Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 15, 1886, p. 1

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wk 5 m br m i volume xl so 42 stejtrtmr fnt f msb it free press powei acton 1 om vkvr t is evbishkiv every thursday morning he- printing housb ontario subscript on rates sloo six months tttuke months 45 ct8 invariably in advance it ubt paid in advance jjijjs per year will bo ch rgedr no paper discon- tfuued till all arrears i it paid exoept at the option of tto publisher advertises rate space uue column- half column quarter column hue ihea 1 cr ctoj 3 mollplo sco 00 35 oo acoo 00 casual dvertieenienu 8 cents per line for the first insertion and 9 can per line for each sub sequent insertion cash the- number of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil advertisements withiut specific directions will ba inserted till torbid and charged accord- ugly transitory advertisements must be paid a advance changes for contract kdvertisbments must bis in the office by 9 ajn on mondays otherwiss thev will be left over ua il the following week h p moore editor and proprietor i ttllo djtdco mar b j found on meat goo thlo rarttt rowel i ft co newspaper ad tertlsinsbureaulq tore v7lffikhsw jontrsewniajbmadoftirit ijs new lpklv business directory w lowryjm b m g p s graduate of trinity college mem ber oucoliege of phys icians aud surgeons offioe and residem e at the head of frederick street act n i oocts 100 ia 3 jo 2000 laoo 700 200 9t00 350 50 100 od tiic of ind in ri stacey m d cm graduate of i v trinity univei sity fellow of trin ity medical school x ember of the college of physicians and sugeons iqmct- campbellisoter u l bennett juds- dentist jeorgetown ontario k c mckinlay ld s surgeon dentist georgetown ont uses the new system of nitrois oxide gas com monly called vitalize i air for extracting teeth without pain laving been demon strator and practical teacher in royal college of dental su rgeons toronto pat rons may depend upon receiving satisfaction in any operations p rformed will visit acton every other wednesday of each mouth office agniiw9 hotel of jstirton l 3s mrcds ontario hone r graduate ontario college of dental surgery successor to cb haves lds i artificial teeth in serted ontrubber celluloid gold or alum inum and satisfaction guaranteed nit- rousoxidegasadmihistered feesmoder- ate appointments nade by leteer office tovells block oppwite p o guelph 1 acton banking coy storey christie co -rankers- acton outnrio genekal banking business transacted k02t7 10atbd on approved 0tsay notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits j e m special acency t actoa out sell telephone company messages received and transmitted at lower rates than telegraphing allan line steamships tickets issued to alljpoin of great britain and the continent at very lowest rates buy the tickets hereif sendiugforfriendb 58 very hest iip ii lis 3oor- win- qort and bop- m m john lawson i radu ate of on tario veterinarj xollege toronto veterinary surgeon 1 cton ont orncc- iu kenny bros boot und shoe store resi dence in ihe rear h rses examined as to soundness and certini ates given all calls night or djay promptly attend ed to terms easy mcmliiin notaries convey tclean barristers solicitois ancers c tpriva te funds to loan omce tow i 3all acton wm a mclean hrh mcmifu c office main street mtoc atpercent money save by dealin ttivh j e mcgarvin acton ontario all he farmers i and others having crippled horses will do well to call on geo stoddard who is prepared to remove ringbones spavins v curbs and splints without injuring the horse satisfaction guaranteed or do charge e0 stoddard creechs old stand acton lumber shingles and lath aptoneota clhjoenew newest f aper it1i borders to match styles oolopmers and elegant designs for 1886 daysbookstor cuelph best stock to select lowest price and best a days bookstore day the undersized desirefe to inform the public that he has now on hand and will keep in stock a full hoe of pine and hemlock as well as other kinds of lumber also class pine shingles lath coal wood having purchased the coal business of mr c s smith i am prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal i have also a good- stock of wood- hardwood ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wocid andcoal delivered tajiks brown ire fire fire burnel out sat not destroyed mitchell soliciiok cojiljyanceb f ofuce first door wlt of vkecluiuipkiu monev to loan tram value sells cheap mm iio thursday apbil 15l88h tuobbdalmobmimo apbil is 1880 poetry our life tell ill the world the lord is risen tb e easter message ever new the jrave is but a ruined prison in risible the life breaks through eartli cannot long ensepuioher in her dark depths the tiniest seed when life begins to throb and stir tl e bands of death are weak indeed no clods its upwards course deter ct imly it makes its paw today one germ of life is mightier tl ian a whole universe of clay yet jot one leaf blade was stirred bursting earths wintry dungeons dim but lived at his creative word lit sponsive to the life in him since then the life that he bestows tl ins triumphs over death and earth a whi t power of earth or death can close tl te fountain whence all ltfe has birth and as the last upspringing grain b eathes stiil the resurrection bong that light the victory shall gain t lat death is weak and life is strong so ith immortal vigor rife t ae loveliest life that faith has freed bea s witness still that christ is life a id that the life is risen indeed our story john street acton t vvfr e smith proprietor mr smith- has purchased the livery ibusiness oe mr hb mccarthy which he has renoved toliis commodious stables on john street in the centre of the business portion of the town mr smith has had lengthy experience in this business aud feels cbnfii lent thai he can give satisfaction to every pitron anyone desiring a commercial flea- sure or company big can be supplied with a firbtclass turnout on the shortest notice rail he telegraphic signal john mills tjie hero of this sketch was a horses boarded and 8old terms reasonable 1 ghilton allaj baird barrul era solicitors ac touomo vxd greolioeiown omckscreelman s block georgetown aud 86 king street ei is toronto w t llvs j shnt in bi 1uird ba b ain laidlaw bakkisrebs i h oicksroyerrmtrialbank 24 wel lington street east entrance jixchange alley toronto john- bain q c c a masies william laidlaw gbobge kappele co bpliciiobs patents seculvled i or inventions hbnry grist 20 years practice ottawa casaua no patent no pay w m hemstre st licettsed jccuoxeeii for the counties of w ilingtori and haltou orders left at the fbk pbess office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to i terms reasonable money- t j loan also money to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 850qand upwards dices iding surveyorrjofln davis provin cialland survey 0pan43e guelph orders by mail or tel igraph promptly at tended to charges noderate officer33 perth st guelph lufes fhem ice john day architect gcelhiosi office queeuvrtotel block market square las of lcriti- jost foil lark erk- john j daley successor to thbinpsou jicksou money to loan oi farm property at 0 per cent mortgage i purchased money loanedfor parties in 1 lortgages and other securi conveyanc ng in all its branches properly and neatly donei charges low farms and city projierty for sale list with farms for sale seat to all parts of the dominion to ihtendiu purchasers and cir having perfected arrangements for the rebuilding of the i v planing mill at the head of river street recently j de stroyed by fire slid purchased new machin ery we would inform the public that on- or about the 1st of may we will be in a better position than ever to supply their wants in the shape of debssnra lumbee ssbstxito pl00eing mouldinas see also in the meantime i pumps will be repaired and genera job- blrtgdoiiaab usual j thanking you for past- favors and hoping by strict attention tb business and reason able prices to merit an increased share of patronage we are respectfully yours til os ebbage mtuiaser -ttirjbjivpii- business college gijelph ontario i the second scholastic year commenced september 13t each de partment is in charge of a specialist to impart a practical training for the efficient conduct of business affairs is the sphere aud work of the institution its graduates are already holding responsible positions in the commercial centres in the dominion energetic youngmen tind women are thor oughly prepared for positions as book-keep- ers bhditband writers correspondents or telegraph operators students received at any time for circular and- catalogue giving fnll information address m maccormick l46m i princfipal iwm e smith wellington marble works qu ebec st guelfh john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to- cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble having 1 itely visited the bay of fuudy granite quarries a id having purchased the entire stock of gray am i red granite monuments headstones crosses ur s etc of alexander taylor at legs au cost t will until further notice sell at prices nev r before known in jontorio for in stance granitje monuments c ft high 00 7 it 758ft 9 09ft s100 10ft m20 all work and material v arranted nistclass parties wanting anything i l this line will do well to calland see hie before purchaeiiig as i guarantee uiy prices are from yo to 50 ier cent below all other deal irs j dont read thi fire m insurance company oowtror vsllxtgton established 1840- head office cuelph theundersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingleswash tubs churns gutter tubs pork barrels wood ala j flour and peed and anything in the line tif farmers house keepers ir contractors necessities thos o moore culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in or tario will be sent di rections through our farms waiited for deuce invited office guelph ont european agencies 4ur lists correspon- near the post office flphe hanlan b trber shop j mnt stes bt actos r tm seafoam an exhilara given razors honed condition ladies tastily cnt- j p wonfcs tonsorial artist au easy shave a sty ish hairouta good ing shampoo alwayb and put in fir jtclass and ohildretfs hair insures buildings merchandize manu factories and all other descriptions of property on thefpremium note s stein p w stone onas davideon president secretary johntayjjoraflrentj telephone tonecuon floral view greenhouses geqrgetom ontl r the newest and choicest plants and cut flower wholesale and betail funeral and wedding peblims ipreredoiflhortnotjc aud wiiiea sofoly itny wonther ceneral agents h j mcdonald go no 2 victoria st toronto estat ihsuranoe agents money to loan at six per cent houses rented bubinesp ohances chatth mortgages prohiissory notes and oth a seourities negotiated valu- uators ik i farme or other properties sold or ex changed rr call ai fbke pbesb ofnce tj1racis ntjnan- 8iiccos8orto t f chapman bopkbinderj st geoijges square j guetph ontario h accou it boekia of all kinds made toorder ipejriodtc lis i of every description carefully boundi ruling jueatly and promptly done lidloyents postage and wo 11 mail yon fbee a royal valu able sample box ofoods that ill putyon in the way of mak- g kobk jionet at once than thing ae in america both 11 ve at home and work in the tunei papftal not reuiiied u pjsure lot thosewho start tsfis oad engineer and had been for a long tim in the companys employ when the new engine 69 was completed and placed on the road john was given charge of it andj he evinced a natural pride in his pre ferment at one of the stations there was a young girl a telegraph operator between whom and the engineer there had sprung up a mutual attachment and whenever 59 came along kate generally managed to be at the door and exchange signals with her lover oho day the train was detained at the station and the locomotive was detach ed and sent up the road to do some addi tional work and kate went along for a ride asshe listened to the sharp shrill notes of the whistle it occurred to her that she might teach john to sound her name in the morse telegraphic characters so that she could distinguish his signal from that of the other engines whenever his train ap proached the plan worked to a oharm and far and near the whistle shrieked k nntil pne day as the operator step ped upon the platform she overheard a conversation between two young men and learned that they understood the signal and were laughingly wondering who kate could be their means of communication having thus been discovered they were obliged to discontinue it in the mean time kate had by means of the telegraph made acquaintance of a young lady an operator in a distant city but whom she had never seen and to her she made known the fact that the secret had been discover- ed then her friend suggested a plan as brilliant as it wbb ingenious it was simply to arrange a means of telegraphic commu nication between the approaching train and the station so as to ring a bell hidden away in the oloset of kates office engine 59 being the only one provided with theineans of completing the circuit which was done by laying the poker upon the tenderbrake so as to touch the wire in passing kate found an opportunity to acquaint john with the proposed plan and in the mean time had f mud an abandoned wire which ran for a long distance close to the track and which she proposed to use for carrying out her purpose thanksgiving day came soon after and john fortunately having a holi day he and kate went bravely to work and before the day had ended the task was com pleted and proved a complete success the dramatio finale of their love episodels told in the followiug sketch it was very singular how abbentmiuded and inattentive the operator was on the day that the great soientifio enterprise was fin ished no wonder she was disturbed would the new line work would herlittle battery be strong enough for such a great oirouit would john be able to close it the people began to assemble for the train the clock pointed to the hour for its arrival suddenly withstfrtling distinctness the bell rang clear and loud in the echoing room with a cry of delight she put ou her dainty hat and ran in haste out upon the platform the whistle broke loud jnd clear on the cool crisp air and 53 appeared around the curve in the woods the glenoid monster slid swiftly up to her feet and paused perfect john i perfect it works to a charm with a spring she reached the cab aud sat down on the firemans seat blessed if i could tell what he was going to do said the fireman he told me about it awful bright idea i you see he laid the poker on the tenderbrake there and it hit the tree slam and i saw the wires touch it was just prime but the happy moments sped and 59 groaned and slowly departed while kate stood on the platform her face wreatliedin bmiles and white steam so the lovers met each day and knew how she was made aware ofhis ap proach with such absolute certainty sci- enoe applied to love or rather love applied to science can move the world two whole weeks passed and then there suddenly arrived at the statiqn late one evening a special with the directors car attached the honorable directors were hungry they always aye arid would pause ontheir journey and tak a iup of tea and a bit of supper thfhonorables and their wives and children filled the station and the place putonagala aspect as for kate 1 she deniurr sat in ber den book in hand and ovev ife nnteid gay party in the brightlylighted waitingroo suddenly with a furious iattle her el tric bell sprang into life every epark it cblof left her face and her pook fell witha dull slam to the floor what did it mean who rang itj with affriglited face she burst from her offioe and brushed through the astonished people and out upon the snowcovered platform there stood the- directors train upon the track of the on- coming engine the conductor where is he oh sir start start get tb the siding the express the express is coming 1 with a cry she snatched a lantern irom a brakemans band and in a flash was gone they saw her light pitching and dancing through the darkness and vere lost in wonder and amazement the girl is orazy o train is due now there can be no danger she must be i ah that horrible whistle such aj wild shriek on a winters night the men sprang to the train the women and oh ldrett fled in frantic terror in every directic a run for your lives screamel the conductor there is a smashup com ing i a short sharp scream from the wiistle the headlight gleamed on thenowc ivered track and there was a mad rush of i lidiug wheels and the gigantic engine roan d like a demon the gigantic 5 slowlj drew near and stopped in the woods a hundred heads looked out and a stalwart figure leaped down from the engine and ian on into the bright glow of the headlight kate oh john i- she fell ihtohis arms senseless and white and the lantern dropped from her nerveless hand j they took her up tenderly and bcre her into the btationhouse and laid her uxn the sofa in the f ladijss room with liushed voices they gathered round to offer id and comfort who was she how did she save the train jhow did she know of its approach she is my daughter sajd the dd sta tionmaster she tends the telegr iph the president of the railroad in his gold there now packed u quiet the price thb lle cents buddeh hush and the room suffocation was painfully mounted a secretary will please takej minutes of this meeting the seretafy sat down at kates desk and then there was a little pause mr president every oyeyjai turned to a oorner where a grayhaired g mtleman had chair i mr president mr graves direotor for the state gentlemen i i beg leave tir to offer a resolution then he began to read from a slip of paper j- whereas john mills engineer of en gine no 59 of this railway line jsrected a private telegraph j and whereas he with the assistance of the telegraph operator of this station i leave a blank for her name used the said aire without the consent of this company andtor other than railway business i it is resolved that he be suspended per- manently from his position as mgineer and that the baid operator be requested to resign j a murmur- of disapprobation lilled the room but the president commanded si lence and- the resign her state director went pn- place it is further resolved and is hereby ordered that the said john mills bevand is appointed chief engineer of the ne iv repair shops at slawon a tremendous cheerbroke from the as sembled company and the resolution was passed with a believe it true winters night shout of assent how it erided they never knew it seemed like a dream and they gould not till they stood alone in the on the track beide that glorious 59 the few cars the engine had brought j up had been joined to the train and 59 had been rolled out on the siding with many handshakings for kate and a non bowed spectaoles drew near one grand lady in silk and satin pillowed kate s head on her oreast they all gathered r ear to see if she revived she opened hr eyes and gazed about her dreamily aii if in search of something do you wish anything ray dear baid the president taking her hand some water if you please iir land i want i want-r-i- they handed her some wine in a silver goblet she sipped a little and then looked among the strange faces as if in search of some one are you looking for anyone miss yes no it is no matter thank you maam i feel better i sprained myj foot on the sleepers when iran dqwn the track it is not severe and ill sit up they were greatly pleased to see hei cover and a quiet buzz of conversation theroom how did she know it could she tell the speoial was chasing good heavens if she had not known it what an awful loss of life there would hi vo been it was very careless of the superin tendent to follow our train in such a rei k- less manner yon feel better my dear said the president yes sir thank you im sure i thankful i knew john imean theengihe was coming you cannot be more grateful than are to you for averting so disastrous a col lision im sure im pleased sir i nevi thought the telegraph- she paused abruptly what telegraph id rather not tell sir but youll tell ub how you knew engine was coming j must you know t i we ought to know iu order to reward you properly she put up her hand in a gesture of re fusal and was silent he president and directors consulted together and two of them came to her aud briefly said they would be glad to know now she had been made aware of the bpproaohing danger well sir if john is willing i will tell you all i john mills the engineers was called and hecame in cap ra hand and the entire- company gathered round in the greatest eagerness without the slightest affectation bhe put her hand oi johns grimy arm and said shall i tell them john they wish to know about it it saved their lives they sayj and mine too said john reverently you had best tell jheni or let me she sat down again and then and there john explained how the open oirouit line had been built how it was used and frank ly told why it had been erected never did story create profounder sensa tion the gentlemen shook hands with him and the president actually kissed her for the company a real corporation kiss loud and hearty the ladies fell upon her neck and actually cried over the splendid girl evpn the johildren pulled her dress and put their arms about her neck and kissed away tbtj happy tears that coverejdi her cheeks j poor child 1 fjlhe was covered with ooii- fusion and knew not what toxsay of soil and looked imploringly to john he drew uearrand proudly took ler hand in his and she brushe away the tears and smiled the gentlemen suddenly seemed to have found somethiulg vastly interesting to talk about for they igathered in a knot in the oorner of the room presently tiie presi dent said aloud kiid directors yoajrongt paroou me anc i trust the ladies wi 1 do the sameif i john aud hearty kisses for round of parting cheers for the two the train had sped away the idlersjhave dis persed and none lingered about tbe aban doned station save the lovers 59 would stay that night on the sidinp and they had walked up the track to bid it a long farewell i i for a few moments they stood iu the glow of the great lamp and then he quiet- ly put it out ind left the giant to breathe away its fieryilife in gentle clouds of wnite bteam ab for the lovers they had no need of its light the winter stars sboue upon them and the calm cold night seemed a paradise below f y t 7 geis risek veryar4y intie mbining i ere the light shoriej in the east ere the stars annour ed the dawning of the day at go s behest early to the tomb of jesus v came thelb ving w itohers neai j but two shining one approached them saying jesus is not here he is risen i loi i of glory v he is rise l e i rtbrto bless i risen with tb wingi i of healing i risen lo lof ri 1 iteonsness vanquished n iw are in apd satan conquered jnaus 1 asff cruel foe 1 chriswiath deaths i trong fortress taken that the world h i peace may know peace whichpasseth inderstanding peace that earth 1 1 kes not away peace within the sot 1 abiding rulicgall with gei i je sway strength by which t i battle daily with the pflwers of hell and sin grace to conquer in le conflict t if his kingdom w woald win how john daley remarkab jtsuccess built up a s ai trade secret a trader who was fortunate in giving credit was asked the other day by a con frere who being less clever always had a lotof failures on his hands the cause of his success and he replied wheiia new oustomer asks me for credit if upon taking advice i feel justified in giving it to him i subscribe for the local paper of his place andbtudycloiely the way he advertises in the first place this investigation shows what profits he realizes on certain articles and so indicates whether my customer works on a good basis or not besides this result which cannot however be always exact in view of the sacrifices that are made in some cases i learn also from his advertisement what his standing is as well as iff i opened bis account books as long as my debtor advertises ener getically his advertisements well got up carefully looked after and in good position- he can get from me all he wishes he is a good risk but if i disoover that his advertisements are badly arranged and defective i set myself about settling his apcount and stuping his credit joimtal of fabrics business ii guelph the wellknown rfekkestate dealers of this city john j daisy co aredoing probably the largest business in farming lands in the domini j land certainly the largest in western oi tario they conduct their business iu a tlureughly enterprising and expeditious man er and they spend more money in print rs ink than any two firms in the same lit i in ontario an in stance of their enterprise and the extent of their trade is found i t the late issue of the canadian farm ad ertteer a mammoth twentyfour page dd ble column pamphlet containing a list onl pi tms farms held for sale by the- fire in wellington and other counties in the province a glance at the pa es of tllfs extensive descriptive catalogu i must force to the minds of- the unprejudiced dbserver the extraordinary buskie 38 tact which it re quired to gain and th 3 likewise extrabrdin- ary ability requisite 1 0 hold the confidence of so many farmers ii i this and adjoining counties a brief bt t intelligent descrip tion is given of each f irjffin the dfptjr together with theprii eand termsatiiwhich it is held eachifar pis numbered bo taat in corresponding witl intending purchasers e mistakes are reude ed very improbable a copy of the ada titer with his- iarm marked is sent to ejery owner who has placed the sale of his sroperty in the firms hands but the pac 1 phi et ia chiefly dis tributed among likelj purchasers seven teen emagrationgen i are working in the interests of daley i6i and the wide in fluence thus attained i n a measure accounts for the many sales m a de by the firm all those desiring to put base a farm should at once secure a copy f the moerdsei lor it certainly offers a virietyof n proper- v ties froni which to se i t li those who are 4s 1 ous of making a deal in real estate can not lo better than 00- suit the most exteilsi fa and successful real estate dealers iu t ie brovince john j daley co daily bfemw gttetph the canadian far ii- advertiser just pub lished by the enter prising and energep real estate firm of jo in j daley a co 01 this city certainly 1 sleets cretljt on the firm and its distribution througjiout cana da the united states and europe amongst intending purchasers will no dinbt proe very beneficial to thei eity as well as to this and other counties in western ontario- never before was the city of guelph and the county of well ngtou so fayorabjy adverfcisedve daily mercury buelph those haying farm r forsale should write to john j daley c j guelph 1 witty words j a turnpike tender down south 1 became enamored of a young woman who often passed over his roady butr he never tolled nis love in a oase of breakage the humujijtingers are among thi most reliable thiugsjknowu because they are always on hand with nails why may the inhabitants of the polar regions be supposed to bi fashionable people because they move in the highest circle 1 1 little gertie after waitfiu some time for desert j unole dont you have any thing after dinner yesdear the dys pepsia j works of artja great many of the young ladies we greet in the street are works of artjif not of nature what is that which ho one wishes to have and no one wishes to lose a bald head i slight of ihand refusing an offer of marriage great big family men- a globe subscriber writing from smithes falls says h having seen in your oolumnb an item representing that there are in the state of georgia six brothers who measure 38 feet 6 inohes and weigh each over 200 i submit the following as a production of ontario and of the county of lanark we have eight brothers here by the name of coade who measure in their socks 52 feet 4 inch and weigh 1720 lbs or an average of 215 lbs each the tallest k feet 7 inches and the shortest 6 feet inohes the heaviestf weighs 277 lbs and the lightest 195 ibsk the firk fiend it is estimated by insurance couipauies that iu the united st ttes jastear dwelling houses were burned at the rate pf oreevery hour with an ave age kss of ftl396 barns and stables fif y per week lounjiry-f- stores three per day vjth alosbof 1 110000 per week ten hotel s burn weekly with a lossper year- of 4 00000 ever other day a lumber yard gc es up in sinok i each representing 320000 fortyfour cotton faotbries the loss in naqh case being 828- oqoi fortythree wodllen mills at 25000 each and forty-two- chemioal wjrks at s27000 eaobvwere destroyed by lire last year fortyvtwo hoc t and shoe fictories were consumed the 1 iss being 8170 10 each theatreb were lappei up at the rate of five per month averagi loss 919090 only about half as man 1 court houa were destroyed the- cost f each ieiugj about 20000 t klp5i of basin wtr4erfor ft propriety to fashion halve the courage bdce rather tti m to seek credit knowledge under fal ie pretences liisftfe oure gsr-v-r- hot and dry skin fieqdeutchlls and fever burn ng patches upon the skin- colored watere whloh contains sand or niuc ous indicate that the sybtem jhasbeen extreme kidheyidis- fttrdwlliqt can only beojuby warriep the time i was 18 y ars ofage j wi most confirmed i walidth liver kjytroubje weeks outof ifdur dirty erupftori i yell have takerj wariiers safe cur marketing walking lifpr fwas a i ibipisa itemobi 7 is i moral j3ourage have the oouragcj to do without that which you do not ne d however rhuoii ybui eyes may- covet it have the courage oshow your jespeot for honesty in what ivet guise it appears and your contempt f ir dishonest duplicity by whomsoever exhi rited have the cbuiai to wear your old olothes until you tai pay for new ones have the courage o obey your maker at the risk of being rid culed by man have the courage a prefer comfort aud a wreck raised and fat afloat ctvkrluq0 o it in all things io acknowledge your for 30tki i88 erom al- ai copfine4 to my bed triree face covered witji a eyer expeotedtb get j fiftythree bottles of canido my worto ahy distaw without shfe ure- 1 irpletje f rfreoic wfot istisaiiivoi attess mi

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