ispp i thousoay morkdjo ami 32 18feg the shady co 14 in- the shady nooks tad cor so quiet aud so cool where prina the ory stal fctrearalet where glooms the dusky pool 1 leave the path to seek theih no dearer haunts know than just the lopely places where pattentjmqsses grow the shady nooks arid corners by forest brook and burn they hide in deep recesses the waving feathery fern and through their sheltered silence shy wings flit to and fro and bits of song are breaking where humble flowers blow the shady nooks and corners apart bom stir and strife and distant from the tumult of busy whirling liife where some of gods dear children f alone are left and low there starlike strong and steadfast the ight3 of promise glow the shady nooks and corners wherein we dwell with god and conquer pain and weakness sustained by staff and rod perhaps in all earths journey nought sweeter shall we know than jnst the sanctuaries where hidden graces grow the shady nooks and corners screened from the glaring day songs in the night he giveth to thpsewho watch and pray and blessing comes when leaving the trodden road we go to rest amid the shadows where living waters flow aud this lack vnit concurred althonj h during the cold season jack frost g u in his i work lively yet hag- yards yellow oil beats him every tihte coring chilblains trost bites and all their paiufnl eifeote it also cures croup bore throat lheumatism and most painful aifeotioni v we oai not too strongly impress upon our readers iho fact thut most diseases are caused by irregular notion of the kidneys worth thinking of what ayors cherry pectoral does- s true even though you do not u i i t x life gets thbetter of death louisville kv nov 18th 1885 for eleven years i was a confirmed invalid suffering all the agony a person could stand was several times pronounced iflead two best physicians pronounced my trouble female complaints used war ned safe cure i passed a large stone am well today as when a girl it was a miracle in my case mas j t eitchey 562 4th avenue all sorts f is j li i iul j i i the enervation and lassitude of spring time are indications of the sluggish action of the blood overloaded with carbonates accumulated by the use of heating food ia winter this condition may be remedied hy the use of ayers sarsaparilla the best blood purifier known j a yalnsble feature one of the most valuable features of halyards yellow oil is that unlike ordinary liniments it can be seiely and effectually taken lnternallyais well as applied in cases of pains inflammation sore throat rheu matism and all painful complaints and in juries ladies troubled with pimples blotches rough hands or face or sores of any de scription should use mcgregor parkes t carbolic cerate it will leave the skin in perfect health smooth clean and in good color be sure and get the genuine made by mcgregor parke price 25 centst soldat dr mcgarvins drug store most excruciating are the twinges which rsck the muscles and joints of the rheu matic northrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure hy promot- jng j increased action of the kidneys by which the blood is more effectually de- pnrated removes through the natural chan nels certain acrid elements in the circula tion which produce rheumatism and gout the medicine is also a fine laxative anti- bilious medicine and general corrective reader in informing you of this wonderful remedy for coughs colds asthma bronchitis consumption and all affections of the throat and lungs we feel we are doing you a great kindness as if you have any of the above complaints if you will only try it we will guarantee satisfaction in every case or money refund ed ask for mcgregors lung compound price 25c and 100 per bottle at dr mc- garvins drug store henry clement almonte writes for a long time i was troubled with chronic rheumatism at times wholy disabled i tried anything and everything recommend ed but failed to get any benefit until a gentleman who was cured of rheumatism by dr thomas eclectric oil told ine about it i began using it both internally and externally and before two bottles were used i was radically cured we find it a household medicine and for croup burns cuts and bruises it has no equal holumktft pills weary of life de- rangement of the liver is one of the most efficient causes of dangerous diseases and the most prolific of those melancholy fore- bodingg which are worse than death itself a few doses of those noted pills act magic ally in dispelling low spirits and repelling the covert attacks made on the nerves by excessive heat impure atmosphere over- i indulgence or exhausting excitement the most shattered constitution may derive benefit from holloways pflls which will regulate disordered action brace the nerves increase the energy of the intellectual faculties and revive the failing memory by attentively studying the instructionsfor taking these pills and obediently putting them in practice the most despondent will soon feel confident of a perfect recovery danger of delay if we were allowed to look into the future and see tbef atal consequences that follow a neglected cold how differently would our course be could we realize our danger how speedily we would seek a cure but with many it is only when the monster disease has fastened its fangs upon onr lungs thatwe awaken to our folly what follows a neglected cold i is it not disease of the throat and lungs bronchitis abthma consumption and many other diseases of like nature 1 is worse than madness to nejdectacolcl and it is folly not to have some good remedy available for this ire- qnent complairit one of the most effioa- dons medicines for all diseases of the throat and lungs isibicklesanfeconbump tive byrup this medicine is composed of several medicinal hefbs which exert imout wonderful influence in curing consumption and other diseases of the lungs and ohest it promotes a i tee and easy expeotoration soothes irritation and drives the disease iwmtiiesysteii feel any lain in thom for tbey aro defloient in nervee of sensation and give forth pain only tit j w last ttaik of dieeave it is an undenialle fact that for all diseases of the kidneys causod by excess of uric acid in the wood waruers safe cure has no equal flnld llehtnluk thereira but few that have never suffered almost intolerable pain from toothache neuralgia or like ucuto paiiis to them suoh au i nstant relief as flutd lightniug is an untof 1 blessing in time of trouble no disgustiiigpffensivemedioiues to be taken or days on application of fluid luht- uing oi res sold ntj- 13 mcgarvins drug stire 29 a snctcjlhrui bcfiult mr f rauk hendry writing from sea- forth siys i purchased one bottle of burdocl blood bitters to purify my blood it did pi irify it and now i have excellent health as a blood purifying touio and system egulator the result of taking b b b is al vays successful reasons why you should purohase fluid lightni lg in preference to all other medi cines aie rapid resnltrcures instantly it is es sily appliedno trouble no lost time t doe3 not require constant use- one apt lication is effectual one bottle willren ove more naius than any other reme dy in i ixistence try it for neuralgia toothai he headache rheumatism sold at 25c i bottle by dr mcgarvin druggist- the lost bemored ira i mcneill of poplar hill ont btates that hit brother aged 12 was afflicted with a terrib le cold from the effects of which he losl his voice hagyards pectoral balsam cured the cold and restored his voice ii the most perfect manner he says it cannot be exceeded as a remedy for coughs and colds merit proven doll r upon dollar is frequently spent on the fail h of recommendations for articles eitirelf worthless not so with mc gregors speedy cure you are not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j e mcgarvin drug store and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will sure you of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long standing it costs you nothing bold ii 50c and 1 bottles see testimon ials f r m peoplein your own town 29 ik tins piles symptoms and care the symptoms are moibture like perspir ation ntensejtching increased by scratch ing v ry distressing particularly at night seems is if pin- worms were crawling in and about the rectum the private parts are somct mes affected ii allowed to continue very s srious results may follow swaysks ointjientms a pleasant sure core also for totter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail tor 50 cents 3 boxes 125 in stamps ad dress db s wayne son philadelphia pa mold by druggists 50 mrs a nelson brantford writes 1 was a sufferer from chronic dyspepsia for eleven years always after eating an in tense turning sensation in the stomach at times very distressing caused a drooping and it nguid feelipg which would last for it prevents the growth to serious ill ness of a oungerous class of diseases that begin ns mero trivial ailments mid nre too apt to be neglected as such it alleviates even the most desperate cases of pulmonary diseases iind affords to the patient a last and the only chance for restoration to health and stops a cough aathorough- it breaks up a cold more speedily certainly and ly than any other medicine it spares mothers much painful anxiety about their children and eaves the little ones lives it cures all lung and throat dlsenscs that can be reachedby human aid how ayers cherry pectoral does such good it expels the mucus from the throat and tho air passages of tho head and cleanses tho mucous membrane it allays inflammation puts a stop to tickling in the throat and coughing and enables tho patient to rest it heals sore throatseduces the swollen tonsils and restores natural toue to the affected vocal cords it soothes to natural and refreshing blumber during which nature regains strength to combat disease it clears out and heals diseased air cells in the lungs and helps nature to repair tho waste made by the corrosion of pul monary disease nutans jatarrh why ayers cherry pectoral is so perfect a medicine itputs a stop to the cankerous decay of ca il severs 1 hours after eating i was recom- mend id by mr popplewell chemist of our ciy to try northrop t lymans vege table discovery and dyspeptic cure and i am tlankfnltos3ghat i have not been better for years that burning sensation and li nguid feeling has all gone and food does iot lie heavy on my stomach others of my family have used it with best results ki 8t and comfort lo thesurtrrin browns household panacea has no fiqual for felievini pain both internal and external it cures pain in the side baek or bowels sore throat rheumatism tootl ache lumbago and any kind of a pain r ache- it wil most surely quick en thu blood and ileal as its actiifg power is wo iderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of aiy other elixir or liuiment in- the worlc bhouldbe in every family handy for use vi hen wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stoa ach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents bottle 44 p ominont among the greatest mtdica disc iveries by th many cures it has affect ed mcgregor 8 speedy cure leads the van sub ected to the minutest chemical analysis itbis been found to contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the wor hless specifics daily offered to the pub ic every ingredient possesses a pecul ar o daptability to the various complaints for vhich it has been compounded and its efiioicy is being established by testimonials hou ly received we are therefore confi den that we have a preparation which we can dffer to the public with the assurance thai if willbe found not only a relief but aalsolule cure for dyspepsia liver com plai it indigestion constijpation and im purs blood free trial bottles at j e mcgarvins drue store 3x a dvice to mothxhs are you disturbed at r ight and broken of your rest by a sick chil d suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at once and get a bot le of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is iucal- culi hie it will relieve the poor little suf fen r immediately depend upon it moth ere there is no mistake about it it cures dynentery and diarrhoea regulates the stoxiaoh and bowels cures wind colic sof ens the gums reduces inflammation anc gives tone and energy to the whole sysiem mrs winslows soothing by- rn for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physioiahs and nm ses in the united states and ii for sale by alldruggists throughout the world pri oo twentyfive cents a bottle be sure anc ask forkmas winbixiwb 8oothnro bxi up and uke no other kind because it is n scientifically ordered com- jnndof great potency the product of years of study observation and ex perience in tho treatment of throat and lung diseases becouso it is prepared fronvtho purest forms of the drugs employed in it chemically combined by a process of such perfection arid accuracy as would he unattainable even by tho most skillful pharmacist dealing with small quantities because it is not only the most effective medicine for tho uses to which it is designed j butt owing to tho enormous quantities in which it is made is sold at so low a price that it is placed within the read of every household because it is an active curative agent that must bo taken by drops as pre scribed in the directions accompanying ench bottle and hot a mere palliative syrup that may be- swallowed by mouthfuls where ayers cherry pectoral stands before the world it is popularly known to bo a medicine thavlias cured laryngeal bronchial and pulmonary affections wtieronll others had failed it is a favorite household remedy today with peoplo whose lives were saved by it when they were young a genera tion ago it has held the flrstplace iu popular estimation for nearly half a century ihthls country and is more and more highly appreciated year after year both at home aud abroad it evokes daily from all over the world expressions of gratitude for lives saved by its use it is everywhere recommeuded hy repu- 1 table druggists who know from con versations with their patrons and from their own experience how almost magical are its effects for good t is regularly prescribed by man clans of the best standing and is feconv mended by professors of medical col- leges to their students as invaluable for all diseases of thethroat and lungs ayers cherry pectoral trepaited by dri j oi ayer co analytical chemists lowell mass solil by all druggists price 1 six bottles for 5 sjejeltlxgr m oynceivienf mleqi anderson co in makingjbeir announcement for the spring would nay that owing to unforsuen clrcumstanues and the hard limes prevalent in tho com munity they hayo been unable to carry out their announcement of dissolution of partnership the said partnership will therefore con tinue for one year longer so as to give all parties who are still owing us on account a further opportunity to call aha settle their accounts wepnrposo to do business entirely for cash or produce no goods will bo oharged we will sell goods cheap we have had suoh an ex- peiionce of tjie oldlime oredit business which enables us to say that it is a very unfairway of doing business the honest aud trusty man who pays up promptly has to pay for thej dishonest man who never pays at all we are satisfied that every perpon who looks at the cash system of doing business will say that it is the only honest and fair principle of doinc business we caii buy cheaper you will buy cheaper we will sell goods at wholesale prices paying ens h and getting all the ad- vantages whioh does accrue to the cash buyer try our system see our goods compare prices and welare satisfied you will save 25 per cent on oil goods parcnased froti us ladies weare this season bhowiug the neatest and most stylish mil- unery mahtleb c c afl new and latest styles dsttss goods dbess trimmings buttons fringes c c all to match dress making in all the newest styles done on the premises under the man agement of a firstclabs dressmaker ladiesbuy your dress goods- leave your order if you want a fishionable dross prikts muslins lawns and 6inghamsji11 new neat and nobby our qrdered clothing department we canspesk wlthprlde about it wo hnvp the finest and most extensive stock of tweelfc thowher- ings c inithe province and our cotter is a no 1 ty our nobby fits and cheap prices gents furnishings in grand stvfe and large assortment readymade clothing very cheap big stoekvto- select from carpets in brussels tapestrf 2 and 3 ply wool union and hemp oil clotu8 all widths and pricesall to be sold cheaper than the cheapest our staple department is very if uhlcottons 3c per yard up white cottons 5c towels 3c tabiing 25c cotton ades ducks and denims from i2jc up men women and children ybu cannot fail tosave money by buying your goods from us try aud sen wo are in earnest- we wll sell cheap fob cash only no more bad debts and our customers will re ceive the beheflt dont delay jut come and see our cheap goods and you will surely buy mclbod anbebson 00 mammoth house geokgetoyvn ps wc return bur sincere tlianke to those of our customers who have always been our friends and trust thev willjcontinue to pat ronize us railway ooinouabt mixed 800 exprebs tloh pass moil 1102 l through exl7 accom low and toronto time ol 1m0 10 hoing wost- goinc eaet- oinp qriibi one thottsand 0 b griffin brought clown tho sledgehammer of solid hitrd cah and for sale by at tlie noted halton dry goods house aoton i one thousand c0ndb si li i y timetable grand tiunx railway ttjhl- m m hi express 1247 nii ekjiress ilia anr itiih 55rir special 8j0pn apcom coach 800 am chicago bxprobs do ss not etop between gnclpt ctobisoilauub aiuiabd5ftpiii itn and 520 pm english mail clones it loi am tfn wednesday canadian pacific railway tc ll rojnjrs east aits 77est lib time table -j- toronto todetroftt thjma3 and chicago chin ex chicago ex local ex 03pm t 15pm t 06 5 25 25 8 55 i 45 05ft brampton orongeville owen sound west toronto 810ni 1 stretsviuejun9 w i stthoraas 12 35 pm detroit 5 21 j 8- chicago 7 00 am j8i toronto to montreal i limijied ex toronto 9 25 jam ottawa 6 32jpm montreal 10 off quebec 0 35ani brampton to st eetsjille junction bfamutdn 7 22nui 455 pin streetsyihe jct 7 55 5 25 brampton to orangoviljejand owen sound 7 b afn 8 45 240 pin purchase your tickets by this new and lopular line james rattnews ticket ageet j i acton ont and quebec montreal ex 8 x pm 4 s8 5ni 8 19 2 20 ptn 5 55pui 7j 10 20 i- ri shirtings cottons dress goods flannels tweeds clothing embroideries muslins c acton- meat jlllkrket eutledge crosson butchers have tlie business of mr r holmes and solicdt a share of public patronage the members qf the firm are practical batchers and are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always he fotfnd on hand a full- stock of all kindh of meat b in season we have settled in j acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting bhbiness upon business principles we will win public confidence and support rut edge crosson actoh feb 9th 1886 closing out before the 1st ot april for the cash down at prices 50 per cent below any other house in canada on and after the 1st of april the business of this house will be coutinuedby a new firm on au extensive cash basis stock is arriving daily the greater portion of their millinery stock isat hand and milliners at work ladies can have their orders filled promptly now y their new annual spring millinery opening 8th 9th and 10th april the reason why our millinery opening is a week later than usual this season is to allow for theariival of the latest parisian novelties 1st sat3 plqwebs every effort is being put forth to secure the best and most fashionable goods and the ladies of acon and neighborhood- will find the new firm bound to keep up the reputation of this house for firstclass millinery also to ontario by giving the best values for the least money the new firm wi firstclass dress and mantle making perfect fit and style guarant sed if you owec b griffin call and pay him before the 1st of april and save costs large importations this week f rom europe for aits trimminas excel any other house in i carry on only c b ariffin the right house just see the millinery and the mantles they are really charming this season for real beauty and artistic skill the hats bohneta feathers flowers ornamentsbeads stockinet broohe and silk mantles aud the mantle and dress ornaments imported this spring surpass those of former years very much the new dress goods are cheaper than ever the winter black and colored dress goods are marked down to cost and many of them far below cost prices the mantles mantle cloths silks merveilleuxifbehes silk handkerchiefs and piles of other goods which were marked below cost prices willall be sold off at the reduced rates as goods are hot marked up at the right house severitytive dozen of ladies fine embroidered hose just imported and are sellingoff at only 6 cents j seventy six dozen ot beautiful taffeta silk gloves weu worth 37c are offering at only 23 cents fortyeight electric gossamers at 1 each which are worth double the price very handsome allwool french drebs goodsoffering at 18anl 20c the styles are charming nice fine black allwool french cashmeres at only 30c at 50c 62jc and 75c they are immense widths fine and heavy but at 85c 90c 1 4ll2i and 125 they look magnificent there are jet black and blue black from 85c lup a case of very- rich black crape in double treble and quadruple jnakes arrived lately tbey are very fine and heavy and range in prices from 50c to 4 per yrd six cases of new dress goods arrived last week making 21 cases this spring two cases of mantles and mantle cloths imported this week sevea cases of frencbbelgian swiss and british laces arrived lately five cases of rich and really charming silks just to hand a case of bouillons bast french kid gloved just arrived from france making tiye cases this spring of kidj silk and lisle gloves in the very latest styles one case of beautiful parasols direct from the foreign manufacturers making three cases already two cases of parisian jerseys in the topof jthe fashion a case of ladies hats arrived this week being fifth this season beautiful mantle trimmings arrived this week good pnre linen towelling at only 5c peryard two cases of new flannels arrived lately fortyt wo baits of carpets arrived already thevery best brussels carpets selling off at only 125 an enormous stock of new and fashionable carpets oilcloths linoleums window shades carpet sweepers stair bods mattings mats rugs etc all selling at very cheap rales jnst see the gray cottons the white cottons the tickings the cottcnadcs the tweeds ducks denims etc the value is so very jropd that they surprise customus up to this day there hayo 244 packages ofnew spring goods arrived mind the stores are one door west of hnghson street on king street east the name is hamilton april 15th 1886 j fyfe acton j fyfe acttdn j fyfe acton loqk mthis money saved east end thqiasio wtkjrrs j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton by purchasing your clothing at the clothing store spring hats spring tweedy spring worsteds spelngf overcoatings u spring trowserings j spring underwear full lines of shirts ties collars braces etc at lowest prices perfect satisfaction guaranteed j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton 0 fyfe acton j fyfe acton dominion poot shoe store new i spring stock kenney b have now a completi stock opmpete with any house i and you neednt goio guc standing the saturday excuninr at m ltotf brewer prices and leave your mdnefy inyou our ordered departn ien i is jpricebj repairing promptly you are invited to wl si r on towlh 0imm acton rqs of fin- 1 spring qopds iu all lines and are prepared to n tlie tiade eithet in acton or elsewhere a full line of trunks va lises etc of fijrstolass manufaoture always on hand ph for boots ana shoes trunks etc for notwith fares f ve aiej prdparel to sell tp you just as good goods onr luilway fare denl witha firm you can raly uponj a ti ended as us al turning lout firstclabs work at reasonable to kenney bros healthjelor a l l r hollow ats piijls and ointment x the jpills purify the blood correct all disorders of- the liver stqmach kidneys ax bowels they invigorate and restore to health debilitated constitutions and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to femalesof all ages for children and the aged they are priceless- i tako only one english weekly paper the spectator and one canadian the week and as a rule i should be puzzled to say which i should miss most from a letter lqiy thomaff hughes author of tomjbrowns school days the week a canadian journal of politic society andldtereturo y published evebv tbtosday at s300 peb akkym independent iu politic the week appeals by a comorehensive tableof contents to- the different tastes which exist within the circle of aeulturedhome j an average of fif teeusliort crisp editorials is given in each number uppn caxadian amebican and english politics and literature amongst the regular contributors is professor goldwin smith and a distiniraibhed public man in london nns kiudly undertaken to supply regularly an english letter paris and wash ington letters will ajjpearat regular intervals in addition there iaifeijpecial contributions from some of the ablestlwritersin thedominion and the united states fj i thbiwbee u has now entered upoii its third year with most encouraging piospectkj and with many new features i cbiikckett robinson b s jordan st toronto ont sample copies free ow application the week is oub of the most influential journals in canadatruth london england acton planing mills williamson bamshawk rriopiiietor builflerand contractor sash dqbr f and blakji factory is prepared to puj pn storm doors win- dows weather ptrips etc on short notice winter porwies erected neatlypd at reasonable pricesj we have one of fldurys celebrated chop- 1 ping rpills and will chop all kinds of grain on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays t a ramssaw j- managers gb to- v waters bros the picture gailteby guelph m yoltt bvbry ti free pre88 agtonti sue oxe teab r thbeej invariably in i 9125 per jeaxyii tinned till all e option of the pub ap space one colunraj hauklumn quarter column one inch casual sdve list insertion- an j sequent insertton reckoned by the si scale of solid kon advertisements willbe inserted ti ngly transitor n advance changes for coj in the office by t they will be left ol ti8pap jbrtutasbarean idntraeu mar be f busii iwgradua feer of college ol office and ref frederick st ce 8taci trinity ity medical sch of physicians t omcs- ii l beitnl ag mel dent new system- of i monly called v teeth without sfrator and f college of den rons may depen m any opwati acton every month officel jstirtoll ontario j college of den c b hayes serted on buhh ihnna and sati rons oxide gas ate appointn tovellsbh tqhnstol barristers i ancers 4c i office e fjbv johsi s6lic otnce fid office main st at 6 percept s hilton j tono offices crj aade6kiugl w t allan tajtkl babbi offices r- lington streetl alley toronil jobs bats j william p atente the ointmeint is an infallable remedy for bad legs bad breasts old wounds sjres and ulcers is famous for gout and rheumatism for disorders of the chestit has no equal for sors tehoats brohobitis oouoas colds glandular swellings aud till skiu diseases it has no rival joints it acts like a charm it and for contracted and stiff manufactured only atthomas ho llo ways establishment la jtew oxford street late 533 oxford street london bag j and are sold at is lid 2s 9d is 6d lis 22s and 33s eaoh box or poi and mav be liad of all medicine vendors thonghout the world apurchasorb should look to the label on the fots and boxes if the address is nit 533 oxford street london they arc spurious asoarrwd off all the- prizes and is the best maohine oil offered for bale in the domin- wn in proof of this we will pay freifiht both ways when it fails to please the purohaser six g03ld medalis have been awarded thw cjil witkinthelasttiireij years nonie genuine rtjffcythat made at the f3awtubl4 rqgrers op toronto a u dsouts imy hi oi- aituwmateriqli oil and water cplors cray oiu canvas drawing papers j3ruihe4ic i qilpaintmga teiel ensrrayings phrpmos c n frames op all kilds mouldings- room and picture cornices and cornice polesj spring rollers and windowshadesfromooccomplete fancy goods4suitahle tor wedding m and birthday presents c btvisitors can have their piotures framed while iu the city so hrinc them with you to waters bros r the picture g near the post office aithors and wkiteks mateublldr oiherwibe desirouot rihn l5si productions feittv cised revised or disposed of onfthe hiost info u rms address for iaw trllmaeburejitf of literature 2b1 broadway new yprlt ippapl a hook of 100 pages the best book for an s advertiser to oont buk- be ha expert v oncedor otherwise nett8papersandesuniate v 5 -ittslngtheadvertiberwhoat- wants to spend one- doljar finds ia itthe to- wroiraermfiwmieforamwliowfll j invest onetamdred thousand dollars in ad- vmttstaa asohemetb lndleated whioh will jneetnis every iwji lrernent or em 6ta todonjv dtjmekandeietuay arrittdat tye retmuience 148 eofttona have been isssed ben u postpaid to any address foe 10 cents wr to to geo howelt 4 coi sb tcpapbradtobtiqbdbbat 10l prnoestlrlnun rhouaesa hew york r v mm ia city card a 8u re f the errors and indiscretions o youth nervous weak ness early dibay u ss of manhood ol will bend yon a reci e that will cure yon tm e0 qhafig e this great remedy was discovered by a missionary insouw awrioa bend a eelfaddressed envjaope t e ibv jbsjaa t ikman stvtiorij nep f t henry 20 years r illj for the counl orders left atj or at my- promptly att also monei able terms a terest in sun stlrveyc oiallad orders by mi tended to q perth stv gd tohndai omcb c square john j succe money to per oetit loaned for ypi security cq properly an farms and with farms fl dominion to i cnlated in wanting f aid reckons thri farms wauf denoeiqvitt quelphohtl rrihe hi an easy bhai seafoard an iven ra condition t tastily cut i a