Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 29, 1886, p. 1

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i f ai an 5 pn n oani uclpt icsday ay ijs xtott jut tes 18 pobl18hkd every thursday morning at ths fre press power printing hou8e acton ontario picago al ex r- ou f m pin s nan j pw t pui bound lopnl 1jo subscription rates ontxkah 100 six months 50ct8 thiikk months 25ct8 i uvariably in advauce if not paid iu advance 15 per tear will bo charged no paper discon- tiuncd till all arroaxs jiro paid oxcept at the option of the pnblisher advertising rates stack u 1 6 mo 8 mo 1 u10 one column 0000 1 3500 half column 3500 3000 quarter column 2000 1400 unalnch 1 600 i 350 iow 1200 700 900 ezjo 360 250 lioo ine casual advertisements 8 conts per line for the r first insertion and 2 cents per line for each sub sequent insertion cash he number of hues reckoned by the spaee occupied measured by a scalfijsolid xonpareil advertisement without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- agly transitory advertisements must be raid n advance f changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by io am on mondays otborwise they will be left over until the following week h p moore editor ouclproprietor t1mo badcdmny be t s flle bt gco acton storey acton banking coy christie co -bankers- ontnrio l a oenjcbal jiankhw business rjiaxsacted money ijoaed 0zt approved notes notes discounted and interest alio wed ondeposits gruelph cloth hall it vh- ertlilng bureau ki spruce sta whwadterttalnj jontracto mar be made for it w new vohb- mr e pnblic radical e their there tl stock it and usiness a pnblic ison per the ks and which i thomas 1 davs business directory- wh lowry m b m c p s graduated trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street acton shaw cfc grun iy would importatum of scotch tweeds direct from britain cgentlernei ce stacey 5td cm graduate of trinity university fellow of trin ity medical school member of the college of physicians and surgeons office campbells hotel l l bennett lds dentist georgetown ontario ac mckinlay l d s surgeon dentist georgetown ont uses the new system- of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain having been demon strator and practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto pat rons may depend upon receiving satisfaction in any operations performed will visit acton every other wednesday of each mouthi office agnews hotel nnd secure a i early choice of patterns shaw crundy march mt tailors guelph i society is peb j appeals i to the idrcle of lorials is- ebicajj ofessor public lo supply l wash- ntervals ibulious foininion fxh iiot ay hew son ifoont idaeatisj pvuglacd tills i aw daw rs wuj in short litly and ld cbop- of grain ays imagers jstirton lds mrcds ontario honor graduate ontario college of dental surgery successor to c b hayes ldsl artinciah teethjn- serted on rubber celluloid gold ot alum inum and satisfaction guaranteed nit- jfous oxide gasadministefed fees moder ate appointments made by leteer office tovells block opposite p o guelph john lawson graduate of on- tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton ont office in eenny bros boot and shoe store resi- dehce in tlife rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or day promptly attend ed to- terms easy itohnston mclean barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers ax c3prmte funds to loan okfick town hall actou e fsb jousstos wm a mclea e mitchell solicitou cqsvevaxteb c office first door west of the champion office main street milton money to loan at 6 percent q hilton allan baird barristers solicitors c toronto abigeobgetown offices creelmans block georgetown and 86 king street east toronto tv t allan ja shtltos ba j baiui ba has a large of all kinds auuouncc the arrival of a largo choice new wall paper -jiiii- borders to match newest styles colorings and elegant designs for 1886 bats bookstore guelph f t ttoti mim rnunsoav moiiniko apmi d2 1886 poetry best stock to seleot irom lowest price and best value at days bookstore would do well to call at once day sells cheap acton picture framing c c speight acton issortment of picture frames ind size3 also a full line of mouldings i ornices c special fi ames made te order promptly parlor mc uldings and picture hooks a specialty i can sell money than only firstclass work turned out your orders solicited leave yot r orders at hills stove depot c c speight you better frames for the same you can purchase elsewhere liverysalest john street acton wm e smithy proprietor mr smith has purchased the livery business of mr h b mccarthy which he has removed to his commodious stable on john street in the centre of the business portion of the town mr smith has hat lengthy experience in this business ani feels confident that he cangjvo satisfaction to every patron anyone desiring a commercial p104 buro or company tig can be bupplieci with a firstclass turnout on jhe shortesi notice the sonqqf the trujtter piok and click goes the type in the stick ab the printer stands at his caso his eyes glance quick and his fingers piok the type at a rapid pace and ono by one the letters go words are piled up steadyand slow- steady and slow i but still they grow aud words of fire they soon will glow wonderful words that without a sound traverse the earth to its utmost bound words that shall make the tyrant quake and the fetters of the oppressd shall break words that can crumble an armys might or treble its strength iu a righteous fight yet the type they look leaden and dumb as he puts them iu place with his finger bid thunjb but the priuter bmiles and his work beguiles by ohauting a bong as the letters he piles i with pick and olick like the worlds ohronoineter tick 1 tick i o where is the man with suoh simple tools can govern fcho world as i with a printing pressand iron btiolt and a little leaden die with paper of white and ink of black i support the right and thn wrongattaok say where is he or who may he be that can rival the printer power touo monarchs that live the wall doth he give their sway lasts only au hour while the printer still grows imd godouly j knows when- his might shall cease to tower story how i tracked the criminal lumber shingles and lath e uudersi ned desires to inform the public p tn stock a i ull lilo of vino and hemlock as well that he 1 as now on hand and will keep mh stocl t other kinds c f lumber also first and second class pine shi nglos lath coal wood having pur hased the coai business of mr c 8 smith 1 an prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal have also a good stock of wood hardwood a ihgedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered jamfis bbown dain laidlawit co babbistebs solicitobs offices over imperial bankj 24 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto john bain q c- c a maktkn willlvii laimaw geoboe kappele fire burned s 1ph iwaur ymi jyings- s drnices h and letfi g bedding mctures eg them office rs kirous of pus criti- ue most i for full y0h m patents secured for inventions henry grist ottawa cjssada 20 years practice no patent no pay xttm hemstreet licensed auctioneer for the counties 01 wellington and halton orders left aft the fbeb pbess office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable monet to loan also money to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest- rates of in terest in sums of 8500 and upwards horses boarded and sold terms reasonable wm b smith wellington marble works quebec st guelfh fuller of ottawa dorerb arm trailing partially on the floor and never shall i forget her look of frenzied despair and passionateveutreaty or the ex pression of fiendish malignity on the face of her executioneer though isaw them hut a few seconds 1 jelt instinctively that i could swear to their identity in any cqurt of justice involuntarily i glanced round to see if there had been any other witnesses of the awful tragedy and then i became aware that the only other occupant of the car was a mechanic who was quietly dozing at the further end what followed jis a blank i suppose i mubt have fallen hack into my seat in a sort of stupor and i was only aroused to consciousness by the conductor with wliom iwas acquainted shaking me and calling out the name of my station i have since thought that he must have itna- giuod me to be under the influence of liquor and this idea is confirmed by the unusual- care he evinced in taking my arm and help ing me off the platform of the car i myreaderb will naturally ask why li lid not communicate what i had seen to the conductor or my fellowpassenger i can no more explain this than i can why i did not at once proceed to the nearest police station and give the alarm i can nly suppose that the shook to my overwro ight nervous system coupled with my physical exhaustion deprived me temporarily all power of intelligent action ail i knosy is thatl walked mechanically to my riom earnestly on njy sotil gome with me slf j i hesitated for a moment if fcrlcethkne cents l i j i villain as jhe vas i almost pitied him your remqrsii comes too late i said coldly ana then after a pause inquired 8 the woman my wife ie replied in broken accents hfe lifted his face from his arms his eyes tears 1 but she is riot dead thank god the bow was hot fa tal she will recover seeing my incredulous look he continued it is true i flwear it ind you shall see for jour- you ar undressed myself as usual and got into bed where i found myseltnext morning ha ing as my watch assured me- slept heavily for nearly eight hours the moment i awoke i recalled with in tense vividness the terrible scene of waich i had4ccn an involuntary witness bnlya few hours before i arose and dressed my self hurriedly with the intention of pnxeed- sta- fire fire out sut not destroyed for having perfected arrangements theiebuildingof the planing mill at the head of river street recently de stroyed by ire andpurchased newmachin- ery we woi ild inform the public that on or about the 1st of may we will be in a better position thfn ever to supply their wants in the shape of dressing xttthbes sheeting rlooftltfa houlsrtts 6so jlso in the meantime pumps vril be repaired and general job bing done as usual thankintyou for past favors arid hoping by strict a1 tention to business and reason able prices to merit an increased share of patronage we are respectfully yours t iios ebttage manager ttu blph- bu 31 ness college tfor an oon- experi- erwho uteiik wffl rwfli co ieeau rtode 3rrors weak- i c i i reined aveliope v v- surveyor john davis provin- cialland surveyor and ce guelph orders by mail or telegraph promptly at tended to charges moderate office 33 perth st guelph john day architect guelph ont office queens hotel block market square fr john j daley- successor to thompson jacks money to loan oh farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatly done charges low farms and city property for sale list witb farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to intending purchasers and cir- culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through our european agenoies farms wanted for our lists correspon dence iqvited office near the post office gqelph70nt j v the hanlan barber sbop mill stbeei acton an easy shave a styltsh hairrittt a good seafoam an exhilarating shampoo always given razors honed and put in firstclass condition ladies aad childrens hair tastily cut j ejvoupek tonsorial artist guelph ontario vtouncfc 146m fire head insures factories property pw- slfcone i john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer nl marble granite and everything pertaining j to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite aud marble i haviug lately visited the bay of fuidy grauito quarries aud haviug purchased the entire stock of gray aud red granite monuments headstones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost i will until further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario for in stance granite monuments 0 ft high 60 7 ft 75 8 ft 00 9 ft 10010 ft 120 alp work and material warranted firstlass forties wanting anything in thib line will do well to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere as i guaranteo my prices are from u0 to 50 per cent below all other dealers the worthies mess of the ordinarv police and detective agencies when called upon to deal with cases putside the ordinary routine wasforcibly ex mplified in the famous del- mohico case here was a man probably one of the bestignown citizens of new york who wandered away from home in broad daylight without any attempt to conceal- his identity ana presumably without any concerted plan for evading pursuit in a mental condition which would naturally attract special attention to his movements and yet although the police were placed on his track within twentyfour hours of his disappearance it was only by the merest accident his whereabouts was discovered and oven then notby thosewhose special business it was a track him the general a itention which was attract ed to the case i liave referred to recalls to my mind an ad enture 61 my own it oc curred quite rec intlybut for reasons which will hereafter aj pear was not made publiq i have been far many years an attache of one of the new york daily journals and during the earlier part of my career my position as a roparter necessitated hiy fre quent attendanc j at the police courts and my experience tms begat a contempt for tha methods and ii telligeuco of our ordinary police detectives which i am bound to bay has not been c iminished by subsequent observation i have always had a great fancy for solv ing intricate pviblemsaud unravelliugtiiys- teries and i have often thought that if the fateshad ordainled that i had been a detec tive officer inste id of a newspaper reporter some at least of the mysteries which have baffled justice would havo a fair chance of being solved i dont read this men and women are thorc ughly prepared for positions as bookkeepe rs shorthand- writers caligraph or telegrs ph operators students have been in attendance from nine provinces and statfef within the past year our graduates are meeting with marked suc cess in the commercial centres of canada and tha united states rates moderate accommodation excellent students may enter at ai y time forterms etc address m maccoemick principal the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also flo0r and feed and anything in the line of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities j thosc moore general acents h j mcdonald co no 2 victoria st toronto estate insurance agents mutual nsurange company or the conyr of walliitatoit kstabushed 1810 office guelph j buildings merchandize mann and all other descriptions of n the premium note sjbtem money to loan a nted business six per cent houses chances cbattle mdrtgfiges promissory notes id other securities negotiated valu ators cr j farms or other properties sold or ex- bhanged j j call at fbeb press office tjlbiancis inunan successor to t ftchapman bopkbinder st georges square guelph ontario account books of all kinds made fjci ord sr periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly aha promptly do ie onas davidson ptresident 8ecretwry jo in tavloe areht 4k sixes of all age send 10 cents postage and we will moil you fbkb a royal vc lu- able sample box of goods that will put you in the way of mak ing mobe money at once than anything else iu america bpth can live at home and work in spue timenr oil the time capital not reqi we wul start ypu pay sure for those who atonce stinson e co portuum main had one and only one op portunity of putting my theory into prac tice the details of whicrf i am now about torelate i had been working very late at my offioe transcribing m notes of a long and inter esting trial i had that day attended and it was long past midnight when i boarded the uptown train of the elevated railway on my way home i i was completely fagged out but though physically exhausted my brain was in that condition of abnormal excitement which bo often follows long con tinued mental ttrain jand in which the outward images presented to the eye are impressed upon the mind with a vividness in btrange contrast to the torpid condition of the body as the train wound slowly round the curves leading to th avenue i sat gazing vacantly into the few roqms which at that hour were lighted up it was a sultry night and most of them had the blinds riised and the windows open even then remem- berit struck me as curious how completely every little detail of these interiors was im- pressed on my mind suddenly i started to my feet with a smothered ory grasping the strap whioh hung dangling over my head there exactly opposite me appar ently within reach of my hand framed like a picture hy the open window was a sight which chilled my blood wjth horror a man was holdihga woman by the throat with his left hand while hib right grasped a murderous looking weapon apparently half knife half stiletto whioh he was about to plunge into her breast even as i gazed i saw the knife descend and fancied i could hear above the rattle of the cars the dying shriek of the woman the train had got on to the straight line of the avenue and was proceeding at a higher rate of speed than before so that the glimpse i got waaonly momentary but in that moment every detail of that terrible scene was impressed on my mind with the minuteness of a photograph the murder ers left arm was passed around his victims neck the forearm compressing her throat shewas lying across his breast supported in that position by the grasp of the ruffian who had apparently seized her wrist asuhe raised her hand to avert the impending blow she had writhed half round iu her struggle so that the faces of jboth were turned full toward the street the long fair hair of tie woman streamed loosely over the mar- 1 ing immediately to the gentralpolice tibn but on my way thither it occurred to mo that it might be as well to go by wiy of the avenue which would take me past the house in which the mnrder had been com mitted i did so but to my embarrassmebt i found that although the room was pi oto- graphed on my brain so distinctly th it i could have described the smallest deta 1 i was wholly unable to identify the house this staggered me for a moment tat i oon reflected that even the intelligence of the police would suffice to discover a buililing which i could locate at any rate within a few blocks turning up one of the side streets i w dk- ed toward broadway and jubt as i vas turning into that thoroughfare i came 1 ace to face with the assassin there was no question as to his identity i knew him instantly and could have sworn to his f tee among a thousand he was loafing at he street corner apparently undecided wh ch way to turn and i stepped aside to obse ye him more closely he was a strongly bi ilti man of medium height and rather shabbllyl dressed his closely shaven face revealed a heavy mabsive jaw and a bomewhat sen sual looking mouth but i was compeued tto adrnit that his countenance in repose was jdevoid of that ferocity which liad charap terized it when i caught my first hurried glimpse from the elevated railway car a oloser scrutiny however enabled me to detect an expression of furtive anxiety and i could observe that he muttered to himself in an undertone and once his hand was lifted with a gesture that almost made mh recoil so forcibly did it jlfiall the blow which drove the knife to the heart of his victim r suddenly he turned and started at a rapid pace down the orbwded thoroughfare mechanically i followed him all my de tective instincts were aroused and i deter mined to trace him to his lair and arrest him myself ere he should have time to dis pose of the body of his viotim after pro ceeding a ifew blocks he turned to the right into one of the quieter streets and descend ing a few steps entered a beer saloon i followed closely at his heels the place was almost empty save for a stolidlooking german who presided at the bar and a young lad at the oyster counter exchanging a few words of greeting with the landlord the murderer took a seat at one of the small marbletopped tables and took a long draught of the foaming lager which was instantly placedbeforehim he was evidently an habitue ot fhe place i seated myself opposite separated from hfti onlyby the widthiof the narrow table i was in a state of intense suppressed excite- ment i knew the man must he desperate and- i quietly slipped my hand into my pocket to satisfy myself as to the presence of a trusty revolver which i habitually car ried in my night journeys from the office as i sat down he made some casual re marks about the heat of the weather it was cool enough this morning about two oclock i replied there must have been something peculiar in my voice or manner for he looked sharp ly in my face as he said was it i came up by the last train on th avenue i said significantly did you he replied with a trans- parent assumption of indifference i looked bim straight in the eyes as i ajnswered yes and i saw a sight i shall never forget he started and drew his chair a little back from the teble as he looked at me with an alarmed expression and said hesi tatingly why what was it again i slipped my hat d into my pocket and grasped my pistol ai l i leaned across the table till my face ate ost touched his i saw a man murder a woman 1 my god 1 he exclaimed aahe grasped the arras of his chair the woman had long fair hair the mannvho stabbed her was yourself his features worked like r in conyul sions i never removedlmy eyes from his as i expected every moment he would spring npbnme au at once he foil for- ward on the tablednryinghl8 face in his arms his shoulders heaved convulsively and his whole frame quivered with emotion to the yowtta laiies jf today i never judge a man by the clothes he wears nor the cap that cov srs his head but firsffincf out the v iputation he hears before you dare to wed as marriage is a more than mostof the girls beem to think 4 pw it night bring the brink if theyd study the sor many would stop on tis true that they lil elthe dlove were created and it tehdedj to matet but few are they who fall in love stop to think until ills too late tis better far to die thing in old maid afraid yon canjbiihg a pjolicemari with you m i i was rather settled at the imputation oja my courage and replied hastily i am not afraid- j c6mej then he coutinue3 fwewill gjoat ohcei it s close by we left the room together hb showeif no inclination t attempt an escape as had almost expocted he would do and a few minutes walkiug brought us to the door of ajhoise in th avenue wjhich my bonductor ojened with a latchkey the place looked respeotable though somewhat shabby ajnd i followed- him without hesita tion he st pp 3d af the door of a room on tihe third floor i i tread so etlhe said she may be asleep he opened tha door aud there in front fine was the rjom with every detail cor- tesponding o the instantaneous mental hotograph hoh had been fixed on my i rain andthnre also seated at the win- cow calmly engaged in mending some 1 rticle of femal 3 adornment sat tlie victim c f th6 assassin j i turned to rx y conductor in muie aston- i shment thei e he stood behind me his villainous face distorted into one vast all- jiervadinggrin witha yell whioh bade the finow rattle i a its frame he threw him 1 elf on the rick sty old sofa and let loose his long pentup feelings in a paroxysm of ild laughter polly polly he exclaimed between e peals th is gentleman has come to tjake me into qastody he saw me murder ing you last night 1 polly looked at ine for a moment and len went offj into a fit of merriment hich if not aa loud wab at least as hearty ak that of the writhing idiot on the sofa i never before imagined that the spectacle 0 a fellow creatures mirth could have eo d pressing an effect on anyhumah being exouse mejold fellow said this ob- je otionable person when he could laugh no longer excuse me but it is top good for anything polly and i are engaged for the new rnejodraniaat the theatre and hell ha ha jb were rehearsing the aasabsirisof anticosti n y mirror with a character xm lulliedjpare than have the beauty f countenance fade by the trials or the life you endure young ladies should th ssubject be broaght tbbear upoh your n inds tomorrow v give the matter a caret 1 prayjerf ul thought andyoullhaveno c tiiseifor sorrow woman stumps the philosophers 1 tennyson women are angels fihakespeare perfidious as a wave lliilzac women complain of being mis- unaerstood byron aug ils have wings and always end up in flyiuoff diderot he who comprehends them is their implacable enemy ohamfort he most beautiful girl in the world can only give what she has saint eyereinont we take women for what theyare not we quit them for what they are leopardia when one speaks of women there is a weapon more terrible than cal umnythe truth oriental fraverb 0ne leads a horse by the bridle ari elephant by his rbpe a woman by her heart chamfort love is more pleasing than marriage for reason that novels are more amusing than history the koran- it is necessary to have at least lour wiv s in order to find one in good health arid gei tie humor byron i hve seen those the tempests of wonen and i have seen those of the and i pity more the lovers than the ilton la matter of love riothinsf is mbn to ill women as the desire that austhir shall cpt gain that which she her self refuses sixtieth weddin aimiversary the sixtieth anhiven aryof the marriage of mr andmrs geo tesjie 01 lot 20 con 6 chinguacsouby was celebrated at their residence on monday t lie5h jipril four generations were repres suted afid altogether about 95 guestsjwere pi eseht among whom were noticedjeessrs j and geo leslie of this vicinity th foliowng address was presented dbaji fatheb and moiiieii4- iwe your children w ithdurchildrenpur childrenscbildren and friehds constrained by filial love are herei iaiday the sixtieth anniversary of your mi irriagej to give ex pression to our congratulations j very rarely in theiovidence of godare iwsband and wife permitted to enjoy each ojthers compaaionship n eatth throughout so long a period moreover health and comfort have been yoirs alihost without interruption goodnei s and mercy have followed you we uni with you today very heattily ip rejbicipg before the lord in hewing oat of ths fores this home from which for sixty j ears you havenever been absent day or ni ht savje at the- call of duty to your childre a or your friends we know yoq must hav 3 endured difficulties and trials of the sever ty of which we can only try to form an opiaion put yoiir per- severance has been orowned yith success a similar changing of be forest to fruitful fields by neighbors aio mdmhsthavebeen both pleasing andencoiragiog to you tnd it is pleasing to us tot linktlit with them you took part in the pioinotion of works of phblio advantage and i aterebt it is especi- 1 ally gratifying to us tk at thej influence of your cbaractehas bee ninvariably in the behalf of virtue and go dness while we rejoice witliyourdear parents that so mauyas six bfyoar children are sparedto join todo y ii l these words of con gratulation wesympithie jwith you in sorrbwf ul remeinbranc e of ethers removed by death thereby let us be quickened in our prayers and efforts that all the mem bers of the family one bjwbnt to dwell in harmony and happiness in the home on earth may be reunied in jthe fathers home in heaven when i brotherly love shall be- without a taint of ft slfibhneks for your comparative freedom from pain we are thankfulto god yet v e cannot but notice the infirmities of age i re increasing your bodies need now ihe ilipport which staff affords hence it is re askear father and mother your acceptance of these canesi we know they are of little intrihsio value but we ask yon tjb receive them as a sincere token of heartl elt gratitude to voq for all your parental aching and training for yourunoeasinglsolii itude for our welfare and devotionto ourin ibrests as you lean on them and are suppc rted aud stayed we ask you to be assured if our readiness to do whatih us libs as j bar loving children to support and comforti you in thedeclining path of life and as yo experience support your bodies may- j bur souls lean with greater confidence thin ever on the rod and staff of the lord r shepherd f dated this oth day of april 1886 after the reading t the address mr hit leslie made a very ihitable replyj after which the company tit down to dinner prepared in most v yactive hiauner and i supplied with femptir g viands of allkinas the afternoon was sp nt in pleasant con- versation vocal arid instrumental riiusic cand many jrem niscences of events long passed were reca led com- goodou the whiskey head ltfuet go mr powderlj the head of the knights of labor was twjelve years ago in his own words ajpbqr forlorn houseless wander er in search i of employment a tramp today he is one of the most influential men in the united states the secret of bis success is of course that he has mental abilities of no mean order and that he is energetio and industrious these would have been comparatively useless to him however had he been a tippler he has says an american paper all his powers linden the best control does not touch either liquor or tobacco he has made it impossible for a liquor dealer or one who lives by the traffic to become a knight arid is planning how to carry this part of the rules of the knighthood far enough to shut habitual drunkards out of that body good luck for an engineer urbana iii i hadtsevere fall upon my right kidney caused a great deal of soreness but ithought i would wear it out was running express engine 212 miles with four trips a week the btrain and jarring came near killing me cannot de scribe my buffering physicians pronounb ed it catarrh of the bladder after using thirtybotties of warnersisafecure i am now a well man a s hampton ijx- 0hief engineer div 148 brotherhood of fcocombtive engineers v compelled to yield mrs salter of franktown ontario was for four yeirs afflicted with a feverispre that bafflei i all treatment until she tried bordook i lood bitters- 4 bottles oured hlar all ihronib sores and huniortof the blood muss yield tbb b jii i of evil the boy3 played a t lean trick on an old deaf and dpmb organ- jrinderthe other day went around the streets s opping before every j doorund grinding av ay with a vim he was enrprised at the 1 mount he had taken in everybody gave iil erally and he noticed that he wasnt orderelj- off once nor was one bulldog set on hid he had never seen the people hr such 4 obd humor and he didnt know why it wis until in the even- in he opened up his nachine to oil it- arid to drive in a few hose notes here and there but instead of getting mad he took the hint and now go si round griudiug his empty organ and is loing more business than all the other wholesale musio mer- chants in town the first elem ent pf a home iineversawagarmanttoofine for man or maid there was 1 tever a ohair too good for a cobbler or coopi r to sit in never a house too fine to shel ter the human head these elements about us the gorgeous sky the imperial sun are not too good for the human race elegaice fits man but do we not value these tools of housekeeping a little more than they are worth and some- times mortgage hom 1 for the mahogany w would bring into it i had rather eatmy dinner onthe head of a barrel or dress after the fashion of ohn tlie baptist in the wilderness or sit on a block air my life than consume all myself before i get home and take so much pf ins with the- outside that cheiriside was as hollow as an eriipty nut beauty is a great thing but beauty of garments house and furniture is a very tawdry ornament compared with domestio love all the eleginbe in the world will riot make a homejand i would give more- for ainoosful of hearjiy love thanfor whole shiplpsof furriiture and ull the uphbl- bterersiof the worll cjuld gather together threparlxt j y i i over four huno redj grains of a deadly poison are taken c at of tieblood every day by the kidneys if tnhy are in health it notthey oan he flliylrestorwheptevery thingelseiailb by warners safe pure

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