Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1886, p. 1

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i ftsgre aw8l wi- pilgssm ymg jtm vwa t z m i- t v jjk jljf i i j-j- fxi5 apfin5pte siteltwf fgflls w3g i -i- si- j vmf b ctpttym f wss 18 publjshkp- every thursday morninfi 1 at tak mee press power printing moose acton ontario of ct8 subscription rates gm ykui loo stt uonth8 turkkuoxths fljcts invariablv ill advance ilf uot paid in advance sl33 per vcar will be charged io paperdiscou- tinned till all arrears am paid escopt ajt the option of tho publisher advertising rates xpack 1 yb 1 g mo 3 mo 1 ll u1q one column half golmno quarter column ouo inchu 0000 1 3500 s500 8000 3000 12u0 aqpl s jo s30w aco 700 300 banking coy stqrtv christie co act i -bankers- ontario m a gmtal banking transacted business ib casual advertisements 8 ceutttper lino to r first insertion and 2 cents per lino tor each sequent insertion cash the number of reckoned by the spaco occupied measured scale of solid nonpareil advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordi ngly transitory advertisements must be uvdvance changes for contract advertisements uiilst in the office by 3 jian on mondays otherwiso tbe-y- will bo left over until tho f ollowiug week h e moore editor and proprietor tllic dhded innvbe found on nlo at be p ifllo rflrtllrowell oos newspaper ad fcrt tslng bureau 10 spruce bja jtbereadvewi u idntractsniarbemadeforh in new vorb- business directory whlowry m b m c pi s graduate of trinity college 11 em ber of college of physicians and surgtons office and residence at the head of frederick street acton klay lldy arc if- rioii liirry idcctl ce stagey mj cm gradua ie of trinity university fellow of trin ity medical school member of the college of physicians and surgeons geoce campbells hotel l l bennett lds dentist georgetown ontnrior a mckinlay l d s surgeon jj dentist georgetown omtt use thp new system of nitrous oxide gas ora- monly called vitalized air for extrac ting teeth without pain saving been dec lon- strator and practical teacher in rjyal college of dental snrgeons toronto pat rons maydependuponreceiving satisfaction in any operations performed will isit actou every other wednesday month office agnews hotel of c ach money to loaded on approved hotbs scounted and interest wed on deposits- i neral acents mcdonald co victoria st tqroato insurance agerits houses rented bi isiness chances loan at six per cent mortgages prqmissory notes securities negotiated valu- other properties sold or ex- chattle and other nators ac farms oi changed call at fiis pnnssi office chelph- bu si ness college g3elph ontario i choice new wall pa pier whh borders to match newest styles qolorings and eleprant designs for 1886 days bookstore cuelph ffe ttott fttt f te thcnsdav mpilxixg jlnk 8 if 80 p0etby lanjoldkey lastnigljt i found an old forgottei key deep in an unubed drawer and quickly tears fell s i as iu my hand i took it tenderly for ah 1 i knew the story it wou d tell pb1ce three cents vanished ha id by eager children best stook to jseleot trom i lowest price and best value at days bookstore cess in the on and the unit accommoda iou enter at any tir 146m young men and women are thoroc guly prepared for positions as bookkeeper s shorthand- writers caligrapb or telegrajh joperators students have been in attendance from nine provinces and states within the past year our graduates a re meeting with marked suo leroiai centres of canada states rates moderate excellent students may e por terms etc address m maccormick principal ail- jll jstirton lds mrcd ontario honor graduate ont irio college of dental surgery successo to c b haves lds artificial teeth in serted on rubber celluloid gold orahm- inurn and satisfaction guaranteed cit rous oxide gasadministered fees mo ler- ate appointments made by leteer ofice tovells block opposite p o gueljh t2g tkxl- jjited m iwith john l awson graduate of n- tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton ont ofnc e iu kenny bros boot and shoe store r ssi- denceinthe rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or day promptly attebd- ed to terms easy ey- tohnston mclean barristers solicitors notaries com aucers ic tprivatefunds to loan okmce town hall acton e fjb johsstos wn a mclfis m emitchell solicito covetisceb llc oincx first door west of the champion office main street milton money to loan at 6 per cent q hilton allan t baird j barristers solicitors fcc r tobosto axd geoboetowx oitices creelmans block georgetown aud 80 king street east toronto wtaiaas j- shhtos ba j nimu lumber shingles and lath rphe undcrsi ned desires to inform the public jl that ho l as now on hand and will keep in stock a full li le of fine and hemlock as well as other kinds qf lumber also first and second class piue shingles day sells cheap mrs eh pass cuelph millinery opening ladies we beg to inform you that bur millinery show rooms are now open new speing hats feathers flowers wings laces gloves ladies kindly give us a call of a familiar donr a a cheery olick hoard papaia home l- all little loyajl band how oft your- hearts grew sick with hope deferred in the time after for papa wet t forth and came not baok then dawn id some darksome days the cottage home was sold and ws cume north to a gay city street to iflowerless ways on the bright steel green spots ofrnst had growur it would not tutu so easily as tbeu i thought audi rosebnnk is no more my own i have no claim to enter it again maybe its door has now a different lock and oh if even i could venture ibere what should i find my misery to nock- ghosts of the dead strangers areless stare i i took the key and laid it out of siglitj since thou canst no more or eh the door for me of that dear home thon ueedbt not ee the light r for only doors of tears are oped bj thee fcii6e jou lial sour story only a companion it sedms to me i dont look as rellas lath coal wood having pun hasec the coal business of mr c s smith i ai i prepared to suiply all kinds of stove cool i havejalso a good stock of woodr hardwood as u cedjar and mill xvood at reason able prices voodbnd coal delivered james bkowj m jtual fire ipfange company of tht ootoljr cft welllnaton lishe118104 head office cuelph -4- b ain laidlaw i6 co babbistebs sucitobs mces over imperial bank 24 liugtou street east alley toronto johvbux q c entrance vfel- e xcka jge wilwait laid c a master geoeqe kappele iusnres bjuildig merchandize manu factories an property on fwso i i si president fire sumel a all other descriptions of the pjremiohi note system ipnas davidson secretary joht tayl6b asrent fire fire out 3tt t not destroyed patents secured for inventions henry grist ottawa canada 20 years practice no patent no pajy- w m hemstreet ed licensed acctioxeeb for the gountiesof wellington andhaltion orders left at the fbee pbbss office act on or at my residence in acton will le promptly attended to terms reasonable moxky to loak also money to loan on the most favjor- able termsv and atthe lowest rates of on- terest in sums of 8500 nd upwards surveyorjohn dayis proun cial land surveyor and ceguel h orders by mail or telegraph promptly at- tended to charges moderate perth st guelph office- 33 toul ime v jor day architect i gceiiph okt ornck queens hotel block marpet square v our dress arid mantle making iu this department we are fully prepared to execute all orders intrusted to our care our reputation being established for the last fifteen years we need not tell bur nu merous customers they are sure of a fit and- latest styles pbicesto srrr all cf8toj1ees jackets and dresses out and fitted straw and chip hats made over in all the latest styles we have on hand a large assortment of hair switches saratoga waves frizzes jtcic apiiiextices wanteu 5 1 lower wyndham street wellington marble works quebec st oublfia i- q john h hamilton propeietob wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work i direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble having perl scted arrangements for thert building of the j planing mill at the head oi river street recently de stroyed byfire andpurbhasednewmachin- ery we wou d inform the public that on or- about tfcje is of m lywe will be in a better position than ever to snpply their want3 in the shape of dbessxnc- lttusss shbeting floor tra mouldings c a so in the meantime pumpavsrillterepiiredand general job bing done as usual thanking you fo past favors and hoping bystrict ration to business and reason- able prices iimeril in increased share of patronage vje are respectfully yours manager having lately visited the bay of futldy granite quarries knd having purchased the entire stock of gray and red granitetuonuuients headstoneb crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at lobs than cost i will until furthor notice sell at prices never before known in ontario for in- btancedranito monumeuts oft high d0 7 ft 7o 8 it s 9 ft ijo 10 ft i20 all work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this line will do well to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee my prices are from 30 to 50 per cent beljow all other dealers john j daley successor to thompson t jackson money to loan on farm property alt 6 per cent mortgages purchased moi ey loaned for parties in mortgages and ot ler seenrity conveyancing in alj its braoc ies properly and neatly done charges- it iw farms and city gropertv iorsale- list with farms for sale sent to ail parts of be dominion to in tending pttroliasers and ir- culated in europe european capitali bts wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through our european agenc es farms wanted for onr lists corresp in- dence invitee office near the post office gnelpbont rrow reak- acton meat market wm e mr 8mthaf business of mr h wi wm- flphe hanlan barbeb 8h6p i- milt stbeet axfxov ajt easyshave a stylish bircut a gq4 j 1 an exhilaraiink shampoo alw4 r f sazors honed aqd pqlin j swsgsim- ladies an4 cbtldriu8 wrilarti wm yoituktocmi horses i terms reai onable purchased the livelry b mccarthy which he has remo ed to 1 is cpmmodions stables on john str et in t le centre of thelmsiness mr smith has had his business and feefscohfideijt that hew give satisfaction to every patr in ml anyone desiring 1 cc aimerclal pwaj buto or offlttpftut sir o be sqppue witha firstwass tiraoit on the j notice rutledge crosson butchers have purchased the business of mr r holmes and solicit a share of public patronage 1 the members of the firm are practical batchers and are prepared to eusurei their customers thorough satisfaction there will always be found on hand a full stock of all kindn of meat ac in season we have settled in acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win publio confidence and support i rutledgfe oroesbn acton feb 9th 188g dont read this boa dedand8old 1abmithv the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also flour and feed and anything in the line of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities j thoso mocbe 71rancis wunan suocessor to t f chapinan 1 ipokbinder j v ft georges squareh guelph ontario usual tonight said mrs major dartburg she shook her jetblack curls in a terpen tine cataract about her face as she spoke aind critically surveyed herself in the r llrror mre major dartburg had been yc ringer and she had been prettier but she was a surprisingly well gottennp tor all thlt by gaslight you could scarcely have told that she was a day over 30 years of age and as she invariably took the precaution to be accompanied into society y her com panion miss ormsby whose special duty it was to observe and correct all mi stakes of costume complexion and curls before other eyes could possibly detect them mrs dartburg felt tolerably safe mrs dartburg was a widow in search of a rich hubband the deceased majcr had been inconsiderate enough to die arid leave her with an income which was decdedly incompatible with her wants and th 3 only thing left for her was to marry someone who could snpply the awkward- dene ency so kate ormauy was taken every y ear tj some gay jwatering- place or brilliuntly- thronged springs kate was ivery unlike her patroness as she sat there pale and qniet in her blue dress her face was oval with linpid hazel eyes features pure and straight and masses of raven black hair coiled in ieavy braids at the back of her head insipid looking mrs major dartburg declared kate cared yery little for the verdbt as long as her salary hs mrs durtbuig pre ferred to phrase it sufficed fer the support of her two little orphan brothers no said mrsi dartburg querubusly idont look as well asusnal and if mr truxton is to be there i want to look 1 etter mr truxton has estatesin the west i idies owns a yacht and drivesa fonrinhaiid i tell you what kate you must put a little more rouge on the left cheek 1 and kate if you would only leave off wearingithose dowdy black dresses i really am begin ning to be ashamed of you when we go into the ballroom do get something new and stylish a black iron grenadine or a china crape i have others to provide for besiflc s my self said kate quietly i cannot afford the new decorations of which you speak mrs dartburg butim not aware that i am called upon to support all the beggars and orphans in creation said the widow shirply here put this spray of purple pant ies in your hair they are quite mourning en ough im sure mrs dartburga scarlet jipped smilwas unwontedly sweet that night as she cour- tesied low to mr truxton the rich widower hes hartdsome thought thehusband- hdntress dear me he cant be over 40 and as straight as an arrow and she chatted away in her most fas cinating manner as she walked through the rooms leaning on mr truxtons arm a very agreeable woman thought the millionaire though not so young aslshe has been knows everybody and seems exceedingly amiable if i should marry again and really little tom needs a wo mans care when he is at home for the holidays it certainly is worth thinking about these were the disjointed meditations that passed through mr truxtons mind as he politely listened to the widows chitchat and asked questions about the various occu pants of the crowded room who is that tallvgirl by tho window he asked with- the black eyes and the pretty hair how strange that you should notice her 1 why she is my companion kate ormsby a sort of poor relation whom i keep with me out of pure charity very kind of yon i am sure saidmr truxton and he thought again that with suoh an amiable personage as this his motherless little boy would hardly fail to be happy its a trial at times went on mrs dartburg who was determined to neutralize the admiration whiohheamed in mr- trux tons eyes as he glaiced back over his attraoted towards this angelic oreature and he took the flrst opportunity to ask whethor she was fond of children i adore them said the widow clasping her hands i am glad of that said mr truxton i have a littleboy of my own how transparent is man i is it any wonder that mrs dartburg felt as she took off herourls and tea at 1230 that she had done a good evenings work it happened that the next day mr trux ton took it into his head to go to st sebas- tians hall a select boarding-house- for boys under lis see his little son hive you been pa saratoga pa v loud ly demanded tommy truxton jack and billy iormsby have got a sister at sara toga j and jack and billy two applecheeked urchins of 9 and 10 chimed artlessly in did you see oui kate sir- who is yonr kite said mr truxton amused at their boy ways shes miss ormsby said bill and shes companion to old cat dartburg to whom did you say said the widower somewhat puzzled he means mrs major dartburg ex plained jackr but he calls her old cat because shes so cross to kate kate wouldnt stay there only she needs the meney to keep us at school bat when me and bill get big enough to work we wont let the old cat torment her any longer she boxes kates ears sometimes said bill resentfully and once she pulled her hair kate cried awfully we went there last holidays to spend a day with kate and the old cat banged us around awful she said bhe hated boyp that- was cause bill found her false teeth in a glass ef water said jack and i painted myself up out of her dressingbox with rouge aiid lilywhite to look like an indian on the warpath 1 and she took her curls off when she lay down for a nap and we played they wasa scalp aid bill ask ed her why her hair didnt growon her head like kates did j mr truxton burst out laughing you must have rendered yourbelf gen erally obnoxious 1 he exclaim the colonial exhibition our thanks are due to sir charles tupper the executive commissioner of the colonial and indian exhibition- for a copy of the comprehensive official catalogue of the canadian section of the exhibition the royal commission unquestionably did well in leaving to each colony the duty of preparing its own distinctive classification of exhibits however carefully and skil fully compiled one general catalogue to the whole exhibition must inevitably be either too bulky for handy reference or if that be in part avoided too brief and statistical to be of publio intereet and uee as it is each colony or group of colonies has been enabled to present the printed matter re lating to its exhibits in a form best calcu lated to fulfil its particular mission 80 far as the canadian section is concerned its official catalogue was happily ready by the opening day and neat and entirely satisfactory this catalogue is leading even the casual reader to the conviction that with so many and varied entries the cana- diansection when completed jnubt indeed be in itself an exhibition of considerable magnitude and excellence moreover the- many visitors who will look to thecatalogue to assist them in inspecting the various exhibits cannot but feel pleased when they find how simple and yet how complete it rjs as compared with the intricacies of the many groups classes divisions sub divisions and appendices of the usual publications of this description the in troduction is properly devoted to a general glance at the natural and political feature of the dominion and though brief it must be said to amply support the predic tion which makes up in truth what it may lack in novelty that with an advantage ous geographical position with acclimate and resources not widely dissimilar to those ofthemother country with institutions calculated to secure law and order civil and religious liberty no great keenness of vision is required to foresee that canada must in the not distant future become the home pf one of the most populous and powerful peoples of the earth j following scjspolttmb lagging feet how slow they go heigh ho 1 heigh ho 1 on their way to sohool you know heigh ho heigh hot by and by theyll swiftly run sing oh sing oh home again for school is done sing oh singoh 3xjne right down on the beach within easy reach a small boy found i abijjcrab- he thought it a joke tqgiyeit a poke but howljd when it gave him a grab work always remember boys whatever your occupation my be you have to work whether youi handle a pick or a pen a wheelbarrow or a set of books digging ditches or editing a paper yob- must work h you look around in the world you will see the men who are the best able to live the rest of their days without work are the men whowork the hardest i brk gives yo an appetite forypur meals it lends solidity toyour slumbers it gives yon a perfect and grateful appreciation of holiday there are young men who do not work but the world is not proud of them it does not know their names even it simply speaks of them as old soandsos boya jnpbody likes them the great busy wprjd doesnt know what they are here for so find out what you want tobeajiddd and take off your coat and go at it the busier you are the less mischief you will be apt to get intg the sweeter will be your sleep the brighter and happier your hrili- daysiftl the better satisfied will you be with the world and the world with you j m fci thf old farmer and the hay i k i an old farmer given to bragging how folks used to workiu his young days one day challenged his two sons to pitct on i load ofihay as fast as he could load i the nppn a useful index to the names pf exhibi- he went backto saratoga on theevening the cat iaturauy falls in the acoep the hay waggon trainandthefirstpersonhe skw as e intfelb veftftame a romid na the trial commenced ascended the steps of the clarendon hotel was mrs major dartburg in a fresh toi lette of white muslin and blue ribbon while kate ormsby sat just behind her with a book in her hand on which heinlrkmelan choly eyes were fixed she is beautiful 1 tbtfeht thb million aire but it was not the widovtbat he was looking at j the days bped by the widow believed that everyone was installin 1 her more firmly- in mr truxtons heart tvhile kate but kate had such a quiet way thalt nobody could really have told how she waa passing her time one evening mrsj major dartburg came up to her room rather put out because mr truxton had just driven his magnificent fourinhand away from the door jwithout asking her to occupy the vacant seat beside him kate 1 she saidi sharply kate orms by what are you doing poring over book of poetry again as i live and that lace shawl not draped over the white silk dress for the evenin j i think there is still time enough said kate quietly dont contradici me said the widow in a pasbion or ill discharge yon on the spot ive borne with your temper quite longenough i in that case said lite calmly we shall both be suited frl was just aboutto notify you of my ihtention to leave your service land starve iu tbe gutters cried mrs majpr dartburg sp tefully i think not sa d kate with a half smile hovering about her lips what are you going to do then i believe i shall be married soon said kate flushing scarlet in the friencly twi light j i my goodness gracious 1 said mrs dartburg and what poor fool would be crazy enough tomarry you mr truxtoii kate answered goaded to frankness by the widows insnltii g tone we have been engaged for a week mrs major dartburg sank feebly down in an armchair as she afterwaids ex pressed it all the strength went out of her at the thought of that girls nit licious manceuvring but it was all true nevertheles 3 and kate ormsby looked radiantly beautiful a month afterward in orange blossoc is and white muslin as she stood at the altar by mr truxtons side and if anyone wants to know what be came of them all we oan only say that kate and her husband are scarcely less happy at truxton place than arebil jack animal and mineral kingdoms and then into the seven groups of agriculture forest fisheries mines and minerals manufac tures and industrial enterprise education and instruction and the fine arts these groups are again divided where necessary into classes thus making it an easy matter to trace any particular exhibit an excel lent railway map of the dominion well corrected up to date forms a useful inset while elsewhere exhibitors are provided with detailed information as- to patents passports and other subjects of interest pocket pea i was talking to a friend of mino last week about the different modes of relieving distress that have been adopted when he pulled out of his pocket a btnall slab wrap ped up in paper this he said i have given in numerous cases it is the german peasoup which gave bone and muscle to their soldiers during the last war this slab costs three pence j it makes seven pints of excellent peasotfp requiring no addition to it for meat is pressed in with peas well i tried it and better peasoup i never tasted a packet would make a sufficient dinner for a family my friend bought the blabs that he gives away of a grocer named gopdspeed who has a shop in george lane folkestone and who imports them from germany labouchere in london truth for some time the old man held bis own very creditably crying out more -hay- more hay thicker and faster it came the old man was nearly covered still he kept crying more hay more hay 1 at length struggling to keep on the ill-at- rangedhfeap it began firstto roll then to slide and at last off it went from the wag onand theblcpman with it what are you down here for- cried the boya i came down after hay answered the old man and little towbeaded tomnry- major dartburg is still haunting thee antres y aooouht books of all kinds made to order f9ibual8 of every description carefully dbd rtuing neatly and promptly one shoulder towards ikatesqueenlyfarm f fory by her temper is exceedingly ufioerfcaih h of fashion with a complexion and manner as juvenile as ever as brilliant fortune favored him c0mjmuu8 years ago i o nov 5th ad a terrible attack of vi rtigo mrs 1885- five phyb oian8 extr imely withabout three weeks illness did me little if any good nervous tired painiu stomach could not urinate at all at one time had deed ing piles took eighteen bottlfes of war ners safe cure with warners safe pills have not bad a or aohe since fever have need any other medicine i cinnot say enough for it f g bailey so i south ninth street backaohe btitches in the side inflation and soreness of the bowels are- symi itpjns oje a disordered state of the digestiv and absimuative organs whia can be con ected mdie ancl niore j ha o no equal the pi ayf s eattcbri 5ius i a dii nepfuajf nd ci theycmrecohstiptifu he knew whereof he spoke the district school at sariff hill ny taught by miss gertie dnnn of pulaski is one of the best instructed in the eastern part of the county at an examination held there a few days ago a class of pupils were requested to give a list of quality- words one uttle fellow gave the word good and defined it by saying that apple pie was good a little brighteyed 7year- old who had been sitting quietly in his seat during the recitation got up and gave the word mean in reply to the teachers question as to what wes mean he said well dried apple pies are the meanest things lkhow pf the little fellow took his seat amid a roa of laughter from the spectators it was in order mother you brought this on yourself charlie i told you all that applepie you ate last night would throw your digestion out of order charlie taint out of order ma its in order i mother charlie when you are suffering bo how can you say your digestion is in order charlie well it is ma in applepie order for your stomach use warners safe cure 5 for chills and fever use warners safe cure rrry for fat covered eyeballs use warners safe euro for frontal headache use warners safe cure for irregular bowels nse warners safe i cure for depression of spirits use warners safecure ammplleaedt4iie harry bioardo of meafordfgnt testifies that he suffered from rheumatic gout and chronic troubles of the stomach and liver whioh burdock blood bitters effectually cured after all other tried remedies had iem1 vv giv 1 hplldways corn cure fxiaiu removed ten t1vkv -ffefe- s xitamim mmjsa flbrns from one lr of feel wttfiemt ip hatitihasonebbc for coughs coltteforouchitis and all iung and throat troubles there is no pre paration of medicine can compare with bickles anti- consumptive byrnp it- never fails to afford prompt and permanent relief it removes all soreneds and heals the diseased parts it immediately soothes the most troublesome cough and by pro- moting expectoration removes the mucus which stops up the air tabes whioh causes difficulty in breathing thereby gives relief to that depressing tightness experienced in the chest public speakers and singera will find bickles anti-consumptive- syrup of inestimable value as it speedily and effectually allays all irritation and huski- ness in the throat and bronchial tubes and gives power to the vocal cords rendering the voice dear and sonorous if parents wish to save the lives their chitdren and theroselvejs frbm much anxiety trouble and expense let them procure a bottle of bieues anticoiisumptite sirup and when- ever a child has taken cold has a cough or hoarseness give the syrup according to directions as agecreeps on apace the various func tions of jtbe body gnow weaker- in their performances- old people who suffer from increasing indigestion torpidity of the liver and constipation should give renewed impetus to the action of the stomach bile secreting organ and bowels with northrop lymans vegetable discovery and dys peptic cure from whioh aid is never sought in vain it works wonders as a bloodpurifier this is to certify that 1 have used mo gregors bpeedy cure for dyspepsia and liver complaint and do honestly say that if it cost raeone hundred dollars 10000 a bottle i would jt be without it aa i t hasj i done me more good than all the medicines i ever iisedj and feel like a new- man yours truly aiix steel carleton place ont thisj medicine is for sale at 50c and jum per bottle at dr mcgarvins drug store- j- v peter kieffer buffalo bays i was badly bitten bya horse a few days ago and was induced by a friend who witnessed the occurrence to ifry dr thomas eclec- trict oil it relieved the pain almost im mediately and in four daya the wound was completely healed nothing can he better for fresh wounds quinine and tliulii quinine is the popular remedy for chill feyer but itdoesnot afwayacure esquire peltbn- of grass lke michigan took in all 60tf grains of quinine for chrbuip chills and malarial fever after that and various other remedies had failed five bottles of burdock blood bitters cured him i j a crowing evil scrofula or kings evil as an enlarge- mentof the glands of the neck ib termed may be called a growing eviliii morevq one sense mrs henry dobha of erri- dale was enred of enlarges fjands of the neckand sop throat by o internal and external hstrtif hagyards yellow oil ayer saaparill is a highly ooncen- itotelxmict of sarjaajaaantj other bloodpurifying rootscmbiiied with iodide crf9pcjum wna nvijoonbt jplttttfeasnn r-

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