Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 27, 1886, p. 4

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m efesi fi jr- yr-ji- npp5i tucssiuv morntxo may 47 sis i in may will thcriver eutice the in tall t lj toy e u- i 83- the too oy it will oh sbwitthm it will oh j will sport nd not school bring him lace and joy u will oh it will bli it will oh 1 will he fly his big kite from the top of mil i and be when theres fishing for study tt will a thought of his marbles insure hi m a l jhrili it will oh it will oh it witttoli in juno will the lake shore claim fair ilsabej it will oh it will oh it will oh will each wave have a tale of flirtatioh to i tell j it will ohit will oh it will oh will her sweet rosebud lips melt the scloth ing ice cream will her big lnstrons eyes on thedryg ds clerk beam will his pocketbook rudely awaken the dream it will oh it willi oh it will oh in julv will the weather be awfully he t it will oh it will oh it will oh will remorse and despair be the r poor coal mans lot it will oh it will oh it will 6h will the sheep in the churches decide it is i best tb give their dear shepherd a muchnt eded rest i will the dude wear a bang hilda poladot vest will oh itrill oh it will oh johi i r cleanyourfacei baltimore mo 1885 sis mon hs i tad a liver disorder caused great ndis position and yellow blotches on my face doctors remedies did me no good aiter using warners safeure i have no one symptom oi liver trouble oralblotch r u my face h dthavkb 563 lexington st atlsc g a dikon trankvilfttont he was cured of chronic bronchitis troubled him lor seventeen years use of dr thomas eclectric oil worms cause feverishness moanin by says that the and jferv vsisj j her now 8 iti was about to shbrql i to oauosr doeto s treatment whlual elcou cludedrto try buidook blood bitters inter ua4ud ex emally a few bottles 6 whiol entirely cure 1 her v j rtkialfektaink thereare i utfewihawavc nevor ufforoil almost mt j ornulo pain from tou tlmolie neuralgia or like nouto pains id thoi i snoli an uiatuit relief us fluid high mujri i an untold bl issiiig in timo of troub le s dlsgiistmgo tensive medicines to b lake i ortbys oi application of fluid llabt- uins cures sold at j b mciarvins drugstore v 29 n tbrop lymans v magwood victoria f v rv isplilliiilli lload 3gotable mr writes discovery a 1 1 dyspeptic jure is a ipletidijd modioiue y customers bay they never used anytlii i so offoctual i good results immediately follow its use i inow its valne fromlj a rsonal experience hav ing beein troubled f oi i or 10 years with dj spepsili and since u a ng it digestiou goeor without that depressxl feeling so well known to dyspeptics i lfirvo no nesitation i n njcom- meuding it ta any case of indigcst oncon- stipatiou artburn or trouble i arising from a drsor lered stomach i merit proven dollar ur t n dollar is frequently the faith o recommendations fo- articles entirely v rthless not sohith mo gregorssii icdycuro you arc i ot asked to purchas it untilits merits ar call at j imcgarvins drug get a free tr al bottle and if nut it will can treugtlicns imd invigorates huficta from cuervntion luiiguor wcakniwi und tnenttil ikjircloiii i i j lthtw nil iilmostniiiglciij effect ii i curing eruptive rfud cutiuwis disorders 1 1 eradicates irom the- hloodtho tnlnt of thatlerrlbly destructive disease uercdl- tiiry serofula it siieli from tlio rytom1ho bunoftil iwlsoiv of mercury which is as hi rlous lis that of scrofula i it purlllch mid regenerates tlio lite cur rent polluted b tlio corruption of con- inxlous disease i lttttlmulutcs uic s ciretory organs effects the removal of all impurities from tho blood and makes lihiowj rlclj in id pure it restores health io sufferers frm thlii blood and luipalreil vitality sar8apari and by sfijfi stikb r k 1 1 kiph yy mm m sjs mfplip lpf5p ysprihgsiitfpg i gsprlugspriniisprltigspringpriugsphiigpiiiigphiis itisawsby us tlibiiughpurulcaujin o the blood from ltljeurautliiiii lthcuhuitk gout and tubereulnr coiisuhiptlon itieurcs seroxulpiw nfleetlons of tin liver nnd kidney- tijid tlielr fiymntoiiw nundtco and dropsy it cures scrofulous catarrh itching humors mid tho purulent soros caused by scrofnlu it clews nnd improves the complexion it neutralizes tho poisons left in tho system by dlphthorla and scarlet fcvcir and restores the debilitated patient to perfect lieulth und rigor it is in short ah unfailing remedy for all disorders nrisfaik train impurity of tho blood vhero such disorders havo not become so deqily seated as to bo beyond allhumanald spring u hoio advantages that ayers sarsaparilla s over all others know iwu as spver- restlessness during sleep mother g raves i worm- exterminator is pleasant srin and effectual if your dtaggist has nqnein stock pei him to procure it for you never drngtjhe stomach with nauseating and weakening expfectorants and ojiatea hagyards pectoral balsam is pleasant and reliable lu its effects and safe iu all throat and lhng complaints that if neglectfet end in consumption 1 secret ft the ladies the great secret of beanty is pnre blood l eruptions and all blotches that di sfignre the face may bequickly cured by b lrdock bldbd bitters annie heath of po llarnd certifies that she was cured by this n medy after suffering for two years baldness may be avoided by the use of halls hair beneweri which prevents the falling out of the hair and stimnlati s it to renewed growth and luxuriance it re- tj stores falded or graj r hajr to- its riginal dark color and cures oearly every lisease of the scalp tlmtilhui it may useful to the reader tc that the popular preparation kn hagyards tellow 0 1 has proved a eign remedyhfor dejfness many cermfied cures being on record hagyards yellow oil also cures aches painsjuid lai aeness and may be used int simally as well as out- wardly sail bkcpm iarril mcgregor barks s carbolic cei ate has been tried and found to be the only xkitive cure for bait bheum pimples b otches on the face or hand jcats burns lirnises or any sore that nothing else wil heal try mcgregor pajrkes carbolic cerate 25c per box at mcgjarvins drug s ore a b des bocba arthabaska me p q writes thirteen years ago i wt a seized with severe attack of rheuniatisn i in the heady frvmr whicb i nearly constantly suffered until after having nssd dr thomas eclectric oil for nine day i bath- ing the bead 4c when i was conpletely cured and have only used half a bottle important sewn item cookstown mrs campbell lits been troubled for a number of yars wii h indi gestion and constipation and was induced to try mcgregor speedy cure an 1 fonn it all that was needed and would reconf- mend its use to any person similai ly trou bled this invaluable remedy is soldai every part of canada at 50c and 100 per bottle sold at dr mcfjarvins dr lg store if a few grains of common sense could be infused into the thick noddles of tl lose who perpetually and ajternstely irritate and weaken their stoniachs and bowels with drastic purgatives thoy would nse the highly accredited and healthful laxative and nic n6rthrop- lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure which causes good digestiou to wait on appetite andliealth on both spent on proven store aiud souviuced 4 it of tho worst form s of d -s- pepsia livj r complaint etc no matter of how lopg i auding it costsj you nothing sold iu50 and i bottles sec testiiujm als froriipi iple ihyur own town i 29 itehln plies siniptodtsauillnre i the symptomsare moisture lie perspir ation inlcnie itching increased hy scratch ing very d stressing particularli at jiiglit seems as ii pin- worms wereciaviingin tnd about the cctiiin the private parts are sometimes fleeted ii allowed o continue veryserioi s results may follow f3wayks ointment is a pleasant sure cure also for tette itch salt rheum all set ly crusty skn idiseases sent by mail for 50 drestdr cents 8 boxed 135 in stumps ad swayne son philadelphia pa sold by druggists undivided opinion of the med ieal the 50 it is th world tha rhenmatism is caused by acid condi iou of the blood the taking of cold expo inre to inclement weather biiug merely th occasion of its development in some part of the body its especial liking is for ths joints and the sciatic nejrve when infl ammatory it attacks the entire muscular system and is very dangerous pajuful a alii times dangerous in rhany the pcrs n who is afflicted with it slicfuld give hims elf prompt treatmeut with warn ers safe nre and warners safe rheutna tic enre wo remedies which have no equal in the wc rid for clearing the system of j the acid elen ents which are the only causes of the rheui natic condition best nit comfort o the giifrrrlu bre ns household panacea hai no equal for relieving pain both internal and external or bowils fbothaple lumbago andaii it will most surely quick y 3- meurcgors tang tonipouiiil have yonabadooaghachroni hoarse ness a ieelingbf lightness in the chsi weak lungs i or any similar conpfaint if so buy atunce a bottle of mugregors lung compound it will cure rou it contains entirely new specifics if which one dose is more effectual than a whole bottle of the old time remedies t is put up in 50c and fl00 bottles sole by dr mcgarvio druggitt try it anc yon will nevr have reason to complain advice to mothcts are you disturbed at night and broken of yonr rest y a sick child suffering and crying withpa nof gnt- ting tc th if bo aaid at onc t ad get a bottle ot mb wikwb boothii g syrnp for children teething its valne is-incai- oulable itwiurelieteiboor ittie suf f erer i ameujatelyl iepnd upon it moth era there i no mistake about it it cures dysentery 4nd irrnoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind qolic softens tejjuma reduoes ibuanmation p energyitb t ie whole system rjgijfag plpaaant ii e ta oreacrii the olaa best trfm0f 1 it cures pniu in the side back sore thront rheumatism kind jof h pain or ache en the bl cmd at d ileal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea bfeing tckriowledged as the painrel ever indjof double the stre of any ther elixir or liniment in great netb the world sjjonld ue in every family handv for use whe wanted as it really is the bett remedy n world for cramps in the stormicl and paijis and aches ofall k nds and is fo sale by sill druggists at 25 cents bottle i 44 prom lent among the greatest medica discover ies by the many cures ithas affect ed mcc eiorn sjiiedy cure leads the ivan subject 1 to the ni nutest chemical analysis it has htm found to contain one of those injurioni iugredhnts characterizing the worthleis specifics daily offered to the pnblie every ingredient possesses a pecnl- ar adaptability to the various complaints for win l it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly sceived we are therefore confi dent th t wc have a preparation which we can bffn tb the public with the assulauce that it ill be found not only a relief- but bsob e cure for dspcpsiaj liver ndotri- plaint udigestion conslipjition nnd im- bnttl us ot e 31 vw- ii nhbwupq wtk j pl4av it u composqd af tho most ojucnclous alterative dunihc inl tonic drugs kuown in iihariiiacy mioin whwh uro tho wlitiliio i honduras sawapnr lluj yellow dihik stlllliigliij luw the iodides 6f potas sium and iron j it is a highly tbncentmteil midicinc scientifically nnd honestly compounded so as to securo t9 it tho highest degree of activity and perfec i uniformity j it lias received t io hearty cndjorseindnt of the lending pici in tho medical nrofes- imon who recognise has atnndjiru lihiir- lniiceutlcnl propnritloh nnd proserldo it in their practice i j- it contains ho poisonous mincnils or jrt her dangerous drugs the use of which for temporary cflvct in tho many crude mid cheap njlxtnfes sold n alteratives pnuhiech eftects on the system often worse than the discuses they nro offercdtocure it costs no mora than anv other but would still bo the cheapest blopd-purlfr- iifmellcinehi the world even wore its price three times greatier slncq it is tho only ouo that does real lasting good it has been before the public tor nonrfy forty years nnd has constantly growii in popular favor both at homo null nbroitd until thero is hardly a place in tlio civilized world whcio it has not a host of friends inado so by its rarirvellous cure it has been used in mid approved by at least 4000000 families in the united states nnd700000011irduglioitt the world women lmvc cspbclul rciisons for coin- uieudlngit it has provfiv its potency in curing obstinate deeplyseated unit long-stunl- ing diseases caused by vitiation of tho blood it must not however be ex pected nnd is not claimed tlmtji single bottle will cure such ciisejs but patients should persevere iu the use of this remedy until u radical euro is effected it is the only bloodpurifier that has won nnd retained tlio confidence of tho people of all tropical countries where ch medi cines nro much required it is the only medicine of its class that sailors lis n rule have any faith in nnd they nre right j e designs good r- iitiq ili with it tho trwisoijrfu ouse cleanihg arid paper hartgin di yoy watit to- ducpatbur walls with a paper hich will ahvayn pljbas 3 you if so buy your wall pafee and bojtmfcs t frpia howson -w- coloringrioh prices no troilble to show goods e hqwson itcton oil six rs 1r j c aym co sild by all drii the sar sap ar ilia prkpaited by nonj2g as carried off all the prizes aiiii is the best machine oil offered for sale ii i the domito ioq ii proof of this we will pity freij lit both ways wl en it fails to please the purchaser go haverbeen aware ed this oil within the last three years enuine nly that made at the analytical chemists lowell mass glsts price 1 00 six bottles for 5 f igt housb is crowded ith because watltins jadapts his se good qualities of goods can be i the manufacturers tie prices ai i of an inch to 40j inches wide not get his big lot of vegetable quantity and variety of ladies window enrtainpj table covers gold and in red also plain red at far below their priceb and ij mnslins lens canvas zephyr ostrich mounts and flowersa j and colors boutan soudan ai i pnties direct frpm berlin al dress and mantle trimmings carpet striped hessian good cheap there have 13 packagi taes to thew eenernl needs they arc almost sure to get everything thoy requuein ihose hie stores and to get them at the lowest pnees that fforded for inv if anything is wrong it will be made right by reporting it tothe pm cipal as the goods are bought for the cash lirect fiom e the ycrv lowetf eaqmioiw stocks of laoos in the various new shades and in fcrehclj finish belgmii swiss s nd irish makes in ridths from dress mantle ulster ont overcoat vest and pant buttons in abundance owiurti theimmenso crowdsof mstomers lately w4tkins could- ivory battcnl piit in stock until this weekamt thereare 748 gross of them ready now which are beijig sold at le is than half price an immense misses cents and boys hosiery glovesunderwear lieokwear and uightweariu vet f supenpr valne in all ttie latest shades big piles of hamilton maj i3lh 1880 purebldod free trial mcgai rinsdrne store h oil i coifs ointment and fill canghs ihfluei the soothing properties of these medici i nents render them vml wortpy of trial ir all disjases of the respiratory or gans n common colds and influenza the pills 1 1 ken internally and the ointment rubbed dver the chest and throat aije ex- ceedin y efficacious whem influenza is epideric this treatment isthe edsiest safest rud surest hollbwajys pills puidfy the pit c d remove all obstacles to its free circuit t ion through the lnnjjs relieve the overgi i ged air tubes and render respiration free vihont reducing the strength irritat ing th s nerves or depressing sijrits such 1 1 i the ready means of saving- suffer ing w i in anyone is afflicted with colds cough i bronchitis and other chest com plaint 3 by which so many persons are seriot e y and permanently afflicted it most count rise not h ing so suddenly obstructs tfact per- spiratu n as sudden transitions frott heat to coll heat rarities the blood quickens the ci ulation and increasesthe perspira tion i t when these are suddenly cl ecked ithect uieqnences mast be ttad the most coma o i cause of diseuse igjoostrnotfi 1 per igpira fc n oir what colnmouiy goes by the name ioloatchtngicolcl coughs cold sore throat etc if attended to in tine are easilj t ubdued bpt if allowed to run their own i o irsegeneifally prove the forei unner of men dangerous diseasts ninenths of tli r sonsnmpti vea date their afi iction from a uegjectei l cold apd the di seasea that i r caused by wet feel damp ci othes or ex x bare are more naif erpni thaii are genp al ly supposed ipfj te hiobt ecf l mf ediciiies lor al disws l the throi t md longs isbiaklet antigqln mmpi jkyifr pnimjdlja tfnwjlj mh fr hiuhgfl frovn hor salo by j b pearson 1 shonltz hockwood thing d medals oil vobks samufbl rogers co toronto dr mci irvinjie hownon and c t hil acton and iladibs daily ssk8s5 v expross od0 bast uxe4iiibff ttatt bxiire8s7mani pass uiailfca uoaaiin throuidi etxw pw acoomv 14eior chtoi exprestaoes 4ot btoplietwcen onell- ahd low ilway tme table im- ifafltfjtrtt itt raifvvay iforonto tik oyt8ino uailk i ioingwesfc 10mq i goius eottl0 km i enirtfsl 101111 clpses a caradian pajcif ic railway to un wast atfd wssf -tj- mm 4 hr a ooiso wkht j x 3217 11 un 4 5l5in sliccial 5 8s0 pu aecom cooih b0o am express mai aiidfisopu anil 820 jim 10 am on wcdiieiidtty roiiits coslikxhkd inik taiilh liocalex 4 ispui 15 25 1 8 53 toronto to detroit st thomas and chicago west ex j cliicafici ex totonto 8 10aui 1 05jm stratsvilletuno 1 1 2 co stthomas 11 45 pm 5 25 ditroit 5 20 8 chicago 7 00 amj 8 05 rtpj- j torontoj to montreal and quebec limited ex montreal ex toronto fl 25am 80dpni ottawa 0 32pm2 i38ani montreal ip00 8 18 qqebec 0 30 am r i illpui i brampton to stijetsyille junction brampton 7 33 aiii li 455pui jstreeftvillo jct 7 55 j 5 23 brampton to orangiiville and owen sound brampton 7 22ani ij 5 55pui ioraigoville 8 i i 7 08 owen sonnd 2 40 pid j purchase yonr new 1 m sbvbbyl fbeepsea l actd fill qjfk yeail invariably 125 per y tinned tl option of tgaj sfl and t james mitthes ticher acton j alla 10 20 tickets by this line aoeeti ont 18- sunimer fi one colnm half column j quarter coluj one inch casual adya first lnerhon seqaenfti reckoned b scale of so advarmsi will beinsertq ngly n advance changes fori in the office their will be id thi8l i 17 jtidies arkflaihbrtqiiinsin silk damask wool damask silk plush silk and cotton and silk and woolj in madras syrian fancy scrim striped in plain gold eqrn and oriental striped a very hi stock of newcanadian tweeds bought for bash fronr ft lare house dosing out their business s illinc exceedingly cheap the following goods arrived lately large lot of curtains table covers curtain clot is felts laces book and india plain and fancy lawn goodsskirtings infants bibs feeders and hats handkerchiefs in immense variety from 3c up to 2 beautiful droops etv large shifemeut off reach laces and french tace tidies silks nitons and ladies satchels velveteens vict ina lawns ladies hits in white d bege french dress goods shruukserge for uoys wear galatea skirts a case of ner styles tf wollenwraps jhawls for boating and garden a case of geirmau jerseys from berlin kiughaihs fancy prints sheetings dress but ons umbrellas and parasols kid and lisle gloves colored ary trimmings cklou rosettes blue serge for boys wear green and crimson baize olive ruby and scarlet felt mats crumb cloths cocoa mats oen towelling at 5c canvas etc there ere immeuso stocks of carpets linoleums fl or oilcloths window sba les carpet sweepers etc very j arrived this week uiakin c 13 thrs season hemember the place one door west of hnghson street on king ptreet cast the name is bo nsary es tho js c ibszcidtsl merghant tailoring ry an berkinsh aw 8i go r e nelson j iormehly of autun a english irish scotch and cahadian complete nrw stock tif successoiis to john opcfied tliis week vt iu the col lo -f- and weavlgr c of belfast a beautittil puiiee hogg on nty down flax spinning weieids of lawn anl linen colored b liandkeiichiefs the latest styles in- colored worsteds and fin fine black and spring overcoatings mill style in cloths lieiitleineirreciuiring anything in my linecsn depend on gctinin the very latest with fit and woikhinusliip guaranteed v e elscn 1886 a m nnoohcement irder and white -o- lot 2 99 upper wyndham street cuelph 1886 ajdersongo in makinglheir nnuruiicenieut for the spring would say that owing tounforsieu circumstances hud the hard limes prevalent in tho com- munlly they hayd lieen- nnaliic to carry out their uuiouiioement of dissolution of partneijship the said partnership jwilj therefore con tinue for pne year longer so as to give ill parties who areslill owing us on account a furthejr opportunity to cill and settle their accounts yojparp08e to do bssiuess entirely for cash or produce nogoods will b b oliarged we will sell goods cheap we have had such an ex perience of the oldtime credit bubiuessvhich enables us to say that it is a very unfair way of doin business thehonesj anatrusty man whoji pays jiip promptly has lotpay for the dishonest mail who never pays at all wo are satisfied llhat every person wholooksat the cash system of doing bu8ine8si will iny tnatitis the only ltpnest and fair principle of doing business w j can buy cheaper you will buy cheaper ve willsell goods- at wholesale pnees paying cash and getting all the nd- vantages prhioh does ancrue to the cash myer try our system sec our goodaf compare pi ices and weare satisfied you will save 525 per cent on ill goods piir nased from us lhilieslwe are this spasnn showing the neatest and most stylish mil- unbny mantbts ol c all new and latest styles dbess goons j dress thimmigs bnpoks faikges c c all tbjnatch dkessi maidkg o all the newest styles done on the preimses under tho man- ageuient of a first- class dressmaker ltldies buy yonr dress goods leavyouif order if you want a faishionalle dress fnints ifusuns lavns and nairfamsalf new npat and nobby j ojur ordered olothinitdepartmontiwi can speak with pride aborts it we have the finest and most extensive stock of twubds taowsenj i ply wool unionand hemp he aolducbjcaper lthan the c aftpetb in brussels tapestry 2 and on ciioth8 all widths and prices all t cheapest i iuc8tapledepartmont is fery f ull covronsi 8e perykntnpi white cotiiosbbc itowkia c tabmkos 25c ootronaiiesr ducks and dbnisfrom i8jcup h i f llfln women ftnphildfer you cannqt fail to savemphey byihoying yojir goods from its try wwserwe arje in earnestj we will mu i cheap foircash ostyiio mofso baide ms aiid lpnlfctttoraeis will re ceive the benefit dont delay but coine and geoirpheap godds aud yon will itirely buy rrr 1 nbilri el r rira vi3r trv r t -jb- j return onrfthicerethanhs to tlu 2rt1n glasgvftwo gijiejlph o o- only openedthis week tron hannah m cascaorhleacihellsdimagei consisting oflta- lmgs c slightly jdamaged in bleaching butbeauifaliy fie wc buy these goodsfrom maiiufactureis at so much a ase it is a tiare chance to sect re fine litieiis at astonishing prices i i i iyan ieekinjelaw oltfileh 0ublph ihotjse i1m the mtjy of eiuelph wholesilt ami lletail dealers aud di yet importers of the best and cheapest car pets in canada ovel 300 pieces to choose from j our prijis wiil gllndilfu the hear also laois cuhtantj clrs ii thompson kag carpet weaving done to irii 42 square guelph health v o n hollowais jplllls and ointml r o s of every liiiy a l i purify the boodi correct nil disorders of the l1veh8t0mac ki11ney8 asd bowels- theyinvigoratcandrtstorexohe84thbihuitatel constitutions ami are in valuable iu all complaints incidental to females of all ages for children and the aged s theyiare priceless i is at mallabfe remedy for legs fe d bieasls 0d ound8 sores and ulcew kt is famous forgqut and rhenmatism fdrai86rder8of it lias nb eqns qiaiiaulax swellidcti w1in disi lesit liai ho rival wirj lor oohttwtediina stiff joints i i i ctslike a llverjoolaad liueboo eetvico fiioii livenpoon 8te vmeb iom qcejiec cirtlssian friqay23rlaii11jfriday 11th mav thitrlay iiuth april polynesian tburhdav vijtlimay i rultsian thurbdayoth mryt tliuiidayi7th may friaay will may saumatiax tlnirialay iotb may saltcintan cabin iutciiucdiata still reduced ltetani t the bobt lino to- take parties sending fq rie can obtain liteimidcout h ratca for tickets aud evdry friday thjuue- rhurkday lltli june f e 8t2 jm trinil itylmediealj of physiciah oftice- aiiu stcemeo fares are tickets gooclfor oiio year to colonial exbiuitioii ids in the old country cates at greatly minted inforuiatjouapply to k mcgahvin ticket agent actou ii lbe1 m tourspdagsuit m- brennan haspleasuio in anniiuuciug that his tail- i oring sliop in 1m rs secords block is nowopenand in full running order aiid to fjll a 11 orders lib is gooi3 jtwekd sold elsiiw sfjotclltvejd holtilsivuliu kjne vohsi sold e1sev in a position shpviiij suits at iu eue for 15 suit 17 k i fok23 and 24 suit at 20 itiiitk at 25 id as hew system mdnly teeshwitihbd strator and cqyege of roosmayded ftj any operl acton ev month- pfl ont cojlegeaof cb haye seitedopbij imam and rons oxide ate appoij tovefis b 7 r r- tohn1 m tario veterinary j iukenriy dence in the soundness i if ah calls ofl to ter tohnstij barristersl anpers jomcj epjbjotj m eml 4 gentlemen wanting a firstclass good- fitting coat etc may rely upon beingsuited i in every respect y leaving their orders with brennan the clothier im spud ornia- office main i at 5 per cent j qbilt0n tob ottiqbs ud86king wt aiiis b adj- kin ag vha utmt dllghtfol slimi t i alaee suameri tow sate jonr rffca jut wjk btwi detroit and mackinac andwektoybatwita detroi r i j write for our picterosque maokinao llujstrated ftmtaim wn paruetuars ktaeaan pefrojt clvelaml steam nav co v ilssjfs ihpmt l prrhoitt mich ba 0tlce8v lingtonst alleyid jobs baesi 4 tateki j hebi 20 years t llekeym burdock blood m for the 6qq orders left i or at my promptly at albomonil ableteirmsjrj terest in sn tfa bpwd ing- i humor lcotreotiiig ks all tiia dogged avenues tit the toeybaixdiiyapjcjy foauy without weakening the all file immuaiaes and foifl ol tha seoretljonb t the same l adalty of tbt v f bait yheum isbart xfowbaa aacvin- esdewltfer all toes and rnany aimlantejyiela tothvi tended to1 pefthst i hpohnd omcii- fgjiwe swicf vpebbti- loaned for aoiaaty- fwrniand withlarmsj otinlont slttea in jeo m whoare- suffering i roin the jsrri- aia indlsoretioiiis of youth nervous weaki i nesjibmlydeajloss of manhood ftov igigbmjgei-

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