Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1886, p. 1

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r a m tc m i 111 kx iu mil ind km r ablic itical aeir there jstopk and aess lublic 5s ki our i open es pared care t the- nn- a fit all jin all nt of pi eet ills soot win- short ly and i chop- grain tys gen m ater t i jbbj t3 rags rih s h irnicea and xb e edding t3h ictures r them h i i office jh sea- or an coo j fwfco be in- bwta baa jds hm nsce fr2 r mpb errors l weak- id i e yon- pbwth bvelbpej p new i i -sslbs- p volume xl xo 45 j j 18 r-cblishelv- every thursday morning xt tbk fjk press power printing house acton ontario subscription rates- one yiak 100 six months thbkitmontus 23 ct8 invariably iu advance if uo naid iii advauoo 123 jor voir trill bo chargod o paper discon- tiuuod till all arrears aro paid oxcopt at the option of thepublishor advertising rates- octb spjvc one cslutuu uifco00 half column 35cb quarter coluinv 2000 on incbi i g00 1 1 yb j 6 mo a mo 1 1 mo 700 s3500 92000 2000 laoo 1300 700 850 200 350 250 100 casttal advertisements b cents per lino for tbo firstinsortiou and 2 cents per liuo for each sub sequent insertion cash the number of lines reckoned by tine space ocaupiod measured by a scalo of solidnonpareil advertisements without specific directions will bo insertedtill forbid and charged accord- ugly transitory advertisements must be paid n advance climigcsfor contract advertisements must be in the office by 9 am on mondays otherwise tbey will be left over until the following week h p moore v editor and proprietor tuic dk dcd may found on file at geo v 11110 rarck kowell cos newspaper ad fcrtlsln boreau roc sutwlwre adtctusw lontracijiajbemadotork lnjiew v0rb- business directory h lowry m b m c p s graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street acton agt0n banking coy storey christie co bankers actrin ontario 1 general banking business transacted monet loafed on approved notes notes discounted and interest a lowed on deposits h cineral agents j no estate money rented chattle and other uators farms changed call at bus ce stacey md cm graduate of trinity university fellow of trin ity medical school member of the college of physicians and surgeons office campbells hotel l l bennetjt lds dentist georgetown ontario a c mckinlay ld s surgeon dentist georgetown ont uses the new system of nitrons oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain having been demon strator and practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto pat rons may depend upon receiving satisfaction iu any operations performed- will visit actcjn every other wednesday of each month office agnews hotel j stirton lds mrcds college of dental surgery successor to c b hayes lds artificial teeth in serted on robber celluloid gold or alum inum and satisfaction guaranteed nit rous oxide gasadministered fees moder ate appointments made by leteer office tovells block opposite p o guelph john lawson graduate ofon- tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton ont office in kenny brosboot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates giyen all palls night or day promptly attend ed to terms- easy johnston mclean barristers solicitors nqtaries convey ancers c private funds to loan office town hail acton e fjb johnston wm av mcleas and the accomm enter at wpftlfiflls fmmwmm acton ontario thursday may 6 188 mcdonald cp 2 victoria st toronto insurance agents to loan at six per 3nsiness chances mortgages promissory securities negotiated cent houses notes valu- or other properties sold or ex- fneepnjss office -guelph- ness college guelph ontario qhoice new wall paper -wit1i- borders to match newest- styles colorings and eleprant designs for 1886 diy8 bookstore cuelph best stock to select trom lowest pricetand best value at days bookstore young men and women ake thoioughly prepared for positions as bookkeet ers shorthand writers caligraph or telegi aph operators students have attendance trom nine provinces es within tpe past year our graduates are meeting vvkh marked suc cess in the commercial centres of canada united states rates moderate xiation excellent students may any time forterms efc address m mccormick principal u6m lunjibdr shingles and lath ftho uui ersisued desires to inform the public jl that having s smith able pric fire day sells cheap mrsehpass cuelph thursday mobkiko mat 0 1880 e0sthy- he has now on hand and will keep iu iep stock a fi u lino 6f pine and hemlock as well as other kin is of lumber also first and second class pin i shingles lath coal wood lurchased the coal business of mr c fi am prepared to supply all kiuda of stove coil i have also a good stock of wood hardwoo l ash cedar and mill wood at reason- iood and coal delivered jambs bkowk mutual insurance company of the c0tjnt7 of veilington established 1840 head office cuelph m emitchell soliciiolt conveyanceb c ofhce first door west of the champltm office main street milton money to loan at 6 per cent f chilton allan baird barristers solicitors c- touoxto axi georgetown offices creelmans block georgetown aad 80 king street east toronto w t allan j shiltov ba j baibt ba tais laidlaw co babkistebs sf solicitous ofhces over imperial bank 24 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto john bain q c c a mastex willloi laiulaw geobge kafpele insurusibuildiugs merchandize manu- factoriei f and all other descriptions of propert on the premium note system fjw stone cnas- davidson president secretary j0hn tayloe agent firo fire fire buraea out but not destroyed ing perfected arrangements tjhe rebuilding of the patents secured for inventions henry grist ottawa canada 20 years practice no patent no pay w m hemstreet licexsed arcnoxeen for tbja counties of wellington and halton ordjitef t at the fbek pbess office acton or jeny residence in acn will be promptly attended to terms reasonable money to loax alsomouey to loan cifa the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 8500 and upwards surveyor john davis provin cial land surveyor and pe guelph orders by mail or telegraph promptly at tended to charges moderate office 33 perh st guelph john day architect gplphont offiie queens hotel block market square livii jo millinery opening ladieswe beg to inform you that our millinery show rooms are now open new spring hats i featrers flowers wings laces gloves ladies kindly give us si call our dress and mantle making in this department we are fully prepared to execute all orders intrusted to our care our reputation being established for the last fifteen years we need not tell our nu merous customers they are sure of a fit and latest styles pmces to suit all crsiomebs jackets and drosses out and fitted straw and chip hats made over in all the latest styles we have on hand a large assortment of hair switches saratoga waves frizzes ax do aitbextices wanted 51 lower wyndham street wellington marble works quebec st guelfh today lord for tomorrow and its needs i do not pray keep me my god from stain of sin just for today let me both diligently work and duly pray let me be kind in word and deed jnst for today lot me be slow to do ray will promptly to obey help me to mortify my flesh just for today let me no wrong or idle word unthinking say set thou a seal upon my lips just for today let me in season lord be grave in season gay let me be faithful to thy grace just for today and if my tide of life should ebb away give me thy love divine sweet lord today lord for tomorrow and its needs i do not pray but guide me guard me keep me lord just for today keep my heart pure o christ clean bwept for thee help me to conquer thought just for today help me to bend my pride help me to say let others be preferred in all just for today i help me to give up ajl flowers by the way and with thy thorncrown be content just for today let thy lbve conquer doubt cast fear away let me be firm in faith just f or today lord let me not xora plain nor thy will gainsay help me to bear my cross just for today our story john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite aud everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble for planing mill at the head of- rivbr stteet recently de stroyed by fire andrpurchasednewmaohin- ery we would inforta the public that on or about tl le 1st of may we will be in a better position than ever tt supply theilf wants iu the shape of deese1n0 lumbeb ssestqta flboexltg mouldings fcc also in the meantime pumps will be repaired and general job bing done as usual tbanlking you for past favors and hoping by stri t attention to business and reason able pri ces to merit an increased share of patrons ge we are respectfully yours tiios ebbage manager haviug lately visited tho bay of fuudy granite quarries and having purchased the entire stock of gray and red granite monuments headstones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than eost i will until further notice sell at phces never before known in ontario foir in stance granite monuments g ft high c07 ft 673 8 ft 990 9 ft 100 10 ft s120 all work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this line will do well to call and see me beifore purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee my prices are from 30 to 50 por cent below all other dealers acton meiat market rutledge crosson butchers j acton 88 un street acton- business j of mrj r a share of public 1 john j daley successor to thompson jacksono money to loan on farmproperty at 6 per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatly charges low farms and city property for sale list with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to in tending purchasers and cir culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through our european agencies farms wanted for our lists correspon- dence invited office mear the post office ijuelpk ont mhe hanlan barber shop r mill sthbet actos an easy bhave a stylish haircut a good seafoam an exhilarating shampop always given razors boned and put in firstclass condition ladies and children hair tastily cut j p wpbdeh toireorial artist r- wm mr e smith ppoppieiop smith has purchased the livery busineijs of mr h b mccarthy vhich he has removed to his commodious stables on joh i street in the centre of thebminebb portion of the townj mr smith has had lengtbj experience in this business and feels co undent that he can give satisfaction to ever r patron anyne desiring a commercial plea sure oompauy riff oa bn p witha firstclass turnout on the shprtest notice hoi see boarded and so ierrpsreasonablo iwiit b smitih fci- have purohased the holmes and solicit patronage the members of the firm are practical batchers and are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always be found on hand a fall stock of all kinds of meat ac in season j we have settled in acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win publio confidence and support j l rutledge crosson- acton feb 9th 1886 dont read this d the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstrclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles w sh tub9 churns butter tubs j pork barrels wood also flour an 5 peed r and anything in the line of armors house- keepers or contractors nee issities thoj o mooeie an unexpected answer by mary e moffat now donald i doubt but yon are fool ing no wife would do that for a nian no matter how much she thought of him the young man addressed sprang up from his- seat go with me james and you too law rence king and ill drove the truth of my words if mary le 3run does not cheer fully get us up a supi er fit for a prince at my asking late thot gh it be you may set me down for a concei ted idiot all right well go and if the mis tress does as you say shes an angel and such an exacting man as you are is not worthy of her the speaker was lawrie king a fine manlylooking lellov r whose face would have been pleasant t sec bad it not car ried upon it the tract s of dissipation the three were bn companions and had been since their boyhood i am sorry to say that the inuocsnt fun and mischief of that tinje had cegenerated into card playing and a fondm ss for the intoxicating cup in their maturer years donald lebrutf was the only one of the three who married as often the case he had won the heart of a girl who deserved a better fate she was pretty and capa ble as the neighbor called it and managed her dairy with primi success her butter and cheese always commanded the highest market priqe throughall of donalds excesses she had never given him an angry word and he had even now been r taking the boast that late as it was if heveut home and asked her to cook a fine meal for him she would do it cheerfully the young men svere in that convivial state when reason has not her full sway and anything strang a or improbable takes the fancy they at once caug lit at the proposition and went with donajld to his home hwa8 some two miles disttjit andthey made the cold frosty air rhjg with their hilarious mirth for a time 1 then lawrie and james began to feelun easy and ashamed at the thought of their errand and they tri id to dissuade donald from it but his pride was aroused he would not hear of a retreat and being thfr stronger nature he carried his point his wife came to the door she looked tt him doubtfully evidently fearing to find him in the maudlin state which alas 1 was too often his condition her face brightened suddenly when she heard him say in hi s natural tone of voice well molly here i am thebadpenny back again and two others to keep me company at this rather ambiguous introduction lawrie and james bowed shamefacedly and mrs le brun aid pleasantly i am glad to set yon come in that we will molly if you will promise to get us some sap per im hungry as a xhrncis nunan successor to t f bhapman bookbinder stgedrgeb square g telph ontario account books of all kind i made to order periodicals of every desor ption oarelully bound ruling neatly and promptly done h bear tell jane to hurry up the fire jane has gone t her mothers for the evening bat 1 will aid all right hurijyup have a game of waiting j- as mrs le bran get your sapper don s come boys fets lominoes while were turned to his friend triumphantly i told you so itoji yotf what the shoe ought to i had a wife like that left the room donald that girl would go through fire and water for me and uncom plainingly too donald said lawrie be on the other foot if wait till you gelt one add then preach j j said donald langhiagly bat bomethmg in his tone warned 3 iawne to say no more and they were soon engrossed in their game an hour passedby before mary le bran came in come donald all is ready she said pleasantly and led the way to the kitchen it was an immense room with strings of dried peppers hanging in glossy red festoons across the huge cavernous fireplace in whioh some hickory logs were sending bat a oheerf ul light as they snapped and crack led in consuming strings of dried apples and of pumpkin kept them company as well as flitches of bacon and noblelooking smoked hams all told of a careful indus- trious housewife the table too was covered with snowy cloth and on it was a daintily prepared repast everything was perfect in its way from the crisp brown of the cold chicken to the pale green of the pickles mrs le brun poured ont a oup of frag- rant mocha for eich of her guests and then seated herself at a convenientdistance with her knitting for a time little was said as the tempting viands disappeared then donald called out cups are empty molly and his wife oame and refilled them lawrie was the most impulsive of the party and many thoughts had seethed through his busy brain as he sat at the table j now as lie looked at the comely face of the hostess he saw traces of badness upon it underlying all its studied cheerfulness of expression he baid suddenly not stopping to think whether or not donald would be pleased what makes you so kind and painstak ing mrs lebrun there isnt one wo man in a thousand who would do av you have this evening and to tell the truth i didnt believe it of yon or i wouldnt have come here and sanctioned putting yon to so much tronble i just wanted the fun of seeing donalds brags about his wife come to nothing donalds eyes flashed fire at this speech he half rose from his chair but sat down again evidently putting a strong restraint upon himself mary looked at lawrie in surprise as he spoke and smiled faintly apparently think ing a reply unnecessary but donald spoke up suddenly speak out molly and satisfy thef ellow what does make you so willing to do any thing that your wild donald asks ofyou mary flushed painfully athis words she had been brought up in the friends faith wherein an evasion is considered a lie a question putdirectly to her she felt com pelled to answer truly whether it should occasion pleasure or anger it was the first time donald had asked her such a question and he watched her face expectantly thinking to hear an answer pleasing to his selflove marys reply came upon him like a thun derbolt in a cloudless sky in her embar rassment at having to give utterance to the painful truth she unconsciously assumed the quaint quaker dialect because i love thee donald arid it is my wish that thou shbuldst have much comfort in ibis world for surely thou wilt have sorrow and tribulation in the world to come for it is written that no drunkard shall see heaven her words btruck upon- donald like a conviction it seemed as though a subte influence vibrated through the truth which he had evoked from the lips of his quiet uncomplaining wife night after night rose accusingly to his memory with visions of the gamingtable and of the fiery souldestroying draughts which had stimulated him from one mad excess to another he had surely bartered his hopes of salvation for a mess of pot tage an interval of some moments elapsed lit seemed an eternity to mary love and obedience to her husband had been her rul ing passion and she feared the effect of her words upon him at last donald rose to his feet and moved toward his wife lawrie and james knew of his hasty temper and fearing they knew not what rose also what was their surprise to see donald put his arm about marys waist and lraw her to him is it so molly 1 then by him who made me you shallhaveno more fears for my soul i his solemn manner gave his wordathe effect of a more formal attestation and his really fine face lit up witji aglow of enthu siasm as he looked from one to the other what do you say boys shall we give a happy heart to this httle woman and sign the pledge why not be chums in amendment as we have been in our wild frolios nosecond appeal was necessary the more enthusiastic lawrie drew james for ward get the papers mrs le brunl ill sign and so will james here too ill speak ior him v it was enough mary le brun felt a lightness df heart to which the had long been a stranger as she went to the old- fashioned desk where donald kept his ac counts and brought from it writing materials donald signed his name in bold charac ters then james and lastly lawrie j now molly pray for ns that we ipay hot fall into temptation and break our promise i will donald i will i not aday shall pass that i do not thank god for this great happiness and ask him to help you to keep in the path of right t it proved to be indeed a turning point in donalds life he had been the leading spirit in drawing his friends into following after the devices of the great enemy of gouls and he was the chosen instrument with the blesbing of god tor their conver sion they are now steady welltodo men fh young families growing up like olive branches wound them w i j x t j i fs v rm brjoe three gets thir place at church is npver vacant and no unanswered call is ever made upon their fletnoric- purses charity ahdreligion go with them hand in hand and are the leading principles of their livesj as to mary le brun husband and chil dren rise np and call her blessjed and her earthly life is a foretaste in its calm hap pinessj of the joys which are in store for those accounted worthy of the kingdom of heaven i write to mother boys some of you who read this are ab- sent from home you aro attending a school learning a trade j or engaged in some kindjof employment that has balled you away j there is a mother at home who longs to hear from you often do you give her that privilege or are you willing to let her watch j day after day until the thought comes forcing its way into her heart that you have forgotten her or care more for- the new associates around you da you realize that her thoughts are with you oftener and linger much longer with you than yours with her you are young and are out in the world which jhej knows is full of snares and temptations and while her confidence in your strength of character may be great yet she- cannot keep back the anxions thoughts that come unbidden especially when she has not heard from you for a longtime j she jmows that this is an important period of your life a great change is going on you are developing into something can you suppose her to have aught but the deepest solicitude in knowing what that something shall be she has foregone much pleasure for your sake and has cen tered many hopesifl you shecannot help feeling a deep interest in watching the re- bait of her years of labor in your behall j iknow a boy who during a years ab sence wrote but two letters to his mother at the close of the year he was summoned hastily home to look on that mothers face for the last time he found the two letters he had written carefully laid away in a drawer where she kept a few j things that were highly prized when helearned how many times his mother had read these let ters even after every word they contained had been committed to memory he felt jts though he woukfgive the whole world if he could only live that year o ver again that he might sweuthe nnmber to a hun dred instead- of two write to your mother i and write often answer the many questions found in her letter to you do not- miss a single one tell her all about yourself tell all about yonr studies your work or whatever yon maybeengaged in tell her all about your associates and such as you cannot tell her about do i not hesitate to drop at once boys write to your mothers btjildina- tjpon the sand tis well to woo tis well to wed for so the world has done since myrtles grew and roses blj3 w and morning brought the sun buthave acare ye young and fair bebure ye pledge with be certain that your love will wear beyond the days of youth t for fiyfl give hot heart to heart aifwell ashandforhandj youll find youve played the f unwise part and built upon the saha tib well to save tis well to have a goodly store of gold and hold enough tit sterling stuff for charity is cold but placenot all your be pes and trust on what the deep mine brings you cannotlive on yellow dust i unmixed with purer- things and he who piles npwoalth alone will often have to stand beside his coffer chest and own tis built upon the sand tib good to speak in kindly guise and soothe whateer we can for speech should bind the human mind and love link man to man but stay not the gentle words let deeds with language dwell the one who pities starving birds should scatter crumbs as well the mercy that is warm and true must lend a helping band for those who yet fail do but buld upon the sand blossoms and promise mayis the ojbnth of blossoms of prom- ise of hope iof seedtime what the future has in store we do not know xcept that the harvest shall ji6t fail- at least not theworld over single crops may go amissi drouths may and will come some whole sections may suffer but we will plan and work cheered by the hppe of a bonnti- ful return gladdened hy the rain and by the sunshine thankful that labor well applied earns its rewardfrdm the willing arth the sentepce passed by the all-wise- jndge by the sweat of thy brow- shalt thou eat breadmay seem severe to the lover of ease had it been given as a panacea for all the ills which affliet man kind it might have been differently regard ed bufnone the less a this re- ward of labor we are too apt to overlook health as the highest award of toll is ours pecuniary profitsmay foot up more or less but with reasonable care not to overwork or overstrain not to overtax -en- durance of mind or body to take time to rest to provide plain wellcooked food and reasonable relaxation being temperate in all- things we can afford to be contented with very moderate pecuniary gains the coming on of warm weather is often trying to strong constitutions moderation is de- sirable we take care not to overtax our teams why should we take less care for ourselves 1 a merican agriculturist for may an interesting puzzle perhaps some of our young readers are not familiar with the following puzzle a young man- asked an old man for his daugh ter in marriage the answer wasgo in to the orchard and bring me in a parcel of apples j give me onehalf of the whol number aiid the mother onehalf of the balance arid half an apple over and the daughter lonehalf of the remainder and half an apple over and have one left for yourself i without cutting an apjlle and then if she is willing you- can have her he solvedjthe question and how many did he bring fourteen- as you can easily prove the old man was to have onehalf of the apples which would be beyen the mother was to have onehalf of thebalancej which w onld be three and a half and half an apple over which woul make four apples for her there woiild be three apples lift of which the daughter was to have on 2half and half an apple overwhioli would g ve her two and leave the lover his one without cutting an apple 3 i a curious name possibly there is no stranger baptamajl name tlah one which maybe seen inqaiaj- berwell churchyard on an oldtombstbil which n i sacred to the memory of a certain mr tit slieoer there is a tradition aniji believe n fwellfounded one to the effect that at th i christening of mr titchohir the god- pa entswere unable to agree upon a name for the child one suggested one name mc another exclaimed oh nd and suggested another and this kind of thing went on for so long that at last the officiating clergyman declaring that in spite of th mselves the sponsors had come to a nnani nons decision baptised the vic tim ono the inscription on ono titch- eners gravestone can he plainly read from tie public footpath which crosses the charon arilrijbta canon farrars new book a few weeks ago when canon farrar was in this country tens of thousands of people paid as much as one dollar each- to hear a single lecture delivered by him and were well pleased with what they got for their money several of the most import ant of those lectures and addresses with other papers are now published by john b alden of new york and can now be had in a very handsome clothbound volume for the price of 40 cents some of the leer- tures are also published separately in his elzevir library in which form the lecture on rante slls for 3 cents on temper ance 2 cents onj ideals of nations- 2 cents thoughts on america 3 cents the millions of intelligent people who admire canon farrar and who were not able to hear him lecture will be delighted to find his brilliant scholarly and eloquent thoughts placed in this handsome form within jtheir reach the publishers illus trated catalogue 132 pages is sent to tiny address on receipt of 4 cents or condensed catalogue free john b aloes publisher 393 pearl st new york faith increasing buffalo n y sept 22nd 1885some time ago i had a patient suffering from brigbts disease urine nearly half albu men with casts used all the regular remedies of no avail began to give warners safe cure but had little faith first bottle patient began to improve and after half a dozen bottles was entirely cured of kidney trouble have since prescribed it in many instances with success jd a pohlej m d 759 michigan street a worthy scrap book i anechmge says that if readers wish to have a ooi iplete record of looal evehtsand one oil he most interesting bpoktfthat can pehad ah fwhere let theni take a blank book a id jach week clip frorii their psjper all the items of interest and paste under the date of the paper and at the end of the r they will his surprised at the amoun of local history had in one scrap book 1 3dt from the fbre pbess allqhurch notices wi iddiugsbirths deaths personalf and im pre vemieqtsand all each items tlit are inb ires ting and in a few years you will have a wl eotisn such as yon will not part fwithfor a ly other book thatj can be pro cured invinlue bat instanlnneons all- pains or aches will be instantly re moved by a few drops of fluid lightning applied over the affected parts no time lost no nauseous medicine needed no pojiltioing or using greasy liniments it will not blister or discolor the skin sold at 25c per bottle by dr mcgarvid drug gist sufferers from neuralgia assure us that they never fear it when their house contains a bottle of fluid lightning m a pleating dnty j ifeel it my duty to say writes johsl j bortohpf desert jp q that burdook bloodbitters cured my wife of liver oom- plaint from which sheliad been a chr6nio suffererl h4r distressing painful symp toms soon gave way and i can highly reo- 1ojtqnienh the medicine to all suffering as ihedid the constantly tiredoul feeling so- of teu experience i is the result of impover ished blood ct using enfeebled vitality ayers sarsapar 11a enriches the blood in- creases the appe lite and promotes diges- tioh the sybte fflthus invigorated feels hew strength and energy in jtuej spring the young mans fancy orpha m hocge battle creek- mioh lightly ins to thoughts of lbve hut per writes lupseta teakettle of bailing hot sons in mi idle age whose powers are weak- enedby jblood taint and corruption get satisfax to y results from the use of wai ners safe pare f water on my hand pat pnoe applied dr thomaseolectr a oilf and theeffect wai to immodiatelyui ythepain i was oured in three days

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