Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 27, 1886, p. 2

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tpp ri pr 1 v iijeittoti ft sag frcss thutbiat mossnto ma 27 1886 1 it notes and comments dominion parliament will prorogue this afternoon t there isuolaw to hang the cowsdr whc ml to commit murderfby xtyuamite but i law to flog them would be flttiug the punish rnent to the offence there is nothing i dastard fearsso much aa a flogging i the watford bay a pacbplilei entitied the holy war by fiidooh if being circulated by the liquor party in disgusting way it mixes religion vfithcoarefe stones and low insinuations john wesley is mentioned in it 19 timefti and methodic t and methodism ii times the chare i should feel flattered over the abuse it gets from such a quarter under the- name pf sandy the presbyterian church slandered another pamphlet is promise i and if like this it ought to help kill the sic k whiskey business the champion repeats its silly request for the names of the men of tlte town n high positions who do ajl iri their power a oppose the scott act and encourage i violation wheu it is really much bettsr acquainted with the men referred to thi n the free press could possibly be and is sho well aware of itheir misdoings tie champion says we c easily belie e that the free press has personal reaso is for not giving the names and details ie quested we too havejpersor al reasons for not publishing the names of t iie milton shebeenkeepers and so the matter zests and very eveulyjjalancedtpo the reports of 886 correspondents of t be bureau of industries last weak show tl a in most of the fall wheat districts of 1 he pjcovince the wintet weather was very un favorable to the crop heavy rains carr ed off the snow over wide area leaving fie ids exposed to intense iqld in january ind february sheets of ice lay in hollows nd on low ground during the latter month and alternate freezing arid thawing prev til ed throughout march killed smc th eredand heaved out fespress the te ior of a great many reports and in portion of he country from ten to seventy peri cem of jthe wheat land has been tplonghed up or resown with other grain the mail bulwl ijg lnr6ito drgoi a bioilreiltltctt- n toronto maj jhtti theifah buufltar has sgun toes visited by fire and this time the loss is considerably heavier than on the two revious occasions ou the queens birth lay 1884 aud last april fools day s lortly before midnight last saturday night flames were observed issu ing from the w udows in the flat occupied by alexander id cable lithographers the flames quickly spread to the flat above occupied as the editorial rooms and frorji thence to the uxt flat above used as the composiug room flames had also worked their way int the flat locoupiedlby the mail job priiting company the type therein was co npletely destroyed and all alexander cables stock and rnaohinery aro- a total less lu fact they are left without anyth ug the jait new type which was firs t used last monday has been considerably c amaged but enough ib left to enable that paper to be issued this morn ing the buil ling is naidly damaged the floors are standing together but that is all that portion f the building fronting ou king street w nich wasjpartially destroyed by the fire on april 1st was not touched by this fire the watchman thomas carroll was severely burnedj and was taken to the h capital how the fire origin ated is at present a mystery various conjectures aie afloat many hinting atrin- cendiarismt the loss by the fire may be roughly estint ated at from 70000 to80- 000 but is co rered by insurance minos may 24th one of the worstj fires that has ever visited this town took place here today completely demolishing the following stores mrs a took gro cery w j i steams tinshop gandrews j jnown- on 3huroh street wm thboradufl sikktklmhmm m aptoi ouliliq th wife of j p mritiii 10th tort of a sou iiillkr in adtouoii the 15th itefo th wife of mr thouiasmiller of a son storby in naswtaweytti oh the lui inst the wife of mr robert storey of ii daughter t kkknkic in milton on tljo 17th instj li wife of mr david kenney of a daughter sxonk at 85 ilortnee street toronto osi thehthinstj the wife of mr wt btohe of a daughter i lbvkxs in acton on the iioth inst the wife of mr john eeveus of a son i mwh the altar jouss bveiw4at the roaideuce of the misses bowes milton out by the rev a buss on the 13th inst mr john johns of cleveland 0 formerly of snbringville to missimay byero late of stratford r oauked by a ptdi ravmonu miss aug 43th 1885four years agof rom a fall- from myoariiase my kidneys and bladder became badly dis eased ihysioi ins said my recovery was impossible tc ok seven or eight bottles of warners safe cure and it has saved my life axxicuiun i go to j fyfes acton for your cloth ing he can suit you for prite quality and style evervtime butcher shop and w littles harness shop the fire bdmmenced shortly after foui oclock ahdniwing to the high wind pre vailing it wa thought for some time that the whole of court of revision the municipal councilspends a sessio i in hewing and determining appeals ahotheb sitting next weejk the council met as a court of revi rion on tuesday evening members present messrs w h stc rey john cameron j fyfejand d henderson after taking the necessary baths the members took their seats upon mc tion mr storey took the chair appeals were presented and settle 1 as follows 1 wrt smyth against assessmeu t of bitch which died on 1st april george smythrsworn said the an imal died on the 1st april moved by jopn cameron seconded by j fyfe that above jmem in mr vi t smythsassessrhnt be sitruck off caj ried 2 john harvey in that the mill pro perty of th a b w nicklin estate rec sntly puchasedby him was assessed to hi h john harvey sworn said he tkught the village councils assessment ol the property should be fixed at s2000 mr j b pearson here entered and after subscribing to the oath took his seat moved by d henderson seconded ty j fyfe that the assessment of the n cklin jfill property owned by mr john st rvey be reduced tq2000 carried 3 the assessor appealed to havji two dogs and a bitch entered upon the assess ment rolljagainstmr a o beardmore moved by d henderson that the r 11 be amended by adding thereto as per appeal of the assessor carried court adjourned for one week t eaton cos trimmltig pepattneat i oar trimming department neyiir wa so full with novelties the flock cf cns tomers who thxodged to see our btoek of chenille aud jet fringes which wo adver tised last week was nstooishliig to bay the least of ltj but we have pleasure now in btating that the remaiuder of our order has jnst arrived and we are prepared to show the goods on the counter at any time we invite the ladies of haltou to the stores in the east end economy and come aud see our spri would go however the citizens turned out en maste and worked arduously ti quench the araes and as there was abun dance of wat r convenient and in unlimited supply pfbu kets the flames wee conjtroi- led to the ibove named buildipgs the stores of mei srs cartmer grocer on the west and v atson druggist on the east sides of thii bnrjing buildings and the dwellings in the rear narrowly escaped destruction the contents of both stores and dwellings were removed in a less damage 1 condition of the damage is not yet known but the loss will be sonsiderable the fire is sup posed to ha e originated from the burning stub of an exploded fire cracker more or the full extent a few of the hues 1 offer at prices which hi i i icaslins in endless vaiplety prints the newest resigns- gums print very nev gingfaains beautiful goods wttiteandaro70ottoas at kill prioes tapestry tjaioa and tempoftrpotb floor aadstair oiloioths bvlss and hembarg bmbroideries jfroat onehalf to 42 iaones wide ye nevei been approached before iu acton allover embroideries spanish oriental tafc y ileneiennes vcol irish trimmincs etc i gloves of every desoriptio i size oolor and qualllty hosiery in cashmere cotton and lisle thread corsets crinolines and bustles etc etc etc millinery tlns department is and will be crowdetjwith novelties aud the very a very competent person has charge aud ladies are surer what they require at prices to suit them otcdbs is now offering the whole of his immense stock of staple and fancy dry goods millinery clothing hats and caps groceries and wall papers at positively wholesale cost- piles upon piles of new and fasfiionapfe goods whiih will be sold at ciosestjeity prices m ti laoesfortbemiuioil tor everybody latest goods to ffet bargains in every departintnt the halton dry coods house toronto prices for butter and eggs r new advertisements study al outsmfies opinicin concerning acton end other jiffattjrs of interest to pur readers the observant editor of the berlin daily new while in attendance at the district meeting hene last week wrote as f 3llows to his paper it is a good many years since i last visited thevery neat clean and gei erally wellmanaged village of actou liaving occasioa to spend a little time here will give my readers a few reflections and par- titulars about the place this villa e has abont fifteen hundredpeoplq and all seem to be welltodo with pleasant snrrom dings theglove factory of messrs w h 3torey csoiiis the largest and best apiointed concern of the kirid in canada the biiilding being a very fine onej 106x40 three jtories and a basement it employs abo it 200 peopkrand the good it does the villaj e can hardly beestimated i the stock is s nt to allparts of carlada ahd is second u none anywheee i had a tjerypleasant4nt sryiew wiflfflr storey whojisbeeve of thlvillage midobghtto be the next f p fjr the ojtmty the jnery of beardmore co is a large concern a employing quite a nninberjof people the fbbb pbks is a well coirducjfed papei edited and pa lished bvmr 9 p moore who has prdvet him- belf a very excellent inan for the pi eition the fjike ptiss is a credit to the illage the town hall isr a very fine new in ildinf the scott act seemsto be pretty wi ill en forced bo far as i can learnt thre are tlsome oilier features that might be i sf erred jto but mnat omit them for this t me should add that mr a a ruby a berlin boy is doing a good photograph business hare ajadies who soffer as only thetiselves know are beginning to know that i con fleeted condition of the system if iot n- nrtvedoauwtlie wlich tfiey somnch eenttmostfreqbd othfflr ahdormni imafrybestoois gfef joio complain s from this con jestfon yisdaejjlivet snd it can sonderfiil pre itockwoodnews j from our oi n correpbmuiil j some prominent elora men spent their holiday wit i ns j miss ida mcfarlahe of notval irf stay ing with re atives here j mr ales mcmillan parkdale spent tjie queens bi thday with friends here 1 mr booioe and family of toronto ep- joyed the 24th with their rockwood ac quaintance i large co isignments of cattle are almost daily being shipped from here we notice some partii inlarly fine animals fed by mr wm shar which rsflect great credit pn the owner mr sharp althoui compara tively a rievr beginner in this country stands well to the front and already is looked jto as having s nperior knowledge of stock rais ing we commend mr sharp and wish him every success f the plei tifol sprinkling of strangers j at the seyera churches on sunday indicated something in the near future different from the usual i outine of affairs j all however were well nware what brought hs visitors and even 1 ad they not the loud and loyal salutes th it awoke them from their matu tinal slum bere and the sight of the union jacks that met the gaze when the reports brought tl em tothe windows would have apprised cue and all the ten de joie was the precuisor of what proved to be a day of summer fringes binding braids and dress braids in every variety and quality at ouir usually low pricey i oorset departmeat j what can we say ot our corset depart ment in order that the public ma know that we are selling corsets cheap r than any house in the city our stock corn- prices everything iu the trade and we in vite inspection of our excellent at kk a good corset at 20c worth 30c also one at 25c 39c 50c up to 350 clone by u our parasol department including all the newest noyclfieb in sunshades fiom25c up to 8725 j dress sale- a most tremendous rush in our press department lately we are sell ng com bination foule iclotli for 170 wool wool tttethk undersigned beg to t announce that we will again buy all the woo offered at our mills for which we are prepared to pay the highest price in o a s rft or in exchange for goods 1886 reularl really he new happiness to young and old the cali- thumpians met tlie monjiiig express trains aid headed by w bell cos brass ban 1 and followed by the vast crowd of pleasureseekers paraded the streets the smal boy was in his glory and was if possible a little disappointed when the band retired to attire itself for the afternoons sport ken and close competition in the footraces jumping stonethrowing etc kept the large assembly of onlookers in good humor during the afternoon the horse- racing o ing to the absence of many of pur fleetfoot d animals was not up to the usual standard but for all a good trotting race was witni ssed j between otlier events pur lacrosse i oys suffered a defeat at thehahds of the elora clnb in three straight games wantof i racticeand consequently of wind was noticeable in the home team a- large platform eitectedin the agricultural hall for those who wished to- dance met with great f avi ir during tlie af ternoou iat night came thi concert and as miss emma strange of toronto crossed the stagg to open the proceedings with a piano solo a storm of applause fronjja crowded hoube greeted h jr miss strange formerly resided here and her abilities as pianist ensured her a hearty recall at every appearance miss add ie pattersoji of guelph dehghted her man friends here by singing some dif ficult sole s with a voice of rare culture cgmpass other- artists from to guelph i nd rockwood were received enthnsiaim rockwood was proud of efforts of mr dan strachan the sport was brought to a conclusion dance he d after the concert about tw or thirty couples remained a your g man from nassagaweya broight his girl t see the sport he was so en amoured that he forgot to remove hisj hat at the te itable a stranger did so for him there ivas an abundance of liquor in various j arts of the village the betels supplied ihe necessary accomodation md the dives supplied the whiske m nob for tie 8 sott mt many said price 25c nov ladies this cloth is a bargain wej have it in all shades we know you can purcbi sej dress goods iu small stores for less mon y same shades but exatume the weight a ic finish of our cloths before purchasing in small stores you know eaton eella dr as goods or 5 7j 10 lo 20 25c dress iootu at all prices j a lace caiivaa combination r for 20c now this hue cannot he houglt iu the wholesale today less than 25c 1 his cloth has a very fine finish beautiful cloth for summer weari f is a wellknown fact that yol bannot btat eatons for black and colo ed cash meres call and see our 11inch wide for 20c regular price of these goods s 30c of course cashmere cau be purchaiied at all prices but this is a special liuc black brocaded velvets for 175 they are 75c beldw regular price it is a wellknown fact tlat sqme body has lobt money by them ve wont lose any- money ou themj you vont lose any money byi them by- corning aiid pur chasiu themi black aal bplored silts our 50c colored silk worth we have a large aiiil wellassorted stock of blasfktfts tweeds flannels tarns j kn11ted goods ac selected expressly to supply therequu-e- nients of the farmers millinery seasonable fiom jgarts shpph tacue stationery ig f call y geo sdpprv jf koelis a sulend iiis bouse r asd daring the gpi si thelarceetii pecnoneb si3ks v foreign mad gpodatptjsh w a10tt rwt y thubsda zw i- b jermyn i 1886 -o- henderson mcrae thank tlieir ninny friewds for tlie more than kberal s their opening aud cordially solicit a roiitiiiuanse aaauringthem that no effort will he spared to make transactions o clear er silk our worth fl our 1 worth sl25 i we are selling a black grosgrain puie hlk for 75c this line is worth 1 per yard incoult tle bihiuce of our suqim for35 jerseys ori looldns at pricies 113 each black cashmere with fullback and bra ded front 150 black allwool cashmcr i jerseys scollop bottom richly braided bargains secure one early over two thousand ladies 65c i llwool they are erseys to make- a selection from theri is a75c jersey if you van t it we doi tj cohflne you to this prie they run as i igh as 88 ladies gauze tests high neck long sleeves 29 3 43 50c ladiet balbnflgan vests high neck long or short sleeves 50 co 75 and 85cj ladies german cashmere yd tslons or short sleeves 125 150 and 2 childrens giuze vests 16 18 20 22 26 and 28 in price from 20c up childrens bjalbriggan vests irom 1 to 80 in from 4fjc up childrens german cashmere r long or short sleeves sizes from 1 i to 24 in price 60 70 w and 00c our underwear department i complete and ladies will have no difficult in getting suited mens fine o imbrio shirts sh es 14 to 17 various patterns oiie turndown collar land cuffs 55o each boys cambric shirts j style a i the men siqes 12 to 14 50c eaci notice our mail order department lend for uire good working order any goods yon may re letters to the the mail i is now lampl addic rdcrdeiartment t eaton 190 102 194 108 yoike sfc between neen ajnd alber i 31 in s of sau roll carding spinning weaving and in fact all kinds of custonj work done in our usual prompt and satisfactory manner j newton sons limehouse -the- 00 o o 0 90 o c co cjbjjvbt provided by v brampton i georgetoi band of gopej georgetow for hew fire ic norvafbr bratppton on berlin is for a new 8 bntfef the pastures- a ed s8210 last j rthegudp their annual jaly- the iitt limelioqseha the season weddirifi ltire af trade extended to them since m itually beueficiaj dress goods mllili ooroo o 0 0 q qqlib qb5r00 q 3 a-q- q q p our dress goods tradt this season ias been far in exdess of any previous seasons business iu this liiie we havemade spec ial efforts to meet the wishes aiid ants of our customers aud feel flattered that our efforts oave not be past favors we shall still v the management of or jii in vain ave trust that iu the future we shall merit a eouttuuance of cemetery is not settled yet but the foot that w- williams has the best stock of boots and in the county iy settled beyond dispute iliavo justreceiveel my spriu stock mid am prepared to suit all old customers aud as hiany new one us lit to jive me a call iu all lines of footwear boots for the babies boots for the meu boots i do make boots i do mend v justom work and repairing promptly attended to wm williams cde show the newest the nicest a r millinery department being iii charge of wellknown aikdfully experienced hands needs no commendation from us the liberal patronage of the ladies of actor aiid surrolnding countryspeaks for itself we have just received the late 3t styles and shade for summer wear are furl ly prepared to fill alt orders on shortest notice see our dress goods mantle silks talle linens d the cheapest goods iu the market and muslins allover embroideries gray wh lte cottons at md riock prices boot great and i llovsk eoll slk u1e subscriber will sell oil very oaey tern the house and lot on church street now occupiod by peier iee adioining tbe dwealini of charles speight aud immediately bi prints gingaams aoarpetsj cretonnes laos curtains corsets parasolsv allove loes etc etc -oo- shoes aieiy in mji wii womens and chllmien we ak4cheap job lots of odd lines at less than half price -00- boots and shoes eggs and buttc taken in exchajige remember occupiod by peter lee adioining tbe dw ini geo hynds jewellery store price 800 jone- tbird cash aud the balance may remain inde- i finetly fit 0 per cent interest information may be hod from the editor of the fbee press or by addressing l robt walter m d webensyiile bebks co pa spring with a is v here li its attractions and i kenney brcjs main street action have uow on the shelves of the domiuion b6ot and shoe store a full slock of spring footwear of all dnds aud we arc now offering our customprs superior value in all lines of boots phpiss sslippbrs g we carry astock wiiich for assortment cannot be excelled and every whnttaa be supplied wcaro showuig some uico lints in tlcunks valises c received direc frura the manufacturers 1 our ordered workisgiviug complete satisfaction aud customers know tl at our prices ate ripht repairing neatly aud promptly exeonted 1 kenney bros -the- booth act0 4- timimm v tq in jahitabv u887 75 ci ij ily- ts 75 j fyfe j fyfe j fyfe aoioft acton acton 3l003si money saved by purchasiugyoutolothing at the east en b cqtjhtlb g jpring ha sprtng fu j fyfj j fyfie jfyfi our famous 50 about 8 clock tbsstdri yet beeji done i recehtl ydestrol betyeen j in rebuilding cut at lime sejrvices wd church ofi su byfaoietdd the chuni r v boardrifjheal in a satisfactor there is i for the star 1 boys will be thn v j mrjohu 5iiuesing had th j horse the othed the cause j the3i with nepr clpthj place of itheol irhprosrement a base ba between teams i and theigordpvj 1 1 saturday after thebyl firecraokergsu ed outhe qne heard of a sing tje wed opeam on mon once house tioueer is the i iin the iistl theeelonial tjie official el acton appears j j messrs jblj ihojse will pure section ifofferel highest riceinl the hem lacrosse team acton boys on j gan herej an 1 visit verylmucl congriitulb warren are poi is upwerandfal welcome i w t stoue messrs wi t6vn friomrwhj supj havej of rtpptyirig tl par iamejitaryl abtiajcori concert fin tha last hich wa not brarnptoul btrainirijuj rthesanitj his toui of in found the plac tary condition j given a week cl cent tea oeorgesil day tdthe oha horn hy peter the hayo jy fip whole atnon chajiipion rmeafera their new roll j fyfe act01e- j fyfe actof j fye acton comp tobfiiiflatfol sentshgnite a m t e s pwjeeis sprilfrgwofrjteds sprijg ilfect satisfaulion acton acton acton store overcoatings spring trowserings spring underwear i lines of skwts tteb collars braces etc at lowest prices gnaranieecv j mi mrk 1 aiiivitt i mi j fyfe acton j fffe actons j ftse acton a f iff r ttil k on one pf ourl 10 mdt io3o dewsufie ftr tuae jjm i ffwtuesoj 808160 io yonreh jfflwlovelfae

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