Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1886, p. 2

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j pyy fi st jlttmt fm jpteu thbrrdat morxiko jcxb 17 1880 v u h it ii r- conference news and motet on godertoh one of the p rettt- est towns in canada a pteasakt visit iu the notes from goderieh whicj ap peared in the frbk prkss two weeks ajjo we intimated that another budget r light be expected for tho following week- bn our time being fully oocupied with other mat ters the promised letter was precludo i un til this issue the limited space this sveek forbids any thing like a detailed report of the prooeeding8 of the very interesting sessions of oonforcpoe but a f ew observa tions willno doubt be acceptable the first business after tho oustonary hour of devotional exercises was the very important matter of tho election ol the president of conference for the eniuing year to our own district was given the distinguished honor of supplying the shief offioer tr w s griffin the esteiraed chairman of guelph distriot being el ted by a good majority on the first ballot rev t m campbell was then elected sesty ton mv m i rev j c stevenson formerly of a asst secretary and bev j fi iher formerly of nassagaweya journal sec considerable anxiety was evinced bj ministerial brethren until the list of tions for the year was presented bj stationingcommitteo and no doubt interest wisfalso felt in the matter by laymen generally the final draft of ministers stationed on this district and vicinity is as follows guelph first norfolk street joseph iw holmes hugh t crossley left without an appointment at his own request in ty the sta- the deep the fca i of evangelistic work gnelgh seco id- dublin street w s griffin dd llex k kirksrbjk guelph third pa sley treetwilliam savage ponsonby i saac crane elora james broley sainuelf- fear superannuated fergus joseph s colling marsville william willinott bejlwood thomas grundy eramc sa jas walker bockwood francis s van wesley s kerr acton robert phil ips georgetown j w snilton ba 3eo h cobhledickba erinjandballinafad joseph markham edwin l elagg j gray treasurer of superannuation f and toronto john c eomeroyb a oaki cod kelson burns ma supernumerary tor- ento dr griffin chairman j w hoi mes financial secretary guelph district was divided and the new fialt district formed from the sepaiated territory rev w c henderson m a was stationed at gait and elected chair nan our readers generally are acquainted with the following ministers and wi 1 be interested in their changes r c len ders tohespeller wm birks and j j bapp to nassagaweya wm shanncn to teviotdale j h carson to strati ord a m phillips bd to st marys a a bowers ba to bly th- in niagara conference t xooi e to princeton r hobbs to niagara falls south j in london conference wm bryes tfq dresden the business of the conference proa eded with dispatch and with three session per dayand the work of the committees be tween hours it will be perceived that the delegates had very little idle time upon ntheirhands many interesting discissions took- laco in conference and numerous points o r in- terestjto the church at large were br ught out in consequence the approai hing general conference held but once in four years in toronto nex september gave the annriiil conference much more bus iness than on ordinary years the evening sessions were particn larly interesting and profitable as on thos oc- casionsaddresses by prominent and elo quent speakers were given and the aud ence was much enlarged by the attenclan e of the people of the town among the sj eak- fers at the public services were bev dr carman general superintendent dr eby missionary to japan dr sutherland of the mission rooms dr dewart editor of the christian guardian dr burwasli of victoria ijniversity dr shaw of the wealeyan theological college lion xeal james gray tres supn jfund tori into dr withrow editor of sabbath s heol publications t l wilmniion and i b eeefer of the dominion alliance toronto the services of sunday were the si ecial attraction of the conference to visitors ami the church on 8unday morning was filled as never before the conference love feast from 9 to 11 presided over bj the bev josias green was marked with spiritual unction and the experiences were clear bright and encouraging the ordi nation sermon by dr carman was a grand andeloquent exposition at the close j h carson 6 f saltan and j b irton were received into full connection am i orj dinedbyj dr carman arid dr griffin assisted by several other senior mini iters an excellent sermon was preached it the evening by rev wesley casson o 1 ark- dale conference adjourned on tuesday even ing to meet iu gait at nine oelock ot the first wednesday in june 1887 among the delegates to conference here were no less jthan six membenjs of the secu lar press messrs j j cabbe argut st marys t hilliard chronicle water loo t mcgivenijfeortrtergalt w h kerr poa bruesels c w rut edge staadarti markdale and h p uoore ipke piikse acton the signal deserves especial mentio i for its enterprise daring the conference reek its eneretio and enthufliasfcio proprii tors messrs t d mogilhcnddy ma ce it one of the most jnteresting spioy am ac ceptable local newspapers ruheland i very week but a special effort was put fort a on this occasion after giving a complet i list of the delegates and i their hosts the first draft of station of the ministers and k re port of conference proceedings up tc the hour of going to press it had no less than ten eolomus of extrarmatter descriptd re of goderieh aitfito attractions includi ag a kngthytegendary poem by one oi the editfcm ode wont buffer for wajnt of leuvpatron ige aooorded it by the roaidonta of the town aud county personally we owe the ooi irtooua andjfriendly proprietors a debt of gratitude for favors extended daring our ttay in the town our previous notes described godorioh pretty- ull but the more we saw of it the more wo appreciated the place it is beautifully situated and the cool bummer breoees which coniinually blow from the great norli ertrlake render it a desirable placeaor residence during tho hooted months t has wido clean aud sh idy streets ivi h beautiful maples in evsry direction its people are friendly md courteous it has numerous and creditt ble moroantilo establishments but it f lels sadlytho 1 ick of additional manufactories olio tiling about tho place surprised us greatly 1 hat was the faot that tho tt wu had tho aipearanco tiight and day o a civilized ciitfle ranch for animals oi all kinds areft 3 oe soen running at largo in every direc lion in this particular gw ler ich is awiy behind the age we have pleasure in inviting the town counoil to pay acton a vii it or we will send them aleaf out of our miuicipal note book for hero a cow by it w has been in successful opera tion at all i lours tot the past five years before bidding adieu to goderieh wo must express our thanks to mr geo b cox of the british exchange hotel who provided j or us so comfortable a home daring our visit the british is a first class hostilry in every respect and the travelling public are accorded courtebub treatment ind are invariably well cared for the c ining room has a wide reputa tion the scott act is in forcerin huron but altliou h the machinery in that county is very defective the proprietor of this hotel evide itly observed the provisions of the act ver y carefully and consistently j in returi ing home we digressed a little from the direct route and came by way of woodstock here we found niagara con ference in session and spent a few hours very pleas intly with members thereof many of wl om were old friends and former pastors woodstock is a hive of industry and is todi y one of the busiest towns in ths land she has important manufac tories and is- continually growing iu this direction it now boasts of or daily news paper the evening standard which isi a sprightly a id enterprising journal owned by mr adenholm an experienced- jour nalist who is bound to make the influence of his papei felt in its territory mr j stewart a iormer halton boy is the lockl editor and ably sustains the positions- while in fl oodstock we had the pleasure of a short l iterview with mr g rpat- tullo of tb e sentinelrevietc expresident qf the canadian press association and secretary ot the niagara falls park cotn- mission in compiny with rev t a moore we visited sail ord and ingersall and the next day proceeled to hamilton to visit friends in that citj here we attended an excel lent entert inment by the young peoples missionary society of wesley churqh presided over by dr hunter the newly- elected president of niagara cqnferenbe while in tl e city we yisited that large fac tory of the meiriden britannia works and were very ourteously shown through tjhe various departments of these interesting works tl e productions of the establish ment are o a very superior quality andjiu large deroa id the variety of goods maiiu- factured is really surprising i on wednesday eveuiug we arrived safe and sound it home and were pleased j to find that e erything had gone ou satisfac torily in otrr absence and that through tbe attention o the editor pro tern the fijek pbess was 3ourishingnd just as interest ing as ever illegal lathing to tho oditor of tho f iibss demi sin on n riday afternoon a number of young in ud boys were bath ing in the mill pou u prohibited hours and in exposed phii some of thorn going so far as to engago i doing in the adjoin ing fields in a nude idition out of in spect to their pare i dud frfends i will forbear takirfg aotii n the oiise this time bnt trust thoy will tikei iluo warning that forsuoh mifidcods r will horoirr be deah with accordii illaw mid be tnido publio examples of tho- iiaston i costityv i actourhth june 188i v ros t eaton co 1 90 to 1 96 yongo street big sale of dress goods stook very complete special value in ninny lines we are confident that a more complete aud attractive stock can not be found where you can buy suitable dress materials ats 10 12i 15 20c per yard and up new goods in all shades for nobby b jermt goods at lowest i am ofljaring tor the juno traje special induobmbnts housekeepers and others requiring anything in tio liihej mentioned below can rest assured that they cati buy from me at more reasonable prices than any ojther store in acfon and as cheap as any cjutside toronto i have given the staff p irticular instructions not to misrepresentgoods and qustomers will find goods exu ctly as yo represent them to be t buy for cash savir g thereby laige discounts i sellfor cash on trade consequently have bo lad debts so inintelli- gent public can see at a glance thi tit is not necessary for cash stores to pile on big profits in order to live as pedt stbresj hafe to do or in other words make the promptpaying customer pay fot the one that never kitendfl to pay the followuig lints i have recuced fully twentyffvtle per cent and oyer in some cases with tho exception of groceries whichjl will sell as cheap as the chinapest dltess goods in nunij silk grenadines pongee silkp hack velvets velveteens aud crape c oths hosieryall makes and pricesi gloves to suit ejverybodv doritfail to see our misses lisle gloves at 156r- jiorsets hoop skirts white lawns ladies this sale affords you a grand- opportunity to purchase your victorialawns for the warm weather the prices range from 7ic up see them in our window our 12jc white 20c a yard law 1 is worth coibr ed tiawns by tho hundred picees from 4ic per jard up urcat variety of patter us remember tlie wmchjl villi sell as cheap as the cwapest i cloth jersey cloth canvas cloth black and colored allwool cashmere black and colredj lustres ick and colored gros grairl silks black and colored satinblack satin merveilleus black andscolored range than we have now on our counters beautiful desigus n canvas bustles and ladies underwear pllikts no house i cafnada has ever shown a nicei prinfsa good cloth fast cofrs splendid pattern for 10cw tons white cottons shirtings ducks denims towels tow filing great value brown holland table damask t etc house fuilnishfefe carpets in tapestry union and hemp floon and stair oilcloths curtaibs oi ll worth 12ic ginghams and muslins to please everybody 11 i 1 v c tt1i 1- ftill tv -i- i style ask to see the madras mu3liii at 25c per yard it makjes lovely curtains and warranted to wash well millinelly altllough it is getting late in the season lam still adding novelties in this departu gh it is gett c correct styles and a competent lac y iu charge boots and shoes wall psapeisand groceries all at prices to suit the times department auc nearly turkijsh kug from 3 up custoiaers place cjrifans old stand the halton dry gocds house acton i i the great rush of customers still coming to the right t- it is a sight well worth seeing to cone to this widely celebrated house any time on market days or any afternoon to see the immense udmberoe ladies if ho throne the wholo length ofthese enormous stois so that it is very difficult toifind counter room- for all this shows beyond dispute that tbequalitiesofjtlicgojds mnsi bejgood thc styles must be attrnctivo and ashidpable and the prices cheap vvatkins has never had such anenormous sale fordfess goods as he has thiseason then vhei ladies get them made up by jliss amisu his oelobracd dressmaker who fits them to tbelr entire satisfaction goodlooking ladies appear almost argelic whfle ordiiarylladies look charming the dresses fit so beautifully a id sitfio gracefully on them the mantles and millinery forewomen are also kept hardlatwork and suit tfysladies exactly so that thoy are all driven in rilling tho nniberons orders which are constantly bcinggiven them the rush of customers for millinery and parasols is astonishing- oc casipned by the beauty and cheapness of theso goods pa rasols from 25u to 7 millinery m the yery latest fashions at all prices there has been a great rush for nbtlinj hani lace cur tains madras curtains calcutta jloth curtains ithama curtains swiss lace curtains and curtain materials by tho yard in damask kep rhama cloth jahmtta cloth iraw silk and many othor kinds thero s an immense assortmentof table and piano covers in these goods also see the table damask and table cloths in bleached half bleached and colored the qualities are toad and the values are superior about 200 dozen towels and table napkins in various styles arid makei very dheap several hundred dozens of ladies missesteents aud boys handkerchiefs collars ties and gloves in firstclass value f the largest corset business in ontaiiois done by the eight house the manufacturers say gray gotlonsaud sheetings white cottons tickings pillow cottons bleachedjbheetings mhofrocks celebrated m ikf window hollands iu various colors canadian tweeds lit unusually low pricos rlaukets and white anduolorod quilts inabandance carpets mattings mats fngs w indow blinds rollers stair rods carpet sweepers etc rfn linn onso variety comet and opera collars at 0c remember there are large quantities qf dress goods in b aek and colored and several othor goods that were marked dojvn to cost orundcr cost which aro btiu selling at the reduced prices- mindtue rightpcuse is on j king west of hughson street the naiuo s thomas o wialbzirists aohange imperat ive to the edito of this fbek phesb j dejls sii willydn allow me to call the attenti ra of your readers to a matter which- verj- seriously concerns the laige and iafluei tial class of the community who are engageqin agriculture ljrefer to the too commc n practice which obtains in this neighborhc od and no doubt elsewhere also of raising t he heavyjibeams and f ramewdrk of barns ai d other largebuildings without the aid of machinery thus endangering the lives and li robs of those called to assist iif the work and that notwithstanding the sad accidei its which too often occur aflhe result eaui ing in some cases loss of life or lifelong si fferink- surely tho advanced civilization of educated canadashould jay aside this l elic of the past and adoptr a more ratioi tal ni6dof proceeding ib there not machi lery which can bo used with safety and which can perform the required work in a satisfactory manner such being it not the duty of farmers to the nseof machinery in all ifdiisef urnishlng department iron bedsteads clean strong and nicely finished with brass mountings in- fifteen different styles single to double sizes i 450 65 6 7 s8 and 89 eacb wire mattresses to fit auy size oi bedstead 8250 to s5 each mixed matresses any size from cot up 150 to s5 each housekeepers should sec our bedstead depart ment they arc all best english make j j cornice poles for the million from 1 foot to 12 feet long we coutinueto sell our noted pole for 45c 5 lect lung lends brackets and rings complete dont fail to see tins live department take centre elevator to carpet room 0 lace curtains by the hundred over 250 styles to select ifoni at eatons prices range from 46c to 810 per pair largest lace curtain department in the city curtain chains finely finished brass 20c to 8125 per pair take a look at our round brass stair rods 75c per dozen they are worth 8125 in regular price four bales of sinyrua rugs just opened selling at our reduced prices 8449 worth 86 8336 worth 85 remember the big carpet sale now going oil hamilton june 10th 1880 oldb -y- gray cot- every 3 up will find house one door oeie qf jp 5 and 7 wyiidham st ciielp elrh 84 oswald st glasgow ordered cldthlng -o- itosztsr nsr eeejsoisr we are the only direct importers in guelph our goods are iv hat the publie want 35hfci to tho outeido orld es tbe j xcel i the case i insist upoi cases whei be raised ii t the other farm to heavy timbers are required construction of barns or buildings that thus one catibe of danger ind suffering may bo avoided pkecautiqn bockwoold jane 11th 1886 r i from 75 cme to8250 at j hats fyfeb if you want a nobby durable aud cheap ijiuit go to i fyfes acton sprin suits and overcoats at extreme ly low pric es and made in the latest sty i ee be sure to call and se them at j fyfes acton theoradlb stonaousejon the 30th nltj at strathrjoy the- wif of rev j stohehouso of a danghtei cbippb a i cfewsonstjorners on the 18th june ths wifejof mr alexcripps of ft danghte m j kail order department this department is for the con venience of customers who cannot come to the eit write for sam ples of anything you want all orders receive the utmost atten- tionfrom a special and thoroughly oempetent staff addressj mail order department t eaton co 190 tc 196 y0nge street tobonto ont nott advertisements good pasture rphe undersignod can supply goodpauro vtith jl abundauce of water apply to atiex b weight nolse for sale the subscriber will sell on very uaby termb the house aud lot on church street now occupied by peter lee adjoining the dwelling p51 charles speight aild iinmodlatoly behind geo hynds jewellery store price 800 ono- third cash and the balance may remain inde- fluetly at 0 per cent interebt information may bib had from the editor of the fiiee piiess or by addressing b0bt waiiteb m d wbnkensvfxie uebks co pa nows the time the our prices win the approbation of all our styles arc correct i our dressmaker miss fodd is the citv our milliner miss marriott has no superior our gutter mr mckezi very best fit he has the latest 1- we hold the largeet slock tollowino lines colored dress silks from 373c fancy striped satin from40c colored satin from 25o lovely tricotine dress goods from 20c nuns veiling striped colored and black from loo extra iheavy cotton worth 10c for 7c extra heavy whito cotton worth 12c forloo leading mo 1 vjist e in can be depended on to give the connection of any cutter in ontario j i begs to iuforni the public that ho has jopened an ordered clothing department and has a choice stock of a i scotch english m and canadian tweeos worsteds fancy pantjings c it lowest lrices satisfaction on i t we still have on hand a full linn nice fresh gro viaii teed oil ixrft gooidsveliro veey cheap terms cash or produce only jcm kelson merchant tailgring jeries i i a r a icoinpictc new stock of- west of tronto cmbraciug tlie best slrfrtin at l2jc i heavy ticking at 10c 1000 mens suits at 305 j 450 boys suits at 3100 75 dozen whito shirts from 50c j 125 dozen mens tics frohi 50c a dozen 600 english felt hats worth 9150 to j250 for 50c cloths and tweeds very cheap j d williamson co tjs altar oabson dtetz4in dublin st methodist church gnelph on the 16th june by rev lr grifflnpresidentoiconfewrjoe rev j j i carson colleague of rovi dr griffin i o miss gertie dietz daughter of mr j h dietz 23 paisley st gneb cakiujc i r on the isl inst by he rev dr carman general superintej id- ent met odlst church at albert college bellevilh a r carman ba of pias- eott edit r of the leeds and grenv lie nwid oldest son of the officiatng ministor to gertrude eldest daughter of if affl er jsq jf beltevp ljte rwbsps8 valuable premium given free with canadas popular weekly thb western advebtiseb of london has just mads another important stop in advance it now appears regtflarly in twelve page form and in addition to all its welllmowu popular features gives in each issue sam jones sermons the international sabbath lessons a completo story etc et it is vastly improved in every respect for dalancej op tear tbo price is only 50c or in clubs of five and over iqc eacb post age stomps accepted for fractional uarts of a dollar samples tree 13eaib subscriber trtlf be ontitled without additional cost to one of the following premi ums which ebould be ordered as per number viz 1 1 portrait uallery 3 homh and health a phases ueclpee i ladie itancy work giiilo icsbegistered letters oomeat oqr risk il- dress plainly kfivebtisf r fbi wong 00 lommjkojitahio 1886 sipkristg- gspringspringsprinrsiirinff n i r 1 sijringsprigsprigspijiugsprihgspringspringpriiib l english irish scdtch and e nelson formerly of actok oapadian rjhe latest styles in- l- fine black and cblored worsteds spring overcoatings gbntlemen rcquiriufr any thiug in roy line qau dtpena oil ge ft luff tllo very lat6t style m cloths with fi6uavknianship gubrouticdr spnngspringspringspr p r i n 4 spring is here anil along with it the season ifor house cleaning cind paper hangi dp you want to decorate your walls wilha paper which will always pleaseou if so buy your wall paper j eh designs good coloiinghioli 1886 o and boeders fromi owson o- prioeslo- mm m o show co0dsu r e rl8jy d9upper wn and fine hea hgllowats street lth for a ll pills m blntment purify tto biood liveb sjcouach i eorreot all disorders oftho kidkby8 and bows tjioy invigorate anb restore tohealth debilitated cbnstltiitionsi and are invaluable in all complainta incidental to females of 11 ages for childrlerr anld the aged tiey are jpriceless r 18 ussfl 1 badkeasts01doundi sorisand ulcers it wfisraoasforaontftndrhbnmauam for fisordere of the chest it has no equal i poa aoabaoatb boohitib pouais oqlps glandular swellings and all skin diseaaes it lias no rival v ant for contracted and stiff f joint8itactalikeach4rni uy tiascmsablishment j 7 vfttakpa 80xftr4 stroe london bni aiirtaie 8old fyjmm 38s i ojrboxor potj andmay i oe had of all medioirie yendorthdrigbo ilthc ivorld kputoua8h sbonld look tt te label ontbe pbte aad sexea oxford street londoniiy aie spur ous hr if the address is nto wki pr specta largest ft the sight i spectacle call when keeps a el hougf soring tbl thelargd pegtlosf foreign goods thb crt provided vnbw f unei strav tbe fl turnips board evening mprnjng sumi best foot fil statutj in rural ieo go to ham afddrl to behkif tgeorga gototliej3 a meecul be held in ing fhi jewellery guelph j 350anpvri rraeom ment oj prising speiaj pnr generally gee platcft asteceiijji new sidi the yard i respectah whai privafe boast of ji nieaas of the 1 mmm

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