Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 20, 1886, p. 4

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m 1 i h ijscttrjf fm i semi the greaisecre lot beauty i ptire bl eruptious and al blcjtchos that dtsfl boiuamoitsvmavao tho fa w ipjtly outcd by bui blood bitters annie heath of jortlknd oevtlnes that she ma cured by thibreuiedy sjx uttioif words six little words there are which bind metovery flay 1 shall i must i can i iwhui i shall is that high law inscribed upon the heart impelling to its goal my beings every part i most the ttetes and bouuda in which on every hand mankind restrains my acts and nature bids me stand i can that is the dole of action strength and art t of bctence and of skill the supreme may impart i will the riouest crown wnioh glorifies the whole- the seal of freedom true impressed upon the soul i dare the mystio words to be read right before theyll move the look which bars my freedoms swinging dwr tmaytheniteis midst infinite it floats infinite light which gleams on finite sunbeam motes i shall i must i will ioiidareimay these six words bind me just in life from day to day only as 1 am taught enow i what every day i shall i must i will i can itdpxe i may ks mr ike ladle something 1 description a 1835 from 1872 until december 1884 my condition was past description my disease uterine trouble with tumor the best doctors pro nounced hopeless under continued use of warners safe remedies 1 am the picture of health caboune beix all sorts ill m after suffering fi two years notwithstandi g much is said about the importance of a j iloodpurifying medicine possibly tho mat er has never claimed your serious atteutiou j think ofjt now if by using ayerb san aparillayouavoid scrofula and transmit h ialtli to your offspring thank us for thfe suggestion 1 a ioihunnle kucnpc h mrs cyrus kilborue beamsvule out had what was8apposed to be a oancer on her noso she was about to submit to a oauoer doctors treatment when she con eluded to try bu retook blood bitters inter nally aud extern illy a few bottles of which entirelyouredhiir u gladden ti estsliefford p q writes for a number oi yearai have been afflioted withheumatisriii two years ago i was attacked very severely i suffered a great ideal of pain from whioh i was not free for a day until last spring when 1 began to use dr thonias ecleotrio oil and i rejoice to say it has cvredme for whioh i am thankful flu ta llshlnliik there are bu t ewthat have never suffered almost intolerable paiu from toothache neuralgia or h te ucute paius to them such an instant rehef as fluid lightning is au untold blessi ng in time of trouble no disgusting tfffen live medicines to be taken or days oue application of fluid light ning cures s old at j e mcgarvins drag store 29 meclrrgo rs lnng compound have youab id cough a chronio hoarse ness a feeling f lightness in the chest weak lungs r any similar complaint if so buy at once a bottle of mcgregors lung compound it will cure you it contains entire y new specifics of which one dose is mere effectual than a whole bottle of the old time remedies it is put up in 50c and iloq bottles i sold by dr mcgarvin dn ggist try it and yon will never have reai on to complain merit proven dollar upon dollar is frequently spenton the faith of re loinuienbations for articles entirely wortldess iot so with mc gregors speedy cure you are not asked to purchase it hutu its merits are proven call at j e mcgarvins drug store arid get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure yoi of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etcf no matter of how long stanlidg it costs you nothing sold in 50c an 1 bottles- see testimon- als from people in your nvu town 29 ltehtngpl leu sjniplonmandcure the sympto nsare moibture like perspir ation intense i tching increased by scratch ing very distr jssing particularly at night seems as if pin worms were cradling in and about the rec um ike private parts are sometimes affested ii allowed to continue very serious rt suits may follow swayxes oistmentis ipleasant sure cure also for tetter i ch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail for 50 cents 3 boxes 125 in stamps ad ressdr s wayne son philadelphia pa sohibyjruggists 50 a loss of tai te and thirst for acids yellow complexion limply skin a mysterious aching of the tones distressed condition of the head woebegone expressiqn of the face irregular action of the heart periodic al headache with prostration high tem perature of th i body with chills and fever and constant i ense of weariness fluttering in the stomaci and sinking sensation and depression pa n in the limbs depression of spirits irritat ility of temper indicate what is called a malarious condition of the system a ndition which most be are moved if at a j through the reinvigoratabn of the kidney and liver for which nothing equals that- jreat specific warners safej cure m never drug the stomach with nauseating and weakening expectorants and opiates hagyards pectoral balsam is pleasant and reliable in its effects and safe in all throat and lung complaints that if neglected end in consumption the great source of consumption and many wasting forms of disease is scrofula lnrkingjnthe system the true specific for this condition is found in burdock blood bitters that medicine parities the blood and builds up the enfeebled frame i- m by land or asea out on the prairie i or in the crowded city ayers cathartic pills are the best for purgative purposes every where convenient efficacious and safe for sluggish bowels torpid liver indigestion bad breath flatulency and sick headache they are a sure remedy messrs mitchell piatt druggists lon don ont write dec 1881 we have sold dr thomaateclectric oil since its first introduction and we can safely say no medicine on our shelves has had a larger sale or gives better satisfaction we always feel safe in recommending it to our customers acsefolulbt it may be useful to the reader to know that the popular preparation known as hagyards yellow oil has proved a sover eign remedy for deafness many certified cures being on record hagyards yellow oil also cures aches pains and lameness and may be used internally as well as out wardly t important xews ltrm cookstown mrs campbell has been troubled or a number of years with indi gestion and constipation and was induced jo try mcgregor spefedy cure and found it all that was needed and would recom mend its use to any person similarly iron- bled this invaluable remedy is sold in every part of canada at soo and 9100 per bottle sold at dr mcgarvins drug store first relief ultimately a cure these are the successive effects of one of the most deservedly popular remedies in the do minion northrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure which re forms an irxegularjcondition of the bowels and ever invigorates the stomach renews digestion and changes the current of the blood from a sluggish and turbid into a pure rapid and fertilizing stream invisible bat listantaneoiu all pains or aches will be instantly re moved by a few drops of fluid lightning applied over the affected parts no time lost no nauseous medicine needed no poulticing or using greasy liniments it will not blister or discolor the skin sold at 25c per bottle by dr mcgarvin drug gist sufferers from nephralgia assure us that they never fear it when their house contains a bottle of fluid lightning l hoikways pilu invalids distracted by k indigestion and discouraged in their search eaminenj among the greatest medica ii- i for its remedy should make trial of this never failing medicine a lady long a martyrto dyspeptic tortures writes that holloways pills made her feel as if a- burden had been taken off her her spirits formerly low have greatly improved her capricious appetite has given place to healthy hunger her dull siok headache has departed and gradually so marvellous a change has been effected that she is altogether a new creature and again fit for her duties these pills may be adminis tered with safety to the most delicata they never act harshly nor do they eyar induce weakness they rightly direct de ranged and control excessive action nothing so suddenly obstructs the per- spiraticn as sudden transitions frpm heat i to cold heat rarities the blood quickens the circulation anji increases the perspira tion but when thebe are suddenly checked the consequences must be bad the most common cause of disease is obstructed per spiration or what commonly goes by the name of catching cold coughs oolds sore tbioat etc if attended to in time are easily subdued but if allowed to run their own coursegeueraily prove the forerunner of more dangerous diseases ninetenths of the consumptives date their affliction from a neglected cold and the diseases thatarecausedby wet feet damp clothes or exposure are more numerous than are pnay lupposed one of the roost emacwusraedioines for a diseases of thja throat wdlungs ifbickles antioonsupin jnfty0 ttvesyropv it prraptes a free and ey expaonrbic msy equal for relieving external r it buries or bowels isore best nnd tiomrr to the surrerin browns household panacea has no pain both internal and pain in the side back throat- rheumatism toothache ilumbgo and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blood ind heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household-pan- being acknowledged as the great pain relieve and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world shouli i be in every family handy f ojr use when waited 1as it really is the best remedy in tlie world for cramps in the stomach an 1 pains and aches of all kieds and is for sal i by all druggists at 25 cents bottle 414 j discoveries by the many cures ithas affect ed mcgrepo speedy cure leads the vai the minutest chemical am aalysis subjected to ithas been fiiind to contain one of those injurious in rediepts eharacterizing the worthless s lecikcs daily offered to the publfc eve 7 ingredient possesses a pecul nr adaptabil ty to the various complaints for which it ias been compounded and its efficacy is be ng established by testimonials hourlyrecei ed we are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we can offer to t he public with the assurance that it will 1 e found not only a relief but n absolute cure for dyspepsia live cqm- plaint indigestion constipation and ilm pure blood free triarbottles at j f mdgatvins advice to drug store softens the mothensare you disturbed aia dui- at night and broken of your rest by a child sufferii ig and crying with pain ef ting teeth if so send at once and get ja bottle of m rs windows soothing syru for children teething i its value is itv cnlable it svill relieve the poor little ferer immed ately- depend upon it ntath- rs there is no mistake about it lit uri dysentery ind diarrhoea regulates stomach anjd bowels cures wind c olip jums reduces inflamnafiop and- gives tbne and energy to the who m system j- irs winsfows sool rupj for ch idren teething is pi the taste ani uvjfche prescription of psle physiciais aid tes and is fpr sale j out the wirii mam 0mmm 11 pppppilils i f m balduem to only incurable when the hair roits oro dead and absorbed which l a in nfearly all cases thoy arc smplyrpld aud can be stimulated to sut forth a new growth of hair by tho ueo of awsrs hair vraobtho only prepara- on that cures baldbess and restores youthful color to gray hair i886 8pring8priug8priugsp 1 rare condition iut forth a new baldness cured and age rejuvenated j w ilammoxb lake preston d t when ho was but 40 years old found lit hair growing gray at 50 his hair ami whiskers wero entirely white so they continued until ho reached 00 years of nge when he began using avers haiit vigor threo bottles of whtch sufficed to restore their original rich dork brown color i mris august valentine of buffalo n y had become nearly- bald and though she mndo uso of many of tho so- called hair restorers none had any effect ayers hair vigor did what nothing eho could do and now tho lady again has a fluo head of hair thanks entirely to it geo mayer flatoiia texas pre sented an apparently boneless case bald- ncss was hereditary in his family by tho time ho was 23 yciirs old ho had scarcely any hair left one bottlo of ayers ium vigor started a soft downy growth nil over his scalp and in a few months his head was covered with soft dork and abundant hair medicinal virtues the raro medicinal powers emollient stlmulutlve and tonic possessed by ayers hair vigor enable it to euro speedily salt rheum scald- head tettersores dandruff humors of various kinds and otherdiseases ot the scalp liable to causo baldness it is not a dye contains no coloring- matter and effects its rejuvena t ion of faded or gray hair simply by bring- inir back the vigor of youth to the roots and color glands of the hair tho wifo of dn v s lovelace lovelace kj hud very bad tetter sores oil her head ayers hair vigor cured them tho son of james n carter occo- quan va- was curetl on sculdhcud by ayers hair vigor herbert boyd ji7nnerohs 3fnn was cured by ayers hair vigor of intolerable itching of tho scalp mrs o davenport williamtowu vti become entirely bald at the ago of so find remained so 88 years during which time she tried many hair restorers with out success eventually she used ayers hatr vigor four bottles of which ov- crod her head with a fine growth of silky brawn hair twelve inches long mrs o o pre8cott ctnricsoicn mass hud lost twothirds of her hatr by its falling aut when sko applied ayers hair vigor and ono bottlo of it caused heir hair to grow again more handsome than ever before ifrs dn parks g7to michigan is 57 years of age mid her hulrwos quite gray but ono bottlo of ayers hair vigor restored uio color it bore in youth and she now has as fluo a head or hulr ns when sho was but 10 vinoent jokes richmond ind lost all his hair in consequenco of n severo at- tackof bralnfover ayers hair vigor brbught out a uew growth in a few weeks and itspeeduy grow long and thick v a toilet luxury whoro the hair is brittle dry harsh weak or tliin tho uso of ayers hair vigor speedily renders it pliant soft glossy aud stimulates it to a rich and luxurious growth it also keeps tho scalp frco from dandruff and affords a perfect assurance against tho hatr falling out or turning gray no other dressing is so clean or has such a delicate and delightful perfume without it tho toilet cannot be complete vj ladles who havo once made trial ot ayers hair vigor never after prefer upy other hairdressing aud many of them voluntarily offer such testimonials as the following from miss kate kose inge soil ont who writes ray head clonr of dandruff and my now ob y spring is ljore jprirjgsprin ppwg springsprinpspringspring 1886 gspriugbpringslpriiigbbrijdgsprinigbpringppriiigprinh iiid long with it the season tor house cleaning and ipaper hanging do you want to dec sratp your valls with a paper which j will always leauo you if so buy your wall papjbit ab borders n i fromi j e jhqwson -0- designsgood joloringrioh prices low no trouble to show goods j e howson acton a my preventing bcald head it has also cautei r hair to grow luxuriantly rcsolung in my w pobieuinghalr fortytwo inches long and thick aa any one could wish it jlyers hair vigor prepared by dr j c ayer co analyucia chemists lowell mass sold by all pruggists oir has carrjed off all the prizes and jb the best machine oil offered for sale in the domin- rion ltt proof of this we will pay freight both ways when it fails to please the purchaser six have been awarded i nonegentjl i tins old medals oil within the last tnree years ne onlythat made at the v lway time table trid trunk railway dqwobast mixodl i809ain- express j7j0 om pikiiflflil02ftni through exi47pm acconk 10wlpui uoiso we8 i express 1247 n express 1102 air mall- 545pn bjieciftl 60 pit nwumj iyvv yua i aceom coach xk am chlcaijo expresfl does not stop betweoii guolpt audtorouto time of cl0b1n0 mails golnkwest1040emana550pii xloiog east 1040 oni ands20 pm englsh mail cjobob at 10j am ou wednesday cai radian pacific railway to allfoisfis cokdbnsed true table tol3i toroiitjdtofietroitst thomas and chicago woacex chloaro ex local ex 8 loalu 1 sapm i 15pm llojun9 13 aoo 5 25 12 35pui 5 25 8 55 5 20 b45 7 00am- 8 05ain torontt strdtsvu stthonias detroit chicago toronto to montreal and quebec i limited ex montreal ex toronto u25ain soopm ottawa 0 32pm 4 38a4m montreal 10 00 8 18 quebec j 6 30 ani 2 20 pmi brampton to streetsyille junction brauiptai 7 23 am 4 55pm streetsvillejct 7 55 5 25 bramptx in to qrangeville and owen sound 722 am 5 55pm 8 43 7 08 2 40pm a 0 20 purchase your tickets by this ad popular line james matthews ticket agket acton jnt j brampton orange ville oweu sound new qtjee3tt oltclt oilobks samufil kogers co toroito for sale by j b pearson dr mcgarvin jje howson and c t hill acton and d shoultz rockwood tme right house is crowded with 17ly ladies daily because watkins adapts his services to their general needs they are almost sure to get everything they require in tlosc b gstores and to get them at the lowest prices that good qualities of guods can be afforded for and if anything is wrong be made right by reporting it to the principal as the goods are bought for the cash direct from the manufacturers the prices are the yery lowest enormous stocks of laces in the various new shades and in french britisl belgian swiss and irish makes in widths from i of an inch to 40 inches wide dress mantle ulster coat overcoat vest and paut buttons in abundance owing to the in lmensa crowds of customers lately watkins could not get his big lot of vegetable ivory buttons put in stock until this week but there are 748 gross of them ready now which i re being sold at less than half price an immense quantity aud variety of ladies misses gents aud boys hosiery gloves underwear neokwear and nightwear in yery superior value in all the latest shades big piles of window curtain table covers tidies aud lambrequius in silk damask wool damask silk plush silk and cotton and silk ani wool in madras syrianjfancy scrim striped w gold and in red also plain red plain gold ecru and oriental striped a very big stockof new canadian tweeds bought for cash from a large house closing out their business at far belcwtheir prices and selling exceedingly cheap the following goods arrived lately large lots of curtains table ct vers curtain cloths feltsllaces boolr and india muslins lens canvas zephyr plain and fancy lawn goods skirtings infants bibs feeders and hats handkerchiefs in imm use variety from 3c up to 2 beautiful droops ostrich mounts and flowers a yerv large shipment of frenoh laces and frenoh lacetidies silks ribbons and ladies satchels velveteens vibtoria lawns ladies hats in white and colors boutan soudan and bege french dress goods shrunk serge for boys wear galatea bkirts a caseof new styles if woollen yrips shawls for boating and garden piities direct from berlin also a case of german jerseys from berlin ginghams fancy prints bheetings dress buttokib urajrellas and parasols kid and lisle gloves colored dress and mantle trimmings rosary trimmings galon rosettes blue serge for boys wear green and orimson bailee olive rub r and scarlet ifelt mats crumb cloths cocoa mats carpets striped hessian 50w liuen towelling at 5c canvas etc there ere immense stocks of carpets jinoleuma floproilcoths window shades carpet sweepers etc very cheapi there have 13 pdc hamilton may 13th 1886 kages arrived this week makihg cil3 this season remember tjie placoone door west of hughsoi teeodelab o wa-tikljilsrs- 1886 summer street on king street east the name is 1 886 -the- o- cemetery henderson mcrae sc co acton thauk their mauy friends for the more than liberal share of trade extended to them since their opening and cordially solicit a continuance assuring them that no effort will he spared to make transactions mutually beneficial o iojoioioioioioioioioioioioioioioiolioioioioioioibioioioioioioioioroioioioioiojoioioioioioioioi d r ess qqtg gyg oo 0 o o p h dt-o- to 00 f o 0 9 d d od 00 d i o 0 d 00- 0 0 1 0 oar dress gfoddstrade this seasori lias been far in excess of any previous seasons business in this line we hdve inade special efforts to meet the wishes and wants of onr customers and feel flattered that our effortu oave not been in vain we trust that in the future we shall merit a continuance of past favors we shalljsiill show the newest tho nicest aird the cheapest goods in the market 1 the management of our millinery department being in charge of wellkuowii und fuhy experienced hapds needs 1 16 commendation from us the jiberal patronage of the ladies of acton and surrounding country speakj foir itself we have just received the uatest styles arid shades for summer wear and arelly prepared to fill all orders on shortest notice see our j t v dress goods mantla silks prints gingliams carpets cretonnes muslins table linens lace curtains corsets parasols alloter smjjroideries j allover laoes ibto- etc gray white cottons at bed rock prices 00 boots and shoes boots and great yaribiy in menb womens an ehilpkensearoheap job lots of odd lines atless than lialf price -00- and butter taken in exchange er our famous 50cent tea is not settled yet but the i 1 fact that wi williams f has the best stock of boots and shoes in the county iy settled beyond dispute i have ju6t received my spring stock and- am prepared to suit all old customers and as many new ones as see tit to give me a call iu all lines of footwear boots for the babies boots for the meu boots i do make boots i do mend custom work and repairing promptly attended to wm williams atlanvllne 18- summer arrangement 86 liverpool and quobeo service fbou iilveepooi steamer niom quebec i cmcassun friday 23rfl april fiiiaay 14th may polykesian thursday 29th april thurbday 20th may i parisian thursdaycth may thursday27th may j sarmalian friday hth may vfriday ith june i sarddfjan thursday ph may thursday lqth juuc cabin intermediate aud steerage fares arc 8tul reduced return tickctsigood for one year the best liuo to take to colonial exhibition patties sending for friends in the old country cauobtainprepaideertiflcates at greatly reduced rates fpr tickets aud every information apply to j e mcgabvin ticket agent actou yoialrpipriigsit m brennan has pleas ire in announcing that his tail- oring shop in mrs secoids- block is now open and in full running order and in a position to fill all orders in- he is showing good tvveed suits- at 812 sqlid elsewueue for 15 r soqtcfl tweed suit s17 18 soldeisewhebe for 23 and 24 fine worsted istjit at 20 sold elskwuere at 25 geutlemjeff fitting coa in every r wanting a iirstclass good- i etc may rely upon beingsuited reppect by leaving their orders with b ren nan the clothier sb tgoto- wat efts bros the picture gallery guelph 3ot artisti materials oil arid water colore crayons canvas drawing papers brushes dx oil paintings steel engravings chromosq frawles of all kinds mouldiurs koom and picture cornices and cornice poles spring rollers and window shades fronfooepomplete fancy gooqrfsnitawe lor wedding and birthday presents c csvisitors carr have their pictures framed while in the city sobrinthem with you to j waters brosi the picture gallery near the post office acton planing mills williamson bamshaw pbopbeetob buiwer and oonjtractor sasi door aaft blind faojory i8prepftred to pnt on storm doors win- i doiwb weather strips eto on short notice winter porches ereoted neatly and at reasonable prices we have one of henrys oelebrated chop ping mills and will chop all binds of grain on taesdays thursdays and saturdays tt a- bamshaw fi managers paiatiajr paper saajflar kaleomfc the undersigned are prepared to take otders for anything iu above lines gbc3 woik guarafiteed r4erbidijev i g kin ag f thakostdeuglitfal summer tour f stlecs stenmerg low sates i pour triji perweak btwn detroit anp mackinac arid bvry week day betweu detpjoi and cl picfijire8que maokinao illustrated coaiiusa toll partlonlan mailed ptmv detrbit a cleveland steam nav co c 0 whitcomb qin p8aat r detroit mfch r m m to health tjnlocks all the clogged avenues of the bowels kidneys and liver carry- ingbff gr dually without weaiening the system all tho impurities and foul humors 1 the secretions at the same time onrreotifig i acidity of the stomae i curing biliousness dye- pepsia bjeadaoneb dizziness- heartbuni cjonetipation prpxess of tu 3ktn jjwpev 33iinneba of vwrtpat anndioe salt bheuw ihbipilas sorofola fluttering oi tho he urt jtervousness and gen eral ibility all these and many other b milar complainta yield to the hjrtmy in of btjkdock bloobrt5ee3ea f bliyroy ts jwf proprietors tcroato m ym tl 1 xm tiveby freepre88 act03 8u ok veabit th invariably in i 1 23 per year rf tinned till all option of tho jtpacb oue column half colmnu quarter colnm one inch casual adver rtrnt insertion c ueqnebt iusertid reckonod by tha bcalo of solid n ivertiaemen ttsill be insert ugly trazwifc n advance chan for l in the office til therwill belelf thi8pape rftirtnkburai tuntracu ma t busi ber of college office iand frederick sir ce staj trinii ity medical si ofphybiciansi qrtxkcq l lbenl 7- a c mci cx dentil iiew system inonly called i teeth withooq strator and college of j rousmaydep in any operal acton every f month oml jstibtfl gntar collegeef dl 0 b mayesj sertedon ru innra and rous oxidegl ate appoint tovellsblj johnlai tario vl veterinary s in kenny br denoein the soundness a s11 calls edto ter tohnstc barristers aucels c orncl k fjb job m soucj omckfi office main i atc per cent chilton i torij omcjwtc id 96 king tr t uix ta1s li omcks lingtoii stre tatley toron john baix wiuu3i hesetj 20 yearspl mhii w i to alfi who are suffering from the errors jand indiscretions of youth weak ness eamy deca loss of manhood c i wilserid yon areoi that will wire yon jpbee joercbtabgb thib greatxeny by- atnji8siopary in south jerkja send a sejfjddre8sed envelope toe mibv jwisrh t inuan statiotibtaiy ijfic r r i m for the gou qrders left i or- at my promptly at lv also mouf able terms terest in su s urveyl cuu la orders by i tended to perthjst tohjr i on-itik- siruaiic john ji sue money 1 ler oent j loaned for- j security properly farms and i with farms i dominion h culated ini wantingfail rectiohs th farms war denoeinvu ft bw

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