Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 20, 1886, p. 1

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volume xi xo ib ruullsbed- j every thursday morning at the j press power printing house acton ontario free 50ct8- subscription rates 6s k ykau oa six months thrkb months 25cts i in variably in advance if not paid in mvnnce sljis per rear will be charged timiod till no papeij discou all arrears ore paid except at uio oj tion of tho publisher advertising rates stack 1 tk 1 6 mo a ho ft i oue coluinu half column quarter coluuiu one inch 0000 3500 620u0 3500 2000 lido 2000 1300 700 660 350 a90 lino 700 350 iso 1 100 acton eankinc cqy storey christie 6t co banrters- actou casual advertisenients 8 cents per uucj lor the- first insertion and 2 cents per line for each- sub sequent insertion cash the number bf hues receoned by thespaco occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil advertisements without specific ditoctious will bo inserted till torbid and charged accohl- ngly transitory advertisements must bo paid a advance t changes for contract advertisements must be in the offlceby 9 ajn on mondays otherwiso thov will be loft over until the following week h p moore editor and proprietor 20 1 i 1 1 z f l tr- tv a j v hbb l- s irowelift obskespaber ad- tertlslsg battu sproce 8tv fcntracumaybemxfcrorlt lji this papfr 5 v j5teij tpwti ioer ai forltlkkew ydith- business directory xxy h lowry m b m c p s vt graduate of trinity collegetmem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street actont acton ontario thursday may 20 188j huij outvio a general banking business transacted money l0 noteb disoot alloweli 02t approved 0tes nted and interest on deposits h eneral agents j mcdohald go no 2 viatoria st toronto estate jnsu ranee agents choice new wall paper -w1tji- houses money to loan at sis per cent rented business chances chattle mortgages promissory and other securities negotiated uators ac farms or pthur properties sold or ex changed i call atfbee p eiess office notes yalu- c t e l p n- bu si hess college guelph ontario ce stacey mj cm graduate of trinity university fellow of trin ity medical schoolmember of the college of physicians and surgeons j office campbells hotel l l bennett lds dentisj georgetown ontario ac mckinlay l d s sirgson dentist georgetown ont uses he new svsteni of nitrous oxide gas cqm- mouly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain having been e emon- strator and practical teacher in jroyal college of dental surgeons toronto pat rons may depend upon receiving satisi action in anv operations performed wil visit acton every other wednesday of each month office agnews hotel jstirton lbs mrcds ontario hone graduate ontario college of dental surgery successor to cb hayes ldsj artificial teeth in serted op rubber celluloid gold or alum- inum and satisfaction guaranteed nit rous oxidegasadministered fees moder ate appointments made by leteer office tovells block opposite p o guelph lumber young men and women are thoroughly prepared for positions as bookkeepers shorthandwriters caligraph or telegraph 0erators students have been in attendance from nine provinces and states within- the past j year our graduates are meeting with marked suc cess iu the commercial eentres of canada and the united states rates moderate accommodation excellent students may enter at any time for terms etc address m mccormick li6m j principal borders to matcli newest styles colorings and elegant designs for 1886 days bookstore cuelph thunspa mojunsa may 20 1880 poetry blossomtime snow snow down from the appletrees pink and white drifting of petals sweet i kiss her and crown her our lady of blossoming there as she sits on theappletree sweet whatsoever a man sokveth that shall he best stock to select irom lowest price and best value at days bookstore tohn lawson graduate of on- j tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon actori ont office iu kenny bros boot and shoe storfy resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificate given i all calls night or day promptly attend ed to terms easy johnston mclean barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers dx jbsprivate funds to loan office town hall acton efjb jonssxos wji a mcleas shingles and lath rphe uiidersigned jlesires to inform the public a that he has now on hand and will keen iu stock a full line of pine and hemlock us well as other kinds of luibbcr also first and second class pine shingles i lath day sells cheap mbs e h pass cuelph has she not gathered the summer about her see how it laughs from her lips and her eyes i think you the sun there would shine on without her nay 1 tis her smile keeps the gray from the skies fire of the rose and snow of the jessamine gold of the lily dust hid in her hair day holds his breath and night ooraes up to look at her leaving their strife for a vision so rare snow snow down from the appletrees pink and white drifting of petals sweet kiss her and crown her and flutter adown her and carpet the ground for her dear little feet qur story whatsoever a man soweth then the face of the girl he had wedded five years before why it was five years that day came before him radiant with youth and happiness the contrast did not please him come here madge he said to his little girl who was hanging to her mothers skirts she held in her hand a colored card whioh nannie had brought home from sabbath iohool mechanically he read the words millinery opening i i ladies welbeg to inform you that our millinery- show rooms are now open lfw spring hats featiiers flowers wings laces gloves ladies kindly give us a call oal p s smith i wood having purchased the coal business of mrc am preriared to supply all kindb of stove coal i have also a good stock of wood- hardwood ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood andcoal delivered james bbown fire mutual insurance company of the- 00t7ktt of wellington estaj1lishei 1810 m e mitchell solicrror coxveyocee ifcc office first door west of the champion office3iain street milton money to loan at6pircent head office cuelph our dress and mantle making iu this department we are fully prepared to execute all orders intrusted to our care oar reputation being established for the last fifteen years we need not tell our nu merous customers they are sure of a fit arid latest styles piuces to but all customers jackets and drossos out and fitted straw and chiphats made over in all this latest styles jvve have on hand a large assortment of hair switches saratoga waves frizzes ctd c arrrentices wasted 51 lower wyndham street wellington marble works quebec st qublfh s hilton allan baibd barristers solicitors c tokovto asd geobgetows oftccescreeimans block georgetown and 86 king street east toronto- w t alus j shiltos ba j baibd ba insures buildings merchandize manu factories iand al other descriptions of property on the premium note sjstem cnas davidson president i secretary john taylor aerent pw stone tain laidlaw co iuuiisteiis fc solicrrobs ornces over imperial bank 24 wel lington stfeet east entrance exchange alley toronto john baix q ct c a mastek wuaiaii laidlaw geobge kappem patents secured fob inventions heney grist ottawa canadx 20 years practice nonpatent no pay burned out fire fire fire john h hamilton peofrietor wholesale and retaiil dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery- work direct importer of all kinds i of grsnite and marble but not destroyed ted arrangements for w m hemstreet licessed acchoseeb for the counties of wellington and halton orders left at the fbee pbess office acton or atiny residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable moset to loan also money to toan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest fates of in terest in sums of 8500 and upwards surveyorjohn davis provin cial land surveyor and ce gnelph orders by mail or telegraph promptly at tended to charges moderate office 33 perth st guelph y john day sfe- architecir guelph ost oynce queens hotel blocfc market square having pel the rebuilding of the planjen0 mill at the head- of river street recently de stroyed by fire abd purchased new machin ery we would inform the public thaton or about the 1st of j lay we will be in a better position than everto supply their wants in the shape of dressing lumber sheeting flooring mouldings e also ii the meantime pumps will be be paired and general job bing lone as usual thanking you for past favors and hoping by strict attention to business and reason able prices- to merit an increased share of patronage we an respectfully yours tiios ebbage manager cs having lately visited the bay of fuudy granite quarries and having purchased the entire stock of gray and red granite monuments headstoneb crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost i will until further h6tieesell at prices never before known in- ontario fcor in stance granite monuments oft high 00 7 ft i75 8 ft s90 9 ft 6100 10 ft 120 all work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this line will do well to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee my prices are from 30 to 50 per cent helow all other dealers 1 y acton- meat market john j daley successor to thompson jackson moiey to loan 0 farmproperty at 6 p jf nt mor purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branches property and foe changes low mmaanji city property for sale list wthiarn ior sale sent to all parte of the r intendingpurehasers and cir- jlt l vope european eapitaliite te t in 0ntario wiu be sent di- st our european agencies desw onr lutirgomapon oencamvitea office near the post coe font t hanl barber shop mai street actos condition tastily cut ladies and put in firgtfelasfl ttdj childrens haiy john street acton wm e snithr proprietor mr smith has pijrehased the livery business of mr hb mccarthy which he has remove o his conimodious stajbles on john streetin theceireof thebnsiness pdriion of the town mr smith iftshad lengthy experieiee in this business and feels confident trfat he can give satisfaction to every patron anyone desiri jg a 00smbrclaili ple- buroor ooml ay wjf can be supplied with a firstclas tnrnpus on the shortest notice rutledge crosson butchers have purchased the business of mr r holmes and solicit a share of public patronage the members of the firm are practical batchers and are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there wfll always be found on hand a full stock qf air kinds of meat c in season we have settled in acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win publio confidence and support eutjedge crosson acton feb 9th w86 dont read this wq ftonsorjai artist terms r easoni w horses b larded arid sold the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices first olass lumber lath staves head- ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood j also flour and bbp and anything in the line of farmers hoase- kespers or contractors necessities thoscjmoore f ijy tie wm b smith tjirancis nunan j successor to t p jllripman booebindebj st 1 georges square r glto ontario jhtms account books of all kinds mode to order periodicals of every desoriptim carefully boiuid baling neatly and promptly dorie yes mary were most there to your home aud mjthome if we always set as much by each other aswe do now itll be the happiest spot in the country oh tom it frightens me to think what we have done i what if i am as you expected what if you shouldnt love me after awhile all my life before i saw you i got along with only uncle joshua toj care for me but now i know a difference i could not live to go back to ihe old- way tom you never will repent will you and youh be patient with me if i disappoint you in answer the youngjfarmerdrew his bride of a few hours to him may god deal with me as i do with you he responded the deepest feelings of his nature being touched all her life her loving heart had found none but a crabbed old uncle on whom to lavish itself when honest tom gray a manly young farmer from a neighboring town fell in love with her sweet face aud sweeter disposition all her pentup affec tion centered in him they emerged from the woodland road to an open space and drew up before a substantial brick house la less time than it has taken to describe this scene tom had flung open thehouseaoor and ushered his wife into a large square room whose deep windows let in floods of sunshine on the bright carpet and new furniture the young man had purchased for his bride then they wandered over the roomy old house at last pausing in the kitchen well have our wedding supper now 6he said gayly if youll fetch the basket from the carriage how pretty she looked bethought in her neatlyfitting dress her dark eyes bright with happiness the lovely color coming and going in her cheeks surely he was very much to be envied shewab his own always five years had brought to marys home an infirm old uncle of her husbands alittle waif of eightwhose mothers dying request to care for her child mary could not refuse and two babies of her own for the elder was little more than a baby and yet they had prospered thomas was one of the substantial men of the town so the people said i savin an sharp savin tom 11 be a rich man afore many years old uncle warren was wont to chuckle from his corner by tho great fireplace then he would odd with a longdrawn sigh ef his wife dont rooin him by her extravagance putting cream inter the biskits an boilin eggs when eggs an butterishigh my wife never put on sugar for the hired men nnther my wife an me was managers such harangues would have had little ef fect on mary but her husbands conversa tion was an echo of these slowly but surely moneygetting and moneyearning was becoming his aim in life mary saw with alarm the sinking of ins spirit to this sordid basis and all her gentle nature rose to combat it but so far iu vain promptly at the stroke of twelve farmer tom with three hungry men appeared the cloth was not even laid for dinner what late again mary said her hus band with a slight frown yon know time is money to us with the heavy child in her arms she was endeavoring to prepare tho meal tom seated himself in iihe door here tom ypumuat take the baby if you want dinner today and another thing theres no use in my trying to do any longer without a girl to help me a girl mary why i dont know where yon could possibly get one now mother never had help thit i can remember of its pretty expensive living then theres the mowing machine to pay for and another horse for haying cant you keep nannie at home to ldbk after the children she might as well earn her board mary said nothing shutting her lips tightly together as if to keep back any words and presently called him to dinner farmer tom was working like a tiger himself to keep up the lagging spirits of his men l never see sech- a man ter work and j make everybody else work top grumbled one man to his companion pausing to wipe his reeking brow i an that pnrty wife of hisn slavin herself to death because hes too mean and stingyto get her any help i declare for it my nanby dont work half so hard as she does the man went on hoeing but tomwhom he supposed put qf earshot had not been so far ahead but he had caught the drift of the conversation can it be that mary is working too hard he thought recalling her face as it had looked that noon r also reap they stung him what had he been doing his conscience already- aroused would not be but to sleep agaifl whaiwas the good of hoarding if mary and the children were not happy now the next morning mary was ill unable to rise from her bed toms selfaccusation knew no bounds for he loved his wife ten derly in spite of the crust of worldliness gathering over his feelings mary ive been a ibrute he said letting you overwork while i have hoard ed up the money little woman if youll forgive me we will start over and it shant be so any more i have my help you shall have yours or we shall sell the farm o tom she cried laying her flushed cheek on his hand it- is not the work so much but i thought i was losing my kind tender husband this year has been so miserable seeing you growing further and further away from me i thought you had stopped loving me and my heart was break ing oh tom do not let me think so any morel i and tom took the poor tired head on his breast and kissed the white face more tenderly than he had in her girlish days ho- knew his own weakness now as he had thought he bad known his strength then andmary was a happier woman than she had been for many a day after that her burdens were lightened and she was her old happy self again secure in her hus bands love but were tho old habits of oyer economy sojeasily snapped he was many times about to yield butold uncle warren served as a constant reminder of his new resolves theold man was hugely puzzled to find his homilies of savin an sharp had so little effect x thomasll die poor he groaned keepin a hired girl and buyin a piauner fer his wife but thomas never regretted sowing the price thkjsec ergiea mejrry and wise v i i no person islunimportant in the s ght of heaven j i virtue rests ion legal restraint and be nevolent impulse pride robs me of god envy of my neigh bor anger of myself man is an animal that makes bargains no other animal does this love is to the heart what summer is to the year it brings to maturity thecboicest fruits 1 i have lived to know that the secret of happiness js nevet to allow your ei to stagnate jve do not know our souls or ouijselves through our senses but by consciousness and reflection righteousness is conceived not as 8 mere quality ofttie redeemed but as their very substance and life love is the sun of life most beautiful in the morning and evening but warmentond steadiest at noon the love andj care of god are not re stricted within any limits of counry or race but are wide as the world it must bethat the heaviest wrati and torments should be the portion of those who have sinned against the clearest light land visions of grace the lovers ali a ji8t of the tbjtnos a bachelob his wife expects i in she should b a always affec iohate angelic ind affable b beautiful t runette bounteo is benign c cheering co lfiding charmii gly chaff able d dutiful darli og doting divin 2 e encfianting ehgaging4elegaiitever f faultlessly f lithfol fair free eromfuss g generally graceful generous giver h happyfhon emaker hale humorous i ideally iiigenu ous industriously inclined j jolly- judici jus jnst juvenescent k enowni kho ving knowable kissable kird ii lively loq mcious loveluminescent m meek maiden modestly musical n neighborly nice neat noble natural oopuleht orde ly odd or original p peaceable j atient pleasantly placable q quitequeenly jaalitiesqualifiesqneenly r righteous i efinedrich right reliable s scholarljj sail ltly submitting serenely t tehdeify tnie temperately tryabje u unassuming unchanging unfeigning y virtuous veracious vainty vibrating w wise womanly witty worthily winning x xcelience xtacy xuberating y youthfully yearnmg yieldingly youth ful z zephyrlike zealous zealously zestful uxorious in tidrbites seed of love instead of that of avarice a good joke many are fond of playing jokes as hiding a boys cap or a girls bonnet at school such things may sometimes be done for amusement or to confer pleasure but never to any ones serious inconvenience in one of our colleges a professor who mode himself very social and familiar with the students was walking out itb an in telligent scholar when they eaw an old man hoeing iu a cornfield ee was ad vancing slowly with his work towards the road by the side of which lay his shoes as it was near sunset the student proposed to play the old man a joke will hide his shoes we will conceal ourselves behind the bushes and see what he will do no said the professor it would not be right you have money enough just put a dollar in each of the old mans shoes then we will hide behind the ushes and see what he will do the student agreed to the proposal and they concealed themselves accordingly when the laborer had finished his row of corn he came out of the field to go home ho put on one shoe felt some ihing hard took it off and found the dollar he look ed around him but saw no one and looked up gratefully towards heaven he then put on the other shoe and found another dollar he looked at it and looked all around him but saw no one he then knelt upon the ground and returned thanks to god for the blessing whioh had thus been conferred upon him tjie listeners learned from the prayer that the old mans wife aud one of his children we re sick and that they were very poor so that the two dollars were a great relief se it to them from heaven the old man now returned home with a cheerful and gratified heart there said the professor how much better this is than to have hid t leold mans shoeb the students eyes filled with tears and he said he would never play another joke upon anyone exce pt in kind ness dont use big words in promulgating your esoteric cogit itions or articulating your superficial sentimen polities and amicable philosphica or psychological observations beware of plati tudinous ponderosity let your con rersa- iipnal communications possess a ch rifled poiicibeness a compact comprehensib eness escent consistency and a concatenated jgeucy eschew all conglomerations of atulent garrulity jejune babblement and sinine affections let your extemi bran- us descantings and unpremeditate 1 ex- atiations have intelligibility and vert cious ivacity without rhodomontade or thra- mical bombast sedulously avoil all iblsyllablio profundity pompous prokrity rtsittaceous vacuity ventriloquial verbosity end vaniloqiient vapidity shun double e itenkg prurient jocosity and pestifsrious i rofanity obscurant or apparent in otber words talk plainly briejfly i atur- allyi sensibly truthfully purely keep from slang jdont put on airs say m hat you mean mean what you say and dont use big words of walk 16 so the front yard those whose grounds are limited to the frbnt yard of a village lot have even i a this restricted area room for- the display taste skill in its treatment the frjjm the street to the house should placed as to leave as large a grass pic t or lawn as possible and a bed in the centre of this should form the main feature of the decoration in europe mnch care is often given to single bed of this kind tliebed is edged with ornamental tiles rriade for th s purpose the plants used in the bed ar all in ots and the tiles are high en ugh to hide these a small green louse in the back yard keeps up a reserve supply of plants and when those iu the bedsrno lot ger at their best they aje replaced- by fre 3h ones from the rear those who wish to nako the most of their front yards can tal b a hint from the european me thpd anl prepare- to decorate them for win r as we 1 as summer american agriculturist for april j pasturiiig on the road why bhould the law give any man right to aasture his stock on the highway 2 we ilei erknew agood farmer who did let out his cattle sheep or pigs to pick np their liviagon the streets and every beast so tur led but seems naturally to develop the ins incts of thief and robber it is the poor ahc shiftless fanner who as a rule takes adi ahtage of the law and the rest oi the cor imunity suff e rs the consequences this sho old not be reason justice and expedi- ehc y are all on tie side of the fenoic g-inf- lav that is to say the law wliich makes it t le duty of eviiryman to keep his oattle on lis own prem ses rural canadian the dominion alliance resolutions by the ontario branch re- j specting the scott act a meeting of the ontario branch of the dominion temperance alliance was held in toronto last week the if ollowing reso lutions were passed besolved that kny measure of violation which may have marked the operations of the scott act during thepast year does not establish the unsoundness of prohibition sor any inherent weakness of the scott act and that the meeting place on record its sense of thegross unfairness bf the condition j under which the trial is being made and its profound regret that such open encourage ment is given to violation ofthe law and so little respect shown by constituted authority for the will of the people bssolved that the meeting while acknow ledging its gratitude to the provincial gov ernment for its recognition of responsibility j to administer the law bv the creation of commissioners and inspectors in the scott act counties would stronglypress upon its consideration the preeminent importance of having said officers in sympathy with the law which they are appointed to adminis ter and also of the vital importance of ap pointing police magistrates in- the several counties thereby relieving the justices of the peace from the terrorism too success fully adopted and securing the due observ ance of the law r esolped that the meeting reaffirms itfl- jf aith in total prohibition as the true remedy for evils of the liquor tarafiic ana renews its demand upon the dominion parliament to provide the necessary legislation and urges upon all temperance workers and electors to press upon their representatives in parliament their demands in this direc- tion the mover said not even the scott act would satisfy them they wanted total prohibition i resolvedi that this meeting cordially en- dorses the recommendatiop of the council bf the dominion alliance respecting elec toral action aud strongly urges upon all temperance electors throughout the prov ince to adopt the constitution of the tern- perance electoral union and to organize the vote to secure the return to all muni cipal and parliamentary positions of known and professed prohibitionists btsolbed that all temperance men all christian philanthropists all friends of progressin every part of ontario be called upon to come forward jjvith such a generous andprompt response to the alliances ap- peal for funds as will epablethat organiza tion to oarry out its progressive plans and so ensure the organization and work thai are so imperatively required the meeting was attended by prominent gentlemen from many parts of the province honoring the lieutenant the officer iof the deck bn board of an emigrant ship asked tbje man at the wheel ope day how does eihehead it was blowing a gale of svind southayst ret plied pat toucliingjiis hat but forgetting to odd sir tohisaniweh youd bet ter put a fewj more sirs j in your answer when you- speak to ne said the huffy lieutenant ay ay sirr returned the witty irishman a day o two after the officer called ont again how does she head now southayst ondbe south halfsouth and a little isokthorly sirree your bonor sir sorea ned pat 1 1 mr talmages reply to n evolu- tionist it was suggested tomr tain lage that he get up a lecture on cranks and relate his experience with cranky people he laughed and baid that while h sexperience was wide and varied on ths subject of cranks yet there was onu storythat always oame to his mind when the conver sation turned on these peculiar people he was once very busy writing in his room at a hotel and a card came up he gave the bell boy instructions that he could see no body and dismissed him a little while afterward the oard came up aj second time and he told the bell boy to tell that man to call on the next day that he wouldnt see the angel gabriel if he called today and tho bell boys eyes struck out in a few minutes the card came up a third time and then mr talmage went down stairs to see who his persistent visitor was a man stepped up to him and baid slop are mr talmage r i aim sir weill sir i am an evolutionist and i want to discuss that question with you i am also an anuibilationist i believe that when i die that will be the end of me thank god for that devoutly ejacu lated mrrtalmage as he walked off ana left the man perfectly dszed jiarritburg telegram he knew it wouldnt work i i pa said olivia we ought to have a the rraometer in tiie house we dont there now 11 shouted the old ban wit i the air of one who closes the discus- sioi i dont want to hear another jvord abo it it if ye had one ye couldnt talk through it lem haskius had onb put in his biouse nigh aimonth ago an hes holler ed himself hoarsjs and theyve nigh starved toceath trying to order their groberies thr ingh it no good i tell ye burdette lotties lat chance there was a wedding breakfast the j groom to the little girl t you have a new brother iiow you fknow yeth re- it is only christianity tl tat has empha sized the worth of every n ah i mm what ah increase diusn rums mich july 14th 18m i suff sred many years from chronic idiar- rha a and was able to get only temporary reli if my disease- seemed to baffle aaedi- em began to take warners safe cure and increased m weight from 115 pounds to 40 and have not had a siok spel this sue imer whereais last summer i was sick all the time m h wiisitiikie fmiolu sol iooi moderator sponded tholittle onb lotties iasth chance ma seth it wath so she better take it the rest bf the liiitle ones talk was drowned in a clatter b eyamville argus knives and forks salt bhenm ured itcgregor apiarkes garbolio cerate has bee u tried and found to be the only positive cm e for saltjrheuin pimples bloohes on the face bthand cuts burns br lises or inysorv that nothing else will heal tr mbgregor q parkea carbolio c tfate per box si ijfcgaryins drug stpi 25 a lady writes i was enabled to it move th corns rpotaiid branch by the t se of jj llbways 06a cureij others who have tripd it have the same experience mr t- c berchard j ublio school teacher norland writes du ing the fallbf 1881 i was much troubled wjith buiousness and dyspepsia and part of ithe time was unable to attend to the duties of my profession northrtfp lymans a egetable discovery and dyspeptic cure w is recommended to me and i have mucli pleasure in stating that i was entirely icired by using one bottle i have not had an attack of my old complaint since and iave gained fifteen pounds in weight wortu ucim mil icribr thereis probably no 1 letter relaxing reme dy for stiff joints cor tracted cords aiid painful congstion hiai hagyardts yellow oil it cured mr ph i sidjdell of orton- ont who was afilicted for years with con traction of the bronchi il pipeahd tight- nessofthe chest itiithe great remedy for internal and teternii pains gravel is a very coin rabn ond disgaing disordbr one ihat fit uses motei pain to men than any other di leasfrtb whioh they are subject seyeh da ses but of tep are caused by a deranged c ahdition of thf ksl- tieys ifpr this distres iip cmpljdntheirctj nojibinfrthat can ecjctal the p0teincli6f warpers safe cute wmmlmmmmm w

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