Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 20, 1886, p. 3

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iissfesii l jhslsiiisw j- rrceohyhoi j scasouablerocdsarrivingkxprem wag rons carts base ball bobber balls skipping ropes lftasupree fishing tackle oar stock of school books arid stationery is the beet in town give us a call geo htnps bbl8 cheap r j i jmfernley keep a splendid assortment of ll kinds ot hoitsk plants hanging ba8kbt8 and bedding plants during uic spring season all cheap for cash the largest and best assorted stock of cok- kkctionery iu tolrb cheap foreign and domestic fr13ts canned goods finest cigars in mu tojrtet j m fbrniiby jt 3utmt m tes thursday moekiso may 20 1886 crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful free press reporters vvgtetiprf ffwh u the law pwihibiting boys uttder eighteen years of age frequenting billiard rooms 01 me into force mr wallace puji np jiottoe mcordiqrly and we understkud iie obser n the law in this particular but we do not think we can say as much for the prop iotor of the other billiard tables as boys x nder eighteerraire allowe to lay there tilio btfonntr if the insurance inbpootors report woolleu aotory and machinery or mr williami glenwilliams destroyed by last wee e to be a total wreck the hut orde s enough ahead to keep it busy twelve n onths v the steam btone mill completely destroyed and the other bulild togs part ially the georgetown fire brigade rendered good service the mills boiug at out two mile 1 from georgetown the loss is estimated at over j60000 insured i for w5000 5a- w 4- yi is r m two itis 1 k test ft reet tf his dpric- has its to idjrecf h if he- m- 131 lie in all im eggs and butter art becoming plentiful and cheaper the farmers are about through with their seeding counoil meeting and court of revision nest tuesday evening t a company of gypsies camped near town several days this weesrr the air is laden with fragrance wafted from the blooming frnit trees thiere are a good many fields of poor fall wheat in the country after all the programme for the celebration here on dominion day willbe issued this week be sparing of your firecrackers boys its against the law to fire them on the streets j lacrosse match crescents rs berlins in the park on the moming of queens birthday t the heaviest and most searching thun der storm of the season took placer last friday night mr thomas ebbage is getting in the machinery at his newlyerected planing inillrnd pump factory j j the crescents talk of flaying a return acrosse match with the jethas of george town there this evening ithe fonrth annual conclave of the ontario grand legion sk aouw met in guelph on tuesday mr j e mcgarin agent for the allan line of steamships here sold tickets this week to liverpool and londonderry brampton town council has fixed the fiquor license fees at 195 the hotel- keepers sajy they will pay 150 and no more messrs john newton son of lime- house have issued quite a comprehensive circular on sheep farming and the woollen j trade an itinerant japanese acrobat amused a good sized crowd on main street at the royal exchange with his tumbling last friday evening o g martin of lucknow was sen tenced to two years- in penitentiary on saturday at the gnelph assizes for traffic- iugin counterfeit bills mr georgilaing a practical bee keeper of beeton has removed to milton where he has established an apiary with a good number of skips in a closely- contested base ball match between the maple leafs and the guelphs of guelph on monday the former were the victors by a score of 6 to 5 ballinaiad saw mill is fegafti in foil operation under the management of messrs swackharber and bntler we understand they are doing s good business rev mrltanston of the balhnafad methodist circuit takes his departure to morrow to fill an appointment in lacrosse city minn georgetown herald the band services at limehonse have been concluded the band is now holding services at ashgrove and will return to georgetown for a few days next week an auctioneer cannot be expected to be a modest inan- nearly every auction poster we have printed in the past year calls upon him to sell property without re- serve there was quite a heavy frost here op sunday and monday evenings some of the early fruit blossoms and early vege tables were slightly injuredlint the damage is not reported very heavy messrs e p haunof ord chief engineer of montreal j grant belleville r c and a bruce stratferd made an inspection of the scene of the landslide and retaining wall at limehonse on monday fingine no 261 which was wrecked in the gtb yard here last iwieek was re- movedon saturday by the auxiliary train a new set of trucks had to be put under the engine before it could be removed 4tbe woollen factory bylaw granting the sum of 5000 was voted on ani carried by the ratepayers of markham on saturday may 1st the vote stood at the close of the poll 82 for the bylaw and 9 against hairpms to match the hair in oplor are the newest freak- of female fashion i i when an auburnliaired wife finds a black hairpin in her husbands pocket look out for lowering skies and troubled temperature the final nreetiug of the official board of the methodist church acton circuit for the conference year was heldiast mon day evening the business of the year was woundup and tbereyi r phillips salary paid in fuh mr c w jones of london deputy supreme 0hief ranger of the indepen dent order of foresters was in toyn coupleof days this week prospecting witt ft view to the organization of a court f the ftbove order in acton rev d currie b a preaohed in the presbyterian church again last bunday the sermons were very earnest and accept able the rev genuemanlet on mopday to visit friends at thedford from thence he tn5his chargeat threp rrrers r i hamilton speetator berlid ohf t is a great church town veiyyn 1 jeaitorsrgoes to chiirobibbreiijt bnon j faeces that fwnrish in rlinrendej it edtirelynjoneoemaryifbr die ui fve- stricijen to feel etabarrassed when tkr i lootiou plate makes i the b fire mit for was m the weeks bakings wnlch at tno are prlnoipauy local and all inwresting struck v lth laghtining the sleeple of the methodist church georgetown was shattered by lightning friday night the members of the choir were in tjhe church practicing at the ti some of them were pretty badly stunned by the shock it will cost about 50 to repair the damage blew off the top of hishead william dobson a wealthy and respected farmer of chinguacousy township blew the top of his head off with a shotgun an early hour last snuday morning cause for the act he was in brampton on saturday and returned home in he evening in good health and spirits a pastor appreciated at the last regular meeting of the quar terly official board of the methodist church fergus the rev j s colling re ceived a hearty vote of thanks for the very faithful manner in which he has discharged his pastoral duties during the conferenoial year a unanimous invitation was accord ed him to return to this charge for the in coming year and they sincerely hoped he would accept the invitation- fergus atlco- catt j a credit j the county j last week messrs robertson bros of lot 25 con 7 nasaagaweya about two miles from acton raised one of the finest bank barns in the county the building is 54x80 feet and is built upon the most approved plans the foundation is built of dressedtgranite and the whole of the exterior is finished with dressed lumber when com pleted this barn will present a very ham some appearance about 140 menwere mgaged at the raising miltons arborday friday 7th inst was observed according ding to the regulations of the education depart ment as 1 rbnr day each division under the teachers charge was assigned a portion of the work to do by this means the yard was raked aid sweptix flower beds laid out and 2q trees planted 13 elm and 7 spruce th majority of the trustees were present part of the time mr mcdowell brosght th e elms from the b and mr john dew ir furnished the spruces from his garden champion must be a ive town the village of norwich is evidently ian euterprisin municipality the last issue of the noruich gazette contains three by laws as fol lows to raise the sum j of 2000 by way of a bonus for the erection of a roller flour mill to be voted upon by the ratepayers on the 31st of may the second t raibe the sura of 811000 for local improvements in the way of water works arid improving the condition of our streets aid the third to raise the sum of 912000 for ihe purpose j of building a t6wn hal within this corporation the two latter to be voted upon on the 29th jof june if acton council which by the way has a due regard for the prosperity of the place- were to advance as rapidly as is evidenced iy the above we imagine that some fossil ied citizens who make such a fuss about the provision of the necessary accommod ation of a municipality would dp some lc sty kicking indeed boys or adoption a second party f 200 boys ages 8 to 10 is expeeted to leavb dn barnardos train ing homes lnc on and worceitershlre england early in jjuue and will arrive in peterborough towards the end of the month applioattousfor these boys ylll bedoaltwitlfin tile ordain whioh tljey are sent in and completed and should j be made early so that all arrangements may be made to forward them on arrival all communications tphe sent to mr edward duff superintendent dr barnardos die- tpibuting home peterborough ont 1 aformeraoton boys laurels a couple of years ago we recorded the fact that mr j ei farmer a former resi dent ofaokm had graduated with diploma from garrettbiblical university evanston 111 we have now rauoh pleasure iu in- torming our readers that our young friend has just passed other important university examiuations andj thef acuity ot the abdye institution last tnursday conferred upon him the degree of bachelor of divinity while pursuing bis studies mr farmer has for several years been the much ebteerapd and successful pastor of the second m e church in the above city and occupied in active position on the staff of the alliance herald a monthly religious journal publish ed under the direction of the young peoples alliance of chicago and evanston his duties have certainly been multifareoub i he has worked arduously has built up the church of which he is pastor and has gradu ated with honor to himself and to his alrim mattr the fbke pijess extends its hearti est congratulations to rev j e farmer bd a pointer for actop fiom the markham economist w ooy the following which should oommeud itself to the residents of acton stouffville weekly market -f- mr daley advertised generously that a weekly market would j be opened in his hall stouffville on thursday the 29th ult and patiently awaited results i on that morning at 830 the waggons weire whirling through the streets to the liallandl from 9 to 11 the excitement and bustle was animating and profitable 1000 dozens of eggs at 10 cents perdozen and 400 pounds of butter at from 22 to 25 cents per pound besides dried fruit and meats and a sprink ling of other produce changed hands mr daley charges thrsellers 5 cents each per day for use of hall weigh scales and other attendance or si per annum some fifteen or twenty subscribed for- the year at 12 oolock noon the village assumed its nor mal condition and all acknowledged that mr jdaley had given another impetus to the trade of the place through his sagacity add push one thoroughly active business man can accomplish much in building up a village and wherejthero are several such in a community the place is bound to grow and prosper those who want to buy or sell should attend the stouffville market each thursday morning there will be any number of buyers how would a similar market take in markham and we would ask why shouldnt acton have something of a similar character 4 we v falslfvmc tiokessr thegktjlprotentolivbemsystrau- a new york piukarton detective has stjoooeded in locating t ve persons by whom tie grand trunk rai road company has ixen systematically d f rauded for a long ti ne several arrests of employees have been made and it is rojiorted that warrants are out for the arrest 0 at least 250 ticket agents and clerks who lave been in collu- sion tooheat thecompiuy wm mofar- lake ticket agent at the grand trunk dejrot in guelph was a tested tuesday on a charge of embezfclem int he was com mitted for trial the frauds which are said to be very extousi e involving many ticket agents were vjrerked by doctoring and falsifying tickets as stated last wee c mr mofarfaue ticket agent guelph was arrested and tried for being implidai ed in the matter his lordship in pai sing- sentence on saturday morningsaid oirourastauoes he would five years in the peniu ntiary but as the grand trunk autboriti did not wish a heavy sentence and a largely signed re quisition bore testimony to prisoners previ ous good character le therefore would seutenoe him to six months in the common paol at hard labor other arrests will bhqitly follow that tender ordinary give the prisoner pai nts just afcr vfid sticks fib8t0 ummsmfmmsmmm and ass ad chap 01 ikcrosse base billl pod njiw pattern laughnawaya s paul dtngs standard bailp 11 to cganrins drug- az d station 7 store aoton amalgamation of ma say bros ai id r i mcka louis rielfc widow said to be dying of si broken heart wixmfeo may 17th louis riels widow lies at the point of death at st yital masses were celebrated for her at st boni face yesterday it is said she never rallied from the shook of herwusbands execution and is dying of a broken heart he was willing to ante up brockton- n y ooti 23rd 1885 i had a severe trouble with myiladder con sulted a number of firstclass physicians without benefit after using half a bottle of warners safe cure 1 was relieved and i would gladly have paid any physician 100 could he have done what that small quantity did now i am thoroughly cured would liite to proclaim its value from the top of the white mountains with a voice strong enough for the whole world to hear e d cbossmas grape grower late pro prietor of the rossin house toronto canada our forced sale of i remov edi dry good s and carpets miss m 14 morae wishes to intimate that she is preparj to receive ipupils in f itfuio ttioll dlrawliitf aad vnboag lott la watiroolor and oil i f tbbmtilodbbitb v telephone ioiueetteii greenhouses the newest and choicest plants and cut flowers wholsioleandaotail funeral and jweddiner designed rebawdqniflhprtnotiee i aud shipped afely any weather i j i notice to creditors in the matteb op neil kellth deceased vraticb is hereby ll visions of cbi uhapgonttoall claims against the e the township of e halton yeoman wh day of november if tothe ubderafgued 15th day of june lvan pursuant to the pro- and 46 vict will be c6ni iuuod at 48 kjnc street east nexp to china fa immexse bargr dress goods reducedlo 5c cashmeres reduced tjzoc silks alj reduced in pride ladies hosiery reduced to 20c worth 35c silk handkerchiefs reduced to soo worth 81 prints redaced to 5c worth 10c kid gloves 25c worth 75 c carpets oilcloths lace curtains blankets etc forall our stock and are offering extr lordinaryj inducemenis toclear will bold auction sale ad no 70 king treet east every nfternoon comn april 5 to clear out bal ince of dry goods and carpetsl mok 35c mns wlle be grlvet 72inch fyill sheeiiniri educed to 25c i worth 37o 42inch pjilow cotton redieed to 8e table linens reduced io 2 ic worth tweeds reduced to 85 wo th 50c gents furnishings all reduced ginghams reduced to 12jc flannels all reduced all reduced wb have not room out jines cor j king anq john 8ts hamilton we mcing monday ordered johiisr g lot hi ot purely personal i paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted hats from 75 cents toi250 at j fyfes if yoii want a nobby durable and cheap suit go to j fyfes acton spring suits andpvercoats at extreme iy low prices and made in the latest styles be sure to oall and see them at j fyfes acton messrs rutledge crossou butchers have the cleanest and most attractive shop in town everythiugjbright and cheerful no unsavory meat exposed to offend either sight or smell gooja meat always on hand plenty of it neatly cut and delivered on shortest notice ppce a customer al ways one and well satisfied your patron age is kindly solicited te3ijs ng 107bso- editors and others having ite of neil keith late of uesing ip the county ot died on or about the 4th i todeliver or send by post ton po on or before the ix christian names and dbbcriptions the full particulars of their claims and the nature of the seoorities if any held iby them accompanied by a statutory declaration verifying bach claims and further notice is hereby given that immedi ately after said 15th jtme 168g the absets of said deceased will be dlsti ibuted aiaong the parties entitled thereto havi igregardonly tothoclaims of which notice aba 1 baize been given as re- quired and the executors shall not be liable for the assets or juyparf thereof so distributed to auyperson wtpse claims bhall not have beenre- ceived at the time ojf the distribution of said assets bentkinnxlbd johntficdodgall executors k0btmcpher8onj acton may 4th 1886 j summer begs to inform the public that he has opened an ordered clothing department 1 j i aud has a choice stock ot scotch english and canadian tweeds worsl eds falncy an artistsj vork of ment the win low of the metropolitan studio now unatly dressed with one of- the finest colle itions of photographs ever jex- hibited in acton the work is very mer- itorions indeed and proves conclusively that mr i iiby is capable of turning out work eon d to that of the cities the cabinetvi nettes and the family aud club groups are especially worthy of commenda tion the metropolitan has recently been undergoing a complete rearrangement and ib now u jh imprdved in appearance the operating room has been tastefully painted in light calors with- harmonizing stenoil borders an i decorations two new back grounds of very attractive design and with the proper appurtenances have been added a new prii ting room has been arranged and altogei her the studio is one of the finest and best a jpoiqted in the province and worjt of a ery satisfactory order is always j executed aotbn3otji4tband j the ban i gaver a free open air promenade concert on the street on monday evening whicbiwas much appreciated by our citi zenivyei ne led to conoludelthatnomatteri how simp e or inharmonious the music may be ev ry place possessing a town batid is proud b it and how much more yo should be hen b band has gained suhj proficienby as it evimes the success of acton ban ljsduein very large to the able superintendence of mr j hill who 1 as been its leader for so mai yeais and although owijitizens have fairly liberfl in supporting the band feel that it och moire might be donetosbi theft apprt oiafion the band has 4wi freely responded to the request totake a partinanj public demonstration in necionwiih the town and hasl frerjnently assisted f e of onarge at churchjand social entertaipin irits and will no doubt do again be t tine publio ahouptspfar as them lies endeavorj- to rprocate woaidlike very much if i cojnmittee oi citiswflnldnhdertketoworkin thiit bebilf and insuthteaoftotas with iif to raising lffioiint fundi plcha4e the m t tmif rm the old bho being now i uuprl ievtablflv gonsiaer theinatb mr dau c lawson is now engaged on the gte at fearriston mrst s t homberston of newtonbrook visited frjends here this week mr thos j speight of this place has been appointee baggageman at berlin mr jaines t moore of guelph collegi ate institute is at home this week mrs goveriaud of erin was a guest at the methodist parsonage during the week mrir d warren editor of the herald georgetown paid the fbke pbess a call on saturday we are pleased to see him able to be about again i miss nancy hill who has for several years be en living with her uncle mr b kinnard neat acton left on tuesday for londonderry j on tuesday- morning mr james camp bell of the royal exchange left on a visit to friends in scotland the fkee pbess wishes him a safe and enjoyable tripj among the delegates to the methodist district meeting in session here this week were the following brethren of the press -r- bev n burns mai expositor of holiness toronto messril thos hilliard of the chronicle waterloo thos mcgivern of the reformer gait and p e w moyer of the dcidij neibs berlin the fbee pbks was honbred with a pleasantcall from each the gbavb bossel in erin on the 18th inst mr solomon bossel father of mr wrossel butcher here aged 62 years a big majority attlowest prices f i 1 r mr if j rockwood news from our own correspondent j the lacrosse boys have succeeded in ar ranging a match with the elora team for queens birthday the concert in the town hall on the even ing of the queens birthday proceeds to improve the condition of- the sidewalks of the place promises to be a grand success exceptional talent has been secured capt schnltz and aidedecamp m j farrish visited your town on tuesday to put the military stores in a proper bhape for the coming inspection by the brigmajor col milsom who will faei here early in june the rockwood presbyterian- choir al though but recently organized compares favorably with many a long established band of vocalists several splendid voices are noticeable but they alt make up a harmpi ions whole j i a yo ing man attending the presbyterian church ast sunday becoming restless broke a flask of liquid not licensed by the scott act whioh ran much to his flib- conifitnre over the seat and floor it is to be hoped that the young man will never indulge in suoh a practice in future see those beautiful new background scenes fdst received at the metropolitan studio bubt artist j ivv v jl- i i i p thousands of physicians all throagh the united jprescribe warners sa4e cure in bottlebjof ther pwiii you them gfcflpto 4m9li hottl3storli ponotbeimpobedu guelph april 10th 188c now that the event of the opening season has passed when thouannds were delightediwuh the rich musical treat which we were enabled to tender to them and thousands were still more delighted with the magnificent dis play of lovely goods whioh adorned our store and show rooms and the verdict of everybody in reference to the whole affi ir was that v bollert is aliead by abij majority we purpose settling down o solid business to give our customers the very best attention and to further demonstrate as we have already done that no 27 is not only the best place for music but also the most satisfactory reliable and profit able house to make your dry goods purchases every department is crowded with beauty novelty and vale specialties this week in the diiess goods department large lines of uns neil ing much under price 1 great pilen of black cashmeres at 50c worth 75o in the clothing department graud line of scotch soitings lovely goods big range of aluwool tweeds for boys wear very cheap in the staple department great bargains in twilled sheetings beautiful lino of linbn tabhngs in the fancy goods department t 50 doz ladies hosiery at 12jcwoith 25c per pair 50 doz ladies extra scamlelss at 25c worth 45c per pair great value in ladies lisle gloves great valhe in ladies silk gloves all sizes and shades in wellknown marquise 4button kid atv75o abso lutely wit hontits equal in the trade grand lines in laces embroideries flonncings etc polite attention no boring to buy no puffing splendid light to see oods one price strictly cash guelph cloth hall lwoolgauze balbillggan merino cottof inqsro satisfaction guaranteed we still have on haiid a full line ot isr i ce fresh- aiiotekiels i velty cheap terms cash or produce only shawcrundy i 1 w j merchant tailors guelph john rhb- qobghl 5 and 7 nelson ioasr fine watoh repairino of guelph we are the only direct 0ur goods are our prices win oiur jifcyres are what the particular attention paid to the impairing and cleaniner of fine watches and clocks at the old established house of j b savage guelph i importers in gjuelph piihlis wauti excelsior bakery acton qur the city theappiobation of all correct dressmaker miss tqdd i is the leadiug ourmilliuer 14iss marriott has no superior i f jfti r ow0r w oiitaiio yfe hold the ij rgeat st ock westvof t6roiato embracing the tollovnng lines colore 1 dress silks from 37 jc fancy striped satin from 40c colored satin from 26 lovelyj tricbtine dress g ods from j qo nuns jveiung striped a lored and black from iso exra heavy cotton worth 10o for exfra ibtaavy whitegotl obwortfc for 10c tiimmwpmfflmm sib m ffiftssi mm mm modiste ih the our cuttek m mokb if zie xan beiepehded onto ite very est fit he has the lar gest connection of any cutter iii n1 arjo 7o v i best shirting at 12 jo heavy ticking at 10c i 1000 mens suits at 8395 4wbby8suife itfilm 75 dbh whits slfrtslifrom 60c 125 dozen mens ties from 50o a do 600 english jeit hats worth 1c6 tfois0c v cloths andtweedsj very ol aving purchasied the bove bakery from mb t mans i hope to give satisf actdon to the numerous castomora who patronize it v thanking them for past favors i will endeavor to attend to customers promptly and obligingly and trust that they will one and all extend to us their patronage i use nothing but the best boiler flour and keep it in stook f fresh bread buns c everyday aisosteanibbead oaesofiajflkindis new ybrk tea bisuitsr spda and oatmeal scopes on hand or made to order at shortest notice i m il 3 vedirigga8 asieciaityi biscuits a ad confectionery of all kins ioing sugar ginger gnaps boston mixed oakes who fiaalplourl v mi

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