Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 13, 1886, p. 1

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vtvfjs xi mmwww- i ftll jviv m tielpt volume xi no 46 13 rcdlishkl- every thursday morning at- thh- fhee press power printing house acton i ontario i licago v pin ain f hi pm ll jvu lotlhd- vjilll jo 1ine if subscription rates oxk xkab s100 six mdnths socw tbrek months 25 cts invariably in advance if not paid iu odvauco 12j per voir will bo charged no paper discon tinue till all arrears are faid excopt at tho option of tho publisher advertising ratesj spack 1 1 yit c mo i 3 mo 1 1 mo oue column half column qattrter column one inch co0o i 3500 3500 2000 3000 1 1300 1 600 350 s2du0 1200 700 f 200 8700 850 250 100 bankinc cot storey christie co -bankers- outnrlo acton la genejij acton ontario thursday may 13 88 l banking transacted bus ness monet ldaited 027 appr0vbd j notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits casual advertisements 6 cents per lino for the first insertion aud 2 cents per line for each sub sequent insertion cash the number of lines reckoned by tho spaco oqctipied measured bya scale of solid nonpareil advertisements without specific directions- will bo inserted till orbjdand charged accord- ugly transitory adtcrtisomeute must bo paid u advance changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by 9am bn iwhdays otherwise they will bo left over until the following week h p moore i editor and proprietor le 10 u aiav ui may ithmay ithjmic kli june jes arc lie year liflatiou icoontr 1 redncej lyto actou ien knowing lwby on 5 cents 5 cents i5 cxmts i cts t5 cu 45 cts up up this paper c ertbinebureau10 spruce sty attracts may be made for it nd onflleatgccf os newspaper at n new yokli business directory tt h lowry m b m cps graduate of trinity college mem ber ofccoliege of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street acton ce stacey md cm graduate of trinity university fellow of trin ity medical school member of the college of physiciaus and surgeons office campbells hotel l bennett lb dentist i georgetown ontario h general acents j mcdonald go no 2 wotorla st torontor l estate ilt insurance agents money to loan at six per cent houses rented bn nness chances chattle mortgages promissory notes and other securities negotiated yulu- uators ac farms or changed choice new wall paper -wiiii- call at fn busm otler properties sold or ex- e press office l a7 s c farpet ri as- slph ftp osder y c mckilay l d s surgeon dentist georgetown ont uses the new system of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain having been demon- strator arid practicaj teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto pat rous may depend upon eceiviug satisfaction in any operations performed will visit acton every other wednesday of each month office agnews hotel t stirton l d si m r c d s tf dntrio honor graduate ontario college of dental surgery successor to c b hayes ldsl artificial teeth in serted on rubber celluloid gold or alum inum and satisfaction guaranteed nit- rouioxidegasadministered fees moder ate- appointments made by leteer office tovells block opposite p o guelph j ohn lawon graduate of on- tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon actonont office iu kenny bros boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night br day promptly attend- ed to terms easy tohnston mclean barristers solicitors notaries- convey ancers tc private funds to loan ofnte town hall actou e fb johssros wm amclkax borders to match newest styles colorings and elegant designs for 1886 day8 bookstore cuelph f t ctoifi mxm tnunsdavmoiixino may ib 1886 poetry best stock to select lowest price and best at days bookstore irom value cijelph- ess college gtjelph ontario young men and women are thopoujhly prepared for positions as bookkeepers shorthand- writers caligraphj or telegraph operators students have been in atti mdance from nine provinces and states within the past year our graduates aie meeting with marked suc cess in the c mmercial centres of canada and the uni d states rates moderate accommodat on excellent students may enter at any time forterms etc address m maccormick principal day sells cheap 146m lumbbr shingles ind lath the undersi nod desires to inform the public that ho hs now on hand and will keep in llock cp reu stock a full liu of pino and hemlock ts well as other kinds ol lumber also first aud second class pino shii gles d lath coil wood having purchased the coal business of mr c prepared to supply all kinds of mrs e ho pass guelph millinery opening t adies we beg to inform you that our ju millinery show rooms are now open new spping hats fbateek8 flowers wings laces gloves ladies kindly giye ns a call ngpu h 1 1 ssmith i am stove cool i fare also a good stock of wood- hardwood asl ablo prices cedar and mill wood at reasoii- vfood and coal delivered javes b110wn fire mutual insurance company of the m e mitchell solkitolt cosvetlxckli c offick first door wst of the champion count t of t7ellhtqt01t itstaillished 1810 head office cuelph office main street miltdn at 6per cent j money to loan nit m lis tail- jlock ohilton allan isbalrd j barristers solicitors 4c tontato oii geonoktont offices creelmans block georgetown and 85 king street east toronto j w t 1ls shutov ba tssxiw ba tain laidlaw co biiimsteiis solicrroks- ofkicbs over imperial bank 24 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto john bak q c c maktex wiixiau luulvw geoboe kafpele patents secuked for inventions henry grist ottawa caxaia 20 years practice no patent no pay our dress and mantle making in this department we are fully prepared to execute all orders intrusted to our care our reputation being established for the last fifteen years we need not tell our nu merous customers they are iuie of a fit and latest styles pjiices to siit all cchtomehs v jackets and dresses out and fitted straw and chip hats made over in all the latest styles we have on hand a large assortment df hair switches saratoga waves frizzeii c c afthenticxs wasteh 51 lower wyndhsjm street bprinq tyrant winters reigu is over springhascharmedhirn with her smiles een king frosts hard hearts relented at her soft entrancing wiles so behold tho fair usurper throned in fcoary winters stead and from ont lier gentle presence ice and snowhave quiokly fled ah the earth awakes to tender homage to itsinew made queou welcome 1 fairest of earths daughters with thy dainty robes so green i bud and blossom vie to greet her trees their leafy banners show songbirds sing their sweetest music streams with joyous cadence flow daisies with their silvery petals lift their heads to see hor pass then with crimbon blushes bordered nestle down among the grass timid white ana ptirple violets peep from nesjtn their sheltering leaves and diffuse their swoetost odours to perfume the gentle breezo orchards don their snowy mantles golden fringe laburnums wear chestnuts rear their spiral blossoms welcoming their queen so fair brooks released from winters thraldom merrily pursue their way gurgling oer their pebbly courses murmuring low their gentlo lay j earthwhenwrappd in spriugs soft beauty to our youth resemblance bears l in that springtime of existence life its brightest aspect wears all onr life lies spread before us and with eachbucceedine year in the meadows pf our spirits buds of hope and- love appear will those meadows be well cultured will those bios soms perfect be 1 will ours be a go den bummer will the soil frond weedb be free when the garde ler comes to visit these fair gardenhearts of ours will he find the soil abounds in many weeds or many flowers these are questions none can answer save the gardener lord divine he alone can watch our labors knows if we to sloth incline should the ground be parched aud thirsty plenteous showers are oerhead- showers of the holy spirit if we seek thejfountain head and to hearts wjth perfect blossoms heavenly prizps hell award but to those whose weeds are numerous ah what will thai be their reward acton may 1886 w s earnestly that she did it with the inten tion of keeping your humble servant out of her property and she has succeeded ad mirably you mean that the rubies have disap peared entirely fred said i with a gasp this is a very remarkable yarn who ever saw this necklace miss carbrook replied fred prompt ly she describes it as composed of thirty stones of the first waiter as 1 can very well imagine from the price fortyfive thousand dollars did youraunt ever wear it nevor she kept it in her dressingcase just like any common trinket was she tbelast one who saw it miss carbrook i mean i suppose so but see here withgreat violence do you mean to insinuate that she no no i said hastily certainly not if it has got to that stage i dont dare to sugpest anything let us suppose the earthopened and swallowed them it may be a joke for you said fred with a groan but it is a very ssrioub matter to me i know it said i soothingly and ill go and help you pull down the house any time you say the word in the mean time let us go down to the club and take dinner- we had a nice little- dinner and freds gloom began to fade under the in fluence of good fare presently he looked up and caught the waiter eye mr spofford how do sfth said the sable attendant with a grin glad t see you sab hope you joyed yussup sah ah henry you rasoal said fred i thought you hadlbeen hung long ago for your impudence no sah i laughed henry jesthe same ole henry sah no betta no wuss hows the family henry wife all well and the children three henry foil now sah an all fust rate sah fust rate the madams doin ov nussin off and on wor in dendarice on yer aunt sah in her last illness l she was cried fred with a start perhaps perhaps pshaw 1 whats the nan not price th 11 ee cents exactly canli afford to carry round ro much idle capital and ive converted the runes into cash violet vill wear diamonle rubies are unlucky that is they ne irly proved so tome old fellow saving money sav6 all the money you can if you save it properly but do not let the saying be a costlier thing than the spending would there are better things tchave than gold and more precious to count and rejoice over thansilver pieces dont save money at the eienfee of honor or honesty dont save poney at the expense of strength and health do not save it at the expense of love or friend- or oor ship or the comfort of wife or j child parent itdoesntpay j do pot save it by beating dqvfii a i washerwoman a yuarter of a dollar on her days work or by giving a little- less to the old coal man or by putting a doubtful quarter into a contribution box or by re fusing charity to honest need unj3erwhich head pioturesque beggars with musical in struments spitxdogs and elaborate placards need not be included some wortliy hard- working being smitten by illness i some youth who needs a helping hand to a place where he can help himself some widow with her arras full of babies can always be found and a cup of coffee and a 10ceut piece given at a door may stop a fellowbe ing on the way to suicide do not save money by robbing yourself of innocent enjoyment oi making your children suffer from the shame which little ones endure by being shabby or by banish ing wholesome fruit or vegetable froft your table think beforeyou economize wheth er you are doing without that hich it is simply folly to desire or that which should be provided above all never economize by tryirig to cheat heaven you daunot do it but some people try to iu a thousand waysand heaven restores the lose by the grand processes of nature from tile inmost souls of the wouldbe robbers m k d if vhisbis0rgetting- forgotten you 1 we 11 if forgotten be thinkingilhri raj h kll the long day ho w the slow seco nd i drag since i lisftyou days seemyeavj in jw that you are away i if counting each iior lent with longing for the one when 11 see you again if this be forgettirlgt- youre right dear- and ihave forgptt m iyou then t forgotten yott i wei 1 i forgetting be readiogeach face pat i see- with eyes that mark never a feature but yours asyoi list looked at me 1 or hearing through all the strange babble of voices now grave and now gay only your voice an this be forgetting yet i haye forgotten jyon say forgotten you 1 f ell if forgetting be longing with all a fall hearty with a yearning half pain and half rapture for a time whetj we po more may part if the wild wish toj see you to hear you to be held in your arms oiice again if this be forgettinfe yohreright dear and am forgetting you then 1 our story wellington marble works quebec st gublfh insures buildiugs merchandize manu factories ami all other descriptions ot property on thepjreminni note sj stem p w stone cuas davidson presi lent john yfyi t lis i 824 it 20 8s good- og suited lers with ller w m hfimstreet licessei atctioxeeb for the counties of wellington andhalton orders left at the fbee pbbss office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable mpxet to loan also moiiey to loan on the most iavor- able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 500 and upwards fire secretary taylioe agent fire i fire burned c ut but not destroyed surveyqr john davis provin cial laid surveyor and ce guelph orders by mail or telegraph promptly- at teiided to charges moderate officess perth st guelph i john day architect i g lfu ont omoe queens hotel blocimarket square bomia- to take s good nes ertort ub vehem inre jjpp ieny0 jphn j daley successor to thompson k jackson money to loau on farm property at 6 per cenet mortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatly done charges low harms and city property for sale list with farms for sale sent to all parts of the uomiruon to intending purchasers and cir culated in europe european capitalists yntingfarms in ontario will be sent dr- wctiong through our european agenoies arms wan for our lists correspon- r 0ffice near the post office guelph ont j a having perfected arrangements for the rebuilding of the planing mill attheheodcf river sjtreet recently de stroyed by rjri and purchased new machin ery we would inform the public that on or about the 1st of may we will be in a better position than aver to supply their wants iu the shape of bsssxtfg- lt7mbee ssstzlta- floobz itg mottldinas c als in the meantime pumps will b repaired and general job bing done as usual thanking ydu for past favors and hoping by strict attei tion to business and reason able prices to merit an increased share of patronage we are respectfully yours tihis ebbage manager john h hamilton proprietor j wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble huviug lately visited the day of fundygranit quarries and having purchased the entire stock of gray and red granito monuments headstones crosses urns etc alexander taylor atlesi than cost i will until further notice sella prices never beforo known in ontario form stance granite monuments 0 ft high i00 7 ft 75 8 ft 00 9 ft s100 10 ft i120 all work am material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything iathis lino will do well to call aud set mo beforo purchasing elsewhere as i guarantet my prices are from 0 to 50 per cent below al othor dealers actoi meat market aunt jessicas rubies hy joies halivky smith come come what the mischief i could say no more as i slid rapidly down the steps under the impetus of a vigor ous shove from the man just coming out of the club i arose with wrath in my eyes and then harry fred well this is a surprise thought you wero iu switzerland returned on last steamer very sad news aunt jessica died last wednesday week you heard of it i suppose i no i hadnt i had been in florida and just returned very mysterious jase ultogother old felbw said fijed after we had adjourned to the smokingroom i dont mean aunt jessicos deatb although that was very sudden about her property i mean i am her only heir let me corgratulate io dont it isnt worth while tte 1 i watering place in a creek i cattle naturally belect a certain place in a watercourse to drink at where ihs bank what has hit von now i ventured to not precipitous during a goo part of the year this bank is muddy on account of fact is there is you surprise me acton jian barber shop mitt stbiet aotos c haircut a good 9tar and childrens bair given condition ttlrat i a w tenwrikl artiffb wm e smith proprietor mr smitilhas purchased the livery business of ml i h b mccarth y which he has remove a to hia comrriodions stables on john stree in the centre of ihe business portion of the town mr smith has had lengthy exper ence in this business and feels confident that he can give satisfaction to every patroii anyone des ring a c ommerclftl plea sure or oott pany biff can be suppued with a frretcl iss turnout on the shortest notice eutledgs croseon butchers have purchased the business of mr r holmes and solicit a share of public patronage the members of the firm are practica butchers and are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always be found on hand a full stock of all kinds of meat c in season we have settled in acton to stay anc feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win public confidence and support rutjedge crosson- acton feb 9th 1886 no property i thoughtyouraiint horses boarded and sold terms reaso iflble wm b smith dont read this the undersigned is prepared to furnishj bn the shortest notice in any quantityji and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shi igles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also flour ajnd feed and anything in the line of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities thoso moore mmmm tprancia nunan j i successor to t f chapman bookbindeil st gredrgeb square iqnelpli ontario v vr 1 aocount booksofall kinds made to order periodicals of every description oaref ally bound paling neatly aiid promptly done rich so did i said fred gloomily we wen i not on very good terms and i didnt knop much about her affairs butl thought she was worth at least sixty thousand wei i find a iouse and some pretty fair furniture pictires etc say ten thousand all tld and m trace of the remainder hidden in an old stocking i suggested or in the fomily bible or secret panel ive read of st ch things so have said fred with a sidkly smile andjvenearly torn the house to pieces in the j ast three days in my maid searph j dont giv it up isaid i wont said fred help me old fellou willycu i i said i would and of course i did fred and i wunt over aunt jeasioas house from cellar to garret turned every blessed thing inside c ut explored every nook that cotila by any possibility contain gold silver or bank notes and even ripped up the floor in a- dozen plooes nothing j was in de spair so was fred aunt jessicas fortune is a myth i said decidedly you had better believe it fred it will make it easier to bear fred thought so likewise and so we sepa rated but the very next day he rushed into my office all ablaze with excitement i am on tie trail he shouted sit down 1 said shoving a chair to ward him where is it buried 1 towhere he replied savagely its spenil i worse and worse i oried in dismay do you mean to say that yonr aunt squandered fity thousand dollars in a year 41 listen will you 2 roared fred and stop guessing yon know miss carbrook violib carbrwk beautiful girl very- mv dash ng sort yes well of a companion to my aunt i met her by chance last nighij and she cleared up the mystery in ten minutes it seems that aunt about six montjns ago converted nearly all her prop erty into oash and realized over forty thou sand idollars then she bought yon can not guess what she bought a ship h n onseuse- aa necklace of rabies 1 1 hat in t ielnsme of common sense did she wmt with bablithlg i iii is my j iicip fredj inquire an idea replied fred brilliant or otherwise remains to be seen in my present situation i cannot afford to let any clue drop why not see mrs henry why notindeedi assented blankly but why about theyou know what and fred checked himself as he caught henrys in quiring eye would it be out of place henry if i were to nuke a call on your wife say today no sah replied henry proud ovde houah sah if youll wait till six gem- min ill scorti you agreed said fred as he dropped a dollar into henrys nimble palm and we arose from the tableand sought the smok ingroom sixfifteen pm found us ubhered into the neat sittingroom of henrys home confronted withehza and four coffee- colored children we both knew eliza so no introduction was necessary lawd blesb yousah she explained in response to the first question deed an i wor wid her an i mas say sah dat she wor very try in very muoh tryin onter a pussons nerves sicli complaints au faultfindins well sah i arued my money deed 1 did i dont doubt it said fred sympathet ically but tell me did- you uotice any where in the room before or after aunts death a a necklace of rubies no sah answered eliza decidedly never seed no sich thing youkuow what rubies aie law yes deed sah i do replied eliza with some haughtiness of manner dars mighty few things i dont know i was in de best ov sassciety afore i wor married wid henry and that individual in the corner of the room grinned approval of this speech which might have been con strued unfavorably to him its no use i whispered to fled its a blind trail so it is said fred despairingly let us go but we were detained by henry who always had an eye to the main ohance dont either of you gentlemen want to buy a dog he asked suddenly the question wasso unexpected and so ludicrous under the circumstances that we fairly roared fred was the first to rj cover himself and wiping his eyes said yes i suppose so trothim out henry henry i disappeared into an adjoining room and returned leading a little boll- pup the nastiest creature imaginable he held it out to fred and to my surprise it was eagerly snatched how much demanded fred hoarsely fiv seven dollars said henry noting his eagerness in ten seconds fred had the money in henrys hands then with an apparent effort to ma calm and at the same time covering the animal with bis top- coat he asked where did you buy the collar dat wormine pnt in eliza- grinning i foun it on de flur ov yer aunts room party beads sah but dey liint no count we dont oharge nuffln fur de collar doee we henry not a cent sah said henry loftily once in the open air fred grasped mi by the arm add holding up the bnllpu to my view said in an awestrnok voice look at his collar it ib the rub necklacel its moisture and the trampling ofj the ani mals as a result the horses get the scratches and the cows come to the milk ing pen with muddy udders and frequently animals are injured by the crowding in the mud hogs are often seriously injured be cause the mud becomes so deep and- tough that they are well nigh helpless in it an other objection is that the animalwade to the middle of the creek and soon make its bottom as muddy as the bank and the water becomes unfit for drinking a con venient and inexpensive arrangeme it which may be built of heavy plank brie or flat stones prevents all this it is constructed by nrst making an incline to a level plat form for the animals to stand in while drinking this plane terminjts in ah abrupt defecent forming- a trough for the water to now through the trough should not be more than two feet wide that the animals may easijy get across it the level floor permits the animals to drink at their ease otteri a matter of importance such a drinking place should be made at the upper end of thai creek where it passes through aifield to prevent the animals from soiling the water by standing in it above where they drink american agriculturist for may i mechanical items put a little carbolic acid in your glue or paste pot it will keep the contents sweet for a long time 1 in some parts of mexico precious woods are so plentiful that the natives build pig styes of rosewood logs when it becomes necessary to trim a piece of rubber ils will be found that the knife will cut- much more readily if dipped in water j it iesserted that within the next five years the steel nail will havesupplantedth iron nail as the steel rail has its iron predecessor i to prevent an it mi saw table becoming charged with electricity j run a small cop per wire- from a leg of the table to a water gas or bteam pipe a remarkable biidsteid maije to order by a milwaukee furniture firm is twenty- four feet wide and lias nine compartments each intended to he ldone of the purchasers children i the dfecay of stone either in buildings or nibnumentsrmay ibe arrested by heating and treating with paroffine mixed with little creosote a common paint burner may be used to heat thestone aluminum is to be the metal ol the futnre and in a few years it will displace iron and sfeeland revolutionize the indus trial arte such is the prophecy of a prom inent machinist and engineer who also asserts that the world contains ten times as much aluminum as iron that it is three times stronger than bessemer steel will not corrode is very ductile is a third lighter than east ir jn and the raw materi als for making it are not worth 820 a ton the introduction of laborsaving tria- chinery in the leading lines of industry does not appear to lave been as disastrous to the artisan class of this country as some agitators occasiohally represent for in 1860 the wood industries sons today they the value of tliei the puke and the bishop the duke de roquolaire when travelling i sed a very mean equipage and dressed in i very shabby manner passing through j iyon in this guise he was observed by the 1 ishop of the diocese who was afflicted i ritb an insatiable appetite for news the 1 ishop seeing a stranger traveller of mean i ppearande thought he had only a plebeian o deal with and wishing to gratify his ruling passion cried out hi hil roque- aire immediately desired his posfjilion to itop and the curious prelate advancing to ihe carriage demanded where have you pome from pairjs was tbg reply i what is there fresh in paris j green peas but what were the peoplp saying jwhen you i oamej away vespers goodness man 1 who are you whatlire you called ignorant persons j call me hi hi but gentlemen term me the duke de roqueiaire drive on postilion the duke passed ou leaving the astonished bish op stariiig after the carriage j employed 130i000 per- employ 240000 while annualproduct has n industry employed lid now employs 100- jaills which produced good of the value ol 880000000 in i860 now tarn out an annual product worth 8270000000 the iron product amounted to 900000 tons of ore today it foots mp oyer 8000000 tons fk year almost a nine fold increase the jsilk industry employed 5000 persons it noweinploys about35000 seven times as many r- anecdote of sir thonas moore when sir thomas moore vas promoted to be lojrd chancellor he considered the poor as especially entitled to his protection he always spoke kindly totlibm and heard them patiently it was his general custom to fiitvery afternoon in his opeillilland if anyone had a sujt to prefer he might state the case to hii n without the aid of bills solicitors or petitions he was so indeatigable that aathough he found the office filled with- some of whioh had been pending for twinty years he despatch ed the whole withirj two years and calling for the next was tola that there waa not one leftpa circnmstmice which he ordered to be entered on r scprd and which has been thus wittily versified when if ore some years had chan- cellor been no more suits did remain the same shall never more be seen till more be t lere againi 1 m jjtr- soyou are to be married next month 1 i yob yott will come to the wedding ol ctapt i r yyyy of cburae your preaerrt tb the brid9 wu lmitpoedi a ruby n6dd4oe iiilliii a lemoncolored woman rochksteh n y dec 23rd j 1885 three years j go i was confined io my bed in a deplorab e condition skin as yellow as a lemon slightest food would make me bcream also had prolapsus and ulceration treated by physicians for two months grew worse doctors said it was the worst case of liver trouble tney ever saw lost forty pounds of flesh i coufd not sleep improved rapidly under the use of warners sjaf e cure never was healthy would have been in my grave hadjitnot beeb for the wonderful powers of garners safe onre atn now perfectly well j j batwe fia lake avenue i a complimentary husband did you see anything that particularly looking asked lately tour of replied struokyour fnoywhen ybu were around the furniture stores today a young somryille husband of his made wife on her return from a fdirmmrein8rjecti6ni vyjw she i saw spmething exceedingly pi etty in looking giasseb i- have no doimt yod flidi them 7ts rved m if f you look 4 aloof i brabwett peajbe tfervtije wrttat hisiiilil 1 t 2h t lmportnniwsltem cookstowu mrs campbell has been troubled for a numb ar of jtears with indi gestion and constipi tion and was induced to try mcgregor speedy tjure and found it all that was needed and would -recom- mend its use to any person similarly trou bled this invaluable remedy is sold in every part of canada at 50c and 8100 per bottle soldatdrmcgarvins drug store nowhere is something which is really worth making a note of if a piece of charcoal is laid oh a burn the paiu will subdue immediately ftud if left upon the wound will cure it this seems almost incredible but as a piece of charcoal is readily procurable- it should be kept in every honse for immediate use and its efficacy tested j v a modern miracle tnareceiitletterfromjr w dowson of deloraine ont he states that he has recovered from the worst form of dyspepsia after siiffering for fifteen years and when a council of doctors pronounced him incur able hetried burdock blood bitters six bottles 6f which restored his health many ladies admire gray hair on some otherperson butiew calfe to try itseffects on tbei own charms nor need they since ayers hairvigorireistprei gray hair to its original color iticleanses the- scalp fire- vents ddruffarid stimulates the growth of theliftirasinbuih f- vaaa isuri atoa take ai y contagiotis or poi t tbatra aypnio- be j0j jbeodi jbid altaai et0atipaic yotur- ielfiblihbyjfeik iei- v jjasaz u aiw- a i r 12l

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