Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1886, p. 1

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n i t 4 rc volume xii no i i is- rtfnri8hkr every thursday morning at the free press power printing house acton ontario subscription rates oxktevr six months 50 ct8 tnnkk movtb8- 25 cts iu variably iu advancs if uot iiaid iu advance 125 per xear will bff charged no paper discon tinued till all arrears aro paid oxcept at tho i of thepubhshor 1 storey c b acton a general option advertising rate8 space ouo cohimn half column quarter coluinu one inch 1 tit c mo 3 mo 1 1110 hgooo 63500 32000 s500 2000 1200 2000 1200 700 000 350 300 700 s50 250 100 casual advertisements 8 cents per lino for the first insertion and 2 cents per line for each rub- sequcntinsertion cash the number ot lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil advertisements without specific directions will bo inserted till forbid and charged accord- ngly transitory advertisements must be paid u advance changes for contract advertisements must bo in tho office by 9 ajn on morulas otherwise they will be left ovcr until tho following week actjn ontario thursday acton banking cqy rift i st ie co nkers- ontario banking business transacted h p mooke editor and proprietor 1 3- s f i 4r tlllft didcihay bojoundonluentocop i nlo rhrcif bowell t o0 newspaper ad krttsjnsbnrvaufnsnrurebtvnherc adtertlsir lostracumarbemaaeforu in new ydkh business directory wh lowry m b mx3 p s graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street acton ce stacey md cm graduate of trinity university fellow of trin ity medical school member of the college of physiciansand surgeons office campbells hotel ll bennett lds dentist georgetown ontario ac mckinlay l s surgeon dentist georgetown ont nsesthe new system of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain having been demon strator and practical teacher in rojal college pf dental surgeons toronto pat- rons maydependuponrecening satisfaction in any operations performed will visit acton every other weduesday of each mqnth office agnews hotel jstlrtox ld s fihcds ontanqjfionor graduate ontario college of dental surgery successor to c b hayes lds artificial teeth in serted on rubber celluloid gold or alum- inum and satisfaction guaranteed nit rous oxide gasadministered fees moder ate appointments made by leteer office tovells block opposite p o guelph john lawson graduate of on- tarjo veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton ont office in kenny bros boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or day promptly attend ed to terms easy johnston mclean barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers ate a3private funds to loan ornce town hall acton e fb johsto wsi a mclla s tfohstloajtsd on approved notes notcjs discounted and interest allowed on deposits general agents h j mcdonald go no 2 victoria st toronto estate insurance agents money to loan at six per cent houses rented business chances chattle mortgages promissory notes and other securities negotiated val uators ac farms or other properties sold or ex changed call at fnth pistes office tt ij e l p h- bu si ness college guelph ontario men new goods t txm fxtt f xm a i i price three cents days bookstore cuelph thursday moinio july 1 188g poetry young thoroughly bookkeepers or telegraph been in and states graduates are cess in the and the united accommodation enter at any time 146m and women abe prepared for positions as sh irthand- writers caligraph operators students have attendance from nine proviuces witbm the past year our meeting with marked sue- commercial centres of canada states bates moderate excellent students may for term si etc address m maccqrmick principal lumber and shingles lath 25000 rolls wall paper ioo sets lawn croquet car lo d express waggons big st06k low prices day sells cheap summer american consistency mother why did the stranger man in sunday school today tell us the children ought to givo their pennies all away he wab a missionary child from far across the seas whore he had labored many years to save the poor chinese those poor chinese 1 thoy dress their hair in wicked braided cues and make their women cramp their feet in binfulwoodeu shoes they also worship idols and the money that wo give will hire men to tell them how the christian nations live mother i know a chinaman who keeps a laundryshop i pass it on my way to school tomorrow i will stop and ask him up to sunday school and buy a bible too and tell him he mubt try to do the way that christians do john thomas 1 haint you any sense or were you born a fool k heathen fed on rats and rice to come to sunday school exposing ub to leprosy- it makes my flesh to creep they ought to drive them out of town for doing work so cheap john thomas if you dare to go and see that laundry man ill give you such a whipping as a christian mother can picayune our story guelph cloth hall rphe uurtersikticd tlesiros to inform tho public jl that he has uojw on haml and willkpep ill stock a full lino of rino and hemlock as well as other kinds of lumber also first and second class pino shingles lath coal wood having purchased tho coal business of mr c s smith i am prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal i havt also a good stock of wood- hardwood abh cellar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered james brown fire utual insurance company allwool gauze balbriggan merino cotton m emitchell solicrrob coxvkiaxceb ac oitice first door west of the cltampion 01 the c0tot7 of wellington estjjiijshed 1840 head office cuelph offiee ilain street milton at c per cent money to loan ohilton allan baibd barristers solicitors c toeovto and georgetown office creelmans block georgetown and 85 king street east toronto sh1lt0v ba j baibi ba w t ulan tain laidlaw co buiusteks solicitous oms over imperial bank 24 wel lington street east entrance exchange aifey toronto jims batx q c c a mahtex wlixiah iiaidlau gbobge kappele patents secured for inventions henry grist ottawa casaoa 20 years practice no patent no pay factories and property on the pw stone president insures buildings merchandue manu- ill other descriptions premium note sjstem of cnas- davidson secretary john taylor agent shaw grundy merchant tailors guelph wellington marble works qtjbbeo st gublfh fire fire fire burned qui butltot destroyed w m hemstreet haying perfected arrangements the rebuilding of the for pl4 licensed auctioneeb p forthe counties of wellington and halton orders left at the fuee pbess office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable- moxet to loan t also money to loan on the mofct f avor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest m sums of s500 and upwards surveyor john davis provin cial land surreyor and cr guelph orders by mail or telegraph promptly at tended to charges moderate office 33 perth 8t guelph john day architect 4 i guelph om office queens hotel block market square john j daley snccessortothorxipson jackjon money to loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing m all its brandies properly and neatly done charges tow farms and city property for sale list with farms ior sale sent to all parts of the dominion to intendingpurchasers and cir culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections ihrough our european agencies earma wanted lor otir lists correspon dence invited office near the post office guelph orit mhe hanlan barber shop mnx street acton an easy shave a stylish haircut a good seafoam an exhilarating shampoo always given razors honed and pat in firstclass live ing mill john h hamilton pbopribtor wholesale and retail dealer in marble i granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of gronite aud marble what we saw of st helena or a leap prom my log by w b soon after daybreak on the morning of february 9th 1879 the lookout on the focastle head of the good bhip s b of liverpool a fine fullrigged iron clipper of 16g7 tons in the calcutta trade home ward bound from that port to dundeo scotland with a cargo of jute sung out to the officer of the deck land oh this announcement brought all hands forward and it was soon known aboard that we were in sight of that little spot of land amidst a dreary waste of waters that will over hold a place in the history of the world the island of st helena about 4 bells 10 am in the morning watch we were well up to tho island and could distinguish its leading features the day was perfect the atmosphere clear and balmyjthesky a deep azure flecked with fleecy clouds the sea smooth and of that beautiful intense blue to bo seen only in tropio latitudes several birds were hovering round us these birds a sea fowl of some kind pure white with yellow bills and black legs and slightly web- footed most likely inhabited the rocky shores of the island as they were a species we had not hitherto met withi they were not unlike the sea tern in artpearanco and occasionally uttered a shrill cry as they flew round the ship every now and then a shoal of flyine fish exocetus volitans those butterflies of the deep as thoy have been aptly termed pursued by their vora- ss enemies tbebomtoand the water and skim the hulls of war vessels on tropical stations thoaolattir vessels are always stationed here st hele la is remarkable as being the spot whore the great napoleon bonaparte was exiled or rather imprisoned and also jhe place oi his death as we leaned on the taffrai and gazed at the island we thought o that great man with a will deapotio in its dictates who made the whole continent c f europe tremble at the audacity iof his desi ns and tho miraole of their exe cution he who disposed of courts crowns camps ahurches and cabinets as if they werk forscoth the titular dignitaries of th6 chessboard ho who was at the same time a royalist a republican and an emperor a mahome an a catholio and a patron of the synagc gae a christian and an infidel a traitor ai id a tyrant and yet was through all his vicissitudes the same stern impa tient lmnacablo inflexible original the same mysleribus incomprehensible self to whom kings bowed down yea and crowns crumbled yes we thought how well it lllui trated the ups and downs of this world thul thisgreat man the most ex traordinary perhaps that in the annals of this i wori d ever rose or fell or reigned bhould die a poor almost friendless for saken prisoner here in this little rock- bound isla id of st helena completely iso lated and shut out from the world so much for e irthly fame and glory one of tl ie sights or rather the sight ot the island is napoleons tomb it is away up the hilli on the plateau and cannot be seen from be sea but we were pointed out its whereabouts quite a trade is done on the island n relicb and mementoes of the tomb and bouse in which he died in the latter the room in which he breathed his last is kepi precisely as it was on thatocca sion even the pattern of the wallpaper which is r igularly imported from france as needed when abreast of the signal station we ran up our ensign and saluted and num at the head of river street recently de stroyed by fire ind purchased new machin ery wewould n iform the public that on or about the 1st of may we will be in a better position than ever to supply their wants i he shape of dsessnra juube sheeting flooein j u0tjlding5 sic also n the meantime pumps will be i iepaired and general job bing done as usual thanking you for past favors and hoping by strict attent on to business and reason able prices to rx ent an increased share pf patronage we sre respectfully yours tiios ebbage manager having lately visited the bay of funjy granite quarries and having purchased the entire stock of graj and red granite monuments headstones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost i will untili further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario for in stancegranite monuments 0 it high 00 7 ft 75 8 ft 990 9 ft loo 10 ft o all work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this line will do well to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee my pneos are from jo to 50 per cent below all other dealers acton meat market anecdotes of great men congressman tim campbell was ask ed how he camo to leave the arlington hotel to board upon k street the fact is he answered there is too much ex citement at the hotel for aqniet feller so i have me quarters at a private house where i am the star boarder find sit next thelaiidlady boston record senator evarts library in his house in new york is full of costly booke engravings picturesand works of art he had a visit there some time ago from one of his law clients who had always supposed the sena tor not to be any too luxuriously supplied with this worlds goods he looked the room over with a critical eye and remarked that he did not see how long the senator could afford so many fine and costly things the senator mentioned the remark to a lawyer friend a day or two afterward with the dry comment he will know when i send him my bill daily graphic hon john j oneill chairman of the labor committee has a missouri constitu ency that is hungry for office and he findb it hard to satisfy their wants recently he made special efforts to obtain a department position for one mcgrath an aged irish- american citizen and with success a few days ago mcgrath was notified of his con gressmans success and went up to the de partment i am the gentleman that mr oneill got a place for said the irishman oh yes answered the chief here is your appointment and now that i have got the appointment said the incum bent fingering the paper with some pride i thank god i dont nade it i only wanted to see if johnny oneill had any influence and he walked out with his head up and a step that betokened his ancient lineage congressman oneill is now looking for some beedy constituent to fill the vacancy new york world a page prom a gmlsjournal it seems a year since morning so many things are done between the early rising and the setting of the sdn i helped mamma with breskfast and helped my sister dress helped snean with the dishes helped every one i gaesi and then i learned my lesi ons and when i went to bobool my tasks were all quite pe feet except that ugly rule when study hours were ovar i went to see aunt jane she sent me with a message to poor old father blarj the walk was long and dsty i thought it very warm and heavy was tli satchel that dangled from my arm it seemed thatfrest was near tae when i had reached my home but darling little bennie f lay shouting minnies come 1 j snatched him from his cradle and took him out to play hwittle knew how tired his sister was today but one above has helped me j with duties great and small i tell him all my troubles im sure he sees them all i call to mind the lesson last sunday we were taught i perhaps i learned it better than jny good teacher thought and now tonight it rests me o morethan i can tell to think that christ was weary sitting at jacobs well acton t john street acton wm e smiith proprietor condition tastily cut ladies and childrens hair j p woedes tonsorial artist mr smite business of mr he has removet on john street portion ofthe butledge crosson butchers have purchased the business of mr r holmes and solicit a share of public patronage the members of the firm are practical butchers and are prepared to ensure their customers jhorough satisfaction there will always be found on hand full stock of all kind of meat ac in season we have settled in acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win publio confidence and support rutledge crosson acton feb 9th 1886 i dont read this cious and relcntl dolphin would along a considerable distance before falling back into their native eloment the sun shining on every glistening scale and mak ing them look like burnished silver as our bonny bark bowled along before a spanking breeze with every stitch of canvas set that would draw from stunsails to royals she must have afforded a gran sight to the in habitants of thej island as she walked the waters like a thing of life and it certainly is a grand sight to see a fullrigged clipper under full sail we passed a whaler cruis ing about under reefed topsails as we got more in sight olthe land everypnes face visibly brightened and those who had been there or seen it i before were soon yarning about itto their phipmateb we saw several vessels ahead of us near tho island and overhauled them during the day st helena from a distance looks a wild rather desolate barren kind of spot with high rugged land and not much vegetation to boast of there is a sort of plain or plateau up above the cliff under cultiva tion on which we fields farmbouses bers ie the signal flags representing the name of tt e ship the news that we have got th us f a r on our homeward voyage is soon transmitted by cable to england so those at home h ve at least some tidings of our progress a ad whereabouts as we left the island ask rn we passed three more whalers all cruising under reefed topsails one which we massed quite close was the mer maid of v estport we could see her crew lounging a bout the decks and the skipper with a pi ie in his mouth and his elbows resting on the taffrail gazing at as with hib glass sh 3 had three whale boats slung on davits ove the side ready for lowering im mediately should they hear the gladsome hail from he lookout in the crowsnest aloft tl ere she spouts 1 we over tiauled one of the vessels sighted in the mo ning watch she proved to be the dryad liverpool bound from cal cutta to n 3w york she was in the former port with is but left two days before we sailed we signalled her and ran close up alongs de and hailed her jsheuhad spoken the knight of the tlmtle and the lady pain erston both in the calcutta trade we answe red we had spoken and passed the bayaid aid the achilles also in the same trade w lien after dipping our ensign sheered of and left her we were fast leav ing st helena astern and when we turned in at 8 bel s 8 pm in the dogwatch the island was ont of sight and we were once more tossing alone on the wide wild ocean with nothi ug in view save sky and bea acton j une 25th 1886 roses from thorns a countryman who lived in a very re moteneighborhood had to go during the month of march to a town situated a long distance from his cottage on his return he brought with him a rose bush and planted it in his garden his little daughter maggie had never be fore seen a rose bush and said why do you put that ugly dry thorny thing in our garden papa it disfigures the whole place only wait a little my darling and have patience replied the father this thorny bubh will bring forth wonderfully beautiful flowers such as you never in your life gazed upon maggie however shook doubtingly her curly little head 1 but in a bhotttime the dry thorny bush began to throw out buds then followed bright green leaves and after them small tender blossoms which became by degrees larger and larger after aueiculas tuhps and many other flowers had withered the blossoms expanded and the bush became heated mower boxes the heating of the boxes of the reaper or mower frequently occasions vext tious de lay and occurs without any appar 3nt cause it is noticeable that a box once heated is more prone to heat again and ic tbq box holding the shaft to which the sickle driver is attached is ever thoroughly heated future trouble can be avoided only by the greatest care if the box fits too closely around the shaft it is apt to heat so too i it fit too loosely the shaft must havener ough play but no more too much play is more fre quently the cause than toe little play lack of proper oiling will rjf course cause the boxes to heat very iew are so careless as not to supply qil of tea enough but the oil may be inferior it is well to buy oil of only a reliable t ealer emember- ing that poor oil may be cold at n low price but good oil cannot the rule f i r oiling a mower or reaper should be iittlej and often the boxes in hich lha sickle- driver works should be oiled every few mo ments if too much oil is applie 1 not only is the excess wasted but dust is gath red and this is a frequent cause of the boxes heating if a box heats the first thing to do is totetnove all dirt it there be any in it and this is the first measure f preven tion as well it will also reduce the wear ing of the parts if the groun 3 is quite dry the dust will soon find its wi iy into the removed sometimes grass pr straw will f et wound around the shaft in the box he never have a hot box must hae a sharp eye and be of a careful mind agriculturist for june hss purchased the livery h bjmccarthy which to his commodious stables in the centre of thebusiness tovn mr smith has had lengthy experimes in this business and feels confident hat he can give satisfaction to every patron anyone desiindfa oobueroll ploft- sure or oemiiaiy buf can be uupplied with a firstclajss turnout on the shortest notice horses 1 6arc ed and sold torms reasoi alplc l r wm e smith the undersigned is prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also flour and feed and anything in the line of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities thos cmoore tjtrancib nunan successor to t f chapman bookbinder st georges square guelph ontario account booksof all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound baling neatly and promptly done could see trees green cattle and so forth a welcome sight indeed after seeing nothing but the wild wide sea for so long we were abreasi of the island about 6 bells 3 pm in the afternoon watch and pretty closein in f aot a ship tai jgo close enough in to heave a biscuit ashore there being deep water all round the uland the day being dear we had a good view of the island and town most of thi latter is away up the rocks a good height from the landing place beach there is none at least not enough to call a beach about the landing place there is a kind ot lower town amongbt the houses of which we saw a finelooking church built of red sandstone with a capital spire the upper town is reached from the lower town by a long flight of stone steps or steps cut in the rock called st jacobs ladder the steps are 360 in number or there abouts so we were told we didnt count them near the top of the ladder there is a finelooking fort with signal station at- tached there is also another fort away up on a hill overlooking the town the houses generally arjeof low structure and built of white stonjor rock or else painted white as under the rays of the brilliant sun they appeared oe dazzling whiteness relieved here and there with a clump of trees or shrubs affording a pleasing contrast from its situation i should imagine the island must be a healthy place we saw plenty of vessels iii the harbor and among them a british mmowar and a gunboat both painted wi h that peculiar sort of yellow ochre color that is universally adopted for editing a paper editing a paper is a pleasant bosiuess if you like it if it centains much political matter people wont have it if the tj pe is large it don contain much reading m utter if we pt wish telegraph reports folks say they are nothing but lies if we or nt them we have no enterprise or suppree s them for political effect if we hi ve a few jokes folks say we are nothing but rattleheads if we or lit jokes folks say we are nothing but fossils if we publrah original matter they abuse us for not giving selections if we gi e selections people say we are lazy for nut writing more and giving them what they have not read in some other paper if wegie a bomplimentary notice we are censui ed for being partial if we do n all hands say we are a great hog if we inkert aji article which pleases the ladies the men become jealous and versa if we attend cjhurch they say it is effect if we rejnainin our office attending to our business fo ks say we ore too proud to mingle wiih othsr fellows if we go out t aey say we dont attend to our busine ss daicson journal covered with a multitude of roses the fbost and make trouble unless magnificent color and perfume of which astonished maggie oh how beautiful exclaimed maggie they are fairer than all other flowers and the pride of our gar den now you see my child said her father how roses spring from thorns you had to wait during the entire springtime for them and almdst lost patience but now you perceive the truth of the proverb time brings roses like unto this thorny bush which produces roses are the trials and disappointments of life which often in the end bring us joy and peace love for vho would oceasional proverbs quarrel not ujnless your tongue is tied in the middl he that strikes another mubt expect to be hit be sure you tire right and then head it brain ii bett r than muscle for muscle depends oi brain he that stuqes his eabe shall starve or steal be not 1 1 rogde be honest thats it virtue arrie its own reward let the re- ward be virtue enemies pray that eternal what is better not properly posted a new reporter on a boston paper was sent out to do a swell reception on beacon street and he returned with an elaborate report and handed it to the city editor that necessary evil read it over carefully and called the young man up you wont do for boston he said shortly to the hapless youth wo wont do stammered the poor fellow in sore surprise thats what i said whywhy wont 1 7 isnt that report all right of course not it is very well written very complete and quite comprehensive sir but nowhere in it sir have you spelled bean with a capital b and sir boston will not tamely submit to such ignorance sir you may go sir 1 j m a gaelic congregation is the gaelic service over yet asked a visitor to the rossshire spa of the beadle of a church to which he had walked for the good of his health and to hear a- ser- monvjn english no it will not be over yet will it be long nonotverra long you will just take a walk near till it will be over i will wave my hand when it will be time for you to come in a lit tle while the old man was seen waving his hand and the stranger returned but is the gaelic service over oh ay it will be over and is the congregation gone oh ay the congregation will be gone surely bht i have not seen them leav- ing which way have they gone which tvay then pointing to a solitary indi vidual slowly walking away at some dis tance he said tons hum i i american- yi i justice shall visit them thanjustite pay yot r hoiest debts and especially for your news pape take ca e of provide f ojr yoi talent take it leasy give eve ry n an justice but be just dont be a bigot yourself and the lord will he has given jrouyour dont get mad no use easily cured mrs berkinshaw 26 pembroke street toronto cured of a bad lameness of the knee joint upon whioh the surgeons were about to operate other treatment had been tried in vain hagyardss yellow oil was the remedy used in rio other medicinal preparation have the results of the most intelligent study and bofentifio inquiry teen so steadily and progressively utilized as in ayers siraapa- rilla it leads the list- as a truly scientific preparation for all blood diseases wit and humor it is some satisfaction t9 argue with the man who holds a mortgage he is always willing to accept your premises what is the difference between an angry lover and a jilted maid gii e it up old man why one is a orossbe au and the other is a cutlass the doctor said hed put me on myfeet again in two weeks w6ll di dnt hp do it fie did indeed i had to sell my horse and buggy to foot the bill rule of the office sir paiients will please pay befortaking gas why not after its awkward collecting in case of failure to restore respiratior a bright little boy in brook yn at the beginning of lent when asked 1 yliis sab bath school teacher whohad days and forty nights rep ied idr tanner snpply and demand antiqt arian gent got any old ah roman wea ions or pot tery lately dealer xpest then in nex week sir ainit quite fini shed rus tin yet sir about toosday sir plantation philosophy left over from 1884 it is wraung ter alius hoior ant ust de smart man be fox is er peap kee ner den de steer but he don do half so m icb good m m holloioafo pills are the medicine moti in repute for curing the multifarious maladies which attack humanity when wet and eold weather gives place to more genial tempera tures in short these pills afford relief if they fail of being an absolute remedy in all the disturbances of circulation diges tion and nervous energy whioh at tiiaes oppress a vast portion ofthe population under the wholesome pirifying and strengthening powers exerted by these cellent pills the tongue becomes clean fchs appetite improves digestion is quicker ed and assimilation rendered perfeot hollo- ways medicine possesses the highly est m- able property of cleansing the whole m us of blood which in its renovated conditi m carries purity strength ana vigorto ew irjr tissue ofthe body the hut year 1886 after the aboro year is ended there nt d he no person suffering from rheumatii m neuralgia toothoohe headaohetlumba go or any aoute pain if they only purchase a bottle of fluid lightning jas it cures in stantly pain annot stavj where it is us 3d the name isiiuicl lightning sold by dr mcgarvin druggist holloways corn cure distroya all kit da o corns apd warts root and branoh w ho then would endure them with each a che ap and effectual remedy with n reach t i

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