Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 29, 1886, p. 3

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i- i r ii j i mimi iynd8 ateck seasotbleroodbiarjkvinftkxpre88 waa- gom cwte mw bills stepping ropes lacrbise supplies fishing twkte oar stock dfj school books and stationery is thsbestiii town give as a oeohtntosdilis cheap jmfernley kes a splendid assortment of all kinds of house plants hanging baskets akbbeddihg plants f- during the spring season all cheap for casta ijie largest and tjest assorted stock of con fectionery in town j cheap foreign and domestic fbi- its canned goods finest cigars in tlt- market i j m fernley i j b thursday mousing april 39 186 crumbs ior breaikjkst th rtv rent 5 tue- provided by the ever thoughtful free i press reporters h ttsi ki3 m tfivj ite terms now telling no one- inde- may sor bi ro pa i agents in bap- pr- in it bx le ont s a- s ml 5 be from out -v- 3 y m t seeding is well advanced favorable growiug weather theiruit trees are blossoming rwho says it is not spring weather i guelph will observe saturday as arbor day i j the fall wheat presents a very promising appearance the wise father now oileth the front gate hinges- j the gardener begins to sharpen his lawnmower trafalgar township council will pass a cow bylaw physicians look forward to the advent of the cucumber the question of the hour does the house need painting the stfn office wasdamaged by the re cent fire in sayner j easter serviced wdre hejd in all the churches last sunday mr j m fernley is showing some very fine window plants 4farmers report the iail wheat in good condition throughont the country from may 1st to aug 31st the chat ham grocers will close at 6 oclock milton brass band are building them selves a band stand near the town hall the sacrament was administered in st albans church on sunday morning the next sitting of acton division court will be held on thursday 13th prpx the usual vestry ibeeting was held in the church of englan i last monday even ing messrs frerire bi os have commenced operations in the erection of their new roller mill thepupfls of the public schools and evidently the teachers too enjoyed the easter holidays bev c w gordon of knox college will preach in the presbyterian cjinrch next sunday v the cliampion wai its milton to follow the good example- of siiter towns and ap point an arbor day the trees wfll be ii leaf considerably earlier than last year many of them are clothed in foliage alrea 3y houses for rent ar s reported unusually scarce by house hnners those having any to let should at on e advertise them we are indebted tc oui esteemed friend beeve storey for copies of the birmingham eng daily post and i ibndon times i the norwich gau tie has put on a neat new dress the gazet e is an interesting and enterprising local paper and is well supported the lasitquarteriy meeting and com munion service of the conference year will be held in the met aodist ghnrch next sunday morning- i from the star we earn that the gov ernment will assist oa sville tp rebuild the piers and lighthouse wiich were destroyed by the recent storm j ta selection of specimens of pencil drawing and paintin by miss mcbae artist will be placed oi i exhibition at mc- garvins drug store to- lay in parting with th 3 congregation at st j- georges church guelph bev e irving who removes te dm das was presented with a pnrse lined wit i 8300 gapt barker luut thorne and a number of members of the salvation army were in toronto this week attending the dedication of the hew i 130000 temple there adton feels like a boy with his fiist pai of pants jostbeca ise two roller flour mills are to be erected there beeton world and she has jdst cause for it- too the officers of milans new bifle club arehpnorary presii lent judge miller presidat j batterfielcl vicepresident capt panton secret irytfeasurer saff- sergant mr e mitchel nothing enhances the appearance of a place more than ani a display of flowers and plants mahywiidows of the resi dences on bower a venae are particularly i attractive in this respest james coulter was arrested on satur day the 17th insi for selling whiskey last year and pat in jail where after remain ing a few honrs he wai jlet outfitter pay ing 16075 milton ritormer it is claimed la it frida was the warmest st georges daywa good fri- day ever experienced ir thifl section the thermometer stood at i fahty in the shade during the middle of tteday a little son of mijg s goodwillie met with a rather painful accident tiie other evening by comiiig in contact with a barhedwire fence i ej received woonds onthefaoeandhandsy georgetown herald a gnelph young nan went out trout fishing on good friday jwd met with conj siderablemccesa the next day lie paid land costs into the magistrates court for htf sport wait till boya meairg beardmc crpdit for themanner n cleaned up their tanner anmer autherdom i wlisometateyeijy m the first of may which they have ptrenjis4 for oie has been teamed s now cean arid manned ita we cess and prosperous ment firmly the special four pages thus far high nal of pol dominion way into the olution to arrest found on night a if strictly e year 1900 tion with pilmeraton ttleqrqpk has 6pm- eleventh year of publication congratulate friend long uron his suo- trishthetvrnfrapft a long and career under his able manage- telegraph stands its ground undir all ciroumstanoes oirrent issue of the week is a eai iter number enlargedto twenty and is in faot the best number issued 9 went maintains its ohara iter as the leading weekly jour- it os literature and society in the ind it is steadily winning its pi ibliti favor and tie i the afraid to f o thecpb w itford council has passed a res- authorizing the village constables place in the looktip all boys streets after nine oclock at very judicious action indeed and lforced watfords men iu the vill refer to the oouucils resolu- hearts of gratitude weeks rakingb whicb afe principally looal and all interesting agoodrue if you wc uld win success in trade this simple rnle obey i first note the men who wealth ha vi made and dealing never be low in jfcheir way which way is simply tl is indeed to always advertise that in the pbse press folks may read a list of thiigs perhaps they need among your large f upplies sfs hit- ipt h iisg ff t m and settlers the canadian paoifio railway has issuet instrnotions to their agents to sell ticketi via their lit e to the canadian northwes which guar intee solid trains with no trans fere no quarantine no transhipment and with through colonist sleepers giving all the comfort i of a sleeping car at less than one- third the costi- teaohers examinations the second class examinations will be held june 2 i to july 3 third class july 6 to 10 first class c july 12 to 16 first a 4 j j july 20 to 22 and junior matriculation june 28 to july 10th can didates mus t notify their county inspec tor not latert than may 2oth of their inten tion to present themselves for examination the ftancalse act there isan old saying that it is an ill wind that blows nobody good this remark will apply to the city finances next year city assessor armstrpug has been watch ing the revision court since it opened and has been astonished to find on the list a large numbir of young men who were about nineteen or twenty when he made up his returns this will be looked after for poll tax ndxt year guelph mercury cleaning tjp our municipal fathers have engaged men to work at cleaning up the streets let the citizens lend a hand individually by tidying about their own premises nothing de tracts so much from the appearance of a town as untidy streets and lots and although acton has always been noted for its clean and tidy appearance still every spring brings new work to do in this direction and every good citizen can assist to give the place a generally attractive appearance cleanse y91 a premises in another column the board of health requests all citizens to put their premises in proper sanitary condition and gives notice of the intended inspection of the municipality this is a step iu the right direction it is to be hoped the citizens generally will cooperate with the board in having the town as far as it is iu their power relie ed of every impurity that may tend to imp lir the public health and that none will vrait until failing healtlf or a sanitary pp iceman forces them to it aprils weather the weather for the past week has been admirably adapted to advance all forms of vegetation the usual cold period about the rt iddle of the month has been missed or 1 as been very indistinct while the tempen turn has been more summer- like than vernal in large portions of the country wih it considerable -intersprink- ling of thuhler storms to the southward the old proverb when april blows his horn its goo 1 bpth for hay and corn-i- doubtless holds true for when aprils horn thunder is heard it is always accompanied by growing weather made np of frequent alternations of hot sunshine and shower a perfect town i ani exchange gives the following as its jdealof a model town a perfect town is that in wl ich you see the farmers pat ronizing the home merchants the laborers spending the money they earn with their own tradesman and au animated by a spirit that w ill not purchase articles abroad if they can t e got at home the spirit of reciprocity t etween business man and me chanic trad ssman and laborer farmer and rnannfactun r results every timein making che town a j erfect one to do business iu and mercha ots of a town who are guiltyof purchasing irticles ont of town or getting work donehf outside parties which they can as well prooure at home ought to be boycotted ocldfellowi at church in complii nee with the request of grand master nb martin to attend divine service to re urn thanks to him who has prospered oir order so abundantly not alone duririg the past year bat through the seven and sity years of our eventful life acton lodge ioof no 204 observed the atfnivers try by attending service at the methodist ihurch last sunday evening the brother ood occupied the front seats in the centre of the auditoriun kindly re served tor tl em by the congregation a very large av dience was present bev b phillips took for his text i cor 1015 i speak as o wise men judge ye what i sayj and mi tt 633 but seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added nnto youv the sermon which followed was one of the m ost able and eloquent every delivered in toton on a similar occasion blod thousands because they astrophe tha were the in perfect fjnre go to j ing he can and style eveytime of business men are surprised suddenly break down a cat- would hot happen to them kept jinre and the kidneys woirking order by warners safe fyfes acton for your cloth suit yw for prioei i gnality l v ihj halton dry gjoods house changes hands lr a got 3s hoatoi in mrs beoords blook has dis osedj of hisbufliness to mr r b jer- my ijiof jtoronto mr jeirmyu is an ex- per enced business map and will oonse- que ltly be able to intelligently provide for the wants of customers he intends giving 8pet ial attention to the dry goods depart- met t of the business and will shortly open out large assortment of new and fabhion- abh goods in this line the store has been oioe sd this week for stocktaking but will be i eoptined today and the new proprietor announces that he will dispose of the present at and under cost this stand has dotio a good business heretofore and we trust that mr jerinyn will meet with suo- oesjs we unoritaud that mr griffin in- ds sixindiug tho summer in the north- wfest and that he may remqvo thence the cow bylaw this bylaw will be strictly enforced this sijtirltner as usual in fact it has been burn er and winter during the past five or six jearh and is an undoubted sucoess this ip clearly proven when it is known that last year a number of puroitizenshad their vegetable gardens on open lots in the town and during the whole beasotf they weye un disturbed by cattle running at large thanks to the watchful care of constable eaetou astray bovihe3 were promptly and invariably impounded for theyear ending 1st may there were 31 oattle 6 sheep and 2 hogs placed in pound the gardening operations are in progress as usual on the unfencedjots in view of the success of the bylaw we would like to see the varions church organizations in town dispense with their fences their absence wonld enhance the general appearance of both the churoh property and the towni arbor day i it will be noticed elsewhere in these columns that friday 7th may has been proclaimed arbor day for the municipality the day will be observed as a public holi day and stores and other places of buainebs will likely be closed as usual on that oc casion our citizens are requested to mark the day by planting at least one tree each time spent in planting trees not only con tributes to the appearance of the place but it is a good investment because nothing tends in a greater degree to the improve ment of property or does more to increase its value for the outlay the work done on arbor day will give an appreciable re turn in a few years we believe the public schools and eome of the churches in town perhaps will cooperate with the citizens in treeplanting and beautifying of their grounds on that day we understand that mr james grant is prepared to receive orders for trees to be delivered for planting on arbor day mr grant has had large experience in the work a friendly match 1 a number of guelph draughtsmen visit ed acton on good friday to have a friendly game of checkers with local players the match took place in the afternoon in the town hall and was witnessed by a good many spectators the result was consid erably in favor of guelph but this is not much to be wondered at when it is known what a hobby they make of the game it is somewhat surprising though that several of the acton players who have a superior record for games played with draughtsmen of more prominence than that enjoyed by tneir opponents on this occasion should havemadebuchunforttinatescores forty- ei ht games were played the following the result acton guelph wqx i 1ibaws j wos 1 jas matthews 1 j doran 2 1 levi lambert 1 f burr 2 1 thos dnrcan 6 d nasmith 3 0 chasl t hilli0 c dempsey 4 0 b gardiner 0 w j wiley 4 3 john harvey 1 i r rainer 0 2 jas matthews 0 i d nasmith 2 0 l lambert 1 i j doran 3 0 thos duncan 0f burr 4 0c tj hui 0 w j wiley4 2 k gardiner 1 r rainer 1 r j hirvey 1 c dempsey 2 a ii 6 31 guelph 31 acton il draws 648 ib guel ih ierafci says the 1 acton men tr sated the ir opponents courteously and th ey return id home well pleased with their visit d klilab at the wife daughter the cradle limejiousev on the 22nd inst of mr robert dallas of a cltibie id erin on the 27th inst the wife of mr james carrie of a daughter one bruss els one tapestry one kid- ei minister and one 1 hemp carpet all tco large for floors of new house will bii sold for best offer in preference to cut- ti lg them up aso three walnnt bureaus t ro 8day clocks more than required and handsome black walnut bedstead intend- it g purchasers will please apply between tl e hours of one and three pm and get a bargain imas s a sucoku too much business batavu n y july 15th 1884two yi are ago my health failed which i at tributed to pressure of business i grew w rs9 confined to my bed for two months v arners safe cure cured me c d d 3wey president johnston harvester co hants from 75 cents to 8250 at j ffes for prime clover and timothy seed go to ji- e howsons if yoju want a nobby durable and cheap suit goto jfyfes apton j scotch english and canadian suitings in great variety at j fyfest acton mr stirtoh dentist of gnelpb will devote saturdays exclusively to patients from a distance nitrous oxide gas or vitalized air given see card jlaia llemnlnb j herenre bu t few that have never suffered intolerable pain from toothache orjike aoute paius to them ipstant relief as fluid lightning is blessing ift time of trouble no offejibire medioines to be taken one application of fluid light- old atij e mcgarvins puef sure so qukliph april 10th 1886 now that the event of the atwoing season has passed when thousands were delighted with the rich musical treat which we were enabled to ton dor to them and thousands were atill more delighted with the magoincent dis- pluy of lovelij goods which adorned our store aud show rooms and the verdict of eveiybojy in referfinoe to the whole affair wl that v bollert is ahead by a big nuijority re purpose settling down to solid business to give our customers jtho vftry btst attention ntul to further demonstrate as wei have already done that no 27 is not only the bestplaoo for music but also the most balisfnctory reliable and profit able hoube to make your dry goods purchases j every department is crowded with beauty novelty and v ale specialties this week in the dhkss goods department large lines of nuns neiling much under prloe great piles of black cashmeres at 00o worth 75c in the clothing department i grand line of scotch suitings lovely goods l i i big range of allwool tweeds for boyb wear very cheap in the staple dfipaiitment great bargains in twilled sheetings beautiful line of linen tablings in the fancy goods department 50 doz ladies hosiery at 12cwoith 25c per pair 50 doz ladies extra seamless at 25c worth 45o per pair great value in ladies lisle gloves great value in ladies silk gloves all sizes and shades in wellknown marquise 4buttou kid at 75c abso- lutely without its equal in the trade grand lines in laces embroideries flouncings ete polite attention no boring to buy no puffing splendid light to see goods one price strictly cosh e r bollert 27 lower wyndham street guelph ontario the- cemetery is not settled yet but the fact that w williams has the best stock of boots and shoes in the county iu settled beyond dispute i have just received my spring stock and am prepared to suit all old customers and as many new ones as see tit to give me a call in all lines of footwear r boots for the babies boots for the men boots i do make boots i so mend custom work and repairing promptly attended to wm williams it is mmmmm mmuimmm yimmm sand f 7 wyndhri8t guelph 84 oswald 8t glasgow wo are the only direct importers in quelph qur goods arewhat tbe publiet want our prices win the approbation of all our styles are correct our dressmaker miss todd is the leading modiste in the city our milliner miss marriott has no superior our cutter mr very best fit he has mckefzle can be depended on to give the the largest connection of any cuttfer in ontswid we hold the largest stock west of toronto embracing the following lines colored dress silks from 37ac fanoy striped satin from 40c colored satin from 25c lovely tricotine dress goods from 20c nnns veiling striped colored and blaok from 15c extra heavy cotton worth 10c for 7c extra heavy white cotton worth 12c for 10c best shirting at 12jc heavy ticking atloc iooo mens suits at 83951 450 boys suits at 8100 75 dozen white shirtsfrom 50c 125 dozen menbjties from 50o a dozen 600 english felt hats worth 150 to 8250 i for 50c cloths and tweeds very cheap j d williamson co merchant tai r e nels formerly of acton a complete nrw stock of- loring on english irish scotch and canadian i i the latest styles in j- fine jblack and colored worsteds and jfine spring overcoatings l gentlemen requiring anything in my line can depend on getting the very latest style in olbthe with fit and workmanship guaranteed re kelson 99 upper wyndham street guelph ordered gloithin p g excelsior bakery acton aving purchased the above bakery from mr d mann i hope to give satisfaction to the numerous customers who patronize it j thanking them for past favors i will endeavor to attend to customers promptly and obligingly and trust that they will one and all extend to us their patronage i use nothing but the best boiler flour aud keep it in stock preshbreadjbunsp every day also steam bread cakes of all kinds new tork tea bisouits soda and oatmeal scones on hand or made to order at shortest notice wedding cakes aspeciaity biscuits and confectionery of kll kinds icing sugar ginger snaps boston mixed cakes wholesale floor buttw ad zfftrt tako4a bxobaoffe for sna at imasmt priqo mrs t- statham crosisr ne3iso33r begs to inform the public that he has opened an ordered clothing department and has a- choice siock 01 spotch english and canadian tweeds worsjedsfancy panti ng 84 at lowest prices satisfaction guaranteed we still have off hand a full line ot 5ti ce fresh arocempes very cheap terms cash or produce only that owing to labor states glas 9 is very ohn i am adv ised through the in general rise by ph graphers wiliinord ainsjssyskbrdy 1 price of photos fortunatelythae aoottstock at dry plates oh hatid txuto first clnsa photos at tho old prices up toi ihelst should sitfpr them priorto tha 1 a xvu 2 issii mzsf mtroputati nelson nmmr culties in h united rapldly increasing iapribe this has caiised a isrge inorease ihth price of the patenustantanepusdri plia1bsinpw otpgraphers andt le photo- 1 to protocte th amselves obliged to inc ease tbe valldepifi fcpljfltbs 18- summer ai ngement 86 lirwpoolaa49serrtoi fkohltvespobl steaueb bok jc uffic riaay 83rfl aprh utb m polynfeiian i- thursday29th avrtuwixiitfby aotj bfay thuradavjot ytlfihrasabyziai bay friday ih hay lmzym unel tte wtljm prtiltui s to corohittlexhlbliiaij ses ta for flckettnia every information apjly t j ei mcsabvh jtielet agent ajtoh to ther ladies 8c gejnlemn of acion and vicinity i we call your attention to the following prices of carets nowibeingjoffered by clark fc thompson 42 st aeorgeo swaro ffuelioi best 5 frame brussels carpet for 95 cents worth j120 j i bes ilifs br wforftsicents worth 85 cents j j best 5 frame brussels carpet for 65 cents worth 75 cents it tapestry carpet for 65 cts worthsocte tapestry carpet for 40 eta worth 55cts tapestry carpet for35 cts worth45c2 yard wide wool carpet 6o cts and tip yard wide wool union 40 cts and up j liboe 8tock of- l lace curtains turkish and saxony rugs c over 300 piebes of capt to choose from at the carpet house st georges sqe guelph ps rag carpet weaving done to order r j 1 v guelph li clqth mamj fine scotch summer n suitinos in all the newest designs both in u cieoks and plain goods shaw2rundy rsouelpl merchant tail tj m brinnan haspleasure in annciui icing that his tail oring shop in mrs secords block ia now open and i i full running orde and in a position tofill all trders rhe is showing- good tweed suits tat 12 sold elsewhere for 15 scotgh tweed suit 17 18 sold elsewhebe fob 23 and 24 fine worsted suit at 20 sold elsewbebe at 25 gentlemen wanting a firstclass good- fitting coat may rely upon beingsuited in every respect by leaving their orders with brennan the clothier raihicpresb 10 telephone conneoiion flioeal vievv greenhouses qorgetowjif qftu- re iewest and choicest plants and cot flowers wholesale and retail i funeral and weddine designs r prepared oh phort notice and shipped afely any weather yem jft m gftiating pftjebangtrrtf gftlfionite- asftftwill sia the undersized ajaerea- to orders for awiiiib1i6ak rkgomiirteea- 1 6ssi2siisfeafg4is m i- iw stsl wii

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