Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1886, p. 3

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sf r i- i an u l at cto hynfcsv soasonablefsajrriving express wa rods carts base balls rubber balls skipping bopes lacrosse supplies fishing twjkle our sufkof school books and stationery is the beet iff town give us k call geo s sells cheap i k if i jmfernley kocps a splendid assortment of alt kinds ot bousk pants hanging baskets and bedding plants daring tbo spring season all cheap for cash the largest anfr beat assorted stock of con fectionery in town cheap r foreign and domestic fbritr canned goods finest clflaksiu upmarket j mfekntiey 1 l thurspat morniso jcsb 8 1886 crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful free press reporters f the fmb p ikssextends torial labli the free tly the recipient at the the best her y is oc fci the month of roses bright summery june the first week o summer lawn parties are now in season county counoil met last tuesday the stores are now closed at 8 pm streeteville is to have a newspaper this is a busy month for the farmers a paying teller a prosperous news paper howard clifton in the town efajl this evenings regular jcouncil meeting next tu evening the town of gait is enlarging its limits by about 600 acres potatoes sold recently at kincardine for fifteen cents a bushel kind words can never- die but tlrey are- frequently out of print rerih is to have a new cemetery we hope there are no kickers in erin the jrkkkipiiess willbe sent to any address to january 1887 for 50 cents the general sessions and county court will be held in milton next tuesday no quorum at the adjourned meeting of the court of revision last tuesday even ing i the council should be petitioned to make some arrangements for watering the streets r orangevilles tax collector has cone to visit uncle sam his collections are 514599 short we have received a copy of the minutes and accounts of the county council from the be former office mr samuel deuney has broken ground for a hew brick house on the corner of young and peel streets the orillia tacie i has been consider ably enlarged the packet is a first class paper and is well edited i the roller rink craze is dying out managers are skipping out and rinks are burning all oyer the continent we are in receipt of a very neat piece of work from the office of the milton sun in the shape of a concert programme i the employees of beardiriore cos sole leather tannery will picnic at the forks of the credit in a couple of weeks or so the milton bt former says it is rumored that a handsome brick block will be built on the site of thestores destroyed by fire on the 24th the corner stone for a new methodist church at snydersj trafalgar was laid or the queens birthday by mr w j gage toronto the street lamps would be much im proved with a coat of paint what doeii the municipal prqperty2pommittee thinl about it messrs harrison have sold their per cheron stallion arian to some partieii in new brunswick for 1600 cash hilton champion the new house of messrs mctavish at the east end of mill street is about com pleted externally it presents a neat anc cosy appearance inspector brothers raided sanderson uptel on qneens birthday and seized u quantity of liquor a charge will likely be laidjion sun we are pleased to learn that mr thomas ebbage has his planing mill nov in full cunning order again his enter prise deserves reward rev dr mckay preached interestini sermons in knox church last sabbath the pulpit will be occupied next sabbath by rev dr torrance the crescents of acton cross stick with the berlin lacrosse club today ii berlin we hope our boys wilt do as well as they did on the 21th tenders will be received until the 19th inst for the purchase of the nicklin prop erty known as the excelsior bakery see advertisement in another column owing to the absence of eev b phillips at conference the services in th methodist church next sunday will b superintended by the band of christian workers the aouw of miltotf have jusl handed the wife of the late peter mclear psi a cheque for 82000 mr mcleai paving been a member in good standing- of that order stratford is to have a grand firemen i and band tournament on thursday 17tl i of this nionth when 2000 will be distribul od in prizes there will be special railwa r rates on that day i this is the second season for tha telephone poles here and still they remai i nnpainted the company promised to paint them last year perhaps the iocs 1 agent would remind them thereof turn to the press it teeming abasia survey big with the wonders of each paa ing day births deaths and wedding i forgeries fires and wrecks harangues an 1 ttodistones btawbdbrotaaj nepkgj pi- rthe scott act was very strictiy ol qs fergus on qoeeiffirffiiclii wfw tnose who expected to i sfielignoir fwy i soot here as plentiful aa water tht d i ijuet ou the ed prkbs isfrequet hands of this good lady ot excellent flower i rden affords the firewotms have made their ap pearance in sbm of the or hards east of the city aud 1 aye done teat damage they are now forking eaa if parties owning orchards do not attend at onoe and spray the trees with paris greeu apples will be a failure u this locality hamilton time the weeks rakings ts sympathies editor of die bereavement to mr d j 1 tungovan orangeville fv inhtsaord iu the loss ot his esteemed pi jrtner in lite mrs muugoyan lied pn tuesday turning 85th may mr pears druggist cjf streeteville formerly of oak hie was fjxnd lying dead oil friday trior ling on ai lounge iu his store the disoc very was m ide by a mem ber of lna family who had just returned from oakville ou monday biorning last mrs s a secord very kindly placed a eautifur bou hymeneal it is our pleasure this week to record one of those pleasingeventi whioh always cause quite a flutter in a conmunity especially among our friends o mips rsjrss mmm wfesj ay- the fair sex at 480 yesterday afternoon were married eft st albans church miss agnes perkinb and mr john lambert both well and favorably known by all our oitiaen the prooession to the church whioh j arrived promptly consisted as follows the groom supported by his best man mr harvey connover shortly afterwards fol lowed by the bridesmaid miss jessie per kins sister ot the bridp and her brother mr joseph parkins tlion the bride sup ported by her father at the chancel the party was met by the rev mr pigott when the ceremony was performed the wedding party upon leaving the church proceeded to the rosidenoe of the bridos father bower avenue where a bumptuous repast awaited them we extend to the young couple our bebt wiahea for a long and happy union next 1 j ip clippcateasmflise i i which are p indpally local and all interesting choked with d ist im almost choked with lust said a municipal fathei the other day and i wish you would emain so said an unsym pathetic elector until you devise some means of sprint ing our streets firecrackers a jain on queens birthday the residence of mr mm main about two miles from milton caught f re from fire- rackers the flames were exti iguished after some slight damage had bee i done to th kitchen roof sun howard clifton hnd the cornet band howard clif to u and his church choir concert co wil give an entertainment in the town hall this evening under the auspices of acton cornet baric this company has vie ited acton on several form er occasions an i never failed to please the large audien es which greated them weeds and this jes onlhe roads it should be a naidered part of the road work everywher s to keep tie weeds and thistles out dow i which spring up along the sides of the highways as the statute requires and tl is work should never be neglected thei e is scarcely a neighbor hood in which tl e highways do not matnre enough weeds ai d thistles to seed half the adjoining fields further survdy of fairview cemetery mr john davis pls is engaged in surveying a port ion of the reajr part of fair- view cemetery an acre or so will be sur veyed icto plots and it will form a very attractive part of the cemetery the natural walks the trees and shrubbery etc will as far is possible be retained and with the exercis s of a proper baste a most picluresqne effect will be sect red concert and convention the ketcham concert arid convention co will be here to give a concert on tues day evening ju le 8th their object is to hold a conventic n which will last five days four hours per c ay for the benefit of those who are interest ed in vocal music admis sion free childr sn under fourteen not ad mitted unless lccompanied by parents dont fail to 1 ear them for further particulars see ills j timely and con mon sense advice if your kxal paper whites an old journalist now 1 ing out of business hap pens to tread oi your toes a little in per forming its mis lion dont get your back up and abuse the e litor but stopj and take a good breath am i think for a season and see if you cart remember some of the favors and kinc ness it has shown you in the past thei reflect that it may not be long before you may want some favor again fatal accldentl at rockwood james grievi i a man in the employ of john burns farmer about one mile east of rockwood was killed at 830 monday morn ing he wasd riving along with a load of manure when t he horses became frightened at something a id ran away in his efforts to stop them he was thrown under the front wheel of the wagon which passed over him cans ng injuries from which he died shortly af lerwards he was a hard- working man md leaves a wife and six children for w iiom much sympathy is felt guelph meri try a word to sor le farmers a bad practi se thatjs somewhat preva lent throughout the country is that adopted by some farmers when lose a sheep cow or herse c f drawing therdead animals to the bush or leaving them in a gully in stead of buryii g them it is not only bad in the interests i of health and contrary to taw but some believe and we think not vithout reasot that this practice is blam- able for many of the cases of sheep worry ing by dogs at the canines pull the dead animals tople es and become ravenous for blood to sa r the least the practice is a bad one and should be stopped sprinkling the streets a boston loctor writes to the press strongly condemning the use of street sprinklers hoi ding that the air is thereby rendered impt re while if left to itself the flying dust soc n becomes harmless with out going very deeply into the scientific view of the ca w this may serve as a con- solationto those of ns who are compelled to face the fldng dust of the streets in town but we enture the assertion that it the municipal authorities arrange to have the streets sprinkled thai our townspeople will willingly un the risk of ihipure air and thankuhe council for theservice in thp bargain boating at ver litt e expense ii removing about a dozen- danf erous stumps our beautiful mill lake wori d become t great resort for onr young foil is toindulf e iu this healthful andinvigoratng exercis 5 these stumpp are mainlyslt iated betw sen whatis known as the pointia id mr iol tald manns propt ertg and are dangerous y near the surface of the water we knou of several jwho would build b ahouses and jacepjeashr skiffs on titiwt onctrware 1 hese obstaole re- movedj and w j trust tha iauuoocji jn mjltolt ttw mill lalp cme th j j jfi litoin4t ige ih this kind of sport purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted mrs r reid of orangeville is the guest of j e mcqarvin t mrs r phillips and children are visit ing friends at granton miss nellie speight of markham is the guest of mr c c speight i mrs geo h niebel ofpontypool is visiting her sister mrs j e mogarvin mr and mrs s atkins and children of hamilton visited aoton friends this week mrs w j pigott spent a week or so with friends at buffalo returning on mon day i miss minnie m bessoy of georgetown visited friends in acton and vicinity last week mr h mcdowell of port arthur for merly of aoton visited friends here this week mrs r s hall and mrs john a how- son of hornbyj visited acton frieuds last week mrs r jaffray of gait sister of our esteemed townsman mr geo havil was visiting here this week the free press had a pleasant fraternal call from mr r d warren editor of georgetown herald last friday messrs j d williamson and r w ross left guelph on tuesday for the old country they sail in the steamship state of alabama of the state line from new york today rev r phillips and mr h p moore editor free press left on tuesday morn ing to attend the annual meeting of guelph conference methodibt church they will be absent about a week rev alex warren and miss jessie war ren returned on tuesday from walters park sanitarium pennsylvania they re port having had a pleasant time and are much improved in health if y our blocid is tainted with foul dlseape you must restore thi kidneys to health jf youeverexpeottp purify it as they are the great blood purifiers by use of warn ers safe oure j i f spring suits and overcoats a b extreme ly low pribes and made in the la best styles be sure to oall and sep them at j fyte aoton ii a big june roses rich blooming and variegated as the roses of june comes the american ugricul- utrirt for this month with its one hundred original illustrations and original articles by fortyfour wellknown writers in various parts of the union from the atlantic to the pacific every number now of this periodical is better than its predecessor and the publishers announce that they are providing for still new features and illus trations tho second paper in the series of the homes of our farmer presidents will be written by donald g mitchell ik marvel subject george washington the accompanying engraving will probably be as large as that of jeffersons home which was the first of the series to wit 27 inches long and 17 inches wide th 3se engravings of our farmer presidents are to be pre sented to all subscribers of the american agriculturist as they appear price of the american agriculluriot english or german 150 per year we will club with the free pbebs for s210 a year each subscriber to receive both papers and the special- en gravings and descriptions by american authors as they appear gublfuapriu9ui 1886 now that the event of the opening season has passed when thousands were delighted with the rioh muiioal treat which we were enabled to tender to them and thousands were stijl more delighted with the magnificent dis play of lovely goods whioh adorned oar store and show rooms and the verdict of everybody in reference to the whole affair was that bollert is ahead by a big majority vre purpose settling down to solid business to give our customers tho very best attention and to further demonstrate as we have already done that no 27 is not only the best plapo for music but also the most satisfactory reliable and profit able house to make your- dry goods purchases i every department is crowded with beauty novelty and vale specialties this week in the dkess goods department large lines of nuns neilingmuch under price great piles of black cashmorcs at 50c worth 75c in the clothing department graud line of scotch suitings lovely goods i big range of all- wool t weeds for boys wear very cheap j in the st apl- department great bargains iu twilledjbsheetings beautiful line of linen tabhngs i in the fancy goods department 50 doz ladies hosiery at 12cwoith 25b per pair 1 i 50 doz ladies extra seamless at 25c worth 45c per jpnir great value in ladies lisle gloves great value in ladies silk gloves all sizes and shade in wellknown marquise 4button kid at 75c abso lutely without its equal in the trade grand lines i in laces embroideries flouncings etc polite attention ho boring to buy no puffing splendid light to see goods strictly cash of axl kinds pajntf a firstclass and cheap lacrosse base ball aoqps just arrived newpaftern cauqhnawaga standard balls sticks spauldingsl mogarvins drug and stationery store aofron sprihgspringspringspringsiringspringspringspring 1886 n r n w p gsprrngspringspringspringsteringspringspringprins ibh 8mf mmmmlm fre9h and reli ablfc ei id oils nbwapyerllj iments judicial 0eedit0i8 olxarlei s14a7 smi deoeftwd ubsuinttoa x chnoery iivi8lonof toe ap i 18116 -o- spring is here aud along house cleaning and paper ihanging do ypn want to decorate your will always- please yoi wall paper and borders fkoa j e how son o designs good coloring no trouble to j ti ryan brkilvshaw qp guelph i successors to john hogg soist 0 opened this week from the count y down flax spinnin- with it the season for walls with a paper which if so buy your eioh prices low show coods howson acton i mpnt op the jrvdivigioiui the high courtotjns- 4jco mads in a certain aotidnsf in ro smith goldle v smlththe creditoklnclnaing those having any sdecino- or general hen or incnm- prance upon the estate or ariymndiviaed share thereof of charles sidney smith late of the village of aoton in the counfc of halton mann- faetnrer who died on or abodti the twentyfifth day of march 1885 are on or wore ffie twelfth day 6t june 1880 to i send by imtjpreoaid tow x mclean esq souoltor liiton 6nt their christian names and soman ids addresses and descriptions the full urcali of 4heir clatmg s i statement of their acounts and the nature of jsf 5wtyexolndedrm- the benefit of the said jadgmi every creditor holding any seonflty 6 to pr fore me at my office donslas street in tse city of guelph on the flfteentb day 11 oclock forenoon- being fio of june 1880 at for adjudication onthpiafins pp dated this 20th dayiof ijxy i860 a mimckinnon i master at gnelpu judicial pee the same be- village propertr in actoh pursuant to the judgment of the chancery diviston of the high codrt of jus tice made in the action of nicklin vs creech sealed tenders addressed to rtfei a mmcsinnon chancery dt tice made in the sealed tend esq local master faf the snpirejne court of judi- guelpfil ce until saturday thenine- 5uelnh aturday cature for ontario it guolpfij guelph pio will be received at my teenth day of jum and premises bl and being compos in the 2nd concessi sing now in said perches more or less reserri wide along the southerly li property is situated- on the corner of mill and ilain streets the principal business streets in acton and there is erected upon it a valuable brick dwelling house and bakery and confection ery the dwelling j 1880 for the following lands date in the village of acton a ofyart bt ixt number 28 orfoitheownshlpof esquo- lage of acton containing 37 bg a roadway 5 feet it thereof this g house oontaiusoroomb the bakery contains a large oven andthe- necessary implements for a bakery jthe confectionery store is fitted- up with thei necessary dosing shelving c the bakery is known as the ex celsior bakery and is an old and established stand doing a good buslnsis the dwelling hose bakery and confectionery btore are at- and the whole bnildlag is about 4c40 tacbed and is in firstclass order there is also a well- confectionery pires on the 1st january 1888 i tebmb of 8me ten per cent to bo paid to the vendors solicitors upon acceptance of tender and thebalanco within a month thereafter into courtto the creditor this action the tonflors will only be rduired to produce a registrarsabstraot and edchtitlo deeds or other evidences of title as tney may have in theirjiossession no tender necessarily accept ed in other respects the conditions of sale will be tho standing conditions of this court further particulars can bo hod from j a mowaovebq solicitor guelph w amclean esq solicitor acton mebsbs gdthbie watt solicitors guelph or john hobkin q c toronto v i dated the 1st- day qf june 1880 a m mnckinon master at guelph summer 5lfast one price e r 27 bollert lowe wyndham street guelph ontario excelsior bakery actos mm the library magazine one hardly appreciates the vast amount of valuable and entertaining matter which lis contained in the library magazine if he sees it in weekly form only when its several issues are brought together in monthly parts it presents an array of valu able and timely articles that is fairly as tonishing the part for jnne contains a score of important papers selected from the best current literature british and american besides which there are the de partments of books and their authors and literary notes and comments which contain wellnigh two hundred notices and notes it is doubtful if any other magazine in europe or america famishes so much valuable and interesting reading even at five times its cost which is only 150 a year john b alden pub lisher 393 pearl street new ork unable to dress pr undress for 1g years lockport n y april 25th 1884 for ten years i suffered from lame back could not dress or undress myself different physicians failed to do me any good had constant desire to urinate when i coald not pass a particle of water suffered tor tures took three bottles of warners safe cure which effectually and permanently cured me never knw it to fail jfxrxtiz haskew j having purchased the above bakery from mb b mann i hope to give satisfaction to the numerous customers who patronize it j thanking them for past favors i will endeavor to attend to customers promptly and obligingly and trust that they will one and all extend to us their patronage 1 1 use nothing but the best roller flour apd keep it in stock fresh breaa buns c every day also steam bread cakes of all kinds new york tea biscuits i- i soda and oatmeal scones on hand or made to order at shortest notice 2 opened this vcek from jeannah mertin gkl asgo cases of bleachers damages consisting oftalf hngs c slightly damaged in bleaching ljut beautiful y webuy tlese goods from manufa sturers at so much a case a rare chance to secure fine linene a astonishing prices ryan bjerkmhaw co a beautiful range and weaving coopbj ot lawn and linen colojred border and white handkerchiefs two it is guel g oaqioeiir lioisr nrr gue clqih ih all 1- allwool g a ue balbriggai 4ehino- cotton i h the of cue 5and 7 wyndham st guelph lp hi 84 oswald st glasgow wedding cfeikes a specialty k biscuits and confectionery of all kinds icing sugar ginger snaps boston mixed cakes wholesale flour sutter and skb taken in exchange for sreal at isaxket frloes mrs t statham -gotd- waters bros i the picture gallery guelph for artists mduriaui oil and water colors crayons canvas drawing papers bruslies c oupainting steel bnarrayingis chromos o i frames op all kinds mouldiugs koora and picture cornices 1 and cornice poles spring rollers an window shades from 90c complete j fancy goodssnltablo tor wedding and birthday presents c j lyvisitors can have tlieir pictures framed while in the city so bring them withyouto j waters br0s the picture gallery near the post office wo are the only direct importers in guelph shaws6crundy merchant tailors guelph fine watch repairing our goods are what the publi want our prices win the approbation of all our styles are correct ih our dressmaker e city i miss todd is ttfe leadiug modiste iu our milliner miss marriott has no superior our cutter mr mxjkenzle can be dep nded on to give the hats from 75 fyfes if yon want a snit go t6 j jpyfes igo to j fyfes i ents to 9250 at nobby durable and cheap aoton aotpij for your oloth- ing he can suit yu for pricej quality clean meroht hiiesi price atable icaal mclbppaxikb80k yc fc 9 and style everytiriie wantbd fifty thousand pounds good wool for which the or trade will be paid go geowtown telephone connection flbralvlew greenhouses geoepow qnt very liest fii he has the largestconnection of we hold the largest stock west of tor jnto hracing following lijnes colored dress fanoy striped colored satin silks from 37j0 satin from 40c from 25c lovely tricotine dress goods from 20c choicest plants and cat tfandbetall tt1hb- newest jl funeral aid weddirwt deeiirns i pardo4irino1iio 1 1 i u lilrrn rflitl fcjli inwirfhifllstrrrrirv 11 1 n v 4i- nuns veiling from 15p extra heavy extra heavy forlotf m striped colored and mags cotton worth 10o for 7d white cotton worth 1 jdfcmiii iiik 4 i an particular attention paid to the repairing and cleaning of fine watches and clocks a the old jpstablished house of b anycuttef in ontirio the best shirting it 120 heavy ticking at 10c 1000 meiissui a at 395 450 boys suits at 8100 75 dozen whiti 1 shirts from 50p 123 dozen men s ties from 50o ai dozen 600 english f it hats worth 150 tofa60 f6r60c i cloths and tweeds very- cheap sapge cuelph 711 powders are pleasant to takol contain their own tnrgativo is a sald snrp taxi eitbettait dattner of wonu in culldrifn or adnlts pttiwr- taper gantfinfir kaltromla- th i nndewned awi prapaied to take orders for apying in ua flnna orkguarantee above lines- good 0lbr r sis4 m

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