Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 13, 1886, p. 3

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j f tv 1j at ceo hynd8 seasoublegoods arriving express wag- ont cartel base balls rubber balls sldnpingbopestljcr6s4 supphe8fi8hing tackle v etock of school books and stationery is the best in town give us a call oeoht2hbs sells ohrap is at j m pebnley keep tplemlm assortment ot ll kiwis ol hoi hk piants hvngixo shklb nd bkdmku wants during the spring smxon ml cheap for cash tho largest and bosl rtxl stock of cox- kkctlosklly in town cheap foreign and domestic fkl iis cvnnkd t r3 tr fcoods kinkhtcunilsiii j m market tknlie i mjt artoit m tes thcksda iioiimo 3l 13 188g crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful free press reporters 0 r nlxg ivo it 13 jo with tin wet weathei has niteifered seeding operations i the ecomniutl says markham hasgouo back in its assessnrentsooo the weekb bakings i i which aire principally looal and all interesting soott act cjonvlotlon i wni bn sh whose easo was bofoio mr young 1m ou tuesdnj april 27th was lined 50 a id costs notice ot convict ou served on saturday may 1st jirfornlil realestab change mr c b griffin litis purchased 1 1 tat poition ohliar smith estate on mill htr set jknown as tho old glove faotor he ill proceed at ince to convert the eastern w ng in to a single store and dwelling the sh jp occupied bj the satchel aud vahsoluoti ry will remainj as it is foi the prescut a northwest medal mr w felton of the ahsc and b it- ehel factory who is a luoiiibcr of he govemprqeuerarb 13od guarcr engaj ed in the ifeprtli west rebellion lait spri lg went to toronto yisteiday to receive ns medal fori such service lie will hio military openeuco to lelate to his- gre at grandchildjren and will in connect on therewith exhibit his medal to enfy phis words- i death of mr mccraney a mother while iu attendance upon his othmal duties at ottawa last weduesdaj mr ja polite way of dnuumg a delinquent mccraue the esteemed member for is to send him a bouquet of forgetmenots xorval brass band will give a concert x nt p c i- lets to 3v irlh xsi iv bottobdl ies wc v fondny on the 31st mst good talent has been secured mr 1 henderson banker hcb been appointed au arbitrator for esquesmg township a thing worth doiug is- worth- doing well a thing worth advertising li worth advertising well there is some talk again othaviug sicklius pond stocked with bass or some other suitable fish the health inspector will commence his rounds on satnrdaj we hope his duties will be light the band which was m acton some weeks ago is now holding services m the methodist church limehouse miltons population is now lih and according to the assessors enumeration eery twelfth citizen owns a dog the enterprising ad eriiser proves that e jie understands how to buy because in advertising he knows how to sell ijerhn 3 population is 5 31j au mciease of 157 oer last jcar the assessment is 1037870 an mcrese of 55011 the district meeting opens in the methodist churcb nest tuesdaj at 2 p in there will be a public service of some kind in the evening a number of the members of acton i baud of christian workers held a service j m the methodist chuich crewsous cor ners last evening 1 the kevlsiug ofticei will hold a sitting m the town hall nasoagawfeya on the 10th of june for the final rev lsion of the do minion voters hit suniner time will come again with its softlv blowing zephjrs lowing kiue are in the fields some are cows and some are heifers bt ton woi hi mr e knowltou has made improve ments in his store and added to the stock i recentlv purchased from mrs b a secord kead ins adertisement the biind services in the methodist church on tuesdav and sunday eveuingb are being well attended and are character- uedwitii gratif v nig success mr w t femuh of the canada glove orks who is now in the north west will please accept ohr thanks for a number of mterbng winnipeg dailies 4 football match was plaved on the market square last saturday between ar- thur club and georgetow n it resulted in to ll in favor of the former ihtuuh one dav last week while walking in tlie gdrden mrs john halpin of nassa- gavveja fell and 111 doing so broke her right arm dr lowry rejuoed the frac ture the laigc woollen nulls of mr b illiams crleuwilhainsrwere destroved by fire ou ilondaj evening a number of oar cuuens stw the fire from heie ery dis- tiuctlv av e ate in receipt of the first number of the quiiila lfibot cvurur sfn eight page fort column weekly paper published in the interests of the knights of labor orgamza- t on at st thomas a fine lot of stotk was shipped from here on monday mrlt holmes shipped 1 car of cattle and mr j frv a car of cat tle bheep and pigs ms frv will make a further shipment to england to day the anuouneemenv of 11 b jermyu successor to mr c b griffin in another column is worthy of the perusal of all oar readers the entire stock is offered at wholesale cost new goods are daily arriv ing kev d curne ba of three bivers que occupied the pulpit of knox church last sunday his sermons were of a very interesting character and well received by the congregation kev mr currie is a dev er preacher at the last meeting of tlie township council a bylaw was passed couimitiug the statue labor in the village f lime- house and appointing messrs john moore john newton jr and wm hagg of that village commissioners the other day mr john m stephens caretaker of the public school suddenly became ill and was attached with violent hemorrhage of the stomach the attack j was a serious one the more so as mr stephens is 73 yearbof age he is in a weak state last seek the beetou world com menced its fourth volume the worltl his couuty received a telegram bearing tho sad bis- news of the death of his mothei at rnarck elgin county tho deceased lady wasc3yearfe of ase at tho time of hr death the funeriil took place win the residence of mr mccrauey at oak die on saturday i 1 vestry meetingst alban s church j the adjourned vestry meeting was herd in st albans church lost monday evening when there was a full attendance mr john perkins was roetected ministers church warden and mr george hynds was reelected the peoples church warden messrs w a stark and j h smith were appointed auditors mr geo hynds wah elected laydelegate in lieu of of mr b haslett removed st albans church is iu a good financial condition lacrosse matches the crescent laciosse club played a friendly prajctice game with the etnas 6f georgetown last ev aning the result is not known as we go i to pi ess 0nr boys entertained their georgetown friends very hospitably and tlie etnas returned home pleased with their visit the crescents will plav a match with the berlin club on the queeusi birthday the stars have re ceived a challenge from the junior club of georgetown batthe date for the match is not y et fixed i the celebration postponed 1 owing to the fact that celebiatious are being arranged for queens birthday in nearly all the towns in this vicinity the committee who had 111 chaige actius celebratioji have dcjdtd to postpone it untd dominion day the committee vill continue their efforts and purpose hohang a demonstration in acton on july 1st such us w as never heretofore given 1ar ticulars will be given to the public eirly and other towns will now take notice tjhat acton will aionopolue the day named bad accident in nassagaweya the other day mrs mcgibbou w holies ou the homestead lot 6 con 1 nass8g wey a and us the mother of our respet ted townsman mr d mcgibbou was the ic tun of a very severe accident she vas standing on a chan vashingawiudow ud in borne way she slipped and fell icr thigh bone was broken di winn w us at once sent for and he did all he could for the injured lady and we trust that the ftfars expressed that she will not iec ver the use of the limb will not be realised but that mrs mcgibbou will long limito lv- iiit8 wcjtpsabnentoftw enjoy the bonis she has already i lved for over fifty years mtllon sun the fountain heal of profitable t ade the following sensible observations from the toledo blade it sometimes oc curs that a business man geneiatly h div ever one of the timid sort doing a half- vay business thinks that advertising is of no value because its results are not always immediately and directly visible such persons are unable to understand why cus tom cannot be directly traced to the source where they expended their money tonblaan it business as like a river with minj tributaries and in which it ia impossible to trace every individual drop of water to the spring from whence it came but if a journal is selected for advertising purposes that veaches time and again the persons most likely fo be interested in the solution that paper s certainly a sure fountain head of profitable trade in the stream of patron age far below temporary advertisements in a small way will not produce au imme diate or permanent increase of business a ly more than a slight shower will affect the depth of water in a well but by persistency in the use of printer s ink in the right direc tion the results sought will be gained in uie end with mteiest arbor day success j acton celebrated hei fouith annual arbor day last tnday and although 1 ot so many trees were planted as on previous arbor daysra large- numbei was planted and ritueus generally observed the day 1 y planting trees as requested by the coanc 1 the public school grounds received due attention and a good many trees were planted theie gome were planted in the church yards a few bribe town hi ill square t nearly every btreet in town le- ceived its quota the day wad not observ 2d as a pubhc holiday as was requested for brown wouldnt close his placd of busmuss because jones wouldnt and snutlu wasit going to if the others didnt consequeu ily the most of the- stores c remained op m a number cf the members of themethodist church obssrved the day by spending ihe- af teratoma thoroughly cleaning up ihe church grot uds and removing all the rib bish which had accumulated the resulkof their labors is a vast improvement in the although pubhahed iu a small place is one geiierauppjearancerf th of flie best weeklies in the dominion it fell printed ably edited and liberally supported mochofits attraction is due to the efforts of its enthusiastic editor-in- chief mr c w lawton messrs henderson mcltae co an nounce that their miuinery and spring goods trade has already tbib sprinjj tn in ekewo that ofany previous sea- r- glasgow house has als en- getber arte r day was a great success and by its annnal observance our town isra id- ly growing more and more attractive in appearance as the ir ees grow apld inon iase iu numbers and size on ou streets land avenues ff j ted thedeprsssed anxious tiiedprostri feeling witl dipositionto chillsjapd fever headache 1 lalaria aud nervous prostration indfeate th it the blood s fall of drio tcid whioh cn 1 inly be effectually remedied by that great blood purifier warnorsl safe otr smoshup at aoton on tae8day morning about half past buvou au accident oocured to engine no 201 of rather a benous nature this engine with its train of freight care had been standing in one of the sidings in tho east side of thoyard wlnlo the chicago express psbbed through and was in the act of ruir mug out to the mam lino again when u rail at tho western side switch split in twe from the top aud let the heavy engine down betweeu the lails it ran only a few yards but the da nage caused was greater than oue would imagine the king bolt in tlie front trmls hralto oft and allowed the tiuoks to coinu into contact with the gour- ihgtuid other machinery under the boiler the whole ji which was broken and twisted into all nir uner of shapes had the engine proceeded twoor three yaidsfurthoi trafffiq would lui u been suspended for tho dayl for the wrick stood at the main switoh and there ore only half a dozen inches betav eeu it and trams which passed on th west sidin au aiixilliary tram with a a gang of men airivod f 10111 toronto in an hour or so but it wab neawly four oclock m the afternoon before tho damaged ougiue was put u ion the track again it seems to have bcou a pufe accident and 110 em ployee cm justly the blamed as lesponsible for it mt salem smith oousm of mr w e smith liveryman was timer of the engine purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or colleotlvely acquainted miss m eiston is visiting fnuids 111 sarua mrs m bncker of liatowel luis ietuiu1 ed home miss miuuie collie of aithui is tho guest of mrs w ii storey mr hib mccarthy of cailcton place has spent the past week here rev d rogeis has been invited to ie- mam another yeai on ailsa craig cncuit miss katie rogers of ailsa craig was a guest atlhe methodist parsonage thfs week messrs john kennedy aud d kenney olmiltou visited acton friends on sunday dr webster who renio ed hence to collilgwood bomo mouths ago has left that tow 11 mi mokeemau ami family foimcrly of bradford have taken up their residence iu acton miss ella biyeis elocutionist was tho gue3t of mi issac i raucis a couple of days last week it c curly md late of ltoeknood now of toiouto withhislady anddaughter were quests of mi wm hemstreet a for mer friend aud neighbor last friday itev jphp douse an aged methodist minister wellknown to many of out citi zens diet suddenly in toronto on satur day he was about 80 years of age we me soiry to learn that the editor of the georgetown ihi aid has been confined to his room for moie than a week through illness we hope friend warren will soon be able to return to his editorial duties onr esteemed reeve mr w ii storey arrived heme f 10111 his trip to emope on tuesday vemiig tlie visit has improved his health very materially and he looks re markably well the trip wfts a most pleasant oue aud was much enjoyed by him a large number of citizens went to the dopot to welcome him home again summer 1 t i o henderson mcrae fc thank thuir many friend for the more than liberal shire ther opening and cordially solicit a continuance will be spared to make transactions m r o this line we have made special efforts to- meet the wishes an that our efforts oave not been in vain we trust that in the past favors wo shall siill show the newest tho nicelt and card of thanks to the luitoi of the i iu t piu b- dear s it i beg to acknowledge through the colurr us of your paper the leceipt of it beautifully worded vote of thauks rdstmg upon the practical pedestal of 11 ten dollar bill received by me thiough the secretary of acton lodge ioor no 201 i can assure the members of the order that this expression of their kindness was as unexpected as it was unmerited but as they have seen fit to convey their thanks in tin form for snoh a small service i hope tliy will accept of mme in this way for their tangible expiession of apprecia tion to me it yas a gieat pleasure to have the opportunity of celebrating the sixty- seventh anniversaiy of the order with tho membeis of acton lodge i o of and unfolding the great cardinal principles on which the order iests iam m perfect sy mpathy with the object which the order has before it aud at any time when the use of the chuich of which i am pastor aud my services would in any way aid m accomplishing this objeot both shall be placed at their bervice r philiu- pastor methodist church acton mayloth 1880 fifty dollars each the first scott act cases in guelph and the result of the same i the first tual for violation of the scott act in guelph took place last friday theretvas greatinterest manifested therein the pohcs court was crowded from its openmgat halfpast ten oclock until the cases were finished at twenty minutes paift ten at night there was only an adjourn ment of twenty minutes during the trial the three parties charged welsh middle- ton and doian weie fined each 50 aid costs they paid the fines there will be no play mg with the scott act under the present efficientofficers in guelpll blood i wuf tell j 4 ohio nov 17 1883 jn april 1881 my daughter was taken sick with complication of symptoms she con tinued to grow worse under the best medi cal treatment only temporary improve ment had a relapse grew rapidly worse aud at this time had palpitation of the heart intense pain in the head nervous dyspepsia and physicians said catarrh i of the bladder she fell away from 135 pounds to less than eighty began to use warners safe care and waiters sate pihs together with warners safe neryine in ten dtys she was much better bud in 100 days after she gained fifty ponnds in weight and was restored to good health jofctii h tuol lev room j jfllinsofi building our dress goods trade this season has been far i 00 o d d 0 o o q o 0 q0 o o n excei s of any previou the management of our millinery department being in charge ot wellkno v hands needs no commendation from us the liberal hmtroi country speaks for itself wc have just received tho latest wants of ourcuetopo future we shall the cheapest goods t reasons business in ers aud feel flattered mjerit a continuance of iu the market are fully prepared to fill all order on shortest notice see cur age of the ladies styles and shade ot und fully expeiienced acton aud surroundincr for buinmcr wcqr and dress goods mantle silks prints giighams carets muslins afcle linens lace curtiins allover embroideries allover gray white cottons a o 0- corsets laces etc and shoes eoots and shoes great riciy in mens womens and ciiildmn odd lines at les than ha uo- egs and butter taken in exchange remember o nr famous 50cent tea henderson mel cd a big 1 majority m gli1111 april lltli l8u xow that the evint of the opening season has passed wlini thousands w sre delighted with the rich niubical treat which we were enabled to tender to them aud thousands were still more delighted with the magnificent dis play of lovely goods which adorned oui btorc aud show rooms and the virdict of everybody 111 reference to the whole affair was lhat bolkhii ahead by a huj maiui it ve purpose rbttlidg down to solid business to give opr customers tho very best attention aiid to further demonstrate as we have already done that no 27 is not only the best place foi music but also the ir ost satisfactory reliable and profit- ajlehouse to make youi dry goods purchases kveiy dopaitinent is ciowded with heauty novelty and vale 1 specialties this week 111 the dms g oods department laige lines of nunb xeilinp much under pi ice great pile of black cashmeres at 3 c worth 75c in the cl0thlng department g rand line of scotch suitings lovely goods iig range of allwool tweeds for boys wear very cheap in the staple department 0 re at bargains in twilled sheetings beautiful line of linen tobhngs in the fancy goods dbpatttment 50 doz ladies hosiery at 12jo woith 2oc per pair jo dois ladies extri seamless at joe worth 15c pnr pair great value iu ladies lisle gloves great value iu ladies silk gloves all sizes and shades in wellknown marquise 4button eid at 75c abso lutely without its equal in the trade g land lines in laces emhroideries flouncings etc polite attention uo boriug to buy uo 1 puffing splendid light to sec aods one price strictly cash e r bollert 27 wpwer w3rndham street guelph ontario 1 n gspringbpring spring is here ioioioigioioioioioioiooi dregoqdslilfresy etc of trade exteijc assuring them that no effort utually benelicia v- 1 1086 new advertisements acton d to them since cretonnes parasols etc montreal house b knbwlton successor to mrs accord begs to intimate to the otfitens of aoton and surround ings that he has refitted the store and put in a deeirable stock of dresft goods priats itaene jerseys hosiery parasols o also mens readyjnade clothirlg boots and slippees a dioice assortmqnt of croceriae which will be sold at oost for next 30 dajl a cau ana ashare of vbur patronaee ib respectfully invited j patronage 18 e knowltos sign of the bed flag acton au cloth fine ilph hall scotch summer 1 suitings in all the nevvest designs both in checks and plain good s bedroxkpries 8 wearch f price eap job lots of ow louse acton afact 0 o- ever having the interest of his patrons in vievthe energetic proprie tor of the metropolitan studioi has succeeded in making arrangements to get hie instantaneous dry plates direct from the manufacturers so that he w ill supply the beautifuic abinet photos at the present low rate remember the place i w hhis old stand mill st acton j priiigbpiingbiiiiribpriug8prmgspiiucspriiispnu zepirizlstgr- pring8pringspring8piiigsprmgprihb o and along with it 1886 tho seajoii for house cleaning anji pjiper hanging do you want to decorate ypur walls vifha paper which will always please you if so buy your wall papw and bbrders from how j e i m- son designs good coloring riel prices lew no trouble to show goods i hc j b spring with all kenney bros main 15 q jjljiijtijli its attractions and have now on the shelves of tl epomiuioa boot and sjpi ing footwear of alflci nds and we are now supi nor value in all lines street acton shoe stole a fulf stock of offerfng onrcustoniprs of boots shoes slippers c 1 we carry astock which for aisortment cannot be e celled aud every want can be supplied wqure showing some jnce lin ss in tlttjnks v4illse8 o received direct from the manutacturerb j complete satisfaction our ordered wprjt is giving prices are ripht repairing neatly and tironiptiy executed 1 h v l wson acton 1 hkl merehe nt tailors guelph repa grundy fine watch irinc particular at the attention daid to repairlig and cleaning of fine wa ches anil clocks old estabhshed hoikse of b savage guelph go to waters bros guelph tul picture gallery for ai tut makriah oil colons crayons cui fapt bruilies oil paintings steel tijngravi4s chromos u and watfi draimii he frames of all mouldings room audpicture cornices and cornice poles spring window shades fionijoi fancy goods suitable tor vcddmg thdi and bu thday presents ac evisitdrs can have framed while in th city 1 with you to watbes brbs the pjotui c gallery uear t hen pictures 0 bring them c post ofllce ex0els0r bakeey hainr purchased the ftomimn d mu1j satisfaction to the uiirai patronize it thanking them for pastj endeavor to attend to custoi ners promptly and obligingly and trubt thit they will one and all extend to ns their pc tronage and customers know tftnt our kenney bros i use nothing but tho bes and keep it iu stock fresh bread c also st earn br bad cakes ofallkirjds t new york tea b scuits soda on hand 01 and oatmeal made to order at wedding cdkes a biscuits and confectioner of all kinds icing sugar ginger snaps boston mixed cakes wholesale flonr batter and ekb taken in bxcbaasfe for bjea4 at voskei 1 3 woss 08 ml mrst stetham kinds m rollers and coijiplete ict0k jibovo bakery hope to gie customers who favors 1 will i roller floui everyday ir he i scones shortest notice t specialty h

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