Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 27, 1886, p. 3

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t an gg- ifl x r a ceohynds 8eouableroodrritiblkxnfte w r0p8 crta base balliyirhow biolgj skipping ropes imnivstijpitmad tackle our stock rf soffitbooki and stationery is the best to town gt uti call j i geo hynds 3jsij nwna jmfbrklsy keeps a nlencik assortinttn of all kind o holtsk tints hanging baskets and bbddinq pmnt daring tbe spring aeawm all cheap for ouh tho largest ud best tsairteu stock of con fkctlonervmtowu cheap foreign uid domestic fbllts canned goods kisk8t cigars lntlicnmtk jitfkrniiby ftji jfevwv m wm i vfi wti sktimfbeifrm thcrsmy morxixo mix 37 1886 i crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful pree press reporters m nd m is la on on on mb f board of health in a satisfactory llratutoiihs a ladies talking club georgetowu has very flourishiud baud of hope georgetown has just expended 51680 for new fire hose xorval brass baud won first prize atj brampton on monday berliu is helping its town band to pay for anew s00 uniform butter is dowu to 11 cents per pound the pastures are luxuriant the assessment of georgetown iucreasj cd 8210 last tear aud the population 43 the guelph lodges ioof will holdj their aunnal decoraition day on the hthj july t the little falls creamery belew liniehouse has commenced operations fcu the season j a wedding will likely take place iu st josephs church next monday morning about 8 oclock the star complains that nothing hasi yet been done to rebuild oakvilles piers recently destroyed between 30 and 40 men are engaged in rebuilding the retaining walls in thi cat at liniehouse services were conducted in st josephi i church on sunday morning and- evening by father damortier the champion finds fault with miltouu ijfor not keeping the towi sanitary condition there is some talk of providing a sui for the star lacrosse clatj we b6pe th boys will be thus furnished they deserve it mr john trice of the 7th line e quesing had the misfortune to lose a 2 horse the other day jblood poisoning w the cause jthe 36th peel batt has been serv with new clothing and glengarry caps ii place of the old forage cap a very greai improvement j a base ball match will take plap between teams from the satchel factory and the cordovan tanneryin the park oi saturday afternoon the bylaw prohibiting the firing oi firecrackers an the streets was well observ- ed ou the queens birthday we have nol heard of a single violation the wellington hotel guelph re opened on monday as a firstclass temper ance house phillip spragg the auc tioueer is the new landlord j in jhe list of newspapers ou file a the colonial exhibition as published ii the official catalogue the ee- press acton appears first on the list j3iessrs john xewton sons lime- hoiise will purchase all the wool in thi s section if offered to them and will pay th highest price in cash or good reliable goods the herald says the georgetown lacrosse team was well treated by th acton boys on the occasion of theirlats game here and that they enjoyed their visit very much congratulations to deputy reevi warrep are now iuorder friend warre l is now grandfather to a bouncing babygujl a welcome addition to the family of i w t stone toronto i messrs wi barber bros of george town from whose mills thefbee press is 1 supplied have been awarded the contract of supplying the paper for the dominie l parliamentary printing acton cornet band gave ian open air concert in that place on monday- evenin last which was highly appreciated whr noi brampton band follow in the same strain jraflipfok timta the sanitary inspector is nowimaking histonr of inspection he has thus far found the place generally iia a good san tary condition a few residents haye bee i given a week or ten days to correct irregt larities george sloan pleaded jguilty on moi day to the charge of assault laid again t him by peter jlytken and his worshi the mayor fined him 10 and costs the whole amounting to abciut i2i m ilon clcainpwu i messrs freurebros have the walls of their new roller mill aboui a mile east f acton completed and the roof on the roof is a flat one and the hew building pr sents quite an attractive aud substantial appearance messrs j speight son undertaker have refitted their hearse throughont an 1 it now presents a very handsome appeal nce the addition of gold leaf orrramei tatioti to the body and gearing has had tf e effect of taking away the heavy andsombie loos it formerly had it is now as fine a hearse as is to be found in the coun wto r oiptlly loo wid all m a ttiuiormho nr iy01olng we undertu ad that arrangemente have been mld wit i the merchanu in town tor closing itheir aorea at eight oolook eaoh eveufn with lie exceptiou of saturday oormnenoing foil the lt june his or- raaement m ked very well lfcgt vmxfist and was fairify well carried out knojtcaiurahjulimt rev john i aff of elora preached iu the presby terii u church last sunday the old gentleman las seen long service iu the ministry and a still possessed of an appre ciable amount if viiri communion services will be held ne it sunday rev dr mokay of puplinch w 11 preach both on saturday and sunday a sermon in gaelic will be preached at th i close of the sunday morn ingbervice milton has a c ow bylaw milton town counoil has at last sum moned sufficient courage to pass a bylaw to prohibit cps from ruuning at large the champion bays the cow bylaw passed by the town council on monday evening enacts that any cow found at large in the corporation of milton at any time either night or day shall be impounded tommy and tl e rest of the cow boys ap- pear to have lc st their grip on the counoil but say they h ive the anticow members of that body brat ded and will ruu them all j oufnext janu ryv v the queen int tie churches the sermon of rev r phillips iu the methodist giicrch on sunday evening had special refereu so to the reign of our beloved soverign quean victoria aud the blessingi which inevitabjy descend upon a gojdfeari j ing nation it was a loyal aud eloquent 3 of the usual closing i ft fy 5f i f r fl fimibly mm l iil rsonal ssifflislusffiflssiffigjct tf rtif giitscyftpajxjb sfk147 discourse instead hymn the national anthem was sung by the choir and congregation reference was also made upon the same loyal subject in st albans church and the ohoir sang the national anthem the ministers of the other churoues invoked divine blessings upon her majesty in their closing prayers xtominion day celebration the programme for the celebration ou dominion da i under the superintendence of the driving park association has been issued and possesses many attractive fea tures to sports aien largeprizes are being offered forathetio sports footraces tug qf war horse races etc the programme of the day will be opened by a calithnmpian procession at am under the leadership of general pap amichalopoalas at 10 am a lacrosse match between the crescents and some stro lg outside team will be play ed and the g inies and sports will com mence at 123 noon altogether a lively time may be expected with pleuty of amusements f ir all a new ulustn ted paper the last ven ture in illustrated journalism is the mirror an eightpage paper publish ed in toronto whose aim is to hold as twere the miirbr up to nature in accord ance with har lleta advice to the players we do not pro ess to know bow such a pub ii cation issuec at 5 cents per copy or 200 annual subscription can be produced and yet be found i emui erative but that is after all none of our business the initial number which is printed on toned paper and ma be characterized as a model of typographic il perfection contains sever al interesting riginal illdstsations great attractions are promised for the second number including illustrations from origin al sketches of he antiscott act dynamite outrages at or wgeville runavay accident j i ou taesday afteruoou as mr john 1c- dougall of tie secoud line was driving along bower a fenuebetweeu frederick and elgin streets the endcame off one of the whiffletrees tnd the team which was a young one became frightened and sprang forward at a i lad pace at the corner of the drill shed the tongue fell down and btuck into tie ground overturning the waggon mr mcdougall was thrown put and had the s de of his face badly bruised and his knee as somewhat injured the horses free fr m the waggon dashed dqwn elgin street tc church and here they came into contact with a light waggon standing on the street vhich was badly damaged as well as a nice maple shade tree beside it the horses w re soon after stopped one of them had a hind leg badly cut jpitfaraphi bwpeotmi people vritbi mom our readeri are indlvldtudly oolleotlvely abquauited mr aud mrs tushiugham pf toiouto jare visiting friends hero mr p kelly of mittbu visited his old home on queens birthday j misses jennie and tulio blair ot til elph jvislted friends here thi s week mr and mrs 1 elliott j of gielph spent the holiday with friends here mr and mrs c c speight paid friends in markhahi a visit during the week mr robert grout 61 paikdale was home for a couple of days this week mr george fernley of st thomas was tjrte guest of mr j m fernley on tue sday mr and mrs john warren of edar creek farm are visiting friends in toionto mr and mrs jonies keunedy of g orge town paid acton friends a short visit this week i mr and mrs brink of webt o ford were guests at the methodist pars mage last week i mr f h smyth jof truth toitouto was the guest of acton friends severa days this week j mr andmrs alex matthews of giorge- town were guests of atton friends th first of the week i mr and mrs ales lavidsou and family of elora spent the twenty fourth at cedar creek farm messrs j a gowdy of guelph several days this week with acton limehouse irieuds rev w j pigott and mr w t snyth are attending the annual meeting synod in session at hamilton mr wm hendry manager of thd mutual life insurance co waterloo visited friends here on taesday mr chas ruby of tilie ontariolifv cos office waterloo was the giitst of mr a a ruby on siiuday and mo iday mr e h macklin of the globe office toronto came to tovrn last eveni ig to spend a day or so in this vicinity ou i fish ing expedition mr steve marshall who was at ho ne at limehouse for a month recruiting r turn ed to his charge in the salvatiou arniy at sherbrooke que last friday mr and mrs chas knees left ou rues- day on an extended trip through britain and europe we wish them a pleasant i journey and a safe return 31 illon sui axiotn u tckhuay 1st jckilaleotittil and per- sonal estate 0 n 7- mflmdrray an in- sol vent at book wood to commence at a oolook vwm hemstreet aucjtloueer thuuhday 8ni juke sale of stobk and implements of patrlok duffy lot 2 coh 4 eramosa sale at 1 oolook wnk hemstreet auctioneer fsm 76 cents to 1250 at 3 bats fyfe8 i i i if yob want a nobby durable aud cheap suit go to j fyfeb acton i spring suits and overcoats at extreme ly low prices and made in the latest styles be sure to oall and see them at j fyf o4 acton j judicialnotice to creditors of- ohfcrles sidney smith seoeasid a judgment of the division of the high courtof jos l o ip all kinj3s imesrt and reliable paints m and oils pirstolas anp cheaf lacrosse bisebailg60ds just arrived new pattern 0adlghnawaya sticks spauldilirgs stan darfc ba li otbctl a dp pursuant to chancery djvi tlce made iu a oertain action of in re snilth-i- goldlevt 8mitb the creditors inoludii i having auv specific or goueral lien or brance upon the estate or an goldle vs 8mithtthe creditors inoludlng those ly undivide thereof ot charles sidney hmith late of thi uoum- undivjded share village of acton in the county of halton mamj facturcr who died on or about the twentyfiftl day of mareh 1885 are ou or before the twolf tl day of june 1880 to send by post prepaid to vi a moxican esq- solicitor acton ont the christian names and buriiaines addresses and descriptions the full particulars of their claimr a statement of their accounts and the nature c the securities i if any held by them or in defaul thereof they will be peremptorily excluded fron the benefit of the said judgment every credlto holding any security is to produce the same fore me at my office dough of guelph on the flftoentl as street in the cil day of june 1880 al ppeut and ojf jlhe out 1mb lay 11 oclock forenoon being the time appointed for adjudication on the claims dated this 90tb day of may 1880 a m mcklnnon master at guelph mogamns drug and will be continued at 48tlni immense m bic majority baigra lonery wi ihes to intimate that isibe iia prepared to cc1iiyepnmltoin uqtifi peacu dwvlwf tod platiiiff tiotiia vfttercoliflpfi a4 pilf tibmbmoittate u -o- our forced sale of dry goods and carpets slreef east next to hxsi will the queens bibthdaly very pleasantly pent at home by lijany of our citizens and their friendk no accidents to record j if resolutions passed at the last session of the guelph district meeting during the last session of the distjrict meeting held in the methodist church last weekv the following resolutions jvere unanimously idopted moved by m phillips b d secojided by j w holies that this district meeting wishes to pla e on record the evidence of the successful working of the scott act inj the village of acton manifested in the en tire absence of drunkenness bar room lounging stre it loitering pr other signs of the drinking i ystem and hereby express our great satisfaction of this proof that prohibition m der the canada tempei ance act does proh ibit moved by 3 8 colling seconded b a a bowers b a that the thanks of this district meet ug be tendered to the fr ends of acton who bave so cheerfully provided for the accommodation of its member i a resolution was also passed asking the dominion pa liament to amend the lran chise act so t iat a years residence w s not necessary to i ecure a vote as that clause disfranchised a large number of metljodist ministers evey year the sixtyseventh anniversary df the birthday of queen victoria was usheied in by our citizens with the usual dischaigi of cannon and other frrearms at six im acton cornet band took a position o i the roof of the canada glove works and ren dered several loyal and inspiring selections after which they played several piec is on the streets at nine oclock the lacrosse inatcli be- tweeu the berlins and the crescent took place the crescents looked exceedingly well in their new suits of gray pants dark blue stockings white and blue striped shirts and gray hats their playing was mil h su perior to that of any farmer game and they won the admiration of the spectators a ssem- i bled the berlins are a strong team if sev- eral years playing they did some fin work but the crescents were too moch for ihem the first goal was won by the home team in about fifteen minutes the second dy berlin and the third and fourth by the crescents the four games occupying- a i few minutes over an hour te following is a listof the players and their positions crescents position- beujjx j t kefiney goal j dotinrod j lawson point a jrotjhman r carroll coyerpoint wecairnes h h mccall jj i g e potter wro smith h y a c campbell t a wagner wm speight centrcw h sclimaltzi nelson moore tr i h peters g g buckwell j bcullyi gstatham 11 hbowman wm lee 2nd home e scully r lawson- 1st home c goolds j p worden field captain geo havill u h kimmel je hvworden bm m schmidt dr stacey referee tiie crescents give promise of some rood playing this season and our citizens may expect some interesting matches tho berlin team left by the 11 amj train apparently well pleased with their visit land with the conclusion that thejr acton opponents were better players than they had expected to meet j in the afternoon a base ball match was played between the clippers anda team of the players of bygone days the clippers were however altogether too much for them a general walkover being the j re ult of the game tha clippers have joist re ceived their newsuit j of white shirts and pants with red stockings and caps they present an attractive appearance hn the field and show np well in their play the new diamond is now in excellent order it is probable that the bjise ball and lacrosse clubs may both have matches on dominion day with outside clubs the day closed quietly and in order uo serious mishaps of anykind having c ccured in any quarter of thetown guklih april 10th 188g now that the event of the opening season has passed when thousands were delighted with the rich musical treat which wo were enabled to tender to them and thousands werostill more delighted with the magnificent dis play of lovely goods which adorned our store and show rooms and the verdict of everybody in reference to the whole affair was that bollert is dheatl by a big majority jxe purpose settling down to solid business to give our customers the very best- attention and to further demonstrate as we have already done that no 27 is not only the best place for music but also the most satisfactory reliable and profit able house to make your dry goods purchases every department is crowded with beauty novelty and vale specialties this week iu the dkebs goods department largo lines of nuns neiling much under prioe great pile of black cashmeres at 50a worth 75c in this clothing department grand line of scotch soilings lovely goods big range of allwool t weeds for boys wear very cheap cor king and ordered crohiasr begs to iuform tlie ordered cloth inc aud has scotch english an d canadian t w ee0s wors at lowest prices aoton removed amalgamation of mckay bros andr jj piiinapalaxe be cnybs i mckay hew apygrtiflements teljepiiome cobmeetteb ptiobal iew greenhouses j geobsetowir ont plants and ail the newest and chok flowers vtholesoleanj funeral and werhine designs prepared on ahiirt notice andj shipped oiely any weather chi dress goods reduced to 5c cashmeres reduced to 25c silks all reduced in price ladieb hosieryreduced to 20c wjorthioj5ci silk handkerchiefs reduced to 5qc worth si prints reduced to 5c worth 10c kid gloves 25c worth 75 o carpets oilclbtlis lace curtains blankets etc all red jced we have not room forall our stock and are offering extraordinary indnccments to clear out lines we will hold auotiori sale at no 70 king sireet east every afternoon commencing monday april 5 to clear out bilance of dry go danndcarpetp 7inch twill sheetiug rednced to 25c j worth 37c 42inch pillow c utton reduc d to 8o table linens ret ucert to 25c worth 3oc tweeds reduced to 35 wort l 50c gents purnishir gs all reduc id ginghams reduc id to 12jc flannels all reduced notice to creditors in the matter of 1iil rtith deceased n3tice is hereby given pursuant to the pro- visionsof chap lwbso and 40 vict cha o 9 ont to all creditors and others having clai as against tbe estate of neilkeith late of the township of eaqaesingi in the comity of halton yeoman who died pn or about the tb day of november 1885 to deliver or send by post to tl le undersigned acton po oh or before tbe 15th day of jtine 1880 their christian names arid surnames addresses and descriptions the full pari colors of their claims and the nature of the sectrities if any held by them accompanied by a statutory declaration verifying such claims and further notice is berebygiven that immedi ately after said 15th june 1886 the assets of said deceased will be distributed mpng the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claim b of which notice shall- havk been- given as re- ulred and the executors shall not be liable for john sts hamilton steiij public that he has olothlhlg the assets or any part iherepf bo distributed to onyjperson whsse claims sbkll not haye been re ceived at the time of the distribution of said ftrsflts 1 i benj kinnarbd v john mcdougall executors robt mcphekson actii may 4th1860 summer opened an ment a choicestoek ot v truelfe cloth 7i in the 8taple depautmenti great bargains in twilled sheetings beautiful line of linen tablmgs in the fancy goods department 50 doz ladies i ioiicry at 12icwoith 25c per pair 50 doz ladies extri seamless at 25e worth 45c per pair great value in ladies lisle gloves great value in ladies silk gloves all sizes and- shades in wellknown mjarquise 4button kid at 75c abso- lutelf without its equal in the trade grand lines in laces embroideries flouncings etc polite attention no boring to buy no puffing splendid light to see goods ope price strictly cash j isrice eds1fancy pantin i i satisfaction guaranteed allwouci cjaipz isc we still havfoh hand a full iiiie ot fresh groceries gooids etc veiy cheap terms cash or pr oduce only john nelson if- balbriggan siprino hall v ii cotton shaw fe grundy merchant tailors guelph fine vrmcb repali itbce goii xiioisr of e 27 r bollert lower wyndham street guelph ontario guelph 5 jnd 7 wyndhanji st guelph 84 oswald st glasgow the following conversation tookt place on one f pur streeta betweenthe hours t 10 and 1030 pm the other evening dear susie i have loved you from tie first time i met you and now i have tr e great question to ask will yon deara t usie go to the metropolitan andj haie karcbarjniog little self bortrayed in al your loveliuess for buoy is tbe artist many persons buffering from liver congh have imagined themselvesj victims of co i sumption but have been entirely restott 3 toliealth by means of wainers safe car k 11t sott act trials r the police- magistrate held a sittijng atj the court ho ise milton last week thefirst ct be was against mrs hay es of stewarttov n for violating the bcott act oo the becbnd day of may jnst mr john hayes admit ed the charge and def e idant was fined 60 and oncosts tbeseconji case was against tlomasj little for sel ing intoxicating liquor- mr mcgibbod fc r the defendant waive 1 the reading oi tbi i information and pleadi d not tbejpolice magistrate staged tht 3roin the evidence tnven be would not bo jtt tiflrf iu fldjotrumgjand ljsmis uie c k- upsps montreal house e knowlton successor to mrs secord begs to intimate to the citizens of acton and surround ings that he has refitted the store and put in a desirable stock of j dress goods prints linens jerseys sosiety parasols o also menslreadymade clothihg boots and slippers a choice assortment of croc6rj68 which will be sold at oost for next 30 days a call and a share of your patronage is respectfully invited e knowlton sign of the red flag acton wc are the only direct importers in guelph qui- goods are what the publie want tvf5ri r blinct drunk guivjslaxn 6bct 80th 1885 ja few years ago i suffered intensely from urio acid poisoning would become totally blind and stagger my friends rep tatedly thought i was drunk took twelve bottles of warners safe cure and am well guo f jridoewav exdeptrty shenff 98 j orison street worth ken cmlelit there is probably nt better relaxinbreme- dy for stiff joints ocntraoted oords and jpainfal congestion th aja hagyardslyellow 03itowemrjoiisiddellof oni who was afflict d traction of the brondl i nesftof the cheat it ii for iiiterualand ettei r -goto- waters the our prices win he approbatioii of alii our styles are correct the our dressmaker city i mjiss todd is the leading modiste in ibrya l jtheigreat ojtiiainb picture gallery guelph for artists materials ou arid water colore orayoris canvas drawing papers brushes l oil paintings steel engravings ohromog o frames oi all kinds mouldings room and picture cornices and cornice poles spring rollers and i window 8hades from ooooomplete p8jlcy qoobului table lor wediing an birthday presents ovc tvisitowoah have their piottares framed vvhile in the city so bring them j vfik5il very best fit 3dle has the t we hold the largest following lines colored dress silks from 37c fancy striped satin fro m 40c colored satin from 25o lovely triootine dress jgoodsffc m 2flc nuns veiling striped ooloredind black 1160 v extra hvycotton worttr0o for7o extratibteavy ilvldseigolvfrtblsiio fori0o 4v particuiaf attentibn paid to the t repairing arid cleaning of fine and clocks at watches the old established i house of b am age guelph exopllsior iabaeery r i acton our milliucr mis 1jtarr10tt has no superior i our cutterj mr mclfenziecan he depended birto give the largest connection of any cutter in ontario having purchased the above bakery from mb d mann i hope to give j satisfaction tothe numerous customers who patronize it j thanmngthem fori past favors lwill endeavor to attend to customers promptly and obligingly and trupt that they will one and all extend to us theirpatrohage i use uothingtiut e best roller flour and keep it in stock freiibread bimsfcc every day also stejam bread stock west of toronto embracing the best shirting at 12jc heavy tickiugat 10c 1000 mens suits at 8395 i boyssnite at 8100 75 dozen white shirts from 50 125 dozen mens ties front 50o a dozen i isnglishfelt haurwokifctptaool cloths and tweeds very cheap vi on j cakes off niewtork sjodaund o htjild or made to wiling caesa specjaliy iliiiiiiliiiiiii kinds tea biscuits itmeal scones rder at shortest notice bif cuits and confpoonory of all kinds icing sujgtir gingerjsnspb boston mixed cflke olesale bntijev wsk am mmmtim

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