Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 29, 1886, p. 4

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-vrtfrxrrsrrvtrr- aui t jbc jvrtott m tess tiivusiiw moiimxo amu j2 i8s0 x the total abstainers case settled it is said we refuse tbo good iifts of god freely bestowd by llis hand divine rut tbo rift of godis the purple rape llojifiu in clusters from the vine the gift of god is the golden grain waving in beauty before the breeze the gift of god is the luscious fruit bending the boughs of the orchard trees we do not refuse to partake of these but when tlieyare thrown intomashtub and still o then they are changed from good to ill the bounteous gifts of- the author of good are turned into poison in ploceof food to poison which courscth through every vein tainting thirblood and tiring the brain and we do refuse to partake of it then so fearfully spoiled by the bauds of men ji tliamas suuic w by the uso of buckinghams dye the whiskers may bo easily niado a pormauentj natural brown or black asdesirod lteciuiso i rie acid in the blod onuses most human ailments is why wartierasafe cure restore to health so many peoplo suf fering from so many apparently different diseases jt neutralizes and removes the uric acid jjick frost toniiuf red although during the cold season lack frost gets in his work lively yet hag yards yellow oil beats him every time uring chilblains frost bites and all their ts it also aires roup sore himatism and most painful the true elixir of life 1886 sipirhstg- 1- 1186 railway time table i j i 1 f- the si ation in ing ver seems a- about u sometitr y 1 i i yi- i fc-f- what is a navy bean moiuustkx 1 was afllieted withgravcl and could only get temporary relief from physicians pain- excruciating used three bottles of svaniers safe cure and passed a stone as large as a navy bean giv ing me complete relief davk ghiis or- gautaud sewing machine dealer all sorts r one trial of mother graves worm ex- terminator will convince you that it has no equal as a worm medicine buy a bottle aud see if it does not please you orin catlin 40 pearl street buffalo x y says i tried various remedies for the piles but found no relief until i used dr thomas ecleetric oil which entirely cur- erlme after a few applications quantity in mediciue is no indication of value ayers sarsaparilla is concentrated and powerful requires a smaller dose and isrnore effective dose for dose than any- other sarsaparilla it is the best of all blood medicines a valuable feature one of the most valuable features of harvards yellow oil is that uulikeordinary liniments it can be safely aud effectually taken internally as wellas applied in cases u c olpains inflammation sore throat rheu- cn matism andall painful complaints and in juries the cheapest medicine in use is dr thomas eclectric oil because so little of it is required to effect a cure for croup diphtheria and diseases of the lungs aud throat whether used for bathing the chest or jhroat for tatdng internally or iuhalina v it is a matchless compound ladies troubled with fimples blotches bough hands or face or sores of any de scription should use mcgregor a parkers carbolic cerate it will leave the skin iu perfect health smooth clean and iu good color be sure and get the genuine made by ilcgregor parke price 25 cents sold at dr megarvins drus store to avliom it niny concern geo w piatt of picton says he can confidently recommend burdock blood bitters to any who suffer from loss of ap petite constipation and general debility that remedy having cured him after severe illness from the same complaints 1 a dilapidated physiqu e may be built up and fortified against disease by that in comparable promoter of digestion and fertilizer of theblood northrop lymans vegetable discoveryand dyspeptic cure it counteracts biliousness and kidney- complaints overcomes bodily ailments especially with the feebler sex causes the bowels toact like clockwork and is a safe guard against malaria and rheumatism reader in informing you of this wonderful remedy for coughs colds asthma bronchitis consumption and all affections of the throat and lungsfwe feel we are doing you agreat kindness as if you have any of the asove complaints if you will only try it we will guarantee satisfaction in every case or money refund ed ask for ilcgregorsladg- compound price aud 100 per bottle at pf mc- garvins drug store miss mary carnpbell elm writes after taking four bottles of northrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspep tic cure i feel as if i were a new person i had been troubled with dyspepsia for a number of years and tried many remedies but of no avail until i used this celebrated r dyspeptic cure for all impurities of the blood sick headache liver and kidney complaints costiveness etc it is the best medicine kuown iiohoicajsointmcnindpukglauioat swellings in the throat neuralgia tic dol- oreox rheumatism gout lumbago and other diseases affecting the glands muscles and nerves of sensation are permanently eradicated by this healing antifebrile and and soothing preparation it is also a perfect remedy for all skin diseases and every kind of superficial inflammation which soon lose their angry and painful character under this invaluable ointment the pills have never been administered either by hospital or private practitioner in dyspepsia or liver complaints without producing the desired result dangers of delay ii we were allowed to lookinto the future and bee the fatal consequences that follow a neglected cold how differently would our course be could we realize our danger how speedily we would seek a cure but witbiianyit is only when the monster diseafe has fastened its fangs npon onr lungs that wo awaken to our folly what- follows a neglected cold is it riot dibease of the throafaud lungs bronchitis asthma consumption and many other diseases of like nature it is worse than madness to s neglect a cold andltf is folly not to have some good remedy available for this fre quent complaint one of the most effica cious medicines for all diseases of the throat and lungs is bickles anticonsump tive syrup this medicine is composed of several medicinalherbs which exert a most wonderful influence in curing consumption and other diseases of thejungs and chest it promotes a freeandeasy expectoration soofljea irritation and drives the disease from the system painful cffi throat rl affectioiis nil id likhtiiine there avij bn t few that have never suffered almost tut ilerable pain from toothache neuralgia or like acute pains to them such au instantrehef as fluid lightning ts an untold blessing in tinic of trouble xo dugustmg ilveusive medicines to be taken liys tii4mplioatioii of fluid lieht- uing cure sold at j k mettarvins drug store 9 successful itcsiill mr fra lk hendry writing from sca- forth say i purchased one bottle of burdock lood bitters to purify my blood it did pujrifyit and now i have jixcellent health r s a blood purifying tonic and system rejulator the result of taking b b b is aluais successful reasons why you should purchase fluid lightning iu preference to all other medi cines are rapid result cures instantly it is easi y applied no trouble no lost time it iocs not require constant use- one applit ation is effectual one bottle will remoxemore pains thaii any other rem6- dy in existence try it for neuralgia toothache headache rheumatism sold at 25c a lottle by dr mcgarvin druggist the los krstorcil ira mcneill of poplar hill out states that his brother aged 12 was afflicted with cold from thq effects of which is voice ilagvards pectoral ayers sarsaparilla is n high- 1 ly iciuitiitiiittd medicine rclentitlnilly compounded of the genuine honduras sur- sapnrtlln yellow dock mandrake shi- 1 linsln iodide of potassium nml iron and other iugnfllcuts of great strcngtlinnd curative virtue ayers sarsaparilla has liecn tested by and has received the unqualified commendation of 1000000 famlllob in tho united states ami 7000000 families throughout tho world ayers sarsaparilla is tho only blood purifier that lias gained and rotnlued tho confidence of the pcoplo of tropical countries where such medi cines nro in great demaud ayer8 sarsaparilla is tho most popular blood purifier among sailors and is iu ninefenths of the msdl- cincchcsts of tho best class of american english german and danish vessels ayers sarsaparilla contains ho arsenic and no aloes as do many falsely called alteratives foisted upon tho credulity of the public ayers sarsaparilla has been ior many years recognized as the best alterative iiud tonic medicine in all civilized countries ayers sarsaparilla promptly relieves from general debility nervous prostration aud derangement of tho vital organs ayers sarsaparilla effects radical cures of all maladies aris ing from the taint of scrofulous or con tagious diseases or the corruptlou of mercury iu the system ayers sarsaparilla is endorsed by the medical profession and regularly prescribed by many leading practitioners hon f tfwitt oxmayor of liihrll and exstrite senator says that tin- ui1 preparation of fttrmtpmillu tjtint mtiin do real lasting good iu cleansing the blood and expelling poisonous mutter from the system is ayers sarsaparilla miiton fox the largest limdowner and farmer of mmdlcw co viw credits his euro of scrofulous humor and dyspepsia to- the thorough puiiil- cation of his blood by ayers sarsaparilla waitttkn lelaxp the famous xn york laudlord testllles from his own knowledge that for the cure of liver disorders gout salt ltlteuin mid varloustcsults of high living there is no mcdlciuo equal to ayerjs sarsaparilla iilltam pllllwrs glover 17 nttets the cure of hereditary scrofula in three generations of his family by ayers sarsaparilla tiiosn cook wast somcrriucmnys was cured of severe eczema and rimtid from a rapid decline by ayers sarsaparilla the slstfns ov ciiakitv dnrchrslir mass voucji for the alterative mid curative virtues of ayers sarsaparilla john j ryan philadelphia professional baseball player was cured of rheumatism by ayers sarsaparilla d bjkfrr bin springs ohio foil- acs thai his sou fifteen years old was cured of cafhrrh in its worst form by ayers sarsaparilla amherst wnitmorte lintmarirl- me retired seacaptain was cured of a i cancer by ayers sarsaparilla the attestations of a myriad of unimpeachable witnesses might be cited were it necessary to prove the almost miraculous cures effected by this only really effective blood purifying medicines ayers sarsapapilla 9 prepared by a terrible he lost 1 balsam cluredthe cold and restored his the most perfect manner he says it cannot be exceeded as a remedy for coughs aijd bolds merit proveu dollar lipon dollar is frequently spent on of recommendations for articles worthless not so with mc gregors speedy cure you are not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at i e mcgarvins drug store and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure you of theworst forms of dys- pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how lour standing it costs you nothing sold in coc and 1 bottles see testimon ials from people in your own town 29 itrtynupllc symptom and cure mptomsare moisture likeperspir- dr j c ayer c0 analytical chemists lowell mass sold by all druggists price 1 six bottles for ssj announcement mleod ameijlson co in making iheir announcement for the spring wouhksay that owing to iiiiforsceu circumstances and the hard tiines prevalent in the com munity tliey haye been nimble la ciirryjout their announcement of dissolution of partucidliip the said partnership willherefore con- tinuo for one year longer so as to give all uartieh who arc siill owing us on account a further opportunity to calljand settle tlieir aceou its we purpose to do business entirely for cash or produce no goods will be charged wu will sell goods chcapj we have had such anlrx- lieiieiieo of i he oldlime credit business which enables us to say that it is a very unfair way of doing business tlio honest and trusty man who pays up promptly has to pa for the dishoyenl man who never payfi at all vo are satisfied that every person who looks at the cash system of doing business willsay that it is the only honest and fair principle of doing business wo can buy cheaper you wiill buy cheaper w will sell good at wholesale prices- payingcash and getting all tho ad vantages which does nccrue to the cash buyer try our system see our goods compare prices iiud we nre satisfied you will save lio pyr cent on all goods purcnased from us i i laities we are this season showing the neatest and most stvjish mil- iinehv mantiiis c e all new and latest styles duiws gooiis dukss tnnmings birnoss knixiiiiscoc cj ail to match di ess- makind in all thenewcst styles done on the premises unertlie laarf- agemout of a firstclass iressinnker ladies buy your dress gooiis leave your orde if you want a fashionable dress puinisj musi ins lawns and 1ixiiams all new heat and nobby our ordered clothing department we can speak with pride about it we have the finest and most extensive stock of tweeds trowskk- iniis itc in the province and our ju tier is aj no 1 try our nobby lits and cheap prices gents furnishings in grand style and large assortment heady- made clothind very cheap big stock to bilect from- j carpets in brussels tapestry and ply wool union arid hemp- oil cloths all widths and prices all tobe sold cheaper than the cheapest jur stap e department is very full cottons to jer yard up white coitonsoc towels 3c ahusus 2oc cottokahes ducku aiid denims from 12je up men women and children you cannot fail io save money by bey ing your goods from us try and see we are in oarnest we- will kell iiieai ion cash only no more bad debts and our dutorners will re ceive the bonefit dont delay but come and see our cheap goods and you will surely buy s j mcleod anderson co mammoth house geokpetown grand trunk railway lioiska8t ilixel sooiuiji exiircrt 710 am iuhu iiinil jlo2jiin ilirougli ex 547 iii ooino wljkti exjuird 1jj7 11 express 11 hi an mail 545 p lr siecinl hs0 pu acconi 1010 jii accoiiicoljciisiooaiu cldeiiuii kxprcbs jocl not ftop letwceikliiclpl mii1 ioiinto timi oe cvoino iallh ooiiii west 1010 am and 5r pm gniufi east vq njui unit 5zu pm kiiglibh mail closenat i am oitwerliiebilay canadian pacific railway to sil loints east and west pf we return our sincere thanks to these of our customers who have always been our friends and trust they vvilljconfjnue to pat ronize us i i large importations this week from europe for the right house tense itching increased by scratch- ttistresaing particularly at uight if piu- worms werecivvliugin and erectum the private parts are es affected it allowed to continue very serious results may follow swayxes oistmed is a pleasant sure cure also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty s kin diseases sent by mail for 50 cents 3 boxes 125 in stamps ad dress i r s wayne son philadelphia pa sqld by druggists 50 wl at is mcgregors speedy cure for it is for dyspepsia liver complaint in digestion biliousness and it is thefinest blood r urifier in the known world today do s it give satisfaction we cannot point to one instance where it did i ot where does it have the largest sale eight iu the city of hamilton where it is manufactured there has been over one thousand dollars worth sold in the last years retail and the great majority of the sales are by one recommending it to anoth er for sale at 50c and slooper bottle ic4t anil comfort io i lie sumriii browns household panacea lias no equal lor relievine pain both internal and external it cures pain in the side bacli or bolwels sore throat rheumatism tooth pain o en the js won acea just see the millinery and the mantles they are really charming this season forteal beauty and artistic skill the hats bonnets feathers flowprs ornaments beads stockinet broehe and kiu mantles and the mantle and dress ornaments imported this spring surpass those of former years very much the new dress goodsare cheaper than tver the winter black and coloicd dress goods are marked down to cost aud many df them far below cost prices the mantles mantle cloths silks mrveiueux broclies silk haudkerclnefs and piles of other goods which were marked below cost prices will all be sold off at the reduced rates as- goods are not markec up at the kight house soventylive dozen of ladies fine embroidered hose just imported and are selling off at only i cents seventy six dozen of beautiful taffeta silk gloves well worth 37jc areofferiug at only ull cent- fortyeight electric gossamers at 1 each which are wortli double the price very handsome all- wool french dress goods offering lit 18 and 0c the styles are churniini nice line black allwool french cashmeres at only 30c at hue 02ac and 75c they are immense widths fine and heavy but at 85c iloe 1 5112j and 125 theylook magnificent there are rfet black and blue black from 85c up a case lof very rich black crape iu double treble and quadruple makes arrived lately they are very fine aud heavy and range in prices from 50c to 4 per yard six cases of new dress goods arrived lasfrweek making 21 cases this spring two eases of mantles and mantle glotli imported this week seven casesof french belgian swiss and british laces arrived lately five cases of rich and really charming silks just to hand a case of rouillons best french icid glomes just arrived from france making rive cases this spring of kid silk and lisle gloves in the very latest styles one case of beautiful parasols direct from the foreign manufacturers- makingthreejcases already two cases of parisian jerseys in the top of the fashion a case of ladies hats arrived this week being the fifth this season beautiful mantle trimmings arrived this week good pure linen towelling at only 5c per yard two cases of new f ami era arrived lately fortytwo baits of caipets arrived already the very best brussels carpets selling off at only 125 au enormous stock of new and fashionable carpets oilcloths linoleums window shades carpet sweepers stair rods mattings mats rugs etc all selling at very cheap rates juttsee the gray cottons the white cottons the tickings he cottcnadts thetweeds ducks denims etc the very eood that they surprise customers up lo this day theie haye 241 packages of new spring ioods arrived mind the stmes are one door west df hughson king street east the name is i thomas c hamilton pnl 15th 1ssu condkxhkii tisii taiiie 1 i p torontotodetroitjst thomas and chicago wtfst kx chicago fix local kx toronto h iohui 1 15 pm 4 15pni htretsvillcjun9 hi im 5 25 kttliotuas 12 5pin 5 25 8 55 detroit 5 1 i i k 45 chicnfo 7 ooiiin 8 05 am n toronto to montreal and quebec limitejl fix toronto y io am ottawa fi ii pm montreal 10 00 f quelicc g so am montreal kx 8 ik p111 i lisam k 18 l 2ti pm brampton tobtreetsvillejunotion braimitoii l iijaim 4 55 pm streetsvillejet 755 5 25 brampton to orangeville aifd oweirsound lirauipton 7 a m 5 55pm orungeville 8 45 708 owen sound 2 4apni 1020 purchase your tickets by this and popular line jamesj matthews tldkkt aliket 6 acton j ont -acton- meat market rutledge grosson butchers have purchased the business of mr k holmes ajid solicit a share of public patronage the members of thefirm are practical batchers and are prepared to euiure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always be found on hand a full stock of all kinds of meat c iii season r we have settled in acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win public confidence aud support- rutledge crosson- acton feb th 1880 t watk1its value is so street on che lumbago und any kind of a ache it jvill most surely quick bipod and heal as its acting power verful browns household pan- being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use wl en wanted as it really is the best rernerl in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and isifor sale by all druggists at 25 cents bottle 44 pro ninent among the greatest medica discovsries by the many cures it hasaifect ed migmjorispefdi cure leads the van subje ted to the minutest chemical analysis ithas ieen found to contain one of those injurhus ingredients characterizing the worthless- specifics laily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul- ar adipf ability to the various corrjplaints for wl ich it has been compounded and its efficacy is befog established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we can ofer to the public with the assurance that i will be found not only a relief but n absolute cure tor dyspepsia liver com- plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgatvins drug store 3j am ice io motueiis are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for ci lildren teething its value isincal- culab e it- will relieve the poor little suf ferer mniediately depend upon it moth ers 1 here is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stom ich and bowels cures wind colic softei s the gums reduces inflammation and ijives tone and energy to the whole syste n mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the tfste and is the prescription of one of the 6 dest and best female physicians and nurb b in tbfiunlted states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mits winslows soothing svbci and takeyio other kind from the cradle to the grave i i i j speight bon furniture dealers and tjadertakejjs acton having ertcted a tine new showroom have just received a uewancl wellassorted stock of furniture of all kinds of the laest designs including parlorifurniture bedroom suites bureaus sofas lounges tables chairs rockers bedsteads and cradles aud everything else that any fauiih requires in the furniture line during tlieir journey from th- cradle to te lirave ami wiltan pieparh them for the grave loo for we have on hand a huge stock of coffins caskets etc of all kinds and si and all other funeral furnishings we will supply all on the shortest notice nod int reasonable terms a first clan hearse drawn by a well matched team for hire j a speight manager grand millinery opening t tjsmr i golds ist lioiesr removed removed amalgamation of mckay bros and r j mckay our forced sate of dry goods and carpets will be continued at 4 ina street east bexttochina palace immense balkiaixs will be ilvex 2inci twill sheeting reduced to 25c wortli 37c 42inch pillow cotton reduced to 8je table linens reduced io 2oc wortli 35c tweeds reduced to 35 worth 50c gents furnishings all reduced ginghams rcducel to 12jc flannels all reduced dress goods reduced to 5c cashmeres reduced to 25c silks all reduced in price ladies hosiery reduced to 20c worth 35c silk handkerchiefs reduced to 50c worihsl prints reduced to 5c worth 10c kid gloves 23c wortli 75 c carpets filclnths lace curtains blankets etc all ledticed we have not room forall our stock and are offering extraordinary inducements to clear out lines we will hold auction sale at no 70 king street east every afternoon commencing monday april 5 to clear out balance of dry goods and carpets im c ik jit b ir o s cor king and john sts hamilton cuelph nos 5 afid 7 wyndham st 84 oswald st clasgovy thursday friday and saturday istk 16ttl and 17th insts mrs eh pass cuelph millinery opening ladies we be to inform youjhat millinery show kooms are now open new spring h ats- feathers flowers wi5tgs laces gloves ladies kindly give us a call j our dress and mantle making 1 iu this department we are fully prepared io execute all borders intrusted to our care our reputation being established for the fast fifteen years ve neeftot tell our nu merous enstpmcrs they are sure of a fit and latest styles piiiciis to- scit alj civrnmns i jackets and sypases cttnd pjttdd stfaw and cm p hats made over iu all the latest steles we haye on hand a lare assortment of hair switches saratoga waves frizzes itc ac i aliriuixtices wtntkii 51 lower wyndham street acton planing mills williamson eamshaw lllmuiktoii ladies all cordially invitedto atteadi no cards 11 e a lth 0 u all hollowats pills and ointment the pills purify llio blood obrrect all disorders of the iive11 stomach kidnfcys and bowels tjiey invigorate and restore to health dcbililnted corjstitutlons and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of all afes for children and the ajed they are priceless the ointment is an infallable remedy for bad lvb kad bicasts oh wounds sores und ulcers it is famous for gout and rheumatism for disorders of the chest it lias noecjual f0 b0b tssoats saohobitte 00tohs 00ws glandular swellings aud all skin diseases it has no rival and for contraoted and still lointsit acts like a charm mamifacturecl only at thomas hollo ways establishment 73 novr osforl street late 533 oxford street toadon en and aiesold at is lid 2s 9d 4s id lis 22s aud each box or pot and may be had of all medicine vendors thoughout the world uarpurcuasers sliould look to ihe label onthe pots and boxes if llie addicfs is not 533 oxford street loudon they aio spurious i rn o 13 0 o m o s m j 3 o x 0 c a o u til o o o k d p o 0 li o o 3 aj 3 c o c o d j 0 0 o j 0 x o o 0 s r in u 0 3 d m 0 01 a d n 0 o a s 3 o s d s j d 3 m 0 3 u o a s ci a c u v v u o v o 01 ec hi a h 3 55 m o 0 n t1 s u o o u c 3 lu o 3 3 n u d e a o 13 o 0 u d u s h3 u o o b- 0 j 3 0 0 o t 31 u t 01 u 45 m ed d 13 u 3 a a 3- 3 0 a s 3 o s bo j 0 cj a o a m f ij o u c 0 u 0 iii v fe o d t3 v d 0 43 si oull stock of french dress goods silks satins milliaery mantles fancy and staple pry goods is unequalled in guelph our dressmaker miss todd has already earned for herself a most enviable reputation as being at the top of her profession the steadily increasing orderslhat she is receiving shows that bhe is appreciated remember thursday ifriday saturday i- v of this week r the lion of giielph holds his spring millinery opening and that the fuue will be refunded to anyone on saturdays who buys so wortli and on any other day to anyone who buys 10 worth of drv goods j d williamson co subscribe i m ai for acton the free to 1st january press i 75 cents 75 1887 builder and contractor bask door- and- blind factory i a prepared to put on storm doors win dows weather strips etc on short notice winter porches erected neatly and at reasonable prices we have one of fleurys celebrated chop- pins mills and will chop all kinds of grain on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays t a ramshaw managers go to- waters bros the picture gallery guelph for artist mahrialt oil and water colors crayons canvas dritinij papers brushes dr oil paintings steel engravings chromos o frames op all kindsj mouldings room and picture cornices and cornice poles spring rollers and window shades fromooccomplete fancy goods suitable tor wedding and birthday presents ac cspyisitors can have their pictures framed while in the oitv so bring them with you to waters bros the picture gallery near the post oflice newspaper wpagw 2iru2l or s the best bookforan lalmfpbllltljs to con- ildent18im6 h pen d3grr f or otherwisoi s2 1 o newspapers and estimates of tne cost of advertisln g tbo advertiser who wants to spend dne douar flndsln it the in- rormationnerequlrebtvhlferorhlmffljotylll invest one hundrett thousand dollars in ad vertising a scheme is indicated which will meet his every requirement or can be made to do so by flight changes easily arrived at bycor- respondence 149 editions have been issued sent postpaid to any addressfor 10 cents write to geo p howell co kewspaper advertising bureau 10 spruce stprintinc iouse sq kew york j to all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth nervous weak ness early decay loss of manhood c 1 will send you a recipe that will cure von bree of charge tins great remedy- was discovered by a missionary in south america send a selfaddressed envelope to the rev joskiui t inman station d new york city a -1- vol z every freepre3 actt onk ykuij tn i n variably f 125 per veaij tiuued tilli al option ot thel space one columul half column quarter colw one inch 1 casual advd first ihsertiorl sequent inber rf reckoned by tl scale of solid advertseml will bcihsertj ugly trahsl n advauce changes fol in the office t they will bell this pas tpnleiftgburl loniracts i bus wl ber of coljel office anq frederick gestj trini ity medical of plasiciail olfick 0 l lbe c m den new systeml monly callel teeth withof strator and collide of rousmayde iu any ope acton everl month oi jst1r1 onta college of cb have serted ori ij in urn and i rous oxidej ate appol rtovells tario veterinary in kenny- deuce hi thl soundness f au calls ed to teii tohnsl barrister aucers ttc oiij e fjb jj m sol olkice- office main at 6 per ceil 43hiltoi okiicks- aud 8g kml v t uianj b aix olfkeri 1 lingtou stii alley torj john bvj william hex 20 years for the cc orders left or at riil promptly i alsomol abietermsf terest in i surve1 cial orders byl tended toj perth stt1 tohn okffck- square 1 tohn it isu money per cent loaned for security properlv farms an with farm dominion culuted ii wanting fj rectious tl c farms w deuce iuvi 4 i guelph d rttrle h au easv si seafoam j given ill 1 conditioiil tastily put it x

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