Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1886, p. 4

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tiuismvmoismmi mav ft issfi a itoiihlr itciirttf harry luioavdo of toronto certi the bene ts received from tho use of yards y how oil as a euro for rheumatism t i- m i i tapf l vffev x the farmers boy 1 know my we and hands are brown but 1 am strong and spry you cannot find in all the town i a happier boy than i with health with hearty appetite with nothing to annoy it is a sweet and true delight to bea farmers boy mypants are patched my cap is torn theres smut upon my nose my muddy shoes are badly worn they laugh at both the toes my mother makes a suit for me that i can soon destroy bat it is always fun to be a lively farmers boy i love the mountains grand and steep they make me think- of god the hillside pasture where the sheep browse on the fresh green sod the spreading beech and maple tree the sipjirrelsjso cute and coy the birds the butterfliestw bees i am a farmer sboy i can with jackknife carve a ship or make a whistle shrill can stones upon the river skip down by the old red will the tallest trees can nimbly climb can sing can shout with joy can have a splendid jolly time aud bea farmers bov tisrjrtcnpnik mt ixrbxv and deaf loss his affliction with thes biued troubles beiim a severe one v modern mliartr in a recent letter from r v b of deloliline out he states that los to hag- ooni- red from the worst form ofdystn owson o has lepsia when incur- after sulteringfor fifteen yeavs and a coirncil of doctors pronounced him able he tried burdock blood hitters six dottles o which restored his health j i mrcrccors lung coiiiiiohimi have yem a badtough a chronic liparse lint of lightness r the weak lungsj or any similar coinp ohest aint if so buy nt once a lung ciimpound the enjoyment of eating and drinking and its penalties we need not state that volumes have been written upon the above subject since the days of the renowned bon rmlncornaro down to the latest treaties desiaued to en able ns to judge for ourselves in the appro priateness of our habitual eating aud drink ing it is impossible to deny the great utility of such information but unfortu nately mankind ingeneral lends ardeaf ear to warnings when the tastes and the passions are in question as the world wags we ear that people would continue to eat and jdrink just according to their taste and humour for a long time yet o come especially when they find that by a timely recourse to some such medicine ns holloways pills they cau easily aid readily get rid of all the constitution tl disorders caused by over- feeding and in temperance a few of these tills sufficing in the majority of instances to set a renin allright overnight to begin his day pf labour having yielded to the tempta tion of what is technically called a blow out no doubt vour sodawater or citrate effec- of magnesia may seem to be equally tive but unfortunately in very i many cases much more requires to be done than can be effected by these otherwise vary pleasant and saline libations all over feeding every act of intemperance must necessarilyfojitajiiih tin hood and tjhe vitiated blood must necessarily impiir every organ through which it flows nc w in order to correct this effect a radical reme dy is required and such is that invened byholloway whosepills as we nave stated have superseded almost every other cor- rective or alterative of the old school perhaps this results not only from the power of their purifying agency but also from their gentle and almost imperceptible regenerating action without any incon venience in the general routine of life re quiring no extraordinary precautions to prevent catching cold or morbid reactiou if report be correct no medicine stands in higher repute at lour fashionable clubs and officers quarters thau holloways pills although very few of the patients can allow their gratitude to admit the fact in return for the benefit tin- adristr it will euro you contains entirely new specifics of one dose is more effectual than a bottle of the old time remedii s it nd 100 bottles sold l 11 a am sold or days uing drusfs bottle of mcgregors it vhich whole put try it and you will- up in vob mcgarwn never have reason to complain mclaughiin norland- writes i out of northrop iv lymans vege table pibcovery and dyspeptic cure it sells walnd i iind in every instance it has proi en satisfactory i have reason to believe it the best preparation of the kind in tlv indigestion and constipation are cured 1jy ayers pills market it cures dyspepsia biliousi ess and torpidity of the livor xonstip aionandall diseases arising froni impure blood female complaints etc fluid mghtuuig tuercliivlmt fuwtuat have neveiaufrcrcil almost intolerable- pain from toothache xcuiulf ia or like acute pains to them such au instant relief as fluid lightning is an uuto d blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines to be taken jyspejsia i one of the most dangerous of the ds- ays caused by theso complaints aflcct- mw it does thd ccntro of life llio luinach itquicklv deranges imd imnei ils i he whole system physical and mental its vuipionis are niiiulloid mid many of iliiin so serious that they nro generally regarded aud treated hs special maladies the only cure for the various forms of dyspeptic dis eases is in a niedlclno that will remove- its primary cause by restoring tho stomach liver kidneys imd bowels to a healthful condition any other treatment is ns use- loss ns nn cflortvvoukl bo to make n watch keep tlmo by simply gildiug us case yvhen it had a broken mainspring ayers pills are ihc best roedicuio to necomplish the necessary work of cleansing- stimulating and restoring thcyro more thorough hi their purgative effect than any others yet are not violent in their action exer cise a powerful inflpenco for good upon the other vital organs as well as tho bowels mid cueetuuly banish disease for biliousness jawndlco and other evil consequeuees of hepatic disorders thorn isno remedy sopromptnnd thorough as ayhks pius tliey nro nlso by their eftleaey in regulating the digestive func tions of the greatest value to women in tun most critical stages of existence ou cfires ore 1 application of fluid light- sold at j l mcgarvius merit prove u pollat upon dollar is frequently spent on the fuitli of recommendations for articles entijel gregor worthless xot so with mc speedy cure you are not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at get a fr pepsia howi5it sold in secret of a convent bi anns acujemv 811 tucker street philakklphw pa one of the sisters was very sick with constant pain iu the back could not take anv solid food she can eat meat aud vegetables sleeps well and attends to her other duties she suffered constantly from ulcers in the mouth aud throat are now all goiie she used war- nfers safe cure sistek m yjctopine all shlts re- cerous muuigi lielples the old j k mcgarvius drug store add ie trial bottleand if not convinced it wiliciire yuu of the worst forms of dys- liver complaint etc no matter of g standing it costs you nothing 50c and 1 bottles see testimon- an als fr6ai people in your own tow n if yoi suffer from blood taint in any of its hvee stages whether primary secondary or tertiary that produces such liorrible ravages and results in caii- humors sloughing sores and com- tes its effects to the innocent anfl s do not- have yourself treated bjy methods and bv those who will fill kidney diseases also hprlng from disorders of the dlges- tlvo functions and nro not onlv exceed ingly painful iu themselves but hiivo symptoms such as dropsy and- rlioii- matisrn whioh nro of the gravest charac ter tho work of tho klducvs fs the purifying of tho blood when through diseaso they ceitso to do this prompt relief must bo accorded to avert most serious cjmscqucnces mcdlclucs thnt lull their liain by dulling their sensibility or that stimulate them to uunntural activity do infinitely moro harm than good to re store them to health tho kluuevs must he cleansed their inflammation nllaycd aud their strength restored jyer8 pills do this moro effectually than auy other their diuretic effect is not less ninrkcd and beneficial thsui their purgative power not only dojthey at euce by u moving dose freo tho clogged and roiiso tlic tor pid organs but their continuous effect when taken u email doses is to regulate tho machinery of life aud eestore health and vigor for all tho several varieties of piles and for tho lhniiy cutaneous disorders produced by blood impurities thrown into tho circulation during attacks of con stipation no cure is so quick and easy ns ayeus pills which free tho bowels nnd aid nature he who lives learns and who learns lives adapted to nil the disorders which can be cured bv tlie judicious use of a phvsic dlt simdmccoxnelljojirjjciicv 17 a safe and reliable cathartic di w c cing jupenccr mich if all kin 1 lfjiiislt and ukllablk paints and oils mhtjtjlaris and ulffiap lachos8e base ball goods just alumved new pattern oauohnawaya sticks spaulmnis standar1i balls g h pj j ip i mcgarvins bimg and j statibnesjy- store acton nvtbrnnnmb j fvfe aoton j fyee act j fyfe acton t am usiiig aatris pills hi my prac tice and mud them excellent dlt j w lluowx vccana va ono of tho best remedies for bilious denmgoiihnu tluit vo possess dlt avm riirscoit coiiconf y ii active searching and eflcotual but not griping or diustic iltok j m loriir cincinnati 0 as a mild and thorough pnnrativc they caniint he excelled j 0 tllomisox mnint cross va they liavje entirely corrected the costive habit liiuv yamlv improved mv cenenil health rtv 1 kiiauluwv atlanta ga better than anv other cathartic m v simmeitow austin texas the best cathartic medicine in the world i ayers pills o t aykh co rnrrakkd ijy analytical cheiiists sukl lv lliiiiirit just see theslillineryaiid the mantles they- lowell lass look j fvfe acjon j flyfe acton j fyfe acton this moneysavcd by purchasing your ok tiling at the east end clothing store spring hats sprincrtweiids spring- worsteds spring overcoat sppving tro wserlngs spring full lines of shirts ties collars lowest prices perfect satisfaction guaranteed fyfe acton fyfe acton fyfe acton ings serl underwear braces etc at railway time table grand trunk railway going west going east mixed j fc00aui- exprebh 710 njn 1imn mail ufuniu tlirouyli ex oitptu avcoin 100 jiin kxprees li17 n ioxprcps 11 hi air mail 4ju kjiecinl k30 pn accom conch 800um cliieajio ljxpres does not stop lietwccn guelpl ami toronto tijlii oi closg hails going vcst 1040 auinndj530iiir goiiik east loio iiiii iluct 520 enulieh inailcloees at ioj a in on wediieictny canadian pacific railway j to all 1olvts i east and wssili coxuknsei timk taiile toronto to detroit st thomas aud chicago vest hx7 chiebo ex jjocnl fx toronto h 10 am 1 oi jliii 1 15iini strotsvillcjuno 13 iw 5i5 1 htthomas 12 i uu 5 il 8 05 detroit 5 20 ft 15 chicafeo 7 ooanf s ojkuii toronto to montreal and quebec limited ex montreal ex toronto uii5dni 8 ooimh- ottawa g 3 nui i 38 ain afrjhtreal 10 of ft 18 quebec g j0 niii jioiliu brampton to strectsville junction bramnton 7 22a in 4 55 run streetsville jct 7 55 3 ir brampton to orangeville and owen sound hramiiton 7 22 am 5 55jim oriingeville 8 41 7oh owen sound 2 40 pm 10 20 purchase your tickets by this new and popular tjlne jimes matthkws tickkt agiet acton ont r fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton right house your sistem with mineral poisons which invarii bly luve their effects the remedy ofttim s bein as bad as the disease bat ive yc urself thorough treatment with that high g ade standard blood alterative arid specilii vianierssafe cure the best kuowii best nputeimedicinefor kidney liver aiid blood disorders in the world always safe and al vays sure 1 ncit aniuolurortlo iliiuiirtfrlji b own household panacea has tjo equal or relievine pain both inter mil and external it cures pain in the sidcl back or bivvels sore throat r llheunjatisin tootiiiche lumbago and any kind of a pain c r ache itwii most surelyquick euthe blond and heal as its acting power is woiderful browushousehold pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain peliever and of double the strenuth other elixir or lioiment in the should be in every family handy for lien wanted as itteally is the best really cliarmiui this season for real beauty and artistic skill the rats bonnets featheas flowers ornaments beads stockinet broehe and siu mantles and the mantle and dress ornaments imported this sprint surpass those of former years vry much the new dress goods are cluiiicr than ever the winter black and colored dress ioods are marked down to cost aud many of them far below cost priceb the mantles mantle cloths silks mcrveilleux troches bilk ilaudkerchcfs and pi us of other goods which were marked below cost prices will all be sold off at the reduced rates as goods are not markec up at the lliglif house seventylive dozen of ladii s fine embroidered horse just imported and are selling offat only i cents seventy sis dozerrot beautiful itaff eta silk gloves well yoith tfkc nreoliuring at only cents fortyeight electric gossamers at 1 each which are worth double the price very handsome allwool french dress goods offering at lh and loc the styles are iliarmiug nice line black allwool french cashmeres at only 30c at r0c v2ie andtoc they are immense widtbe tineand heavy but at hoc 0c 1s1km and si j uieytook maguificentr there are jet black and blue black from 85c- np a caw of very rich black crape in double treble aiuj uadinplc makes arrived litely they are very line and heavy and ranfje in prices from ooe to 4 per- yardl six cases of new dress gqods arrived listweuk ultlkinii 21 casts this spring two caft f jlnntles and mantle cloths imported this week seven cases of french belgian swiss and british laees arrived lately five cases of rich aiid really charming fmlks just to hand a ease of rouillous best preach kid gloves just arrived from l raoce making iiye cases this spring of kid silkand lislegloves in the very latest styles hie case of beautiful parasols direct from the foreign manufacturers making three cases already two eases of parisian icrseysdu thetop ofthe fashion a ease of ladies hats arrived this week being the lifth this season beautiful mantle trimmingsarrived fhis week good pure linen towelling at only vic pei yard twocaes of iew flannels arrived lately fortytwo bales of carpets arrived already the very best brussels carpets selling off at only ljt an enormous stock of nijw and fashionable carpets oilcloths linoleums window shades carpet sweepers stair pods mattings mats hiigsretc all selling at very cheap rates lust sec lljc gray cottons the white cottons the tickings the cottcnndes the tweeds uurks denims etc the value is so very good that thiy surprise customers l lo thiday there have 241 packayesof new spring goods arrived mind the stores afe ojiedoor west of hughson street on king street east- the name is 1 thioimlais o- ktkixiisrs hamilton april lath 1ss5 i allan line i 18- summer arrangement 36 liverpool and quebec service i fhomlivebpool steamer hioji qukuec cihcassian friday 23rd april friday 1lth may 1 polynesian thursdiiypoth april thursday 20th mqv i 1altisian thursday pth may thursday 27th may sakmativx friday hth may friday stli june saltdixiax thursday iotli may thursday lotbjune merchant tailoring r e of an world use w remedy in the world for cramps in the ach aud pains and aches of allkinds sstom and i botth pre to break up a cold or cough or its iu snlts there is no better remedy than hag- yards pectoral balsam i f hard and soft corns cannot withstand holloways corn cure it is effectual every time get a bottle at once and be happy ayers cathartic pills are the best that can be employed to correct irregularities of the stomaeh and bowels gentle yet thorough in their aotipn they cure con- btipation stimulate the appetite anddfges- tive organs andstrengtjien the system one dollar against live hundred issac brown of bothwell ontj jwas afflicted with chronic humor in the blood he says one dollar bottle of burdock ilood bitterswas worth more than 30000 paid forotber medicines ft is a reliable blood purifier geo dodge sr a wellknown citizen of emporium writes that one of his men sam lewis whilst working iu the vvoods bo severely sprainedlis ankle that he could scarcelyget home but after one orj two applications of dr thomas eclectric oil he was able to go to work next day salt bheuin lured mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate has i been tried and found tobe the only positive cure for salt rheum pimples blotches on the face or hand cuts burns bruises or any sore that nothing else will ileal try mcgregor it parkes carbolic cerate 25c per box at mcgarvius drug store a severe trial those who endure the torturing paiigb of neuralgia rheumatism sciatica lumbago and similar painful complaints are severely tried but there is a speedy relief in yards yellow oil as thousands who j have used it joyfully testify it banishes i pain end lameness quickly when the vital current is vitiated ifrom any cause scorbufic blemishes in the shape of pimples sores and blotches soon begin to disfigure the skin in such a case the most effective purifier is northrop ly mans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic core whioh expels impurities from the bipod as well as regulates digestion the wwels liver and kidneys for iemale complaints it has no equal pnbli ar ad for w for by all druggists at 25 cents 44 linnent amougthe greatest medica discoveries by the many cures it hasaiteet- ed mcgieior speedy cart leads the van subje ctedto the minstest chemical analysis been found to contain one of those miurlous iugredieuts characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the every ingredient possesses a pecul- aptability to the various complaints liichit has been compounded and its efficay is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi- denvthat we have a preparation which we can o iler to the public with the assurance that it will be found not only a relief but nnsmiecmccfor dyspepsia liver com plain ttndigqstion constipation aud im pure blood r free trial bottles at j e mcguvins drue store j 3l lluiraii puu the hour of danger diseise commonly comes on with slight symptoms which if neglected increase in severity and thus become dangerous a condition which betrays the grossest re missness when these pills taken in ac- cord nice with their accompanying direc tion would not only have checked but conq uered the incipient disorder patients daily forward detail of the most iremark- able and instructive cases in which timely attention to holloways advice jhas un doubtedly saved them from severe illness the e pills act primarily ou the digestive organs which they stimulate when slow and imperfect and secondly upon the blood which is thoroughly p lrified by them whence is derived the gen impirt and their power iiypjchondriacism dyspepsia and nervous complaints a vick to morniiits are you disturbed at night aud broken of your rest by a sick chil 1 suffering and crying with pain of cut- tiug teeth if so send at once and get a botlle of sirs winslowls soothing syrup for children teething its value id iucal- culs ble it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend uponlit moth ers there is no mistake about it it cureb dyientery and diarrhoea regulates the stonach ajid bowejs cures wind colic softens thf gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole sys em mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nuises intbe united states and is for sale by ajl druggists throughout the world pri ce twentyfive cents a bottle be sure ani ask for mas winslows soothing sy iuf and take no other kind i sral tone they of subjugating foumekly of acj the- golden riioisr elf on of cu 5 and 7 wyndham st cuelph 84 oswald st lasgow f- colliplltc 1kw scocli english irish scotch apd canadian t- ttweelid fine blacl and the latest styles colored wo spring overcoatings gentlemen requiring anyt i style in cloths pel ling in my line ciui d with fit and wofkmans rsteds and bine very latest r e nelson 1 on getting til lii guaranteed 99 upper wyndham street cuelph 1886 sjphstq- 1886 announ9evlent mleod an derson co in making their announcement for the spring would say that owing to uuforseen circumstances and the hard times prevalent in the com munity they liaye been unable to- carry out their announcement of dissolution of partnership the said partnership will therefore con tinue for one year longer so as to give all parties who are still owing us on account a further opportunity to call and settle their accounts we purpose to do business entirely for cash or produce no goods will be charged we will sell goods cheap we have had such an ex perience of the oldtime credit business which enablesus to say that it is a very unfair way of doing business the hduest and trusty man who pays up promptly has lo pay for the dishonestjman who never paysat all we are satisfied that every person who looks at the cash system of dojng business will say that it is the only honest and fair principle of doing business we cau buy cheaper you will buy cheaper we will sell goods at wholesale prices paying cash and getting all the ad vantages which does accrue to the cash buyer try our system see our goods compare prices aud we arc satisfied you will save 25 per cent- on all goods purcnased from us ladies we are this season showing the neatest and most stylish mn- ijneuymantie8 c7c all new and latest styles dniiss goons diess titimsiixgs bnrroxs fringes c c all to match dkess- makikgiin all the newest styles done on the premises under the man agement of a firstclass tressmaker ladies buy your dress goods- leave your order if you want a fashionable dress puints muslins lawks and giniaiams all new neat and nobby our ordered clothing department we cau speak with pride auout it we have the finest and most extensive stock of tweeds- trowhek- nisc in the province and our cutter is a no 1 try our nobby fits and cheap prices gents fuksisihngs in grand stvle and large assortment readyjj ade clotunju very cheap big stock ito select from carrets in brussels tapestry 2 and i ply wool union and hemp oil cloths all widths and prices all to be sold cheaper than the cheapest ourvstaple department is very f ull cottoxs 3c per yard up white cottoxsoc towels 3c tadlisus 25c cottonaues ducks and denimb from 12k up men women and children you cannot fail to save money by buying your goods from ns try and see we are in earnest we will sell theap rpn cash only no more bad debts and our customers will re ceive the benefit dont delay but come and see our cheap goods and you will surely buy mclbod anderson co mammoth house georgetown i ps we return our sincere thankb o those of our customers jwho have always been our friends and trust they willjcontinuc tojpat- ronize us v cabin intermediate ami steerage fares arc still reduced kcturn tickets fjood for one vcar the best line to take to colonial exhibition parties sending for friends iu thecmd conntrv can obtain iircpaidccrtltieates at greatlv reduced rates for tickets and every information aiply to i e ju6akyix ticket agent aetoii to the ladies gentlemen of acton and vicinity we call your attention to the following prices of carpets now being offered by csark thompson 42 st georges square guelpb best 5 fiome brussels carpet for 123 wortli 150 bost 5 frame brussels carpet for 05 cents worth 6120 best j frame brussels carpet for 75 cents worth 85 cents best 5 frame brussels carpet for 3 cents worth 75 cents tapestry carpet for ii5 cts worth 80 cts tapestry carpet for 10 cts worth 55 cts tapestry carpetfor35 cts worth 45 cts yard wide w carpet go cts and up yard wide wool union 40 cts and up wo tire tliqonly direct llmporlers in guclph our goods arc what tlie pub ie- want our prices win the approbation of all our styles are correct the our citv dressniaker our miilinor miss maltrlott lias no superior hiss tjdd is tho icutliii modiste in luae stikk il- lace curtains turkish and saxony rugs c over pieces of carpet to choose from at the carpet house st georges sqr guelph ps bag carpet weaving doneto order our cutter mr mckenzle can be depended on to give the very best tit he has the largest connection of any cutter iu ontario we hold the largest stock west of toronto following lines colored dress silks from il7c fancy striped satin from 40c colored satin from 25 c lovely tricotiue dress goods from 20c nuns veiling striped- colored and black from 15c extra heavy cotton worth 10c for 7c extra heavy white cotton worth 12 for 10c j d williamson 6b co peerless h oil i six golt have been awarded this oil embracing the best shirting at t2c heavy ticking at 10c i 1000 mens suits at sbvjq 450 boys suits at s100 75 dozen white shirts from 50c 125 dozen mens ties frorn 50c a dozen coo english felt hats worth 8150 to 250 for 50c cloths and tweeds very ichcap tcni spring suit m brennan has pleasuro in announcing that his tjiil- orpig shop in mrs secords block is now open and in full running order and in a position to fill all orders ml he is showing go0d tweed suits at i sold elsewhelte kor15 scg1toh tweed suijijt 818 sold elsewjiere kou23 and824 fine worsted suit at 20 sold elsewhere at 25 gtntlenien wanting a firstclass gobu httng coat etc may rely upoivbeingsnitod in ev ery respect by leaving their orders with brennan the clothier s carried off all the prizes and is the best machine oil offered for sale in the domin- ion in proof of this we will pay freight both ways i it failsto please the purcliaser medals j y within the last three years- nonegenulneonlytiiatmadeatther samuel rogbili joo toronto for sale by j b pearson dr mcgarvinjj eihowsou jiudc hill action and d shoultz eockwood i7iv paintlnc paijitinff raserhangmb ealsomia- ingooloring etc the undersigned are prepared to take orders for anything iu above lines good work guaranteed orders solicited p a dynes to all who are suffering from the errois and indiscretions of youth neprous weak ness eiuly decay loss of manhood at 1 will send you a recipe that will cure you free of chaege this great remedy was discovered by a missionary in south america send a selfaddressed envelope to the rev joseph tinmas station 1 ntir york city l fe volui t y h every tl pre press j acton sub ontjkaii thkell invariably 1j j per year ivii tinned till all af optioaof thepul advl pue column half column quarter column j one inch casual adyfehifj first insertionan 6efjueue insertion reckoned by the i scale of solid noj advertisements will tie inserted t nglytransitor u advance changes for in tlie office by they will be left this papef tertssinff bureau i jntracts may be whloi gram ber of college office and ra frederick stred ci e staclj trinity ity medical set of physiciaus aj ornce can t t beksl ac mckll dentist new system of monly called yi teetli without jl strator ind p college of denl rous maydepeuij in any operatic acton every 6 month officij t stirtoi if ontarioi college of deal g b hayes serted on rubbl ilium and sal reus oxidegasf ate appointn tovells blocl john lawil tario vetj veterinary snrj in kenny bros dencein theraf soundness audi all calls nigl ed to terms toiinbton barristers sq ancers drc office e fb jouxsj m emit solicit olfick iifsj office main strt tit 6 percent ohilton a 11 toitosil officks crel and 8i king silif w t allan b un lai baiiius offlctst ov iiugtou street alley toronto i john- baix qi willivji laidi patentssj henry gl 20 1ears prac w he3 lie forthecountia orders left at t at- mv resl promptly atteul m also money able terms ancl terest in sums surveyor cialland 1 orders by mail i tended to chi berth st guel tohniay officu qui square john j daj successol money toll per cent j loaned for parti security oonv properly and l larms andoit with farms for i poraiflion to inl culated in eur wanting farms recfions throuj larms wanted dence invited j goelph ont fjhe hanll i v miuf au easy shave eafqam an exl gxyen razors i condition lai tastily cut j pi

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