Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1886, p. 4

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hh hw qot them pn totoust as mmethaes itmay happen that dry roods mart be bought you houia have little list you should bkvevlist of the pljaees iu the city where low prices can be caught andthat never should be missed that never should be niissed theres the toilet tor the summer a most important thin which of oooree includes the toilet for the balmy gentle spring and a hundred other things making uito a lengthy list oh they never should be missed they never should be missed first of all there comes the trunk a very big oue too to hold the fancy odds and ends and all the ribbons blue then a combination suit which youll bny at the least cost this uevershouwbe lost this never should be lost i and a dress of summer fabric a pretty mullorlawu so pretty bright and lovely like the dewy sunkissed porn you should have those on yoar list should have them on your list for they surely would be missed they surely would be missed then theres the summer silk of texture bright and rare that matches so buperbly your dark or golden hair andjsmte embroidered robes or in colors if yon like with a stylish little parasol to finish up the dike v- aud laces and embroideries iu all the latest btyles aud a fan of snowy whiteness to cover up your smiles you should have these ou your list you should have them oil your list for they surely will be missed they surely will be mibsed to mention all the fancies in the toilet of the spring would be quite a tedious thing would be suite a tedious thing so we take it that you know them and will buy em all in time caring little for the jingle of this silly monstrous rhyme but there yet remains the object ere it3 mission is complete to tell again the story which thepublio will repeat tjiat the places to find bargains the best in town no guess are those that advertise in the acton ivree press you should add them to yoar list yon sbonld add them to your list for- thpy never should be missed they r never should be missed wi all sorts i is there anything more annoying than having your corn stepped upon is there anything more delightful than getting rid of it holloways corn curo will do it try it and be convinced f the sure effects of ayers- sarsapariua are thorough and permanent if there is a larking taint of scrofula about yu ayers sarsaparilla will dislodge it s nd expel it from your system a fair proposition there could be ho offer more fair tlan that of thaproprietors of hagyards yell ow oil who have long offered to refund ovsry cent expended for that remedy it it f tils to give satisfaction on fair trial a whisker dye must be convenient to t ise easy to apply impossible to rub off eleg int in appearance and cheap in price buck inghams dye for the whiskers unites in itaelf all these merits try it high praise mrs john neelandsj writing from the methodist parsonage adalaide- out sayv i have used hagyards pectcral balsam in our family for years tor heavy colds pore throats and distress ing coughs no other medicine so soon relievi s have you ever tried mcgregor fc parles carbolic cerate for sores of all kind it is jbeyond doubt the very best preparation in the market for healing and curing so es boms cutsjpimples blotches and is the only proper method of applying carb lic acid sold at dr mcgarvins drug store for 25c per bbx declared lacarablr e c mcgovern of syracuse n y who is a well known resident of that ph ce was declared incurable by his physician the disease being a complication of kid ley and liver complaint i in two days be- found relief in- burdock blood bitters i nd in one month he entirely recovered a m hamilton warkworth writbs for weeks i was troubled with a swe led ankle which caused me much pain and annoyance mr maybee of this pli ice recommended dr thomas eclectric oil for it i- tried it and before one bottle vas used i was cured it is an article of gi eat value and chills quinine is the popular remedy for chill fever but it does not always cure esqi lire pelton of grass lake michigan took in all 600 grains of quinine for chronic cl ills and malarial fever after that and vari ous other remedies had failed five bottle of burdock blood bitters cured him this il to certify that i have used tfc iregorv speedy cure for dyspepsia rad liver complaint and do honestly say 1 hat if it cost me one hundred dollars ioc 00 a bottle i would not be without it as it has done toe more good than all the medic nes i ever used and i feel like a new ma i yours truly aikx steel carleton plice out this medicine is for sale at 0e irid lioo per bottle at dk mcgarvins i rag store hollo waifs pillt are the medicine r tost in repute for caring the multifarious m ila- dieiwliich beset mankind wherj dry su itry weaihor suddenly gives plac to oil uy drenching days in fact these pills cffer relief even if theyisil of proving an a mo- late remedy in all the dibturbfthcei of digestion circulation and nervous one whkb ooea oppress a vast por aon of the popuhrtion under the geniai uri- fying and stren powers exerted by this excellent medicine the tongue be- comes dean the appetite improves difjes- l tfon faquickenea and aailation iaj ren- 4ew perieet thp pojeri the juv flttimsme prnpgly nf allnft the erery jtssne of tiie body l tft- srkff i- jiiti h isil m ihs si thomas be iuson fajrnham centre p j writot have bien afflicted with rhenniatism or the last ten years and have tried u any remed ies without any relief i got a bottaa of dr thomas eeleetrio oil itud fouhc it gave instant relief and sin ce then have had no aitaok i would reooi iimend itito all t i imm lightning v thcruare hi t few that have never suffered almost intuit ruble jiain from toothache neuralgia ot like ucute pains to them suoh ah msta it relief as fluid higbtning is an untold blowing iu time of trouble no disgusting off jnslve medicines to be taken or luys ou appliuation of fluid linht- dina oures sold lit j mogarvins drug store j 2 i people whe read and ieflect after read- iug upon the many pulisbed testimonials regaidiugsno rtlirop fc iiymaus yegetablej jjisoovery sjn 1 dyspeptic cure can boarcely fail to peroei e that evidence so positive andconourre it could not be adduoed in behalf of a remedy of doubtful efficaoy the facts pit ven by such evideuce are that it roots out impurities of the blood restores digestion n riches the circulation and regulates the bowels abd liver merit irovtu dollar i dollar is frequently spent on the faith of commendations for articles entiroly wo thless not so with mc gregors spe uly cuie you are not asked to purchase h until its merits are proven call at j k mcgarvins drug store and get a free tri 1 bottle and if not convinced it will cure y ju of the worst formsof dysi pepsia livei complaint etc no matter of how long 8ti ndfng it costs you nothing sold in 50o a fid 1 bottles sec testimon- als from people iu your own town 29 itching lies syniptonisnud tnre the symptomsare moisture like perspir ation intensi i itching increased by scratch- ing very dls ressing particularly at night seems as if p in- worms were ciawling in and about the rtctuni the private parts are sometimes nf ected ii allowed to continue very serious osults may follow swayxbs oiktment i a pleasant sure care also for tetter itch salt kheum all scaly crusty skin hseasejs sent by mail for 50 cents 3 buxes l2o in stamps ad drcsfiidr s yayneson philadelphia pa soldbj druggists 50 have you roothachef use fluid liglitj use fliiid use fluid use fluid light- use fluid light- use rung- have you luieumatism lightning have you a stiff joint lightning have you neuralgia ning have you lumbago liing are you ttioublod jyith headache fluid lighti ling have you iny pain use fluid light ning it will cute you the instant it is applied try it 25c per bottle at dr mcgarvins drng store best nndcoiufart io ike sufferlu browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both iuternal and external i cureb pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism j toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will hiost surely quieki en the blonc and heal as its acting power is wonderfu browns household pan acea jbein acknowledged as the great pain reliev r and of donble tbestrencth of any oth r elixir or liniment in the world shou id be in every family hauily for use when winted as il really is the best remedy in he world for crarapsriii the stomach a id pains and aches of ail kinds and is for sale by all drugists at 25 cents bottle 4 proiriiuoit among the greatest medica discoveries by the many cures il has affect ed mcgregors sjxetbj cure leads the van subjected t 4be minutest chemical analysis it has been bund to contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless pecifics daily offered to the public ev ry ingredient possesses a pectil ar adaptabi iity to the various complaints for which it lias bpen compounded and its efficacy is bring established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore coufi dent that w have a preparation wbih we can offer to the p iblic with the assjirauce that it will lie found not only a relief but aabioliileare for dyspepsia liver com plaint indi gestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j ii mcgarvins drue store 3 aovicij to mothebs arc you disturl at night am broken of your rest by a sicl child sufferi ng and crying with pain efcui- ting teeth 2 if so send at once and get a bottte of fl rs winslows soothing syrup for childrei i teething its value is inca culable it will relieve the poor little sul ferer immet iatelyj depend upon it mptl ers there iino mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates tl stomach aid bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives one and energy to the whole system mrs winslows sootjliing sy rap for cl ildren teething is pleasant tio the taste a id is the prescription of one of theoldest aid best female physicians and nurses in tl e united states and is for sale by all dru gists throughout the worlds price twenty cents a bottle be sure and ask fcr mis wixhlows soothnib syrup an 1 take no other kind for coughs colds bronchitis and lung and tl roat troubles there is no pre paration oi medicine can compare with bickles 4 uti- consumptive syrupt it never fails to afforclprompt and permanent relief it i amoves all soreness and heale the diseased parts it immediately soothee the most tr jublesome cough and by pro moting exp ictoration removes the mucus which stopi tip the air tubes which causes difficulty it breathing thereby gives relief to thatpi essing tightness experienced ii the chest public speakers and ajbgeis will ifind bi iklea anticonflnmptive yid p of inestima jle value as it speedily aid effectually jlays all irritation and bosk i- ness in the throat and brbnohial tabes at d gives power to the vocal cords renderii g the yoicjol ear and sonorous if parer e wish to sav the lives of their children ai d themselves from mnoh anxiety trpab e andexpens let them procure a bottle f biddetani ucnimnptive syrup and everaobilt bag taken cold has a congh boaisiese gi vc the syrup according m -i- -ii- 1- sj wm fmm wmm i ayerc 8arcaparilla is a high ly coucehtratcd medicine sclcntlffciiny compounued of thonuluo honduras siu- saparllla yellow hook mandmko stil- llngia iodides of poussium andiron nnil sther lugrodlents oi great strength ami urutlvo virtue avers 8ar8aparilua has been tested by and has received tho unqunltfied comnuiuliitlon of 4000000 families iu tho united states and 7000000 families throughout the world ayers 8ar8aparilla is the only blood purifier that has gained and retained tho confidence of tho people of tropical countries wheio such medi cines arc in great demand ayers 8ar8aparilla is tho most popular blood purifier among sailors and is in ninetenths of the medt- clnechesta of tho beat class oi american engll9hgerman and danish vessels ayers 8arsapar1lla contains no arsenic and no aloes as do many falsely called alteratives foisted upon tho credulity of the public ayers 8ar8aparilua has been formony years recognized as the best alterative and tonic mcdictno in all clvutsed countries ayers 8ar9aparilla promptly relieves from general debility nervous prostration and derangement ot the vital organst i v ayer8 8arsapariula effects radical cures of all maladies aris ing from the taint of scrofulous or con tagious diseases or the corruption of mercury in the system ayer8 sarsapailla is endorsed by the medical profession and regularly prescribed by many leading practitioners amalgamation of mcka hoxfjbweitcxmojnr of lawll nud exstate hcnator says that tliu onlv preparation of snrsupnrllln that serais to do real lasting good in cleansing the blood and oxpolftng poisonous matter from tho system is i ayer8 8ar8apariula milton fox tho largest lundowncr and farmer of middlesex co miss credits his euro of scrofulous humor aud dyspepsia to the thorough purifi cation of his tblood by ayer8 8ar8aparilla wabren lkianb the famous yew york landlord testifies from his own knowledge that for the curo of liver disorders gout salt rheuin and various results of blgh living there is no medicine cqualjo ayers 8arsaparilla hiram phtxiiips glover vu attests the curo of hereditary scrofula in three generations of his family by ayer8 8ar8aparilla thosn cook west somenitte3hss was cured of severe eczema and rescued from a rapid decline by ayers 3ar8aparilla the sisters of cnarrrv dorchester mass vouch lor tho alterative mitt curative virtues of ayer8 sarsaparilla jokn j ryan philadelphia p professional baseball player was cured of rheumatism by ayers 8ar8aparilla d b keku big springs ohio testi fies that his son fifteen years old was cured of catarrh in its worst form by ayer8 8ar8aparilua amherst wnrrmore brunswick me retired seacaptain was cured of a cancer by i ayer8 sarsaparilla cv ittivi vvwij b iklii j pros and r j mpkay our forced sale of dry will be ooutiuued utl 48 rlun strbet ftast next tb china palace immense bakgaik dress goods reduced tiific cashmcrrs reduced to 2fec silks all rediioel ia priut- todies hosiery reduceio 20c worth jj5o silk handkerchiefs reductd to 50o wortlr81 prints reduced to 6o worth 10c kid gloves 25c worlh tic j goods arid carpets 8 will abe griveufi sheeting reduced to35l 5b 72inoh twill worth 37o j42inch pillow cotton reduced loj3c itablp lineiib reduced to 20c wojrih 3c jtweeds reduced to 86 worth 50c qeuts fiirnisliinksijl reduced filngimms rcductdtol2ic flannels nil reduced carpets oilcloths lace curtains blankets etc all teduced we havo riot room forall our stock and nre nfforing extraordinary inducements to clesir ont lines wc will hold siiiotioii sale at no 70 king street east every afternoon commencing monday aprils to clear out hilanee of dry goodsand carpets i mcka beos cor king and john 8ts hamilton spring jls hejaje with all 116 attractions an 1 kenney the attestations of a myriad of unimpeachable witnesses might ln cited were it necessary to prove tho amost muractifohs cures effected by this only really effective blood purifying medicines ayers sarsapariua i prepared by dr j cayercq analytical chemists lowell mass sold by all druggists price lsi bottles for 5 havo now on the helvc8 of tho dominion boot and shoe st ire a full stock spring footwear of all kindb niid we are now offering nur customers superior value in all lines of boots shoes sllpfebts p of wo carry astouk which for assortment cannot be excelled fuid every waut an he supplied wc ore showing some nice lines in uunks valises rfjc received direct foni tho luaniitnctiircrs rand trunk 3aitvay ooik0 west exiiress2t7 i ex irossl mir spc lal- ace ran coach 8x0 a tin 11w ojt 515 pir 830 pn ooiowast mixoc1 ani- kxprosp 7j0am lass uiail 1102 am througbjlx m7 pfl accom t 10c0pln chlcao express does not stip between gnelph and toronto time op txoslxo kails aoing westiow am andg m pm goiifg bast 1040 8iii and 5u0 pan ennlibli liiail closes at 10 ali on wednesday canadian pacific railway to aib- roisfs east a wd vest condesski time table tti ill lomus and chicago jliicago ex local ex 1 05piu 4 l5pui 2 06 c25 5 25 8 55 h 45 main street acton toronto to detroit s t west ex toronto 8 10axn 8tretgvillejun9 ljt sttliomab 12 39 pm detroit j a chicago 00 am 1 8 05 am toronto to moutrea and quebec iiimited exj montreal ex toronto 93 ami 8eopni ottawa g3ipvu i l38am moutroal 10 i 8 18 queboa fl38am- liioiiui brampton to streeltsvillejuirction brauiiiton j 22ail 1 j 4 55pm streetsvlllejct 7 55 v jn j- 5 45 brampton to orangevile and qwen sound brampton 7aiii7 5 55pm oraugovillo 8 45 7 08 oweu sound h40pui 10 jo 4 purchase ypurjthjkets by this new and pcfptjlatl line james matthews tickctjioejt acton jj l onti our ordered work is giving complete satisfnctiuii prices are rlcht repairing noatly aud promptly oxecnted and customers know that our kenney bros the great rush of customers still coming to the right house it is a sight well worth seciug to come to this widely celebrated house any time on market days or any afteruoon to see tho immense number of ladies who throuij the whole lengtt of theso enormous store so that it is very difficult 0 find counter room forall this shows beyond disputo tliatj the qualities of the goods must be good the styles must be attractive and tasbionable and the prices cheap watkiuslias never hod such an enormous sale for dress goods as he has this season theu when ladies get them made up by miss amiss his celebrated dressmaker who fits them to their entire satisfaction goodlooking ladies nppear almost angeho while ordinary ladies look charming the dresses fit so beautifully and sit so gracefully on them the maatles and millinery forewomen are also kept hard atrwork and suit the ladies exactly bo that they are all driven in filling the numerous orders which arc constantly bcinggiveu them the rush of customers for millinery and parasols is astonishing occasioned by the beauty and cheapuessof these goods parasols from 25c to 7 millinery iu the very latest fashions at all prices there has beeu a great rush for nottingham lace cur tains madras curtains calcutta cloth curtains rhama curtains swiss lace curtains and curtain materials by tle yard in damask rep rjiamacloth calcutta cloth itavr silk and many other kinds there is an immense assortment of table and piano covers in these goods also see tho table damask aud table cloths in bleached half bleached and colored the qualities are ood and the values are suporior about 200 doien towels and table napkins in various styles and makes very cheap several hundred dozens of ladies misses gents and boys handkerchiefs collars ties and gloves in firstclass value the largest corset business iu ontario is done by the right house the manufacturers say gray cottons and sheetings white cottons tickings pillow cottons bleached sheetings in hprrocks celebrated makes window hollands in various colors canadian tweeds at unusually low prices blankets and white and colored quilts in abundance carpets mattings mats hugs window blinds rollers stair rods carpet sweepers etc in immense varjoty comet and opera collars at 61c 1 remember there are larjje quantities bf dress goods in black and colored and several other goods that were marked down to cost or under cos whiefc are still selling at the reduced prioes mind the righthcuso is on king street bast one door estof hugbson sticetv thenareii j 6 t o- watisi-iljsrs- hamilton j uirclolh 1880 i j f 1886 1886 annpungement mlbob anderson co in making their announcement for the spring would say that owing to unforseen circumstances and the hard times prevalent- in the com munity they hye been unable to carry out their announcement of dissolution of partnership the said partnership will therefore con tinue for one year longer sb as to give all parties who are still owing us on account a further opportunity to call and settle their accounts we purpose to i do business entirely for cash or produce no goods will be charged j we will bell goods cheap we have had such on ex- perience of thoojdtime credit dusiness which enables us to say that it is a very unfair way ot doing business the honest and trusty man who pays up promptly has to pay for the dishonest maif who never pays ut all we are satisfied that every person who looks nt the cash system of doing business will say that it is the only honest and fair principle of doing business we can buy cheaper you will buy cheaper we will sell goods at wholesale prices paying cash and retting all the ad- vantages which does accrue to the cash buyer try our system see our goods compare prices and we are satisfied you will save 25 per cent on all goods pnronased from us ladies we are this season showing the neatest and most stylish mil linery mantles c c all new and latest styles dhess goods dress tbimmisgs binrose fringes c c all to match dress making in all the pewest styles done on the premises under the man agement of a firstclass dressmaker ladies buy your dress goodbr leave your order if you want a fashionable dress prints muslins lawns and jinmiams all new neat and nobby onr ordered clothing department we can speak with pride about it we have the ficestand most extensive slock of twkbds tbowskk- ings ic in the province and oui cutter is a no 1 try our nobby fits and cheap prices gents furnishings in grand style and large assortment ready jiadkclothinoj very cheap big btock to select from j caepetsjin brussels tapestry i and ply wool union and hemp oil cloths all widths and prices all to be sold cheaper than the cheapest i ourstaple dep artmeut is very full cottons 3c per yard np white cottons ocj towels 3cj tuilincs sob cottonades ducks aud denims from 124c7 np j men women nd children you cannot fail to save money by buying your goods from as try and seemve are irv earnest we will sell chkap for ijash only no more bad debts and our customers will re ceive the benefit dont delay but come and see our cheap goods and yon will surely buy i mclkbpd anderson ordered clothing croiiasr asreiisokr begs toinform the publrc that he has opened an ordered clothing department and has a choice stock of scotch english j and canadian tweeds worsteds fancy pantingsg i i jt lowest ivices satisfacfcibn guaranteerir 18- summer a liverpool aad jltom lhtetoool 8tllamefr cmcissian friday 23rd aiiril thursday 2ath april pa thursday 0th tyay sab friday hul mi sab thnrsdayiothfay rangement 86 quebec service kkom iceuec poly sesian friday uth may wsc wwm iflilflfe mf5f hm ir v r thurstlajv20th lay slan thursday 37th may atian friday 4th june ian i thursafiy jloth june cabin iiitenutediatc still reduced kitiuu j steerage faiies are ets kodd tor one year i and tibketskooxu the best hue ta take 4ocofoniale3chlbitio6 parties bendiufr friouds iu thi old countrv can obtainiiropaid ccrtifttates at greatly reduced rates l for tickets and every information applji to v jjq mcqabvini ticket agent acton yoursiprkgsiit m brennan has pleasure in amiouncipg that hi i tail- oring shop in mrs records blick is now open indin f ill running order apd in a position to fill all on evs i lle is sliov ingj 7 goud twfikd spits a sold lilstwueitt for 15 scotch tweed yuit hold klsewj 812 weed suit 17 jsssll 2w1ierb fok 23 asd 24r we still hiivc oil ianda full iic ol nice fresh groceries dbt gobds etc very cheap terms cash or produce only john nelsoin i guelph oo blph guelph only mammoth house georgetown v s wcrefurnour sincertf thanks to thcbe of our customers who have always been our friends and trust they will continue to pat ronize us i merchant tailoring r e nelsqn formerly of acton a complete m stock of english jlrish scotch and panadian t the latest styles ia- pine bjack aihci colored worsteds arid fine spring overcoatings uehtlemen requiring inytliing in my line can depend on fietiink the vjery latest btyle in cloths with pit iiud workmanship guaranteed q9 upper jwynham stroeti in the city of cuelph i py of cuelph whulesiiu ami uetnil dealers and direct iniporltrs of tiie best and cheapest carpets in canada over 3qo pieces to choose from our prices will gladden the heartb of every lady also laos curtains j j plrs thomf s0n 42 st- georges squape6uelph hag carpel weaving done to order health for a ll hollo wats and ointment the purify the blood llyek stomach piiils correct all disorders of the kidneys and bowel8 they invigoraic and jcstorc to health debilitated constitutions and afe iuvaiuable in all incidental tofemnls of all aces for children anil thoaged they- are priceless the ointmemt v is an iiifallable remedy foivbaa legs bid bieasts old wounds soros and ulceik it is famous for gout and khepmatwn for d jsoruerb of theehestit has uomoot glandular swellings audkfendiseiies it has iio rival ftudforcontraciedandslff p i iolnu it acts hkq a charm flne worsted sold elsewh gentlemen wanting fitting coat etc may in every respeot by lea suitiats20 uk at s25 a tirstclsuis good ly upon beingsuited g their orders with brennan the iclothier sum in ac plo8 steam n to j ronrlwilipirwekj detroit aid mabkinac andiverykeskdaybetwim detroit ad cleveund delightful fi tour writ i for our hotarem ae m okinao lllusfaaf ed contains jnn par lmuaii hailed rm detroit jclev9lind steam nav co cd wilt0 ib otn pa aw- o dbtw0it mick to health 78 manufactured only at th0 jtov oxford stwet a httlpayijsubhsliment i88 oxjbvtd street jloadpi lix v be had of all meipendorth6hnouf the wod 4 irrmttiharyslldiilool 033 oxford 8 trccludpn they ro spurious w 1- v i j 1 c v- -ivmj- a flsstesss m- frfuztt trp md live wry- ingoff graduajly without weakening the system au the ibipuritiea anotfoul hnora theecrttion8j at the same fame cotreoting adhty of flk- woinaob ubiflouaness dys- tea dizzinese pation dryness t dinmeea of salt eaeum fluttering of ueneea and gen ii these and many tbflna of the skin vifdon ja fi the heartlti eral debility other similairco happy influem bleodbept t i lolbum plaiats yield to the of sopxock ii prcbrloteri yprento to all wlioaro buttering frm the errors and indiscretions of youth nervous weak- nbiearly decayi 1 m of manhood c will send you rec pe that will cure you fihbb qf 0haeue twlgieat remedy wmdwioovered by a aissioary m south america send a selfaddrelsie envelope jiv v liveby thl f3ee press j subs oxb yea1j thbfri invariably in ad s liio per year will f tinned till all arid option of tho pobl aove i ll space one colomn halfcolunin quarter colamtr- o inch ouaaladve first insertion an sequent iiaertionj reokoned by the sd scale of soud nonl r advertisements j will be inserted ngly transits n aavancs changes for i in the office by 5 they will lie 16ft ol thi8wei lertlitncbiireaa t be f busii wh lot gradn ber of college office and frederick stn cij- 6xaci trinity 1 ifcy medical bob of physician office- ca l lbei ac mel dent new system monly called vi teeth without pf stratbr and pn coltegeofidenl ronimaydepenf in any pper aoton ievesry month offic jstibtoj ontarjp college of de c bi hayes sertedon rnbb liinmr andeatil rous oxidegasa atej appoint ttovellsbh johnlaw tariovet veterinarybu in kenny bros3 dence in the real sonndness and i all calls nigh ed to terms johnston j barristers i ancers to omce efpj6ms solicttoi oeficbfirs4 office main sb at 6 percent s hilton a tobosi okjjckb cr and 86 king std w t juiluc j ibuunsi 0mce80ij hugtou street alley tordntoj johsbuiric patents 1 henry i 20 years pra w hei for the count orders leftat or at my eroinptly atjeil also money 1 able terms an terest in sun sdbvbyoi cialland orders by i tended to peribfegai tphnual ofpicb qij square john jdj suce money to per oentr m loaned for pa beculrity con properly and farms and with farms fo bominiontoij onlated in wanting a reetions thsoj farms want deufceinvitedj guelphont f mhe ml auaayiav bealoam an ikteg

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