Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1886, p. 2

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5 2 1 lr m h s i r slj jtrtmt was thursday morxtko may 0 1880 arbor day tomorrow ia arbor day day set apart by the minister of education oit which te teachers aifl children of the pnblio schools are expected to plant trees and otherwise beautify the school grounds and also the day proclaimed by oui municipal authorities a public holiday when tech citizen is requested to plant at least one tree in town the indications are that the day will be marked with the usual success which attends our annual arbor day a good many orders have already been given for trees and provisions have been made sp that all citizens wishing trees for planting will be supplied at a nominal charge the schools are taking some interest in the matter and the pupils wut assist in planting trees on the school grounds that day arbor day will gener ally be much talked about if the teachers announce the intention to have it observed many plans will be proposed to obtain arrange plant and name trees and shrubs jt is hoped the day will bei observed in the sense intended and that the result will be that by tomorrow evening the number of trees oof the various streets and avenues of our attractive little townavill be largely augmented notes and oomments at the oounrjnation of 1100 children re- cently held in t lie eoman catholio cathe dral at dublin ireland archbishop walsh administered tl le total abstinence pledge to the whole of tie candidates and warned them earnestly against the evils of drink 1 t that resolution in a letter to the brantlord referram respecting that papers peculiar emphasis of the antiscott resolution recently passed by miltons council bev d l brethour of that city for three years a resident of milton say b youattachtoomuch importance to those resolutions- the village of georgetown with a population larger than milton pass ed i believe unanimously resolutions diametrically opposed to the milton con demnation i have not seen the action of the georgetown council in the telegram is that fair play 1 if you knew the history of the milton resolutions you would not write so bitterly of the failure of the scott law and the rain it has wrought your readers are probably not aware perhaps that milton is largely antiscott act it is the headquarters of liquordom in the county the ruling spirits of evil reside there before the act was passed they prophesied all manner of evil and have not failed day and night since to say the same things cvery effort has been made to violate the law and every possible en couragement and protection have been given to those who debauch the people one member of that town council is an old offender against license laws he was fined under the crooks act and twice for break ing thesoott act as well as accused of perjury what eanr you expect from a town council which fellowships with a spirit of the above description i am glad to say however that three votes were cast against the milton resolutions let your readers remember that milton numbers a very small proportion of the population of halton about one in 15 is it fair to condemn a law that is doing immense good to well nigh 20000 people because it is made a failure by the determined wicked ness of a majbnty of 1500 in milton why does milton iown council ask the govern- ment to repeal the law if lit is such a bad thing surely the people would only be f glad to repeal it themselves but that couijcil knows well enough that halton will never repeal the scott act temperance people ask only fair play for the scott act give us good enforcing machinery and no favor and we will abide by the result rockwood news j w i t i frm our own correepofdeni mr wm mcfarlaneand son of norval are visiting friendb here mr m p barry had his hands slightly scalded at his stave factory the other day while repairing the boiler mr d strachan who has just finished iris first term at queens college kingston is home for his vacation dan looks well although he has had a hard winters work the scott act came into effect here on saturday last the travelling public do not seem to be inconvenienced in any way as our genial hotel keepers have decided to accommodate the public as usual b c curry m d removes from this place to carleton street toronto today for over twenty ers the genial dr has dispensed medicine to his numerous x pa tients here the methodist body here loses an earnest worker and toronto is the gainer the concert to be held in the town hall here on the evening of the 2fth inst promises to eclipse even the best efforts on a similar occasion of former years the committee is in correspondence with some of the best talent of guelph and toronto and reports no dearth of those promising to sing r a certain young man from this place visited acton last monday evening and while waiting for the midnight train fell asleep in the station house when he awoke the train had stout one hours start of him he gamely struck after it and reached here some time early this morning he dont care about being asked how the walking is the manylnends of mr d mccaig of this place will be pleased to learn of his appointment to the inspectorship of public schools of algoma we congratulate the government on having made such an able selection mr mocaigs capabilities are well known throughout this province he having been principal of the rockwood jcadenjy for some years x y z the scott ai it oases before the magistrate on tuesday pr ves that either somebody was not telling the truth about the number of shebeens in milton or else a good many of the witness s perjured themselves we will let gordo i mowat and tho whiskey organ settle it among themselves former rhode istai d state has determined to test tho merits or demerits of prohibition and adopted o t more than the necessary twothirds vote a prohibitory amendment to the constitution prohibition goes into effect in rhort i island on july the first it will be into estiug to note the affect of this oxperimel it tho revenue from iutoxicatiug liquors in britain and iioland has decreased by one- fourth in the past deoade there are millions ol chi ldren enlisted in the band of hope attache to tho christian sunday schools of bri in and ireland who grow up biassed towards teetotalism a few years ago all british children were taught to drink beer it meals i the following item is taken from the annual report of prof brown of the on tario agricultural college guelph in my last report 1 1 dlnded to the effect of smok ing upon yooi ig men at college a very considerable i umber of our students smoke and not a few of them are confirmed in the habit at pr sset i shall not discuss the question but simply state one or two facts regarding the record of smokers and non- smokers in th a institution in 1884 and 1885 58 of ot r students received depart mental honors and 45 of these were non- smokers w thin the last five years 67 have takeadi plomas and 48 of theni have- been to nonf s nokers 14 have won medals and 12 of the n hat e been nonsmokers and ion drinkers i i the colon al and indian exhibition at london en was opened on tuesday with imposing ceremonies as to the ex hibition itsel it has every indication of excelling its mmediate predecessors both as regards eneral interest and utility and speakm particularly of canada it is happily assued that for extent and variety the present display will far exceed any previous effo 1 the space is considerably more than u at ajloted to the dominion at the famed ci ntennial exhibition at phil- alelphia in 1870s and it follows as a natural sequi nce to the remarkable agricul tural and mi nufacturing progress sf cana da during th past decade that the exhibits show both ir number and qrfahty an im mense advance upon any previous time it used to e said that the be3t french brandy was only canada whiskey made over but a ccording to m girard chief municipal liboratory of paris the stuff now largely sent out to a too confiding world is of more heinous quality he says from 1840 to 1850 about 25000 000 gallons c f brandy jvere made yearly in france and fully seventheights came from grapes at present more than 50000000 gallons are y early turned out but not one per cent of it is made from the grape grain cider beet potatoes c forming its principal sources the spirits thus ob tained woulc be fairly wholesome if they were properly rectified but they are not invariably v hen ppt upon the market they are charged with acids ethers and essen tial oils of the most deadly nature the startling increase of violent insanity and other maladies in france in late years is by m girard attributed to consumption of that deadly nrandy almos gave up the gh hits from 75 cents to 250 at j fyfes tor prime glover and timothy seed go to j e howsons messrs butledge crosson are doing the meat business of acton now you an get firstclass meat and any kind yon may desire whenever yon orderj the stream that does not run freely soon bscomes stagnant tie blood in the spring and early dimmer months is thick and heavy and breeds pestilence and disease in the body it is impossible to purify this blood unless the kidneys afre pat in perfect orkingorderandkept so by the use of waroervaafe cure ost house of rephksestitives washesgtox d c las fall i contracted malarial fever sufiered much for two months disease located in my kidneys and i almost gaveup getting well warners safe cure which cures me is a great blessing toman kind and if taken regularly will curi almost any lisease of the kidneys trail yowt md 1 nothing do suddenly obstructs the per spiration as sudden transitions from heat to cold h at rarities the blood quickens the circulation and increases the perspira tion but wlen these are suddenly checked the consequ nces must be bad the mos t common cat se of disease is obstructed poi spiration oi what commonly goes by the name of cat ihing cold coughs colds soi e throat etc if attended to in time aie easily subdt ed but if allowed to run the r own course generally prove the forerunn r of more dai igerous diseases ninetentl s of the consumptives date their afflicticn from a deflected cold and the diseases that are catsed by wet feet damp clothes or exposure are more numerous than a e generally supposed one of the most efficacious r ledicines for all diseases of tl ie throat and 1 ungs lsbickles anticonsum tive syrup it promotes a free and eal y expectoratic n which frees the lungs fro n viscid phleg n by changing the secretio is from a dfset sed to a healthy state w eaton fq 100 to 169 toage strait ourmillhnry manager llasjtist etirned from new york where iie has sorted up the hat stok in n very satisfactory maiimr commencing today wo ahull show ono of tho most rungniti- cent stooks of millinery outside fof new york and which we will seil at prices which positively i can not he approached by any he has also made arrangements iwith a firm who manufacture ex clusively fine goods to keep thcir of shapes and which shapes shall be limited to our houso for canada thoy arc beautiful shapes and worn by the best class we shall also show a firstelasi assortment of childrens hats leghorn straw etc piguo and marseilles hoods white chip tjatsj new bonnets new trimmings and tho very latest styles of i everything at dry goods prices at whole sale and retail oarpet department i the great activity in this de partment is due to housekeepers looking at our prices and it goes right home to tho pockets of the purchasers when they see we are selling carpets at close wholesale prices every housojkeeper want ing carpets and hpisefuruishiugs snould not fail to jee our mag nificent stock in our tapestry department we show over 200 different designs of the latest patterns and colors stair and hall carpets to match in tjapes- tryiandbrusofls our body brus sels at 1 is well worth 1 20 we sell a beautiful rauge ot full five frame brussels at 1 10 worth 1 30 cirpets measured lor and cut to match free ot charge carpets made and laid on short notice our carpet layer has over 20 years experience at the busi ness kidderminster carpets lull 36 inches wide pure wool can be revcrsedr biussels patterns aud moresque grounds our prices for best goods 90o and 1 we sell some fine all wool goods at 60c aud 6 jc and our super makes at 75c and 0e our stock is complete wkt the choicest pat terns and prettiest dolors manu factured union carpets this means a mixture of cotton made full 36 iuches wide and cau be reversed eatous prices 35 40 45 50 and 55c hemp carpets 38 inches wide 8 10 12 and lbc notice mail order department this department is now in good working order samples sent on application address all letters to the mail order department m act of the r accounts of the tyunicipalityrf acton for the tear ending sis deo 1885 proclamation d reoeiptb io balance on hand from li 84 faxes collected for 188c btatpto labor taxes rent town hall ilioense legislative grant clergy reserve grant taxes collected for 1884 202 66 8747 10 24 00 119 00 2 00 122 00 1 19 i 25 cash for oxtra sidewalk 20 14 cash for old sidewalk i and gravel lumber biud publio school 8 07 saleof cemetery debentures d080 00 streets aud sidewalks 1258 41 printing salaries charities county rate refund account contingencies cemetery interest on debenture i 301 20 exponsestdii town if all balance on hand assets cabh on hand from 1885 18u 85 buildings and real estate 7010 45 debentures pubho school 1300 00 arrears of taxes 608 02 uncollected taxes for 1885 7 143 91 cemotoryflroandaanclimpiovomta 1019 7l liabilities count rate unpaid debentures toufn hall interest accrued cemetery debeutuies interest accrued balance we the uniieisigued village of acton do hereby certify that we have exuimned the books the treasurer of the said or the j car 1883 and fon id the same cor lect and that the above ie of tho same we also oer ify that satisfac tory ouchers for each pa produced t t moolte f royjce acton march 13th 1886 95270 81 qft 1080 ia 122 22 367 71 23 go 146 08 1 00 143 32 1019 70 20 18 189 85 95279 81 aeboe tjtti ik compliance with a resolution passed at lost meeting of the municipal counoll i hereby appoint aud proclaim friday 7th may a public holiday for this municipality and request every oitlzon to loyally observe tho same by bpending a part of tho day at least in plautuur shade troea on the public streets it is hoped that each male adult cltinen will plant at least one tree on that oooaslon d henderson presiding officer aotou april jth i860 board of health noricr is hereby given that ali residents pt acton are required forthwith to clean thoir cellars drains yards pigstyes water clobotb and otbor out builqinrs ana prem ises and removd therefrom all dirt ftllthmanuro or other things which may endanger the public health and to have the same completed at latest by tho isth of may next on which day the health officer will cemmenco a general insuec tlon and further take notice that that section of the law prohibiting the keeping ot bogs be tween the 15th may and the lt november ex- 50 feet from any street or lone with floors kept free from stauding water dud regularly cleansed aept in pens at least 70 foot from any house and ft lingw and disinfected will be strictly enforced h p moonn chairman board of health acton april 2flth 1880 910271 94 9 178 30 5020 00 50 20 1000 00 26 96 3996 42 910271 94 auditors of the and accounts of village of acton a true abstract ment have been a ufluo i m ordered clothing st i beija to inform the public that he basopened an ordered clothing aud haj3 a choice stocfc ot scoftch english and canadian tweeds worsteds fancy pantings o m lowest prices satisctiou guaranteed thoroughbred bull for service alhb undersigned has for sorvico ou ms promises lot 24 1st line esquesing hix thoroughbred bull baron moroton 2nd calvod 7th march 1884 bred by f w stone pedigree 8ovoutli grand dam magdalen 4th imported by sir isaac entered in the british american herd book aud elegible to be entered in the new dominion herd book terms thoroughbred cowb 83 00 grades 150 to be paid 1st january cows to be returned regular ly three times if ueoessar those not returnod will bo charged at some rate alex waldie acton po house for sale thi subscribe will boll on very easy terms the house aud lot on church street now occupied by peter lee adjoining the dwolling of charles speight and immediately behind geo hybds jewellory store price 8800 one- v we still have on hand a full line nice fresh gboceries idiersr gqoids bt very cheap terms cash or produce only john nelsow xuxv spring v- is h with all its attractions and i re kenney bros main street acton havo now on the shelves of tl spring footwear of all sui third cash and the balance may remain indo- flnetly at g per cent interest information ma bo had from tho editor of the free pncss or by addressing jiobt walter m d m fnntnsvtllk bihks co pa good pasture rphe undeinlgnod can supply good pasturo with l abundance of water apply to 1 alhx b wbight o dominion boot and shoe store a full slock of nds and we are now offering our ctistomrrs rior value in all lines of boots shoes slippersr c 1 ve carry it stock which for assortment cannot bo uxcellwl iud every want can be supplied we are showing some nfee lines in tlttjnks valises isrc received direct from the iianntrcturerr qur ordered work is giving complete satisfaction und customers know that our prices are ripht repairing neatly aud promptly executed i kenney bros the cradle nickell ik nassagaweya on the ard may tbe wife of mr bobt nickell of a daughter mills in aeton on tbe 4th may the wfe of mr bo 9t mills of a daughter the altar lee masaijas at the residence of mr t j s worde i main street acton on tiie 27th ult bybevrehillip8 mr wm j lee to miss bilia masalas both f of acton the gkave mciktosh at georgetown on the 2dtk nit john mcintosh aged 79 years aid 7 months shade afc30r day for ipr kj trees all rie unden igned has secured a large numl er of shade trees maple and evergreen pr planting on a rbor day and will supply all w 10 want trees a the low price of ten oeuta ea h the trees will bo fonind at 8initbseivery fit le oarljronymoaang ouggjj 3fc t eaton co 190 192 194 196 yonere st toronto ont paid public htiteta am sidib ilks paidthos kaston james grant j c bill win 1 rotter j e ifule a moherson d smith d taylor geo wilson ronald mann l lynan wm 8 wackhamer thos slpeight asa hill bbcook john hay wm iimond b wa lace jos msclnre wm smith dw mpbell bobt uuttonj doualc mann james sinclair wm add thos kloore james brown ctthill peter bayers detailed statement i or 1hk- ejfpenditt ires of the municipality of the v hage of a jton for the year ei ding dec 31st 1885 school 1060 15 new advertisements miss m j mcrae wisheb tj intimate that sheis prepared to i receivo pupils in music pencil drawing ana painting isoth in watercolors and oils terms moukuate auction sale of household furniture t he undersigned has received instructions from t mb jaleb cameron to sell by public auction at his residence mam st acton saturday 8th may 1886 at two ocioc the foixowtkg 10 kitchen chairs 1 cooking stove and utousils 1 enclosed cupboard 2 common bedsteads a french bedsteads 1 washstand 1 kitchen table 2 fallleaf itables 1 large 1 coal blove nearly new i eoiiebottomxdiatrs 1 rocking oliair 1 sideboard nearly new a lot of dishes and glass ware 1 clock 1 box btove aud lane a quantity of stovepipe i hairbottom chaii s 1 nyni chair 1 centre table 1 hairbottom sola nearly nett 1 large cane rocking chair 1 bedioom set 1 bureau with mirror 100 yards of carpot of differ ent kinds 2 lamps 1 hay lifter 6 bagb late rose potatoes a number of barrels and boxes washtub hotter tray o garden utensils tfbmb cash no reserve as mr cameiou is giving up housekeeping hemstreet auctioneer notice to creditors i in the matter of neil keith deceased paid h p paid reeve thos vthos cook 7ohu matthews thosmclarn h b mccarthy e nikljn son j m stephens jos ftyfe piumtsq mooie bastou abtlaitre ill ithos cook thosleaston wm 3rown t tmoore gcclark j e ogarvin lombslm ie8 paid thos easton geohynds j matthews j e mcgarviu n meganin ebbate perryma i colonel allau mowat mclean nelson morae cj wme smitli thos ismoud hart co 3 05 2g 80 6 00 21 20 22 65 28 00 tf70 11 88 2 25 18 13 3ffld 30 88 39 85 40 50 11 00 19 5 113 09 21 87 12 25 18 75 1 50 20 03 39 00 1 25 42 75 43 22 131 56 11 03 421 23 10 50 11 00 8 13 75 1 5t f3 2 00 1886 henderson grand flowers 1886 -00- mcrae co acton o illinery opening -on- 10 00 13 00 1258 41 122 22 li 00 0 00 128 71 105 do 30 00 5 00 5 00 88 00 367 71 notice is hereby given pursuant to the pro visions of chap 107 rso and vict chap fl lont to all creditors and others having clstms against the estate of neil keith late of the township of esquabing in tho county of halton yeoman who died on or about tbe 4th day of november 1885 to deliver or send by post to the understgied acton po on or before the 15th day ox june 1680 their christian names and surnames addresses and descriptions the full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities if any held by them accompanied by a statutory declaration verifying such claims and farther notice is hereby givou that immedi ately after said 15th june 188g the assets of sold deceased fill be distributed among the parties otheclaima entitled thereto havingregard only to which notice shall lave been given as re tired ana the executors shall not be liable for eagmtijor any part thereof so distributed to any person ceived atj assets hose claims shall not have been re- e time of the distribution of said i acton benjkinnaibp v john mcdougaijij rexecritom bobtjucpheusoni k r iqh im t town hal paid w p brown 2 78 thos moore 3 75 geo havill 57 c t hill 63 james brown 4 00 peter mccann 3 25 lkjlfctlll paid wordeu ramsha v 6 00 nelson mcgarviu 600 00 j davis j 117 00 thos easton 18 45 hpmoore 13 89 thos ebbage 24 50 geo wilson 49 38 thos speight 68 25 r b cookig 10 00 sfe jos mocluref 29 38 llyman 16 88 thos mclam 25 31 wm smith 40 00 james matthews 75 15 92 6 00 50 28 99 4 50 46 50 15 00 5 00 2 53 i0k 1 25 7 u 143 32 20 18 paid county rate j iraycnd accocm paidjohn hay taxes 1019 79 146 08 1 05 i 85089 96 j we the undersigned auditors for the village of aoton do hereby oertify that the above is a correct detailed statement of th expenditure of the wd municipality of- acton for the year ending 81st december 4 1884 v t t moore j fi4 maroh ulsbf ioioioloiolololololololoiolololoioiololoiolplolololoioioloioloiolololololgloiolojroloiolololoioioiololoiololololoiololol th of march sttj5idvr o oo o 09 oio oo a n od o a o 27 of march oayov o d 0 o 0 o o our millinery kooin this season will be unusually attractive the stock has all been selected with great earq and taste from the latest importations ot french english and american fc goods an 1 are rich rare and really choice this department wil be under the charge of experienced milliners who wijl spare no efibrbto suit the taste aud wants of our patrons at iheiuost moderate prices our stock of cemeful npv goods cents furnishings boots and shoes c i is now very complete aud will be sold at very bottom prices iiicq fldccc pflfiric wii ullu uiiluu uuuliu isatn novelties you only requiic to see these goods to induce you to buy see our extra superior white and grey cottons oir beautiful prints ginghams cretonnes curtains laces and mantle velvets those by every one splendid range of carpets ducks denims at real beautiful embroideries are admired cheap c a ow prices i x x x x x x x x- x xx x x x x x x- x 4- otja big- boot xtq shoe scook orooiooioioiooioioicicioicioioicickcioicicioicytt comprises the best thfc newest ahd thenettest styles in ladies misses and childrens vear wd cannot be choice shirtings mmimm eoaoqablegoosii rods carta basel stationery is the 1 cau geohynds keeps a gplehia i house pfiantoj andbedlf during tbe springs tbe largest and 1 fectionbby uj foreign an don goods finest cll m mi thubsdat mo it x x x x xx x x x x- shoe mdersold m these goods remembijli 0 fijlous 5qo tea rvi j hend erscn t oo- crumbs f provided bj im prcbb may flowert arl thegtrgrif apple blosson the best trait i arbitrate gnelphs rate oj be 20 mills therospects i are said to be excel sweetnam 4 of pianos guelph j the milton br deal of money out cobsfat- popular with disci there are 150 guelph and a nigh lished thepalmerstoj answer to its qnesti april more favorablj never experienced i the past week mrs s a se eclitov w4ial flowers on monday j shelburne has 1 engine one of the a fancy squirt th mercury i intimates that he violators of the i i rtherewere a on saturday 1st catches of trout wej j we learn fr that mr w a been appointed a nj he aye stic grow while yere scotch farmers ad the street i wor nd aeton at neat tidy andafc i the toronto liged to close at ei 4 but saturday whe the degree of been conferred on 1la incumbent o georgetown john b clarh tbe bootblack ord in georgetown on j evenings 11th and f k capt barker the salvationaxm night we havi officers will sne we are indebtd minibter of afiricul wm sanders rep leges and experime considerable 1 nqw in progress in additijins to old on being painted c directions the lamp alt queen streets wlj runaway team son jbeen- replaced shonle we know a uul dujcrin pott who i elevated opinion on givo mrfishev m a rest- hillshubg ha paper under the i lacey theiiear column paper ana burgs interests the queens acton promises to traovre in many been held here posters tomorrowj our bpnng fa cided suecess the 1 attendance was said that a better j shown here mdtj rockwood qu 1 tion posters a j crosse match withl j acton wont be thj ed to play a matcq tis not in i i inhabitant that 1 j some in bloom at case this year tl and fall wheat baa auoe the public si l morrow to give t j opportunity j f we hope the schd d more aftractivl quenee jmeii8cre glass in the win frait store lafltfrl themsehes tom tioneyetc wehopethettde punishiaa j he w aswveingggu ing

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