Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1886, p. 3

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r low of nt slli- iftt itf ir- preserve your eye- spectacle stock at go hyttdv i the largest in towii ap optometer lor testing the sight all kiods f 8peoudetttiid spectacles from sflc upwards give us s cdl when you want a pair geo hyndstactonont j 1 jmfernley koeisu splendid assortment ot all kinds of housk plakts hanolq baskets and bkdding plants 7 diiriuk tho spring secsmi all cheap tor ch the largest and best assorted stock of con- kectioxehv iu town- cheap foreign and domestic fiu its canned goods kinkst cigars in the markot jmfeknley f 11 rosy red rts ivas lot tery up v m i i lered o of freed 5 ding and l6s is itonl fqnf f y- t guton ym fcasg thursday morxtsq jexk 10 1886 crumbs for breakfast provided by the vex thoughtful pre press reporters laokotw the uorisso day resulted in bkb rakinqs acjpally local itowsjting ah kotato bngs e on deck outdoor amusements popular flawii mowers are iu geueral demand warm days and chilly nights just now strawberries will be on the bill of fare nest week business is saf dj to have commenced its summer decline the clipper base ball club play against the halt club in gait on saturday the ingersoll methodist church pro poses to introduce thejree pew system a month more the school children will be enjoying their summer vacation the lacrosse and base ball clubs are hard at practice for their matches onthe ist farmers and others requiring machine oil will do well to read peerless oil advertisement in another column it is claimed that the potato bug has found his billet at last the trout like him and the fishermen find that he is taken quicker than the artificial fly at the meeting the qouuty council last week a decision by a vote of 8 to 5 was given favorable to the establishment of a high school in georgetown the wellington comity council is be ing roasted by the guelph press for refusing to make a grant to the provincial exhibi tion which is to be held in guelph this year the members of the young mens pro testantbenevolent association are prepar ing for a grand celebration in oakville on the 1st of july an attractive programme orevents is promised if there is anyone who cannot possibly do without the fkee peess anyhonger it would not be hard to induce r to send it till the end of the year if the argument wereccompaniedby 50 cents the oakville stcu- entered on its fourth year of publication last week like the live paper it isthe star improves with every year of its existence it is a good local paper and deserves to succeed rev mr adams of georgetown will exchange pulpits with rev mr pigott next sabbath he will preach in st johns church bockwood in the morning and in st albans church acton at 630 pm the cornet band presented a very slim appearance last thursday evening six or seven of the members visited berlin with the lacrosse club and did not jet home till after ten oclock those who were here did theirlittle best though in front of the town hall before the concert we bavexeceived a copy of the cana dian labor refonntr published at toronto which seems to be precisely what its name implies no more no less it is entirely free from the isms that usually fasten themselves upon labor iu the columns of socalled labor journals is able cool and dignified and must recommend itself to all who believe in its mission an exchange says a correspondent writes allow me to suggest a plan which i have found by years of experience to work well as regards planting potatoes to escape toh jfa beriiu lstdhuijgl draw as only two jgames had been ilayedi whei time was palled onr boys my tuey vero pretty roughly haudled by their cpppi ents andtheappear- anceofsonie of jthtft bore testimony taw the fact v i i h matrimonii a another jof thoie iu dr w k lowry jphysioian miss ambrosena jf the order is to be congratulated in seour- hg for membership thefj leading influential holy wedlock we his estimable young for their future ierestiug events took place last veuinj at the residence of tyrl j e mottarvinj mijll street inhen mr j george havill and hilte were unite 1 u extend to seorge mdl brfde our best wian happiness alwaysfirst j iu the 1 st of ne wsj lapers 6u tile j at the colouial kxhibitbn as published in the official cf talogut the frek press aoton appears first on the list free prkss say h p aint foi glad the first lettier iu actou is a georgetown herahl yes bro ivarreu ind we are proud to know that the fee press is also first in the county iu point pf excellence serious ac oident a 8ome hat seri us accident occurred at mr peter 3ayers s iw mill najsagaweya on saturduy by which mr g caruochan nearly lost his left haud mr carnochdn was edgajed in oiling the saw journal when son e one started the machinery the saw c mght hi i wrist nearly cfittinc it through be fore he i ould withdraw it mir c is doing very vn 11 under skilful surgicw treatment oakvilles harbor it would appear out of itelharbor that oakville will get difficulty rather easier than was antioips ted the government has placed in the supplementary estimates the sum of 8000 to be expended in repair ing the harbor the government has not yet placed any conditions upon the grant and nothin g can i e done til those condi tions have been intimated meanwhile a temporary pier w 11 be erected by the pro prietors of the ste kmer southern beile for the acoom cnodati n of transient vessels calling the e howard ci iftori c mnpany i the com ert giv m by die howard clifton company under the auspices of acton cor net band n the town hall last thursday evening v as thoroughly enjoyed by the fair audien ce asse nbled from a financial point of vii iw the soncert was hot a success we have repeatedly remarked upon the poor attent ance i t any concert or other amusemen given by the members of the band w ly is t ns the programme is always a god one and the band deserves recognition from c ur citizens generally for the excelle it musi c they give us so freely j joined the ranks j we are iorry i ideed to lose from our midst such an estimable young lady as miss aggie allan who has been for a long time conne sted wi th the glasgow house acton of vhich hisr uncle mr henderson is senior pi rtner l bntmr harry b mc carthy see ned to think that he conld not do without her in his new home at carle- ton place i ind wit l the consent and ap probation givsn yesterday afternoon by tlie bev mr a brahan at the residence of the brides fatber janes allan esq nelson todependwt powitrslr deputy bctpremo 01 tef ranger g w jonwy of london iubti rated a court of this order iin aoton on junje 2nd with 28pharfl sws5tasbtitliaw following ter members and offloers w h lowry pc w h storey cb joseph fyfe vcbi t j halstead rs j m fernley fs isaao franois tresis james sharp sw c c speight jwj m brennan sd d taylor jb rev r phillips chaplainr he took herl home jith him by the evening cpjb trai i wej jwish the happy couple wealth hetlth andjprosperity in their ney home fatal accident a very sad accident occurred at mr laughlin c urriesplace erin on saturday whereby mr curriiis eldest son- john aged iff years lost his life mr carrie had been drawi qg mam re and when through left the wa gon in the yard somje of the children get iuto th waggon and the little fellow to gi ve them a ride lifted the tongue of the wag on tfcegrbund being somewhat sloping the waggon started forward and knocking i lie boy down the wheel went over him he struggled to his feet took ja step or twe fell dov n and expired immedi ately th sad affair cast a gloom over the whole community ithe bereaved family have the h sartfelt sympathy of all the tho beetle plant from the 16th to the 20th of june there will be no picking or funeral todk place on monday poisoning required as the beetles lay their press menat the conference eggs before that date the potatoes will keep longer if this plan were adopted the pest would soon disappear i the ketcham concert co gave a iree entertainment in the town halt tuesday evening the singing was excellentand- was well received by the large audience af tev the exercises a class of 33 was formed jor the study of vocal music the class will meet in the town hall every- afternoon at 1 oclock prof ketcham has just closed a successful class in georgetown and we have received e communication from a gentleman of that place highly recem- mending his method of teaching m m m purely personal paragraphs respecting people withwbom bur seaders are individnfllly or collectively acquainted mr john ross of aurora is the guest of thos t moore i mr hj b mccarthy of carleton place was in town this week i mr b 12 nelson of guelph spent sabbath with friends here mr and mrs jh wilcox and miss s lawrence of orangeville visited acton this we jt mf jm bricker of listowel was the juest of dr mcgarvinover sunday mr and mrs h hall of berlin attend ed the funeral of the late mrs cpokman last thursday rev b hobos of washington oht was in town thursday and condrictedl the fu neral service of the late mrs cookman missv emmons who has beenj the guest of rev mr pigott for some time past has returned to her friends in the states mr chas h gibbons bookkeeper in moore mcojarvitis valise faotory jwag samnidned home last week to see his mother who is dangerously ih r mr and mrs john breithaupt and mrs messoer of berlin and mr z hall of penetang were in town on thursday attending die funeral of the late mrs cookman i j r messrs hilliard waterloo chronicle t mcgivern gait reformer h p moore acton fbb phess j j crabbe of the st marys ar tun and c w rntledge ef the markdale standard delegates to the metbjo- dist confei ence are in town and grasped the hand editorial during theweek hill- iaid is a sort of lay bishop among the methodist and is very busy while here mcgivern is one of the steadiest attendants at the varions exercises moore is smiling all day in ind out of church crabbe is as fine lookin as ever notwithstanding that he has sac ificedhisjuxuriant side whiskers and is non as closely cropped as a crom- wellian ai d butledgeis getting as mach satisfactio l from his visit as any of them huron signal i i obituary ab we went to preps last week came the sad tiding of the death of mrs rev c cookman which took place at her home in waterdowi on tuesday the esteemed lady was c daughter of asa hall esq rod bister of mrs james brown of this place and was s well known by every one that any remar is by us respecting her would seem out cf place suffice itto say that sho was a general favorite with all tbrough- out her wl ole life her cheerfurand pleas ant manner her kindly disposition will linger long m the memory of those who knew her citizens of aoton and mr jones has proven himself to be a good organizer in the careful selection he has made of the material to compose the membersh pof the court and while congratulations a re in order we think we may as well congratulate the citizens of aoton on having such an institution as the independent foresters iu the village as it is one of the successful societies of the age which gives to its membership the advan tages of cheap life insurance aud sick bene fits the grand benefit of this order are 1000 82io00 or 3000 of endowment an annuity benefit oi 8100 200 ox 9300 a weekly sick benefit of 9 and free medical attendance it is by the means of such societies as this that our oitizehs are en- abled to provide protection for themselves in sickness disability or old age and for their families in case of their death and we are glad to welcome the foresters to acton we predict the success of court olive branch jab the officers are fully com petent to manage the affairs of the order successfully a holiday jaunt to the editor of the free pbebs tho writer in company with the genial and energetic proprietor of the metropolitan studio took a most enjoyable little trip out into the country thebther day for the purpose of taking some reported charming views said views of which more anon we found equal to report we left the slum bering village of acton at the rather early hour of 4 am of course no one was up at that unearthly hour but we rfi see at an upper window of the residence of one of onr charming belles the blind drawn slight ly aside and a nightcapped head peeping ont but of course it wis not could not have been the dear creature herself 1 we bowled merrily along over the dusty roads iu spite of the impending rain of which we got a taste during the day and finally reached our objective point the pretty little village of eden mills at about half- past five we stabled onr nag at that excellent hostelry known as the eden mills hotel kept by one e johnston and while breakfast was being prepared we took a stroll around the village to pick out the best points of vantage from which to take the views the niain object of onr trip eden mills is one lof the prettiest and most picturesquely situated little villages we have seen excluding of couvse our own actor they have a fine threestorey grist mill also an oatmeal mill both built of stone mr hortop the owner who is at present enjoying a european trip resides in a fine stone house wth nice grounds adjoining the mill property amongst other industries are a cooperage carriage- works and smithy wood- workers and so forth they have two churches in the village a methodist and presbyterian also a rather neat cemetery j well plauted with trees shrubs and monuments the river speed runs through the village and affords ample water power the population is between three and four hundred souls we must not forget to mention that amongst other good things the scott act is in force and that the village boasts of a base ball club which rejoices lin the rather euphonius j name of the mohawks the leadingmera- bers of which expressed a desire to try con clusions with the acton clippers to which we call the attention of the clippers honor able secretary breakfast over to which we may hardly say we did ample justice we proceeded to business onr first shots were taken at the village from the summit of what we were informed is termed vinegar hill so called we presume because of the total lack of that fluid iu the vicinity next we tackled tltc storejof the place a large stone a b1c majority qukiru april dothj 1880 now that the event of the opening season has passed when thousands were delighted with the rich musical treat whioh we were enabled to tender to them and thousands were still more delighted with tho magnificent dis play of lovely goods whtoh adorned our store arid show rooms and the verdict of everybo4y iu reference to the whole affair was that bolkrl is ahead by a big majority ire purpose settling down to solid business to give our easterners the very best attention and to further demonstrate as we have already done that no 27 is not only the best place for musio but also the most satisfactory reliable and profit able house to make your ory goods pnrchasos jlvery department is crowded with beauty novelty nud vale specialties this week in the diikss goods department large lines of nuns neilipg much under prloe great pilex of bhiok cashmeres at 50c worth 75n in thk clothing department grand line uf scotch suitings lovely goods t big range of- allwool tweeds for boys wear very clioap in the staple i department i great bargains in twilled sheetings beautiful line of linen tablings in the fancy goods department 50 doz ladies hosiery at 3jc worth 25c per pair 50 doz ladies extra seamless at 25c worth 45o per paiil great value ih ladies lisle gloves great value in ladies silk gloves all sizes and shades iu wellknown marquise 4button kid at 75c abso lutely without its equal in the trade grand lines in laces embroideries flouncings etc i polite attention no boring to buy no puffing splendid light to see jjoods one price strictly cash paints fjrstclasij nd oils and cheap j lacrosse bise ball goplte j ust arrived new pattern caug hn a w aga sticks spauldings standard balls mogarvins drug and stationery store acton 1886 springspringspringsriringspringspringspringspring f sip-feiifcsrg- gspriugspringspringfpriugspriugspringspnngprinb 1886 spring is here and house cleaning o tlong with it the season for and paper ihanging l do you want to decorate your jwalls with a paper which will always pleape you if so lpuy your l wall paper and borders fhom- 6 w son j e e 27 r bollert lower wyndham street guelph ontario designs good ciloring rich no trouble to show prices l j e goods how30n ao qw ryan berflnsh aw po gru successors tjo john hogg sjn opcued this week from the and weaving c0 excelsior bakery actoj having purchased the above bakery from mil d mann i hope to give satisfaction to the numerous customers who patronize it thanking them for past favors 1 will endeavor to attend to customers promptly and obligingly aud trust that they will one and all extend to ns their patronage i use nothing but the best boiler flonr and keep it in stock 4 fresh bread bunsc everyday also steam bread cakes of all kinds new york tea biscuits soda and oatmeal scones on haud or made to order at shortest notice cases pi bleachers hut we buy these goods from b rare chance to secure fine jej xi h -o- ot county down flax spljtfnlngr of belfast beautiful rat gn of lawn and liulen colored border and white handkerchiefs o ilot 2 opened this week from hannah mertin glass w two damages consisting of tab lings c slightly damaged in bleaching beautifully fine manufacturers at so much a eas linens at astonishing prices on judicial notice tocbedroobsof diaries slldaoy saiiti deoeaaei the chancers division of the high court of jns- tlce made in a certain attionof in re- smith goldie v6 sniith the crabtorincludhig those having any specific 6i5 jqaethl lien or inbnm- i brance upon the estate on any undivided share e thereof of qharles sidney smith late of the a village of acton in the county of halton mann- facturer who died ou or about the twentyfifth day of march 1689 are on or before the twelfth day of june 1880 to sendjpy post prepaid to w a mclean esq solicitbr- acton ont their christian names and surnames addresses and descriptions the full particulars of their claims a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securitiesilif any held by them or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from thebenoatof the said judkment every creditor holding any security ist fore me at my office dot of guelph on the fifteen 11 oclock forenoon being for adjudicattoii cm the claims dated this ijoth day of aylb80 m jkcktmson master at guelph iroduce the same be- as fltrtet in the city i day of jane 4886et ig the time appointed village be received oij teentli dayf 1 1 sale ty in actoh pubsdan to thd judgment of the chancery division f the high court of jus tice made n the acti n of nicblin vs creech sealed tender i addressi d tome a m mckinnon esq local m wter of tl e supreme court of judi cature for ontario at guelph 0 guelph po my offlcej mitil saturday the will ay tuenine- tjune 88bfirther611owiti4 lands and premises situate iu the village of acton- and being composed odjparl of lot numtwrss in thei2nd coaceaaiou of the township of esque- sing now iits lid village df acton containing 37- perches more or less reserving a roadway 5 feet wide along the southerly limit thereof this property is si uated oif the corner of mill and main streets the principal business streets in acton and th ire is erected upon it a valuable brick dwelliu j bouse c nd bakery aixt confection ery the dwelling ho ise contains rooms the bakery contains a lar re oven and the necessary implements for a bakery the confectionery store ia fitted up with the necessary casing shelving ac jtheba jery lis known as the ex celsior bakery and s an old and established stand doing la good business the dwelling bouse bokemond onfectionery store are at tached aud the whel 3 building is about 40x40 aud is iu firstclass odder there is also a-weli- tultiyated gaijden ana a well on the premises the property will be isold sueiect to a lease of the bakery and confectionery store vhich ex pires on the lkt janubry 1888 j v terms of sale tia per centtbjbepaid to the vendors solicitors upon acceptance of tender aud the balance whlfin anionth thereafter into court to the credit of this action the vendors will only bb required to produce a registrars abstract and sucn title deeds or other evidences of title as they may have iu theirpossessiijin xb tender necessarily- accept ed in other respecjs the conditidns of sale will be the standing condition of his court further particulilrsi can bo had from j a mowat esqisoliciorj igpelph w a mclean esq solicitor ad wat solicitbis gilelphj toronto dated the 1st day of musses gtrranie or john hoskin q c ton f 1 i june 18881 a wmhckison mister attiuelph ttelph g g- o ii 3d it is bo i tdh3ii 3sf lid clots hall allwool awze balikigga ir merinp cdttdn shaw m cru bidy merchant tailors ouelph wedding cakes a specialty iwellj though never strong in body she was while a resident of acton ever ready to lend a helping hand in all church an charitable work and at the time of he marriage some seventeen years ago her leparture from onr midst was severely fe t she died as she had lived all her life a thorough christian and the writer is c ue of those who remembers hex besjs ami indeed such memories dwell longest wi h us for the many kind wqrids and actior s bestowed on bun when a child j mrtlgook nan leaves an aseolionte ntjs band and bur cbjldrod three girls and la boyitomturn her early summons home the remai or were brought here the plwoei of lier birt ii for interment her husband and relat tea have the eiucere sympatjhy of the whe le community iu their sjd e reteineii building and a really superior country general store a model of neatness kept by j t mason who is also postmaster a most genial and popular man who does a thriving business ainoug other views taken during the day was one of the river glen looking south a charming little bit of scenery with the gently rippling curving stream the many shades of green on bush and tree the mossy hanks the rustic i angler patiently waiting for a bite and above all the bright blue sky flecked with fleecy clouds another nice view was one of the lovers walk what would an eden be without a lovers walk we gota perfect little gem in the shape of a view of the anglers nbok a piscatorial retreat with a background of water tum bling over the dam flanked by manyhued rocksbu shes and mosscovered banks and iu the foreg round the sparkling stream gurgling over its pebbly course and the patient angler reclining on a rocky seat intent on bites and perfectly indifferent as to whether he made part of onr view or not all good things must end sometime and so did onr little jaunt to eden and as the day wore on we turned our steed homeward and reluctantly left the f air eden and the edenites behind inwardly vowing that it would not be long ere we again paid it a visit and regaled our eyes with views of its scenery and our inner man with mrs johnstons ezoellent dinners cob biscuits and confectionery of all kinds icing sugar ginger snaps boston mixed cakes wholesale flour butter and sens taken in exchange for breaa at marfcot prices mrs t statham go to waters bros tue tfellmftem gllsiiiiii from picture gallery guelph for artists materials oil and water colors crayons canvas drawing papers brushes tic oil paintings steel finflrravings cnromobc frames op all kinds mouldings room and picture cornices and cornice poles spring rollers and windowshadeb from 00c oomplete paacy goods suitable tor wedding aud birthday presents cvc j t visitors can have jtheir pictures framed while in the city bo bring them with you to waters bros the picture gallery near the post office montreal house e knowiiton our milliner miss majrriott has no superior 75 cents to 3250 at j hats fyfes- if you want a nobby durable and cheap suit go to j fyfes acton strayed or stolen on saturday morn ing last a brown cocker spaniel pup re ward j e mcgabvin acton jmr stilton dentist of guelpn will devote saturdays exclusively to patients from a distance nitrous oxide gas ad ministered bee card wakxbn7fifty thtfuband pounds good clean merohaniable wool for whioh the highest price in hcleop ajnjeason cb georgetown cash on trade will be pajd successor to mrs secprd begs to intimate to the citizens of acton and surround ings that he has refitted the store and put in a desirable stock of dress goods prints linensjerseys hosiery parascla ftc also m ensireadymade clothing boots and slippers a choice- assortment of groceries which will be sold at cost for next 30 days a call and a share30f your patronage is respectfully invited oui cutter mr mckenzie can be depended on to ive the very best fit he has the laigest connection of any cutter in ontario we hold the largest sock west of toronto embracing the following lines colored dress silks froth 37ic fancy striped satin fr m 40c colored batin from 25 o lovely tricotiue dress nuns yeiliqg stripe from 15o extra heavy cotton extra heavy white cotton worth for 100 f goods from colored audi va9rivhrvi y vforth loc fot tjc cures rheumatisni f back clotha and tweeds very noheapl best shirtthg at 12 jol v heavy tioking atjloq 1000 mens suitsjt 9395 450 boys suits at 100 75 dozen white shirts from 50o 125 dozen mens ties from 50o 600 english felt hats worth l50 to250 ier50o- t dozen 13 nu aim worm powders arepleosont to itaxo contain their own tursrtivo ifa safo suro find eobcttal itttroreeot worifi in auidrenof adult painting liiittii paintinff perjsanng salspmiii k v orders for any thing in flrjii i prepare to take ive ii so1ibiftq4 1 firftif5giap

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