Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1886, p. 4

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vci he w mta ubs jtjtkb8 proajpscrwra lo ptrenth and friends mw june 6 he u otummer 8un announces the opening of bet school ettblished in he yew one aniuulimited number received then u nothing at all to ray all that itiaked it merry heart andtime ewra tote gay the joiior claw will orius in lira of misapplies eight little fingers and two little thumbs for the mating of putty sand pies the senior class a month for strawberries and cream a nose apieoe for a rose apiece and a tendency to dream the lectures are thus arranged professor cherry tree will lecture to the climbing clas terms of instruction free protestor ddfoect spring will take the classjon irink 7 j and the class iptitiltiaiou simrbobolibk youndmr ox eye daisy jwilldemtobtrate each day on bouny on native plants and the properties of hay miss sature the class in fun a charming class to teach and the swinging class and the bird nes class miss hickory and jifiss beech and the sleepy clasiat night and the dinner class at noon and the fat and laugh and roses class theyf all to mrs june and she hopes her little friends will be punotual as the sun for the term alas is very short and she wants them every one susan cooligi i all sorts much distresaand sickness in children i s caused by worms mother graves won a exterminator gives relief by removing tl e cause give it a trial and be convinced y w rf a lis y crefr sot tfcrwu a prompt and efficient remedy for isoe throat as well as croup asthma pam in jsidevearache deafness and many othur aomwoauid painful complaints is four d in bagyards yellow oil for constitutional or scrofulous catarrh and for consumption induced by the scrofulous taint ayer8sarsapanlla is tl e true remedy it has cured numberless cases it stops catarrhal discharges aid removes the sickening odor indications crofula a heavy baiilea i mr george russell of auroravont says he was a great sufferer from arunnii ig sore of the worsf description which baffl a the best nwlical sfrill and his life was burden he was cured by bbb to great joy- and the surprise of his friends 5 have you ever tried mcgregor t fark carbolic cerate for sores of- all kind is beyond doubt the very best preparation 1 in the market for healing and en ring son s burns cuts pimples blotches and is t le only proper method of applying carbo io acid soldatdrmcgarvinadrug stcre for 25c per box trkyiilt whyjdoo many limp and hobble abc at on sticks and crutches suffering frcm rheumatism stiff joints and cords hurra back sprains and other aches pains aid lameness when hagyajrds yellow oil in unfailing relief can be purchased at the trifling cost of twentyfive eents s chadwich or arcadia wayne co writes i havi had severe attacks of as h- ma for seveaal years i commeneedjtaking dr thomas eclectric oil the first d 6 relieved me in one hour i continued taking it in teaspoonfol doses for af nv days and have not had an attack of it since now nearly one year i was off- work for two years suffering from kidney disease until advised by a frii was cured by two botl miraculods cure stance pta com munii of st marys ont the latest remedy for congfis coib croup whooping cough bronchitis e1 c is mcgregors lung compound there is ho remedy in existence containing any c rie of the active ingredients composing 1 c- gregors lung compound so do not say youhave taken everything until yoa hive tried this for your cold or cough and y or opinion will be the same as all who hive used it viz thaht is the best sold in 50candl00 bottles by dri mcgarvjin druggist do no violence to the liver and general system by repeated dosesdf mercury in the shape of calomel and bine pill mi ny poisons thus dose themselves even with rat the advice of a physician the best s ib- stitute for inch pemioions drugs and ihe use of which is ney erf olio wed by disastr us effeote upon the general health is north rop a lymans vegetable discovery and dys peptiocure which permanently tones ihe stomaohriregulates the bowels purities me blood and gives a healthful glow to he cheek for coughs colds bronchitis and all long and throat troubles there is nor re paration of medioine cancompare with bickles and- consumptive syrup it never fails to afford prompt and perman mt relief it remoyesjajt soreness and bials the disc wed parts it immediately soot les nwettwublesbme cough and by -ro- expeotoratipn removes the inn ras t stops up the air tubes which can pes dinvmltynbrealiuig thereby giyes re ief tottat depressing iightness experienced in the lot public sperers ana sinj ors will fiud bickles antfconsumptive by up ot mestimable valtteas it speedily and id could get no reli it dto tryb3b i i and consider it a i above is the eib- ion from wmtisr s- mm new in the itooat ind bronahial tubes i nd gives powflriottie jtocal cords render ng the vce clearsnd sonorous jf pare its wiab to 4iite90f their shildren nd themdelves from nuch anxie item we an3ajiea j of jidfevltc and wh mv iippug1i or i m wwmbm there iis dan t ahaad from r nertlaettd oolds- a 41ru ouh and irrlutea tlifeat txe the vfarnlng aigus ot lurking danger to the ljmg hi gyards pectoral balsam cures colds son throat stubborn cpughb and all bronohii i and lung troubles w m mghtalbk there ace but ow that have no vor suffered almost lutolern ble pain from toothaohe neuralgia or h to acute pains to them suoh an install t reliof as fluid ligulniugis an untold bless ifi in timoof trouble no disgusting offeu ve uicdioinos to be taken or days on appltcatiou of fluid llttht- ning cures j old at j kimqgarvinb drur store 29 c r hall g ray ville 111 says i have sold at retail 1 jo bottles of dr thomas eclectric oil juaranteeing every bottle i must say i w ver sold a medioine iu my life that gave e aoh nniversal satisfaction in ray own cats with a badly ulcerated throat after a physioian perioiliug it for several days to no effe6t4he eolftotrio oil eared it thoroa hly in tweutyfoar hoars and iu threats led croup iu my oliildreu this winter it 1 lever failed to relieve almost immediately this is to cei tify that i have used mo gregors speec y cure for dyspepsia aud liver coraplai it and do honestly say that if it cost me 01 e hundred dollars 10000 a bottle i wonl 1 not bewithout it as it has done me more good than all the medicines i ever used ai d i feel like a new man yours truly a iex steel carletbn place ont this m dicine is for sale at 0o0 and j190 per bottle at dr mogarvius drug store mr alexanc er robinson of exeter iu writing about one of the roost popular articles and 0 le that has done more good to the afflicted than any other medicine has during the she rt time it has been in exist ence says i have used four bottles of northrop l mans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure and have been cured of dyspepsia bat troubled me for over ten years part f that time i had it very bad and i was at considerable expense trying to get relief rat this excellent medicine was the first 1 nd only relief i received merit proven dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of r icommendations for articles entirely wor bless not so with mo gregors speeiycure you are not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j e mcgarvins drug btore and get a free tria bottle and if not convinced it will cure y u of the worst forms of dyr- pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of now long staiding it costs you nothing soldin 50c ai d 1 bottles see testimon als from peop e in your own town 29 ltcklacp ile srmpioms and care the sympti imsare moiatttre hke perspir ation intense itching increased by scratch ing very dist easing particularly at night seems as if pi a- worms were crawling in and about the rei turn tbe private parts are sometimes aff cted ii allowed to continue very serious r ssults may follow swvynes oixtmknt is a pleasant sure cure- also for tetter hch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin i iseases sent by mail for 50 cents 3 bo es 135 in stamps ad dress dr sv tayne son philadelpbia pa sold by druggists 50 have you- toothache use fluid light ning have you rheumatism use fluid lightning have you a stiff joint use fluid lightning j have you 1 feuralgia use fluid light- wiw 1 ms w s is istjtitkd u ksowino that filte cure ii andflatuleiiee udh aeldityifthestoi yellow jaundiced n enervation and l 1 udh khcumatlo and kt aljnc palus siok headaches mj nmisca chronlo dlsposltliii hi costlvcucis anamla caused b liyspepsla torpldlwofthooisuptlcteauvcr heart disease indr llby consapatlor apoplectlo tendencies similarly orlglmmd relaxation of tho neryous system torturing sleeplcssnass from indigestion 1 nflammatlon of the costive bowew g logging nud dcterloratlou of tho kidneys pniu lu shoulders and book i ndlgestlon and constipation liver complaint and biliousness low vltallw amnoryqusness sklu emutlons caused by constipation costivoncssmf pnln lu the bowels urioncldjiolsoninthobloqd rashes and bolls caused by constipation enfeebled sight and nervous tremors m eutnl mid physical depression aguetsh symptoms from indigestion n ausca dizziness and foul breath youth and ago troubles of women i uactloh of tho secretory organs looseness of the bowels loss of appctito and furred tongue swellings symptomatic of dropsy there is ho form of disease caused by indigestion and constipation that docs not yield to their beneficent power they stimulate the digestive and ossunllatory organs strengthen the machinery of life and have no drastic or weakening effects any one who chooses to enquire will find in his own community many willing witnesses to assure him that the best pills in the world for cure of all the ailments consequent upon derangement of the digestive functions are priysiclans and patients say ayevs plua aroouo of tho best rem edies for bilious derangements that m possess dk wm pnwkjorrctokeorrf b ayers pills nro active uearcliiug mill fiffbotual but not griping r dnwtlc prof j ml locke ccni atl 0 ayers pills ore far surerlor toany whtch have fallen under my s otlce d11 j r chilton new aow acers pills are adapted to all tlio dtsdruers avhtch can bo cured by tho judi cious two of n physic dr samuel mcconnkll moiitpeuert v ayert pula tarn using iu mypnic- tlco and find them excellent dit j w browif oceo if va ayers pills hato entirely corrected the costive habit and vastly improved my general health revfb hahwwe atlattfaqa ayers pills havo cured rhehmatlin and klduey troubles umong my crew and thoy did away with my dyspepsia capt c mmellelt sir felicia ayers pills invariably cure mo of headache john stem germantown pa ayefspllls havo cured me of cuiisti- patlon of long standing emvviii easterly boekfonl iii ayersplus gave mo new life and vigor and restored my health john lazarus st johns 2fu r i i a o tul j fctioti at 6k bltds md e j mel y wmm x i lwytime mm our forced sale of dry goods and carpets j will be continued at 48 klutf bn etea8t to china palaco immense bargraorfe wljul be givm 7inohtwlll flheolinn reduced tli256 worth 37c j 42inch pillow cotton reduced to sfc table linens reduced 10 25c worth 3c tweeds reduced to 86 worth 50o gqpts fjurnlsbiogs all reduced ginghams reduced to 12c flannels nil reduced jets oilcloths lnce curtains blaikots etc all leduced wo have nut room dress g ods reduced to 5b cashine es reduced to 250 silks all reduood in price indies 1 loaiery reduced to 20o worth 800 silk hi udkorchiefs reduoed to 50o worth 81 prints r iduced to 5o worth loo kid gloves 25c worth 75 0 car foralloir stock and are offering oxtraordlmry lnducemenl s to dear out lines will hold miction sale at no 70 king street f to clear out balanoe of dry goods n 1 april 5 avers pills cured of indigestion con stipation and headaches m v watson 152 state st chicago iii avers pills cured ot liver complaint dyspepsia and neuralgia p ii hooeks jffeeamore brqvon co intl ayefs plus have cured mo cutirclj mhstmary a scott portland me avers pills cured of nhciimatism s m spencer syracuse n y 4yers pills prepared bv dr j c ayer c0 analytical chemists lowell mass sold by all druggists 1886 ning have you lumbago uing are you triubled with headache use fluid light- use fluid lightn ing have you 1 ny pain use fluid light ning it will can you the instant it ib applied try it 25c per bottle at dr mcgarvins drug store rmlantlionifort to thcjsaxferiiif browns household panacea has no equal for reli 3vine pain both internal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind- of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en tbe blood and heatas its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain relieve and of double tbe strength of any otbe elixir or liniment in the world shoul l be in every family handy for use when vfa ated as it really is the bcrt remedy in the world for cramps in the st omacb an 1 pains and aches of all kinds and is for sal 1 by all druggists at 25 cents bottle 44 pro inenc among the greatest medica discoveries 1 y the many oures it hasatfectt ed ifcgregois speedy cure leads the van subjected to he minutest chemical analysis it nasi been fc und to contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless 8 ecihcs daily offered to the public eve y lngredientnossesses a pecul ar adaptabil ty to the various complaints for which it las been compounded and its efficacy isbei ng established by testimonials hourly receii ed we are therefore oonfi dent that we have a preparation which we can off er to t le public with the assurance that ilt will b b found not only a relief but n absolute cui 1 for dyspepsia liver com plaint indlg sstion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mogaivtnsjlrugstore 31 advice to mothises are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sufferii g and crying with pain ef cut ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of m rs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is inoal cblabhj it nil relieve tha poor little suf- fpreriramediiitely depend upon it moth era there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery a nd stomach an i boweisrjurs wind colib effectually auays ajl irrito jn hui- 1 softens tbe jjums reduces ifoflanimation diarrhoea regulates the and jgives u ne jana energy to tbe whole systejm iyyiiasb jspctilty xfyfflwim dren teetbmg is plstiant jto theti8teai l isthe presoription of oneof the owjest an 1 best female psicd and nurses kn fih pnitedstotes and is f or sale by afll drug ists throughout the jworid pnceweni five cents a bottle m buw wnmnimi bate no other kmd mioea cpc king and john sts hamilton spring with all its- al tractions and uuutiiimiiib iu uieor uui uuck jtu jast every afternoon commenoingmonday id carpets wo eos grand ooino ka81 f mibdili8 96 am- express 7 10 am fast uiallf 11 33 aui through e0 17pin aecom 10xlpm chi nd exp expr mai fress 1247 u ei8 1102 air bivu bliei lal ss0 ptt acei in ooacli 8xxm espresfe does not sb p between qoelpf oronto timi ofolosiho going westl 40 am aud going east 1 w am and 520 prn english mall closes at 10j a hails 58ftnni m m on weducfla j canadian pacific railway tbiaiit roini s east and fw est 7n i tosdlikskl td1k toronto to detroii st thomas and chicago west ex cbic ico ex locnlex r j 4 15 pm 5 25 8 55 lm toronto 810 stretsrillejuuy vt stthomas 12 35 iim detroit c20 chicago 7 00 xxexie keiyney bros illain street acton hao now on the shelves of the dominion boot and shoe store 11 fall slock of spring footwear of all kinds and superior vain ibj all lines of boots shoes wt oarry astdck which for assortment suppliel wnore showing some 11 the ma liitactiirers our ordered work is gi ving complete 1 atisfactioii prices 1 re rip ht niiimer o we are now offering our customers slippers cj cannot be excelled and every want kan be ce hues in tltlnks valises c received direct from und customers know that our repairing neatly and promptly executed- i kenney bros toronto ottawa montreal quebec xtn toronto to i lontreal jjimiti id ex 22 am 55 brampton to brampton 7 8treetevmejct 7 brampton to ore ngevillc brampton 7 20 am orangevilie owen sound i purchase new opu youiftickets by this anp jamej matthews actor ifet agkkt ont awan 18- summer liverjool t ad que see service hiom liverpool 1 886 mcrae v thiink their raaiiy frietuls for the more thaii libdral share otjjtracle ectended to them since their opeiiijtig and cordially solicit a continuance assifring thorn that no ettort 1 1 will be spared to make transactions mutually bene icial loioioioioioioioioioiolooioioloioloioioioloioloioiololoiolololoiojololoiolaloioioicioioioloioioioloioioloioloioioio dresis oo 00 000 3oro oo o o it o oo o- our dress gjoods the mauagdmeut o gqods mil14in o a 00 trade this season lias been far in excess of ou this line we have made special efforts to meet the wishes and waniis jfou that our efforts davc not been in vain we trust that in the futurj past favors we shall still show the newest the nicest and the cljei pest of our millinery department being in chargefofweli- bauds needs no commeudatiou froiu us the liberal patronage of tile ladies of actou and surrounding i country speaks for itself we nave just received the latest stylesland blade for suinmer wear and are fully prepared to nil all orders 6n shortest notice sec our drees goods muslins mantle silks table linens prints ginghams lace curtains allover embroideries allover laos ery etc 0 0 o 00 ro- oo- previous beasous business iu customers and leel flattered lall merit a continuance ol joods in the market cuown and fully experienced carpets co sets ibtc gray white qpttojts at be eggs and -00- and shoes great variety hi mens womens and childrens odd lines at less than half prid r 00 butter taken in exchange remember our if cretonnes parasols etc r drock prices and shoes cheap job lots i of us 50cent tea- tta m those eiiripg hii serviofei should- mill oft write untftfttlw itt -ijti-v- buby the artist is uow takinit soinc beautiful views schools picnic fartiff jctoh wool wool we the undersigned beg to announce that we will agpin bay all the wool offered at oar mills for which we are prepared to pay the highest price in loash i- or in exchange for goods we havo a large and wellassorted stock of blankets tweeds j- flannels yarns i i knitted goods sc selected expresslj to supply the require- irients of the farmers petoll carding spinning weaving and iu fact all kinds of custoni work done in our usual prompt ar0 satisfactory manner newton sons limehouse -the- tion is not settled yet but the i fkotthal iwj witli livis has the best stock of and ini the county iu settled j beyond dispute i have just received my spring stock aud am prepared to suit all old customers and is many new ones as seent to give me a ia4l in all lines of footwear- boots for the babies boots forthemeu boots i do make boots i do mend custom work and repairing promptly attended ten k v wni wiilams friday 23rd april 8teame9 kb03i quebec 0ibca8si is fridav may p0lyne8ijf i r thursday th ap ih rhursdoy 20th mav pabisiaj- rhursdayj27tli may 3abhatluf friday 4th june akdtslan thmisday cth maj friday 14th may thursday 20th mt j1 hureday 10th jme good tvrafidvs sofcl elsewueiu scotch- tv 1 gentlemen wjahtihg tiflg coat etc every respect mm table tiunkfranwqy ciowoweht tabie 5 pm x 5 5 h 15 8 5 am aud quebec montreal ex 025ijn 800p4a 32uni- i i 88ani 10 00 j 8 18 0 80 iui a20pni streetsv bejunction 4 sopui t 5 25 md owen sound 5 55 p ill 7 os 10 20 m 1 popirlar line- arrar gement 86 cabin intennei iate aud steerage faros are stall reduced jlet ng tickei s good for one year the best line to takp to oe1sj exhibition parties sendiiig fo friends ii the old- country can obtain prepaid certifioatssatgreatlyreduced rates for tickets and very info tiistion apply to ie mccfartin picket agent actou tourslpnagsuit m eire mn an i has pleasure in innounc ng that histail oring shop i a iis i iecords block is now ope i and in ull running order md in a position to illallorlers s li e is shov ing- si2 pits at for 15 jit 17 18 eet soed elsewhere iofe23 and s24 fine wobljtbi suit at sold eijsewheii brema st by leajvii e at 20 820 flrstolass good- may rel y upon beingsnited deuhtfol mfan lwbui sltf avmrftip pow sk bmwam qjefroni ani iiackinac afdayorjwmkikrbatwatfi dftr01t and cleveland telephone connection ploralyiew reenhouses georgretowjst ont thenewest audi choicest plauts and g flowers wholesale andbetall funeral and weddiner designs prepared on short notice m5 i4i isft itssil js- mm qdipjiiphj six iwjftggo is and hoisejpowisrt f mi nnfaotared at tiy swwfisss lk8by m y wxltft toof twt 1 plofureaque wackin aovibintratsd- ooatta tail eiirtbaia m kauad am detroit cleveland steam nav ca c 0 whitcoii i fokfim aoic dttroit ulcfh the key to health burdock blood irrtrs wrfookaa3ltha old eaavehuei of tje flowgla- kidneyb a id liver can gg gradnilly vriac at weafcening tfie bfem all the imparities and foitt hmnpraof the beoreta imi at thesaide to9 cotrepting iddityri of tifc paoh curing bi uottanesb jdi ppb seadaclisis hizzinesi heatibgrni caam union dryai ssfe tshee bait i-xbaaah- uioijmt hervpu mess and w m tall these andms nappy i pt taali who af4 boibf4 in and indisoretionfl of y j wusendjioi iiilii hts mj woi the error nervous weak vf loss jf manhood 6 i eo tthat wiq oilre you j wi kwigreareinedy j a uissi bwot in sbntfi irarelbed enveltnr yfs rv ir tm m k mssl i i j gpsffl ikssssi tyu missm

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