ajv t i titt w tociwoat motaino april 39 1880 f jrely ps1r80nal paragrai hs respecting peopia with wiom j- our notes and comments it is generally believed that thedotninicm parliament will ol6e about the last week in may on account of thechauges in the now herd book adopted by the amalgamated board of tne arts and agricultural asaoola- tion and british american board grate a number of valuable cattle are not eligible wid in consequence are now considered only grades businessmen and corporations may be interested in the following it has been decided by the conks that if a partner of a dissolving firm neglects to give notice through a newspaper of a dissolution of partnership he is equally liable with his partner for all debts contracted after disso lution was mmm vfs readers are individually or oolleovely acquainted mr c friends ft oakville misb vith jf the ontario branch of the dominion alliance will endeavor to raise campaign fond of 5000 during the current year with this end in view and to organize local branches the province has been divided into two parte the west half will be canvassed by the rev t l wilkinson and the east bythe bev b b keefer the alliance agents a circular issued by the education de partment fixes thedates for the examina tion of candidates for teachers certificates as follows for secondclass subjects from june 28 to july 3 i for thirdclass subjects from july 6 to jury 10 for firstclass sub- jects grade c from july 12 to julyj6 nd for firstclass subjects grades a and b from july 20 to july 22 a correspondent the christian guar- noticing the fact that the minister of education in ontario has appointed the seventh of- may as arbor day suggests that the numerous congregations of the methodist church should take the hint and on the first friday of may plant trees in all the churchyards and buryinggrounds thus beautifying and improving the property and doing good to the country this halt may be useful to other denomi nations also i 1 the municipal council the auditors report finally audited and flowed arbor day 7ui mat t council met on tuesday evening members present messrs d henderson j fyfe and john cameron mr hender- seirin the chair x minutes of last meeting read and con firmed the finance commitee presented their fourth report as follows to the municipal council of the village of acton your standing committee on finance to whom was referred the auditors ab stract and detailed statement f or- examina tion beg to report havjng examined the same which they find satisfactory and would re- commend that the accounts of the treasurer and collectors be decided as finally audited and allowed and also be published in the usual way by the clerk your committee also- recommend pay ment of the following accounts which they approve of thos e as ton feeding tramps dc 5 6 35 frank nnnan record book 5 00 h p imoore printing and adv 7 20 i i 18 55 all of which is respectfully submitted jftfe j committee moved by j fyfe seconded by j cam eron that the fourth report of the com mittee on finance just read be adopted carried l moved by j cameron seconded by j fyfe that the street and sidewalk com mittee be instructed to proceed with the usual raking and general cleaning of the streets of this municipality carried moved by j cameron seconded by j fyfe that fridayj 7thmay be proclaimed arbor day for this municipality and that citizens generally ie requested to observe the day in a prope manner by each plant ing at least one tree on that occasion carried council then ad ourned m the boaed of health deem it desirable hat acton be placed in satisfactory sanitary condition work to pr03eed forthwith the first meeting of the local board of health for this season was held in the council chamber on monday evening present hj p moore chairman and messrs r royce j a speight and thos eastern sanitary policeman the chairman explained that the object of the meetingwas to set in operation the provisions of the health act and thereby to ensure a bafe and satisfactory sanitary condition for the municipality some desultory conversation followed and those sections of the act applicable to acton were duly considered moved by r eoyce seconded by j a speight that the chairman be and is hereby instructed to give public notice to the residents of this municipality that their premises must be j properly cleansed from all filth by the 15th of may and that all owners of pigs iri the corporation must comply with the provisions of the health actarried jj moved by j arsjpeight seconded by k royce that the health officer be and is iereby instructed to visit the slaughter houses arid notify f the occupants thereof that they will be reguireto comply with pie provisions of he health act to keep their premises thoroughly clean and free from all filth of whatsoever kind and further thatthe said officer beiinstructed trrinspect the sail premises monthly dur ing the spring anc smmmer carried upon option i he board adjournedto iriieet at tie cauofe chairman toroi friday to l young spent good friday bertie snyder of guelph fcaid acton f i lends a visit this week mrs f i a seoord spent a couple of days this wet k with percy at st catharines e mcgarvln visited friends in orangey ille and toronto during the week mr uiid mrs thos t mopre visited frieuds u king and aurora during the holidays miss jelley went to mount forest miss mahafty to brampton and mibs dorland to milto l for easter vacation messrs fh smyth of trtth and jjt smyth of c boockh son visited j koton friends on good mrc h gibbous of the valise sat chel ma mf aotory spent the easter belli days wil h his friends in st catharines -drill- sergt buckley of the 20th bait hal ton rifles left on monday to take i a position as guard at the central prison mr 1 1 d christie of toronto was m town on good friday wearegladtoleai that he has almost completely recoven from a i eceut severe illness capt steve marshall of the salyatioh army at sherbrooke que formerly of th firm of marshall edmondson grocers here is at home on a visit for his health mr i arry jennet left on tuesday foi glovers rille n y which city he will foi the prts ent make his home we are sorry to lose harry and his good lady from amongs us but all join in wishing them success in their new home mr i c stovel late editor and mana ger of i leconfederate mount forest haf assume 1 the position of manager of the express napanee a journal of good stand ing an 1 wide reputatiqn we wish oui friend fjitovel every success and congratu late th express upon securing his efficien i servioeir the princess clementina youngesi daughter of the king of the belgians who bears tl te title of the princess of saxio coburg gotha and who will be fourteen years o don the 30th of july hab been selectei ras the bride of prince albert victor the oldi fit son of the prince of wales now twenty two years old in view of this alliance the princess is being educated in the pre testant faith and her life and habits of thou jht will be moulded as far as pos sible an english basis batteries attached to his leg b foolounn 6 nov 4th 1883isx y sui agolayabcoiiflnel to the itousc dcctor vibited me tllree tmes a day aud pftei at night whole ijitem uprooted paii in back and kidney lept every night galvanic bmterie attacked to legs cine had not tho slightest effeot thousahdi drdolhirs was in this tor jrible condition two yeais took fifty bottlns of waruerb safe cure and warners safe j tills gained 44 pounds uiid felt like a new ljian w h rhoaohb a worlds faie i- 1 of eatons emporium low prices new goods and immense departments is wondrous in its phase of commercial no matter how rough the weather dull the times there is always to be heard life how pispi wilrfpi 1 henderson mcrae sc co o tlie fecott act will go into force in the followi ig counties and cities on saturday 1st mi y brant leeds and grenviili eent lanark lennox and addington ont brorae que elgin lambton city of st thomas city of guelph we i- lington ont chicoatimi que frontei ac lir coin middlesex ont gnysbor n s ontario victoria peterboro onl and fredericton n b northumberlai d and d lrham it is now in force in i 7 places bhe lower provinces 2 in maijil toba 3 injquebec and 12 in ontario may blossoms brig it beautiful and charming as may blossoiis comes the american agricultwist for ma y with this number appears the first o i the series of engravings of fthe homes of our farmer presidents twenty- three i iches long seventeen inches wide execut id in the best style of art and pre senting a complete view of mouticillo the engraving likewise embraces front and oack views of the residence the tomb of jefferson and also neighboring objects of intei est the long and complete descrip tion of the engraving by james partonj the american historian will be read with sur prising interest the engravings are pre sented to all subscribers to the american agriculturist as they appear the price of the anerican agriculturist english or ger man ii 1 50 a year aud seen m this immense store the hum and snap of active business the coning and going of pleased customers the crack ling o eleptrio bolls tne soamperng of cash boys and the suldued murmur of courteous tmd experienced salesmen j and women j 35 larce departments instinct with life everything inorderand ready to hand and an exercise of common sense very gratifying to the public general ly no waiting no fussing and fretting everything pleasant entering the main entrance on the left you pass the ladies furnishings and lingarie coun ters teeming with coantless adjuncts of the toilet the ribbon department with its varied and beautiful shades of c6lors the glove department with its soft dainty articles of hand apparel varying from oue button to oountlosa buttons with its josephine and jouvin princely qualities past stacks of laces rfbbons collars and embroideries noting on our right the countless boxes of hosiery from the tiny childs sizes to the latest novelty in ladies wear on into the region of symmetricali piles and pyramids of dress good era- bracing nearly every class of textile known bright colors dark colors riclf subdued colors all colors and ending in the sombre and dark colored mourning department turning to retrace yoursteps you puss the silk and velvet department with shining satins glistening silks softtoned plushes fanciful curious flowered velvets and reach the moat useful of articles the eleva tor its lattice work of gilded birs are thrown open to receive yon and seated yon smoothly float upwards to the second tier or floor stepping from the elevator you pass the bustling shoe department whatever you look for you find bwe in ladies and childrens wear j it isnt so easy to answer all these questions theyvo got to be answeredjthough come in to print a little bit of news each week is about as much as we can do til you come when you are here to see for yourself enough said j come and enter the precincts of the large and lively millinery department with its many elegancies for the adornment of the fair sex here are to be seen daily in large numbers gratified patrons wtto have evidently appreciated our motto millin ery at dry goods prices piled np on its many tables are hats of every shape and color brilliantly plum aged birdsand fanci ful feathers repose on their boxesl chef dauvres of the trimmers art appear in rows of beauty contiguous to this department is the mantle department jand as far as the eye can reach are garments garments in piles and on figures beautiful mantleftes and dolmans graceful jaunty walking jackets masterpieces of style and beauty webs of cloth childrens jackets and so on past tho tables until directly op posite thi elevator you stand in full view cf the gay tables of big and little boysi cloth ing adjoining this department i is the ladies underwear on the next tier of floors above us are the carpets lade cur tains ruga blinds portiere poles blank ets comfortables etc at prices which are of the lowest descendiiiglo the ground floor you pass on your way out the motions iram1 millinery open -on- ing v 1886 h m ii i ii v is f i i i on opccbjbkin cheis yvhatfl oatwn savdd affords no indi- of whats lost tlebeal is undoub qriality for if it 18deir at any true in regard to test of cheapness htt dfyfls the maxim has it ary article lacks quality price especiallyis this of lei iololiaoiolololwwoloiioioloioioioloiololoiojoioloioioloioioioioloicnoloioioioipiolojlpioioioioioioio 27th of march o 9000 p b o ii o o b o o o d d 0 o 0 9 or- o ojflo dp- o 00 q 0 p fivei thousand dollars reward for proof that any statement made by the patients of h h warner co and published with original signatures by h h warner co ought to be a satisfactory guarantee to the entire public that these wonderful testi monials to the merits of warners safe cure aregenuine messrs butledge crosaon are doic the me it business of acton now you cat get firsiclass meat aud any kind you ma desire whenever yon order f spring saitj and overooats at extreme ly low prices and made in the latest stytes bestlre tocall and see them at j fyfes acton board of health n otio by the ealth officer fis hebeby given that all ents of acton are required forthwith lb clean their cellars drains yards pigstyes water cl sets and other oat buildings and prem ises and remove therefrom ail dirt fljlth manure or other things which may endanger the public health a nd to have the same completed at latest 15th of may nexton which day the fwil commerice a general inspec tion ahd farther take notice that that section of the la iv prohibiting the keeping of hogs be tween tt el5tb hay and the 1st november ex cept in i ens at least 7u feet from any house and 50 feet fi om any street or lone with floors kept free f rot i standing water and regularly cleansed and disinfected will be strictly enforced hpm00ee- chairman board of health acton 4pril26th 1866 proclamation ilbiaii mmmm jtar prune olflfer and timothy seed aiboi j35t in compliance witha resolution passed at last meeting of the municipal council i hereby appoint ind proclaim frjllday 7th may a pobliie hol1dat j for this ilnnicipality and request every citizeh toloyally observe the same by spending a pan of and trimmings department the staple- department brints liuenb and genta furnishings and pause atr the door before the book department at night this immense place is brilliant ly illuminated by the soft moonlight radi ance of the numerous electric lights which render thfe distinguishing of colors at night as easy a matter as by day we daily re ceive numerous visitors and purchasers from out of the city both personal and through the mail order department- who neyer fail to conte again kot only are our prices commopsense everyday prices bnt onr goods are alwayb f i and new doing the immense busiu- we do it could not de otherwise dont fail to visit this inter esting and mammoth establishment of teaton0os j90 192 194 196 yonge st toronto ont merit proven dollar upuu dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not so with mc gregorssjpeedypure you afe not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j k mcgarvjnsdrug store and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of dys- pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long standing it costs you nothing hold in 50c and 1 bottles see testimon als from people in your own town 29 hptf advertisements good p stuke fphlj undersigned can stipply good posture with 1 nlinti1nnaa if nrofnv i tmil tt tyi jl abundance of water aie ily to jxb weight thoroughbred buul i fob service actooilirus6u18 dhendebson presiding officer ftihes undebsigked has for servico da his 1 premises lot u 1st line esquesing jiis thoroughbred bull baron moreton 2nd calved 7th jmaroh 18wbred by f w stone pedigree seventh grand dam magdalen 4th imported by sir isaac entered iu tae british amorican herd book and elogible to lie entered in- the new dominion herd book terrrjb thoroughbred cows 300 grades- j j50 to be paid lit january cows to bo returnod regular ly thr4e tinies if hecossaty those nipt returned will be charged at saroo rate t alex walbib our millinery hoonis this season will beunuspjlj attractive the stock has all been selected i with great care and tastefrom the latest irnpqrtations ot french english and american goods and arc rich rare and really qjjoico this depaptmeiitj witl be under the charge of experienced milliners who will spare nl effort to suit the laste and wants of our patrons at the most moderatejirices j our stock ocenejral dry goods pi ess boots shoes jrllose merer thau they ndiscriuiinately go in for but regard uj their value p oursteady ajm through at every article kept by wi li quality eople very save when they cheap goods ltlias however our business life us shall be of th best bnt at the same time be sold at the lowest possible price compatible with such quality buying directi from he manufacturers for cash we arebuftbled to offer our cus tomers unsurpassed inducements spbixg sirexbk stljigr stock we invite the public to call and see our f new stock njew styles nice fresh goods extra value in ladies kid boots sign of thej big boot w mclaren co 1 i gents furnishings boots and shoes c is now very complete and will be sold at very boitoni prices sxr trimmings 10 you only require to see these goods to mduceyou to buy see our extra superior white and grey cottons our beautiful prints ginghams cretonnes curtains lace j and mantle velvets those beautiful embroide ie3 are admired by every one splendid range of carpets cheap choice shirtings ducks denims at really low prices repairing x x x x x x x x- x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x oxjr big- boot juxtd shioib stobk oioioloioioioloioioicicciclcicicicituciciciciclciciclcicaciciclciaciciclciciciqiclciciciclciciciciclciioioioioldloioloioi comprises the best the newest and the neatest styles in ladies misses and- childrens wear we cannot be undersold in these goods v remember ouli famous 50g teaj henderson mcrae t fine and orofdks at the old established feousejiof i b s elph douse for sajb the subscriber the bouse occupied by pete of charles bpeii geo hynds jew- third cash and finetly at 6 per be bad from the addressing ana iiht tie ceit ed robt waltebmd enkeestrxxe berks co pa 1886 sprinrspriugspriiigspring8pringsprinpspring8piing f sipirihstg- 1 11 p gspringspringspringspringbpringspririgspnngpruib 1886 o spriiig is here and along with it the season for house cleaning and paper hanging do you want to decorate your walls with a paper which will always please you if so buy your wall taper and bordjilrs -feom- j e how son fe glhideilt sebids of all kinds fresh and reliable paints nd oils fibstclass and cheap lacrosse base balt goods just arrived new pattern oaughnawaya sticks spauldings standard balls cheapen mcgartins drug and statipaery loi s designs good coloring rich prices low no trouble to show goods j b ho wson acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe aotbn 3look jt this e a moneysayeil hy purchasing your clothing at tbo st end gldthiimg store spring hats spring tweeds spring worsteds spring pvercoatings spring trowserings spring underwear ii lines of shirta ties collars braces etc at lowest prices erteqfcsatisf86uonguarahleficl i jym acton j fyfe aoton ivi u j fyfe acton a fyfe actqn j fyfe cto spring v is v here with all its attractions 4 nd kenney bros main street acton have now on tue shelves of the dominion boot and shoe spring footwear of all kinds and we are now offering superior value in all lines of bdqts bhobs sl1ppsrs c we carry astock- which for assortment caunot be excelleil supplied t we ae showing some uice lines in tkunks valises the manulficturers our ordered work is giving oomplete satisfaction aud prices are right i repairing neatly and promptly execnted i and every want can be 6c received direct from customers know that onr qtj for d shonlti sale sflf 7j has i oarribd off all machine oil oft ion in proof of this we when- it fails to please 3ix gqlb meda lalst halve been awarded this oil within the none genuine onfcy thap made a1 samblrobi0aptorbnto by j bpeatgonvpr mogarviip j egrtwson rpowfioj jssjs store acton store a f qll slock of our kenney bros tllq eeied the is thiree yeaf s the aiid c t hill acton and viwy t t- tir lhsii w 7m m particular attention paid to the repairing and cleabing of will sell ou very easy terms j lot on i church street now lee adjoining the dwelling jt aud immediately behind i illcry stcjre price scq one- balaucq may remain iud interest information may itor of the fbee pbess or by watgd at once in every partof canadative agents to sell a newj jina popular debate on bap- tism large conjmissioniftheres money in it for ternib and particulars apply to 8evt lwilkinson u lansdowne ave parkdale ont s prize8 isithebest 4 for sale in the domiri- will pay freight both ways purchaser s w e m i i i keep a hoube during tbd the large fbctiosij foreign ijoodsti tpcssi cru1 vr provided seedjn favoc their wboi i guelph day thefau appearance j thewij gate hujges the gft lawnmower trafa acowbylaf physic of he cucnral the av house need the5i cent fire in easter t churches is mr veryfinei rfarmeral condition 4 from ham grocers milton bl selves a band i the sac st albanst the nexl court will be thensna the church ingi messrs operations roller mill thepnpil evidently thd easter holida eevg will preach next sunday jmecltai the good i point an aijbol the trees earlier than clothed in foil houses fc scarce- hy1 any to let sho wears in reeve storey eng daily p the nor new dress and enterprisi supported the last i munion aervil will be held i snaday morn from tie i ernment wiu i piers and lighl by the receintl i a- selectil drawing and arflst wulbei gairvins drug 1 la partin georges chu who jremo with la purse capt ba number of me wereintoron dedication of i iabtonie pair of pants j mills are worldt and theoffic are honor president jj capt pantl bergant m rn6thingi t place more and plants dencesonbol attractive in james aytheltthl year arid juif ingafewhoj ig 6075 a it is oil warmest sti i day ever exji thermometerl during the alilt met with a i ooiereveiiin barbed wiri on the face an fishing on siderable stic 2p ana coat for his sport i boys hmebara ore4itibxthe