Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 24, 1886, p. 3

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i j f t f m jm a preserve your twgjght speotaclo atooki q- stafcf jwm a optwnetk lot urtiur aerht alljuadtfpt8ktfpt4tu spectacles from 95o upwards giveus call when you want a pair j ofio hyd8 acwjlj ont jmfernleir will weep in stock during awnon full supply of strvwbbrbibs aud other kruiti leavs your oijden at once tlie largest and best assorted itookof cok- pkctusbmnt6wu cheap jforeign and domesflo fbutts canned fcods finest cigars in tl i martat 1 jmfebnlby tncksmjt mottiokoi jmnsf 1886 crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful free i press reporters jjf vj 1 m i t i jj li the small fruits promise well hayiur will commence in a few days a good by crop ia probable for this season no quornnv st the council on tuesday evening j last monday was the longest day of the year favorable weather tor the spring crops and fruit the little greeiuspple is getting down to business again see j e howsons new advertisement in another column mrs s a second has kindly handed us copies of late chicago dailies prepare for the great dominion day celebration in acton next thursday messrs kelly bros have improved the appearance of their shop front very ma terially 1 k est jutting of the fourth division court will be held in the council chamber on the 8th of july the oakville star is executing some very creditable colored poster work as a bih just received will verify the drill shed at guelph was gutted by fire about noon on monday the fire was caused by a spark from a pipel the baptist and methodist sabbath schools of hornby went to burlington beach last week for their annual picoic i strawberries are only four cents a quart in london ont snch are the ad- vantages of living on a farm toronto world a meeting of the board of education was held on monday evenidg last only the ordinary monthly business was transacted there were no accounts to pass bev mr whitfield of lanarkshire scotland preached interesting sermons in knox church last sabbath he will again occupy the pulpit next sabbath an excursion composed of the york pioneers and their friends to the number of about 500 passed through acton on tuesday for guelph where they spent the day the cornet band played on the street on monday evening several of the recent ly married conples were serenaded the members of the band were hospitably en tertained by mr and mrsgeo havill a number of boys have been in the habit of amusing themselves on snnday afternoon by smashing winddws in the west side of mr harveys flonr mill if the offence is repeated the rascals will be sum marily dealt with bev b phillips preached his last ser mon as pastor of crewsons corners meth odist church last snnday afternoon to a large congregation his term at the brick church will be concluded next sunday citizens desirous ofspending a pleasant evening cannot do better than visit the garden party this evening if weather is favorable it will be held on mr james moores lawn otherwise in the basement of the methodist church i some improvements have been made to the interior of kdfix church which render it more tidy in appearance we would be happy though to see the church replaced with an edifice in keeping with the large and welltodo congregation worshipping there the quarterly examinations in the public schools will be held tomorrow the examination will be in progress in the sec ond and third departments in the forenoon and in the first and fourth in the afternoon every friend of the pupils in the place is invited to be present 1 the public schools in civic municipali ties will probably close for summer vaca- tion on the 30th june as the first friday in july the- legal closing day comes the day after dominion day and there wouia naturally befew if any pupils in s attendance that day it is asked how editors pass their leisure moments bless your dear soul they dont pass them they never catch np to them an editor is usually from ten to forty years behind his leisure moments and he always dies before he gets within gunshot of the rearmost of them civic holiday is already being talked about excursions are mooted for london forks of the credit barrie and other in- jeresfiog npints our citizens should give the matter due consideration and then in good time announce the date and objective point for the annual holiday excursion the prize libt of the fortyfirst provin cial exhibition to be held in guelph under the auspices of the agricultural and arts association of ontario on september 20th to 25th next a before us the list is as comprehensive as usual and embraces sev eral new features for a copy address hexby wade secretary toronto a new weekly paper the toesln is be ing published in hamilton by j g y burkhoider cs zt is devoted to the cause of prohibition and particularly to tiie enforcement of prohibitory laws- it will be published for lenweeks on trial and if tbeaecesaity for its continuance is then apparent it will he made a permanent pub lication the fbeb paras wished it per- njanentsneofisi 1 7 rte4nrifvcbleoonditioa of we onl monday evening u lawn ptv ijft u ivu a tils jeataew of mr jsmeijiloore was poatpdoed until ihiaj nntaf the ladtea aidjof the methods church invite til to be present the maiia emjeat of the toronto zoo logical and a olimitlaation society have sent us a seaso i pass to the zoological gjar- dens for whiol the fmw potass tenders its thanks mr harry piper the efficient manager has t iade the gardens an attrac tion in the city it will pay our reader to visit the place and they should make it a point to take tl e children with them the fbks ihasa has received with the compliments of the hon john carling minister of af riculture a very neatly got ten up book en titled colonial and indian exhibition ci nada its history produc tions and natt ral resources 160 pages with two oomp iritive maps the matter is interesting a id very instructive and no doubt muoh benefit will accrue to panada from its ciroutytion laarosmxatohm during the week lacrosse been played by botb the crescent land star dubs and although they each played good creditable games piatoheal have they brought xpmd the twjbbkb rakiwcjs whioh are irnoipauy local and all interesting farms through about two miles f acton in a heajthy condition the report oi the sanitary inspector at the meeting of the board of health last thursday evening showed the municipal lty to be in a sat afactory sanitary condition a number of p emises were found which the inspector o mldnot pass and improve- ments were rcoommended 8ome have complied but a few yet remain who appar- entljtooknoiiiticeof the inspectors re- quests these citizens are given until the 1st of july to p it their premises in a clean and tidy condit on and itjs hoped that at that date no te will be found liable to the penalties of the act another scott tat case at gruelph the case agi mat w c patterson for violating the scott act ontthe queens birthday in coi nection with she manches ter unity excm sion to guefph that day was concluded at the polfce court last thursday after lopn the defendant was convicted and fined 950 ancrajosts amount ing in all to is 220 this sum does not include mr pal tersons oosts in defending the suit which will probaiy amount to some two hnndi ed dollars mr patterson has come to the conclusion that the scott act is not to be openly violated in guelph with impunity liter all godeys ladys book godttf ladtf i bool for july opens its one hundred an i thirteenth volume and is an especially br ghtand handsome number the frontispiew entitled the wedding day is the coi ipanion picture to the qno given in the jui e number it is a pre ay subject well rer dared and is made m re attractive by leing the subject of an original story f rom the pen of the well- known author augusta de bubna an other pretty iiltstration old story is a quaiut picti ire of cats with a fascinat ing poem wntn by mary e bradley the colored a id black fashion designs give innumerab e varieties of seaside and mountain costimes the coronet of thorns by j v pritchard sustains its brilliant plot as the story nears completion a bright transit tion from the german of eladdey enti led bound not sought is to be conclnd id in the next number a variety of gooc short stories and poems complete a nun ber that showb decided im provement nnd ar i the new management the sobstriptio l price to qodeis ladif book is 1200 a ear or 9100 for the six remaining mon hs commencing with the july number fishing ground s beserved we understand that the owners of several which the trout stream east of acton passes vizi- messrs warren gordon mann kannawin and shaw have formed a compact to allow no fishing what iver on their premises in this actios the are perfectly reasonable and fully justii ed for several years the farmers named have been exceedingly liberal in the gn nting of permits to those anxious to try f r a basket of the speckled beauties and it is now desirable that a halt should be riade in order to allow the stream to recrui and the agreement enter ed into is a wise one we sincerely hope that those who iaye been accustomed to visit this strean will now forego their visits and honorably i cquiesce in the wishes of the farmers named j they have been so igeherous in tl e past that their desires should now be r spected and we trust none of them will be nt to the trouble of prose cuting tresppase srs no man cannot claim any legal right 1 3 enter on private property in pursuit of fisl l or game based on the custom so to do for by entering thereon without permission in search or pursuit of either the sport iman becomes a trespasser as it is the pres mt intention to refuse per mission to all a ly person or persons found on the premises named will be regarded as trespassers high honors to m acton boy at the 34th ai mnal commencement exer cises at btmicl aels college toronto on tuesday the hi best honors of the institu tion were com erred upon mr richard maloney son of our townsman mr d maloney for ixaminations successfully passed at the cl se of the college year onr young friend recsived the gold medal and firstclass honor i in the literary course the firstclass sc lolarships in natural phil osophy mental philosophy and christian doctrine and c bh prizes amounting to be tween 50 ancv75 the presentations were made by b is lordship bibhop oma- honey and dr t fihwn president of uni versity college in its- report the world says l the student i rendered a high class pro gram of musicfa nd elocution hi good style b maloney of j tcton a 19 yearold gradu- ate and prospect ve priest delivered igrand address on true education andf clohessy read the valedic sory the tfews says a splendid address on true educa tion was delivered- by b maloney of acton ont ay rang man of 19 who in tends entering- the priesthood and who carried off high 1 onors in the examinations mr maloney won a number of very hcieditame prize at the examinations last yvr he is a sloae and icareful student aa id fully deierv 9s the distinction he has earned for hims if we have no- doubt ar prominent posit on will be commanded by no laurels on sajturdayi evening the crescents went to georgetown to have a friendly match witt the tasthas never dreaming that they would win but in order somewhat to enoourogo the jetnas after their several defeats of 1ale three inter esting games were payed jin whioh our boys gave their georgetown friends some solid work but the ore acentslgoal succumb ed each time to the e teas rubber tossera the georgetown boys treated the visitors very courteously rat unfortunately kept them in their town long enough to miss the eveningtrain and tho boys didnt arrive home until the me ajn train sunday morning it is suciirely hoped that no future matches will b arranged for satur day evening on monday the starsjjuuiors went to milton to have a matoh with the junior olympics of that towrj they met players a good deal bigger and heavier than them selves but nothing daunted faced them like little men and gae the big fellows all they wanted to do the olympics won the first game the stars the second and third and the olympics the fourth and fifth the bestof feeling prevailed through out aud both the players and spectators treated our boys very friendly giving them due credit for their playing the crescents go to guelph friday even ing to play the return match with the club of that oity a match will be played with a hamilton team on dominionday colonial exhibition rockwood news from our otcn correspondent mr dau strachan fills bis fathers pulpit here next sunday eening master herbert leo is slowly recovering from an attaok of diphtheria a larce number of visitors from george town aud guelph spent the sabbath in rockwood mr innes the new iailor is doing an ex tremely large trade he is already very popular among our citizens a few days ago wo were visited by messrs mcintosh and adamsj of toronto they are genial fellows and have a host of friends here i mr chas pasmores young son is recov ering nicely from his injuries sustained some time ago by the wheels of a passing vehicle mr jas mitchell hespeler spent sunday with his mother he is always heartily welcomed by his numerous friends in bockwood mrs bev strachan is suffering from an acute attack of erysipelas in the face we hope bhe may be visited early by con valescence watson jjaston butcher has given np business here having found a more con genial spot in gueiph he enters into partnership with his 0n mr thos jago succeeds him a mr hearn also soon commences squire strange wife and daughter capt d l schnlq and wife and dr dryden did the musical festival in toronto last week they report themselves pleased in deed with the splendid collection of talent that rendered music the like of which to ronto never heard before picnicmg to puahnoh lako is very popu lar among the elite of bockwood tbis-sea- son those who are not elite are going shortly to blora the sooial status of the last meatjaeed was determined the other day by orreof the pleasure finders at pus- iincb j ort saturday evening last a case of as sault and battery was tried before squire strange offensive language used by one charles survey against samuel allan employer of the former induced mr allan to chastise bis man wkh bis fists he was fined 200 and 235 costs by the squire who gave in exchange some very wholesome advice in a facetious tone we have the sad task this week of relat ing the death by diphtheria of chas lundy the son of mr t lundy blacksmith the little fellow suffered extremely until death claimed him about noon yesterday the sadness that pervades the neighborhood is increased by the fact that mr and mrs lundy are themselves ivery low with the scourge that carried off their son mrs lundys case is critical we hope that both may recover shortly i due day last week there was a large at tendance at the farm of mr robert hamil ton who lives about i a mile from the village to erect a new bam this was done quickly in splendid style and no one hurt mr hamiltons popularity was if possible augmented by the handsome way he entertained the orowd tngofwar base ball foot races etc were indolgedin after the building was raised a pleasant dance t night was much enjoyed by a goodnatured collection of novices and a jfew others i x y z everyone from this part of the queens domaiu may not be privileged to attend the great colonial exhtbi tion in euglohd but no oue having a due regard for their own interests should fail to witness the maornincedtj display of eyery class of wearing ma tbrial stapiib and fancv diy goods which invites the public to no 27 lower wyudbjam street althouglij our daily sales bat e been very large j daily arrivals of kovbltik8 kkbtj oub stock atfttactivk we indulge in no nonsensical bombast neither aref we hard up but ve emphatically impress on readers of this advertise ment the fact that no one in the trade of guelpli whether hard up or not offers b itter intrinsic value or greater bargain s thau we do at no 27 we do not offer piles of trash at seem ingly lew prices but good nkw fresh reliable goods that will stand tho test of wear ana comparison and give the best of satisfaction to the pur chaser oar whole aim is by treat- ment of customers by our manner of business by quality and value of goocu to win and hold the confidence of the public that in this we are suc cessful the daily throng at our coun- tors nod the coi ipumentary remarks of our customers iiear witness and so while not every one may take a trans j atlauttc trip eviryone is obliged to do more or less she ppiu and they bare the opportunity of doing it in a man- 1 ner pleasant and agreeable as well as profitable to themselves by calling nt no 27 this week we offer t i bargains in dress goods i bargains in tweeds and cloths bargains in parasols bargains in hosiery and gloves bargains in lawns and muslins bargains in embroideries bargains in white goods bargains in millinery barcain81 barcains bhoxiidei3sr xilozkt or guelph great clearing sale goods all reduced to ridiculously low prices e r terms sflrictly cash telephone in office 1 bollert 27 lower wyndham street guelph ontario adtoosr bread cakes y jniintweyijari -4- rockwood june 29th 1886 of all kinds on hand op made to order biscuits confectionery c ice cream soda water served at all hours mrs t statham the man with wooden legs is the only customer we cannot fit f dominion day the day to be celebrated with more than the usual eolat rext thursday the committee representing the driving park association is actively engaged in completing arrangements for the celebra tion on dominion day the programme will embrace rntertsting base ball and lacrosse matches daring the forenoon to be followed by a complete list of athletic games and sports for all of whioh attrac tive prizes will begiveij a tug of war be tween esqnesing and erin will constitute a drawing feature in the days amusements and will provide an hour perhaps of fun for the spectators if not for the contestants at 230 pm the races will be opened wiih a gieen trot for a purse of 40 and will be followed by a running pee open to all a tbneminute trot and an open trot foi pnr les of 40 70 and 80 respectively a trot p of calithumpians will likejy meet the mo ning trains and escort the visitors to the park there will no doubt be a large gathering of people here on that day and the r will find ample accommodation for their comfort and pleasure it is to be hop d that fine weather will prevail for eyeiything else promises aif auspioious oceanian 1 dui jfelkgi oue 8 stock of all- wool melangier cord frieze effect all colors egrlis brocaded cballie fancy stripes worth 20c for beautiful cashmerette lace canvasclothin black cream mttsltnt canvas moll alf colors we quote prices below to prove onr position that wo sell cheaper than others silk an satin department black and colored silks r 37 45 50 60 75 90c and np black and colored satins r 37 45 60 60 75 90c and up black and colored merveilleux 874 05 100 w 08 110 and up fanoy striped and brocaded satins colored and blaok 50c to 100 french dress goods nuns veilings new shades 15o canvas cloth netv shades 15c 25c very cheap dress goods 5c 8c h 10c ronzeand mid brown only worth 25c for 12c epartment lovely lino colored muslins 5c jjioe muslins 5c white and colored lawns 12jc and up swiss spots and checks j india mull all shades j very low rints fast color eamapo prints 5c newesteffects franconia prints 7c ashtons madders worth 12jc for 8c best english cambric crombs best cloth worth 20c fdr 12jc one case at a boat half price staples best value in shirting factory cotton worth 7 at f 5c best factory worth lc at 7c table covers pure flax colored borders at 50c shaker flannel colored and white 12ic bo atejtg shawls under wholesale prior over 2000 to choose from corsets a splendid range from 30c hosiery gloves in all varieties of shades styles qualities special value another big lot of buttons 1 5c per dozen clothing our cutter is the best our stock the largest onr prices the lowest and our work of tho finest quality j d williamson co how to ilve moiey place your order for clothing with r e inelsojs 1 the popular clothieofthetilty stock all new anc v ell assorted style fit and workmanship always correct 4 specialty prices lowestj 4 pants 4 in the city nelson 89 wyndham stwllk old stand guelph health pr all hollowais piltfe and ointment m s summer goods is full ind complete we offer special inducements quality price assortment buying direct ft m the manufacturer ft r cash we cannot bi undersold by legitimat competition the testimony of close anq careful buyers is t hat twe sell cheap t trunks and valises we have a large stock of the best quaj lty which we off rat the lowest prices teadlmr boot ai d sltot store w molarea co tike purify the blood coijn the oi ills t all disorders of the f pajrty whd unintentionally in hwasgon torn osptiske a couple qj tslntfd enough to leave thfern at the be will much qblij e the owner toronto jtune 21fc 1880 iod away c thursday 1 lwkliia ess office sbeil and anureor the publiah thereoom which rei vtowcb ik hbbebt givn that am ja residents of aiton who ha rahsen notified to clean their cellars drains raids pigstyes water olosets or otbtor outhullc ings and prem- provided ot rt tn alj dirt filth h p vbcl1 may endanger iiv3 s implied with s3 stti iarylisnector s basod nppn the jiabto ttieyanalties srovisibus olthe puilic health lact by ithe 1st ay of jnly next will be liable o the t the sail act t h uooee chairman lizard of health aoton june 18th lj80 mortcace of- sale valuable property in the vil lage of actjsn undbb and by viriue of a of sale con- tained in a mortgage made by william p campbell which will too yroduc d at the time of sale there will be sold by public auction at the door of agnews hotel acton n saturday the 8rd july 1888 at the hpur of one octock the f ol- nristihg i if lot hnmber ins snrver of part of the tillage of acton and part of th easterly half of lot number 29 con 21 esqueein g and known as lots numbers 15 and 18 in james dicksons sur vey of part of the villigeof acton there is a good roughcast hquse on the prem ises containing six roams also a good garden it is situated in a deshkble part of the vilfogo possession will be given jis soon as pnrcbase money is paid i i tebms of sale tin per cant of pnrcbase money on day of sale the balance in cash two weeks tbereaftr f further particulars dan he had dn application to hooh mcmillan vendors solicitor or johsbton mclbas solicitors acton 1 nowljj the time valuable lreniiuri given free- with canada s popular weekly low appears preguioriy in twelve page and in addition to all its wellknown popular features gives fn each issue sam jonos sermons the international sabbath lessons a- complete 8toryetc etc i it is vastly improved in every respect fon buaxce f ve ab the price is only file or in clubs of five and over 40c each post age stamps accepted for fractional carts of a dollar samplesfree 3bach subscriber will be entitled without additional cpst to one of the following premi ums which should be ordered as per number viz i r 1 portrait gallery 2 h jme and health 3 chases becipejs iht diesfancy work guide 3begistered letters come at onr risk ad dress plainly 1 advebljlseb pbinting co j lokdow oktabio montreal house successor id mrs sedord beks to intimate to the citizens of acton and surround ings that be has refitted the store and put in a desirable stock of dress goods fruits linens jerseys hosiery parasols also k mens readynjiade boots and which will be sold at dost for a call and a share of vonr respectfully mvfted a choice assortment of qroceries clothing slipeks v next 30 days patronage is ej knowlton sjign of tie be4 flag acton w pine wahoh repai particular attenti on paid to the repairing and icleaning of fine watchas at tljie pid i3s housel and clocks of liveb stomach kpjnets and bowels they invigorate and restore to health debilitated constitutions and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to females o f all ages for children and the aged they are priceless glandular swellings and all skin diseases ik has no rival and for contracted atd stiff joints it actp ke a charm 78 and are ttpurchasorb should look ip the label on jtmpt si easts old wounds s f ir disorders of the ches fofe b0b3 throats bepijroeztzb 00vbs golds an inf allable remedy for bad legs bad jbijeasts old wounds bores and ulciirs is famous for oout and hheumatism fpt disorders of the chest it lias no eat al it b sage cuelfh painting painting paper hanffiagr ealsoxain- ing qolorlnfir ete the undersigned are prepared to take orders for anything in above lines good work guaranteed orders solicited p i a dynes a defowle manufaotnredonly atthomis hollpways establishmajnt newoxjortl street aato 533 oxfor4 street london en sold at is lidi 2di 4s6d 1 22sj and 38s eaoh box or pot au may be had of all medicine vnflors tbughout the world oxford the potajand boxes if the addresi is nto ljnpon tljey are spurious subscribe for li to actqli fte tq lsi jajnjah 18st press -oliy- 50 cets 0 aixthact r r jlr t t cholera infantum allsummercqmj oliy8yllue3lts fe m m ivir ra j 5ji of wi

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