictious in halton returhed to the pierk of the beace for the ending tfth march 1886 the es were violation of the c t a assault 3 vagrancy 2 profanity he ifineb aggregated 8120 and the ittals to jail five months sim ter pormexacton boy honored j srs v n snyder and c 3 jeichtof ellington field battery who have impleted a course at the kingston il of gunnery have returned to the mr snyder was very successful and s with him a firstclass certificate mr leichthas a second guelph herald mr snyder is a native of acton and spent his boyhoods days ihere a handsome present last week a day or two before the marriage of mr j butterfield the obhging and popular agent here of the bank of hamilton he received a handsome and vain- able wedding present from his many friends among the business men and offi cials of the town it was a silver tea service of seven pieces including a tray the presentation was made informally at the banlu champion the special servicesmethodist church tie special services in the methodist chui oh will continue until friday evening the meetings during the past week have resu ted in much good the band will leavi i on saturday for norval to assist in spec al services there their labors seem to b s invariably crowned with success eev j w sbuton b a of georgetown was present on friday eveuing and rev r c henders of nassagaweya on mon day ifterrioop tre s for shelter tjiis week we publish on he first pago a cdmmunication from rw phipps of toronto- than whom there is probably no jersonin the dominion better posted on forestry poipting out the necessity of shel er to farms the suggestions thrown ont ymr fljipps ere timely and practical and are worthy the careful consideration of e ery farnjer to carry them ont would he m great undertaking and the advantages to bii reaped therefrom are selfapparent the wind storm ti le worst gale of wind that has been ex- peri meed hereabouts for many a day occur red on tuesday we have not heard of any serii tus damage in this immediate vicinity furtaer than the blowing down of chimneys eav troughs fences etc but other places suff red seriously at swackharhers hill the roof of the church shed was blown off the roof was lifted off the old bell organ factory at guelph while at oakville serious damage was done the windswept away the lighthouse and the east pier the waves sweeping through into the harbor and over the large piles of btorie to the east of the pier into the creek large quantities of timber were misplaced dr johnston and mr turners piers have been isslrept away besides numerous boat houses built aloiig the shore it is impossible to esti mate the loss but it is said it will run np to many thousand dollars later we learn as we go to press that the barn of mr george mulhouandlot 23 corj 1 was unroofed and received con- siderahle other damage m m hats from 75 cents to 9250 at j fyfps- r ifor prime clover and timothy seed go tjo j e howsons spring suits and overcoats at extreme ly lbw prices and made in the latest styts be mre to call and see them at j actin mi four m itoaipmtttkg hjsildera are 31 actively ai ly personal n was week la withwhom vlduauyot luainted arkhain a oo lple arms of toronto is vial iug her old home gray hamilton is the guest dr m ofdaystldf mrs e friends ir mrs l of the editor of the frek prksh misa martha kennedy of georgetowu visited abtpiuriends on monday mias barbara warren of cedar creek farm is 7isting friends iu toronto mrs j hn farmer pfjfloranoe is the guest of hr thos 0 moore and family counoi lors heudersonjand fyfe were in torouto llonday on municipal business miss agnes perry man of collingwood has returned to aotou on an extended visit i dr griffin of the associated press of england montreal was in town last satar day mr h b mccarthy of carleton plice spent several days during the week in town a oable jrarh on monday moruing from reeve stc rev announced his safe arrival iu england mr co loli of brampton was the guest of excouncillor kenneyja couple of days this week mesbre asa hall and james moore uc- oompaniel revr philips and family their sad journey to oranlgoville oh lues day j j mr w t stone late teacherof lime- house pa lio sohool is now engaged in the real estite business at no 2 victoria street turonto we ar a pleased- to notice that alex grant eiq who has for many months been conf ned to his room through an aff mo tion of ths eyes is able to walk out again haltons oldest pioneer isaac freeman esq of trafalgar called to his long borne at tike age of 90 tears on moi iday the intelligence of the dea 111 of isaac fijeeman esq trafalgar father inlaw of dr mcgarvin i and grandfath of mr j e mcgarvin of thofirm of moore f visited hi 3 two yean for half i ber of th mre t mcgarvin reached the friends he up to the t time mr freeman was the old est living pioneer in the county of halto having se tled on the farm where he dii lotl6 i con 1 near duridas street 1817 hi was born near ancaster in 17l- aid serve all through- the war of 1812 under gei isaac brock in consequence of a sever i illness of his father application was made ior a furlough for a few weeks to the get eral who said that he had much pleasure in granting it as he was his namesake but could not well afford the loss ofsni h an active ybong soldier ee was married in 1817 to a i miss kelly asd this unioi was blessed with thirteen soiis and two daughters of whom nine soiis survive if these dr w jfreeman georgi- town ancidrj c freeman milton aie well know n to ur readers aariefo re stated mr freeman settled i a this conn iy about the year 1817 and was therefore one among the first pioneers wlo commenw d clearing the f wests by choppir g all day and burning log heaps at night amongst the howling cf wolves which nightly se renaded the loj cabin he en dured ma iy hardships in comnjion with others in their efforts to dernessir to cultivated fields mackenzie made his escap freeman 3 farm during the rebellion from hispursuiirs who were nearly overtaking him befoieihe entered the woods in 1877 mr and mrs j freeman celebrated the r sixtieth welding anniversary by agenend gathering of the family mrs freeman died shortly thereafter the old gentleman friends here the last time about jgo i he was then quite hearty convert ithe wil wm lyon across mr century or more he was a mem methodist church mr johnston resigns b johnston ihas resigned- his position if deputy- attorney general and will return to guelph next week to resume the practice ofi his profession in his old offices ah iviethe fecleralbank when mr johnstofi accepted he position of deputy- attornej general j he believed that lie would be able to open a connection iu toronto end work up a law business in addi tion to hin governmental duties hefoun however that the latter took up all his time and recognizing that it would be im possible f r him to make a legal practice besides i ej placed his resigns ion in the hands of the hon mr mowat before the last ses8ii n of the legislature mr john ston is to young and too able a be shelve 3 he concluded thit spects ve re better not only for the present but the f i tare in practicing law- guelph mercury the many friends and former clients of mr johnston in this section will v welcome his return to his forme x practice fyfes the altar sbiltox williimb at toronto on the 2 th march 1886 jshilton esq bar risteratlaw georgetown to clara e daughter of b williams esq of glen- williams j 1 mcrron mitiiken at the residence of bjfrw muttoh bowmanville on the 29th inst byrev w h wamner b- d hr richard mutton to miss minnie ftiilliken late of thes a acton m tti xi i r the grave it is exceedingly neat aijd artistic while phvjjpb at the methodist the small space it takes dp will enable the togive newly a column additional i reading uiatter jthe improvements effeet- qinqnoddfiyoto j months re marked ind appreciated by readers g v the past six and are ranch by- u parsonage bower avenue aston on sunday 4th april freddie son of rev r phillips aed8yearand7inouths hi i a guelph on 1st april coll geof- froy brock hall feobndsoti of thb late n john hail of park hall mai sfield 1 rou england in his 80thyear j5r7ivfs in ouet millinery rooms wednesday marc 1 22nd 1886 bh -00- miss johnsonoiirpopularuiaua fter in tho dkes8making de partment has jjsti returned from i taw york she left f r that oentre of fashion nearly three weeks ago she 1 as visited most of the i tadiog modistes a iid designers of ladins toilets and tlms availed herself f mamy qt the newest productions of t le very best talent in the fashionable v orld she alio vis ted the large vnrehouses and made selections f novelties including dress jcaterial trimailngs lisle jnd lace goods i fid many lines of fancy goods hat we areas- sired will conunend thimaelveii to the good taste of our many lady patrons i is almost needless to w ho ha ve had experiene hoi mi 3 john- s 0ns abilities that the r requirements v ill receive the best a iention at her haudsr we desiio to direct srjecial ajttention lo our general stock of dress gloodi and stlks whicli we are constaatly as sured has no equal in the trade of guelph we make th s a special leading featule of our business to which we pay special attention during no season in our lo ng experience have v e showq suoh a large varied a xd compre hensive stock of dress materials u d trimmings as atpr jsent it would m altogether useless to m attempt an r umeration of details we can only iu sure our lady friends that absolutely ic thing is lacking in variety color 0 isign quality and price to please kl noat every want we confidently no licit your patronagef we guarantee i a iisf action our businese is main- mined on the priudiple of choice i h ods at moderate prices and we arc ertain that no dry goods house iu g lelph will servo you as well say tc ladies ranj milmneky opening ioioioioloioloioiqloioioioioioioioioioioioioioiriloiokiiok -0n- oiaioiwoi6ioioioioioioioioioioioioi6ibiioioloibioioioibi cicicjicicicicicrcicicicrcicicicicicrciciciciiciciciciciiipioioioioioioibjoi 27th of march o- i has all leeu belcctcd 3b aud amefican our millinery rooms this season will be unusually attractive tlie stock with great care arrd taste from the latest importations of french englj j goods and are rich rare and reaiy clibice this department ill be under the charge of experienced milliners who will spare bo effort t suit t taste and wants of our patrons at the most moderate pric ea u- n our stock of ceiieral gents furnishings is now very 7 ollert wyndham street guelph ontario see our extra superior wli curtains laces and mantle vjelvets by every one boots and shoes complete and will be sold at very bottom prices will be a specialty c satin novelties in you only require to see these goods to induce you to buy ite and grey cottons orl3eautiful prints ginghams those beautiful embroideries are admired splendid rane of carpets cheap choice shhjtings ducks denims at really low prices x x x x x- x x- x x x x x x x x cretonnes x x x x x x x x x x xi x3 x xx xx que bio- jbodt jlndj- s3hxde sfdook 0 0 0 0 pr0 0 o pi 0 or o o 0 0 q 0- 0- o q d o- 9 o 09 d jo 0 ro o comprises the best the netvest and the neatest styles in ladies misses childrens wear we ijanuot be undersold in these goods man to his pro- advice to mothers are you disturbed at night ind broken of your rest by a sipk child sufl ering and cryin with pain of cut ting teetli if so send at once and get a bottle of j mrsi winslow s soothing syruj for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve thepoor little snjf- ferer irnr iediately depend upon it moth ers thei e is no mistake about it it cures dysentei anil diarrhtba regulates the stomach j and ibowels cures wind colic softens tie gums reduces inflanimatioh and give 3 tone and energy tw the whole system j mrs winblows soothing sy rup for johildren teething is pleasant to the taste land is the prescription of one of the oldes and best female physicians and nurses in the lnlted ste tea and ia for sale by all 6 ruggists throu jhout the world price twi mtyfive cents i bottle be sure and aak for mbs w3sikws soothtso syauii ind take ho0th sr kind r new for crool reliable bbots and shoes williams to the front hiving purchased the boot and shoe busi less lately carried on by mb h b mccartht in the village of acton aud having replenished tha block witli a first- class assortment of all lines usually kept in a no 1 boot and shoe store i am pre pared to guarantee entire satisfaction to all who may favor me with theirpatronage a jjood supply of firstclass trunks and vain es will always be kept on hand as the ordered work aud repairing is all aider my own supervision the public may rely upon its receiving the best of attention give me a trial and see for yourselves i wm williams remember ot1 famous 50c tjea henderson mcrae jfe and mcgalrvins drug and stationery store excelsior il bakery actonv for prime clover land timpjhyseed gp tpj 3 hojysons if yc d want a nobby durableaud cheap nitee i si fyfes aa m rf having purchased the alwve bakery from mb d jsiaxn i hope to give satisfaction to the numerous customers who patronize it thanking them for past favors i will endeavor to attend to customers promptly and obligingly and trust that they will one and all ex tend to us their patronage i use nothing bnt the best boiler flour and keep it in stock freshbreadbuns c every day also steam bread cakes of all kinds naw york tea biscuits j soda and oatmeal scones on hand or made to order at shortest notios mill street acton i a laiige stock of- pure drugs oheriaicals patent medicines drug sundries and toilet requisites of the best assortment embracing the finest quality of soaps perfumes shoulder braces and trusses diamond dyes and dye stuffs n mdarvin ordered clothing wedding cakes a speojalty biscuits and confectionery of all kinds icing sugaringer snaps boston mixed cahes wholesale flour j butter m4 jim wajhbuuo w farbxoaa it ltkt prion begs to inform thepnblic that he hus opened an ordered cloth hq de partiyj ent i and has a choice stpek dt scotch english an d canadian jtw eeds worstelbs fancy pantrnqs 8tc at lowest prices batisfactidln guaranteed we sitt have on 4mndaiuil symptorvis yellpw eyet sallmc coiiiplezion painm ler sight shotdder alternate costtvenew ad diarrliaa tongue coated withdwk kea t slinte dull spirit weariness sidlf headtxhe farmja app lite poor circiuation lkbuitic the vi- being tlie largest cause waidula organ and ajilterer y oj tlie blet i is oftener diseased than most others organs booi in animal and hurnan beings its cl ef office besides is to secrete bifewliicli is ti e halural cdthartie othe boiceu iwhatatf then deranges the blood or bile us intpr iperjeod bad drinks bad air cold malarial poison bad drainage tie or wliaiever iodl cl gtip the bile duets will induce live comp aint arouse tne that gratia liver regulator burdock whicli acts at the same strengthens every thuvbbibdurea i i take oulyouc eugl sb spectatob and o ib cauadis as a rulet should be puzzli should miss most hughes author of ine o iloe txbt5e jgoq3ds cheap teiiiicawd mrs t statham mil i etc rj- irgai a canadian journal of foutlea sodety iilterature and v- 1 tlie diet hould be plain and cure h rith malbure blood i j aiid heattyaj bile shun ths causes above enmerabd keep the boicele free and vifi di festive 3 active and sluggish liver with blcod bitters time itpoi the bovxls stomach aitrf bim- uhile it regulates andl liver complaint y paper the he wjskk and to say wjiich i frokn atetter by thomas tom browns school days leek lbiashed ex x tflcsbdat at 306 feb psepoudeut in politic s i this meek appeals by a comorehensi e tabid of contents to the i different tastes ylijichessbt within the oircla of acul tared homo an average of fifteen sljbrti crisp editorials is glvuinea0iiuim1rup in canadian a jiebiqan audjglihh polj nobjb id lmautubu amongst tlie rej lilkivc intiribiitors is professor goldwiu smith attd- taigtinuiihed ipublie man in london hi sldw i regularly anngljah ington letters in addition f from some of th and the united 81 eneouragihgpi features sample copie theihvffbk is one utlie ihdat iiiflnoutua idertakeutosun ir raristtdwash- appear at regular interyals aij special contributionf ablestwtuors lathe dominion tei hanowentoreduiqnvii ittuxlyear with most many new cte and with aiiia ijtibobinsok fj irdtebtoroiitopni free on ipplicstton t

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