Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 15, 1886, p. 2

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sfit fliitmifws taidtediitsloiwihoi j a 15 1886 thb800ttagt 1 1 m in the rly part of j present week we reserved a visjtfiom a g sntleraan who has lately been making a to i- ot the county of halton and a part of th j county of peel he visited abonl twelve lowusand villages in the former county at d during the whole time of his stay in these places he saw only one drunken man and that was in the done one thing for he lton it has com pletely killed the treati ng system drink ing there is but it is tone on the sly in holes and oornera and kept away from the public gase i know o one case in which a man and bis wife wa iked five miles from the victnityoakviui into peel connty jptwbimifthe jlibjaor were to be obtained atoakville thy the necessity of tramping all the waya nto peel for it toronto cuixn j gp iffis ifpl ri halton 2jt rookwoodnews litcs 100 10a mmairy town of milton in the adjoining county of peel where the scott jaoiis not in force brampton streetsville ind cooks ville were visited he states the i iu brampton he noticed that the barra ma were sometimes full of men in all staget of maudlin drunk enness and in the villi gee of streetsville and cooksville he saw 1 hree or four drunk in each he concludes 1 jy stating what ever the imperfections and faults of the scott aot may be and whatever difficulty there is in enforcing it it has certainly 1 mr from oiir ocjhtatpoftlml 1 lr6oetyd too late ft imv school examinations are the orddr of the day peoially the township of nassaj the farmers in this vioinlty are prepar ing for spring work they report very little frost iu the ground two of our young men chas istrange and janves orr leftkthe other dayioj5of retail dakota they purpose spending the sum mer there j mr a strachau left last week to tike a position in the dry goods house of e r bollert guelphr archie- is sure to get along well mr w h sohultz having removed to toronto the services- t jas mookeusio formerly of the lioif guelph have been becured by mr d li schultz to fill the vacancy mr g f drydeil a student of toronto school of medicine has returned from his studies with an at okr oftyphoid fever he is at present very low his many friends hope tdsee him around again soon n srrachan is also confined to his ippljls tir 4p moaxwni wm fc m bmmr itatoiil in- mm 8l i- notes and jomments it is expected that llie canadian pacific railway companys t legraph service will shortly be completed public in toronto on sundi y bex hugh john bon and rev canor sermons denouncing spoken terms dumoulin preached iheatregoing in out- the hew brunsw ii k legislature has lately abolished the one member said thajt istenoe he thought a f bed with an acute attack of rheumatism business here generally is nov boom ing mr james barry is doing an exten sive trade in btave bolts the annual cutting etc is about to commence the factories owned byhayward co and b biohardbpuv will sliortly be reducing to shingles the vast piles of timber now in their yards 1 x y z and opened to the franking privilege while it was in ex- least fourfifths of the peopleof frederiqtjton never bought a postage stamp we are informed tl n t for some evenings past a number of bo i under 16 years of age have been- seen a ggeringabout the streets drunk pi i herston tdegraph f and the scott act is a t in force there yet either is it friend lja y there seems to be jnb doubt says the new york herald that ar i nprovement in prices ib booked for the j u ture in the natural course of events pro riled that the railroad strikes and the railrc a 1 traffic wrangles can be satisfactorily sett o l that they will be settled in a very shor time seems to be xertain under a new aot jfassed at the recent sessiob of the legisl it ore all parties offer ong maple sugar for ssle are compelled to label it as such and i iose who in future sell sugar at 15c a i o ind as maple sugar which they purchas x at 15 pounds for the dollar in a grocery i 2 1 be liable to a fine andthe seizure of the goods a michigan bala it keeper has quite a museum in his bu room eagles owls panthers foxes and j deer jheads by the score as a pet he t as a large gray wolf chained in the back j ard a large gray wolf is a idbst apiipriate pet for him and a true represeui ative of the liquor traffic detroit coi adcertiter mr m j farrish ib liow home for hit summervacation having had a hard win ters work and passed a very successful examination at the toronto school of goods medicine butfbr all he is looking well messrs thomas snowies aucjl edward magee left here last night for kansas city u s where they expect to engage positions as telegraph operators they have the goodwill of all respectable citi zens here who wish them every bnccess miss mcleod of elkhouse i manitoba formerly of this place is spending a few weeks with friends here she is a niece of wm mcleod esq of georgetown her blushing appearance speaks well for the country from where she comes the terrific storm of tuesday last blew the chimney off mr john wrights bakery it went through the roof of his baker shop causing much damage to the building but this was soon repaired by the prompt and skitiedhands ofwm morrow one of our builders the smokestack of mr wm farrishs kiln was also blown down but caused no other damage new tori jcity is the metrjpo- lia and cintreof oommerce for its surrouucing pats thoubantls ujars flock to its worulr wideknown retail i stores jts stores teem with merry shopfjera from its surrounding towns torouto ssjthe metropolis and centre of commerce for ontario eatons jstore is known far and near hundreds of shippers from afar daily purchase in our metro politan stoto it is not 8tran o it is easily comprehended shoppers make itheir railway fares aiid expenses laud havje atiiir bulance left aiid itfee pleasure of the trip costs them nothing the variety is infinitely greatorfthe styles are later the prices pre cah prices home price dre credit prices doing an immense aud reputable buti- niess biiton buys direct from the factories oi europeam america your home stores have to buy from hcinic wholesales wo soil at the price j at which they buy ourgigautic and immense btock is ap irresistible magnet tp econo- mical bjuers vve seii milhneityr at dry prices jwevlook upon formerly gf acton oompleto nfwtock of j english irish scotch and canadian 1886 0 weei3s the latest styles in- fine black and colored worsteds and fine spring overcoatings house springsprid ym0k- m gsprlbrspr l i t n y sy gsprihgrlnspringiprinjfgspri n i -o- spring is herey and alongwith it the seas o vfor cleaning and paper do yw want to decorate ypwf walls with a p ijper whhjh will alwalys please you if so buy yju r wall paee and borders -fbom- t e howsci icntlc jiou rctiniriuj auything iuwy line can depend on gutting the very latest style in oloths with tfic nud workmanship gunranted re nelson 99 u pper wy ndham street cuelph 0- fllt 1886 iflgi n removed removed amalgamation of mckay bros and -o- f vf- 1 l the fust practical fetep by the temper- ance organization 6f toronto to aid the authorities in puoisjiing yiolaters of the license lijws was take ii friday when the heads of those bodes submitted to the license commission irs a list of licensed tavernkeepers who had been fined for breaches of the liquet laws during the past year thepestmasterg sneral has given orders that parcels going o er the canadian paci fie railway to manjtoba and the north west may be the san e weight as those us- aally carried hamel f five pounds here tofore the maximum weight was two pounds three ounces that- weight being the- regulation when in transit through the united states 4 the parliament oi ctenada is coming to a pretty pass wbn a sage member of parliament named bosmer introduces a bill to incorporate tl eshuswap and okana- ganeailway whishisto run between bpaqumcheen nan sws np rthe shuswap and smckmouse val ley to okanagan lake if this goes on th house will demand extara indemnity for tear and wear of jaw if unfits under the regnlat ions of the educational department the first friday in may is set apart as arbor day for the purpose of planting shade treet i making flower beds and otherwise beab iifying and improving the school grounds last year this day l was observed by mi ny teachers and trus tees with great ehfliusiasm and as a result 30648 shade and imamental trees were plantecfand flower beds made at 253differ- ent school houses pit will be advisable to have our regularly observed municipal arbor day art angel for the same date -i- i i puftely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted we had a pleasant call front dr dryden rockwood last friday miss a hiltz left yesterday morning on a visit to friends at stratford mrs r phillips and children returned from orangeville on tuesday bailiff broddy erin was the guest o mr and mrs c b griffin several dayi during the week miss eliza cameron accompanied hp sister s arms to torontoiwhere sh will remain for a few weeks mrs thomas mcmackon whp has deen the guest of councillor fyfefor seve weeks returned to highgate last week mr i travere who has beenengagedlin the law office of messrs molean mc millan for some months left yesterday for toronto 3s c a cook of toronto was in a couple of days this week visiting hia father rev r b cook who wals seriously ill the old gentleman i a deal better now mr peter mcgregor a member of the gait town council and for many years a resident of acton left this week for georgia where he has purchased 26000 acres of pine lands mrwm t smyth one of the most popular arid buccessf ul travellers employed by messrs w h storey son of the canada glove worksrwill leave in a few days for manitoba in the interest of the firm iis- i j for prime cipvet and timothy seed go to j e ho wsons j scotch englisa and canadian suitings rjj in great yiriety aij fyf es acton ii spring suite abd overcoats at extreme ly low prices and made in the latest stytes be sure tobail and see them at j fyfes acton j mr 8tirton i entist of guelphj will devote saturday exclusively ito patients mm distance nitrous oxide gas jor vitalized sir giyeiil see card tbiheatiumium easily prostrates s mtjbiowasuiuv ex- otvaol it cn be rapidly cor- ttoo5 tonro warners millinery as a necessity not as a luxury no one can go barehead ed fnotejy our homo prices and then teso fine black and col ored an straw hats 300 style 62ej regular sellin price s150 td2 loop straw bonnets latest styles all colors 45c regular price 85c porcupine straw hats 37ie regular price 85c anil so on ad intii ituvu vo oatdr to the obildren hamburg embroidery i hoods trom 12jc 28c 33c 37c up to l75 lace hoods from 35c up ti 3 straw sailors from 25c p chenille aud ribbon trite mod rls and misses straws ny tyles from 50c up jbea nti ful flowers new botvnets igret es new if bbons trimmings tc oourtauld allsilk rain- roof crape hats and bonnets from 140 up ju3t half the usuatprices no waiting everything cheer ful oil entering to your left en route to the dress goods you pass laces ibbonsjihosicry gloves etc dress oools dont pay credit prices buy ateaou- s for cash two dresses for the rjrice of one makje your halves dp duty for dollars ifake your isejiection from orie of the largest land correetest stock of dress jgobds in the country the shelves arepiled ceiling high with most beautiful fabrics at prices less than the lowest all kinds of drtlss goods french english and american allwool ottoman cords all colors igc worth 30c new tripot etamiue canvas clothy and cplpjed crape cloths albatross and every kindpf the fashionable openlmeshed cloth at unapproach- eablejbries the new cloths and all the liewest shades from 36 in to 42jin wide at from 4ic and interhiediate prices up allwool cashmeres from 25c up all widths and colors 8ilks crapes and every conceivable kind of dress good form one of the completes stocks tliat hqs ever been shown in toronto w hflve a perfect letter order department write for what you want r jmckay from the cradle ji to designs good coloring hich prices low no trouble to 8how goods jjb hqwsdin aqtbn and carpets our forced sale of dry goods will be continued ut 48 king street east next to jliiirn palace immense ba1sua1xs will be oivex dress goods reduced to 5c coshmerfts reduced to 25c silks all reduced in price lidies hosiery reduced to 20a worth y5o silk usndkcrchiof s reduced to 50c worth prints reduced to 5o worth 10c kid gloye8 2oc worth 71c carpets oilcloths lace curtains blankets etc all retluced we hove not room for all our stock and jre offering extraordinary inducements to clear out lines we will hold auction sale at no 70 king street east every nftcrijoon commencing monday april 5 to clear out balance of dry goods aud carpets 1sl oealt b ob os 72inch twill bhnctinc reduced- to 25c worth 37c i 42inch pillow cottoil reduced tosjo tabic linuuiijcdiicerl 10 25c worth 35c tweeds reduced to 86 worth 50o gents furnishings 11 reduced ginghams reduced to 12jc flannels all reduced cpr king and john sts hamilton 3 speight sn furniture dealers and undertakers actbn h aviiif elected a floe new sbowroonj have just received a ncwi nd veluissort 3d stock of furniture of 11 kibdi of the latest destgns iuch ninl 1 parlor furniture bedroom 8uites bureus loungei tables chairs rokers and cradles and everything else that any family requires in the furniture liri during their journey from the cradle to the grave and we can prepare the n for tbegrave too for we have on hand a large stock cofiisrs gskeitsuetol of all kinds aiid sizes sod all other funeral f urnii hiugs nnvwill siipplyah on the shortest notice and most reasouab e terms a nrt class hearsj drawn by a wellmatched team for hire j a speight manager h 1886 j debate on baptism hendersqny mcrae sc co agton eldjeacixtf mode arid subjects i befrtrees- elder j a disciple i of kentijcky nd rev t- l- wiljisliiboa metlxp4ist of braitfordjont commenciiig debember suing for six da s heia atimoaford oni m5thi884andc steuograpiiically of torot h0ub60f coi rted by 6 btiraflley jr icons of canada esy of torontofflcial reporterf oil the housbjof commons of canoe jrice f for agency or parti irand millinery opening -on- ioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioihioioioioioioioioioipioioioioioioioioioioioioioi 27th of marc sfttjeiditr f hotmar vyvvvw ssss k- incurable changed to curable dubhim n c aug 16th 1886 i had been in bad health for ten years case was pronounced began to use warners safe cure and thre weeks after using it gravels from the size of a large pea down to theizs of shot commenaed passing had fifteen pass in two months and am now well maubicbbenkecki j beader in informing you- f this wonderful remedy for coughs colds asthma bronchitis consumption and all affections of the throat and luugsi we feel we are doing you a great kindness as if you have any of the above complaints if you will only try it we will guarantee satisfaction in every case or money refund ed ask for mcgregors lung compound price 25c and 160 per bottle at dr mc- gavins drui store thecradle iaole inerariiosa onthe 9th april the v wife of mr thos eagle of a daughter colk in esquesing on the 13th inst the wife of mr henry cole of a daughter stalkeb in esquesing on the 14th april the wife of mr john stalker of a son hoct in milton on- the 6th iist the wife of conrad hoff of a daughter gould at nassagaweya on the 2nd april thewife of peter gould of itwins boys titton atcrewsons corners on the 11th april the wife of mr chas uaylor of fa son rbowh in acton cm the 9th april the wife of mr james brown farmer of daughter v ii neelands at stayner on the 6th inst i the wife of thos seelands editor 8m of a daughter i 7 j 1 t sransoreulow fostbnpn marobiby the eeva e rnii at muu nfha 5 fattmi mlpf vilkiambev miss emily bklngfellpw tieatoxco jl90 182 ih 198 tongo st toronto vim advertisements tism for terms and partictilar apily to- beytt wilkinson 44 lan6lowue ave pardole ont ulmki pi asterkrs haiu pob jalb mahure and hair for plasterers jj ai iply at the tannery beaedmoke co acto l january 25tl 1b80 8m iioijse for sale subscriber will sell on very easy terms e lioaee and lot on church street now by peter lee adjoining the dwelling lei speight and immediately behind ityrids jewellery store price 9800 one- c ash and the balance may remain inde- nnetly per cent interest information may be haq frbni the editor of the fiiee pbebs or by bobt walteb m d wennensvriie bebkb co pa mhe 1 th occu of c geo third pibd mr oddressirii ihe t acres etniie ai 30 cor which sheds and a team acton aoton ne larse best i aui i wanted oioioioloioioloioioiqicichuoiclciciciciciciciclciclciciciciciuiciclciclcicicictciclcicfciciclciciticicjioioioioioiojoloioi -o- our rooms this seusou will be unusually attrhctive tmie stock litis nil been selected with great care aud taste from the latest- importations of french english and americau goods and are rich rare and really choice this department will be under the charge of experieuced milliners who will spare no effort to suitthe taste and wants of our putjrons at the most moderhte prices mas j adaiib agent at actou s20q ular write to bv t l wiiikinsan 41 lonsdowne ave paibjiaxe conobrning chesaplsress leading boot shoe store h whats saved affords no i adiv cation of whats lost l to mhe keal tijibt 9f x is undoubtedly as the masiro has it guality for if- apy article lacks njality it is dear at any phce especially is this irue in regard to r a shoes our stock or general dry goods farm to rent unpeksigned desires to reuthis farm lt si qp a frame house and barn on the sal hnwrlnff oynliflttl also the tjot 28 ng orchard also the lot 28 uettlng containing 80 acres also lot esinesing containing 100 aores on ere is comfortable bouse barn and aljovelots are 1 situated within a mile of acton ifor bale a good heavy terms easy apply personally or to alex b wright imowffiafl n inlrea ana jjanflsomehhcif val- mmgstd tatenoumpurphaqr will please 1 ebqnebinr containing 68 t ato amufltbl880 for8alk brhssels arpetj tapestry carpet kldar- ihster carpet and hemp carpet all too itytvjqanfafiu n ul be cold fer tq cutting them up- two axh clocks gents furnishings boots and shoes c is now very complete and will be sold at very bottom prices j lie k goods will be a specialty satin novelties in 8s- gcelph you only require to see these goods to induce yyu t6 buy see our extra superior white and grey cottons our beautiful pnts ginghams cretonnes curtains laces aud mantle velvets those beautiful embroideries are atlmired by everyone splendid range of carpets cheap choice shirtings iducks denims at really low prices xf-xr- 1 x- x x x x -1- oite big o or0 d o- comprises the best the newest aud the neatest styles in ladies misses and mbssasecqw h for recovery of four onul stroe last x x- x x x xx x x xfx x x x xrx xvx xx om5 stoq3ss o o o d j9 ort d a dhi 0- poo pro o o 6 p qpq g- childrens wear we cannot be undersold ii theaeaolods watch repairing seas rgvm rejlaiiring eople very often lose more than they save when they ihdisorirainately go in for cheap good b without regard to their value it has however been our steady aim tl irough pur business life that every article knpt by us shallbe of the best 5ualityl but at the same time be sold at the lowest possible price compatible with such qi ality buyiug direct from tbeniauufacturers foricash we are eiiablel to offer our ous- p touiers uu8urpasbed iuducemeiits spillxg stock smiyq st k we cordially iuyite the public to ball l i and see our new stocfk new sty lie nice fresh goodsextra value in j j ladiesf kid bootsi sign of tle big boot j wtwjllareh tp mi particular atitentaon paid to the and oleanihg of 3siikkiz and clocks id atablishecl iiil yiillifcfirli fei ihtmgdatmoj crumbs fj provided by thai prea more spnngll snow has enfj spring work i now think i fclaid suits w fe house hunt spring expeditious the guelph is being held todl it is many a roads in this vicid base ball and lively here this i browns saw i factory wdhsh9rt the g t it- grounds at the de the aver georgetown publ average is 256 mr a e ni neat portico and on bower avenue the welcome has already te warm rays ofsprj mr wm busmessn fleur has already sold i the populate was2iooc bytlj 4886 there is an i the fasb pi large number of i wiuallbefound1 perusal the beetonl better place in 0 beeton yes i been supphed clara correspondent ago while ghopp mrs wm thon well apnlj with muddy shpl now a smile and kiss and then a 1 farm hand are asking 820 j is readily given middlesex counll the two fir j mckay ham mated jbarg nueuoe bead tl apruisthel according to poel facts is the monf every length oft same as to dia the jarge kennedys mil whue in operant with piece of i 8180 qeorgetaa bev c e dehered an id albans ghurc rev g c ad will preach the the fhon educatiohjand deliver i jwn wedneadl auspices of the f the peek address m the seventyfive ceu of getting one i the provmoe a ueighbours the ueorj dents seem toe we hnd one sifj pettis anothl and a third 8 tion does the the3uffa doubled its cir agement now i copy of 8am authorized edi and the paper i k the- mem q i tuesday eye sacted but eoi unparliamenti by one or twl next meeting i mg 20th inst f the mem no 204 will tending div church on when sern order and its i by eev r pjj a busine i a vitation td tul business his to whom per his announc mto the hij ooatomers anj his argument oi all gazette app constituents weeks issue 1 ayrupaindau a ahor tkue there gavel town counc hjs aemiceel tx reectij ifyobiwj auitgotojrl wonieny t

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