Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 27, 1886, p. 1

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1m i sa i i 4 volume xuxo 48 f ijr rttrtt fr fjriss 18 fcdttshkn rvhry thursday morning at thk free press power printing house acton ontario as subscription rate8 yiab 10b six months soitu thnkk months 45cts luvarisblv in advance- ifnot paid iu advauco lri per voiir will be charged so ilapcr discou- timicd fill all arrears are paid oxctfpt t the option of tho publisher advertising rates i spack 1 yhhit mo mo- 11 1110 one iolnimi halt column quarter tohuiiu otic inch sfio00 8500 000 600 w0q 2041 lioo 350 laoo roo 300 x700 s50 100 casual advertisements b conts per hue for tlie lirst iusertiou and 3 cents per line for each sul- sequent insertion cash the number of lines roekouod bv tho space occupied measured by a smlo of solid nonpareil advertisements without spscifle directions will be inserted till torbld and charged aecord- ngly trausitory advertisements raust be paid u advauee clmukcs fwcoiitract mlvortisouients niustbc in the office bv a am on mondays otherwise thov will bo left over until tho following week h i moohe editor anil proprietor tuic nudcd nwy bcfound on file at goo p i hi rartk bowrll cos newspaper ao 1 fcrpslng bureau 10 spruce adhere advertfchj autracuiuaylniadcrorlt in rkw 1 okk- bu8ine88pireptory j h lowry m b m c p s vv graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residpuce at the head of frederick street actou acton bankinc coy storey christie co -bankers- actonl ontario a gexelii xl liaxxlsg business transacted wmmwfi r i pippipiiaim r acton ontario thursday may 27 1880 money loaded oh appeovbd stotes rotes discounted and interest allowed on deposits h general acents j no 2 estate l money to rentid c e stacey md cm graduate of trinity university fellovejcj trin ity medical school member of the college of physiciaus and surgeons office campbells hotel l l bennett lds dentist georgetown ontario mcdonald go viotorii st toronto nsu ranee agents j houhgs loan at six per cen business chances j chuttle mortgages promissory notes and other securities negotiated vulii nators ac farms or changed call at fhikk pukss oftice cholcknew wall paper borders to match newest ityles colorings j and eleprant designs for 1886 i c datsbpokstorb cuelph thdnsdaymonsiso may 7 1880 poetry other properties sold or ex- -klfelpil- busi ii ess college guelph ontario a c mckinlay l d s surgeon dentist georgetown ontsesthe nqw system of nitrous i oxide gai- com- inouly called vitalizedir for extractisg teetliwithout pain having been demon strator and practical teacher in royal college of dental snreons toronto pat rons may depend upon receiving satisfaction in any operations performed vill visit acton every other wednesday of each month oftice aguews hotel j stirton ld s mrcds ontario honor graduate ontario cpllege of dental surgery successor to j c b hayes dfes artificial teeth in serted on rubbefrcelluloid gold or alum inum and satisfaction guaranteed nit rous oxidegasadtninistered fees moder ate appointments rnade by leteer office tovells bjock lopposite e0 gnelpli 1 i i john lawsos graduate opon- tario veteriiiary college toronto yeteriuan snrgeou acton ont ofhce in kenny bros boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls- night or day promptly attend ed to terms easy tohnston mctean barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers ic sprivate funds to lqani otk town hall acton e f4b johxstos wm a mcltvs if e mitchell soiicltob cusvkyanlki ac ohice firstdobr west of the champion young men and women are thoroughly prepared for positions as bookkeeper shorthand- writers caligraph or telegraph operators studenjui have been in attendance from nine provinces and states within the past year our graduates aire- meeting with marked suc cess in the c omniercial centres of- canadii and the un ted states rates moderate accommoda ion excellent students may enter at an time forterms etc address m maccormick 14gm i principal r r i- lumber shingles and lath fplie undersifjned desires to inform the public jl that ho lias now on hand and will koep in stock a full line of pino and hemlock as well ds otlierkiuds of luiulier also first uud second class line shtnlcs ijitli coal wood having pntfehased the coal business of mr c s smith 1 ain prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal i have also a good stock of vood-j- hardwood ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered i i- 1 james 1skowx best stock to select trom lowest price and best value at days bookstore fire office main streeti milton at c per cent money to loan mutual insurance company ok the count t of wellington kstu1us1ieii 1810 head office cuelph s hilton allan baird barristers solicitors ax toionto axi georgetown omces creelmans blocki georgetown and 80 king street east toronto w t allan 3 kinitox uaj iiuiii 1ia b ain laidlaw a cojj baubisteks soljcitoils omces over imisrial bann 24 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto 7 v joux baix qcil damastbn wlllum lulllwi gkojige kiplele u patents secured for inventions henry grist ottawa gasaia 0 years prabtice no pateiiti ko pay fire day sells cheap mrs e h pass cuelph i millinery opening la1ues we beg to inform you tlnvt our mitlineryhow rooms are now ojien new spkltfg hats j feathers flowers wings laces gloyes ladies kindly iive us a call lone and forgot could 1 but know when i am sleeping low in the ground one faithful heart would then be keeping watch all around asif some gem lay shrined beneath that cold sods gloom twould mitigate the pangs of death and light the tomb j yes in that hour if i could feel from halls of glee and beautys pressure one would steal in secrecy and come and sit oretaud by me iu nights dark noon oh i would ask of memory no other boon i but ah a lonelier fate is niiiic a deeper woe from all ive loved iu youths sweet time i soon must go draw round me my pale robes- of white iu a dark spot to sleep thro deaths long dreamless night lone and forgot our story our dress and mantle making in this department we are fully prepared to execute all orders intrusted to our care our reputation being established for the last fifteen- years we peed riot tell our nu merous customers they are sure of a st and latest styles phicks to srt am cfstomeilk jackets and dresses out and fitted straw and chip hats niadc over in all the latest styles i i weliaveon hand a large assortment of hair switches saratoga waves frizzes ac ac alllientiles wilxteji 51 lower wyndham street wellington i marble works quebecjst guelfet an unfinished wedding why did lord verriner wander in strange and tropical climates explore japure and timbuctoo and attempt to cross the hima laya the noble earl only tried to get married once and in tie story of that wed ding is contained the reason for his becom ing such a distinguished travoller and growing bitch a very long beard lord verriner had been going tho pace ever since he came into his title and got hold of his property and at- the time of which i am speaking though the former necessarily remained intact the latter was practically nonexistent he had borrowed ng the made sad v le had to insures buildings merchandize manu factories and all other descriptions of property on the premium note sjstem w stone cnas davidson president secretary johjn taylor affent fire fire burned oat but not destroyed for m hemstreet w llcnsb acctioxeeh for the counties of wellington and hallon orders leftatjhefitke phkss oftice ac u or at my residence in acton will promptly attended to terms reasonable moxev to lexx also money to loan on the mostifavor- able terms and at the lowest rates of terest in sums of 8500 and upwards kj surveyor john davis prora cial land surveyor and ce gtie ph orders by mail or telegraph promptly at tended to charges moderate ofncej33 perth st guelph tohn day okkick- sijuaie architect grijuii 1st queens hotel block ma ket 1u- t perfected arrangeinents jpl the rebuilding ofthe planing mill atitlie head of river stieet recently d- stloyed by iire and purchased newmdchiii- erly we would inform the public that ofi or about the 1st of may we will be in a better position than ever to supply their wants hi 1 the shape of dressing lumber sheeting rlooring mouxdings e also in the meantime j pumps wllllbe repaired and general job- p ibifig done as usual tliaukini you for past favors and hopiijg by strict attention to business and reason able prices to meritari increased share of patronage we are respectfully yours tiios ebbage manager john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite aijd everything pertaiuing to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of grpnite and marble having lutely visited tho bny of fmifty yrauite quarries and ha viiifj purchased the eutire stock s gray and red granite monuments headstones crosses nrua etc of alexiuider taylor at less than cost i will until further notice sell at prices never before inowu jin ontario for in- stauce granite monuments g ft higli j0 7 ft 75 8 ft 90 9 ft x100 10 ft 120 all work and material warranted flrstclass parties wanting anything iu this lino will do well to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee my pricer are from m to 30 per cent below all other dealers acton- meat market aoton i john j daley i successor to thompson jackson money to loan on farm property jit 0 per cent mortgages purchased mc ney loaned for parties in mortgages aud oher security conveyancing in all its brani lies properly and neatly done charges ow farms and city property for sale jist with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to intendingpurchasers and cic ciliated ineurope european capita istis wanting farms in ontario will be sen df rections through our european agennies farms wanted for our lists correskh- denoe invited office near- the post oplce gaelphont f tte hakln barber shop mtlt stiikft n cm shave stylish icton hair cot a i om an exhilarating shampoo dlv ays jrjfl b and put in flrstclass tafe ftnd chudrenstiafr i p- 3vtfijies tonsonal arim it j wm e pod smith proprietor rutledge scjcrosson butchers gave purchased the business of mr r olraes and solicit a share of public patronage u ihe members of the firm are practical bhtohers and arc prepared to ensure their customers thorongh satisfaction there will always be found on liand a full stock of all kindh of meat ac in season we have settled in acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win pnbjio confidence and bupiport mr sm th has purchased the livery business of mr h b mccarthy whiph he has removed to his commodious stabljes ol john stieet in the centre of thebnsintes piriion dflhe town mr- smith has hd leligthyexirience i this business and fools contidf nt that hi can give satisfaction tc every pa ron anyone desiring a commercial pleil- oure or oumpariy riff oan s with a firsljclaes turnout on the shortest notice xerraatt i r hrse boarded and sold sonablc wm e 8mith rutledge crosson acton feb 9th 1880 dont read this the undersigned is prepared to furnish oii the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also flour and feed and anything in thejlino of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities ithos o moore tjlrancis nunan biecessor ty v ohapnmn boqkjhnpeb st geoierwft qielpb ontario aceoqm books ol alliinds made to order periodicals of every description ca ef ally bound baling neat yandpromrjtlj from his bootmaker his tailor and his jewellers af terhaving previously exhausted the patience and generosity of the jews gambling racing and women liad in fact ruined him but still his title and position had a marketable value for he was one of the oldest and most distinguished families iu england the jews and bootmakers would no longer listen to ljsnr even though he was the handsomest man of liis day with the most perfect manners- and one of the pets of that small circle of society which sits up aloft like a party of cherubs regard ing scornfully the morals and manners of tho respectable folks below i bntin spite of the lost credit of lord yerriner among the moneylenders he wosstill a spoiled darling among the women aud it occurred to him ne day that here was his market he must do the nsnartliing marry money which wanted a title iu exchange thinking the thing over he saw that most of his fellows who had succeeded in getting out of a similar predicament by this means had married american girls this he thought wonld be a tolerably easy thiiig to do english women appeared to him to require more attention and tobe less busi nesslike and more sentimental in their ma trimonial affnirs ho decided to look out for an american verriner believed he understood women thoroughly he was an excellent actor and could cloak himself with a languid and profoundly bpred man ner which was a great success anioiig the women of his own social status he pre served this languor always while in society except in the smokingroom for as hewell knevfit was safe it prevented his ever getting into hot water underneath this quiet surface a volcano blazedi and a vary unpleasant volcano too verriner had the most frightful temper which he was accus- tomed to loose upon lite lady friends his servants his horses and dpgi the two first left him the twotast showed their re sentment in different ways he was never safe from a bite in his own stables and his dogs kept out of his sight this was the man who a month or two after lie had made up his mind- to do it had discovered a new american beauty just over from the states for the london season with dollars and greenbacks enough to reinstate any ruined lord verriner thought jiet really very tolerable and was- much amused by her independent and lively manner which contrasted well with the profound languor he always maintained in her presence his handsome face his in tense quiet and repose and the position he could give her all pleased hetty leigh for- they had for her the charm of novelty she could not resist so bi a catch as this it was worth all her greenbacks to enter the marlborough house set under the wing ot thisqniet handsome fellow and so when verriner lazily but respectfully proposed she accepted him with open and undisguised delight in fact she clapped her hands as soon as the thing was done audi said my wont the girls at home stare mrs leiijh nearly fainted as nearly bb a wiry middleaged american lady can- when she heard the good news she had come over with one object to marry her hetty to a lord and it was all fixed up before the season was fairly begun and hettys htfsband was such a handsome quiet man aud hettyb wedding would be the grandest event of the london season 1 it was all settled and everything went merrily hetty and hermbtherwereasked to all the best houses the girl who was to be- lady verriner must be royally enter tained by everybody even though many of tho womfen would have been glad to throw vitriol in her pretty piquant face how hetty dressed i her toilets alone were enough tomake any woman hate hor even if she had not the additional and unpardon able privilege of being neb enough to pay for lord verriner to be always carrying her cloak and fan and keeping out of the way of her train well the time came for the wedding it was at the very height of the season and as mrs leigh had foreseen was one of the promised to be present including that very great personage who gives the to le to en glish society the noble ones of the land had been bidden to meet them the wed ding presents- were a sight indeed and the list of themiu the papers made tie mouths ef the burglars water with long trousseau was a wonder too and the hearts of many great ladies verriner was well content if be married at all everything must be in good form and it promised to b s so he had taken the trouble to secure tin pres3iice of the great personages and the d gnataries ard people whohi they carod to meet no other wedding of the season coul 1 hold a candle to his he felt quite satisf ed about that ho knew himself to be a superb creature and he wae pleased wih dame fortune for showing her apprecial ion of the fact the morning came and when verriner rose he felt nervous for the first ti me in his life there certainly is sometling very trying about a weddipg morning even to tho raoel- hardened he ate no breakfast but began at champagne before he dressed and went on with it during the process his best man the young marquis of broad- lands came in to look after him he found verriner trembling he had never done this on the morning of a duel or i after a night over tho cards or he moment before a race was ruu on which his all was staked what is the matter verriner in quired the young marquis in much amaze- mont suppose the priuce shouldnt cc met oh nonsense he always kejps iiib word make haste or we shall be late at tho church verriner drank another glass of cham pagne and tnoy started the ohurch was ajready begijiiiin to fill as a church only does fill oh such be jasions as this with the stream of the upper ten thousand verriner was pleased for in his heart this apparent cynic was a 3 vain tis aiiy school girl soon after he arrived i i price three gents wonder ad mi fa everyone home and was she who took ity of tho prince came aud at last except the bride the wedding dress did not come till the very last minute aud then it was found that the white silk hvee with which the lovely little flower adorned bodice was fastened had been left out in the liurry hettys maid went oil in a hansom to the milliners and at last all was righ the pretitiesteyed bride of the yea ready- and quite cool too thong was so latte for hetty was a girl never got fevered or flurried sin life very easitv sprite of her viyac manner phe resembled in some reipects the little heroine of the mikadom who says were verywide awake the pnoon audi certainly she was late and it yta8 very shocking considering what an aigust throng awaited her but it- could nst be helped and she thought verriner v ilued her- greenbacks sufficiently to bear the trial in patience but by the time the bride and her m ther reached the church verriner had lost his head he read the thing simply as an in sult put upon himself and that beforo the only audience jn the world he cared a s traw for he began to feel like a horse with the bit between his teeth when sharp purs are stuck in by an ignorant driver bi oad- lauds who know his temper lookeda face and wondered what he would ed with mingled feeliugs tion horror awe what a prize of a girll said broad- lands to himself id lifke to marry her i declare i but his attention wai distracted by verriner who having cust an agonizing glance around saw that the people were hiding their faces in their prayerbooks and handkerchiefs and that their shoul ders shook he- fled thrtugli the vestry broadlatids following hitr what a murrrlur of talking aud laughing rose from that distinguished congregation 7as it left the church and not into the long string of carriages which waited out side there was no wedding bre ikfast but there were the most delightful afternoon teas that day for everybody who had been present had to relate the s oty to innumer able friends left towii by tl r- first train to dover and when he was i ext heard of had a a very distant he was among hadeaniedfor him an enviable distincti m in the most elevated circles as for hetty she bravnd her mothers tears and her friends rap roaches tliout dismay she was quite convinced she had done the right thing ai d so were her frieuds when- in the first 8 hows of winter they were bidden to a grai d country wed ding which made the prize of a girl the marchioness of broadl mds the london of today wo speak of tlie rapid changes in our american cities but nothing like the changes of london can exist with us growth is not a change otj this kind paris alone in certain respects can show such metamorphoses as london but on the whole paris as i saw it at this first visit to thejold world was more like the paris one sees now than was loudon of 18fi0 like the london of tojday the mere a minor matter been living for some time and very warm country savages and his ferocity j spring the song pi a woman who i0k8 hek own wobk r springt to be sure so it is and im going tosiug not the tunes that the regular poets re- jhearse- i i in ridiculous verse ive nothing of winds aromatic to say nor pansies nor tulips nor hyacinths gay 1 live in theeity and discover no pretty grepri leaflet or bud sticking outof the mud nor do 1 hiskr warble of black bird or blue yet i knowitisspriugjustas well as you do ayiknowjit too well for its all spring iforraer from longbefore breakfiist till long after jtea i spriugiwith the mats and the rugs outof poors ispringito the carpets drag them from i jthe floors i spring up stepladdera and wash down me i walls i spring to the windows i bering to the halls j ispriug t each comer each closet each- nopk i spring at each dustladen picture aiid book i spriugjto tho garret where cobwebs abound 1 spring if i may be allowed the expres- sion tb the cellar half- way under ground i spring but goodigracious i to tell every- thing i spring at would tako me the the whole of thespring andwhen spnng is over i feel i declare as though my springs were broken- beyond all repair spring to be sure so it isphut let uoboby bring any poems to me about beautiful flowers i or lifegiving showers i or vine bowers i pr sunshiuy hours for really stfch things seem extremely un- meaning to oneon whom spring springs a lot of spring cleaning j n question of growth is london was not the metropolis of the world was only londoner thennt the in 1850 and now it is a linger provincial towr in general measured nothing but himself and nobody came to lonlon for anything but hardware good walkingboots saddles etc now it is the entrep ot of the civilised world the worlds fair of 185land suc ceeding similar display j of what cosmo polite industry candp t le common arrival of ocean steamers rare 1 1 the time i am writing of have changee the entirei char acter of loudon life and bnsiuess- and the tone of its society it is not merely in the fact that 48000 houses were built iu the capital iu the last year or that you find colonies of french italians russians greeks in it but that the houses are no longer what they were inside or out and thus the foreigner is an issimilated ingtedi- his do they werejwaiting in ambush in thevebtry at last there was a faint murmur the bride had arrived verriner buried around aud reached the church door just in time to meet her as she stepped in to the porch how dare you put such ah insult iipoii me he hissed into her ear you the daughter of a dirty oil merchant ill make you pay for this when we get aw iy hetty looked straight- in the face of this furious man a face hideous with rage no lady had ever seen such a look on his facq before but ho thought this girl was i bso lntcly in his power how 7x6 one luard what he said but herself and it wai all ovei in an iustant broadlands seizee his arm and led him away and the bride taken possession of by a stately loo king ent in its philosophy since 1850 canada aheai all this has come eacl in cheese done american like hettys father he too had struck ile who was to give her uway bride dnd bridegroom met again at the altar hetty looked quite cool v her gray eye3 were very pale verriner y a tremendous histrionic effort had recovired himself and wore his usual soft languor the ceremony went on and everybody as sumed the right expression the bride groom was asked whother he would take this woman etc he answered qui tly but clearly i will when however the dignitary who officiated turned to b etty and asked her the same question an aful tiling happened quite coolly without apparent emotion she replied i will n it her highpitched american voice p ine trated right through the church and every body heard the appalling words the whole assemblage stood still as if petri led for a moment and then mrs leigh b oke the silence by rushing to her daughter land seizing her arm arelyou mad sho whispered no answered hetty jquietly but those fearfully audible highpitched to les im sane i aint going to marry a t lan who the moment be jhinks hes got hold of me talks to me as if i were a nigger he called my papa a dirty oil rnerohiint now then you sir turning to verriner take your title aud the rest of it aud sell em to a meeker sort than i am to kr ow all the best people dont make up for bt lxujc bullied at home it ainn good enou hi besides wheu i do marry i mean to mo rry a gentleman every word of this epceh was heard by everybody havng fimshed it he ity jonrtesied to verriner and then swji iown tha central aule followed byher iomfitel brideimiicb and htr now weep turning in all parts of the e port of new yorlf an exporting centre fall- about the seriousness bradstreets has a ft 11 review of the dairy trade of the united st ites for the year end ing witli april one of the most disastrous years from a produce s standpoint yet esperienced the ma in cause in the fall of prices of butter ard cheese especially tha latter has been general development of the dairy interest world in butter tl has held its owu as but in cheese there h is been a steady iug off here is the teasou there is no doub of canadian competi ion wliich has grown steadily until nowit threatens our export trade with extinctior in comparison with the shrinkage it is worthy to note that in 187570 the receipts of cheese at montreal were only 54167 boxes while this year they amount to 120337 boxes while the receipts of chees 5 have doubled in ten years at montreal those at new xork have decreased nearly 800000 boxes in five years the exports of caikdian cheese have in creased rapidly ur til last season they amounted to 12484118 packages or within about 400000 of thfe entire export from this conutry goo 1 for canada the greatest advertisersplan the greatest merchant iu- philadelphia is mr wnt5araaker this ig the theory upon which he places his advertising busi ness there is always some trading doing even in thfe dullest and we try to divert the floating or transient trade to our place again when business ordinarily is dull people iwho seeejar mvitatsons in the newspapers are more apt to read them for the reason that they have baore time to read and ithere are few advertisements then f many merchants who have been jnj business fof a certain number of years will say ob we are so well known it is no use for us to advertise there never was a greater mistake we vvpnld aa soon think of cancelling our insurance policies as- our advertising contracts we spend more money with newspapers each year that goes by j there are more people who want goods aud new trade is always com ing to the surface advertising that is well done is cumu lative in its chi racfer it is like the com- pounding of interest an advertisement in a daily paper o le day will in all proba bility make a ood return to the merchant whohas the goods the people want at the right prices each succeeding advertise ment that he p its in gains an impetusrand influence from the original one and so it couiits up until tlie nartie of the firm gets what is equivalent to tjie goodwill of a successful business besides deriving the direct profit from immediate sales caused by the advertising i to advertise well a merchant should- give as m3ch care to his newspaper space as he does to any other department of his business as a general thing a merchant can well afford to spend in newspaper ad- i vortising froin onethird to onefifth the amount of all his other total expenses ii i a man in business talks as earnestly j through his newspaper when he is address- j ing oiieor two thousand people simul- j taneowy as- wlteit he is talking to one j customer hocaunptlailto make a success of newspaper advertising he tables 4 as a professor was cifiation room a f re shman dropped into his hut a piece f paper oui whjcl written monkey ho told it to all his at the next recitatioi ed his division in passing out of his re- jslyly was tickled with the joke student friends but the professor adi ress- the sweetest fc mes gentlemen a3 1 wi s passing out of the room yesterday ouo of your number did me the very high houjor of leaving with me his card territpri al news lkwistox idaho te jau 8th 1885 a long time i have suffered with pajli be tween my shoulder blades loss of appetite sickness of the stomal h pain in right side no doubt liver compi aint warners safe cure sound w s dyer six bottles of made me well aud- lhat snowdrop got ready photograph j so my cabinet photos it next wednes day week seein re this is a swindle your advertisement feavs cabir et finished while you wait 1 ell yon re waiting are you not eh 4 oh yesi see events more tbao one greatpersonagehadl mother pddile lookjd at hst she the great source f cbhsunptiou and many wasting forms of disease is scrofua lurking in the system i tlie true specifio for this tcondftion is found l i burdock blood bitteis that medicine u rifles the blood and builds up tha enfeeb id frame ayers sarsapanlla bias such concentrat ed purativo power that it is by far the best cheapest and surest blood purifier known tt t a coldbacb poor astloy the artist when in very low circumstances took tfreat pains to conceal his position from his intimates and to keep up a respeptaible appearance he was reduced to rnay shifts to accomplish this object one day he took an excursion into the country in- company with some brother arjists sir joshua reynolds being amongst the numr or halting under some tree to rest the day being oppressively hot there was a general cidl to cast off coats astley at first indttered something about ihis back jbeing cold but at leriglh over- come by thebjancerini of his icoiaipauions he very reluctantly suffered thein to pull off his boat the wa stcoat whose repairs he hadihoped wouid iever have met mortal eyes was uowj exhibit ed to vie suddenly his companions burst into a hud rear of laughter the back of the wi istcoat had been made out of oiie of his landscapes and now represented a foaa ing cascade rushing down his back as hii companions remembered the remirk abou r his back being cold they laughed un ill the tears stood iu their eyes invisible bill inslnulni ou all pains or laches will be istantly re moved by a few dropf of if lui lightning applied over the affected parti no time lost no nauseous medicine leeded no poulticing or tisihg greasy hi i ments it will not blister or discolor the ikin sold at 25p per bottle by pr mogi i rviu drug gist suffereri fromfneuralgi i assnreus that they no ver fear jt when iheir hoqjsep contains a botwe of eluidligl ning s vertigo and various forms f dizziness coming u ion a pan with a sftral sort of motion indicajtethathebloojl is fall of bile and i ric acid cause the ulureoithe liver and kidnjeya properly act jor this oona tion tbftt rieat epeati p wwners bate tore iapremnberlby inli f tliooswd physician i withjthe best ten u i i i- r3 t

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