Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 24, 1886, p. 1

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fr 1 i volvm xl 0 is rcblishbn every thursday morninoi ft thk free press poer printing houe acton j ontario i subscription rate8 onkvkar 100 slxjiontus sotts turkb hoxth8 3s ct8 tnvunsbly in advance if not jiald in advance 133 per tear will be ehorgqd tinned till alarrean are paid except at option of the publisher advertising rates- no paper dlsiou space 1 yr j 6 mo 3 mo 1 ouo column halt column quarter column one inch t 1sc000 3500 u0 3300 3000 1200 2000 livo too 600 350 200 acton bankinc coy storey chri8tie co -banker8- actoa ontario a general banking business transacted too 350 250 100 casual advertisements 8 cents per line forlthe ftrst insertion aud 2 cents per line for each i ub- soqueot insertion cash the number of 1 nes reckoned by the spaco occupied measured bjy a scale of solid nonpareil a advertisements without specific directibus will bo inserted till forbid and charged accord ugly transitory advertisements must be aid u advance changes for contract advertisements musb bo in the office by 9 ajn on mondays otherwise thoy will bo left over until the following weejk h p moober editor and proprietor hiiq diqcd may bofoundonflleatocojl hiio rhrcif howell ft oos newspaper jld fertfadnsbureando sprucewjmjsdterhsjiil fjontracts may be for it is bw yottlfr business directory wh lowry m b m c ps graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surge ns office and residence at tlieheadj of frederick street acton ce staceymdcmgraduatj2of trinity university fellow of t in- ltymedical school member of the coll ege of physicians and surgeons oiticl campbells hotel bennett dentisft georgetown ontajrio ac mckinlay x d s surgfeou dentist georgetown ont useskhe new system of nitrous oxide gas cora- monly called vitalized air for extracting j i teeth without pain having been demlon- strator and practical teacher in bayal college of dental surgeons toronto pat- j jvviidni satisfaction ronrmaydependuponreceiving in any operations performed will acton every other wednesday of month office agnews hotel visit etch jstirtox ldsxmrcdjs ontario honor graduate ontario college of dental surgery successor to c b haes l ds artificial teeth in serted on rubber celluloid gold tr alum inum and satisfaction guaranteed 1 lit ems oxidegasadministered fees moder ate appointments made by leteer office tovells block opposite p o guelpjh john lawson graduate ofcfcn- tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton ont offkje la kenny bros boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates gi en all calls night or day promptly attend ed to terms easy x0h8t loaned on apfr0vbd hoses r notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits h general acents j mcdonald go no 3 victoria st toronto estate insurance agents houses notes valu- money to loanat six per cent rented business chances chattlc mortgages promissory and other securities negotiated uators c farms or other properties sold or ex changed call at frli pmbs office -ijelih- business college guelph ontario acton ontario thursday new goods it 2ut0tt m frs vt- days bookstore cuelph 25000 rolls wall paper ioo sets lawn croquet i i car- lod express waggons di6 stogk low prices thursday morning june 24 1886 poetry zrmtp jtune 24 188b 32 t f daniel s no eat the kings moat so rich and flnej the prinoe of ounuohs said drink pne that you may thrive and grow the king would have you well compttn with babylonish youth so fair but daniel answered no we cannot drink wo caunot eat the idols wine the idols meat not thus wed thrive and grow bring pulse and water these are best i melzar the kings commandment pressed young men and women are thoroughly prepared lor positions as bookkeepers shorthand- writers cahgraph or telegraph operators students have been in attendance from nine provinces and states within the past year our graduates are meeting with marked suc cess in the commercial centres of canada and the united states rates moderate accommodation excellent students may enter at any time for terms etc address m mccormick 146m principal 11- tqhnston mclean barristers solicitors notaries couvey ancers tc asprivate funds to loan ornce r town hall acton e fjb johxstos wm a mclku ik emrtchell soiacrrok coxvti csctn c omcu first door wast of the chamjoion office main street milton money to loan at g per cent x o hilton allan baird barristers solicitois itq tauovro and geoboktows omcus creelmans block georgetcjwn aid sg king street east toronto v t vlus 1 shutoh da j bukpba b ain latdlaw co nvel- exchauge m bakristeks solicitors omcki over imperial banic 24 liugton street east alley toronto johv bats q c c a mahtex willlvm laibuaw geoboe kappeli patents secured fob inventions henry grist ottawa casidv 20 years practice no patent no fay lumber shingles and lath ftthe undersigned desires to inform the public jl that he has now on hand and will keen iu stock a fall line of pine and hemlock as well as other kinds of lumber also first and second class pine shingles lath coal wood s smith i ar i prepared to supply all kiuds of tove coal have also a eooastock of wotxl bardwood a h cedar and millfwood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered james brown fire day sells cheap summer guelflh cloth hall allwool gauze balbriggan merino corron but daniel answored no try us my lord a little while oh 1 bid ub not our souls defile l and let our faces show if pulse aud water are not best when by the god of heaven blest and all said firmly no the servant with the wish complied the captives could not be denied the food was ordered so jehovah smiled upon the youth twos a brave witness for the truth when dauiel answered no the days went past the trial days and now before the monarchs gav the children stood to show that other youths could not compare with these so noble bright and fair who all had answered no learn from the hebrew captives then be brave my children act like men and you will manly grow when tierce temptations yon assail let courage never never fall- like daniel answer no f i j price thiee cents our story iviutul insurance company county of wellington lstablishlb 1810 head qffice cuelph insures uildiugs merchandise manu factories and all other descriptions of thebretniuni note sjstem property 01 ew stone pre sident johtn taylor agent fire ypl hemstreet llcenbid acctioxee for the counties of wellington and halton orders left at the fueeptess office adton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable money to loan also money to loan on the most falvor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 8500 and upwards surveyor john davis prolvm- cial land surveyor and cik guelph orders by mail or telegraph promptly at tended toj charges moderate office 33 perth st guelph john day architect guelfh ohr omcu queens hotel block market square 1 john j daley successor to thompson jackson money to loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased mcney loaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its bran hes properly and neatly done chargeb low farms and city property for sale list with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to iu tending purchasers and cir opiated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sen di- rections through our european agen sies farms wanted for our lists corres wn- dence invited office near the post c ffice guelph ont t he hanlan barber shop mill stdeet actox au eaay shave a stylish haircut burned shaw grundy merchant tailors guelph wellington martle works quebec st guelfh cnas- dayidson secretary fire fire i out but not destroyed having perfected arrangementb for the lebuilding of the planing mill at the heati of river street recently de stroyed by ire andpurchaseduewmachiii- ery we woi id inform the public that on or about the 1 it of may we will be in a better position thf n ever to supply their wants m the shape of dressing ltjxsbeb sheeting fl0013h mottldiitgs e i jso in the meantime pumps will be repaired and general job bing done as usual j thanking you for past favors pnd hoping by strict at ntion to business and reason- bo merit an increased share of we are respectfully yours john hi hamilton i proprietor wholesale and retail dealer m marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of grspite and marble having intel visited the uaj of fund granite quarries and having purchased tho entire stock of gray and rod granite monuments headstones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost i will until further notice sell at prices never before known ib ontario for in stancegranite monuments 0 ft high ic0 7 ft 75 8 ft 00 9 ft 100 10 ft 8120 all work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this hue will do well to call and see uie before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee iny prices are from 30 to 00 per cent below all other dealers the mothers blessinj hi mn e wilelltn your home is just beyond that point is it not frank yes captain it is too dark for you to see it yes but i shall be able to see th nal j what signal frank the light in the window i do not exactly understand you then i will explain to you sir you know that i have been with you seven y sars in entering your service my mother jave me her blessing and committed me tc the care of heaven and yourself 1 was s ven years of age the day i first sailed with you and i am fourteen now have i ever f iyen you any cause of complaint sir never frank but what of the fight in the window have you never heard me speak jl before i have heard you speak of your s as you rounded this point but 1 supji you referred to your mothers cottage the lights burning in it it was to a light which burned iifi one particular window how could you distinguish anysar ticular window atithis distance i will tell you and then you may j jdge for yourself when i kfthomemym her said to me frank on are now goii to sea most of your trips will be made com new york to new orleans and re jam when you aie homeward bound jou will pass that point if it be daylight ona can acton meat ilarket able prices patronage eutledge tijos ebbage manager acton livery sale stables c rosson butchers have purchased the bmiiness of mr r holmes and solicit a share of public patronage the members of we firm are practical batchers and are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always be found on 1 and a full stock of all kinds of meat c in season 1 we have settledl in ac ton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win publio confidence and support port is join ank john wm el mr smth has purchased the livery business of he has rem on john st portion of to every pai good seaiorn an exhilarating shampoo always given razors honed and put in fiwtolass condition tastily cut ladies and childrens hair c 3 p wobdeiijtohsorial artist j anyone street acton smith proprietor mr h b mccarthy which wed to his commodious stables eet in the centre of the business he town mr smith has had lengthy exiierience in this business and feels confident- that he can give satisfaction fesinng a commercial flei slire or company biff f be supplied class turnout on the shortest with afirsi notice horsejs boarded and sold rutledge acton feb 9thr 1886 crjo sson dont rea1 this the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstolass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also floctr and feed and anything in the line f farmers house keepers or contractors necessities thds o moore terms re isonable j t wm e smith francis nunan i j successor to t f chapman bookbinder st georges sqoajre guelph ontario account books df all kinds made to order periodicals of evry description oarefuliy bound baling ne atly and promptly done elf see our cottage and if i am alive audvell our flag will be waving over it if it slmld be dark when you come in sight yo sje a light in the window for i shall about the time to look for ou and as as darkness comes on the signal sh ways be waiting and yon- hate always seen that hpl you passed that point always this is the twentjthirdjjtrip we have made and never but once hap passed that cottage in daylight the is always there j and i tell yon capta always makes my heart bound with j i gaze upon it i shall see it again moment would you like to be set ashore site your home frank if i could be spared sir yes we are from a southern and though our ship is perfectly healtuy we will probably be obliged to remain at iuar antine for a time as the yellow fevl raging below yon will have time to ub before we go into new york i would like to land sir said fi his face becoming very pale i that you can do but what the matter look yonder sir i see nothing pai ticular that is it sir i cannot see it rayj the signal yes sir the light is not there are yon sure yes and it should be for we are several days behind our usual time perhaps that is the reason of it mother may think that we are in port be expecting you to enter the house moment captain something is wrong foi never removes the light uutil i set fopt in the cottage after it has once been placed in the window are you sure you are in sight cottage yes for i can bee it although tinctly in the moons rays well we will land you and yo soon learn what is the matter it required a few moments tip set frank ludlow upon shore and heavy heart he bent his steps towara home of his youth frank had reached a little grove adjoined his youthful home buujieie he paused and stood for some time in si enoe tears started into his eyed and he re sated the name of his- mother in a low toue tiran as if afraid to go forward and sjttisf y himself he called in a lojuder vol still louder but only an echo oanie greet his ears a aintnesa came over the lad and he sank back upon the ground but he start ed to hid feet again as if he had been stung by a serpent he bad seated himself upon freshlyturned earth and its dampness chilled him he turned to look upon the spot but the tears blinded his vision he brusled them away however and then gazed upon the earth where he had sunk alresh mound met his gaze it was a ncpmade grave and with a cry of agon the boy fell upon it he called upon his mother to come back only for a mora mt to bid him farewell but silence deatt ly silence was around him present ly a liand touched bim and he started to his fe et he recognized one of his neigh bors and he asked i oring whose grave is this ou were calling her name just now j y mother ties frank c h tell me all about it lonng c ome into the cottage first th boy obeyed as he entered the huml le house where he had seen so many happy days it appeared to him that he could hear her footsteps crossing the apart ment to meet him but she was not there he entered the room where the signal had usually been placed and gazed earnestly arout d everything appeared to be just as he had last seen it and he could not bring himself to believe that mb mother iwho hfid embraced him at parting only three months before was now sleeping in the c ild grave he glanced toward the window the lamp was there in its accustomed place but t was not burning the boy ap proached and gazed upon it the wiok was 1 lackened and crisped showing that it hai i been lighted but the oil was entire ly ex lausted showing how it had become extinguished silently the devoted son regarded this evidence of a mothers re- mem branoe and love and then turning to the neighbor he asked loring how long has r ly mother been dead he was buried only yesterday c ould yon not have kept her body until i came io we did just as your mother in structed us to do how was that for a week before her death your motl er kept that light burning in the win dow he expected my return yes fell go ou five days ago your mother called nie to her side and then asked me to bring her the light i did so she gazed upon it andcmiled then she told me to fill it afrea i and trim and light it i did so and she tld me to set it iu the window i less her bless her sobbed the boy when 1 had replaced the light she said in an hour i shall be no more i should like to seo my dear boy once more but i fear i shall not be able to do so but keep that light burning in the window until the oil is exhausted and it goes out of its lf then and not until then place my bdy in the grave if my boy arrives he will see the light if it be still burning and v rill hasten here he will gaze upon my jale cold face and read there the word i of blessing i would speak if no light be burning he will know that his mothsr is no more and bending over my grave lie will weep and mourn my loss but tell him i am not lost tell him to look lp tp the blue arcli above him and in heavens wirdow he will see the light which his n other placed there burning brightly a s glial aud a beacon for him saying this ehe died i and you did as she requested i yes the giave was made m the grove yonder at sunset yesterday the lamp went out and we then placed her poor body to rest i rnnk ludlow did not sleep that night bit set himself to work to beautify and ornament the spot where slept that dear clayj when morning dawned the fiesh green sod covered the mound and had been plauted upon it this done with a heavy heart the lad set out to re join 1 is ship wl en he entered the cabin the captain asked r yell frank was the absence of the scott act results lose many are the arguments used by th not in sympathy with the act to support the contention that the act has entirely failed to effect any of the objects for which of was passed and in support of their assertions constant reference is made to the county of halton as one in which the effects of the measure are the most noticeable in this direction in contradic tion to this statement rev d v lucas a former resident of halton writes the mon re al witness i aletter which as we consider of interest to our readers we republish he says our opponents have all along as serted very positively that the scott act has failed wherever tried they have told their story over and over with such persistency that some good temperance people have been misled even yet they tell us that the act has failed in halton i suppose mr editor that if they will persist in repeating their assertions there is nothing left for us but to repeat ours 1 assert almost positively that the scott act has been aery great success in halton and i back my assertions by the following first i know what halton was for i grew up in the county drunkenness and crime especially such crimes as usually result from drinking were worse than can be adequately described i do not think that i ever saw any general gathering of people without seeing some drunken men some times scores of them during the late attempt to repeal the act i was in all parts of the county and i saw hundreds and thousands of people at mass meetings and though in the county for one entire mouth i did not see one person under the influence of liquor and my observation was confirmed by the united testimony of many most reliable persons clerical and lay respecting the moral improvement of hundreds m thecounty who had been addict ed to the drinking habit second so much good had been done n the county by the act during the past thre years of its opera tion that nearly five hundred more persons voted for it the second time than voted for it the first time third crime has been reduced sixty per cent since the act came into forco in that county looking at the blue book published at ottawa giving government nminal statistics i fiiid the folia wing woiderful figures which need no comment there were convicted and punished in the year 1883 when the act had been in force in halton nearly three years in the county of wentworth touch ing halton on the west l7ggjersons in the county of wellington touching halton on the norjth 573 and m the county of halton for the bameperiod only 39 persons for all crimes not counting violations of the liquor laws in any of them to put in the form of proportion to population you have in wentworwh which rejeoted the act one to every fortytwo persons in the county a convicted criminal for that year in wellington which was in a transient state having since adopted the act one person to every one hundred and twenty- seven a criminal and in halton where the act has been in force for three years or over one criminal for every five hundred and sixtyfour wentworth 1 for every i oneat a time one step at a timej and that well placed we reach the grludest height one stroke at a pime earths hidden stores will slowly come to light one seed at a time and the forest grows one drop at a time ind the river flows into the boundless sea v one word at a time and the greatest book j is written and is read one stone at a time and a palace rears aloft its stately head one bl6w at a time and the trees cleft through i and a city will stand where the forest grew a few short years before one toe at a time and he subdued and the conflict will ba won one grain at a time and the sand of life will slowly all be run one minute another the hours fly one day at a time and livesspeed by into eternity one grain of knowledge and that well stored another and more of them antl as time rolls on your mind will shine with many a garnered gem of thought and wkidom and time will tell one thing at a time and that done well is wisdoms proven rule i a maryland joke in a certain village in maryland a small boy kicked up a breeze in the parish church one sunday it seems that a certain good- woman bought a calfs head and put it on to boil leaving her little boy to jnind it while she went to the church close by the good i minister had reached his fifthly my brethren- when a small boy stuck his head in the door and whispered mammal the good woman recognized her son in stantly aqd begaa at once to make signs to him to leave the door mamma again came the whisper this time a little louder than before the mother shook her finger at the boy warningly and indulged in other familiar pantomime with which she was accustomed to awe her son bat it didnt work worth a cent the boy was excited and in dead earnest as the sequel will show ratling his voice he shouted mamma you neednt wink and blink at me but you had better come home right away for the cajfs head is buttiu all the- dumplius out of the jxt 1 poor john light pfour and jvery she the indis- ean mfth a the iliich explained yes sir why was it not burning it has been transferred sir to one of the windows of heaven i shall only see it wh 3n i have made my last voyage across the dirk river of death frtnk set about his duties with apparent cheer uluess but it was evident that he was 1 eartbroken j tho ship was again upon itsreturn yoy- age from new orleans it was opposite the point where stood the lonely cottage and when slept the mothers clay the entire shipi officers and crew surrounded the conct of the dying boy he asked captain are we not near the cottage yes frank i ut can you see the light burning ib isnot burning therkfrank but it is burning up fonder for i cah see i thje brave boy did not speak again he smih d anu his spirit passed quickly away di 1 he not see the light his mbtker had placed in the window of his heavenly homi even hef ore he had reached it 42 wellington 1 for every 127 halton 1 for every 56j take now theevil thescott act is especially intended to care there were convicted for being drunk and disor derly for tho same year wentworth 6g6 wellington 235 aud in halton 3 1 1 that is to say in wentworth 1 for very 08 wellington 1 for every 319 and in halton 1 for every 7331 in the face of these facts and official figures the opponents of the act have never gneu up the cry of failure those who say it today are the same parties who said it twoyears ago when halton re affirmed her confidence in the scott act by a largely increased ma jority i wiote to toronto for the report of the inspector of prisons for 18s4 and i find the following figures convicted and punished after trial for being drunk and disorderly in toronto gaol- 1262 hamilton 328 loudon 193 peterboro flowers f 27 guelph 24 cayuga 18 milton gaol for halton here is before me a report from renfrew where the scott aot went into foice j a year ago from june 9th 1884 to december 9th 1884 under license 6 months total convictions 220 assault and battery 37 drank and disorderly 31 from may 1st 1885 to december 1st 1885 under scott act 7 months total con victions 107 assault and battery 15 drunk and disorderly 9 of the 327 con victions or all crimes under both acts for the c months of h of the jrears named 265 grew out of the liquor traffic leaving only 62 for other causes will the sane man say that the scott aet had nothing to do with this decrease of orime i went to j fredericton in the province of new brunswick last fall when our opponents for the second time attempted a repeal and i spent over two weeks in that city where jt was said over and over again that the act was a complete failure and yet i never saw in all that time one person under the influence of liquor and i never heard so littleprofanity and never saw better deportment in any place of the bize in my life as therej friends of the act told me that a wonderful change for the better had been wrought in the city which i could easily believe when i called to mind the great change i had seen in the county of halton beaverton express john- dear said the young wife look ing up from the paper was reading i see that people carry chestnuts in their pockets to cure rheumatism yes dear is it ciistomary to carry things in tho pockets to cure diseases it depends upon whether the person afflicted is superstitious or not r because when sewing a button on your vest yesterday i discovered a quantity of cldves coffeebeans cardamon seeds flog loot aud other things in one of the pockets do you carry them as a remedy is there anything taie matter with you dear yees my dear said john stammer ing and turning as red as a boiled lobster if i think i have ahttle heart trouble poor fellow she said as tears came to ner eyes you never told me a word about it bostpit courie a riek ereboti they were both candid i j king frederick vi of denmark while i travelling through jutland one day entered a village school and found the children lively and intelligent and quije ready to answer his questions wellyoungsters he said what are the names of the great est irogspf denmark with one accord they cried out canute the gteat wald- emar and christian fv just then a little girl to wjom the schoolmaster had whis pered something stood up and raised her hand po yon know auotber asked the king kes frederick vi what- great act did he perform the girl hung her head and stammered out i dont know be comforted my child said the king i dont know either irish times a heavy burden i mj george russell of aurora ont says he was a great sufferer from arunning sore of the worst description which baffled the best medical skill and his lifejwag a burden he was cured by bbb to his great joy and the surprise of bis friends avers baraaparilla operates rkdioally upon and through the blood and isla safe and ljpojute cure for the various diseases oormante and disorders due to debility ortixawtuttonal 4aintlor infection t 4sxj have you ever tried mogregor parkes carbolic cerate for sores of all kind it is beyonddoubt the very best preparation iu the market for healingjand curlngsores burns cuts pimples blotches and is the only proper method of applying garbolio acid bold at dr mcgarvins drug store for 25c per box fare for sore throat a prompt and effiorent r emedy for 8019 hroat as well as croup asthma pain in side oarache deaf uess and many other common and painful complaints in found in hagyards yellow oil he cut the matter short i elder jones was not remarkable for his eloquence nor was hea very good- reader especially of the hard parajs but he said that all scripture is profitable and therefore he never selected any portionjbut read the first chapter he opened at after he took the stand to preach one day he stumbled in this way upon a chapter in chronicles and read eleazer begat phineas i and phineas begat abishna and abishua begat bukkie and bukkie begat lizzie and stumbling worse and worse as he proceeded he stopped and running his eye ahead and seeing nothing better in prospect be cut the matter short by say ing and so they went on aud begat one another tp the end of the chapter a deeply interested father soon after- the smiths baby was bora mrs smith went upstairs one evening and entered the room hero her darling lay asleep there she found her husband standing by the side of the crib and gazing earnestly at the ohild as she stood still for a moment touched by the sight the tears filled her eyes aud she thought f oh how degtly charles loves that boy 1 imagine tho shock to her feelings when he v suddenly idrned toward her and exclaimed my dear it is incomprehensible to me how they can get up such a crib as that for2s0j ffitnti pleasant as syrdp v nothing equals it as a worm medicine i the name is mother grives w orra exterminator s the jnea worm deswoyer of tjhe age j rv 41 mr

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