Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1886, p. 3

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tho r preserve your eyeslgh spectacle stock at geo hands largest iu town an optometer for todtiujj the sight all kinds fapoctaclmwim spectacles from 25c upwards give call when yon want a pair geo iiyds acton ont jred a ns jof nt lli- led rts ras lot- fp- ind j m fernley keep n splendid assortment of nil klurti hocbe hants h kxging basket i nd qkddtxu plants iiurnik the spring wnon all cheap tor the lawcst oiul best assorted stock of lfctloxkia in towu cheap koroifcu nml domestic fkrits caked goods kiskbt cigars in u c market v jm y thcrmut mousing junk 17 1886 crumbs for breakfast fll provided y the ever thoughtful press reporters ot ash con- i roe shiug shower fell jester day r it ik f be ir- li m our for the jail ast r i of a n a i i ie p t i f all lit novtfor strawberries june roses arc blooming strawberry shortcake is now in scabon the farmers aro now sowing tieir turnips board of educatiou next morula evening a ref res moruin summer resorts are now putting their best foot fiist s statute labor is uow being performed iu rural districts the orauge lodges of the county will 0 to hamilton on the 12th of july a fourda j temperance camp is liltely to be held iu georgetown in september georgetown firemen and the brass b and go to the stratford tournament toda a meeting of the board of healthavill be held in the council chamber this ejen tog- f h lee toronto has purchased the jewellery business of mr w s sunjith guelph would it be considered sacnlegioufc to hae a little more fresh air in some of churches a full attendance of the members hip of acton lodge ioof lsrequested tomorrow evening the mayor of barrio has fined john muir 110 or thirty days in jail for running an illicit still a sewing machine which is held in hand and operated like a pair of scissors is one of the latest productions p t b yes acton has a base club somebody sajs tliej were at gait saturday address the clippers we notice that wind mills are b ery generally introduced in many partii of the county for facihutilg the watering of stock the new reuiuiiig wall in course erectiou in the cut at limehouso line- piece of work some excellent iienal is being used the international sangerfebt and chor al societies reunion at berlin on lith 12th and 13th of august promises to be occasion of special interest mr cjawshawhasimprosed his pop ert on mill ind guelph streets very tenally the near new fences give plau a homelike appearance gaits rate of taxation for 1886 will 20 mills andthis wont meet the expendi ture of the year by about 82000 the twn needs a new finance minister the couuty courtand general sess ions were held on tuesday but there was business to do and the jurors were pawl wenfchome hilton reformci phe street and sidewalk committee is having the sidewalks put in a good stata of repair no village in the country can s how better sidewalks than acton has mr robert nicholl nassagaw raised a u6x54 feet bank barn on fri last aj arge number of the neighbo farmersturned oat to the bee gait has contracted for 25 arc lights of 2000 candle power from dubk to c ay light for 27 cents each per night gal a goahead town and bound to prosper the wellington county council has refused to make a grant to the provincial exhibition to be held at guelph this fall this is rather unfair the county seims bound to profit at gnelphs expense tbe first case in the county of welling ton under the canada temperance act svas decided by w h lowes county pclice magistrate in rothsay on tuesday michael sullivan of bosworth was fiued 850 and costs a company organized in guelph prompting summer and winter sports cently leased a large plot of romahtic wooded land on tbe river speed and 1 ave transformed it into a beautiful resort picnics and other outings glenwilliame is degenerating as fa as population is concerned the hera wsiys a few months ago love or money would not rent a house because they were all oc cupied how the table is turned as mpy houses are at present empty ft is a mistaken nation that a fine store in an eligible location surrounded by attractive signs is a superior adverlise ment for the experience of most enter- prising merchants is that it pays bette to spend less in rent and more on advertising our citizens and tbe travelling pu blic generally appreciate the action of the gtr authorities in extending the pas ten ger platform some 60 or 80 feet westwi ird as recently advised by the fbk5 pbkss i iu therwsott many ol tho streets town is nohngood condition lor mowing and wo hao no doubt if the btfoet and sidewalk oommittoe would ask for tenders they could trrange to have tho wholo of it out and removed for tho hay itself jit should be c it now mr it irq franoib has oommoudod operations i his now kidfinishing estab lishment at tho head of river street he has a very oonvoiiieutly arranged shop arid is likely tc do well he hab an ample supply of water fronrbbageb planing mill and the place is at all times kept neat and clean the weeks rakings which aje principally looal and all interesting garden party tho ladi aid of the methodist churoh aro arranging for a baskot social to be held at the resid nce of mr james moore next monday ov suing a pleasant time is an ticipated proceeds to aid iu liquidating the debt on the churoh street spriiiling acton is rehind the timea in tho jnatter the editor of the of getting too much on the village couu- of street s irinkhng fust press complains dust in his i aud oalls cd to trot o it a water cart in milton tho btroetsprin ding which is done daily i private subscription and not funds of the corporation paid for by out of the champion another fihe new barn messrs v and j kinuard of tho 2nd concession have just erjjcted a flue large bank barn it is built throughout of first- ckss matenal aud the workmanship is firstclass the barn was raised without mishap am the neighbors assisting were consequently enabled to return home at an mr r campbell of ballina- and his work ib pastor and ma- the be of trains ha going west 223 pm am p m goinp and 9 early hour fad was tin contractor highly spokm of toronto in lustrlal fair ws haye received a copy of the prise list for tho next industrial fair to be held at toronlo fro n the 6th to the 18th of sep tember 1 ie book is very tastily gotten up and con ams cots of different breeds of animals for which prizes arc offered and also views of the city of toronto and its public build ngs any of our readers desir ing a copy cn obtain the same by dropping a post card to mr hill tho secretary at toronto a pastor beloved by all the memi iers of tho methodist church and citizens generally cordially welcome rev r phi lips back to acton for another year in hie past he has proved himself a constant and valiant worker for the master and his labors of the part yoar were especi ally marked with success we have no doubt the y ar just opening will also result m much good mr phillips is an accept able preacher a kind and considerable a friend to every person he comes in contact with new gti timetable a new ti me table took effect along the line of the i t r on monday morning and some it lportant changes in the hours ye occurred the timo of trams is now as follows 930 am 15 pm 920 pm and 1247 east 810 am 10 9 a m 54j 3j p m thejewspaper tram no and ya day ing new sidewalk has also been laid thropgh the yard 1 liff we tope some capitalist will on these hvys take it into iis head to bnil i a respectable block of brick stores in ac or we have fine manufiictories beautiful private residences but nothing mud bost of in the shape of brick blocks mercantile use as an example of the state of efflciefacy of the postal service we may mention that the acton free prett came tohaud week without an address label of any kind the mail clerk knew we couldnt gei ajp without our typographically handsome chatty cotem betlon world r i for ro tor from toronlo which formerly arrived here at 8 am has been withdrawn and the morning pi pea do not leacli acton now until 930 this is receding in point of conveniens to the days of long ago parents visit the schools parents uud friends of the children would very much encourage doth teachers and pupds by o n occasional visit to the public school t ie teacher likes her calling and gives satis action to parents and pupils and does i er best to instruct to win and improve 1 ier scholars but if only the parents would drop in occasionally and thereby shaw an interest in her work even if not awe rd were spoken that very act would stimulate her to do even better work if possible at least it would say they do care for me and for the childrens suc cess and p ogrebs i base ball- gait vs cuppers i the clipper b b c went to gait on saturday to play a match with the club of that town they met with misfortune in the shape of a doublefigure score against them the clippers lost the match in the first innings the majority of the runs of tho tjalt3 being scored through the errors of their pitcher who was feeling rather indis posed a change was made in the necond innings and thenceforth the score was kept down gall is a fine club aud has one of ijhe best pitchers on the continent the clippers a e not at all discouraged by thpir experience of saturday nor should they be we fully inticipdte some good work jby to of to for ind l 1 immigrant children mr john t middlendoro tho founder of the orphan 0iildrons emigration charity london oht left liverpool on tho 15th juno id the 8 s superior with a party of 50 girls and 70 boys between tho ages of 8 and 18 years who are brought out to this country for adoption or hire oluofly among farmers they are expeotod to arrive at the guthrie home near tho city on or about the 25th inst further partioulara may be obtained by addressing ma h giiibekb manager of tho guthrie home loudon out a laorosse match a friendly game of laorosse was played in the park on monday evening between the cresconts and a guelph team the two clubs wcrp pretty evenly matched but tho crescents were just a little too much for their opponents the game throughout wasono of the best that has been played here and shows dearly that tho home team aro continually improving the guelpha are a fine lot of men and played very nicely into each others haubs four games were played the first ihird and fourth oeing won by the crescents the guelph boys dispute the last game inas much as time was arranged to be called at 8 oclock and the rubber passed into the guelph goal jusjt as the town bell com menced to strike the hour the game was fairly won by tho crescents however tho time for each game was 40 8 15 and 10 minutes respectively following is a list of the players and their positions ciilsclnts position gcilui c c speight goal j d pirntte j lawson point j gibson rcarroll coverpqmth precious wm smith i defence fs galbraith wspeight field w molellan a c campbell i centre p scarffe g statbam i homo 3 bowie g g buckwell j field h warner wm leo 3nd homejgreeushields r lawson 1st home w bailhe j p wordeu referee j lawsou vs nd ii h wordeu umpires the length of tho grass on tho field im peded the progress of the game to somo extent the field committee should have it properly mowed at ouce the crescents entertained the guelphs at the rossiu house and the visitors returned homo pleased with uihr visit aud the treatment by their opponents and determined to win tho return match if possible the ketcham musical convention the musical convention in progress hero during the week terminated on monday evening with an excellent concert by the class about 10 persons joined tho class and for fivo dayb two sessions each day they were carefully drilled in all the ele mentary details of music by prof marks and his assistants the progress made by the class individually and as a chorus is really wonderful a3 the excellent concert on monday very evidently proved tho programme consisted of solos duets quar tettes aud choruses every other number being rendered by the full company and the remainder by the teachers of the class aud vocalists of town the couctrt was most creditable and much appreciated by thoso present tbe manager of the or ganization has certainly adopted systematic aud common sense methods of instruction and we can heartily commend him and his able staff of assistants to the music lovins public generally at the close of the convention a local choral society was organized with a strong membership and the following able staff of officers president councillor cameron vice pres j- a speight first director j c hill second do harry gibbons treasurer miss lottie e speight secretary wm stark organist c f falkner the society will probably meet once a w eek for practice and we have no doubt that the coming season will give ns some worthy entertainments through their very laudable efforts nearly all the church choirs in town supply members and the influence of this special instruction wdl be noticed and appreciated the first meeting of the society will be held on wednesday evening 23rd inst in the town hall f them ere t ie season closes get down work boye and practice to win an import int dlclsion- the she burue fiee prcaa says qaiki vs- fiahet tho eev geo clark tho plaintiff in this case resides in sfeelbarne but is past r of the methodist church at honey woo 1 mr clark refused to pay tpe taxes whex called on by the colleotor mr fisher lis goeds were distrained for taxes heme the suit mr clark claimext congratulations to rovj j h carson of exemption from taxation on account of being a mi lister the defence argued that mr clark vas not in charge of any church in this mu licipahty he was therefor ljable to pay tax a the same as any other citizen thejadgei ruling was that the statute exempted 1 11 ministers no matter whether they reside d within their charge i not judgment far plaintiff for 912 and costs i bad fatal accident l on wed lesday 26th may while thos lane was working for messrs stafford robinson if thisplacv in their quarrie cm the 4th lin s below the dominion kiliis he met with an accident which has since proved fatal a heavy block of stone was being turned over to facilitate its cutting and lane with an iron crowbar was stand ing behind the stone intending to break its fallt the block came down with more force than he could resist and the lar struok him violently in the left side injur- inghimintsrnally good medical aid was summoned but his injuries were found to be inoarabh and be died on the 6th inpt this is tho hirst accident of any serious nature tha has taken place in tbe gnanrie qpder the resent management i purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted i mr b haslett formerly of acton has removed from detioit to london mr and mrs thos gowdy guelph visited friends here during the week mr john a shaunon of georgetown visited friends iu acton and vioimty this weok capt wm panton of tho champion milton left labtweek for a holiday visit to oregon mr anson smith and mrs w h storey visited friends in hamilton and vicinity last week rev aud mre j j jrctltlitt of brooklyn ont wero tho guests of mr thos t moore this week dr stacey spent sovoral days this week very pleasantly with friends in bowman- ville and port hope i tho fnie pjiess extends its heartiest guelph and his newly- wedded bride may their lives be fraught with unceasing happiness comfoit ana blessing mr h p moore of the acton fiitepnebs well known as tho model printer of ontario called on us last evening he was well pleased with the town and con aiders that with such a hvo paper as the standard it is bound to go ahead wood- tlock daily standard rev j e farmer bd of chicago a former resident of acton is visiting friends here his associates of years gone by are very much pleased to juave the opportunity of congratulating him personally upon his success as a minister of the gospel and also as a student scotch english k id canadian suitings in great variety at j fyfes acton go to j fyfes a jton for your cloth ing he can suit you for price quality and style everytime mr stirton dentist of guelph will devote saturdays exclusively to patients from a distance nitrous oxide gas ad ministered- see card i the- colonial exhibition everyone from tbis part of jthe quoeus domain may not be privileged to attend the great colonial exhibi tion in england hut no one having a duo regard for their own interests should fail to witness the magnificent display of eyory class of vveammiiia- thnial staple and fancy dhy goods which iuvites the public to no27 lower wyudlwm street although our daily sales have been very laige pa1ly abkivals of novelties kber oun stock attiiacnve we indulgo in no nonsensical bombast neither are wo hard up but we emphatically impress on readers of this advertise i 5 ment tho fact that no one iuthe trade of guelph whether hard p or not offers better intrinsic valuef or greater bargains than wc do at no27 we do not offer piles of trash at selm- ingly low prices but good nbvv fihjsh reliable uoods that will stand the test of wear and comparison and give the best of satisfaction to the pur chaser our whole aim is by tiat ment of customers by our manne of business by quality and value of goods to win and hold the coniidi nco of the public that in this we are cessful the daily throng at our c tors aud the compllmentaryremai our customers bear witness ana o while not every one may take a iritis atunric tnp everyone is obligrd to do moie or icbs shopping and they hw the opportunity of doiug it in a ntuu- ner pleasant and agreeable ns welijus profitable to themselves by caihn nt no 27 this week we offer bargains in dress goods bargain b in tweeds and cloths bargainsin parasols bargains in hosiery and gloves bargains in lawns and muslim bargains in embroideries bargains iu white goods bargains in millinery bargains barcai rjsi terms strictly ca telephone in office e r bolle 27 lower wyndham stre guelph ontario bh m acton bread cakfls of all kinds on hand op made to order biscuits gonfectionery c ice cream soda wteij 1 r served at all hours mrs t stathant op all kinds- fresh andreli able paints and oils firstclass nd cheap lacrosse base ball goods just arrived new pattern 0auohnawaga sticks spauldings standard bael8 oh e a ip i moflarvins drug and stationery store aoton ryan berkinshaw co j gitblp hi successors to john hogg son -o- lot i opened this week from the coiunty down flax spinning and weaving co of belfast a beautiful range of lawn and linen colored border and white handkerchiefs lo lot 2 opened this week from hannah mertin glasgow two cases of bleachers damages consisting of taji- lings c slightly damaged in bleaching but beautifully fine we buy these goods from maiufacturers at bo much a case it is a rare chance to secure fine linens at astonishing prices ryan berkinshaw co gru e l p h 1886 sipjiustgr 1886 announcement mleod andersoncoj in making thei announcement for the spring would say that owing to unforseen ciicumstances and the hard times prevalent in the com munity they haye been unablq to carry out their announcement of dissolution of partnership the baid partnership will therefore con tinue for one year longer so as to give all parties who are still owing us on account a further opportunity to call and settle their accounts we purpose to do business entirely for cash or produce po goods will be charged we will sell goods cheap we have had such an ex perience of tbe oldtime credit business which enables us to say that it jb a yery unfair way of doing- business the honest and trusty man who pays up promptly has to pay for the dishonest man who never pays at all we are satisfied that every person who looks at the cash systbm of doing business will say that it is the only honest and fair principle of doing business we can buy cheaper you will buy cheaper we will sell cooda at wholesale pnees paying cash and getting all the ad vantages which does accrue to ths cash buyer try our system bee ourgooda compare prices and v re are satisfied you will save 25 per cent on all goods purcnased f roml us j ladies we are this season showing the neatest and most stylish mil linery manflks c o all new and latesfstyles dblss goods dress thiumings buttons fringes c c all to match dress making in all the newest styles done on the premises under the man agement of a firstclass dressmak sr ladies buy your dreis good leave your order if you want a faihionable dress prims muslims lawns and cinghams all new nc at and nobby h our ordered clothimr department we can speak with pride about it we have the finest and most e ctensive stock of tweeds trowser- ingb c in the province and on cutter is a no 11 try our nobby fits and cheap prices gents fuiwishings in grand stvle and large assortment readymade clothijng very cheap big stock to select from arpets in brussels tapestry j2 and 3 ply wool union and hemp oil cloths all widths and pnees jall to be bold cheaper than he cheapest our staple department is very full cottons 3c per y ai d up wiiite cottons 5c towels 3c tablink8 25c cottonades ducks and denims from 12jc np men women and children you cannot fail to save money by buy ng your goods from us try and bee- we are in earnest we will shll cneap ion cash omy no more bad debts and our customers will ceive tho benefit dont delay bu you will surely buy mcleod anderson co mammoth hotje georgetown p s we return our sincere thafaks have always been our friends apd ronize us guelph guelph o the man with wooden legs ie the only customer we cannot fit our stock of summer goots i is full and complete- i i wo oiler special inducements quality price assortment buying direct from tho manufacturer io cash we eannot be undersold by legiumati competition the testimony of close and careful buyers is that we sell chea trunks and valines we have a large stock of the best qualj ity which wc offer at the lowest pri eg the caepet in the city wholesale and retail dealcj s best and cheapest over 300 pieces our prioes will gladd eii tho hearts of every lady also la0b 0totaht3 glaus thompson come and see our cheap goods i nd to those of our customers ivho trust they will continuo to pat- new advejtib r jements mortgage sale valuable pro lage o rty in the vil acton ndbr ana by virtue ol a power ol sale con tained in al mortgage made bjrwilllam p jpboll which will baprodnced at the time ol j there will bfe sold fa r public auction at the irolagnews hotel ictoh on saturday tbe july 18b0 the hour clone oclock the lol loping property ihcomisting ol lot number four iu james lmckson survey ol part ol the village ol acton kndpai t ol the easterly hall ol lot number 29 coil 2 e squesing and known as lots numbers 13 and 18 in james dicksons sur vey ol part ol thi villagi tot acton lhere is a god rough- ast house on the prem ises containing ax roon s also a good garden it is situated in d desual lo part ol the village possession will be give l ns soon as purchases money is paid tebhs op 8aie ten per cent ol purchase money on day ol sale tlie balance ineash two weeks thereafter j further particulars cai i be had on application to huoh mcmelijan ven tors solicitor or jo rusiov tc mclean solicitors acton judicia i sale village property in actoh pursuant to tefe judgment of the chancery division ol the high court ol jus tice made in the actio i ol nicklin vs creech sealed tenders addressed to me a m mckmnon esq local master ol the supremo court ol judi cature lorontarioftt qui iph guelph po will be received at my office n mil saturday the nine teenth day ol june j680 ogjhe loliowing lands and premises bituate in the village ol acton and being composed ol p irt ol lot number 28 in the 2nd concession bf he township ol esque- singi now in said village 1 acton containing 37 perches more oi less tes rving a roadway 5 feet wide along tho southerly limit thereof this l property is situated on tie comer ol mill and iain streets thelpwncij ial business streets in actbu and there is orecti d upon it a valuable brick dwelling house and bakery afld confection ery the dwelling bouse containsb rooms the large c ven and the necessary baker p the confectionery i with the necessary casing bakery is known as the ex d is an old and established ood bibinees the dwelling bakery contains e implements lor store is fitted up shelving c tab celsior bakery an stand domg a gc 0 house bakery and conlictionery storfrare at tached and the wjhole bidding is about 40x40 aud is in firstclass order there is also a well- cultivate garden and a yen on the premises the property will be sold subject to a lease ol the bakery and oomecti nery store which ex pires on the 1st januarv l888 i tekms op 8all ps cent tote paid to the vendors solicitor upon icceptauce of tender and the balance within a nonth thereafter into court to the credit of this action the vendors wil ouj hi teqmrcd to produce a registrars abstract an 1 such title defcds or other evidences ol title is they may have in thoirpoasebrion notenaer necessarily accept ed on other respects the conditions oi sole will be the standing conditions ol this court further particulars cai bo had from j a mowat esq solicitor gt elph w a mclean esq solicitor actop watt solicitors guelph toronto dated the 1st day of juno messrs gcthbie johh h0sb3n q c pike watch repairing 1680 am flcinnon master at guelph particular attentic n paid to the repairing and cleaning of fine watches and clocks at tie old established b savage guelph only hotjsje0 of cuelph and direct importti s of tho carpets in canada to ch008e from ba carpet weaving done to order 42 st georges squar guelph jfyfeacto j fyfe acton j fyfe acton vj fyfe j fyfe j fyji loos t ths money sayed by purchasing your clothing at the east end clothing store leading soot and shoo store w molaren cuelph co spring hats spring tweeds spring worsteds spring overcoatings spring trowserings spring underwear full lines of shirts ties collars braces etc at lowest prices perfect satisfaction guaranteed acton acton acton house it cuelph go to waters bros tux picture gallery 6ubph rfor artie materials oil and water colors crayons carnjas draicinq papers brushes etc oil paintings steel chrdmos c frames op all kinds mouldings uoom and iicture cornices and corn ce poles spring hollers and windo t shades from 0o complete fancy soodssuiti hie tor wedding and birtha iy presejnts t visitors can bavd their pictuics framed while in the city so bring them with you to waters lros the pictdrp galleiy noa fhc post office mil lleiv 4 weaving engravings t mitchell desires to inform tbe people of acton and surroundings that he is prepared to take orders for weaving all kinds of fancy bag carpets flannel f3heeting shirting and dress goods striped orplaid twill or plain also bed blankets aud hjorse blankets two yards wide and ovdr and i will guara itee tl tat i will give good satisfaction to all farmer s and others who their i will favor me with 1 patronage mitchell j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton jjfyfjs acton 1 fyf s acton j fyf3 acton i i yellow dil cures rheu maoism freem airs worm powders are pleasant to toko purgatwo la a sofa i datroytr oi worms in contain their am no and effectual oiiildrenoradolu painting painting lag the undersigned are orders tor anything in work guaranteed p a dynes paper baaklff zabooln- ooloflp etc prepared to take bove linea orders solicited good

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