Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 22, 1886, p. 1

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volume xi no 43 subsgf iption om 1kvr tnkhk invariably in jlisjper vearvrih unnej till all an option of the publis bi one column half column tjuartor tjjoluimi onajtneh lje jtrtok jfm flrtss rilllshm every thursday morning at ths- frtee p3ess power printinghouse acton ontario rates 00 six vosth8 50 cts ms 25 cts advance if not paid in advance charged no paper discon- aro paid except at the ler advertising rates 1 m c mo a m 1 1 mo 700 350 250 100 0000 i 3500 i 2000 35 00 adoo lioo 2000 1100 700 cool 850 1 aoo ie casual advertisement 8 ceut3 perlinofor th- hrst insertion and a couts per hue f oi each sub sequent insertion cash tho number of lines reckoned by the spate occupied nloasured by scale of solid jjonnrjreil advertisements without specific directions wfll bo inserted till ttprbid and ohargod accord- ngly transitory advertisements mubt bo paid n advance j i changos for contract advertisements uiust bo in the office by 9 slm ou mondajs otherwise thov will b6 left ovet until the following week hrj moore editor dud proprietor this paper torsa rawsu for it 1 prlislng bureau mtracu may be ikkkw york business directory wh lowty m b m c p s graduatejof trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street acton r blfc ri e stacey md cm graduate of a trinity unversity fellow of trin- v ity medical school member of the college ojhysicians andj surgeons e6ce- campbells hotel ll bennett lds dentist s i georgetown ontario land ness ibkc lis ul lteud h ac mckinlay ld s surgeon dentist qeorgetownront uses the new system of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain having been demon strator and practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto pat rons may depend upon receiving satisfaction in any operations performed will visit acton every other wednesday of each month office agnews hotel jstirton ilds mrcds ontario honori graduate ontario college of dental surgery successor to c b haeslds i artificial teeth in serted on rubber celluloid goldor alum inum and satisfaction guaranteed nit rous oxidegasadministered fees moder ate appointments made by leteer office tovells block opposite p 0 gnelph gs chest pljip lis jeer aort and bop- raro kerb- john lawson graduate of on- tario veterinary college toronto vetennarysurgeon acton ont office in kenny bros boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear i horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or day promptly attend- ed to terms easy johnston imclean barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers c jstpriate funds to loan ofhce town hall acton e fib johsston wsi a mclean m e mitchell soliciton coxviaoctb ac office first dbor west of the champion office mam street milton money to loan at c per cent hilton alan baird barristers solicitors sit tobonto lxi geoegetonvx js oikices creehkans block georgetown aad 8c king street east toronto w t uju j ihiltox ba j baird ba act0m banking cqy storepr christie co -bankers- actoh ontario 4 general banking business transacted j e k0hs7il0a2teb on approved notes notes eiscounted and interest all owed on deposits m special agency acton r oat bell telephone company message i received and transmitted at lowav rates than telegraphing allah line steamships tickets issued to all poiu of great britai i and the continent at very low st rates buy he tickets h re if sending fotffieudst hoaejr save by doaliag totn j e mogarvin acton picture framing cc has a larf e of all kind s moulding special parlor specialty- i can thin ontario speight aoton assortment of picture frames and sizes also a full line of cornices sc i frames made te order promptly mouldings and picture hooks a sel you better frames for the same you can purchase elsewhere class work turned out your money only tirei orders sol cited leave y ur orders at hills stove depot c c speight lumber shingles and lath hi rfthe jl that stock a full other kindl class pine undesigned desires to inform the public has now on hand and will keep in line of fine and hemlock as well as of lumber also first and second fchingles lath coal wood having p irehased the coal business of mr c s smith i am prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal i have also a good stock of wood- hardwood ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prices woocland coal delivered f ijames bkown fire burnid oat but not destroyed h is thi planing mill held b at the stroyed ery we v about the bosition b ain laidlaw co ristjsfcs eat btkii ornctb over hngton street alley toronto john bad q- c wllijail luulv solicitors imperial bank 24 wel- entrancej exchange v c a mates geobge kappele phr a atents secured for inventions henry grlst ottawa canuia 20 years practide no patent no pay cttm hemsljreet licexsjjd auctioxeeu for the counties df wellingtenandhaltou orders left at the feee press office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended telj terms reasonable monet to- loan also money to loan on the most favor able terms and at th lowest rates of in terest in sums of 8500 and upwards of river street recently de- fire and purchased newmachin- oald inform the public that on or 1st of may we will be in a better tjhan ever to supply their wants in the shape of dress no- lulubee sheeting tlopexira tfovldxtfos 0 also in the meantime pumps wfll be repaired and general job bing done aslupal fe you for past favors and hoping ittention to business and reason- to merit an increased share of we are respectfully yours thankjn by strict able pric patronagfe piiosebbace ulanaser bus oung men and women are lgs lictjs nd idmg luies iiem q1drveyor cial land s orders by mail o tended to charges perth st gnelph rohn davis provm- urveyor and ceguelph teieigraph promptly at- moderate offi 33 john day i architect i guelph ost office queenjs hotel block j market square lib of linti- tm ost full m john j dali1y successor to thompson jackson money to loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties it mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branches properly and neb done charges low farms and city property for sale list with farms for safe sent to all parts of the dominion to inter ding purchasers and cir- tsularted in europsl european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through okr european agencies farms wanted t r our lists correspon dence invited opce bear the post office guelph ont on er- lo jl tho bookkeeie or telegraph been in and graduated cess in andthe accomm enter at stal es tie i46m fire heac insure factories property pw mhe hanla1i barber shop mill g tbeei acton an eaty shave a stylish hairout a good seafoam an exhil aratinji shampoo always given razors hdnled and put in firstclass condition ladifes aad childrens hair tastily cut j p vtondehtonsoriftl artist 1hb fire fire perfected arrangements for rebuilding of the -ttuelph- ness college guelph qntario oughly prepared for positions as ers shorthdndwriters gkhgraph operators students have attendance from nine provinces 3 within the past year our are meeting with marked sue- commercial centres of canada jnited states rates moderate cdation excellent students may 1 my time for terms etc address m maccormick principal mutual insurance of the ootfntt op wblillnatolt company established 1840 office buildings mer and all other on the premium i stone onaa davidson resident cuelph jhandize manu- descriptions of note system john taylor agent telepho e connection secretary plorallvibw reenhouses g50rgetowh ont choice new wall pape -wini- borders to match- newest styles colorings and elesrant designs for 1886 days bookstore cuelph best stock to select irom lowest price and best value at days bookstore day sells cheap aoton liverysaiestables john street acton wm esmith proprietor mr smith has purchased the livery business of mr hb mccarthy wl ich he has removed to his commodious staples on john street in the centre of the business portion of the town mr smith has had lengthy experience in this business and feels confident that he can give satisfaction to every patron anyone desiring a cobunerclal plea- suro or oompany rif can be supplied with a firstclass turnout on the shortest notice hoxses boarded and sold terms reasonable wm e smith wellington marble works quebec st guelfh john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite and everything pertainin to cemetery hvork direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble haviug latelj visited the bay of fundygranito quarries and havur purchased the entire itock of gray and red grauitc monuments headstones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor a- less thau cost i will uutil further notice sell at prices never before known in ontarip for in stance granite monuments 0 ft high g0 7 ft 73 8 ft s90 ft 100 10 ft t120 all work ond material warranted firstclass parties waiting anything in thib line will do well to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee my prices ore from jo to 60 per cent below all other dealers dont read thi t he undersigned is prepared to f u mish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also fl6ur and feed and anything in thelineof farmers house- keeperspr contractors necessities thob o moctre ceneral agents j mcdonald no 2 victoria st toroato estate insurance ag h co 3nts money to loan at bis per cent houses rented business chances chattie mortgages promissory kotes and other securities negotiated valu uators o farms or other properties sold changed call at fbee puess office p1ranci8 nunan successor to t f chapmaij boozbindelr st georges square guelph ontario account books of all kins made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound billing neatly and promptly done f acton ontario thursday aprjl 22 188j rhmtsday morning arna 22 1886 the a nt t ctoti m f xm poetry a song of wine child of bong hath snatched the harp tli at huug upon the vine played upon the sweetest chords the 1 j praibe and charm of wine ahc the vision rapt of loveliness the artist i oft has limned la beauty offering temptingly tho goblet purple brimmed the poet drained the breaker as he sang the flattering verse bit the glittering wuie hf sang of for his blejssiug gave a corse ait the picture fondly painted had indeed anjawful grac fir it smote its rapt adorers with a worse than gorgon face g ather me a posy irom tho flowers of deadly breath ah the fatal scarlet berries rank with beauty and with death a ic whateer is fair and tempting too among the poisonous fruit foth to rne upon a charger here and praise them on the lute o p jet these are better worthy of a song from thee thi d the wine that fills a young wifes life with hopeless misery bettor praise the things most venomous that slay men at a breath t liiu the cursed insidious cup that slowly leads through shame to death bui you dare not place them yonder where 1 your rare decanters shine yet they only kill the body while the soul is lost through wind yoi i would tremble lest your children smell them dying ere their time bu they could not lead them downward into lives of vice and crime tvould be sad indeed to see their poison ed slumber on their bed no as thou hast fondly watched them i sleeping for a night but deadj bub it were a sadder scene to see them staggering on the street an i to hear from them the ribald jest a drunkards lips repeat c j ather offering wine unto thine only son and heir o mother in thy boudoir sipping with thy daughter fair mi ny sons have slain their parents in a drunken frenzied mood mi ny daughters from a mothers glass have lost their womanhood 1 oh tear from laureled bacchus then the wreathes that grace his brows 1 jrf plait the deadly nightshade which in fitter type avows file harvest of his victories the largess which he payb the reeling mindless revelers who fill his courts with praise our story housecleaning days were not exempt from the weaknesses of the feminine soul so when one day the old mar announced that he was going to shrieveport the nearest town to be absent a couple of dayb cassy ard cora exchanged glances behind ilia pepper andbaltolothed baok and one glance the soft shy one of cora asked as plain as words could do shall we clean house while cassys electric blue orbs flashed back an unmie- takeable we shall olean house and no sooner was mr grimgooke well out of sight than cassy ran to stir up the whitewash pail and to slake new lumps of lime while cora hastened with the aid of an old lead spoon and a garden trowel the scientific oarpetlifter was far beyond her ambition to take up the faded olfl carpets in the upper roefms cousin grimgooke need nevejpknowit said she as if apologizing to his vacant chair and these bedroom carpets are perfectly awful with a vervjig a in deed ill beat them myself with a little twig from the balm of gilead free said cassy and that cant wear thejm out she had not half finished whitewashing the kitchen ceiling however yhen cora startled her with a cry of surprise oh cassy cassy criedthej girl see here 1 see what i have found a ghost cried cassy skillfully draw ing the wet brush in straight sweeping lines across the ceiling or a mouse or a black beetle not one of the three retorted cora making her breathless appearance at the head of tho btairs three five-hundred- dollar bills in an envelope laid flat under the oilcloth in front of cousin grimgookes washingstand ohj cassy what shall we do with them i f pel as if i had been stealing do with them pric5 nswest and choicest plants and cut flo- en wholesale and betail fune ral and vwciinff debisms pj spared on short notioe and hip fd safely any weather send 10 cents postage and we will rtfail youiraee a royal valu able sample- box of goods that will put you in the way jf mak- ingsrore motet at once than anything else in ameriau both sexes of all ages can live at home and work in spare time or all the time capital not required we will start you pay burofor those who start at once fnthbpm co portland mail 111 imy busdolph nobody knew exactly what relation mr i imgooke was to cassy and cora if any had sat down to examine the family e iealogijal tree he might possibly have tiidied it out there certainly existed i ne tie of consanguinity for cassy and 0 ra had alwas lived under the shadow of he old gentlemans roof mended his stock- i js put up with his freaks of temper and ixnked his meals just exactly as he liked h sm their father had been a sea captain y io vanished out of the world as mysten- t sly as sea captains often do sailing away ore golden autumn day and returning no bdre and cousin grimgookes wife had 1 aritably taken the two orphan girls to i r with her and when mrs grimgooke oa sailed away into the great ocean of the unknown cassy and cora remained as if tl ey belonged there and succeeded to all lii r housewifely cares and duties with will- ii g hearts mr grimgooke was a very poor man at le ast he said he was and it was really ol a fficult thing to screw money out of hinj f r the various household expenses of the ei tablishmeut cassy being skilful with the needle soon learned the dressmaking trade and clothed herself with the fruit of h ar own work and cora taught the near- e it district schoolhouse and earned fonr- t sen dollars a month half of which she re- 1 giously paid into the housekeeping cofferj save all you can girls save all you can said mr grimgooke dolorously im a poor man myself and when im c ead and decently buried there wont be inucb left for you to live on yes coubin grimgooke said cassy ind cora meekly but you alint so careful as you might persisted mr grimgooke casby oughtnt to be wearing that good gown iround the house of a morning and cora hrew a very good little pitcher out of the ivindow yesterday but consin grimgooke pleaded cassy the dress is dyed and has been turned twice and that pitcher is cracked from top to bottom said cora it wont hold water putty it up then putty it up said mr grimgooke with earnestness i do like to see economy in little things now theres the carpets onlhe floors last year you wore em out beating them with stioks now dont take em up this year at all but what are we to do cousin grin- gooke at housecleaning time said con why clean of course said mr grim gooke and sweep and dust but you neednt thrash everything to pieces need y0u v j but every one takes up their carpets when they clean house urged cabsy jl thats a toman all over i said mjr grimgooke because other women make fools of themselves is it necessary that you should do so neither cassy nor cora were prepared to answer this question at a moments notice so they wisely held their peace and mr grimgooke triumphantly fell to reading the newspapers nevertheless the two grimgooke girls repeated cassy who wab the valiant oneof the family why put them in your pocket of course and re- place them exactly where you found them when the carpet goes down again but how do you suppose they came there cousin grimgooke put them there of course its one of his magpies nests and that was the reason dont you see that he was so unwilling for us to take up the carpets i wish we hadnt disobeyed him said cora with a quivering lip why what a little goose you are said casby with a superior air one cant live always in the dirt can one and cora finally came round to her sis ters way of thinking the two girls made haste with their un dertaking and had the house all thorough ly cleaned by saturday night just about the time that old uncle silas peabody came fiy selling clams dont want any eh feaid he wak ive had dreadful bad luck today haiut no money td buy a lodging spose you wouldnt like to let me sleep in your barn u certainly we should aot said cassy with decisipn cousingrimgooke would never allow such a thing protested cora turning pale wal wal said uncle silas there aint no harmdone i guess i can gust stub on a spell furderv but he did not stub further thau the barn apparently for there he was found half an hour later asleep in the hay with a half smoked pipejying beside him and the entire premises in alight blaze the neighbor who made the discovery lost no time in summoning help but there was no steam fire department in wiggle- town and withiu two honrb both house and barn were in ashes uncle sile carried off to the nearest hospital and cora and cassy wringing their hands at a neighbors win dow as they gazed at the ruins and the embers were yet smoking when mr grimgooke came hurrying up from tho railway station is it true he said is my house burned down and he was as pale as marble as he stood there gaziug on the remains of what had once been home dontfret grimgooke consoled squire bunell theyre- insured both house and barn and the reviver companys always as good as its word dont look so sad cousin grimgooke coaxed caasy creeping up to his side i hope cousin yori dont blame us sobbed poor cora i no gals no said the old man with a quiver of his lip noboby could ha pre- vented it least of all two slips of gals like you bat i wish id told you my little savings was hid away ib my rooms all in bills and it outs me to the heart to think that what i worked so i hard to saye was burned jup in two ar three spurts of flame with nd one to save iti he groaned deeply land pressed his hand to his eyes cora iame close to him cousin she said in a whisper toil is rendered sweet and endurable by tl e promise of reward the farmer plow ii g in hope of a harvest is encouraged by tl e same iucentives that sustain those who labor in all the varied industries and ser vile of life hopes may be born on dreams but thely become substantial realities tb rough the ministry oi toiling hearts and ht nds the seed that can not take root in tli a unbroken sod finds lodgment in the up- turned furrow and bears somo sixty so ne an hundred fold we cannot escape toil in connection with christian service duty calls us tb engage in tasks that are often irksome and trying bu t the radiance of hope in the privilege of evry faithful heart for in due season w6 shall reap if we faint not parents ai d teachers have reason especially to plow in hope the child life is every way in mature and needs in its culture and training an abounding spirit of patience the good children who are easily control led and quickly drop into the grooves of riht habits are in the minority with most there is waywardness of disposition aid conflict of inclination that requires line upon line and precept upon precept the child that gives little promise and whose etfrly years put aconsant strain upon the hearts of parents and teachers often becomes the brightest jewel in their crown of service it is not an uncommon thing for the dull boto grow into the bright strong man of his day and genera tion and the hoydenish girl sometimes develops into the noble and thoughtful matron do not be discouraged by present waywardness plow in hope for it may be that those in your home or i classwho nowcause you the most anxiety will in days to come be the source of your sweet est joy this truth has an application to our per sonal experience it is a great mistake to imagine that having once entered upon the cfiristian life there is little more required if we are true to our high calliiig the days of mere surface scratching of j the soil is past subsoil plowing is demanded we shall still come in contact with the snags and roots of evil tempers and tendencies of our nature and it will not help matters to give a lift to the plowhandles in trying to escape from easily besetting sins but whether eugaged m service for ourselves er others we may plow in hope i the more severe the task the sweeter the reward god never disappoints the faithful servant bev e b sanford ins s times he wound it by ze tail ia day or two since mr shaw of the consolidated virginia mine found a watch ying in the snow where it had evidently been dropped by someone working in or about the mine mr shaw wrote a notice to this effect posting it by the side of the window to which the men came to give their names when going on ortcoming oft the mines a little frenchman soon came to mr shaw and asked s i you find one vatch mistaire shaw yes sir said mr shaw have you lost a watch yes saire can you describe it oh yes saire ver perfectly well what is it like my vatch he vas a silver vatch very good what kind of a face vep he had hes face vide open what kind of chain one leedle brass chain what kind of key was on the chaiu he have no key at all i vind him by ze tail the watoh was a stemwinder and the frenchman had given an accurate de scription of his property even flown to ze tail virginia enterprise mr johnston sit dofvn point shall we just as tb y jio it i say that we its nice gooct three cents sieallvto or shal we shall we go jbo dressf balls liops in francfe shall 3 and well now all ydiir obj ctions advance ofcep nd well argue the e nbt dance ind small social i essay on it s expensi e w 11 yes hpt papa is quite rich j and he never wot id feel the expense though of oourse the example is bad i admit l and a stamblinf 1 lock of offence its expensive agreed i admit it p ro eed that appeals to n iyiuere common sense its unhealthy ui nerwell yes perhaps it is at least one is apt to catch cold and it may be quite true that hundreds of deaths j have occurred as you say youve been told hot rooms a id bad air most octors leclare unhealthy they ve said so of old itslramodest well perhaps in some cases it is some dresses are sertainly so and scarcely a man ive danced with i c would i care to a cpt as a beau- round dancei t hate and i candid y state theyre immodesl most shockingly so its unchribtian t oome now my rever- end sir t dont talk in that methodisf way religion has nothingto do with the case as the man in jlfi icado would say just think of si paul at a calico be 11 beginning with f riends let us pray 1 i grip own columbus how to get along the following sto y comes from a school in tho midlands the master told the boys of the thirjl class to write a short essay upon columbus the following was sent up by an ambitious essayist clum- buswasa man who could make an egg stand on end witiout breaking it the king of spain said to clumbus can fyou discover america yes said clumbus if you will give m s a ship so he had a bhip and bailed ov r the sea in the direc tion where he thoi ight america ought to be found the sai ors quarrelled and they said they believed here was no such place but after many da ys the pilot came to him and said clnmbi s i see land then that is america said clumbus when the ship gotnear the land was full of black men clumbus said is this america yes it is said they then he said i suppose you are the niggers iyes they aid we are ijche chiefsaid i suppose you are clumbus you are right said he then the chief turned to his men and said there ib no help for it we are dis- f covered at last engi ex 1- an interesting clock the works of the immense clock which has been put up in the board of trade building in chicago are pronounced a most perfect reproduction of those of the great westminster pedace clock in london but with some additions and- improvements adapted to its commercial purpose it is constructed of iron bronze and steel and weighs ten tons without the bell the latter adding some 4500 pounds more the pendulum alone weighs 750 pounds in its arrangements the works are divided into a time train a hand train and a striking train these several pains comprising separate machines resting side by side on separate frames each of the trains is operated by a wparate weight and the three weights together reach some 3500 pounds the hummer that strikes the bell weighs eight pounds the clockwork is below the dials which are ten feet ten inches in diameter and the bell is above them or 250 feet above the ground the riendulum swings one wayin two seconds was it in three fivehundreddollar bills un der the oilcloth jn front of your washing- stand he started back how did you know said he because they are here in my pocket said cora we found them when when we were cleaning hjyise we were waiting to replace them when the fire broke out mr grimgooke uttered a oryof joy gimme a kiss little gal said he for if ever you did me a good turn youve done it now and when cora told the story of the family housecleaning mr grimgooke laughed heartily well ill never object to carpet beating again 1 said he and p1 tell you what ill divide one of the bills between you and cassy to buy you new frocks and the hearts of the grimgooke girls were light op dont stojl to tell stories j in business hours i if you have a place of business be found there when wanted i no man can get rich siming around stores and saloons never fool in business matters have order system regularity and also promptness j do not meddle with business you knov nothing of do not kick every one in your path i more miles can be made m a day by going steadily than by stopping j- i pay as you go 1 a man of honor respects his word as he does his bond 1 help others when you can but never give what you cannot afford to simply be cause it is fashionable learn to say no no necessity of snap- ing it out dog fashion but say it firmly and respectfully use your brains rather than those of others learn to think and act for yourself keep aheadratherthan behind the times young man cnt this out and if there be any fallaoy in the argument let us know it but little credit tp the profession detroit mioh nov 6th 1885 three years ago i suffered much from enlarged prostrate gland had to have my water drawn the more i doctored the worse i got was completely broken down al most out of my head have used 102 bottles of warners safe cure and am per fectly arid entirely relieved solomon wbslet 354 grand river avenue what is mcg regors speedy cure for it is fr dyspepsia liver complaint xn digestibi bilious ness and it is the finest blood purifier in the known world today does it give sitisf action we cannot point to one instance where it did net where does it have the largest sales bight in the cii y of hamilton where it is manu actured there has been ovepne thousanl dollars worth sold in the last years re ail and the great majority of the salesari by one recommeading it to anoth er for sale at 50c and 100 per bottle j i q what is- the opinion of j stanctaid medical authorit es on kidney disease a that thet lood vessels and tubes ol the kidneys have become paralyzed by re peated e nd long neglected congestion and having no uervn power to control their action he albumen the life of the blood escapes while the uric acid and waste re main in and destroy the blood thiasbme- times results in dangefttsrrood poisoning- the only true scientific blood tonic before which these symptoms and diseases rapid ly flee bway is warners safe cure jacob lockmah buffalo n y says he has beeft using dr thomas ecleotrio oil for rheumatism he had such a lame back that hercould not do anything but one i bottle has to use his own expression curedjhiin up he thinks it is the best thing in the market thos sabin ofeglingtonbays i have removed ten looms front my feet with holloways corn cure reader go thou and do likewise coiunelled to held mrs baiter of cfranktown ontario was for four years afflicted with a fever sore that baffled all treatment until she tried burdock blood bitters 4 bottles cared her all chronio sores andhumojrs of- the blood most yield to b b b to vhoih it mny concern geo w piatt of picljon says be can confidently rowmmend burdock blood bitters to any wio suflwrrom loss of ap petite iconstipat ion and general debility that re oaedy hav ing cured liim after severe illness ifrom the name complaints as a superb hnir dtessing and renovator ayers hair vigor is universally commend ed it eradicates scurf and dandruff pures eruptions and itching of the scalp promotes renewed growth af the hiir j prevents its fading or turning graj 4- i r

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