Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1886, p. 4

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wevztlz lip jictmt 3f fi tnciuusijt mojivino jfxr 8jlh 6 tv fci a liberal offer kve thousand dollars to any onsritable institution tp it oannot be done as t is stated aoraatfer- tf y union natf advtkuer friends of ex- president artliur ajre very much disquieti of course he is uot jrotng to diet he is in the hands of a very particular ph siciau his doctor does not call it bright a dis ease no it is stomach disorder tin t be is suffering from now and every fev hours he takes a cold and from time lo time many other symptoms are developed these bymptomathe publio should know are really secondary to brights tis iase his physicians say that everything that medical skill can do for him is beiu done r that is not eo i the case is a prominent one beca lse the general is an expresident and y t there are thousands of farmers quietly di ing in their farm houses of secondary symptoms of brighfr disease called by ever other conceivable name thousand of workmen likewise dying leaving helpless families hundreds of thousands in all walks of life who have sickened andjare likewisi dying helpless victims of powerless physicians eight years ago a very wellknown gentle- martwas about to enter upon larje com mercial transactions his medical adviser quietly dropped into hisbffice one c ay and told his confidential clerk that he would be dead in three months and that he c ught to settle up his business affairs at one t that man is live and well today yet he was given up as incurable with ti le same disease that is killing general artli ur i our reporter metthis gentleman yester- day and in conversation about the g merals case he said i will ive 5000 to any charitable in stitution in the stati of new yorl to be designated by the editor of the n w york world the editor or the buffalo a sica and w e kisselburgltof the troy 7 imtf if warners safe cure taken according to my directions which cored me eight years ago cannot cure general dhester a arthur of brights disease f rou i which be is suffering now i want yon to uuderstaid he said that we do not profess tom ke new kidneys bat we do know from personal experience and from the expert mce of 0 many thousands of similar cases that we can stop the consumption of i le kid- neys many a man has gone 1 hrough kfe with one kidney without incphveni- ence thousands f people have lived a i majority of their life with on 3 lung m mm x- m- ifijir v6rna l do you r ave a bearingdowh feeling it the abdome i yftjffc boklau guid tin 3 feeling h so ybucan oe ure there is some uteri le difficulty wtiiuh wameri safe oure wi 1 remove i j 1 have ou over tried mcgregor j parkes ckrbolio derate for so ea of i all kind it isbeyonc doubt the very best preparation in the in irket for heal ug aiid curing sores burns c uts pimplosjblotches and is the only pro r method o applying garbolio abiu sildatdr mo 3arviii drug store for 25c jcrlxhc dcfurcil li curable eg mcgoveru cf syracuse ni y who is a well known rt bident pf that place was deel ired incurabh by his physician the discs so being a con iplioatlon of kidney aud liver complaint in two days he found re ief in burdock blood bitters and in one in rath he entirely recovered mr r a harrison chemist and drug gist dm ville ont writes i can with confident e recommend northrop lymans yegetabb discovery and dyspeptic cure f or dysp upsia impun i blood pimples on the face biliousness and constipation such casi have come under my personal observation the if test remedy for coughs colds croupj v fhoopiug cough bronohitis etc is mogn gors lung compound there is no rernecy in existence containing any one of the active ingredients composing mc gregors lung compound so do not say you have taken everything until yoo have tried tlii i forour cold or congh and your opinion 1 pill be the same as all who have used it iz that it is the best sold in 50c and 100 bottlei by dr mcgarvm druggist fluid light ulug thcreixebutfewthathaveneversuffered almost intolerable lain from toothache neuralgia or like acute pains to them such au ust ant relief as fluid lighlnmg is an untohl blessidg it time of trouble no dlsgustir g offensive ncdioines to be taken or days oneapplib mug cu cs drag store dollar sold ution of fluid light it j e mcgarvins 29 uerlifrovt is frequently spent on upon dollar the faith of recommendations for articles not so with mc you are not asked entirely worthless gregors speedy cm to pnrch ise it until its merits are provep call at i k migirvins drug store and get a fre trial bottle and if not convinced it will cu re iou of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver compluiut etcij no matter of how loiij standing it costs you nothing sold iu qoc and 1 bottles see testimon- als from people in your own town 39 lteh drpiich srmptomsandlurr the s mptonisare moisture like perspir ation intense itching increased by scratch- they did not hav a new lung male we 1 ing very distressing particularly al night do not make new kidneys but if the kid- ney is not consumed too mnch ye can stop disease and prolong life if t iken in time this offer cornea from h hv amer proprietor of warners safe cure of this city- mr warner also said my d ar sir there are governors senators presi dential candidates members of congress prom- inent men and women all over the coun- try whom i personally know have been cured of disease- such as general arthur suffers fromjby our warners saf cure but owing to i the circles in whicbthey v move they do not care to give public tes- timonial to the fact r mr warner is interested in gene al ar thurs case because he is personally ac quainted with him and he says that it is a shame that any man should be alk wed to die nudef the operation of oldfa ihioned powerful cathartics which have no cura tive effects rather than that a nodern conceded specific for kidney disease whose worth is acknowledged worldwide should save hirht if you doubt the efficacy of warners safe cure say the proprietors ask your friends and neighbors about it rhis is asking but- little they- can tell you all you want to know we have kept a standing offer before the public for fonr years says if r -war- neit that we will ve 85000 to any per son who can successfully dispute the genuineness so far as we know of the tes timonials we publish an8 none have done it were general arthur a poor manjunable ja be left in the hands of his phys ician he would use that great remedy at many thousands of others have done and get well how absurd then for people to say that everything that can be done ii being done for the expresident when the one successful remedy in the world that has cured or that can cure a case like bjis has not been ugedby them an editors son saved lrrxue bock abk may 11th 1885 several months ago my little boy wa 3 badly afflicted with kidney disease lea 3 than two bottles of warners safe core r stored him to health opus p reed editor ark traveller 1 i a fair proposition there could be ho offer more fai r than that of the proprietors of hagyards yellow gil who have long offered to refunc every cent expended for that remedy if t fails to giveaatisfaction on fair trial c a livingstone plattsvilie7 says i have mnch pleasure in recommending dr thomas ecleotric oil from having used it myself and having sold it for son e time iarnyown case i will say for it that it is the bfst preparation i have ever tred for rheumatism hae yoi toothache use plmc light mug have you rheumatism use fluid lightning hae you a stiff joint use fluid lightning have you neuralgia use fluid light ning have you lumbago use fluid light mng are you troubled with headache use pluidlightning hare yon any pain use fluid light ning it will cure you the lnataatitis ipplied ttyrt 269 pertxrtfle dr mcc arvinsj and rip i if slffmppipfpifs seems as if plnworibs werectawlidgin and about the rectum the private parts are sometimes affected ii allowed te continue very serious results nay follow swayses ointme5tis aplecsant sure cure al for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty stdq diseases sent by mail for 50 cents b boxes 25 in stamps au dress dr s wayk e son philadelphia pa sodby drugiists 50 holloways ouum nlamlpillirvet use ful- the afflicted by illness should look their diseases fully in the face and at once seek a remedy for them a short search will convince the most sceptical that these noble m sdieaments have afforded ease com fort and ortentime 1 complete recovery to the most tortured si fferers the ointment will cure all descrij tions of sores wounds bad legs sprains eruptions erysipelas rheumatism goat 1 nd skin affections the pills hever fail in c rrecting and strength ening th stomach and in restoring a de ranged li ver to a wholesome condition in rousing torpid kid leys to increase their secretion and in re- establishing the natural healthy 1 activity of 1 he bowels holloways are the remedies for complaints of all classes 0 society rent and comfo rtlo luesnfrerin brpv ns house liild panacea lias no equal foi relieving lain both internal and external it cures ptiinin the side back or bow ds sore thront rhenmatfsin toothacl e lumbago aud any kind of a pain or jphe ii will most surely quiuk- en the blond and usal as its acting power is wonde fill i rowns household pan acea bung acknowledged as the great pain rel ever aud of double the strength of any ether elixir or liniment in the world si ould be in every family handy for use whe wanted as it really is the beat remedy in the world for cramps in the st omacb and pain 1 and ache s of all kiuds- ahd is for sale by al druggists at 25 cents botthi iv 44 prbmii ent among the greatest medica discoyeri s by the nany cures it hasaffect- ed ijlfcg eor speedy cure leads the van subjects 1 to the inic utest cbeirical analysis ithas be n foudd to contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthies specirics daily offered to the public ivery ingredient possesses a pecul- ar adapt ibility to the various complaints for whicl it has been compounded arid its efficacy i being esti blished by testimonials hourly received ve are therefore confi- flept tba we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it w llbe forml not only a relief but n absobiti cure for i yspepaia liver com plaint li digestion constipation and im pure bio d free trial bottles at j e mcgai vi is drag sore 31 advice to vmakaan you disturbed 8tjns i hqks yalisesc a the manufacturers stomach by all ii at night 1 nd brokei rof your rest by a sick child sufl ering and srying with pain ef cut ting teet a 7 if so send at once and get a bottle off mrs wi islows soothing syrup for chilu ren teeth ng its value is incal culable it will re leve the poor little suf ferer imr lediately depind upon it moth ers ther 3 is no mi stake about it it oures dysenter y and i larrhcea regulates the and bo els cures wind colic softens the gumsf reduces inflammation and give s tone a id energy to the whole system mrs vinslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is e prescription of one of the oldes and beh female physicians and nurses in theunli 4 states and is for sale throughout the 1 five ents bottli be gtu take 10 other kind j j vivjwkhwnh7 vrfsfyfixyvf so easily is a lolditakfeh that not infre quently one is w n losi to tell when cr bow it has erlglliateili oj id s prone to ex- 111 go itrnf per- wzmgwmm thiji fcfjavgyjy-ysa- mm mm mmmm fmmim t yifxmc jtfvyr ulc a i hi m lightly its b i-er- thuin hapsu may uy if helped a htuejut every icomels jsoeasl cold thai happen just atj a happen just at a ie other vcauscs the w ablttostay itmuy time vfhen from vunruiuii normal strength of resistance in tbi system hus beep lowered a little inattenuqnor djaymas gjve it a dangerous bcttcd tmi it once become dtl rlnflrmlf seated and the work of dlslodmhent will bo very difficult the slmplo coryra br cold in the head mm t a develop into a catarrh and is i iplfl indeed exceed ingly likely so to doj that such is the case is evidenced by the fact that seven persons out of every cfii n nlno la tho at lantic and mid- aultl die states have ctarrh in a severe form or if it does not tako that turn the little cough that is at first but ati annoyance is almost certain to becomo dry hard racking and con stantly recurrent worrying in waking weakening the tiatlent the larynx vocal cbrds andftouai s become infumied tim mnammatlou e tends into t ho bronchliil tubes laryti- iicd6 giti mid bronchitis ittllo urethceaflfcht words that the octor called in about t lint time will use the troublo mm on work ing down tho 1 ucddv tio li i tt i tubes to the ntflfl f iu ivh u 1 1 1 mately threaten ng pulmonary consumji- tlbh or perh ips tho limlady assumes the quickly i atnoal f phiiw ofpneumorltonjiliiia iua about as unwls 1 a thing as tin ordinarily senslblo person con do is to neglect littlo dc cccducc c o i 1 or cough an swtvtoive it u chance to develop in any jot these wn and when it cbuies to the trcatnicnt of children neub a i tu pcct in crim inality all nhsjal i h the diingcw to be feared frdni colds and couglwiuuy bo- averted in uio very outset ly tlm adnimlstrawonldf aykus chehky pkc- toral n medfclno ineffably benvtlcout which allays the coughing foothv to re- r nel son form jsh ly of ajt n a ciinplilo nfw stock 4f- ycotch iaijid canadian j english irish sssstss t sskssss tssisssis f hours banishing sleep and momentarily lfrcshtag rest mid iiringh buck lioulili ayrp cjwprjr pectoralj 30 only medicine that can bo relied upon to break up j is invaluable in the treatment of all affections of tho thr is tho only medicine that can bo relied upon to break up ja cold and cure a cough and is invaluable in the treatment of all affections of tho throat und lungs the li teststyles in- fine black and coiojred warsteds and pine spring overcoatiijgs tho folloyingare samples of whot people say who knot it medical science has produced uo other anodyne expectorant go good as ayeus cnterry pectorai it is invaluablo for diseases of tho throat and lungs prof f swebtzfr maine medical school biwijneicjfcl me ayebs cmsurv pectoral affords more relief in cases of whopping cough than any other medlclnerdr arthur y cox st louis iilb i hove used ayerp cirmtry peoto- ral iu my fimhy for 20 years it fa n wonderful remedy for throat and lung diseases l garrett texaim tex my children have taken aters cherry pectoral for coughs arid croup and have found it give immediate relief foliovf ed by cure mrs j gregg lowell mijtss ayers cherry pectoral prepared by db j 0 ayee 00 f analytical chemistfj lol mass j j for sale by all druggist i find nothing else so efficacious as ayers cherry peotoral iii the- treat ment ef colds and coughs nml litivc used it in croujp asthma and inclpknt consumption with groat success dr j hwilsok cenlervllle iowa my wife troubled with violent cough ing hard uhdjdry for 8q ycnix got so low i thought it would kill licr sin- took ayer8 cherry pectoral and u cutirely cured g m cahr french campmi88 j several menibcrrof my family suffered severely with influenza all were cured by ayers cherry pectoral in a few daysilennyiitl xj the best fomedv that can he hud for coughs und colds is ayers ciikuky pectoiul m sargent lovelt mass tioiitlemuh requiriug aiiy tbiug in my hue can depmid oil getting the yey latest style in cloths with fitfuud woi kmaiiship guaranteed j r enelson 99 upper wyndham street cuelph ralii s7 kk hbie table jm8m v oolspabt mlxod exihrebii pass mail through ex accpni cjilcttkoux aiidtoron going west going bob ea s j0m1 110 am llbciiu 5470111 1 10fflim hessdbejh trupk railway oolko wkjt i js4iljv p riii or dtaetna mails express 3247 u exrrofisnx2 aar mali 545 pur- siiccial -j- 80 ga atcom cdncb 8x10 nin ot stop between guelpt 1040 au english la til closefl at om and 55o piu 1h40 ain und ssipni lojaiii onlweduewlav oanad an pacific railway w a g j tfo afl folnts a2t s west cpnbenskp 1u1e tadie toronto to dbtroit st toionto i 8 10arii stretsvillejuu9 is stthotnas 1 12 a5iiii detroit 5 aori chicago j 7 doafli vont ex htcago ex thomas and chicago 1 05 pm 2 525 8 45 8 05alfc toronto to monti eal and quebec limited e toronto s 25 om ottawtf 0 32 pm montreal iiooo quebec 1 0 30 am a fact o- evcr httvhig the interest of his iittroiis in view the energetic prop rie- fior of the metropolitan studio has succeeded in making arrahgements to ret his instantaneous dry plates direct 1ron1 tho nianufucturers so that he will supply the beautiful cabinet photos at the present low rate remember the place c w hills old stand mill st acton brampton i streetsvulejct locajex 4 is if m 525 8 55 montreal ex 800 pin 4 38aru 8 18 2 20 pni brampton to streitsville junction 1 7 23aiv 7 55l brampton to orange v brampton i 7 22aim oraugevlllo j 8 45 owen souudi 2 40 jini puriihase your new aind pcpular jimestthew 4 5opru 5 25 icket acton he and owen sound 5 55pni 7 08 rioao tickets bythis line aoeifr ont 18- summer arrangement 86 1 the right hotjs ng is wrong it will be made right by reporting it to the principal as the goods are bought fur the cash ilirect f torn enoniou3 stocks of laces in the various newffiules and in french british belgia beenuse watkins adapts bis services to their general nee good qualities of goods can be afforded for and if onyth the manufacturers ifcepriqes are the very lowest enorc i of in inch to 40 inches wide dress mantle uuter en it overcoat vest and pant buttons in abundance notgtt bis big lot of vegetable ivory buttons put instoofc quantilv aud variety of ladies migaea gents and boys window curtains table covers tidies and lambrequins in gold and in red also plain red plain gold ecru and orien prii is crowded with is they are almost sure to get everything tbey require in those biesi ores and to get them at the lowest prices that ladies daily an swiss and irish makes iiwfdtrj8 from 1 pant buttons in adunuance owine to the immfensa crowds of customers lately watkins could until this week- but there ara 748grosa ofthem ready nowwhioh are being sold at less than half price an immense liosiory gloves underwear neckwear and nightwear in very superior value 4n all the latest shades big piles of silk damask wool damask silk plush silk and cotton and silk and wool in madras syrian fancy scrim striped in tal striped a very big stock of new canadian tweeds bought for cah from a large house closing out theirbusiness the following g6ods arrived latelyt large lots of curtains table covers curtain cloths felts laces book and india s skirtings infants bibs feeders and hats handkerchiefs iu immense variety from 3c np to 2 beautiful droops at far uccw tliejrprices and selling exceedingly cheap muslins lens canvas zephyr plain and fancy lawn goods osl rich mounts and bowers a yerv large shipment of frtnoh laces and french lace tidies silks ribbons and ladies satchels velveteens victoria lawns ladies hats 111 white and colors bdutanj soudan audjbege french dress gooi s shrunk serge for boys wear galatea skirts a case df new styles of woollen wraps shawls for boating and garden prrtifslirect from berlin also dense of german jersevafrom berlin ginghams fancy prints sheetings dress buttons umbr illas and parasols kid and lisle gloves colored dnssaed mantle trimming- rosary trimmings palon rosbttes blneserge for boys wear green and crimson paize olive ruby tnd scarlet felt mats crumb cloths cocoa mats potf ctriped hessian eood linn towelling at 5c canvlas etc there ere immense stocks of carpets linoleums floor oilclot is window shades carpet syeepersetc very carpet cheap there havei 13 packages arrived this week making 43 this season hamilton may 13th 188u 1886 slpilsrg- remember tho place one door west of hughson 6 treet on king street east the name is thomas cu watbzjinsrs 1886 announcement mlebp ax dersojst qo in making their anuouucenient for the spring m ould say that owing to uuforseeti icircumstances aud the hard times pr jvalent iu the com- rnunily tbey haye been unable to carry out th iir annonncement of dissolution of partnership the said partnership vill therefore con tinue for onejyear longer so as to give all parties who- are still owing us on- account a further opportunity to call and s ittle their accounts we purpose to do business entirely for cash ot producer no goods willbe charged we will sell goods cheap wei iave had such an ex perience of the oldtime credit business which ent bles us to say that it is a very unfair way of doing business the bones and trusty man who pays up promptly has to pay for the dishonest mai ffrho never pays at all we are satisfied that every person who looks at the cash system of doing business will say that it is the only hone it and fair principle of doing business we cnuj buy cheaper you will buy cheaper we will sell roods at wholesale prices paying cash aiu getting all tho ad vantages whiph does accrue to the cash buyer 1 ry our system see onr goodsjcompare pricesj4and we are satisfied j ou wih- save 25 per cent on all goods purcnased f roln us ladies we are this season showing tho neatest at d most stylish mil linery mantles cj c all new and lates st rles duess goons dress trimmings buttoks frikges c c a 1 to match dress- making in all the newest styles done on tho premi ies uudcr the man agement of alfirstclass dressmaker ladies buy your dress goods leave your order if you want a fashionable dress prints muslihb lawns and ciingnams all new neat and nobbv 11 oar ordered clothing department we canspedt wlthride about most extensive stock oi tweeds tbowsek- and our cutter is a n 1 try ournobby gestsfurnisiiings in style and large asibrtment ireadymade j3lothinu very cheap big stock to select from carpets iii brusselsztapestry oil cloths all widths and cheapest i our staple department is cottons 5c jtowels 3c denqis frcp ilic up men women and children you cannot fail to si ve money by buying your goods from us try and see we are in earn st we will hell cheap iron cash only no more bad debts and on customers will re ceive the benefit idont delay but come and see otor cheap goods and you will surely buy i mcleob anderson co mammoth house georgetown p s we refurnonr sincere thankb to these of our customers who have always jbeenour friends and trust they will continue to pat ronise us j it we have the finest and in8 c in fiie province fits and cheap prices 2 aud y ply woi il union and hemp prices all to be sold cheaper than the very full cottons 3cjper yard up white tabliniss 25c cotxo uues docks and ordered croecisr besrs to inform the clothing -o- nsresxisqint public that ho has opened an ordered clothing department aud has scotch english and canadian tweeds wors v at lowest prices kicb choice stock ot eds fancy paintings 3co satisfaction guaranteed we still havon hand a fall liiio oi fresh groceries ehrtt goods ejtc3- ivelly cheap terms cash or produce only guelph john nelson guelph spring is v here with aljj its attractions and kenney have now on the bros main street acton shelves nf 1 he dominion bobt and shoe store a full stock of spring footgear of all kinijls and we are now offering our customers superior value in all lines of f boots phoes slippers we carry astock wiiicii foijvssortijient eaunot be excelledand every svant can be supplied received direct from our orderedwbr t isgi ving complete satisfaction prices are right repairing nektly aud jiomptly executed mid customers know that our kenney bros peerless1 h ox 1 pmei i forst as carried off all the pnies aud is the best machine oil offered for sale in the dominr ion in proof of this we will pay freight both ways when it fails to please the purchaser j si gold medals have been awarded this oil within the last three years none g i- nui nb onlv th at made at tab qpeeiipr oxrnr om d shoultz rockwood c 4i t3 1 1 samuel eogbes 0o oftrpnto for sale by j b f arsou dr mcgirhn j k eiowsou and of t qui actofl wd works guelph the only in thecity of guelph wholesale and rutail dealers and jjircct irnporttrs of the best and cheapest carpets in canada ovelil 300 pieces to choose from our prices will gladden tb j hearts of every lady also laoe cuhtalns jqliaxts sb thomson 42 st georges square guelph ragcarpet weaving done to ordtr liverpool aai quobsc service prom hlvewtpol steamer fboh quebec ii cieoassias i friday 23rd iapril frida- lh mav j poimesisn i thursday 29th apriljthursday 20h mav i parisian r thureday ctjh may j thursday 27th jiay sa11uatian- 1 friday14tlijmay pri day 4tn june t sabmjian- u- thursday 29tb may thursday 10th june cabiu intermediate aim steerage fares are still reaucetl htnra ijekets good for oner vear the best line to taut to colonial exhibition parties sending for bu udo in thsold country can obtaiuwepaia cert ificates at greatly reduced for tickets amteveri information apply to jr e mc6abvin ticket agent- acton you spring suit m bfenan has pleasure in auionncijig jiat his tail- coring sop in jjtrs secords block is noiv open ai id in full running order and to till ill orders he is good qweell i r y hlii elsliw fitting in every resjiect by 1 in a position sliowing suits at heke 1or 15 12 soocu ffwei d suit 617 4 8 j i folp elewi1ei e for 23 and s4 fine wokstd suit at 20- s0lp e18e1jvhehe at 25 geutlemep wanting a firstclass good coatietc mi iy rely upon beingsnited eaving their orders with brennan clothier maqkinac sumiviiiritour 1 1 jttealth fo b all holloways pills and ointment i the pills purify the blood correct all disorders of the liver stomach kidneys and bowels they invigorate aud restore to health pebihtated constitutions and are iuvnluable in all complaints incidental to females of all ages foi children and the aged they are priceless it the ointment is an mailable remedy for bad legs bad breasts old wounds sores and ulcers is famous for gout and ehenmatli m for disorders of the chest it has noeqaal 70ft boss t2s0ats bronoejtle wtoss golds glandular swelfings and all skin dts ases it ls no rival and for contracted and stiff lolnts it acts like a charm manufaotured only att ma8 holloway8 establishment 7s vtnr oacfort strwt lfo 683 qxftrd street london bag and are sold at is lid 2s m 4 6d 11m 22l and 38s eaoh 8wxr pot and mav e jiad otlh4edloi w vendort tbpubout the world lpurejmeirsotlddotktolto tap don the pots and boxes ifuie addrwg nto j litti oxford s t london ey are spurio8 j riio 8teu ldt lewsilm rear trlpn r wmkjbrtmeil detroit aflq mackinao andbveiy wek pabrtweea detroit ad cleveland wwatoou f pjerfaresque m ickinao illustrated oontatm u p tionlmr mileirroe the key detroit a cleve andsteam nav ca 0 o wh1tco wb 1m paw act dttroit mich to healths burdock eluoo iirmoctb authe clogged ayehueb of the i ti f b and liver carr rngoff gradually nthout weakening the sybtern au fi impurities and joul anmors of thefse aretibna atithe same fcwadto of the ss b6nmesadys- pbpav jbeadaohaa dminess- svs5a fpottml dryness wh jaraxci salt bfismn wpelao soiofbla jiuttering of otbirebihtjr all thestand manyl other similar complaints yield to the sodii of buedbck t wibws fc pmphetop tarobw a hf ill who are si iffering from the errors id indiscretions of youjh nervous weak iiessl early decay dbb of manhood itc 1 dmmdk bxd j i l i 1 every th free ess p1 viactonj i sub80j osfe wab1 sf thbbe3 invshably in ai v 125 per year wllr tiuiied till all arr option of tbe publl aove i- stack oue column half column quarter column one inch canjfcdtcrtl flrat insertion and i sequent insertion i reckoned by tbe spl scale ot solid nonp advettisements 1 will be inserted till ngly transitory i n advance j changeafor jon in the office by 9 1 tuevwlllbelrfto thi8paperj amtncumorber vv gradtiail ber of college of office and frederick street estge1 l lbeimi cmdb u dentiet new ayjsbesa i of t monly called vi teeth wisio stratcir aadfpr college of rousi in any opera acton every moutlilpffio m r j jj taiio jej i veterinaryso iu kenny bret dence in the i soandnesa alj all calls- nigh edito terms tohns1 boxrial t ancersc r- office efjb johks sicrro officifire office main st at 6 percent s hilton m tonqid orkicks orel aid 86 eing stj jwr alias j j tainli butbiil otncramdj liugtou street alley tdrort johkbaikqi wruiixi oatentd w henbyi 20 years pra m hea ltcij for the connti ordersjeftatt or at my promptly ated also money i j- able terms aril terestin sums jtjsyetoi o cial land 0rdersby maii tendedto cn perth st guel tohncayi ornck qa struare- mr t iw egsbv 2jilff that witf bore yon free op charge this great remedy aa discovered by a misefonaopy in south america send t self addressed envelope to 3v jobbph t issiiv siallmb 2fe m phksi lvsry

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