Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1886, p. 1

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mm mm volume xl no 51 tn sp -x- is vbli8hs1 every thursday morning at the ffjee press power printing hou8e acton ontario tiv ipfpp f -h- rr aton oxtaeio thtjesday juke 17 30ct8 i subscription rates onk veab lflo slxmostbs tbrkk months s5cts livuritfjlv in advance if not paid in advance slsisner veil will bo charged no-papevdibcon- tinued till all arrears aro paui except nt the option of tbo publisher advertising rates 1 tk 1 0 mo 1 8 mo 1 1 mo ouo coluniu half column quarter column one inch scaoo s3o0 2000 600 3500 3000 330 saouo 1100 700 jaoo s700 330 250 100 casual advertisements 8 cents per line for the first insertion and 2 cents per line for each sub- sequent insertion cash ithe number iof lines recwedjsy the spactf occupied measured by a scalojf sotid nonpareil advertisements without specific directions will bo inserted till forbid and charged accord- ngly transitory advertisements must be paid u advance i chauses for contract advertisements must be in the office bv 9 am on mondays otherwise tfiev will bo left over until the following week h r moore editor and proprietor this paper sm bowell ft obs newspaper ad cesuwherejutverrlsirl business directory wh lowry m b m c p s graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick streeacton acton nanking cqy storey 5hri8tie 4 co hankers acton ontario i a general banking business transacted mohbyloi jbd on approved 80tb3 notes discounted and interes allowid on deposits cene sal agents j mjdonalo go no 2 vijetoria st toronto estate h money to loan at six per cent houses rented busine ss chances chattle mpr gages promissory notes and other sec irities negotiated alu- uators c firms or otter properties sold or ex changed i call at fre4 jtkkss office x cje stacey -mjd- cm graduate of trinity university fellow of trin ity medical school member of the college of physicians and surgeons office campbells hotel ll bexxett ljds dentist georgetown ontario ac mckinlay ltd s surgeon dentist georgetown ont uses the new system of nitrons oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teethwithout pain having been demon strator and practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto pat rons mayjdependnpbnreceiving satisfaction in any operations performed will visit acton every other wednesday of each moiith officeaguews hotel jstibton ld s hrcds ontario hondr graduate ontario college of dental surgery successor to cb haves ldsl artificial teeth in serted on rubber celluloid gold or alum inum and satisfaction guaranteed nit rous oxide gasadministered fees moder ate appointments made byjeteer office tovells block opposite p o guelph i john la wson graduate of on tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton ont office j in kenny bros boot and shoe store resi dencein the- rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or day promptly attend ed to terms easy johnston d- mclean barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers tc- 3private funds to loan office town bjall acton e fcb joksstos wm a mcleax nsuranoe agents newgoods dats bookstore cuelph 25000 rolls wall paper ioo sets lawn croquet carload express waggons big st06k low prices -tjelpfl- bu si ness college gue ph ontario i young men aljjd women are thoroughl r prepared for positions as bookkeepers s lorthandwriters galigraph or telegraph operators students have been in attenc anco front nine provinces and state wi hin the past year oar graduatesfare neeting with marked sua cess in the coin nercial centres of canada and the united states bates moderate accommodation excellent students may enter at any tii le forterms etc address m miccormiqk 146m principal day sells cheap summer 1 i tuobsdat mobsino june 17 1880 poetry a jttnsonor the bummer grass ib growing the bweot june winds are blowing the dusky reaper yonder sings and binds his sunburned sheaves how sweet to lie halfwaking dreainlesb fretlebs careforsaking aud watoh with ppetlovingpess the blow ing of the leaves oh the blowing of the leaves oh the tossing shifting green and the tender bky between that shows in azure glimpses through the blowing of the leaves 1 j how sweet to lie unthinking draughts of balmy perfume drinking from opopauaxiand myrtle where the wind its magic weaves sweet by mellow sunlight litteu to read the tune unwritten i borne inward to the spirit by the blowing of the leaves oh the blowing of the leaves oh the laughing dancing green and the great slow bird half seen that soars the sunshine far above th blowing of the leaves a poets rest divinely lulled by airy songs that finely j steal from rosesweet garden corners or from birds nests ueath the eaves a dreamers peace unshaken by aught that might awaken the bitterness of heart that lies outside the blowing of the leaves oh the blowing of the leaves oh the oloud of happy green and the golden hearted bheen that sifts and settles downward through the blowing of the leaves- our story lumber shingles and lath rtmie unilersigued desireb to iufurui the public l that he has now on haud aud will keep in stock a full liue ojf pine and hemlock as well as other kinds of limber also first and second class pine shingl is lath coal fire wood having purchai ed the coal business of mr c s smith i am pi spared to supply all kinds of stove coal i ha re also a good stock of wood hardwood abu c edar and mill wood at reason able prices wofd and coal delivered james bbown mutual insurance company count r m e mitchell soucrrok cosvevvncik c v t v 1 omcejrirst door west of the champion office main street milton money to loan at 6 percent qhilton allan baird banisters solicitors ix isa geobgeiowx omens creelinans block georgetown and 86 king street east toronto w t alias j shiltox ba- j baiei ba tvaik laldlaw co bakkistebs solicitous oincei over imperial bank 24 wei liugton street east entrance exchange allejy toronto jhx bais q c c a jlastex wili4ait laiulaw gboege kappeu k3tablisuit 1840 factories and of wellington head office cuelph gublph gloth hall all- wool gauze balbrigga2s merino cotton shawdscrundy merchant titjiors guelph wellington maidle works quebec st guelfh insures bail lings merchandize manii- all other descriptions of property on tlis premium note sjstem p 20 atents secured for inventions 1inry grist ottawa caxw- years practice no patent nday w hemstreet fire somed out but not destroyed haying perfected arrangemeutsj for iherebnildingof the j plaiting mill at the head of atroyed by fire ery we would i position than e licensed acctioxeei foij the counties of wellington and haltou orders left at thetnue press office acton or at my residence in acton will lx pro aptly attended to terms reasonable moxey to loax also money to loan on the most favor abb terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 9500 aud upwards sjrveyor john davis provint cial land surveyor and ce guelph owlets by mail or telegraph promptly at ten led u7 charges moderate office 32 perth st guelph john day- i architect gcklph 0rr ojfkicb queens hotel block marker srnare j r a 2 john j daley successor tothotafison jackson i3ionej to loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages pwchased mpne loanedfor parties in mortgages and othe- security conveyancing inyill its branche i properly and- neatly donejcharges low farms andcity property for sale list with farms for sale sent to all parts of ih dominion to intending purchasers and cii culated in europe european capitalist wanting farms in ontario will be sent cli rectiohfi through our enropean agencie farms wanted for our lists correspon dence invited office near the post officp guelph ont s mhe hanl an barber shop mill street acroxr- an easy shave a- stylish hairtent a goo i seafoam an eihilarating shampoo al way i given razors honed and put in firstdas i condition tastily cut ladies and childrens hfti j p wobpkx tonsorial artist mm ssssnra also pumps will be cnas- davidsoni secretwrv fw stone president joht taylor agent fire i firf john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer m marblel 4 granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble river street recentlyde audpurchased uewinachin- nform the public that on or about the 1st o i may we wilbe in a better irer to supply theylxvants in the shape of ltobsb se73eti17g flooeii g mouldings c in the meantime tepalred and general job- bii g done as usual thanking yc u for past favors and hoping by strict attem ion to business and reason able prices to i lerit an increased share of patronage we ire respectfully yours tiio 3 ebb age manager haviiig lately visited the hay pi juudy granite quarriesaud bavinf purchased the entire stock of gray and red granite monuments headstones crosses urnbjetc of alexander taylor at less than cost i will until further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario for in stancegranite monuments 0 ft high i60 7 if s75 ft 90 0 f 1 1100 10 ft 6120 all work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this liue willdd well to call and see me before pprchasing elsewhere as i guarantee my prices are from 30 to 50 per cent below all other dealers acton meat market acton liveiya sale stables john 8 wm er 5 smith proprietor reety acton i rutledge crosson butchers have purchased the business of mr r holmes and solicit a share of public patronage i the members of the firm aro practical batchers and are preparedto eubare their customers j thorough satisfaction there- will alwayb be found oh hand a fall stock of all kindn of meat c in eeasen we have settled in acton to- stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win publio confidence and support rut edge cros6on acton feb 9th 1886j i dcjnt read this ijf fortunes heel its too bad said mrs pelham jubt at the beginning of the season tooand such a gay one as it is going to be yea cooed georgina pelham sym pathetically if old mr silingsby was npingtofail 1 dont see why he couldnt have waited until after lent and such a lot of oxquisite dresses as she has just had over from paris added marbia forrester a pear clor trimmed wittipointaplique nd silver green reps and the sweetest pink lace- of course theyll be no use to her now said mrs pelham hes quite ruined they say m what do you suppose she will do yawned georgina indifferently as if the question did not much matter one way or the other oh i dont know visit around among her relations i suppose said miss forres ter mrs marmaduke walton is her aunt and the marmaduke waltons are very rich poor dear blanche she might have married splendidly if this h dnt hap pened for some people call her very hand some i dont interrupted miss georgina spitefully nor i either assented marcia j i never did fancy those big black eyes aud the brunette style it is very coarse in my opinion but then you know peoples ideas differ and blanche silingsby has been quite a belle georgina- pelham was sauntering along broadway under the smdow of stewcirtb great white palace the nes day her pojnt lace parasol held so as to throw the most becoming rose light upon i er insipid doll face when she suddenly mt blanche sil ingsby face to face georgina held out her tiny hand encased in a delicately tinted straw-colored- kid glove dear me blancei she lisped is this you so glad to see ypu i am sure i hadnt an idea what had become of you i leave town toworrowlsaid blanche quietly i suppose you havo heard of our misfortune oh of course said georgina wonder ing why her companion would revert to suchi disagreeable topics you are going to yonr aunt walton of course notamnot said blanche slightly coloring you forget mj penchant for independence georgina 1 aim going as an instructress in a school at tulbyville where i ehall receive 8500 a year georgina drew back a little you blanche a teaohet yesa tf cher replied miss silings by why a jdd i not its so vulgar said 188 saluhrioui village of telhf ville and miss lagrange was a busycmrung little lady of forty or thereabout fihot speedily took a great fancy to her new governess and loaded miss silir gsby with kindness they are all good girls j my love she said dese ibing to blanche her new pupils but maty arden is a little peculiar j and neejds my careful management miss jones your predecessor was a good young person but we iid to part with hor because mary arden toe k saob a violent antipathy to heir an 1 colo lei arden is one of our best pat xous miss s lingsby in couaequeuoe of this judicious warning felt a little uneasy when first she sat down to give a musio lessdn to a darkhaired sallow little girl to whom she was i ltroduced as mary arden but when the hours ordeal was over the child threw hoi arms carelessly about the young teachers neck ilikeyoti miss silingsby she i said i am so glad you have oome here papa will like you too i know you aire so pretty an 1 softvoicedj and you dont jerk about as tfiss jones used to do forblincho had conquered the wilful restless capricious child who was the dread anil dismay of miss lagranges whole corps of instruct resses v mary arden now grown into a girl of eighteen was sitting by the grate fire in a splendidly furnished apartment half- bou doir hal dressingroom whioh was hung with crei lmcolored velvets just the color of the ea liest spring primroses and the carpet w ib patterned to resemble golden sea moss es birds warbled in their cages newly ct t hot house plants flung heavy odors on the air and the little yables loaded with books and work an evidence of femiu ue presence while by the farthest window lat a beautiful woman dressed in white caihmere with her hair coiled simply at the bi ok of her neck and fastened by a pearl coi ib blanche silingsby once now the wife f colonel eustace arden for our blanche had drawn a prize ih the lotteryo life and had married the finest man in the rich city of j two beau tiful littl e boys were flaying at her aide with a s nail dog who rolled and barked in an ecs tocy of canine enjoyment over the carpet and altogether it was asi beautiful a picture cf domestic enjoyment as one would wish to iee i as mr s arden bent over toj watch the gambols of her lovely children a servant came into the room i 1 a yc ung person is downstairs madam who has heard that colonel arden wanted a uurser y governess forhislittle sons and wbnldje to pply for the situation said hartley who having lived with the ardens for twer ty years justly esteemed himself as one of tnfe family ask her to come in at once said mrs arden dont go mary dear she aid to her slepdaughter ishall want your judgmei t as well- as my own and vhileshe was yet speaking the applicai t for the position was shown in a pale wo nan in black she p msed suddenly as her eyes fell on mrs aijden a fullblossomed beauty the tobacco ohewer did you ever sea this fellow he is leaning against thej wall of the grocery look at the puddle all around him on the sidewalk see his dripping jaws look at his bedribbled shirt bosom vest and trousers the lady is trying to pass she has oh a newness with clean whiteskirts she holds up her dress in horror and shies around that puddle as though it was smallpox or a snake she will be lucky if the fellow does not actaally expectorate upon her beautiful silk dress he is a tobacoochawer he travels on the cars sometimes when he does so he splatters tbja floor within a yard around him a bad smell comes up around the place if you happen to look that way you get so bick you dont know what to do your insides roll as if yon were seasick you feel as though if your dearest friend on earth chewed and spit to bacco that you never want tofonie within a mile of him again you remember that in- travelling all through europe you never saw a man chew tobacco or spit upon the floor or anywhere elfje nobody but ameri cans spit incessantly boys remember it is not necessary at all it is only a habit and the sickeningest habit americans have dont get in the way of it if yon want to be called a gentleman when the disgusting tobacco spitter comes to his journeys end he goes off and leaves his place empty decent people shun that seat as if it was a plague spot ladieslookatit draw back their skirts and look awfully sour good gracious theyd rather stand for two or three hours than bring heir pretty clothing in coijtact with that filth when thisfellow was a boy he thought it was smart to learn to chew tobacco and squirt 4ud expectorate all over creation he thought it looked big and manly now that he ib a man he would almost ive his head some times if hed never learned he cant expectorate fh a parlor in church or any place where nice people are and he is in torment if he is hot rolling his quid in hismouth like a cow phewing her cud he would give the world to quit it but he cant if you ask him and he gives you an honest answer he will tell you so boys the only way is never to learn in the first place the earth hath price three cents lo te at home trea sure fair and bright deep buried i i he caves an oceanhidetl i ma ay a gem with her blui i cur ling waves yet not within ler t osom dark or neath the dashing foam lies there a treasur s equaling a word of love at pgp ri i name true sterling happii ess and joy are not with gold allied nor can it yield a pi iasnre like a merry fireside i envy not the man who dwells in stately hall or dome j amid his splendor 1 e hath not a word of love at hdme the friends whom f ime has provedsincere tie they alone ct n bring a sure relief to hea ts that droop neath sorrows i eavy wing though care and trjublemay be mine as down lifes pal h i roam ill heed them not hile still i have a wordof love at home an opium eaters stoey crawling over red iot bars of iron is his fearful ftenzy- a scientific invest- gatjon anc its results ii ciicinnali times-star- opium or death this brief sentenc was fairly hissed into the ear of a prominent druggist on vine street by a personjvho a few years ago well off is today a 1 lopeless wreck one can scarcely realize the sufferings of an opium victim dc quincy has vivid- lyportrayed itr but who can fitly describe the joy of the rfescut d victim h c wilson of iiovelaria offormerly with march harwcod fc co manafactttr- ing chemists o st jouis and of the well- known firm of h c wilson co chem ists formerly of thi b city gave our reporter yesterday a bit of thrilling personal experi ence in this line thave crawled over red hot bora of iron- and coals of fre he sojd inmy seorgina hilf and you have so than live on the rich relations mr smith has purchased the livery business of mil hbjmccarthy which he has remove 1 to his commodious stables on john street in- the centre of ie business portjon of thej town mr smith has hod lengthy experience in this business and feels confident that he can give satisfaction to every patroi i anyone desiring a gosuxieroial p10- nvp or com papy rijf canbe suriplied with a firstcliss iornout on the shortest notice the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice it any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath stavjs head ing shingles wa tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood horses hoarded and sold terms reasc liable agony during an or rum frenzy also flour and pbejd and anything in the line of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities thos omoore closing- her blue eyes many rich relations i would rather die grudgingly given chanty of said blanche vehemently of course said georgina pelham you cant expect to retain the friendship of those who are obliged to be exclusive if i what do you mean blanches large block eyes were fixed unflinchingly on miss pelhams face as if she would read the very inner depths of her soul georgina crimsoned she was angry it her own dis comfiture i meau she said sharply that i for one cant be expected to associate with a teacher i should continue to visit you in spite of your fathers failure if you had re tained your position as a laiy but i think said blahohe quietly that i am perhaps the best jtdge of how to manage my position as a it dy goodbye f st irancis nunan successor to t f chapman b06kbindr georges square guelpli ontario awjount books qfafl kin da made to ordir periodicals of evj description carefully bound georgina that day she met miss pelham for a second time surrounded bv aoircleof chat tering young gentleman ey iglassed moos toched and perfumed in th excess of the style georgina saw her but she neither smiled nor nodded i am no longer oh the list of her ao quaintances blanche tl ought with a bitter smile twell solet it be my path in life is marked out for rni and i cannot swerve from miss lagrange i ieptj a r select and neatiyvncf p dope j elegant testablishmebt f o misses at the tn t i- v isfjcili can it be possible she faltered blanche silingsby and the same iilstantthe recognition be came matal geoigina pelham miss 1elham blushed vivid scarlet mrs arden 1 alf smiled and bit her iipb for both renembered in the one seoond how they had parted but mrs arden was too generous to remind her pld associate of what she evidently remembered too well 1 shall be delighted to have you as a governeiis to my boyb shesaid cordially after a few questions had been asked and answered it will seem like old times georgina to have you with me once again georgina burst into tears si r i dont deserve that you should be ao generous blanche after the haughty inso lence i showed you lettliepastbe forgotten said mrs arden gently and that was the last allusion that was ever made to the day when they parted on broadway ten years before thejcrnoible of affliction which had taught gleorgina pelham the folly of her own false viewa had purified her nature also aid blanche arden was avenged canadian fisheries the number of men engaged in the fish eries oi canada last year was 59493 the number of vessels 1117 the number of boats 29472 and the number of fathoms of nets 3014384 the value of the vessels was 5 821633 of boats- 8852257 and of nets 8 219284 including weirs and other fishiiif materials the total value of the fishing plant in 1885 was 6697 460 these figure show an inorease over those of 1875 of 63 9 in the number of men employed of 3561 ons in the vessels of 6262 in the numbsr of boats and of 9558010 iu the value of vessels boats and nets thf official value of the yield of the fisheries of canada in 1885 is given at 8177 2972 of whioh nova scotia is credit ed wi h 88283923 new brunswick 84005- 430 prince edward island 81298430 british columbia 81078038 qaebeo 81- 719 io and ontario 1942692 the values of tto i yield of some of- thtfprincjpal fish in 1885 arej cod 84536732 herring 82- 475118 lobsters 8a613731 salmonj 1 152818 mackerai gl59p424 haddock i651d88 trout 84945932 sardines 363- 7s1 whitefish 8286955 pees of english physicians apropos of doctors the english profes sional journals have been telling- wouderful stories about the fees of english physicians the students journal says sir andrew clarke makes over 875000 a year which the medicaljournal says is strictly true others odd that dr redoliffe lised tomake an average annual income of 835000 a year and dr baillie 850000 that sir abtley cooper took 85000 in a single fee that- some other doctor got 810000 for going to pan from london that catherine ii of russia paiddr dimsdale 60000 for vaccination j the paris temps thinks all this english boasting very immodest and unprofessional atid intimates that no french doctor will allowsuch facts about his pecuniary- gains to become known it observes however in order to give sometdea of what french doctors could reveal if they chose that it is within its personal knowledge that nelaton on one occasion refused 880000 to go to 3t petersburg to perform avery simple operation my captains orders how is it i dontseemtohearyou speak bad words asked an old sailor of a boy oh board a manofwar oh cause i dont forget my captains orders sir answered the boy brightly captains orders cried the old sailor i didnt know he gave any he did said jem jand i keep em 6afe here putting his hanttfe his breast here they are said jem sjfowly and distinctly say unto you swear not at all neither by heaven for it ib gods throne hor by the earth for it is his footstool neither by jerusalem for it is the city of the great king neither shalt thou swear by thy head because thou canst not make one hair white or black but let your otmmunicatioube yea yea nay nay for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil matt v 3437 from the good old book i see said the- sailor ah yes youve got your orders i the very tie v mae a round million of dollars manufacturer who started the manufacture of roller skates has made a rounl 81000000 in the business he be gan n a little woodshed ai d now has a f ao- tory of over 400 feet in length if the roller floating craze coi tmuea to disap pear the woodshed will jbe large enough agai exchange hoiiowaysointmentand pill as spring approaches a most favorable opportunity offers for rectifying irregularities removing impurities and erasing blemishes which have arisen from the presence of matters forbad by winter from being transpired through the- pores this searching dint- ment well rnbbedupon the skin penetrates to the deeplyseated organs upon which it exerts a most wholesome and beneficial in fluence well nigh all the indigestions give way to this simple treatment aided bypurifyiug and aperative doses of sollo way 8 pills round each box of which plain instructions- ore folded bilious dis orders iosb of appetite fulness ii tereatfng lassitude gout and rheumatism may be effectively checked in their pmnful pro gress and the seeds of long suffering eradi cated by these remedies j la bad naulor a year ago my head was covered with sores and the eruption covered my face also and spread even until the backs of my hands were sore i became weak and ill finding ho enre i tried burdock blood bitters twobottles perf eotiy cured van statement of miss minnie stevenson cooagne n b the meed of ment for promoting person- thought of my sufferings freezes iny blood arid chills my boms i was then eating over 30 grains of oj ium daily ho w did you a ntract the h libit excessive bus ness cares broke me down and piy- do jtor prescril ed opium i that is the way nil letenths of cases com mence wlien t di itermined to stop how ever ifound icoul inotdo it j you may be surprised to know he said that twofift hs of the sh ves of mor phine and opium are physician i many of those i met we studied our oases care fully we found o it what the srgans were in which the appet ite was developed and sustained thatno victim was free from a demoralizedjpondit on of those rgans that thehgpeofateuvdeoended entirely upon ths degree of vigor tchh h could be imparted to them i haye seen- patients v hile under going treatment jpmpelled to resort to opium again to dealen the lidnible painiin thoseorgans itaalvelhowievrescapel do ydu mean t say mr v that you haveeonquerea the habit indedl have do you object 1 o telling me how no sir studying thb riatter with several dpiumeatii gphysicians we became satisfied that the i ppetite for opium was locted in the kidt eys arid liver our nest object was to find a specific for restorinh those organs to health thejphysicians much against theit code addressed their attention to a certain remedy and became thoroughly convinced on ite scientific merits alone thatlit was the only one that could be relied uponjin every case of dis ordered kidneys andjliverl i thereupon be gan using it and supplementing it with myown special treatment finally got fully over the habit i may say that the most important part oi the treatment is to get those organs first into good working condi tion for in them the appetite originates and is sustained and in them joveruinety per cent of all other human ailments origi- nate for the last seven years this position has been taken y the proprietors remedy and fint lly it is knawledged scientific truth medical profess on many of ever do hot ope aly acknowledge it and yet knowing they h ive no other scientific speci fic their coden t allowing them to use it they buy it upenthe quiet and prescribe it in their own bottles i as isaid before the opium and mor phine habits oa a never be cured until thl appetite for them is routed out of the kid neys and liver- i have fried t verything experimented vith everything and- the resnltofmy studies and investigation i can say i know nothing can acmplibhthis result but wornersfeafe curer i of that becoming an ac- among the them how- al testhetics is due to j c ayer f co we take pleas ire in publishing the above whose hair vigor is a universal beautifier of the hair harmless effective agreeable it ranks among indispensable articles tot the toilet to scanty looks it gives luxojri- ance and withered hair it clothes with the hue of youth have otheri triecf your treitment yes sir many and all wlo have fol lowed it fully have recovered several of them who didiiot first treat their kidneys and liver for si i or eight weeks as i advised them complexly failed this fonri of treatment is always insisted ipon for all patients whether treated by r loil or at the loveland opiim institute and supple mented by our specialprivate treatr4entr it oways cures j mr wilson stands very high wherever known his experience is only another proof of the wc nderf ol and conceded power of wariiers ss fe cure over all diseases of the kidneys lier and bloody and the dis- eabes caused by derangements of those orj gane we iniy say thai it is very flatter ing to the prop rietots of warners safecure thafrit has ricetved the highest medical endorsement i ad after persistent study it is admitted by scientists that there is noth ing in materia medica for the restoration ql those great or ans that equals it in power statements coi aing from so reliable a bourefe- as mr wilsonratid oonfirrting by personal experience whjat ws hare tinto and again rmblislied in o ir columns wo also extend totheproprielors onr hearty congratola- tions on the ronlta wrought vsi

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