Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 15, 1886, p. 4

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wjaasabsaamaifii rpliju lj i t j thchsixvmobnio aikin 13 18tm the sqos that never hatch theres a young in an on the corner pilled with life and strength and hope looking far beyond the present with the whole world in his scope he is grasping at tomorrow that phantom none can catch today is lost hes waiting for the eggs that never hatch theres an old man over yonder with a worn and weary face with searching anxious features and weak uncertain race he is living in the future with no desire to catch the golden now hes waiting for the eras that never hatch theres a world of men iajjd womeu with their lifes work yet undone who are sitting standing moving beneath thvone greatisun ever eager for the future bnt hot content to snatch the present they are waiting for the eggs that never hatch golden news from date the golden sax frxcisco cau june 13 1885 while in new mexico i contracted a severe case of catarrh of the bladder from exposure to cold massed blood continu ously until i could not walk warners safe cure with warners safe- pills used according to directions for nearly a year saved my life w d socthwobth all sorts ill m m iv -si- il iii 31 rilu i il ill 4 i r li mother graves worm esterniiuator has no equal for destroying worms in children and adults see that yoii get the genuine when purchasing a valuable find james ales sproul of orangeville says he has found burdock blood bitters to be the beat medicine he ever took for kidney complaint with which he was long sufter- iling he declares bb b without a rival i perfect soundness of body and mind is possible only with pure blood leading medical authorities indorse ayers sar- aaparilla as the best bloodpurifying medi- cine in existence it vastly increases the working and productive jpowers of hoth hand and brain 4 wide range a wide range of painful affections may be met with h igyards yellow oil james m lawson of woodville ont speaks of it in high terms for rheumatism lame back sprains a ad many painful complaints too numerous t j mention it is used in- i ternally or extsrnally i mr b a harrison chemist and drug gist danville 3nt writes i can- with confidence reco nmend northrop lymans vegetable disc very and dyspeptic cure for dyspepsia impure blood pimpled on the face biliousness and constipation such cases hav ng come under my personal observation ladies tjronl led with pimples blotches boughjsands r face or sores of any de scription shou d use mcgregor i parkes tjarbolic cerate it will leave the skin in perfect health smooth clean and inj good color be sort and get the genuine made by mcgregor fc parke price 25 cents sold at dr mc garvin drug store sear starvations door mrs nelson w r whitehead of nixon was a chronic i offerer from dyspepsia and jliver complain i and was scarcely able to take the most i imple nourishment even a swallow of w ater caused great distress two bottles of burdock blood bitters cored her when all else failed she heartily recommends tl usremedy to all sufferers mr w rj azier bailiff tc belleville writes i find dr thomas eclectrie oil the bt medic ine i have ever used in my stable lhaveused it forhruises scratches wind puffs and cuts and m every case it gave tile best atisfaction we ase it as a household rei aed y for colds burns 4c and it is a per feet panacea it will remove warts by pari ig them down and applying it occasionally i what is 1 ogregors- speedy cure for it isifor dy spepsia liver complaint in digestion bili dusness and it is the finest blood purifier in the known world today does it gi e satisfaction we cannot point to one instance where it did not where dops it have the jlargest sales bight in th city of hamilton where it 4s manufactured there has been- over one thousand doll are wqrth sold in the last years retail i nd the great majority of the sales are by o ae recommending it to anoth er for sale 1 1 60c and 100 per bottle bouowatfs pilu atul ointment daring piercing wine b and excessive variations of temperature every one is more or lessliabfe o internal cc ugestions and inflammations- throat chesl liver bowels kidneys and skin all suffer in some degree and may be relieved by n ibbing in this oihtmentiaided by propfitdo les of the pihs for administer ing which full directions accompany each box in truth any one who thoroughly masters hoi lowaysr instructions will toremedying disease exchange the labour of an hour fo the profit of a lifetime all bronchial pi lmonary and throat disorders require that the ointment should be thoroughly well rubbed upon the skin twice iday with great regularity consider able briskness and much persistence l j prvminenl among the greatest medica discovjries 1 y the in any cures it hasaflect- ed mcgregors speedy cure leads rt he van i sabjeted to the minutest cbemical analysis it hat been foudd to contain one of those inyinjns iugredienis characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the publn every ingredient possesses apecul- sr adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received vfe are therefore confiv dent that we have a preparation which we t can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found not duly a relief bnt an abifottttecitre for dyspepsia liver comi plaint iodiestioolcbnbtipation and inv pnrc blood free tnal bottles kit jj e megarrina drug store 3i maeh u a utile hamilton dowd writing from burns ont says he was amicjted with chilblains which were very sore and pailtful and nothing relieved until he tried hagyards j yellow oil loss than one bottle cured him i ayers gathartip pills are suited toevery age being sugarcoated they are easy to take and though mild aud pleasant in action are thorough audearohing in effect their efficacy in all disorders of tho stom- ach and bowels is certified to by eminent physicians and many of our best citizens avfcoop ii m probably one of tho most difficult com plaints to doctors is whooping cough wheu treated by ordinary means the poor viotim is left to whoopit up asbesthocau hagyaids peotoral balsam gives relief in this as well as in all throat bronchia and lung troubles au auuoying and perplexing loss of memory oveu of ordinary things indicates in general impoverishment of tho blood and consequent failure of tho brain this im poverishment is caused by the excess of uric acid in the blood which can deneutra lized and removod by warnets safe cure only worth kemrmbrrlng in a long letter from john h hall of baddick cape breton n s he says 1 believe were it not for burdook blood bitters i should be iu my grave it cured nieof kidney aud liver complaint and general debility which had nearly proved fatal mrs baruhart cor pratt and broadway has been a sufferer for twelve years through rheumatism and had tried every remedy she could hear of but received no benefit until she tried dr thomas eclectrio oil she says she cannot express the satisfaction she feels at having her pain entirely re moved and her rheumatism oared effe i j hm acton j pyfk acton j jtyfil acton ts produced by ayers sarsaparilla and by nothing else so perfectly it siixugthraisnml lnvtgorntertuffeniri from enervation languor weakness mid i mental depression it luis mi nhnost mugind effect in curing erupt vo mid cutaneous disorders it cradlfiitcs from tho blood tho taint of tinit terribly destructive disease hcredu tury s crofuja it ixpels from tho svstcm tho bnucful poison of mercury which is as serious us that cf scrofula i it purifies ami regeilbratos tho lifo cur rent lolluted by the jomiptioiv of con- tugfotisduease j it stimulates the becrqtpry oigaus sffecls the removal of all imwurkles from tho wriotl and makes it new rich nnd pure it icstores health to suffeiers from thin blooti and impaired vitality it saves by its thorough purlfluntkm of tho blood from klieumatisul uucumatio gout tiud 4uberculnr consumption it cures scrofulous liftectlons of the liver and kidneys mid their symptom jaundice imd diopsv it cures scrofulous tututtli itching huniorsj and the purulent sores caused by scrofula it clears and improves the complexion it neutralizes the potions left inthii bystcm by diphtheria and scarlet fever and restores tho- debilitated patient to perfect health and vigor i it is in short an unfailing remedy for all disorders arising from impurity of tho blood where such disorders have not hecomo so deeply seated us to bo beyond till human aid j fypej 1 pyfe jkyfb iidos at money saved by imichashig your clothing ut the east end clothing store actqn acton acton advantages that ayers sarsaparilla possesses over all others i h is composed o the most efficacious ultcriti vc duiretic tiud tonic drugs known in pharmacy amont which m tho genuine honduras stirsiipurilla yelloi dock stillingln and the iodides of potas sium and iron it is n highly concentrated medicine scientifically and tionestly compounded so as to secure to it tho highest degree of activity and perfect uniformity it has received tho hearty endorsement of the leading men in the medical profes sion who recognizee it as astandiml phar maceutical preparation and prescribe it in their practice it contains no poisonous minerals or other dangerous drugs tho tiso of which for temporary effect in the many crudo and cheap mixture sold ps alteratives produces effects on tho svstom often worso than the diseases they are offered to cure it costs no more than any other but would still bo tho cheapest blood-purify- iug medicine in tho world even were its price three times greater bince it is tho only ono that does real lasting good it has been before tho public lor nearly forty years and has constantly grown in popular favor both at homo and abroad until thero is hardly a placo in the civilized world where it has not a host of friends made so by its marvellous cures it lias been used in and approved bv at least 4000000 families in tho united states and 7000000 throughout the world women have especial reasons for com- mending it itlias proven its poliwy hi curing obstinate dceplvseuted una longstand ing diseases caused by vitiation of the blood it must pot however bo ex- pected and is not claimed that u single bottle will cure such cases but patients should persevere iutho use of this remedy until n radical cure is effected iti is the only btoodpurifier that has won muliretaincd the confidence of the people of nl tropical countries where such medi cines arc much rcquirpd it is the only medicine of its class that sailors as a riile have any faith in and thei arc right reasons why you should purchase fluid lightning in preference to all other medi cines are rapid result cures instantly it is easily applied no trouble no lost time it does not require constant use one application is effectual one bottle will remove more pains than any other reme dy in existence try it for neuralgia toothache headache rheumatism sold at 25c a bottle by dr mcgarviu druggist furred tongue and impure breath are two concomitants of biliousness remedied by northrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic care heartburn whieh harasses the dyspepsia after meals and all the perplexing and changeful symptoms of established indigestion are dispersed by this salutary corrective tonic and celebrat ed blood purifier reader in informing you of this wonderful remedy for joughb colds asthma bronchitis consumption and all affectjio s of the throat and lungs we feel we are doing you a great kindness as if you have any of the above complaints if you will only try it we will iguarantee satisfaction in every case or money refund ed ask for mcgregors lung compound price 25c and 100 per bottle at dr mc- garvins drug store fluid mghlnlng thereare bnt fewthat have never suffered almost intolerable pain from toothache neuralgia or like acute pains to them such au instant relief as fluid lightning s amiutold blessing in time of trouble xo disgusting offansivejnedicihes to be taken or days one application of fluid light- ayers sarsapariila prelwkep by or j c ayer co analytical chemists lowell mass sold by all druggists price li00 blx bottles for 5 spring hats spring twekds i spring- worsteds i spring overcoatings spring trowserinqs spring underwear full lines of 8hirts ties collars braces etc at lowest prices icvfect satbifucliou guaranteed rm 9rs railway time table 7i- grand trunk railway ooinkst mfxedh00ativ express 710 am pass mail llcban tbrounli ex accoin 1000 pni chlcoco express does and toronto time 6y ciiosi t j fyfb acton j fyfe acton j fyfeiacton j fyfe acton jfyfej acton 7 fyfe acton dominion boot shoe store nejw pring stock h kenney bros acton 1 ave now a complete stock of fine spring unods in all lines and lire prepared to compete with any liquse in4he trade either in actcn or elsewhere a full hue of trunks valises etc of firstclass manufacture always on hand and you neednt go to guelph for boots and shoes trunks etc for notwith standing the saturday excursion fares we are prepared to sell to you just as good goods at as low or lower prices save y ourtailway fare deal with a firm you can rely upon and leave your money in yoiir own town our ordered dopartipent is as usudl turning ont firstclass work at reasonable prices repairing promptly attended to r you are invited to call kenney bros one thousand broil one thousand lit down by the sledgciianuner of solid hard cash land for sale by 0 b griffin at the noted halton dry goods hose aoton shirtings cottons ress goods flannels tweeds clothing embroideries muslins fcc going west 1040 a goiub bast limoa enelisli mail closos canadian pac qoiso wkst bxyress 1247 an i bxpross 1102 aii mail 545 1 i 8lcoial 8i6pn acctfln coach 800 am not btop between guelpl mails 9uiln15jopin n and 520 pm 4t 10j ani on wedueiijay fie railway to atl lf ixts 2ast and vtbst- cojes8ei t1ik talllk 4 15 plll 5 23 8 53 toronto to detroit st 1 homas and chicago wpscexi ciiicagoei local kx toronto 8 10ans 1 03 pm stretsvinejuu9 13- 2 00 sttuomas 12 35 pnr 3 25 detroit 520 1 8 45 chicago 700 am 8 05ani toronto to montreal and quebec limited ex montreal ex toronto 9 25am l 8 00pni ottawa 0 32 pm 4s8ain montreal 1000 8 18 quebec 0 30 ani j i 2 20pm brampton to streetsville jnnctfon brauinton 7 22auij 4 5opni streetsville jct- 7 53 5 35 brampton to orangeville and owen sound brampton 7 22aui i 5 55pni orangeville 8 45 f 7 08 qwen sound 2 40iim 10 20 purchaseour tickets by this new and opul ar line james jiatthews tickkt aoeet acton j ont vftll t- every f3ee p3es8i actol 8uj 0e tea1 t invariably in 515 per yearn tinned till all option of the pi bpace one colnmni half column quarter colau one inch casual adyfr first insertion sequent ins reckoned by tb scale of soudl advertiseme wiu bein ngly transit n advance changes for i in the offioeiu they will be lfej meat market butledge have purcliased rtiie holmes and solicit a patronage sold at j e mcgarvius 29 rung cures drugstore merit proven dollar upon dollar is f requenllyspeut on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not so with mc gregors speedy cure you arc not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven cali at j e 3jcgarvins drug store and get a free trial bottle and if not- convinced itwill cure you of the woret forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long standing it costs you nothing bold in 50c and 1 bottles see testimon- ials fi cm people in your own town 29 j advice to mothkhsi are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cnt- ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediatelydepend upon it moth ers tiiere is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nnrses in the united states and is for sale by ajl druggists throughout the world price twentyfive centsj a bottle be sure and ask for mas winslows soothing j svbvi and take no other kind dangers of do lay j if we were allowed to look into the f uture and see the fatal consequences that follow a neglected cold how differently would our coarse be could we realize our danger how speedily we would seek a cure bat with many it is only when the monster disease has fastened its fangs upon onr lungs that we awaken to our folly what follows a neglected cold is it not disease of theihroat and lungs bronchitis asthma consumption and many other diseases of like nature it is worse than madness to neglect a cold audit is folly not to have borne good remedy available for this fre quent complaint oneoftbe most effica cious medicines for all diseases of f throat and luugs is bickles anii-conbamp- tive syrap this medicine is composed of several medicinal herbs which exert a most wonderful influence in curing consumption and other diseases of the longs and chest it promotes a free and easy expectoration soothes irritation anl drives the disease from the system j on and after the 1 closing out beiore the lkt ot april for the elfish down at prices 50 per cent below any other house in canada st of april thcj business of this house will be continued by a now tirin on ail extensive cash basis sockj is arriving dai ly the greater portion of their millinery stock is at hand and milliners at work ladies can have their orders filled promptly now theirjiiew annual spring millinery opening 8th 9th and 1 0th april the reason why our millinery opening is a week later than usual this season is to allow for the an ival of the latest parisian novelties in hat3 flowers and trimmings every effort isbein i new firm bound to keep ontario by m to all who are srifferirig f rim the errors and indiscretions of youth nervous weak ness early decay joss of majnhopd c i will seod you a recipe that will cure you ree oe charge this great remedy was discovered by a missionary in boujth america bend a self addressed envelope to ttaibevvjosepi tiss stalwnd neu torhdtj liiijim if you owe c b or ffih call and j put forth to secure thebest and rtiost fashionable goods and the ladies of acton aud neighborhood wi mi ii i iri lrfin nn flip ratintfif mri i4i tliia ttrmao -ti- rtivafploua f 1 1 1ihait olen a avaa nmr 41 1 t i i i up the reputation of tliis house for firstclass mi giyinsr firstclass dress and mantle making perfect fit and pay him before the i st of april and save costs r iu linery also to excel any other house in the best values for the least money the new firm will carry on anlv style guaranteed c b griffin large importations this week from europe for the right h s orn just see the millinery and the mantles itbey are really charming this season for real beauty and arbistic skill tbe hats bonnets feathers flowers ornaments beads stockinet broche and silit mantles and the mautle and dress ornaments imported tlm spring siirpusi these of fprriier yeaes very much the new dress goods are the jwiuter black aod polored dress goods are rnarked down to cost and many of then far below cost prices the mantles mantle- clokhs silks and piles of other goods whiel were marked below cost prides will all be sold off at the reduced rates as goods are ljot marked of ladles fiue embroidered hose just imported and are selling off at obly 6 cents seventy six dozen ot beautiful taffeta silk y 23 cents fortyeight electric gossamers at 1 each which are worth double the price very handsome allwjool french ch taper than ever mtveilleux broches upajt the bight house gloves well worth 37jc silk handkerchiefs seventytive dozen are offering at on dress goods offering at 18 and 20o the styles are charming nice fine black allwool french cashmeres at only 30c at 50a fine and heavy- but at 85c 90c 1 8112 double treble andquadrople makes arrived lately they are very fine and heavy and range iu prices from 50c to 4 per yard six cases of new dress goods arrived last week making 21 cases this spring tvo cases of mantles and mantle clolhs imported this week seyen cases of french belgian swiss and british laces arrived f lately five cases of rich and really charming silks just to hand a case of rouillous best french kid glloves just arrived from france making tiye cases this spring of kidisilk and lisle gloves in the very laies stilts one caseof beautiful parasols direct from the foreign man ufacturersi making three cases already tvjo cases of parisian jerseys in tbe top of the fashion pure linen towelling at only 5c per yard selling off at only 125 aq enormous stc rag etc vluinc at very cheap rales very cood that theyt se customtrs x king street east t lettcrv hamilton april loth 1880 1 886 a sjeltngr 1886 announcement find the ouse and 125 they look magnificent there are jet black and blue black from 85c 621c add 75c they are immense widths up a- case of very rich black crapeiu a case of ladies hats arrived this week being the fifth this seisou beautiful man tie trimmings arrived this week good two eases of- hew flannels arrived lutely fortytwo baits of carpets arrived already the very best brussels carpets ck of newaud fashionable carpets oilcloths linoleiiui8 wiijdow shades carpet sweepers stair rods mattipgs mats- lnst see the gray cottons the white cottons tbe ticking the cottenades- the tweeds ducks denims etc- tbejvalue is so p to this day there hayo 244 packages of new spring goods arrived mind the stores are one door west of hughson street on b thomas c watkijiasrs mleod ae derson co in making their auuouuceiuent for the spring would say that owuig to unforseen eircumstanceffaad the hird times prevalent in the com munity ttiey haye been unable to carry out their announcement of dissolution oe partnership the said bartnersbi will therefore con tinue for one year longer so as to jivef all parties who are elill owing us on account afurther opportunity to call and settle tboir accounts we purpose to do busiutsss entirely for cash or prorluco no goods will be charged we will sell goods dheap wo have hndsuoh an ox- peiienpe of the oldtime credit dusineis which enabl ua to say hat it is a very unfair way of doing business tiie horietaud trusty man who pays up promptly has to pay for the cjisbonest man wliqliever pays at allf we are satisfied that every person who looks at this cash system of jdoing business will say that it is tfcje only honest aodij fair principle ofdoine business i we can buy cheaper you will buy cheaper we wiltsell goods at wholesale prices paying cash and getting all the ad vantages which does accrue to the cash buyer try our system sec oir goods compare prices and wo are satisfied yori will save 25 per cent on all goods buicnasedjfroin us ladies we are this season showing ihe neatest add most stylish mn- lineby mantles c c all new and latest styles duess gqnj driitpimmikgsrbiittons fri c c allto match j des making in all the newest styles done on the premises under the jnan- agerhent of a flrstclass dress ladies buy your dress goods leave your ordet i if jyou want a fashit nable dress prints muslins lawsb andicrlkghims all new neat nd uoibby oar ordered cloth ing department- we can speak with pride about it we have the finest and most extensive stock of tweeds tbower- incs c in the province and our cutter is a no 1 try bur nobby fits and cheap prides gesth fubnishisos in rand style and large assortment reapym4de clothing very cheap big stock to- select frcjm gabpets in brussels tapestry 2 and 3 ply wool union and hemp oil clotub all widths and pricesall to be sold cheaper than the cheapest i our staple department is veiy f ull cottons 3c peryavdup wjhtjj c6ttos8 5c towels 3c tablingsj 25c uottonaues ducks and denims from 12cj up men women and chfldren you cs unot fail to save money by buying ydurgoods from us try and see w 9 are in earnest we will sell cheap fob cash oxly no more bad lebtsiland our customers will re celve the benefit j dont delay but come and see our cheap goods nnd yon will surely buy m0lbop anderson co health fo i all 1 holloways pills and ointment the pills j iurity the blood correct all disorders of the lirkit stomach kidneys and bowels they invijroraic mid icslorcto health debilitated constitutions anti are invaltjfable in ail complaints incidental to females of all ages for children and hid aged j lheyare priceless c wehave feel satisfied upon confidence v acton i crossan butchers business of mr 1 share of public the members ofi the batchers a id are prepabei customers thorough si will always k f onjld on of all kindflbf meat 4c settled that business principles ind su in pport new tailor clothier ibegt acton opening o ikk6rm the inhabitants of and ne ghborjbood that i inteud business ap jailor and clothier in mrs and will b s able t secc ds block mill street actpn 1 show a nice selection of engl ish firm are practical itoeiisufsl their tisfactioii there hand a full stock in season acton to stay and transacting business we will in public- rutjedga cosson- eb 9th188c 1 ertlslngl ion tracts i busl we her of collegj office and frederick sir cevsti trinitj ity medical j of physiciansl office ci l lvbei scotch and can apian tweeds also- fancy worsted coatings atid fioui my larg eiperieuce 1 have every cohiidenct of bein able to give the highest saisfactioibothi sip fit and workmanship m at botom prices b ren nan acton wiliiameqn bamshaw btiilder is prepared to rjut dows notice at reasonable prides ive ping raiity on tuesdays thursdays aning mills lhofiiiktoil f sti 0 ontatj college of c b haye sertedonbu mnm and i r rons oxide c ate appoii tovellbl johnsj tario veterinary j i inkennybl dence in the i soundness i all calls i edto ter m- johnst4 barrlster ancers c oral e fjb joi e sotil m ofricei offic mainl at 6 percent hilt01 i toi offices- aud 86 kin w t aliiis i 0 ind gjatraotor sasji door aadaftiadpacjory on storm doors wih- r strips etc on short pbrches erected neatlv and fleurys celebrated johop- 1 chop all kinds of grain and saturdavs ta kamshaw managers the ointment i is an infallable remedy for bud lcs bad breasts old wounds sores aid ulcers it isfanvous forgoult and rheumatism for disorders of the chest it ha no equal foe 80ss the0at3 beonohitis coughs c0li 3 glaiidulur swellings juml m suiii diseases ii has no rival and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm manufactured only atthoslas hollowavs establishmiut l 73 hew ozfprd street late 533 oxford street london en and aie sold ul is ljd 2s 9d 4s id lis 22s and 33s each box or pot and mav be ijad of all medicine vendors thoufihout the world rpurchasers bhouldlookto thollabel on the pols abd boxes if the address is hot 533 oxford street london they are spurious c v p8 wereturiiour sinbeirethnnhs to tho ie of bur cubtoniers who have always been our fricuds andj trus tljioy wjuicoutioufi to pat- zeus si tt as carried off all the prizes and is the best ji- machine oil offered for sale in the domin- ion iu proof of this we will pay freight bbtway8 when it fads to pfease the purchaser t isix gold medals j sl i mb have beerr awarded this oil within ihe liast tore years j onk genuine omiythat made at the i fox sale by j b earspri mcgaran je howson and c t hm ai j dshoultmlookwwd v ao a 60 to wairefs bros the- hotufie gallery aelph fur anuus material oil and wafer color i forayo nif cwra dra toirif papei8brmhes ac oil paiatings steel bnerrayings phiombsc frames op all kinds l louldiiifs lldon aud picture cornices and co nice pc les spring rollers and wiiidowshacesifrdmoocjcomplete pancr gboc fesnitable tor wedding andbtrtl day pr sents dfc t tsviiitor8 can have their picturcs framed while in the citv so bring r with you to waters bros 1 thpict ire gallery near the post ottice authors and wjuteks v amatur ok otherwise desirous of rjhavlig their literary productions criti cised revised or disposed of on the- most wvftutag pus tenjg should address for full lufoitnati n trljjxme bureau of literature 231 broadway 3ew york of thee wants fortriati invest i yeroaini meet hi toieu hfcw 1w j r njithele8tboqkforan advertiser to con- sult bd lie experi enced or otherwise s lists of newspapers and estimates of advc rtlshietheadvertlserwho spend ne dollar finds in itthe in- ibererr ibtea7biieforhira who will e hundi ed uionsand dollars inad- a ache ne la inillcated rwhteu ww every qnlroment or cm be mods ulmel ouemuanletallvit t i jdttioni have heen issned pmojoaay fddksii for 10 cents k6r ltvbeirj81nu btje 8tprl itinbhou808o tt5 alftll ornces iington sth alley r johsba patenl hent 20 years for the col orders left or at my i promptly t also mod able terms terest in s sdbvet ciai ordersby 1 tended to perth st tohn ofhce square john so money per cent loaned for i security properly farms and with farm j dominion culatedii wanting f rections farms wi dence invil guelph 01 t he jm an easy si seafoam given r j condition imtilyoatj 1 slfetewysagfel

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