Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 13, 1886, p. 2

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lit f t m srsiji- tacuruay orslsjj mavlft 186 notes andoomments the first rouyietiou in ontario tjourrty uuder the scott act was obtained oh mbu- dpy when a canningtin inau was fined 50 eihdomte stpriotly correct r the employees of tho torouto street railway are again oat on strike at few cars are running and the strikers are operating a una of busses in opposition to the street carst i according to theguielph ucrakl a lawyer ih that city claims that the scott act is ultra virus tt is supposed that the virus is in the sort of whiskey the soott act induces haviilton sficrtatfl i i mr coulter a wellknown county lawyer a good orator and an advocate of the scott act was nominated unanimously last week by a large convention jaapthe liberal candi date in haldimand for the house of com- mous a scheme was ou foot in ottawa to modify the scott act by a clause allowing the sale of wine and beer but the goveroment4hrongh f eatof the prohi bition party in the coming elections burked the project as a oopsequenco the brewers are greatly annoyed j- world mr mowat and hi3 government have some doubts as to their duty to enforce the scott act we shall not undertake to de cide that issue but there is one thing that is plain it is their duty to enforce the crooksact audits main provision is z that no one shall sell liquor in this ihovinoe without the license the provincial government jforonjo world another effort is being made to do away with sunday funerals all over the country after public attention was called to this matter a few years ago funerals were only held on the sabbath in such cases as were absolutely necessary bt daring the last few months the practice has again become altogether too general and now another wave of opposition to them is sweeping over the land the dofferin pod says- the hotel keepers in town now see thatitis folly to disregard the scott act as the ontario government lavei taken up the enforce ment of the law the bars are now closed and intoxicating liquor is nob sold openly as heretofore the ifirst fine being only 50 was not a serious matter but now that the second is being imposed of 5100 with the prospect of jail for a third offense the prospect is not so pleasant the st catharines knights of labor recently boycotted the new because the publishers received a part of their matter from a buffalo firm in stereotype plates the difficulty has been amicably settled upon what terms we have not seen an nounced should such boycotts- become general it would be for the news papers of canada for the local papers generally and even many of the city dailies are printed either on parent outsides or made np to a considerable extent from steoreotype plates repeived from toronto or elsewhere the free press is the only newspaper in hal ton county which is printed wholly from type set up in the i office of publication the patent system does not niake the best local newspaper but in the words of an exchange it may be a necessary economy as self preserva tion is the first law of nature f ilelllp has the tiltbn hiformer oil last we tho folio wing 1 the kaamyiwprofesswto bo teriibly iudigua it at the aototi fnun press tor pre bjaming to insinuate that some o the bad- jhgcitii ousof milton and officials of oounty ire in sympathy with lawbrea rera and in 1 1 voice of thunder demands tha t the free p vbss give the usmes of thoso lee ding citizens arid officials or alse be braudel as a falsifier such taotics ou the part ot the whiske sheet will decei vo n one a all oonvenant with its mode of warfare hardly anissue of the champion comes oat withou referring to tho number of shot eens that is said to exist in hilton aud yet it dares u ot give the name of a single bh been keoper how consistent then to asl the fkekr hem to give the names of ptrties who dt all they can to frustrate the suc cessful operation of the scott aot no doubt lit all but tlie free press or any other j aper iu tlie county could easily give tho names of those parties but ironr per- bouojraspiis do uot care to do so now then will tho champion lead the way and give the public the names of all the shebeen keepers it knows of in the town of mklton if it will the pnblio would have some faith in its display of wounded dignity and pride if it fails to do so the public will drajw its own conclusions and allow the rum prgau to blaster and falsify about the scott act to its hearts content in conclusion we might say that the acton free press was trictlr correct when it made the charges bf wbijch the chation compltfins bbrd op llducatiok i a shojrt session and a light docket of business the board met monday evening mem bers p resent j e alcgarvin cli airman and messrs w p brown jthos c moore and george hynds f minutes of last meeting read and con firmee the finance committee presented their third report recommending payment of the follow inr accounts hp moore adv annual abstract 1 80 a st phensqii repairs 2 50 tho3 t mcore papering residence 2 61 jas tf rant trees for arbor day i 20 this years assesauiont oflhhb towii milton exceeds that c past awolvo years i 1 is a wonderful tyli vancoin material p os peri ty and populat on when last year w j muouuoejl that tub t tjl value of real and j personal property uril jtaxable income exoeflikl thit of 1881 lp 12420 and that tli j population had eii iinoreasod by 70 inhabitants many i vmfte iwero uo lossnleasea thainvstonished this jfoeliug of astonishment will iove place to wonder this year when ve annouiipo ihut the otal value of roaj and personal prolior- ty a id taxable income execods that of last yeai by the handsome sum of 12080 the pop liation too litis kept pace with tha in creased prosperity of tho town and shows a clear gain of 8 persons over ithat of fast year better than iliis thet assessot re ports that there are already no fewer than fourteen handsomo huildingb in coursa of erection and the building season but just begun all this must bo exceedingly grati fying to miltoniaiis and thehfrioncjs milton tin a i the fuei 1imss has much pleasure in congratulatingthe county town ou tho very satisfactory degree of progress evidenced by the snnf statements we siucerely hopej too that it will ere long dawn upon tho jthti- scott act hovkis and the public gener ally that halton has not been ruined by the scott act after all for oven miltn the centre of till opposition to the aot iu the comity is undoubtedly according to tho sknv report ono of tho prosperous towns of the province t otcioefecr to mb5 q s how offering the whole of his imm millinery clothing hats ancjl t at aily arriving pbsitively wholesale cost piles uporj closes piles fc city few of the lines i otter at prices vhih lijave nejyer been approaclietl beforjc in acton french aai american dross qoqoj vrtito trimmirara to match kuslins in endless arloty prints the newest dosigns i74s print- vey new- ainarhams oeantifuliooda ignite and grey cottons at mill prices tapostry ttnlon and semp oarpots floor and stair oilclothe swiss and hamburg embroidorios from onehalf to 42 inches wido- s 11 14 report adopted mo ed by geo jfyuds seconded by- v p btdwn that the property committee be aud is hereby instructed interview mrs c s smith with regard to keeping her cows ind horses out of the school grounds cairied th 1 1 property committee were iusiructed to see that the caretaker properly clean the school yard board then adjourned j twenty yearb make a skeleton tuoiuetknx dec 29th 1881 war uers safe cure restored s me to pair feet health from an emaciated condition caused by chronic diarrhoea had it t weuty years and was reduced to a mere skeleton well weigh 120 john l goiuian teatohc0 190 to 106 yosge street millinery this department is and will be rowded with l oveltiefluud the very latest goods a very competent persot has cjiarge auid ladies are sijre to get jbargains in every department e halton dry goods house m r antiscott argument the st thomas jmialihas refers to the columns of bosh with which the lon don frft press regaled its readers on mon day morning may 3rd after the scott act hadrbeen in force bnt one day rot is not by uuy means au elegant xpre3sioii but welmow of nothing better to describe the stufffpo wished by the lon- don free prejas this morning iu reference to hhe scott act tfireeorfonr columns are devoted in a senseless tirade against the act all the old stock arguments being re- hashed in a weaker and more contemptible f style than ever st thomas is pictured i as in the last throes of dissolution its trade decaying its population lessened its people despairing all because the scott actrhas been one day in operation within its borders we are told in one breath that the act is a total failure because it doesnt prohibit the sale of liquor and in the next that the farmers of elgin who carried the act by nearly 2000 majority are unanimously against it and are going to london to purchase their supplies of the redhotarticle which tbexfv p appears to worship be the act wliat it may such machinemade nonsense is the frtte press grinds oat before the act in these counties is a day old is not calculated to deceive i but it certainly must create disgust in the mind of any reasonable man tlie toronto world evinced just about as much sense as its london cotem when it published on monday last a column or so of rehashed matter showing the scott act to be a failure and to liave already ruined guelpb it gives the evidence of leading men of the city all exhotelkeepers tp prove that gnelph has reallybeen rnin- edand the following is asample ofthestate ments j 4 f mr jaler late proprietor of the eoyal hotel says where our merchants used to take in two hundred dollars on a satar- day today they did not take in fifty the scott act haa ruined gaelph uoes world really helieve the public is prepared to swallow such bosh municipal eounciu holds its semimonthly meeting buttran- saets little business count i met on tuesday evening present mr henderson in the chair and v messrs pearson fyfe and cameron minuussbf last meeting confirmed movwlby j b pearson seconded by john cameron that the first aitting of the court of bevisiau be held on tuesday 251h may atj30i m carried moved by john camexonv secondes by fyfe that the constable be instructed to prosecute any persons fsund depositing firbgadylmd of refuse on any oftnfe ipiftjfohof by jf bficriorirtaniei j rockwood news from our otni correspondent j mrj t w hastings of the gueliih mer- cury spent sunday with friends here the friends of the misses stiill speut a pleasant evening at the residence j of the latter- last week messrs h b mccarthy of carletop place and john kelly of acton visited bockwood last week i the rain of yesterday gave the farmers a severe sethack in their seeding tho on low lands especially suffering j a very few cases werlieard lat the division court on tuesday last week acto 3 however was represented m alex mcmillan clerk of j parkdale form erly principal of rockwood i academy paid us visit here a short time ago tlie scott act merj think they can en- fore the act and point to gnelphj where threo hotelkeepers were fined as pftqf it is reported that two operatorslformer- ly of kockwood have been arrested by the g t 1 authorities forsome irregularities it is to be hoped they can prove their inno cence a few people from this placs attended the ball inyour village last week they report tho acton daucers as fond as ever of the saratoga lanctrs our lacrosse boys had juite a search to procure an opposing club to play hero on the 24th inst they are now making fiual arraugements with a very good tealm and we uay expect to witness a good game mr it h collins law student oi exeter is visiting his people here he jiai just re turned from toronto university where he was writing op a preparatory examination for the degree of llb dick always stands among the first ou the class lists we noticed mr g i drydtai at the window of bis brothers reuklenee the other 4ay lie was extremely palo abd thin mr neil otrachanwho was confined to his house with rheumatism with the assist ance of crutches is hopping around among his riends iir d l schultz has hi couneciliu with ais business now a large tailoringj depart- rbei t under the management of mr john inn 5s formerly of glasgow scotland and late of toronto bockwoodi at isugthi has secured what it has desired for some time viz j atirst class tailor mr lanes is a man who thoroughly understands tailoring in all its- branches ax a meeting of the officials of st johns church last week it wad concluded that owing to the existence of some iefene between the members and bevi w j pjggot b a the pastor that it would be in tlie interest both of the church j and the minister that a change be made lev mr pigpot has coiiseiueutly tendered fisresig- i bi our millihery manager liastjust returned from new york where he has sorted tip the hat sotik iii a very snljslaetory luanner coniineiieing itoday we shall show one of the most magnifi cent stocks of millinery outside of new york and which we ijwill sell at prices which positively cannot he approached by rany he has also made arrangenients with a firm who mahulagture ex- clusively fine goods to keep their line of shapes aud which j shapes shall be limited to our house for juixiuidn they are beautiful shiipesj aud worn by the best class we shall lalso show a firstclas assortment of childrens flats leghorn straw ejlc pitpic and marseillea hoods white chip hats xew bonnets new trimmings njid the ivory latest styles of every dry goods prices sale and retail thing at at wliole- carpst depirtmoat the great activity in thi de partment is due to housekeepers looking at our prices and it j goes right home to the pockets of the purchasers- wheii they see we are seying carpets atelose wholesale piices every housekeeper want ing carpets nn1 should nouail nificent stuck osefurnisfiiiigs jjo jee our iniag- nour tapcstiy on aud we understand the natl ipronisesto fill the vacancy as early as pos ible thousands of people suffer iu silent pat enoe from disease of the blad der if the e is anything more distreswinj among i chr inic diseases medical literature has not yet revealed it a newspaper is ino place in v hich to describe the particulars of this agony every victim knows it for himself i but every victim dees not know what thou- san is have testified to that wlieijall other j rerd sdies fail they have been reetoired to he th by means of warners safe pure th i great specific eonreots the action pi the ddneys drives the uric ald irritftpt roi jtbbtoodvieaoeb the copgestlod and koftt rathorouhcuise pf teeatmeftlfc he- fori lation of wucus oeases tlis elasticity of department we ovtv 200 different designs of the jktest patterns and colors stair and hall carpets to match in tapes- tly and bnvshls our body brtis- siuiltl is well ivortli 1 20 we sell a beautiful range ot full five frame brussels atsl 10 worth 1 30 oiirpets nieujsurod tyraiid cut to matuh ic ot charge carpets made aiid laid on short notice our carpet layer hasj over 20 years experience at the jhusi- ijesg j kidderminster carpets full 36 iuches wide pure wool ean be reversed brussels patterns and moresque grounds our prices for best goods 90o and 1 we sell some fine all wool goods afc 130c and 65c and our super niakes at 7oc aud 80c 0ur stodk is complete with the choicest pat terns and prettiest colors manur factnred ii union carpel xa mins a mixture of cotton made full r inches ide and can be revjjersed atoas prices 35 40 45 r 5q and 55e i j hemp carpets 33 inelies 8 10 j2 j and jjllotlbl fh mail 0kier dkpautmis this dejjaitmeut is now in jgood vorkdng order samples sent on appliflaton address all letters t6th wide tfttb guelph gruelfh feruelph in rts4 stck of staple anfd fanc thy coods of n pricey ktsififactfiri groceries and wall papers hp bw and fashibnable goods which wij be sold at x allover emoroiderlos lwos for the irtillioo spjanisli oriental 7ak valocieanes wool iri8i trliamittss otc 1 f gloves of every description srpecoloraulaualit7 hosiery in cashmere ootwn sal lisle tnred for everyboay oeirsets orinolinea an bustles etc etc eto- wljat they require at prices to suit them milliniery ill 1 i tcjrpnto prices for buer and eggs i the only in the city of cuelfh wliultsale and lletail dealers aud direct fmpolltrs of the best and cheapest carpets in can ada ovei 300 pieces to choose from our prices will gladden the hearts of eveijy lady also laos ctiptaiss olare tljeomisq 42 st georges square guelph lias carpet vuvinidiiii l ordlt it advertis gooi pasrrite rphk iuulersiiixl chh miply godd pajbturc ritli 1 iibnuilaiiceofxrntor apply to alkx h wluomt iiuise for sale the subscriber will sell on very usy towns the houbo and lot on church street now occupied by peter ijcc luljoiuiuy the dwelling of charles speight and immediately behind geo hyuds jewellery store price xhpo oue third cash and the balance may remain iude- flnetly at opor cent interest information may be bad from tho editor of the kiike 1ituss or by j attlrossinb- obt wabtku m d wkrxeiisvine ukbks co pa thoroughbredjbyll for service ji mhkiuxdkkhlgnkphastiir lieriiied ion liis 1 premises lot si 1st line ksijuesxiis- iis thoroushbrcd bnll haron morutonl 2nil calved 7th march 1ssi bred ijy f j stone pediifree seventh grand dam mitkdufcu 4th iiupotted by sir isaae entered in tau british american herd booh and cleuible td be entered in the now dominion herd book tonne- thoroughbred cows fiw oradeh- rijiso to be paid 1st january cows to bo returned regular ly thee tiines if necessary those liot returned will bo ehjiigcd at snmo rate i alex wa11mk n acton po board of health vfotlce is hbrhhy given that all i i residents of acton avo required forthwith to clean their cellars drains yardfi pigstyos wate closets and other out buildings and prem ises and remove therefrom all dirt allth manure or other things which may endanger tho public health aud to have the same completed ut latest by tliu 15th of may next on which day the health officer will coimiieuceu general iiisuec- tionf and further take notice that tbit section oi the law prohibiting the keeping of hogs bc- iweoii the lth may niicl hie i noyeuiber ex cept in pens at loust jli feet from any house aud 50 feetirojn auv street or lane with floors kept free from standing water and regularly cleansod and disinfected will be strictly enforced h p moore chairman board of htinltu acton ajivilajth lhsu court of prevision riljf k coutt of j iu virion for tiic muuiciimlity u 1 ih village of aoton wiu hold its llrst sittinu for the hearing and de termining of appeals against tlie assess- ment of 1880 iu tho council i chamber on tuescjay 25th may 1886 4 hio rock im j the lust day for receiving appeals i friday uth may f j e mchaltvlv 5- vlllaoi clkllk clcrts ofllce may ljth i860 i w -tuats- fjibrn 75 cents tp 20 at j fyfeb ior prmju clover and titnothy seed go to3t hi howsouo if y6n want n tfobby durable and cheap suit go tp j fyfes acton for primo i clover mid timottiy seed ho to f k rw9 scotch en dish and canadian auitinys in great variety at jfyfes acton goto j fyfes acton for your oloth- ihg he can shit you for price quality and sfylg eyervtiine i i spring sort and qverooajis at extreme ly low prices and made iu fclje lutesfcstytes ijeuretq call and seetjiern at j ipyfes aptpp thkckablj8 i njiwtpsvat eimehotfsef ori the 10th inst the mr john newtop jr of a son nbwqk i ijimepnse onthe jotb iijat infcnaongfmh jrujrewjgn jr 0vwilu aoton on the jowt jiist the wife tmfpipfflgwpi pt tthugh- v h ti ryan3erkinshaw pp v 4 v k uccbssqbjs to johnhogg son the- is not sptitlfed yet bvijfc the act that w williams ilusljlie heat stock o boots and a in the dounty iw settled beyond dispute n lof i opeijiedthib weekfrotji the cotjntt down flax spoting anp weaving co of belfast a beautiful range ot lawn and lineii colored border and white handkerchiefs -oi- l0t opejied tins week trans hannah w arajeiehauce to secure fine linens at astonishing prices lhuve just received my spriu am prepared tostiit all old customers- and as niaiiy new oil js as see tit- to call iu all liuos pf footwear boots bodts for the niou hood gree for the bahiesl i do make stock and give mo a boiits i do mend justoni work and repairing prompt y attendejl- to win w teloplioiu furuiroliou vi imams hhoijsei georgfktgwn t newest ni lowers wholesale and itotafl funeral anli weddinef prepare on short ljiotice andsliipped afely pnt d cljplcest 1ljiiitti vuii cut any weatlier acton peanin mills wiluams6n flailshaw hqillikidll builder ani qoatjiiotor hwli sjoop aad blind ractcpy designs notice to creditors tf tub matteu f neil kijth deasejj notice is lieroby jlvon pursu uitto tliopio- vihioiih of c lap- 117 bst aud joviet chap 1 out to u lereditord out others haviug eliinib against the estate of nei keith late of tlie towusbixi of kmiosing in the county of halton yeoman vhodiertou or about thejuth day of jfoveinher si f deliver r send bvpoat totmmideitbfgnfitaqfonbo r istb day of june 1 j8t minuuneb address 2b particulars of thei elaiins and tie nature of the securities if any held by them accompanied by a statutory dec iration verifying bubh claims aud further coticeis hereby givfa that inimedi- ot vbich notice dhau have befen suired and thp extilto leaasetboi acton may 4th 186 doojsj jvin- j on short is prepared to iput op stonv dows weatper strips e a notice winter porche erect d neatly and at reasonable prices we have one df fleuryscel ihrated chop- j pluk rflills and wi chop all k nd of grajr on tuesdays ituqrssaysah saturdayji a ramqgiwv manager p 0 mertin glasqovv two cases of bleachers daaiagies cbiwistiiig of tai5 lings c slightly h amiged it bleachiug but beautifully fine n e buy these goodsironi mauufaeturers at so much acise it is rjtalsy befeein8h aw 0 6l i roeredgluthin3i begs to inform flip public that ho lias opened nn ordered cloth inc department and lias a choice stock ut- v gttch english and canadian tweeps worsteds fancvpantin3s c at lowest prices satisfactioti guaranteed i n ven as re- otbe liable for or any dart thereof bc diatribtttfid to any person whose claims shall ubtfiavebeeur coiypd at tio fipb ot tlie disuibution qf said johsmcpbljoa fc r extvntois it mis8m wishes tointiin liethat sho s prepared to ifeeifyeptipusji i f- i- musio bqaiii jrawlop a utaiitiap j we still have on kandalull iiue ot ic e f re1sh gro ceries v irt goq3ds etc terms cash or produce only john nelsojn js j keeijia spleil duripfc the ths largest a fectiomeb foreign aii goods fls remqvp ibalgamatloii of mcabros aiidr j mcka iircts joods reduced tooc casl ineres vednced to 25c j 8ilku alji reduced in prior tidies hosiery reduced to uoc worthllfio t5 itartdbjeroliiefs retlnoid to 50p fin ts reduced to 5o worth 10c j piijives 25c worth 7io winliio apr 1 q nr forced sale of dry goods and carpets i wiuhecontid4edati8lreqtea8tnexttagh immense bakgaliss iwilii 1r ilvx 73iutjh twill slieciiut redncjeil tosiki- vortb 37c- i i2iuuh hlloiw cotlou rcducedjtoijie iuble liuen reflucedip 25e worth siii tweeds reduced to 35 worth 50c gents pnrnihioga all reduced ginghams reduced to 121c flannels alt reduced tetjot roniti lines wt i paipete quclolh8ftcecnrtainsbrahketetc alt reduced we ha frraiiiir8took and are bfllerihg extrairdiriary indncemeritsto elear outrae8 we will hiolj auction sale at o 70 ring street ihst everyaflirhobntfrnnienoiigjlpndayy q to clear pui balance o qry qoms ajifl oarpefa j cor kins anc john 3ts hanikjlton 1 crumb provided by the wet seeding opera the heoi back inits ra polite istosendhin norval on the 21st i seenredi mtd appointed a townfhip a thing weu a thin advertising j thereis nicmiuspbn other enitabl the his rounds duties will thebanej weeks ago is methodmcb matoiobi according til every twelftb thecinti he underst advertising 1 4 berkns of 457ov 1786 an 4thedi methtxhst clj thereasilll iri the even 1 a numl bandhf i in theldetho suers last eve tthe ev in the town of june fori minion voter j nmrherl its softly blo in the fields heifers be merits in his i recently pnrd head his adj the churjcivort are being wt ued vith j -v-mriw- xvorks who will please a a in teres tipq afodth murket eqtjal that club and a tooin favq woee day j the garden gaweya fell j right arm ture xhelarl wilkamspgi fireou hohef citizens sav tiuctly wie are j the canuda fortvcolumlj interests of 1 tiou at st a fine 1 here oh mor n car of cat tie sheep i furthcrahip the ani successor colamu is- readers wholesale ing rev it que occuj last suudaj interestinif the cdngre clever p tjfcbe council a thebtatue house and johriilewt villaj co 5cho ot cttretsker beeajneiu heuiorrhagj was a set stephens is weak state hbsiiyw- s w j rneuced iu ilthongh j ofthebesti is well pn supported tdieefeo chief- mr tmsi wm

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