Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 15, 1886, p. 3

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jflll at ceo hhfhd8 seasonable goods arrivirj fnexpreu wag goni carts base bafii rubber balls skipttruj bopes lacrosse supplies flrinng tacwo oar stock ot ft ilool books ana stationery is the best in town give us a call tjkohykds sets cheap tv fe tttttt jfk f m itmjbsrjatmobsrkoalrfil 15rl886 crumbs for breakfast provided by the- ever jrhoughtful free press repbjfttes if more springlike weatl v show had entirely dif appeared spring work is now i ejng considered now think about pta iting shade trees j plaid suits will be as pupular as be foe house hunters are mkkiug their usual spring expeditious the guelph easter tat cattle show if f ley lass isheiug held today i ho88 two horses perished in the flames ifcvs many aday sunjewehad as bad roads in this vicjnityr base ball and lacrosse is likely to be lively here tsts season browussaw mill aid moores btave factory willshortly resume operations the g trr offioials are having the grounds at the depot neatly cleaned up the average daily attendance at georgetown public school is201 miltons average is 356 mr a e nicklin is about to add a portico and balcony to his residence on bower avenue j the welcome and delicate little crocus has already ventured out to enjoy the warm rays of spring j- mr wm hemstreet is doing a big business in fleury plow this spring he has already sold about forty the population of tjllsonburg in 1885 was 2006 by the assessors returns for 4886 there is an increase of 93 shown the free press thib wfeek contains a large number of new advertisements they will all be found interesting and worthy of i the wbbkb rakinq8 whloh are principally looal and all interesting overseers ot highways a meeting of esquesing couucll will be held iu the council chamber jm monday april 19th to appoint overseers of high ways and for the transaction of other busi ness ratepayers desiring a ohange bf pathmasters in their localities are request ed td forward recommendations to the townshijftolerky real estate transferred messrs e nioklin sou have disposed of their property here the residence barns etc on main street and the farm ing land between main street and the nassagaweya road 83 acres in allwve sold to mr adam cook for about 9200 mr donald mann his- purchased the flf teenaore field south of the mill pond for h125 disastrous fire the barn and stablest mr john mc millan hornby were destroyed by fire on monday afternoon the barn contained a large quantity of grain whioh is a total perusal the beeton iivm saysthere is no ie m line jugh by lest- my rers inns- h i in better place in ontario fpr a foundry than beeton yes perhaps sb after acton has been supplied j clara belle the racy new york correspondent died suddenly a few days ago while shopping her real name was mrs wm thompson weil april fickle lass youre here with muddy shoe and- cap of snow with now a stnile and now a tear with first a kiss and then a blow j i farm hands iu the county of halton are asking 820 per month and board which is readily given by the- farmers so says a middlesex county exchange i the two firms mckay bros and r 4 mckay hamilton have been amalga mated bargains are offering in conse quence read their announcement april is the month olsmiles and tears according to poets according to real hard fasts is the month in which both ends of every length of stove pipe are exactly the samejis to diameter the large circular saw in mr g h kennedys mill was broken on monday while in operation by comingin contact with a piece of iron its original cost was 5180 georgetown herald rev c e whitcombe of toronto delivered an interesting discourse in st albans church last thursday evening key ijc adams ma of georgetown will preach there this evening the hon g w ross minister of education and mr e f johnston will deliver addresses in the town hall george town wednesday april 21st under the auspices of the young mens liberal club the fiiee pbesswhi be sent to any address in the world to january 1887 for seventyfije cents accept this opportunity of getting one of the best local papers in the province and dont be borrowing your neighbours the georgetown heralds correspon dents seem to delight in high falutin names we find one signing- himself ab amicis petris another sijnplicitatis amator and a third saturn whatfurther eleva tion does the herald desire the buffalo christian advocate having dubled its circulation under the new man agement now makes the generous offer of al copy of sam jones bermons the only authorized edition tosvery new subscriber and the paper until it 87 for one dollar the members of the j council met on tuesday evening nibusiness was tran sacted but considerat le loud talk and some unparliamentary lang uage was indulged in by one or two mem eraj of the council next meeting will be leldon tuesday even ing 20th hast the members of 2 ctou lodge ioof no 204 will observe the occasion by at tending divine servijce in the meyhodiet church on sunday evening 25th inst s ithe ks when a bernion having reference to the order and its princip es will be pieached by rev r phillips a business mans sign offers a mute in- vitationto tfcoseonly whp pass hisjplace of business his circular can only reach those tojwbom personal attention isgiven but his announcement in a newspaper goes iuto thehighways and bywaysfinding customers and compelling them to consider his arguments of all our exchanges the norwich oaseme appears to bejthe best treated by its constituents of any we know in last weeks issue he tells about a load of maple syrup and sugar deposited at his residence- a short time since the methodist gbnrch tbere gave him 16i while every y4r the town council and filchodl boards recognize hiv services with a ij and a ijo xmas box respectively haprly man j m yp if you want a bibby jdurable and cheap suit go to r tyftfs acton women do yod suffer from painful periods yoitii d waraera safe ce will by restbring ihe delicate organs to likeirproer eouditien soon rc- nibvejtabaiirevanib f port of the barn was built last summer the nte watcausedby some boys lighting matches and smoking in the barnyard loss ovor 5000 covered by insurance reformer preliminary court of revision his honor judge miller the- revising officer for halton held a sitting of the pre liminary court of revision under the elec toral franchise act ou monday only one name was put mirths of mr meiklei of oukville to be added the revising officer made the note required by law and the court was at an end tle final court will be held early sim ebbages new planing mill the wellknown energy of our respected fellowcitizen mr thomas ebbage is again been injthe rapidity with which he has rebuilt his plauiug mill end pump factory destroyed by fire four weeks ago the site is today occupied with a good substantial building 48x24 two stories high giving double the floor capacity of the old workshop mr ebbage hopes to have his shop in complete rnnning order again- by the first week in may improvements at the tannery mr john cameron builder has been given the contract for the erection of the new dryiug kiln at beardmoro cos tan nery it is to be four stories high and will be built on top of the present rolling house this will make the building six stories in height and from the first floor to the top of the ventilators will be about seventy feet mr cameron will proceed with the work as soon as spring is fairly opened j the rossin house changes hands we are pleased to note that mr john bennett has again assumed control of the rossin house and feel assured that under his management it will shortly regain its oldtime popularity as a home for the travelling public in the past mr bennett always kept a comfortable and well order ed hostelry and we firmly believe that he will be more honest than the majority in the observance of the liquor laws in force robinson beatty the late managers are about to take up farming near burlington their removal hence will not cause much regret knoxchurch the pulpit of the presbyterian church was occupied last sabbath most acceptably by mr j mokay of knox college mr mckay came to tiownou saturday morning and returned to the city by the noon train on monday the intervening time being spent very pleasantly with members of the congregation dr torrance guelph will preach next sabbath at the close of the morning service the dr will- ask the con gregation if they are prepared to petition the presbytery for moderation in call in all probability a call will shortly be made burlingtons new methodist church the new methodist church which is about to be erected at burlington will be of brick 50 feet by 78 feet with a school room in the- rear 32x60 it will be so arranged that galleries can be added at any future time the cost is estimated at 810000 mr edwards of hamilton is the architect and the following contractors have been employed for the carpenter work mr williamson for the masonry crooker son and for the roofing and heating mr- allan all of bnrliugton services will be i held in the town hall while the new church is in course of erection purchases from the smith estate on tuesday a sale of property belonging tq the estate of the late ci s smith esq was held at the door of moore mcgarvins factory the satchel factory property was offered but the reserve bid was not reached the stone house on main street east of school lane was purchased by mr james anderson of the scotchblock for 1100 we understand that mranderson intends leaving the farm and taking up his residence here he will be a very welcome and de sirable citizen the six acreb at glen lawson comprising the old tolton mill site and water privilege were purchased by messrs fruere bros of guelph for 525 messrs fruere bros intend to proceed at once with the erection of a roller mill on this property the village lots in youngs survey were not sold a visit from p8x deacon mr js deacon psi visited the four departmentsiof acton public school offi cially iasfrweok he reports the school in a very satisfactory condition and credit able to the several teachers mr deacon also attended a meeting of the trustees and ratepayers of lome school section which was called to consider a dispute concerning the estabusbrneht of ai fifth class in the school some contended that such a olass conld net be conducted without interfering with the time required ly the larger num ber of less advance pupils while others thought that when there are pupils in the bchpql capable of taking up fifth class work and as the school daw provides for their instruction they should be allowed to feoeife at leaist an equitable share of the wisely persuaded the interested patties to allow the matter to rest in abeyance until the ajjbrol education 8bonlronunce intheease tj- carried oil in be carried on the old office the memben mb f b johhbon who legal bniiniatdkange aohange has ojocuredin our legal firm in aoton throt gh the return of johnston to gujelph mr was recently appointed deputyattoruey general his r signed ahat position and resumes the prat iioe of his profession he has entered i uto vartnership with mr w a moleauiofjjmolean mcmillan of aotonand the husinesb wlioh has been acton by thib firm will iiow byfjphnbtou st molean in in the town hall one of of tihe new firm will be j in daily attendance i at the office in aotou mr johnsto 1 is well known to tlie people of aoton anc vioinity and on account of his experiem e aud ability will be a great source of strmgtlf to the acton firm a necessity the gtr pasbeuger platform should he extended for about forty or fifty feet west of the ratei tank as it is at present passengers a rrivi ig by trains from the west are iuvariaby obliged to descend from the last two or three cars of the train into the ditoh beside the traok two or three feet below the sidewalk running alongside ladies particularly experience consider able discom ort ajnd trouble through alight ing here i the gtr authorities enter tain a proper regard for the convenience of the travelhi g puplio they will proceed at once to remsdy this very upparenti- evil and while thby are carrying out this suggestion t leir patrons would appreciate it if the side walk through tho companys grounds was continued as far as mill street the couritrr newspaper the counl ry newspaper isltho nlost use ful of all thi i agencies which stamp the iin press of pro jressdpou villages and inland cities wit lout the aid of local newspapers towns are n s a rule thriftless and dead it is common for small and great men to speak with contempt of tjie local nows papertbut the village newspaper makes more great lieu out of less material more bricks without straw than any other fac tor iu politics and it is tho one ladder ou which men lunl to local idistinctious as the beginning of iwider fame the advent of the local newspaper lias always dated the ihoreaiied thrift of the community the local newspaper is the life of the locality an 1 measures the advancement of the people- guelph mercury it is very probablp th it the editor of the mercury had the free press in his mind when he penned the above two roller mills for aoton for a considerable time the people of acton and the farmers of thib vicinity have been longing for the date when a roller mill would be an industry establish ed iu our midst we are pleased to be able to state that this place is shortly to be the locality for two roller mills both of them under i practical superintendence mr john harvey whohas purchased the b w nickuin flour mill property intends as soon as spring is fully opened to thor oughly refit the mill at the foot of mill street he will put in rollers and other roller mill machinery build a new circular flume ac the new mill will have capacity of 50 barrels and will be run by either wate r or steam as circumstances re quire th other mill will be built and operated by messrs freure bros of guelph who purchased the tolton mill property about a mile below the town at the smith state sale last tuesday these gentlemen intend rebuilding the mill at once it will be built of stone as before and will be furnished with a full roller mill outfit of tha e- p- allis system this mill will aho hive a capacity of fifty barrels per day messrs freure bros expect to have their mill in thorough working order by the fiist of august we wish both these new irms success there is ample rooin for both of them here and we hope they will receive due encouragement from our citizenk and the farmers interested successful services the engagement of mi- savages evan- gelistiohand with the methodist church here terminated last friday evening and the band left next morning for norval to hold a series of special services in that place tie earnest efforts of the band were blessd both in the spiritual advance ment of the members of the church and in inducing over forty persons to resolve to flee from the wrath to come and henceforth lead lives more in sympathy with divine will the labors of the band have been much appreciated the special services continue tpis week a local band has been organized npon rules ac similar to those adopted by mr savages band it will be the acton band of christian known as workers and will labor in connection with the ifethodi8f church and under the direction of the pastor the object of this band lis to cooperate with the pastor in the salvation of souls the member ship already numbers about sixty a number c f leaders have been appointed whowill in turn jake charge of the publio services the band is conducting the meetings his week with satisfactory re sults the meeting on sunday evening last was signally blessed a most pleas ant featareof the revival services during the past five weeks has been the entire lack of anything approaching excitement thoe present apparently acting from a sense of principle and a common sense view of the importanp matter which has been nightly considered safe cure whiqh completely cured me is one of the greatest remedies jof the age captw1 specter hats fyfes ror wsmsg it b rpbixson u s marine in from 75 cents to 250 at pnmo clover and timothy seed go to j ji howsons go i j fyfes acton fo your cloth ing he oan auit yon for price quality and styh everytime i tajwe the man who does not take a lewstjaper is a uuriiy 8 u scribe foirthelpsbj peksb isa mi the wrdng place forcales bdffaljnlyjfeb 6th 1886 in the spring of 1881 had a blight eruption pair- ticularly du the hands itched intensely 8pread t my face and my eyes swelled and nearl y closed face and hands covered with seal 38 consulted physician with no relief when i had given ttp hopes of re covery tpok twenty bottles of warners meqaflnsi millbtreet m afcjton a large stock 01- oo we toko pleasure in advising the pu i i ho that we shall make our gjll an b display for the spring of 1880 of b girand millinery opektlkg aud of our own manufacture featheus ornaments 1 silks plushes fancy trimmings mantles and dulmans un friday arid saturday april 1 6th and 17th we cordially invito nil who can to attend and see a collection of fland- soin rand fashionable millinery that will command their admiration ej r bollert 27 i lower wyndham street guelph ontario tielophoao la ofiee l ce the metery lb not settled yet but the fact that wt williams has the best stock of boots and shoes in the county iw settled beyond dispute i i i have just received my spring stock and am prepared to suit all old customers and as many new ones as see lit to give me a call in all lines of footwear boots for the babies boots for the meu boots i do make boots i do mend custom work and repairing promptly attended to pure drugs chemicals jpatent medicines sundries nd toilet requisites of the bst assortment embracing the finest quality of soaps perfumes 1 8houlder braces and trusses diamond dyes and dye stuffs i n mgabvin i- drug jhhbbk guelph nosi j5 and 7 wyndham st 84 oswald st glasgow thursday friday and saturday i51h 16th and 17th insts ladies all oordially invited to attoal no cards to a a w a i el o 8 o 3 a a ro 9 u a 2 i 5 u a 2 3 1 3 g 2 s o o a a 0 3 a is sls o h m a a a s s a a o a o 13 g g j8s m a m d i 3 el h 3 a- m o e a a i i- d p b 2j 2 8 bo a o 2 fl o a d 09 d t3 s s a so our btockjof- french dress goods silks satins millinery mantles fancy pnd i staple dry goods is uuequalled in guelph out djrossmakerj miss todd has already earned forjj herself a most enviable reputation as being at the top of her profession the readily increasing orders that sho is receiviug shows that bhe is appreciated remember thursday friday satdrday of this veek 1 the lion of guelbh holds his spri ng millinery o peni tig and that the fare will be refunded to anyone on saturdays who buys 85 worth aird on any other day to anyone who buys 510 worth of dry goods i4j m m m nfiw advertiements ann i of gedpflmowk st albans church actam tonight japbll 15 all welcqme1 m vs isfi is ff5 i rsi g rlmpomat adctiojisate of valuii ljb- village ahd farm property iy james lome i am instbucted by thi executors of the estate of the late john ennbdt of the vil- la0 of georgetown to sell b public auction on mondaynn may 1886 on the premises all the estdft real and personal consisting of east half and w ibt quarter or lot 19 con 8 township of esmii sing yet unsold as village property east halflx ing within the- cor poration ol the village of g irgetown f 1st lot33and34boundel and draper streets 2nd lot 35fratae cottage with biioems and p woodshed good well and ofs tern 1 3rd lot 30 frame cottae with six rooms woodshed and gdod cistern 1th large twostorey blick tjwollitig ten rooms kitchen and woodsh id good well and cistern good large driving- ioise land stables about acres of land anc a number of fruit trees thereon north of grar dtrnnjbahway 5th balance of farm prop ftty and al unsold village lots at the time of i t hip decease of said john kennedy j also at the some time and place tho following personal toroperty will bo bom two new milch cows anfl the following household goodb hall coalstqvc and pipes coot stoyo and furniture larcedruiu for stove twos bdixitoves cupboard withgla s doors dining flabae breakfast table chairs parlor sbfa lounge s rveral- bedsteads quantity of dishes and gun if other things hale to comsrei hf a t 12 pm terms cash onotcfttb of purchase of real estate paid oil dixy of sale o ill nce in one mouth iromdate parties purcha i nj ahd desiring to do so may leave ohethird jf purchase money standing by givuig flrst mo r gi igt andi for pur chase of house property on 1 i urrher security as willbe satisfactory td the i x scutors for fur ther particulars inquire of 1 e executors parties desiring a oomfoi t it lo homo in an on terprisiug town wojild do v 1 11 to call and eiam- iue these properties before ir shosing elsewhere wm hemstreet g h kennedy auctioneer john w buitt execu m james kennedy j mrs e jttlleass cuelph spring m just received new spring hats featbers fljtwbrs wings lap our dress and mantle making intuis department wej are fully prepared to execute allorders intrusted to pur care our reputatiorr being estjablished for the last fifteen years we neepbot tell ournu- rherous customers they ire sure of a fit olud- latest styjles pfliqes to sun am cjjstostebs jackets and grosses straw and c iip hats the latest style we have on 1 and a la hair switches c c 3 d williamson cb etgelsior bakery acton h wm williams aying purchased tho above bakery from mr d mann i hope to give satie faction to the numerous customers who patronize it tl tanking them for past favors 1 will endeavor to attend to ouatomers promptly and obligingly and trust that they will one and all extend to us their patronage i ise nothing but the best roller flour and keep it in stock fr4sh bread buhb c every day lso steam bread cakes of all kinds neip york tea bisouite soda and oatmeal soones on h and or made to order at shortest notice in omnia paratus j lam advised through tliepbotograbhic press that owing to labor difficulties in the united states glass is very iapidlyiricreasiiigin price this bos caused a largo increase iutlie price of the patent instantaueous dky plates now in general use by photographers anditho photo graphers will in order to protect ctiemselves against loss shortly be obliged to iuirease the price of photos fortunately i have hgood stock of dry plates on hand- and will fcxeoute first cla83 photos at the old prices np to the 1st may all desiring photos should sit for them prior to that date for immtdiately thereafter priqeswillbe raised a a huby t metropblitan studio ordered glotrilng e oi vyecldihg cakes aispeoialty biaeuits and confeotionery of all kinds ioirk sugar ginjer snaps boston mixed cakes wholesale flour sftjstor alni takfttt in sxohange forbmiatjkklwtprlmb mrs t statham crohinsr nsrbijsonsr bega to inform the public ttat he has opened an j ordered cloth inc departm ent land has iiichoice stock ot i scotch enjsl sh- and canadian tweeds v6rsteds fancy pantings c tfdpnf mj fere pit aai pitted made over in all saratoga rge assortment of waves lot pf- ibs glomes t 3- has pleasure ii announcing that his tail oringj shop records block in mrb i is bow op en and infiilt panning ordejr tic i h good tt sold sold elsfciv fike yqlsted sold and in i position fill all ojrers nan tie is shqwjing ped suits at ijdsewhpre for 15 t- v 12 scotch- tjeed sfjit 17- 18 here for 23 and 24 suit at 20 lilsewhette at 25 gentiemenj yanting a tirstclasb good- fitting coat et- may rely upoljeing suited in eyffy respect by leaving their orders vyith brennan the clothier at lowest prices satisfaction guaranteed wejstill have on haud a full line ot r j very cheap 7 v isk siicais at ion- toivis i or irregu- lar i acting bowels pain across lie bowels or in the lower part of the accumulation of wind strain ing at itool mduoing biles j and often fis- tula sallow complexion headache eruptive sorea ahdfipally general de- ragemehtcfthe entire organism is the result of neg ected constipation cattslll neglect of regular habits food hard to digest tor pid liver spices stimulants and astrin gents too free use of cathartics o of a harsh nature which destroy tho tone of the stomach liyer and bowels rjtjre eat ip i and vege tabrosoatraealcoarsebread ifnsh and molasses broths etc shun harsh physio be6tnotly regular at efforts to evacuate the bowels correct the inac tive liver and biliary organs with that best of all regulators j i il blood m terms cash or produce only 30bm nbfisql whioh tones and regulates the bowelbpmr motes the flow of bile whioh keeps the blood pure and hej ithy and seourea a natural action of the i towels without weak ening in any maijner j v v i rm i v utters v vfymm vymm kip pisss

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