9rf wmrnm 1 i f i l r tucbsdat moksrso afrn 8 1886 x the drukkaks boy rl cue wintry night amid drifting suovr a poor ragged boy was seen to go j along the road that led to the town so poorly olad aud on his face a frown his age appeared to be less thau eight ramed and pinched no cap on his pate his otothes were dirty sparse arid torn with toes exposed where his shoes were worn s h tbns he trudged along tfie drifted way with shoulders droopedi as if by decay crying and sobbing iu deep distress as if something dire did him oppress at length a lady who rodfilbng very kindly asked liim what was wrong whew he wa coing and tolieuw lva swae who ww his father snd what was luai name his tale was sad when the whole was told whowouldnt pity a boy in the cold l he was called he saidi the draukards boy and dirty tim to tease and auuoy my mother ia dead my father is drunk all that weowhed in whiskey he sunk i till now we are left ragged and poor with none to help or enter ur door ojrr praties are done no money to buy were cold and hungry sister and i no wood to burn if we all should freeze by winter frost and cold chilly breeze at length when she learned the boys sad tale and saw his pody exposed to the gale her heart iu sympathy felt for him and she kindl said poor little tim thank you die ar lady do bo so kind to tell me wh ire i can father find i dannot tell bat he is likely to be where men g to ret on the spree go my poor by to that grog shop there pointing to th a place where topers were away he ran and rapped atrthedoor saying kin i sir let me in r implore since father le ft home mother is dead wersfaall die oo if we cant get bread then let me in 1 o tell my pa the latest wo rds of my poor dead ma the landlord re lied in words severe be gone wi h you yon cannot come here your fathers di un and is nowasleep and cannot h sip you if yon do weep 1 ob master landlord can you not see how cruel an 1 unkind you are to me can you not see that my lot is sad have pity i p ray on the drunkards lad no pity came fi om that heart of stone so fee boy hs d to wander back alone and when the 1 ither his money had spent out of doors e was quickly sent when he got he me he found all dead by exposure md for lack of bread so it is my frit nds from day today the drunkan experience is dread dis may and you would a drunkards h j i ui friends since ijhis is so save intemperate men from grave form yourselve 3 a philanthropic band and pass the scott act throughout land the curious facts relating to patent medicines few can fori a an adequate idea of the statistics of patent medicines in general but the histo ry or rise progress and present state 1 if one of them we mean holloways pil is and ointment may be considered on s of the most interesting episodes of m deirn civilization nothing appears easier- no mode of business teems readier at- har d than the establishment of a patent medicine only a slirvof paper ia required with a prescription nponit and a few drugs such is all the general public think necessary and so a great many havetrifd the ttihig over and over again to their great loss and huge disap pointment true a patent medicine only results from a prescription written on a piece of paper but then the thing must prove itself w rthy of the confidence of the public and its verdict depends upon the efficacy of ths medieinoin a word its success in the cure of disease fortunate ly the rise o the farfamed holloways pills and oi itment was like that of a napoleonic i leaa design that nothing could withsti tnd in its march towards universal cciquest when professor hoiloway soi aeforty years ago spoke to the- principal of an eminent firm about bringing out u patent medicine the old gentleman sh xk his head and asked the prof easor if lie had any money yes was the reply then yon had better keep it rejoi ned he in spite of the dis- conraging hii t however hoiloway con- scions of the mportahce of his great dis covery know og that it was not merely a slip of paper mth a prescription upon it bat somethin destined for a great future persevered against all opposition and very soon discover edthav not only the entire british public but all the world were ready to support him in his great design of doing battle with disease in every form and with the roost efficient weapons al- though only in the shape of pills and oint ment thejnrogress of this patent medi- cine was not slow i on the contrary it was commensurate with the greatness of- ts object ani its allpowerful efficacy and as for the present state of holloways pills and ointment according to the statistics of patent medicines we may truly declare that it is astounding it may suffice on the present qccasin to point to the fact that the nnniber of druggists and medicine vendors throughout the united kingdom with whom professor hoiloway is connect ed ia over fojirteen thousand and that riot on of them would remain for an hour without a supply of his pills and ointment so great isj the demand for them amongsjt all classes of the community such has been the success of this patent medicine project against which so eminent a con noisseur as mr barclay shookhii head hut wlio hved to testit and to congratulate its fortdnatei designer nor can we avoid remarking hat holloways is a double boocessrnotionly to himself by its ample rerwards but also to the community and the world at large who have derived the greatest benefit from hp medicifies the m advocate houowayi tjorn to remove all five cento smfisgiil ii cure is the medicine of corns andwarss small stun of twenty- im i v m probably one the most difftoult dom1 plaintei dootors is ivhoopiug ooagh wliei treatedby or linary weaus the poor viotimte left to vfhwp it up as best he can hagyaida pectoral balsam gives relief iu this as well as iu all throat bronchial and lung troubles i worth kemenitm iu a long letter from john h hall of baddiok cape breton n 8 he bays i beliejve were it uot for burdock blood biturs i should be in my grave it cured me of kidney and liver complaint and general debility whioh had nearly proved fatal a wide knase aiwfdo range of painful affections may be met with hagyards yellow oil james mawson of woodvilleont speaks of it in high terms for rheumatism lame back sprains aud many painful complintfi toj numerous to mention it is used in ternally or externally i mrs d morrison franham centre p q writing j about dr thomas eoteotrio oil says tiieorge bell used it on his son and it ouredihim of rheumatism with onjly a few applications the balance of the bottle was ubed by an old gentleman or asthma witn the best results it acts like a charm i by lack of open air exercise and the wait of sufficient care in the matter of diet the whole physical mechanism be comes impaired during the winter ayers sarsaparilla is the proper remedy to take in the spring of the year to purify the blood excite the liver to action and restore health and vigor what torontos well known good samaritan says i have been troubled with dyspepsiaand liver complaint for over 20 years and i have tried many remedies but have never found toy artiole that has done me as much good as north rop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure ciara e pobter la4ies troubled with pimples blotohes rough hands or face or sores of any de scription should use mcgregor i parkes carbolic cerate it will leavethe skin in perfect health smooth clean and in good ooior be sure and get the genuine made by mcgregor parke price 25 cents sold at dr mcgarvins drug store sear starvations door mrs nelson w whitehead ofnixoh was a chronic sufferer from dyspepsia and liver compiaint and was scarcely able to take the most simple nourishment even a swallow of water caused great disjress two bottles of burdock blood bitters cured her when all else failed she heartily recommends this remedy to all sufferers 0 bortle of manchester ontario co n y writes i obtained immediate re lief from the use of dr thomas ecleotrio dil i have had asthma for eleven years have been obliged to sit up all night for ten or twelve nights iu succession i can now sleep soundly all night on a feather bed which i had not been able to dp pre- vjously to using the oil ibeasons why yon shonld purchase fluid lightning in preference to all other medi cines are kapid result cures instantly it is easily applied no trouble no lost time it does not require constant use- one application is effectual one bottle will remove more pains thau any other reme dy in existence try it for neuralgia toothache headache- rheumatism sold at 25c a bottle by dr mcgarvin drnggist face3 asyellow as the heathen chinee in consequence of bile in the blood grow fair and wholesome looking again when northrop 4 lymans vegetable discovery andjgreat blood purifier id used to relax constipated bowels and expel the bilious poison from the circulation rheumatic and blood impurities are also driven out by it digestion restored and thesystem bene fited in every way by its use fluid mgutnliig i there are but few that have never suffered almost mtolerable pain from toothache neuralgia or like acute painsi to them such au instant relief as fluid lightning is au untold blessingin time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines to be taken ordiys one application of ifluid lissht- uini cures sold at j e mcgarvins drug store 29 jieril iroveu dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not so with mc gregors speedy cure you arc not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven callas j e mcgarvins drug btoreand get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no inatter of how long standing it costs you nothing sold in 50cand 1 bottles see als from persons in your own lownj 29 hallways pills this cooling medicine has ihe happiest effect when the blood is overheated and a tendency to inflammatory action is set up in the system one pill saken shortly before dinner does away with the indigestion fulness and flatulency- indications of a weak stomach or disor dered liver a few pills taken at bedtime act as alteratives and aperients they not only relieve the bowels bst regulate every organ connected with them overcome all acrid rrumorb and encourage a free supply of all the secretions essential to our well- being holloways pills thoroughly cleanse and perfectly regulate the circulation and beget a feeling of comfort in hot climates andiigh temperatqres which is most de- auwle for preservation of health f prominent am ong the greatest medica discoveries by the many cures ithas affect ed mcgregors speedy cure leads the tan subjected to the minntestchemical analysis it has been found to contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the 7vorthlessbpec1nc8 daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul- ar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is beiiik established by testimonials hourly received we- are therefore contf- dent that ws have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found liiot only relief but an absolute cure for i jhspepsla livier com plaint indigestion constipation and im jpiie blood free tffl bottles ijb j imofyihsdni 8tbi ii m mmm f wmffb hp rw m fp ippp m j vegetable slpllln hair rene wer ys the flrst prepiirntlon perfectly uilaii- cu to cure dlsciisis of uiq seiilp tmil tliy flrst successful restorer of faded or gfiij liair to its jiuittiinl color grdwlli iiml youthful bciuly it liar hud many lm- itators but none lmvc o fully met ull the requirements nccilful for u10 proper iraiu ment of the hntr mul sculp ilalls iiaiii itkxewku litis stenduy growirln favor nriil spivsul ltn fnlno mul usefulness to oyery quiivlcr of tlio globe its mipiirullclcd success can bo nffrinuuil to but ouociiuse the entiro fulfilment of its promises tho proprietors liavo often booh mir- prtsed nt tho receipt of oitlclmfiola ve- iiioto countries wlicro tlioy litul never niuilo niijcflort for its introtluutlon tho use for h short time of iimis hair kekewek wonderfully improv the personal appearance it clotiiisw the scalp from all impurities cures nil hu mors fever and dryness and thus jire- viiitq baldness tt stlumlntcs the wcuk- ined glands mul enables them to jiiili forward a new npd vigorous growth lite effects of this urllclo arc ndt tiiiu- sleiithkt those of alcoliolii pivpanitloiis but- remain a long time which makes its 1 lie a matter of ccouomy at lovmpiiltais evmyth isloin winter goods b educed cliihlrons wool hose reduced to 10 ladies allwool hobe redu jed trt20o ladies lined kldmitts retdhwd to we childrens jinedkm mitts i velveteens reduced frjoih 10 to 25 pqr cent dress goods fll o la tvorth 50o ret uced to 2 5o black cashmeres rpduced 15jto 20 piv cunt good checl wincey 10fl wjorth isc la lies and hildre is wool mitts 16c worth 80oi lari5ewoolcl6udsiloo worth 5c t ladies wool cuff s reduced to 12 jo i ladles underwear reduced to 50c boys wool veus reduced to s5c 1 boys top shirts reduced ta fee now jsmbroiderles just reciivod from 5c upwards newprints elecau t designs from 6c per yard to 20c new shirt inghoicn patterns 80 to 15c nuw qlhflumg uice pattehu 10c blaulltis iill riduced comforters all reduced cirpets at special reductions mou orters reosito promitaud aarefttl atteatloa reduced to btjc ladies josephine h id gloves reduced to 50c heavy qua ity nap cloth reduced to 95c libs lji7 fuftcapes reduced to i mckay cor ams de dominion boot brothers king and new spring fqu t1ik j whiskers will change the board to n natural brown orlbtaek as disirrd it produces a prr- luaucut color that will nut wash tuvny consisting of n single prcpaiatlou it is applied without trouble rilkpared by rp hall co nashua n h sokl by all dcnlew in medicines i lomvst8i hamilton a shoe store stock acton kenrfley bros have now acomplete stock of fiue spring igooi is in all lines and are prepared to compete with any house in the trade either ir acton or elsewhere a fulliine of trunks valis1 33 etc of ifirst class manufacture always in hand andlynii neednt go to guelph for boots and hoes trunks etc for notwith- standingjtbe saturday excursion fares we are prenaicd to sell to you just as good goods at as ldwjorlower prices save youi railway farejal with a firm youoin rely upon and leave your money in your own town our ordered department is as usual turningj prices repairing promptly attend d to i youare invited tocall out firstclass work- at reasonable one thousand 7 0 kenney bros oftej thotxsalep on and after the 1st of april the business of this house will he continued by a new firm on ah extensive stock is arriving daily the greater portion of their millinery stock is at hand aujd mil li tiers at work ladies can have their orders filled promptly nowj i annual spring millinery opening 8th 9th the reason why our millinery opening is a week later than usual this season is to allow for th latest parisian novelties i every effort is being put forth to secure the best and most in hat3 fl0wees i brought down by the sledgehammer of solid hard cash and for s4le by b griffin at the noted halton dry goods house acton shirtings cottons dress goods flannels tweeds clothing embroideries muslins x closing out before the lstot april for the cash down at prices 50 per cent below anjr other house in canada cash basis their new and 1 0th april fashionable jjoods and the ladies of acton and neighborhood will fiud the liew firm bound to keep up the reputation of house for firstclass millinery also to excel tny other house in j ontario bygiyiug the best values fr the least money the new firm- wu carry on oinly perfect fit and style guaranteed firstclass dress and mantlcj making 7i if you owe c b griffin call and pay him before the 1 eanival of the ani trimmings 3t of april and save costs toei most fashionable french pr g styles imported for the riht house four cases of the latest styles o freuch swiss bulgiuu aud eaiisli laces imported comprising ebarmiue patterns iu lh most elaborate of swisb embroideries jjust arrived frul st gall including many rani aud beautiful patterns in allovers edgings and lusertious a delightful lot of embroidered s muslins in ijlaok arid tbe lalesl colors for ladiea dresses two cases dt theiery latest novelties in feathers aigrettes nd plumbs a case of charming flowers mixed with pcarlbeads gokl beads black beads colored beads etc a case of new ribbous opened up lately a case of kid glo es in ihe df ewest styles and colors imported this week five cases of jfew frefich dress goods from rouuaix jnst arrived tliree cases of knitted utiderolothit r and hot iery ffrom nottingham fo ladiesaud gentlemen- ja very handsome lof of french jerseys arrived lately two owes of reilly piotnresqae designs iu ladies and hisses hals from luton just imported new quilts new white cottomvnewgrey cottons new tickings new siiirungs new ginghams new tweeds new carpets new printsjnew sateens and hundreds of newjgoodb contained in 130 cases and bales have arrived arid most of them are oheaper than ever before the wide fastcoloi ed prints atcic and7c are creating a sen- satiqp thej dress goods in black and ciiliridare marked ifwn to ibmt two thirds of what they pre worth the mantles mautle- cloths shawlsi blankets tjndereloth- ingetc wili be sold off at and under cost no goods will be marked up again the 3c gray cottou the yard wide 4c sci 6jc and npjto the best are far belowtheir value just see the ic 7ic 10c and the higherpriced white cottons they are all a yard wide and their cheapness is ta ked of uli overj the forewomen in mantle mdllnery and dressmaing departments bejiin on monday the 15th instai t to make up a grand display in their several lines miss amiss lias beuu down in new york for iver three weeks amongst the most fsh onable dressmaking houses there to get the latest styles she gives ladles the most con pletej satisfaction in fitting every dress will be warranted to lit well j thirty pales of carpets arrived and ajre selling very cheap mind the right souse is on king street eist one door west ofhughson strejet the name is hjaini iniltoni march 18th 1861 886 s0bhisrg- bgiiiefin and newest designs three thomaso watits 1886 announcement i t mleod as disrson co iu making their announcement for tie spring would say tbut owing to unforseeu circumstances and the hird times psevalent in the com munity they haye been unable to carry out their announcement of dissolution of partnership triesaid partnership will therefore oon- tintte for one year longer soastogivt ull parties who are still owing us mi account a further opportunity t call ana settle their accounts wejpurpose to do basiuu8s entirely for cash or produce no goods will be charged we will sell goods heap we have had such au ex- perience of the oldlime credit busine is which enables us to say that it is a very unfair way of doing fonsitfess the honest and trusty man who pays iip promptly has to pay for the c ishonest man who never pays at all we are satisfied that every perse n who looks at the cash system of doing bnsiness will say that it is tl e only honest and fair principle si doing business we can buy chea ier you will buy qlieaper we will sell kood t wholesale prices paying cash aud getting all the ad vantages whioh does accrue to the cah buyer try our system see our goods com pare prices and yte ajre satisfied you will save 25 per cent jm all goods piircntfsed from is ladies we are this season showing the neatest and most stylish mil- lineby mijirrlbs u c kllnew and latest styles- dhehs goods dress trimmings brirronsjfiiisae i a c all to match diiess- making in all tne newest styles doni on the premises under the inau- agement ofa firstclass dressmaker ladies buy your difess goods- leave your order if you want a fashi liable dress prists mcslinh lawns and sinohams all new neat and nobby oor ordered clothin department we can speak with pride about it- we have the finest and most ext mstve stock of tweeds tito whek- ik08 c in the province and ouij uter is a no l try pur nobby fits and cheap prices genes furi brings in grand stvle and large assortment rbadymadei clothik very cheap big stock to scleot vfrbmj carpbts 5n brussels tapestry 2 and 3 ply wool union and hemp oilcloths all widths and prices- ill to be sold cheaper than tho cheapest mj our staple jdepartment is jvery fqll cottons 3c per yard np winn otrrrpkssc towkls 3a jtablingis 25c cottonapes ducks and dekims f rom 13jc up i i men women and children you annot fniuo save mnuey by buying i your kooda from lis try and see-j- e arein earliest we will sell theaf fob cash oki vuo more bac debts and our customers will re ceivej the benefit dont delay btt couie and dee pnr cheap goods and ybu ill wirelybuy i l mclbcd prwe relurn our bintiero thidks lo thcbe of birr customers who iave always been our frii mils and trust thev willjcouyuue to pat ronize us health hollow ays pi fo i a lh t hie purify the blood llvpit stomach they invigorate and its lore to health debilita complaints incidental to females of all ages thev ls and ointment correct till disorders of the kidnetis and bowels constitutions and are invaluable in all tfie aud for children and the aged are price i ment u it is ari infallable remedy for bud legs 3 id breasts old wounds sores aijd ulcers s famous for gout and rheuhiatis ii for disorders of the chest if has uo equal i for sobs throats jronckitis oottcrbft ooltis glandular swellings nud nil skin disci ses it lies no rival arid for contracted and stiff iointsijb nets llko manufactjuiedonly attht 73 not oxford street lve 533 ai e sold alls ljd- 2s 9d 4s b 1 us be had of all medicn 1 1 vendorn thbughout the world ktpurchascrs shonld look to tbelubd 533 oxford street- oil has ct rried pff oil the prizes and is the best ma ihine oil offered for sale in the domin- i i m iu pr iof of jttris we will pay f reightboth waya hen it fa ils to please therpurohaser i six gold malllmqi e hgtjsb georgerown kndepspisr 00 idsh ijst emirsr samuel jaosbrs pir sale by j b pearsbuj dr mc rarviu j isfci ms jultakockwood r 1 a charm has ho lloways oxford street london ensr 22s and 33s each box or pot arid may on the pots and bpxes imhc address is not londori they are spurious i have been awarded thiej oil wi hin ibhe last three yers noneoenuinqtlnliytpatmadbatthb v j medals railway tiacs table 1 h crand tru v ooixoeast muedi800aui- express i710am pa malll il02am through ex64niri acooni 1000 pln way ooriawest 12an ljj02ajr 545 prr special 830 pn aciom coach apoani chicago express does not siop between guelpt and toronto i i timk o ctbiuro mails y going west lowaml aria fi0pm t bast 100 ainj and 520 pm enffjish mail closes at 10j m on wednesday canadian pacific railway to all iowjrs zaflt apmwest condenseittijik table toronto to detroit st thomaa aud chicago west ex cuitagoex local ex i toronto 8 10azri lhbspm a ispjn stretvluejun9 13 2 06 5 25 stthonias 12 35pm 5 25 8 55 detroit 5 20 is 45 v chicago 700ara 8 q54tn torontq to montreal and quebec idmited ex montreal ex toronto o 25 am 8 00 pju ottawa 0 92pni 4 38am montreal 10 0o i 8 18 quebec 6 30aiui 2 20 nm bramptpu to streetsville junction i 1 brampton 7 22 am 4 55pjm streetsyille jct 7 55 15 23 brampton to orangeville and qwen sound brampton 7 22 am ordngevillo 845 owen sound 2 40im j t purchase your tickets by this new and popirlar line james matthews i 4 ticket aget aotony 5 55pm 7 08 i 10 20 v acto meat market rutledge vi v oht butch er8 crosson have purchased ttie holmes and solicit patronage business- of mr r ajhare of public tlie membersof the firm are practical batchers andiro prepared jto ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there willlalwayi libe found on hand a full stock ofalt kindaof meatjcjin season we have settled inictoa to stay and feel satisfied- that by transacting business upon business principles we will winpublio confidence and support rut edge crosson acton feb 9th 1886 v acton tfmw tail sr clothier bktitqinfokm the inhabitants lot and neighborhood that i intend opening bnsiness as tailor and clothier an mrs seccrds block mill street acton and will- bp able toshow a nice selection of ih scotch and 3anadiaiv tweeds also fancy worsted iqokt in gs and from my large experience ibave everv coufideuci of being ableto give the higbest i satisfaction both abto stand workmanship- m aft bottom prices b ren nan acton planing mius williamson bamshaw r rnopniktoi buil4eriii4 opaltrmtor sash and blind factory door ts prepared to put on storm doors win- j- dow weather strips etc on short notice winter porches erected neatly and at reasonable prices we ha re one f henrys celebrated chop ping mills and will chop all kinds of grain on- tuesdays thursdays and saturdays t1aramshaw i v managers tgo to waters bros the- pllltyre erif slielph for artists materials oil and water colors urayoni 7ana drawing papers brushes c oil painfcinge steel engravings gbfcmo8jo j frambbof al kinds mbnjiiies roon and picture cornices and cornice p rf is sprang rollers and window sha le sfromsoe complete fancy goo is shitable tor weddine anabirthddypxiefsnts c visitor8- jan hsvfe their pictures framed while in tbecit so brine them with you to i i- wiat13rs firos tjieficturealleyneat post office author information trlljnao v0ltj ke- lm ilveby t f ree press jactonil t i j r subs1 offiisab taaes invariably in i 515 per year wilj ijinuod till all option of the publ aovb due coluniiiai halt columnil quarter coldmtl one inch casual adve first insertion uni sequent insertion reckoned by the in i scale of soud nonl aarerhtementil will be fnaertedij ngly transitor n advance changes tor cos in the office by ill they will be left ol krtisinsaireuttl mtraeto mar be j businl ber of college office and re frederick stree ce staci trinityjl ity medical f xi physicians t l l bei ac mol dentist uew system oij monly called teetfc without i strator and pij college of rons maydepenl in any operatiq acton every month offic jistirtos ontario college of den cb haves sertednbubb inum and sat rous oxide 3as ate appointn toveusblo tobafjla3v4 0 tario veb veterinary bu in kenny br denije in the i soundnes and all calls nigl e4to terms atceean barristers i anctrs 4c- orricej wiamcle msi souflt ofjeicb iir office main stij at o per pent qiltoni s tobov 1 ofitcks jcr aud 86 king s w t allah b ainlail buuu oiicksr- huston street alley toront jqaik bajs i wilhamla p tentgl hbkbyjl 20 years w mhei and writers aki pjs desirous oi cite jlia b pj cd revised usposed of ou the mosr advantageous tqfcfr shoujd address for full mttotuterature 231 brpadwayi new york if 3 oil iwxpjszb 0 toronto e hbwsonj mdiq tjhill aon iwsi 7 vi iistsid mm ia best book for an vertiser to oou- lt bo he ea oedor otheij andk leadveruserwt flndalnitqiein- heforwniwbbwill tnd dollars to ad- cated wnjoli jrul yorrjoedattooa ve been tteued m i 3i fo the couau orders left at i or at my r promptly att also money able terms- terest sukveyoi cial lan orders byraa tended to c perth stgi tohndaji qwice q square tohn j f bucc honjiy to per cent loaned for pa security properly an faiitnsand with f aimsi dominion tol cdlated inel wanting far reotions thro farms want deuce invited guelph ont 4l t he ha au easj bhuv seafoara anj given t condition tastily cat