Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1886, p. 3

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16 preserve your eyesight v the description of a visit to st helena on our tirst pace will bo found verytiiter- spectacle stock at geo tiynds the i eating by our rcjulers it is from tho pen biwt in town an optometer for testing j o ml x stark whoso diarv and lo con- the sight all kinds of spectacles repaired i spectacles from jv upwards given a i uln r nccolnt o vlslts nlk call when you want a pair i travels by land and sea in both henii- lilo hynds uton ont spheres mr stark may perchance be heard from ugniii through the columns of tho liui 1iikss i j mferley v iil lei in tivk ilminr season i lull supply ot mkwvnkinnvs- t1 lu- lruls iiviv vhp- onlvral once flv laixist at i best sirtisi stock of con- nrnomuv in town heap konuir ml noinestic fill its lvnnkp loohs rinkst liialisui i mrkt u kluxily tin artpn jvn 3rcss t4trrsnvy mouxinc jnv 1 18s0 crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful free press reporters adavs without iew men attain public distinction now contents ol pooket book stolen on monday afternoon last while mr james newton of lijuehouso was in georgetown ho lost ins pooket book contain ing over 100 mr newton was not cer tain whether he dropped tho pnrso or whether bin pocket was picked while lie had his coat off attending to home wool when bo missed it ho went back to tho place where ho thought possibly it might -the- thoaid of the press u j e been dropped ho found the happens however in many casestbat those p but tho noue waa most indebted to journalism for advance ment are the least willing to acknowledge the bpnetits itceivcd they fnipiently speak -isliglitinglv- ol the press and never neglect an opportunity to impugn its honestly there are quite a number of this class of peiple but they neednt bo named the weeks rakings which are principally iocal and all interesting nil the day we celebrate council meeting next tuesday evening cheap excursions over the lith to- r it s dav today ushers in the third quarter of the year measles are prevalent in georgetown nd milton larasols will be in deniaud to parry sets rays today both cunimiusville and omagh have celebrations toda come to the frri turss office for en velopes printed cheap the sweet odors ol the newlymown hay prevajes the air again tost oiyice hours today are from to 10 am and from 1 to 01 pm the strawberry crop here is abundant mid the fruit is of a superior sample strawberries are as familiar as- house- ioiii words being in everybodys mouth the crescent lacrosse club will play the hamilton club in the park this fore- neon the legislative grant the apportionment of legislative public school grant for 1880 to the several muni cipalities in the province based upon the latest returns if tho population for the year 1885 has been made and the munici palities of haltjm are entitled as follows esquesiug sojth trafalgar s527 nelson 9120 nassagaweya si8 total j1875 troubles never come singly messrs firstbrook brothers of toronto matrimonial events somo general advice upon this and other subjects by our argus who is full cousin to the world- renowned pica he prniuis s tlu fiiki 1hkss a iiuy epistle seiiiiroeciisioiiiilly or oftcner tho town has boon suffering lately from a sort of hymeneal epidemic it seems to bo very contagious why in less than a week more of the happy events have taken placet than you could coitnt on the flngors of one hand ill tell you what it is it has been a rare fieldday for tho littlo blind god that sweet littlo rascal cupid its very ovident the advice of tho im mortal mr punch to young couples about to marry dont has been totally ignored tho great author webster said marri- ago is just liko a summer bird cage in a -garden- the birds that are without despair to get in and the birds that are within welikijown to our citizens have again been dospftirfor foar they shall never got out losers by the tiro fiend two or- three weeks ago their manufactory was destroyed at a loss to them of jiiowx last friday the building they were temporarily occupy ing was destroyed and they are heavv suf ferers theis many friends here sympa thize with thed in their trouble another big bank bam about 110 people gathered at mr john mcdougalls lth lirie trafalgar on satur day last to assist in raising his new barn the building is igx84 feet and was raised without accident mr a c mcmillan of nassagaweya was the contractor a tug- crviccs were held m st josephs j s engaged in afterwards by sides chosen by a hjemstreet and v tuck tho kev father tin- church on sunday mrtitr ofriciated -miiton- band has been reorganized it ow has twentysix instruments and is nnkinvfrv itisfactory progress the brampton fytvr notifies- its reautn that no social gatbering notice win le fnsrtid for less than 100 now lojk out for the sanitary inspec ts rifi viit have your premises neat wood circuit cltai ai3 healthy or there 11 be the beak j pay 7 a w i ireen has again opened a fkniitig factory lie iias rive niachiucb triiu an itti hands employed iumatth- lvs bkck j an ijumtiiicai citiien asks if organists t i obliged to take out a license i ijijiee the country hawkers bylaw jif formers side- coining off victorious one of the defeatcdsaid he could pull any man in halton or peel cmiiniori i new neighboringpastors xext sabbath the following pastors of neighboring alothodisl churches will ad dress the congregations in their new tields for the first time nassagaweya circuit revs wm ibirks and john 1 kapp hock- hev w s kerr krin some of tho unions were undoubtedly entered into rather precipitately but let us hope with a strict regard as to tho proper conventionalities and not after that peculi arly easy and breezy stylo of the boundless west where a young couple having decid ed to embark on lifea troublesome sea in the same boat together present themselves before a local j p who proceeds to perform the ceremony about as follows j p to thegroom have her answer in variably yon bet j p to the brido have him answer ditto j p hitched j convenient and simple isnt it tho spinsters have had their turn and now the widows weve got about forty of cm ought to have a chance rumor says i shall haye to record an instance erelong to the young and innocent i would call to mind the advice of the senior mr wclleri wheres the inspector of nuisances i would mildly suggest that he should take a stroll up mill street beyond the track dspeeiiillywhen the wind is in a somewhat southwesterly direction i happened to circuit hevs tiseph markham and k s alk that way recently when the wind was flagg georgolowj circuit hev g h n the riglt juarter audto use the words cobbledickillla- guelph dublin street shakespeare there was the rankest birks a the fuke s f villainous smell that ever of- colonial exhibition everyone from this part of the queens douiaiumay not be privileged to attend the great colonial exhibi tion in kngliilil bill no one lpiving a due regard for their own iiilinests should fail to witness the lllliriiifkeut display of cyory class of wiuhini ma- tklliai siailf and 1 am y 1uiv ioois which iuvitos the public to no 2 lower wymlliain street although our daily sales have been very large oa1ly ahitlvvis ok novilikfi kehi ouk stock ati haiti vk we iudlllgc in no nonsensical bonibak neither are we bard up but we emphatically impress on renders of this advertise ment the fact that no one in the trade of guelph whether hard up or not offers better intrinsic value or greater bonjnius than we do at no 21 we do not offer piles of trash at seein- iugly low prices but coon nkvv kiiesii uklilaiuk coons that will stand the test of wear and comparison and give the best of satisfaction to the pur chaser our whole aiius by treat ment of customers by our manner of business by quality and value of goods to win aud hold the confidence of the public that in this we arc suc cessful thitduily throng at our coun ters und thetompllnieiitary remarks of our customers bear witness and so while not every one may take a trans atlautic trip everyone is obliged to do more or less shopping and they have the opportunity of doing it in a man ner pleasaut aud agieeable us well ns prolitablc to themselves by calling at no 21 this week we oiler bargains in dress good bargains in tweeds and cloths bargains in parasols bargains in hosiery and gloves bargains in lawns and muslins bargains in embroideries bargains in white goods bargains i u millinery bargains barcains pure paris green in any quantity turnup- seed fresh and reliable new advertisements paints and oils fl litclass and cheap t lacrosse ba8e ballgoods ust alikivlli nkw pattk sticks slwuliings st a ohb atp i- migarviflj drdg and stationery store acton x tlilnavaa ndaii halls how to save money plate your order for clothing with e nelson the popular glothierof the city r stock all new and well assorted style lit lud workmanship always correct 34 specialty 4 pants 4 prices lowest in the city r b nelson 99 wyndham stwellb old stand guelph coming to acton professional services to tho sick or deformed froo of chargej the regular consulting and visiting sur geons from dr 3 dr ktergans british- american medical will be at the dominion and surgical ii hotel acton thursday july stitute 8th ioi ill a prosperous pastor nvirlv ivery farpitr vou meet novya- ihy ha a package of laris rfcen under his nr the rjho buijs ave receiving con- sijcrable attention jast now the iiurcli ltev alex k rr wishes th ate fatal accidenf on wednesday oaiiies hanibidge a car penteroflveiroii vvis instantly killed by falling from a barn he was just complet ing the erectiju of a barn for hubert hamilton near farriibs mill hockwood and before leaving was putting in a window in the roof vvhtn y some ineans he lest his balance and fell to the ground adis- feuded nostril bones are looking up ccent wedding in t josephs tance of about 1 feet the fall killing him ias the first catholic wedding j ahnost instantl ever eysunimutl m acton and the first j small fanfihvvjho have the sihecre syra with orttins for uifiliy a long year j pathy of thcupublican their sad and sudden j 1 i l1 iuj j listof convictions fortuc quar- j bereavement june mii we notice six convic- j knox church notes- tt or violation of the scott act with lines amounting to 5300 and costs kev presbyteriam c an honest dealer will do his buying i his sermousjv it is gratifying to see that the musical i talent of the town generally in a semi-dor- j niant state is aroused sulliciehtly to orga nize a choral society thanks to the lato musical convention the acs deserves to buccceed as a musician says- show me a musical people and i will show you a moral sueiul intelligent ptitriptic and re ligious people i if the clippers play a match on the i firjt it is tu be hoped that tlie pitcher will j not exhibit before a home audience his extraordinary acrobatic performances with i the sphere which characterized his last appearance in public i alkfs terms strictly cash telephone in office e r bollert 27 lower wyndham street guelph ontario f- the- golideisr li03sf t of cuelh aii iliug bv the same scales there are no two wiidis about him since tlje visit for inspection of weights aud measures by iispjctor black the public chool esariiinatiou in a ton schools last week were quite -uc- eersful tieatteudauce vvas not so large ls it nmgiit have beem the school closed for the summer vacation last evening fr table is adorned with an exijuisite boiiiiua from the attractive garden of mrs s a st cord no lady in town is more liberal vitlvjter flowers than is mrs secord to tliose she knows apreciate them htv it pljillips sermon last sunday mornint lad special bearing onfjanadaa natal day dominion lay his text was pskims xvi 0 the lilies are fallen into me in pleasant places yea 1 have a goodly heritage fairview cemetery presents a very pretty and picturesjue appearance now it bus visitors daily and nearly all express themselves as highly pleased both with the survey the location and the premises gentrally time will make it a beautiful place the town of oakvillewill on tbsoloth iust voteon a bylaw to provide for the iswe of debentures to tbeamonnt of 810- ww to supplement the 58000 granted by the goveruniaic for the improveineut 01 that portion of the harbor destroyed by the recent great tempest on the lake the blackbirds are committing serious depredations m the gardens of our cifizens they are ulterly destroyjng crops of peas and corn and attack alnio3t every- kind of r vegetable in thegarden frnit is also re- ceiving their attention and even tho greerr- i apples on the trees are being destroyed by them a new sidewalk on church street between mill and willow is a crying neces sity it shouldhave been built long ago anil would had mr m speight when a member of ihe council treated his own i i premises as liberally tosidewalks a3 most other councillors have succeeded in doing during their term of office kev mr whitfield who preached in knox chimin the last two sabbaths baa kindly hasded us a copy of the brrirfcfokire voiv thepaper of his native county in its columns we find one of a series of very interesting historical letters referring to local scenes enacted during the covenant ing days of long ago in scotland the let- tershre written bv mr whitfield win whitfield preached in the hurch again last sunday j acton june wtln 1bs rc eloquent aud thoughtful j but rather more rapid in delivery than most his heareri appreciated rev dr tor- rauce will occupy the pulpit next sabbath purely personal ilctonsr paragraphs respecting peqple with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted mrs h j hall hi berlin was in town last week morning and evening on thursday even ing the 8th insjt- at six oclock a meeting of the congregation will be held for the purpose of moderating in a call to a minis ter kev dr torrance who is moderator of the session al interim will preach a i miss lizzid mcmackon of j highgnte is sermon aud preside j the guest of acton friends successful garden party i mr c ii gibbons of moore tv mcgar the garden iarty given by tho ladies i vius oflicei visite1 his home in st oath- aid society of i the methodibt church on ar j the week the lawn of mr james moore last thurs bread cakes day evening resulted very satisfactorily owing to the postponement from monday to thursday ercninc and tlie unsettled con- dition of the weather it was- feared the at duh i ud a weat tendance would be small but the reverse was the case and a very enjoyable time was spent by t lose present acton cornet baiid was present and enlivened the pro ceedings by the rendering of tho following acton friends he reports biibiuebs pros- mr k pollard and vvifcii- miss jennie kyderl of petrolia were guestsof mr j e mcgarvin last friday rev 1 b cameron of acton preached here last sabbath morning to a large and attentive congregation ikavcrton exprctit mr g clarktf peterborough spent two or three days- during the week with if you want a nobby durable and cheap uit go to j fyfes acton snatch english and canadian suitings in great variety at j fyfes acton go to j iyfes acton for your cloth ing he can jsuit you for price quality and style everjtime excellent programme 1 normal quickstep w k m lettee valtz in tie moonlight e c ltamsilell j falcon quickitep j 1 llaicbotlium 4 waltz ireonwooil w h lupley 5 st jiernarrts coin march d s mccosh amlante wtltz victor ilettee 7 quick marcli spanish cuvaliei hrendiville h quickstep atlanta pettco y andante unci waltz alma petteo the ladies eitend their heartiest thanks to the member a of the band lor the impor tant yartthey provided in the evenings en tertainment our citizens particularly the young people ivill be pleased to hear of the announcement j of further garden parties during the season death ota former halton man on wednesday last an accident occurred in tho stone works of messrs shortreed laidlaw toronto which resulted in the in stantaneous death of mr thomas shortreed for many yeai 8 a resident of this county mr shortreed was superintending the lift ing by derrick of some heavy blocks of stone when by some means the derrick got out of order and fell with a crash upon deceased with atovc result he might have saved himself but delayed his flight from the falling machinery long enough to give warning to hi i workmen ol their danger andtheanxiey to save the lives of his men cost him his own he was a promi nent man an 1 much respected by all mr shortreed wan wellknown to residents of this county some years ago in the lumber interests hj- built the original mill on the site lately known as coxes below the mountain and owned another near milton at the time of his deatbthe firm of short reed laidlaw of which he was the head had great lumber interests both in canada and the united states carrying on a busi ness that involved vast amounts of capital yearly keft rring to him the toronto niv says a giant in stature it was said of him tii it his great perfonai strength was only exc ded by his jgjreat personal worth of all kinds on hand or made to order biscuits gonfecttonery c during which time they will render their professional services free to tlie sick or de formed it is an undisputed fact that this institution is the iuiist and most popiiah of its kind in america that the staff head ed by dii kniifivx comprises bnitiin and aikulcas stjiokons age kxieiikxckj genu ine allium ami lllmeshliuval hoxoi it is known they have a headquarters and where it is that thenvisits are made with a de gree of regularity tliac their business is al ways on tlifi increase first because they succeed in curing where others fail second because they have tlie respect confidence and patronageof the invalid public through out the dominion generally if yourjany of your family friend or neighbors are sick or deformed or suffering from any ciihonic iliivatk on nkuvors isease go and see or have them go and fee the doctors ajs early as possible during the above dates j they will give their bonekt and candid opinion and some lioniinou sense and profitable advice whether tnek undertake tho treat ment of your case or not they accept for treatment no case which judgingfrom past experience is beyond all hopes of partial or complete restoration i there is no distinction iuuong our pa tients we ate patroiiizedby allclasbesand all are invited to come to us whether they be jew orgentile white or black jrich or poor during this vikit especially which is made for the expreaspurpose of aflordiug even the poorest an opportunity ob testing our skill which is the result of a larger ex perience than ever afforded any other medi- cal or surgical- organization on the face of the earth j will also visit as follows i i kxclrawl- hotjkl iholicietovvx wednesday july 7rn 1880 readers of this announcement wjho have sick friends residingjin or about the ajjove place should for theirbencfit notify thejn of our dates that they jmay avail themselves of this opportunity to obtain free qur pro fessional services j take notice hiwaeolbiiicii iniiialnsanlpiclcnuiis vho adopt siinilar toinilinji iniiiics hind it oim iiie at toroiiui tin- iliiikiet of nil ihe sanieiilime llrilishattieihvn i iin-l- ollilrwi read the iliblic to believe tluy avu conmiuv with ir keigun or lie wiih ihcni lc jt heilistinctly imclorstood fiil ilniciilbeitil llint dijkcrati ia ill no way iiliu titicil with any finii blitiness or uranizatiou vvhib ki not iriar his ijainc his honor aiil skill both profissional ami business qiii ulearlv shown in his manner of conducting the institution of which hie is the heail and that lon i assmncd a jiermaneut and prouiiiiimit imit iimhu busiics ns well ay medical world- if unable to call write to dr 1 11 kergun cor ner woodward raid gratiot aye- detroit mich we have no office or representative in toronto great clearing sale goods all reduced to ridiculously low prices ice cream soda water pering with him kev k phillips apd mr h p moore vcre delegates to the annual convention of the halton temperance association at milton on tuesday mr k e nelson of guelph visited friends here last wednesday evening he enjoyed his visit but giielph has nearly all the attractions for him now- kev j jkapp whs inade tho recipient last week at the bauds of his georgetown friends of a very encouraging address to- gether with a gold pencil and an individual silver cruet mr james p duun the popular agent of the c p kailway company at fergus has been promoted to the stationmasterbhipat peterborough mr dunn spent his school boy days in acton and his friends here note his prosperity with pleasure served at all hours mrs t statham wool wool we the undeksigned beg to announce that we will again buy all the wool offered at our mills for which we are prepared to pay the highest price in casie3 or in exchange for coods we ipiotc prides below to prove our position that we sell cheaper than others silk al sat1x depaktmext black and colored silks 37a 45 so go 75 oowmd up black and olored satins 37 45 60 00 75 90c and up black and colored merveillcux fancy striped aud brocaded satins colored and black 87 15 5100 si08 9110 and up 1 french dijess goods kuns veilings now shades canvas cloth new shades all- wool melangier cord frieze effect all colors 50c to 100 15c irc 25c very cheap exgllsli dkess goods c dc 10c brocaded challie fancy stripes worth 20c for beautiful caslimerette lace canvas jtoth in black cream bronze and mid brown only worth 25c for 12c muslix delvairniext lovely line colored muslins 5c lace muslins 5c white aud colored lawns 12c and up swiss spots and checks india mull all shades canvas mull nil colors mortgage sale valuable property in thevti- lage of acton uxdek and by virtue of a power of taleeoii- tuincd in a mortijie made by william 1 campbell which will btjinodticed at the time of sale there will be sold ijy public auction at the door of agiievvsl hotel jictdn on saturday the ird july 1hsc at the hour of one oclock the fol- lowiug jiroperty coukistins of lot number four ill dames dicksons survpy of part of the villape of acton and iiart of the easterly half of lot x iimbcr lj con il etquesing and known as lots numbers lft and 18 hi jnrties dirlsons sur vey of part of the yillnjof acton there is a pood roughcast house on tbeirem- ises containing six rooms also a kood harden it is situated in a desirable part of tlie villaye possession will be given as soon as purchase money is paid terms oi- saij ten per cent of nmchato money on day of ale the lmhuicc in cash two weeks thereafter- farther iinrticnlars can be had on application tohvon mcmillan veildors solicitor or johnston mclean- solicitors acton items of interest lour alliston out hotelkeepers and one grocer have been fined 50 each and costs for violations of the scott act the koyal templars of temperance will hold a great temperance famp meeting at hamilton out on the 8 0 10 11 12 and 13th of august the meeting will be held in lansdowne park on the shores of bur- lingtou bay a beautiful spot the list of speakers include an array of talent never before prosented by this society in any similar undertaking we have a large and wellassorted slock of blankets tweeds flannels yarns knitted goods l selected expressly to supply the require ments of the farmers pjhnjts fast color ltamapo prints newebtjliff ects frivneoniu prints aslitoifs madders worth 12k for best english cambric crombs bost cloth worth 20c for searsuckera to arrive one case at about half price staples best value in shirting factory cotton worth 7c at best factory worth 10o at 7 table covets pure ilax colored borders at shaker flannel colored aud white t yery low c 7c 8c 121c fine watch re oc 7c 50c 12jc the acton meat market eutledge a crosson proprietors is still in full blast we desireall to understand that no matter how hot the weather may be we have every facility for keeping meat in good condition and are always prepared to supply custo mers and the public generally with all kindb of firstclass meat fish ifc at any hour i ikjatixgsiiawls under wholesale price over 2000 to choose from corsets a splendid kango from ioc hosiery a gloves in all varieties of shades stvles qualities special value janother big lot of buttolia m per dozen clothing our cutter is the best out stock the largest our prices the lowest and our wurkuf the linest quality j d williamson co m 5 isi- si s ij ol 5 i- rl a ml t 3 m y ii i a tffl ffl m i v- h eoll carding spinning weaving and in fact all kinds of custom work done in our usual prompt and satisfactory manner j j newton sonsl limehouse from the cradle to the grave ij speight -soni- furniture dealers and undertakers acton subscribe t fob a vv- i km wmm 1 -the- acton free press to 1st january 1887 only 50 cents 50 particular attention paid to tlie repairing audcleaninpr of fine watches and clocks at the old bstablished houise of b savage guelph 1 5hss -v- 3 painting paper hanging kalsomin- ing coloring otc the undersigned tire prepared to take orders for anything in above lines good work guaranteed- orders solicited p a dynes m a

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